The Gang of Five
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Descendants of The Mountains

Nahla · 51 · 8108


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This chapter is 2 part,so here is the first half and I'll post the 2nd half another time. Sorry bout that but splitting long chapters into parts makes it easier on myself. So this chapter is a bit werid due to it only being half of one in reality.

Chapter 14

"Nahla-it's the Lone Dinosaur" Littlefoot whispered excitedly to the girl next to him,he looked up again at Doc and grinned,he couldn't believe it-his hero was right in front of him.

"I thought his name was Doc" Nahla answered back confused.

"Maybe that his real name? What did you think his parents named him 'The Lone Dinosaur' or something?"

"Well he IS a lone dinosaur...he is a dinosaur and he is alone"

"No,not A lone dinosaur-THE lone dinosaur-the one from the story I told you"

"Wasn't that like a long time ago?" Nahla questioned with a frown "You said your Grandpa said it was even before his time"

"I know that but,it's him!"

Nahla sighed "Littlefoot,that story was hundreds of years ago,maybe even older then Teetonka. If it true the real Lone Dinosaur would be long dead by now,unless he is magically immortal or something"

Littlefoot knew that was true,yet he still really wanted to believe "I know...but...ugh nevermind" he sighed and looked ahead at Doc,if he was listening to what they were saying-he was not reacting. Doc couldn't be the Lone Dinosaur..well the original one at least,it couldn't be possible the story was long long time ago,the real one would not steal be alive he would be dead,long dead-wouldn't he?

"Hey kids" Doc spoke up for the first time since they started walking "I should believe that is your herd" he nodded to a group of longnecks clustered around a small watering hole,two of them-adult females stood a few feet away from the others,one was sobbing heavily and the other seemed to comfort the other but also seemed to be scanning into the distance as if searching for something. A mix of excitement and relief filled Nahla when she realized they were her and Littlefoot's mothers.

"Yeah thats them!" Nahla cried happily "Thank you,Sir"

"Just call me,Doc" the adult replied without even looking at them "Well run along and go join them then and I'll be on my way"

"Why don't you stay with us?" Littlefoot questioned "You seem all alone"

Doc sighed and turned his head to look at him "Herds ain't my thing,kid. even small ones. Too much talking,now run along your mothers are crying for you" he looked ahead and nearly groaned when he saw the childrens mothers walking towards him,socializing was not his thing.

"Who are you?" Nani questioned her face stained with tears,she wanted her daughter back-to know she was safe.

"Mummy!" Nahla cried running forward not letting Doc answer.

"Nahla? Oh Nahla!" Nani welcomed her daughter with warm and loving affection "Oh my baby girl,you're ok".

"Muuuum,you're embarrassing me" Nahla numbled as her mother licked her on the face but nuzzled her mother lovingly anyway.

Next to them Jenna had her neck wrapped around Littlefoot murmuring some words of comfort to her son,both of the mothers were so busy with their children they seemed to have forgotten Doc was there until Littlefoot pointed him out.

"Doc found us and bought us back" Littlefoot said happily "Nahla and me were lost so we found shelter in a cave,and we we're cold and hungry but Doc saved us"

"Well that is one way to tell them.." Nahla mumbled under her breath

Jenna rose her head to look at the stranger "Why,take you for helping these two. We were sick with worry. I'm Jenna" she nodded to Nani "And this Nani,and you already know her daughter,Nahla and my son Littlefoot"

"No problem,lady,thought it was a little strange to see such young children alone out here and had this feeling they wandered off from somewhere,saw you and your herd looking for them as I passed by a while back,so when I found out their names, and realized they were the ones you were calling out for,thought I'd bring em back,I may be a loner but I ain't heartless to ignore two children in need" Doc began turning away "Now,I must be on my way,I never stay in one place nor do I spend much time around herds. Good luck to you both and your children"

"At least rest for the night" Nani offered "It's late and we have food,water and shelter,besides you saved the children so we are in your debt"

"Yeah! Please stay..just for tonight" Littlefoot begged,he really wanted to get to know Doc more,mainly where and how he got his scar. What was Doc hiding? Where was he from? Those questions and many more ran through Littlefoot's head,he needed to know more.

Doc looked away,he really didn't like this socializing stuff,but truth was he was tired..and hungry..and thirsty. These females were offering him a very generous chance,he glanced down at Littlefoot's pleading face and considered his options. Take the offer or carry on alone? After all he was a longer,he wandered the land and never seemed to settle,and he never seemed to try and form friendships,friendship just ends up in heartbreak in the end,and heartbreak was something Doc had had too much of already. But that doesn't mean he has to be alone ALL the time and it was not like he was on his way to anywhere super important. With a short nod he gave the reply "I'll take you up on that offer,however I'll be up and off again in the morning,as I said herds ain't for me"

"Great" Jenna smiled "Come with me,come meet the rest of our little family and you can find a spot to rest,we won't bother you if you do not wish to talk." nudging Littlefoot as she said it,noticing her son staring at Doc in wonder "Come along,then" she began to turn but not before grabbing Littlefoot in her mouth,

Doc hesitated for a moment,wondering what on earth he just got himself into before following the grey female to where he saw some others looking in their direction.

Nani stayed behind with Nahla,call her being overprotective now but she was refusing to let her daughter go,never had she been separated from her daughter for as long as she had been today,she could tell Nahla was traumatized over the whole thing as well,though she knew Nahla would never admit it and Nani wouldn't dream of pointing it out. "Alright,Nahla lets go see your father and Tara,they are missing you" not even giving her a chance to reply she swiped the girl up by her tail and eagerly went to join her mate and older daughter..and give Nahla a stern talking too.

Grandma and Grandpa were eager to welcome back their grandson,they didn't question where he had been..there would be time for that later,for now they were just glad he was safe and even more so-unharmed. After their daughter explained what had happened,they two welcomed Doc to stay with them.

Kai on the otherhand was a bit hesitant at first at letting this stranger stay with them,but after being reminded he did help the children,he agreed though he was still unsure about his 'loner',they had no idea why he was a loner-was he one by choice or was he a loner by exile? Could they really trust him? Kai had been trhough enough in his life to know,what one says does not always equal the truth,with a sigh he turned back to his mate and children,Nahla was snuggled against Nani and Tara was laying next to them,all looked so relaxed. With one last glance in Doc's direction he joined them,after all it was not his place to judge Doc,in fact it wasn't anyones place. And it was not like they didn't have anything to hide themselves-but who would believe their story? Kai hardly believed it himself.


Night had now completely fallen,Littlefoot lay on a flat rock and was watching Doc who was eating a tree off by himself. He watched in amazement as Doc tailwhipped down some treestars down,Littlefoot looked behind him his parents were in deep conversion with each other,his grandparents were talking to Shorty and Tara,and Nahla was fast asleep buried into her mothers side. He looked back at Doc and stood up,true his mother said to give him his space but it wouldn't hurt to go say hi-would it? He leaped off the rock and slowly wandered over to Doc. "Doc?"

Doc looked down at the child "Hey there,kid" he lowered his head to Littlefoot's level "Should you not be with your mother?"

"I thought I'd come over and say hi..and thank you again for helping Nahla and me back there" Littlefoot smiled "We might of never found our way back without you"

"No troubles,kid" Doc turned his head back to the tree but kept an eye on Littlefoot with the corner of his eye.

"Can I ask you something?" Litlefoot spoke up "Then I'll leave you alone-I promise"

The adult sighed "If you must" but he didn't look at him.

"Where did you get that scar?"

"Cut myself" Doc answered bluntly.

"On what?" Littlefoot pressed him on.

"Something sharp"

"Like a tooth? A sharptooth?"

Doc turned his head "Kid..your mother is coming for ya,you best be getting along"

"Littlefoot" Jenna appeared behind him "Are you bothering Doc?"

"No,mother I was just asking him some questions"

"That counts as bothering him,but thats besides the point. It is way past your bedtime,come along now"

"But..." Littlefoot began but his mother cut him off.

"No,bedtime now. Nahla is already in bed and fast asleep"

"Thats cause Nahla is lazy" Littlefoot said before his mother glared at him "Kidding" he added quickly "Bye,Doc"

"Bye,kid" Doc replied nodding quickly at Jenna "Just listen to your mother,she just wants whats best for you"

Littlefoot noticed a hint of sadness in Doc's tone but shrugged it off "I will" he mumbled out before yawning eyes droopy,he didn't realize how tired he was until now.

Jenna chuckled and smiled at Doc "Thank you again for what you have done for us today,I wish you a good night" she picked up her son and rejoined her family ready to settle down for the night and gain the energy she would need for more travel tomorrow. She placed Littlefoot gently to the ground and nuzzled him into sleep "Sleep now,my son. Tomorrow we move again" after making sure Littlefoot was indeed out for the night and lowered her form next to him wrapping her tail protectively around the smaller longneck.

Bron reached out and nuzzled his mate "You go to sleep too,it'll be an early morning again tomorrow. Goodnight,love"

"Goodnight,Bron dear" Jenna replied softly turning her head towards her sleeping son and closed her own eyes,tomorrow was going to be a LONG day.


Meanwhile,Nahla found herself face to face with Teetonka,who was looking far from happy.

"What was today all about?" Teetonka asked.

Nahla looked to the ground in shame,she was kinda annoyed at the same time though-Teetonka saw Littlefoot and her were in trouble,and he didn't do a thing to help them-would it of hurt for him to send Nahla a sign on which way to go?

Teetonka narrowed his eyes when Nahla didn't answer "Nahla,I have told you many times how serious this mission is".

"I know" Nahla sighed "Many times indeed" Nahla added to herself.

"So you still chose this time to go off exploring a never ending cave with your boyfriend?"

"He is not my boyfriend! Why does everyone keep saying that?" Nahla snapped.

Teetonka used the tip of his tail to hold up Nahla's head "Thats not the point,if you or him got injured or killed everything would go down the drain"

"Sorry..I just wanted to show I was brave,everyone always thinks females are weak. I wanted to show you we are not,we are just a though and brave as any male"

Teetonka shook his head "But that was not the way to do it,scaring your mother half to death and sending your herd into a panic does not prove any point of bravery"

"I'm sorry..I won't do it mum will kill me if I do anyway"

"I guess kids will be kids,just remember what you are out to do,there is no room for goofing off around here,this land is full of dangers,a predator could of found you and there wouldn't of been anything anyone could do,and you would have joined the dead by now" Teetonka let Nahla's head go,he was used to Nahla now but he just wished her attention span lasted more then a few..seconds..and he admitted to himself,he was growing a little attached to the little brat-er darling..yes 'darling'.



"Will the mountain longnecks accept me? Or will I walk all that way for no reason?"

Teetonka looked down on her "Nahla,if you respect them they will respect you,but I do know they await you-and Littlefoot..things are going to be different after your lifestyle so far..but try and fit in".

"Wait...which one of my parents is a Mountain Longneck?"

Teetonka shook his head "That I can not tell you,that must be discovered by the parent in question-I do know which one of them it is but that one thing I can not tell you"

"Well...that stinks" Nahla complained "Also,Tara is my full where are her contact powers?"

"She has them" Teetonka replied "She just doesn't have the power to use them,but they are there even though the ability has pretty much died out in this family line,they are there..just faint,she'll realize that when she finds her true self"

"And how does she do that?"

"That,is for me to know and for Tara to find out" he started to turn away "Our meeting is over,as it's time for you to wake".

"Aww it can't be morning already..."

"Sorry,but it is,farewell for now Nahla"

And with those words spoken,Nahla found herself back in reality,she groaned and opened her eyes. She nearly jumped when Tara dropped treestars in front of her.

"Morning,sis" Tara smiled nudging the food forward "Eat up,we'll be moving on soon" the teenaged longneck was smiling and bright eyed.

Nahla looked up at the sky,in the distance she could see the bright circle rising over the distant hills "How can you be so happy this early in the morning?" she grumbled.

"I'm always up this early" Tara replied "It just you never noticed because you were always still fast asleep" she chuckled and walked off to rejoin Shorty.

Nahla groaned and hauled herself to her feet,she gazed around the area and frowned when she saw Littlefoot staring off into the distance an upset look on his face she slowly walked up to him "Littlefoot?"

Littlefoot turned his head to greet her "Morning,Nahla"

The pink female child sat next to him and bit her lip "How you feeling?"

"I'm fine..." Littlefoot replied quietly going back to his staring.

"No,you're not" Nahla nudged him with her leg "Something is bothering you,tell me what it is. I know you're upset over something"

Littlefoot side glanced at his friend "It scares me at how females always seem to know how others are's freaky." he joked but then sighed "I'm upset because Doc left"


"I wanted to get to know him more..but when I woke up he was already gone"

Nahla bit her lip again,she didn't know why Littlefoot was so interested in Doc,he creeped her out personally. She decided to try and change the topic "I talked to Teetonka last night"

"Did he say anything important?" Littlefoot now focused on Nahla "You know..something that will help us on the trip?"

"Not really,we just was scary though..he was creepy" Nahla gave a mock shiver.

Littlefoot shook his head "Seems like a nightmare come to life,I pity you,must of been scared out of your mind" he smiled and looked towards where he was talking to Doc last night "I still can't believe he left without even saying goodbye..why would he do that?"

"Dunno" Nahla yawned "Real mystery,come on lets go have breakfast,I haven't eaten yet" she turned around and ran for the treestar pile Tara gave to her. She didn't know why she she suddenly changed the topic and ran off,but she also didn't understand why Littlefoot was so interested in the loner,but hey what would she know. She sighed and chewed while listening to her sister and Shorty.

"I migrated all my life,sometimes I did wonder what it would be like to have a forever home" Tara seemed to sigh "It was walk,walk,walk all the time"

"I pretty much try and forget my old life..mainly because I mostly remember the bad my birth parents..." Shorty mumbled "They were taken off me way too son..then my herd dumped me..they didn't have time for 'orphans'"

"Wow,thats just wrong. They should of helped you through that difficult time,not make it worse for you"

"You would think that..but they really didn't care...but ever since Bron found me and Jenna nursed me back to health I've come to accept what happened,and now those two are my mother and father,plus I have two new Grandparents and a little brother..maybe this is what the circle of life planned all along"

Tara reached out to nuzzle him in comfort "Life is full of twists,both good and bad. Your family here may not be your real one,but you can hardly tell until you are's are all so close,I would of never thought you were adopted if I never actually met you personally"


"What are best friends for?"

Nahla groaned " This is getting way to mush and gush" she complained standing up and turning around just as Bron called out.

"Come on,lets go. Lets get some travel distance behind us"

"Great.." Nahla grumbled slowly walking forward joining Littlefoot's side slapping his side with her tail in greeting.

"Nahla,lets stay with the herd today,ok lets behave" Littlefoot smirked like the whole cave thing yesterday was Nahla's fault but he was joking "Remember the trouble we got ourselves in?"

"You mean the trouble YOU got us in!" Nahla snapped back.

Littlefoot rolled his eyes chuckling "A little adventuring never hurt anyone before..our little adventure just..didn't go to plan"

"Thank goodness" the girl snorted"If that WAS part of your plan,I would be highly concerned"

Littlefoot didn't reply instead his mind wandered back to the Great Valley,what were his other friends up to? Were they missing him as much as he missed them? And most of all-would he ever see them again?


See you soon for part 2 of this chapter thingy. And Doc has a major role in this,just not one you might be expecting.


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Here the 2nd part,sorry if it seems rushed.because it was. This was done on my only day off in weeks and I really wanted to get this up so I can get to the action chapters.

Chapter 15

The dry ground cracked under the longnecks heavy feet,today was even hotter then the day before. To make things worst there was not a bit of shade around,they were walking through what was pretty much a desert wasteland.

"I know they say this area is hot-but seriously feels like a heatwave here" Nani broke the silence the herd was in,even Littlefoot and Nahla were quiet both too hot to bother doing much.

"Hot is an understatement" Jenna agreed coughing on the dust being kicked up into her face by the elder longnecks in front of her "Mama,Papa-easy on the dust"

Grandma turned her head "Oh sorry dear,didn't mean to suffocate you with dust" she chuckled and she and her mate moved towards the side so they were no longer walking directly in front of the others.

"There is meant to be a small river up ahead,it won't last us long,it's barely a river more like just a line of water but it'll prevent dehydration until we get into greener land" Kai commented "The kids need to drink,and so do the rest of us"

"This seems pointless-why are we doing this again?" Shorty complained "Because some old guys wanted us too?"

"It's not completely pointless..I mean it's family history" Tara added with a glance to her sister then back at Shorty.

"But I'm not part of the families,am I? Not Nahla's,not Littlefoot's-well by blood anyway. So where do I come in?"

"Shorty,you're just as important as the rest of us" Tara smiled at him gently "No one is higher then the others,we are all equal" she chuckled and nudged him "Besides,you're my best friend,that count as something"

"Best friend?" Shorty asked with a frowned.

"Yep,you'll always be my best friend"

"Friendzoned!" a younger voice called out.

Tara whipped her head around and glared "Be quiet,Nahla" she growled "This is none of your business,can't you ever just mind your own business and stop evesdropping?"

"Oh,I can do that alright" Nahla chuckled "But it isn't any fun so I choose not too" still chuckling she turned her head to Littlefoot's direction and said something to the boy Tara didn't pick up..whatever it was it made both children laugh.

"Tara?" Shorty questioned "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure,whats up?" Tara turned her attention back to the boy next to her smiling,she liked him she admits it. She was at that age now where she was indeed interested in boys,her mother told her that it was part of growing up-but Shorty? Of all dinosaurs?

"Umm..." the boy looked around "Actually I'll tell you later,it's kinda personal"

The girl frowned in confusion-she just wanted to know what Shorty was going to ask her-what was so personal he didn't want his family to know yet he was happy to tell her? She shrugged,she'll never understand what goes through a males mind,

"Alright" Bron's voice broke through Tara'a thoughts "We'll take enough to stop our thirst,but lets not be greedy only take what we need,we'll reach greenland in about another hour,there we can have a proper meal and relax"

Tara slowly walked forward and looked down at the little line of water that they called a 'river' "This is the saddest river I have ever seen..but it's water I guess,we don't need a pretty flowing waterfall right now..we just need water" she muttered under her breath,she lowered her head and lapped it up,the water was dirty with a mucky taste,but it stopped her thirst for now.

"This water is do disgusting" Nahla complained.

"I know Nahla,I know it is compared to what we had in the valley but be graceful we have water at all,being picky in life can lead to disaster,you must accept what you have,not fret about what you don't, Because one day,you might end up having nothing at all,and this water will be a heaven sent blessing" Nani spoked wisely after drinking her own fill.

"Your mother is right,deary"Grandma looked over "It never pays in life to be picky".

Nahla huffed and turned away not answering.

"She'll learn" Grandma commented seeing Nani frown after her daughter "All kids go through that stage,they know everything and no one can teach them anything-they are already smarter then any adult"

"True" Nani chuckled "Till they learn they ain't so smart as they think they are"

"Indeed,well we better get a move on if we wish to get to get out of this desert before sunset" Grandma walked forward to rejoin her mate at his side,Jenna was rounding up the children and Bron had taken over the leading role.

Littlefoot slowly walked forward again,he was so bored. All this walking and no fun was making his mind numb. The hard ground was starting to make his feet ache,sweat was starting to darken his body in patches. Nahla was the same way,her pink scales were covered in sweaty sticky patches,the sweating did cool their bodies down,but still,it was kinda uncomfortable to be covered in this sweat stuff all day.

Nahla slowed down to walk by his side "I think I'm going to have permanent cracks in my feet pads" she complained "That is so not going to help my beauty"

Littlefoot rose an eye at her "Your beauty?" he chuckled "Since when does that matter to you?"

"It doesn't,but no girl likes having cracked feet"

"I don't think anyone likes having cracked feet,Nahla. You think guys like having sore cracked feet?" Littlefoot chuckled to himself quietly.

"True...true" the girl looked ahead "I can't wait until we get to the green lands again,I await the feeling of the soft grass under my feet"

"I'm going to have to soak my feet in a stream" Littlefoot rose his foot and shook it "Or it's going to fall off it's aching so much"

Nahla laughed "Poor,Littlefoot he has sore little feet,awwww" she teased.

"Says the little,Nahla who is upset about her precious feet having cracks on them" Littlefoot teased back with a smirk.

Nahla poked her tongue at him and walked ahead with a huff head held proud.

"I...I'll never understand girls" Littlefoot shook his head.


Back in the Great Valley,the rest of Littlefoot's little 'gang' were lazily laying around a watering hole. It was hot in the valley,nowhere near as hot as the area the longnecks were,it was hot.

"" Petrie complained shielding his eyes with one of his wings.

"So am I..yep yep yep" Ducky agreed,Spike grunting in agreement.

"Gee I wonder how the flathead is doing"Cera commented ignoring the others complaints about the heat.

"You mean Littlefoot?"

"Of course I do,and Nahla too I guess..wonder how they are doing,wonder if they met any sharpteeth yet" she smirked.

" hope they didn't" the flyer shook "Sharpteeth are scary"

"It sounds like such a fun adventure...too bad we can't go after them and have fun too"

A thoughtful look spread across Cera's face before it turned into a sly smile "Yeah..too bad..."

"Umm,Cera? Why you look like that?" Ducky asked confused "You look like you are thinking about something,you do you do"

"Anyone fancy a little trip? You know pay a visit to our good old friend Littlefoot"

The other three children glanced at each other,"But how we find them?" asked Pertie a confused look on his face "They days ahead of us"

The yellow three-horn,turned and nodded to some large footprints "If theres one things you can always count on with longnecks,it's they always leave massive footmarks"


Ok now we going a bit LBT10,the gang decides to follow after Littlefoot...nice.

Next chapter has action,this one is just the rest of the chapter I posted before this.

I have Friday and the weekend off so I should have a chapter up then,which has a lot of the rest of the gang in it.


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Chapter 16

"Shh,no one must see us" Cera whispered to the others as she lead them out of the valley.

"Why do we have to leave so early?" Ducky complained rubbing her eyes,still half asleep "Where are we going anyway?"

"Because if we wait until the adults are awake,they'll try and stop us. And we are going to wherever Littlefoot is going" Cera quickly took charge of this and was quite proud to find herself the 'leader',she didn't even think about what they were getting themsleves into,all she was focused on was showing Littlefoot he couldn't just run off with his 'new friend' and leave them behind,even though they had a perfectly good reason not to take the others. That was not Cera's point or concern.

"You sure this good idea?" Petrie asked "It sound dangerous".

Cera turned her head to the flyer "Of course it's a good idea,I never have bad ideas. Or are you implying I am wrong?"

"N-n-n-no" Petrie stammered intimidated by the threehorn,fear he'll break her short temper "Me was just...thinking out loud"

"I thought so" Cera huffed "Now lets go,the longnecks already for three days head start,the longer we wait around the further ahead they get". Of course she knew her father would rage if she found out she was risking her life to go chase after a herd of flatheads who were listening to other flatheads that weren't even alive. But then again,he didn't have to find out the truth of her little adventure. She'll figure out a story to cover up if she even made it back home-would she? No,of course she would she is a Threehorn-threehorns could do anything.

"What are we even met to do when we find Littlefoot?" Ducky questioned as everyone moved forward,Ducky sat on Spike's back as her adopted brother slowly lumbered forward.

"We'll see when we get there,we'll see Littlefoot and Nah-" Cera cut off Nahla's name,she hadn't told the others of her friendship with Nahla,after the way she acted about Nahla before she met her,she couldn't just willingly admit that Nahla was her best that was a secret to be revealed another time..and that time was not now. "Nahla,too I guess" Cera added quickly after seeing the stares off the others "Not that I really care about her" the threehorn lied.

"I care about,Nahla" Ducky said quietly "She never hurt-ed us so we have no reason to hate her,no no no" Ducky never met Nahla but she did not seem why Cera seemed to hate her,Littlefoot said she was really nice,and if Littlefoot said she was nice she must be nice-shouldn't she?

"Yeah,why you so mad at her? You no even know her" Petrie agreed with the little swimmer.

"I'm not mad at her,and I have met her,Littlefoot made me-remember he said he was going to bring Nahla to me. He did and Nahla is a total snob,and so selfish and arrogant" the yellow threehorn shot back "I don't get what Littlefoot sees in her" I do... Cera thought Littlefoot was right,she is nice when you get to know her if anything I'm the arrogant one-Nahla is sarcastic but not arrogant. Of course Cera would never say those words out loud,she had a reputation and pride to uphold,and if they knew the truth about her and Nahla's friendship she would never live it down. She refused to admit she was wrong about the longneck,no she could not bare doing that. Just could not bare it.

Ducky,Petrie and Spike glanced at each other and shrugged and decided not to question it further. Instead they began to walk forward again to begin what would be a long journey,how long they didn't know. The dangers awaiting them were unknown. All that was on their minds was seeing their friend again,friends didn't give up on each other. If Littlefoot couldn't come back to them,then they will go to him.


I can't believe I'm admitting this...but I kinda miss that threehorn Nahla was laying on a cool rock under the shade of a tree,the herd had traveled even further ahead and were now in a valley,they stumbled upon this valley by chance and decided they could use a break from travel,today would not be spent traveling but instead relaxing. Nahla welcomed this gracefully,she didn't realize how tired and sore she was. Her feet were still aching from the day before and her eyes were heavy and sore from early mornings and long days. She went off by herself,when Littlefoot questioned her she simply told him she 'needed some girl time alone'. She was thinking about her life lately,she reached The Great Valley,made two friends then she had to leave again. One of her friends could come with her-but the other couldn't. Cera..Nahla missed her,Littlefoot was a great friend but it wasn't the same. A girl needed girl friends too.

Cera and Nahla got off to a rocky start,but after they realized how much they had in common,how much they actually needed the other as a friend they put the fact of their different species aside. Though their friendship was secret,it was now Nahla began to wonder why-what did they have to hide? Were they ashamed? Ashamed of their friendship? Why?

Nahla closed her eyes with a heavy sigh,in a way she was mourning. In a way she has lost her friend,not in a physical way such as death but Nahla still felt the need the mourn,all she ever wanted was a friend like her,a female friend and soon as she had that it was ripped from her. She was very close to Littlefoot but a bond between a boy and a girl was not the same as a girl and a girl,her girl friends were meant to be like her sisters-yes she had Tara as a real sister but Nahla it wasn't the same.

A lone tear fell down the longneck girls cheek,she was not used to this. She was used to having everyone she knew and loved with her at all times,it never it came to her that sometimes she will have to say goodbye. As much as it pained her to admit it-reality of life had smacked her in the face. She didn't like it,but she had to face it. She had to get over it.

"I made two friends already..I can make another one" Nahla tried to tell herself. Most of the time Nahla was confident...if not OVER confident. She was proud,outgoing..when she was around ones she knew anyway. When it came to meeting someone new,she reverted into ,shy,withdrawn and far from confident. Tara told her many times it was not her fault,she was raised in comfort never having to meet anyone new-ever. There was three,and only ever three-her mother,father and sister. Even Littlefoot scared her at first,Cera scared her at first. There was no need to fear.

Nahla stood up and decided to rejoin everyone else,she needed to talk to Littlefoot.

She couldn't hold it in anymore,Littlefoot deserved to know and he must be missing his valley friends too. He would understand.

What have I gotten into?

Cera lead the small group through a barren wasteland,they were following the path the longnecks took judging by the footprints. Cera realized now that the footprints might not always be there,if the longnecks traveled through a terrain that didn't show any marks-how would they track the longnecks?

Ignoring the thought she trekked on,the others following behind her,not sure where they were headed other then the fact it's where Littlefoot is and if they remembered clearly,he was going to a Mountain.

"I wonder how long we have to walk for,I hope the mountain isn't super far away" Ducky sighed "If we are away too long my mummy will get even more worried then she will be now,yep yep yep"

"I have no idea how far we'll be going" Cera replied honestly "We could get there tomorrow,or could be walking for days"

"Me just hope we no get lost" Petrie worriedly commented "That no be good"

Cera turned her head to face them but did not stop walking "Will you stop worrying? I got this all under control"


Littlefoot was trying to comfort the pink longneck by his side,Nahla had come running up to him crying,concerned something had happened to her Littlefoot led her off to a more private area. After calming her down,Littlefoot listened as Nahla told him everything. He broke Littlefoot's heart to see the girl like this,poor Nahla must of been holding in for a while now. It was kind of shocked to hear the truth about Cera and Nahla but in a way he was glad..the way he saw them fight..the fight that was an act..he believed it...he thought they hated each other.

Nahla had stopped crying and now had her head buried in Littlefoot's side,she didn't care how strange it looked,he was her best friend-that was still around anyway. After spilling all the words she had kept locked up and used all her tears she felt no need to act strong she felt weak,not physically but emotionally she felt drained as if her outburst ripped her off all her emotion,she didn't understand this. She knew this was a result of her upbringing it not exactly her fault she never had socialization outside her family,nor did she ever have to feel heartbreak,never had she had she had to utter the words 'goodbye'...until now.

Littlefoot sighed but didn't budge,he'll stay by Nahla's side as long as she needed him. Thats what friends do,they were loyal to each other no matter what. Littlefoot looked at the slightly smaller longneck "Teetonka say anything to you?" he asked trying to change the subject and distract Nahla from focusing too much on her sadness,he knew if she completely focused on that,she would not get anywhere she needed to learn life goes on and there will be hard knocks but she has to press on,he knew for each happy event in life,there were ones that would test you. That part Ahote had drilled into his head,and it was now Littlefoot realized he was right...if only he could get Nahla to realize too.

"No.." Nahla answered after a few minutes pause "Last time I spoke to him was when we got lost in the cave,and all he did was give me a lecture about going into the cave when I should be focusing".

"Ah,well you know how he is" Littlefoot chuckled whacking Nahla lightly with his tail with a small smile "If we fail our mission..." he cut off realizing that wasn't a good 'cheer the girl up' type of topic. He glanced at Nahla again,he knew she didn't really did buy into it-but he figured she would at least like to hear it. " look always..but your real beauty is your personality it's like...umm...ah.." well he blew that,

Nahla let out a small chuckle "I look like and currently have the personality the half dead,but thanks nice to know I have a friend who cares so much,he'll make a fool of himself to make me feel better" she now laughed outright.

"Thanks,Nahla" Littlefoot rolled his eyes "But glad to hear you laugh"

"Thanks for hearing me out,Littlefoot. You let me pour my heart to you even though you could of just hit me in the face screaming 'shut up"

"You know I'm always here,and you know I'l always listen if you have saying to say" he embraced his friend with a hug "Though you do drive me crazy at times I admit..but I guess thats a natural thing for girls" he joked.

"I'm...going to pretend I didn't hear that and not get offended" Nahla replied shaking her head slightly a grin escaping the side of her mouth.

"Have you seen Shorty and Tara?" a grin was on the boys face.

'What about them?" Nahla rose an eyebrow.

"Well..I think they are in's kinda weird cause he is my brother..and she is your sister...they haven't said anything but I saw how they look at each other and how they act around each other"

Nahla frowned"Well if you're planning something-count me out. I'm staying out of this love business,where it be another couple or be getting a boyfriend"

"You don't want a boyfriend?" Littlefoot asked surprised "I thought all girls wanted one"

"Not me,not for a while anyway. I know enough to know childhood doesn't last forever,I don't intended to throw it away trying to be grown up"\

Littlefoot stared at her for a while-what kid DIDN'T want to be grown up? But she was right,childhood didn't last forever,and when he was grownup he would have the rest of his life to enjoy it-so why not enjoy is youth while it lasts? "You're right,besides I doubt Teetonka will approve,he doesn't really like the idea of you having a boyfriend" he laughed "Even when someone is just joking"

"Sadly..that is true,Teetonka would not approve..and I doubt my father will too..speaking of my father I wonder how he will react to Tara if and when he finds out about she and Shorty are in love..I mean Tara IS his daughter..his baby girl" Nahla sighed "Mum would love it,and I'll have the most fun teasing Tara..."

"You would" Littlefoot shook his head still smiling "What did your poor sister ever do to you?" he teased in a mock upset tone.

"My 'poor sister' has done too much" Nahla replied in the same teasing tone "Come on,lets get back to our parents before they start thinking we found another cave" the girl said in a normal tone as she stood up and began walking off but her step lacked the normal energy filled bounce she normally had.

This trip is taking a toll on her Littlefoot thought and me,I can't wait until we get to the mountains...but this trip is only at the half way mark..if that. Though so far they have had a smooth trip,besides the cave deal and a sharptooth sighting every now and then everything had been going fine.

He just hoped their luck will last.



Tara shook her head after watching Shorty try and get some fruit down only to have the lot crash onto it his "I know I should be asking 'are you okay?' but instead I wil say-HA HA HA"

"Thanks,'re so supportive" Shorty groaned making his way towards the girl standing a safe distance away from any more possible falling fruit "My head is sore now you know-" he was cut off by the feeling of nuzzle on his head out of the corner of his eye he saw that nuzzle belonged to Tara. "Tara,what are you doing?"

Tara looked at him confused then realized what he meant "Oh,sorry" she backed off cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

"It's fine..really"Shorty met her in the eyes..those beautiful green eyes..with those dark rims on that silver brown face-Shorty shook his head,all he could think about how beautiful Tara was all he could think about right now.

"Shorty?" Tara questioned "Why you staring at me?"

"Ummm..." Shorty looked away "No reason.."

Tara tilted her head for a moment before shaking it and smiling,she liked Shorty but lately she was wondering if her feelings had grown-she could not stop thinking about him. He made her heart flutter. I love him...I'm in love with him..

I'm in love with her...Shorty thought as he studied the female in front of him-his best friend,the only real friend he ever had and now he had a crush on her-what if this ruined their friendship? If they did fall in love and it didn't work out they won't be the same-love could be the best thing to happen to them or it could be the worst.

"Lets...lets head back" Tara broke the silence "Go bug Littlefoot and Nahla for a while,it's only fair-they bug us"

"Yeah" Shorty chuckled I'll tell her how I feel later. "Give them a taste of their own medicine"

"Come along" Tara lead him off,she tried not to show it but she was thinking it How do I tell him? Does he even love me back?


"I'm too old for all this traveling"

Grandma chuckled at her mates comment "Ah yes,as you age up you tend to lose your energy faster..not to mention how the ground hurts ones feet as it is"

"I can only picture,but sometimes one does not have a choice" an elder male longneck who lived in this valley the others were visiting commented "You's are really going to join the mountain longnecks?"

"Thats the idea" Grandpa sighed "But it depends on what happens when we arrive"

The old male nodded "Well,I wish you and the others well"

"Thank you,we wish you well too" Grandma nodded to the male.

Without another word or even 'goodbye' the resident longneck turned to rejoin his own family.

The two grandparents slowly wandered over to their own small herd,they would be off again at sunrise tomorrow. As soon as they arrived on the scene they notice something was missing..make that 4 things.

"Wheres the young ones?" Grandma questioned with a frown,last thing they needed was the the kids..mainly Littlefoot..getting into trouble for the...she had lost count..time.

"Littlefoot wanted to go explore and he took Nahla with him" Jenna explained.

"Of course...tell me something new" Grandma shook her head trying to hide a grin.

"But don't worry,Tara and Shorty are with them,they are responsible".

"That is true..." Bron commented "Shorty knows too well then to purposely cause trouble.." he paused "He knows too well what that can lead too" he added in a rather sullen tone.

A silence fell upon the longnecks,until it was broken by Nani.

"Tara will make sure Nahla is safe-and Littlefoot too no doubt" she smiled weakly "Nothing will go wrong,besides this valley is protected. They'll be fine,but if they are not back by the time the bright circle sets we'll go look for them"

"Agreed" Kai commented glancing up at the sky,that time was a long way off and the children deserved to have some fun.

"I think there is something going on between Shorty and Tara" Jenna changed topic "You can just tell..."

"Oh you noticed too?" Nani questioned surprised "I've notice they have gotten very close..but now they are even more close..I have a feeling that they just might have feelings for each other"

"It's sweet" a smiling Jenna commented "I love seeing love bloom,two young souls joining together to become one..." she looked up still smiling "I just hope it works out for them,breaking up is the one of the worst feelings,plus it can ruin a friendship forever.."

"We'll leave that for fate to decide" Grandpa looked up to the sky "And we stay out of it,if parents try and get involved it just makes things worse"

"Not sure if I will be ready to let my little girl go..." Kai admitted with a sigh "I know she has to grow up someday..but I just didn't think how soon it would be..."

"That is how it always works.." Grandma replied smiling with fond memories "You raise the child with the fact you won't always be around for them and one day they will move on to start their own life. in mind...and still when that time just want your little baby least Jenna stayed...I have no idea where my other children are"

Jenna looked down for a moment remembering her siblings "I couldn't leave deserved to help raise at least one of your grandchildren..just too bad you get stuck with the rowdy one"

All the adults shared a laugh at that,they were soaking up this day of relaxing,none of them could see them but Teetonka and Ahote were standing a few feet away from them. Ahote was watching them with an amused smile however Teetonka was frowning.

"They are wasting time" Teetonka snapped.

Ahote glanced at him "Teetonka,they are living creatures like we are-I mean were,they need to rest or they'll break down they just can't keep walking forever,one day won't kill anyone"

"I know..."

"So relax,they'll get there when they get there" Ahote began to turn "However,we should check up on the children,they are the ones we should be focusing on..also...I should tell you..."

"Tell me what?" the other male asked still frowning.

"Ummm..some other children are coming after Littlefoot and Nahla...and...they are not even longnecks..."

"WHAT?!" Teetonka shouted though of course none of the dinosaurs besides Ahote could hear him "What do you mean?"

"Theres a threehorn,flyer,swimmer and spiketail trying to catch up,they are friends to Littlefoot and the threehorn is also a friend to Nahla"

"Let them come.." Teetonka said firmly "And it's up to the tribe what they want to do with them,if they allow them to stay they can,if they chase them out then we'll find a way to send them home"

Ahote nodded but had another thought "Why do you want them to come anyway?"

"There is something about them...they have an impact on Littlefoot and Nahla..wherever it be for better or worst..I sense a connection among them-if they are indeed the right ones-what are their names? Do you know?"

"Cera,Petire,Ducky and Spike"

"Thats them..." Teetonka stared ahead "Do me a favour...see if you can arrange a little..guidance for them"

Ahote began to turn "As you wish,I'll see to that as soon as possible,for now though shouldn't we check on the other two we should be focusing on?"

"Of course" Teetonka followed behind him,their footsteps were heavy but were unheard to the normal ear "I'm entrusting you with making sure the other children get here"

"Yes,Teetonka I will see to it that they do"

Teetonka stopped as his face turned serious "I mean it Ahote,this must work-failure is not an option"

As you see,Nahla has a bit of an emotional moment,more of Nahla's chaacter is revealed,she isn't always the though tomboy she normally is.

The rest of the gang are going after Littlefoot...and Nahla though Cera not admitting that. Kinda like the LBT10,and yes it's intentional. However Teetonka has mentioned they will have an impact on our longneck duo what that will be is for me to know and you to find out.

And yes..ShortyxTara...need a little romance so what not those two. Might as well.

Thank you for viewing my little story. I do hope I didn't bore you to tears or sleep.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Ugh! So much to catch up on :lol Long review ahead since I'll be covering three chapters

First one:

You kept Doc in-character very well :yes Littlefoot, of course, has to show interest in the mysterious Doc...

Ah, a movie reference. How nice... :D

Teetonka... Of course he doesn't approve of the little one's adventure :smile

Littlefoot is a little sad about Doc leaving while Nahla just doesn't care :D Tara and Shorty are having a nice talk too :yes

See you soon for part 2 of this chapter thingy. And Doc has a major role in this,just not one you might be expecting.
I love surprises! :exactly


Second one:

The first scene seems to be a filler but it's working as such :)

Oh hooray!! The Gang :D I was waiting for that to happen; now they're on their way after Littlefoot. I reckon that'll be an awesome trip ^^
And yet another movie reference... wonderful :D


And number 3:

Good start. I really like how you portraited Cera here - in-character but also worrying about her  friendship with Nahla that is so unlike her and the others finding out.

Nahla's introspective part is very well written too :) You should do more of these "thinking scenes" ;)

Aww, Littlefoot and Nahla together are just plain adorable :smile In this scene you have found a perfect mixture of serious and "not so serious" conversation in my opinion. :yes

Hmm, Shorty and Tara are IN LUV! :lol You're doing it right. Have them build up a friendship, then slowly have them begin to have funny feelings towards each other until they ultimately can't help it but try to admit their love or try the other to admit it but at that they're being awkward and all that :p That's basically how a good romance starts off in fiction, yep, yep, yep!

Teetonka is awesome. Driving them on as if they were slaves or something :p I wonder why they care about Littlefoot's friends so much but I reckon that's gonna be revealed soon anyway ^^

Overall, I enjoyed these recent additions :yes Only make sure to proofread a little more carefully and you sometimes forget to separate two sentences from each other like
He watched in amazement as Doc tailwhipped down some treestars down,Littlefoot looked behind him his parents were in deep conversion with each other,his grandparents were talking to Shorty and Tara,and Nahla was fast asleep buried into her mothers side.

You're on a good way, keep writing and keep improving, okay? :p
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Petrie
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Yay,Shorty finally gets a girlfriend that he didn't have to compete against a rival for  :lol

Teetonka really doesn't like slacking off does he? He so needs to chill a bit be more like Ahote. But as Nahla said,when Teetonka is's scary.

I still love how Littlefoot misses Doc and Nahla was like "Yeah whatever we don't need some creepy longneck with a scar hanging around us anyway'.

Cera is trying to act like she doesn't care about Nahla in order to protect her pride and the fact she was wrong-thats so Cera like. Kinda like in LBT4 where Cera hated Ali at first then realized she was judging her and they ended up friends.

her father would rage if she found out she was risking her life to go chase after a herd of flatheads who were listening to other flatheads that weren't even alive.

Hahaha..but it's true.

Really good,Nahla. This may not be the worlds most epic story-if it was you would be a millionaire from selling this,but it's clear you try your best. And thats what matters,you should get more readers cause you do try and you're plot is original..I mean how many times have we read the 'Grandparents die,Littlefoot runs away,finds Ali,falls in love with Ali,they become 'married' and liev happily ever after' deal?  :lol

Just one question-when will they get to the mountains already?!! It's killing me here...


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Thanks for the reviews guys ^^,any feedback is welcomed so I know what people so I can work at that some more.

Teetonka... Of course he doesn't approve of the little one's adventure :smile

Of course,it's Teetonka,what do you expect?  :lol,don't think he known knows the meaning of 'fun'.

Littlefoot is a little sad about Doc leaving while Nahla just doesn't care :D Tara and Shorty are having a nice talk too :yes

No,Nahla really does not care at all.Why would she? Too her Doc is creepy so she is most likely glad  :lol.

Oh hooray!! The Gang :D I was waiting for that to happen; now they're on their way after Littlefoot. I reckon that'll be an awesome trip ^^

Of course...but I'm not going to make it easy for them..hehehe..

Nahla's introspective part is very well written too :) You should do more of these "thinking scenes" ;)

That I plan to do ^^ glad you like it.

Teetonka is awesome. Driving them on as if they were slaves or something dino_tongue.gif I wonder why they care about Littlefoot's friends so much but I reckon that's gonna be revealed soon anyway ^^

Indeed xD. And  that will be revealed in time indeed,unless I just wrote that for the fun of it haha-nah theres a real reason,there will be hints about this big mystery building up to the 'big reveal ' so keep an eye out see if you can spot them.

Thanks,Ducky! *Hug*,I love your little comments,and yes I know at fail at times  :p no matter how many times I proof read I miss the most obvious things..yet can spot the smallest typos in other peoples fics.

And as for you Zimmy..

Cera is trying to act like she doesn't care about Nahla in order to protect her pride and the fact she was wrong-thats so Cera like. Kinda like in LBT4 where Cera hated Ali at first then realized she was judging her and they ended up friends.

I'm glad you picked that up,that is exactly what I was trying to do ^^. She refuses to admit she was wrong after judging her. But thats Cera for you.

This may not be the worlds most epic story

Thanks for pointing that out  :rolleyes  :p.

Thanks to you to,Zimmy ^^


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Chapter 17

"You actually thought I liked you?" Littlefoot sneered "Please,that was an act. I saw you and felt sorry for you,you're lucky I did no one else would be friends with a creature like you"

"Thats not's not true..." Nahla sobbed

"It's true,sorry to tell you" Littlefoot laughed "I never liked you"

"But we're friends"

"HA! Best friends don't make me laugh you stupid little girl" Littlefoot glared at Nahla his eyes full of hate.

Nahla sobbed harder-why was this happening? She narrowed her eyes at Littlefoot "You're mean! You're horrible!"

Littlefoot growled and placed his foot heavily on Nahla's back sending her crashing to the ground "Don't you even dare to insult me"

Nahla screamed in a mix of pain and depression-why had Littlefoot turned on her? "Please stop..what did I do to you..."

"Exist" Littlefoot grinned in an evil manner

"Thats mean!"

"Shut up!" Littlefoot yelled "I hate the sound of your voice,every time I hear it I want to rip your throat out"

Nahla just buried her head into the ground sobbing,this by far was the worst day off her life.

"You know...everyone has a purpose in life-do you want to know yours?" Littlefoot taunted.

The girl didn't answer in words but gave a weak nod.

"DIE!" Littlefoot laughed "And you're about to fulfil it..."

"No...please don't..."

"I'm sorry,I have don't deserve life,this world needs strong creatures like me,not weak,fable ones like you" Littlefoot gave her a small smile "Sweet dreams,little Nahla"

Last thing Nahla saw was a large foot come crashing down on her.

A scream rung across the valley,Nahla lay there panting and shaking in terror. It took her a few moments to gather where she was,looking around she found herself at the spot where the small herd was sleeping tonight,she looked to the side and saw Littlefoot fast asleep,he didn't hate her and he wasn't going to kill her. "It was...just a sleepstory" Nahla whispered,tears rolling down her face. On shaky legs she stood up and quietly walked off to go to a nearby water hole,she was thirsty but that was not her main reason. She needed to calm down a bit,the dream scared her.

Nahla looked down into the watering hole,the night circle reflected on the surface,she could count the stars that appeared on the calm water. The cool night breeze calmed Nahla. It was just a sleepstory..they happen all the wasn't real.. it wasn't-


Nahla jumped when she heard twigs snapping,she turned her head and gave a gasping breath of relief when she saw it was Littlefoot coming towards her.

"You okay?" Littlefoot asked concerned "I heard a noise and woke up to see you walk off-I got worried and decided to check if you were okay"

"You were worried about me?"

"Course I was,why wouldn't I be?" Littlefoot settled himself down next to her "You are my best friend"

"It just.." Nahla glanced at him for a moment "Well I had a scary hated me and said you were faking being my friend,you said you hated everything about me...and I was a weak worthless creature...and then you murdered me"

Littlefoot was shocked for a moment before he nuzzled the girl "Hey,like you said it was just a scary sleep story,I don't hate you, you are my best friend,you're not weak or worthless and I'll never ever hurt you let alone murder you"

"I know..still it scared me so much" the girl sighed "You said some horrible things to me..."

"But none of them were real" Littlefoot reminded her "I'm here and I promise I won't say those awful things to you,nor ever hurt you on purpose..and if I do hurt you accidentally, I'll be full of guilt. A friend never hurts a friend-and whats what you are-a friend".

Nahla smiled starting to feel better hearing those comforting words "Thanks,Littlefoot..I needed to hear you say that" she settled herself down and lowered her head to grass,the sounds of the night seemed to lullaby her to sleep,Nahla didn't even try to fight it,she was tired. Her eyes slipped close as she fell into a much more peaceful sleep.

Littlefoot watched her and sighed,he looked in the direction they came from-they were not meant to be out here but he didn't want to wake Nahla up nor did he want to just leave her out here alone. Plopping down next to her he let his mind wander. He thought about how much his life had changed and how much more it WAS going to change. What would await him at the end of his travels? Would he learn to accept the Mountains as home? Or will he go back to the comfort of the Great Valley?

The Great Littlefoot THAT was home,it was the home he knew the longest,the one in which he felt the safest. Now he was heading a new land,one completely foreign to what he has ever known,a new lifestyle was ahead of him something he was not prepared for he'll have to change his way of life to one of someone else.

Littlefoot looked up at the sky-it was the same sky that looked over the Great Valley,but still Littlefoot felt like he was in some kind of isolation-far away from anything dear and familiar. Why couldn't he just have a normal life? Why did he have to be part of an ancient family?

With all those thoughts swirling around his head,Littlefoot once again found sleep. Catching every bit of much needed energy he could get. Come sunrise,he once again would he headed for a land unknown.


"Wake up...come on..wake up"

Nahla groaned feeling nudging-it couldn't be morning already-it couldn't.

"WAKE UP!" the voice said louder.

Nahla groaned and opened her eyes,first thing she saw was Tara's green eyes staring at her. Jumping back with a scream,she soon narrowed her eyes "What do you want,Tara?" in the sky above the bright circle was slowly starting to rise,the land was slowly filling with light "Can't you see the bright circle if just rising? It's too early..."

"Exactly,the bright circle is rising. Which means it's time to get up,we got traveling to do" Tara nudged her sister to stand "By the way,what you doing over here anyway? We found you and Littlefoot huddled up together loving very cute" the older girl chuckled teasingly.

"Ummm,I had a bad sleep story" Nahla admitted ignoring the comment about Littlefoot and her "So I came over here to calm down,Littlefoot followed me and we started talking..guess we fell asleep here"

"A bad sleep story?" Tara's face filled with concern "What was it about?"

Nahla looked to the ground "I don't want to talk it about..I will rather forget it"

"Fair enough. Come along now,have some breakfast then we need to get going" Tara turned and lead her back to where the others were-and Nahla was meant to be.

Nahla followed silently,only giving an innocent smile when her mother glanced at her. She knew her mother was just upset from waking up to find her daughter missing,but couldn't her mother stop worrying so much? She couldn't protect Nahla forever.


Once again,Nahla jumped,whipping her head around she sighed with relief seeing a bright eyed and smiling Littlefoot. "Please don't sneak up on me again"

"I'm sorry" Littlefoot replied "But I've never seen you jumpy like that-everything okay?"

"I'm fine-you just startled me" Nahla snapped in defence "Sorry-" she added quietly "I didn't mean to snap" the girl looked to the ground,she didn't understand what was going on she couldn't control her mood lately.

"It's okay..I shouldn't of scared you like that,you haven't eaten yet have you?"

Nahla shook her head silently "No..just woke up"

"Then come eat,I saved you some treestars" Littlefoot grinned nodding with his head,compared to Nahla he was full of energy-then again he got a peaceful sleep,wheres Nahla did not.

The girl nodded and picked at the treestars Littlefoot offered her,she refused to admit it but she was still shaken over the sleepstory. Now it seemed everything made her jump,she kept seeing the hate in Littlefoot's eyes as he went in for the fatal blow. It would never leave her thoughts.

She is worrying me... Littlefoot thought while watching her Did the sleeptory really scare her that bad? He glanced and around and noticed Nahla's mother watching her daughter in concern Poor Nahla,tormented by a fear she can't escape.

"I'm done" Nahla spoke up and began to turn before Littlefoot cut her off.

"Nahla,please tell me-what is wrong? Is it the sleepstory?"

"Yes" the pink longneck admitted quietly "But I'll be fine...I just need to keep my mind off it" she smiled "I promise,Littlefoot just don't remind me of it and I'll be fine"

"Alright,if you're sure" Littlefoot replied "Come on,we're leaving now anyway..we are meant to get to the Mountains tomorrow or the day after"

"That I am glad to here,but I would much prefer if we were already there"

Littlefoot chuckled "I think we would all prefer that"

I really wish they would all stop complaining


"Cera...can't we sleep in today?" Ducky asked through a yawn.

"NO!" Cera snapped "We are trying to catch up to Littlefoot,and we won't do that laying around sleeping,will we?"

"No but-" Petrie began to say.

"I SAID BE QUIET!" Cera yelled at the three others behind her.

Ducky,Pertie and Spike instantly closed their mouths,Cera had the temper of...well her father.

"Thank you" Cera huffed and walked on nose in air,these three were driving her crazy-why on earth did she bring them again? She would of been fine on her own,she was a threehorn after all,they could do anything and they didn't need beak-heads or spike-tails with them to do so.

"Cera?" asked a timid Ducky "Where are we?"

Shocked for a moment Cera looked around "We are...ummm" to her panic she noticed something-she was so focused on her own thoughts she didn't even notice they strayed off the trail the longnecks took-not a foot print in sight "We are at..."

"You don't know,do you?"

"Ummm..." Cera gulped "Not exactly..."

A scream filled the air as Pertie panicked "Me knew this happen! We lost! What we do!"

"Pertie,calm down" Ducky grabbed Pertie before he could fly off "We need to stick together" she held Petrie in a tight hug "No worry though,I'll keep you safe-yep yep yep"

"You okay,youngins?"

The children turned to see a large male longneck looking down on them,a greyish brown male with a large scar running down the side of his face.

"Who are you?" Cera questioned with a frown "Can't you see we are busy"

"Name is Doc" the longneck replied.

"Well,I'm Cera. Thats Ducky,Petrie and Spike. Now we all know each other-can you please leave?"

Doc didn't reply he just registered the names in his mind,Ahote told him to find children of these names..these must be it..just his luck "I've been sent to come get you" he now spoke.

"Get us? Did our mummys and daddys send you?" a confused swimmer asked. Ducky looked from Cera to Doc then back again.

Doc gave a heavy sigh,why him? How was he going to explain this? "Not exactly,I've come to take you to Littlefoot"

"How did you know we were trying to find Littlefoot? Have you been following us? Do you know how creepy that is?" Cera was now very suspicious. How would an adult who came out of the blue,know what they were doing? I don't trust this guy.

Why me,Ahote? Why me...Doc rose his head higher "I know Littlefoot,and Nahla" he didn't seem to notice the shocked expression of the children that he seemed to know Nahla too "I can take you too them,I know where they are"

"You do?" Ducky pressed him "Where are they?"

"They are not there yet,but they are headed towards the Umoja Mountains,I will take you there"

Cera was now even more suspicious-who did this creep think he was? " we believe you,go away"

Petrie flew closer to Doc "Who sent you?" the small flyer asked "And how they know us?"

The large longneck didn't seem to show any emotion "Someone from Littlefoot's family" he explained,it was somewhat the truth after all Ahote was Littlefoot's ancestor,so therefore he is his family.

"Oh! Why you no say so?!" Petrie turned to his friends a grin on his face "This longneck was sent by Littlefoot's family! So he can take us to Littlefoot!"

"Oh! That would be wonderful,yep yep yep!" Ducky cheered as Spike nodded as he eagerly stepped up to Doc grinning.

Cera on the other head wasn't about to join them so easily "Come on guys...he could be lying"

Doc groaned "Listen,I don't want to do this either. But I have to guide you to the mountains,it's important. So how about you all come willingly or are you going to stand here talking all day and never get there?"

The threehorn did not want to surrender to come longneck,but an adult meant protection...and an adult could get them food...with a sigh of defeat "Fine,but if you try to do anything to us,you'll regret it"

"Good,just remain quiet and don't bicker and we'll be fine" Doc turned and without another word began walking,the sooner he got these kids there the better it would be for both them and him.

With silence glances at each other,the children followed with one question on their minds-were they making the right choice?


"Everything was going smoothly..and now..this"


"Don't you 'shh' me!"

"Nahla be quiet" Littlefoot whispered sharply covering the girls mouth his the tip of his tail "We are meant to stay hidden and quiet. Not hidden and talk loudly"

Tara glared at them "How about both of you be quiet? Sharpteeth ain't as dumb as many think,they can hear us"

Unknowingly the longneck herd had wandered into the heart of sharptooth territory,it didn't take long for the residents to realize the possible food feast that had just walked in-literally.

The adults quickly told the children to hide,but it was too late as they had been spotted. The children running off would of been what they wanted,a bite to the throat by a full grown sharptooth would be instant death for a child.

While the others distracted the predators,Nani rushed the children to cover and now stood guard. Her eyes fixed on the scene in front of her. It horrified her,her beloved mate fighting the biggest predator known in their world. She was torn-help fight and protect the herd or give into her mother instincts and protect the children at all costs?

"Mummy? I'm scared"

Nani turned her head too see a wide eyed Nahla,her heart dropped seeing the fear in her eyes,huddled up with Littlefoot her little girl shook in fear,not believing her eyes and ears she never saw a real battle with sharpteeth more,it was like a nightmare. With a sigh she gave her daughter a weak smile "Don't worry,baby. I'll protect you".

Any other time,Nahla would of snapped back at being called 'baby' but right now she was too terrified-her father was out there fighting those predators! What if he didn't win? What if the sharptooth won? He couldn't die! He was her father,her father couldn't die! She didn't even want to think about how Littlefoot felt,all of his family was out in the battle-both parents and grandparents. She glanced at her friend,Littlefoot's face was unreadable the only movement of that was that from when he breathed.

Nani turned her gaze back to the battle,her instincts now forcing her to stay here, to protect the children even if with her life. If any sharptooth wanted the children,they would have to go through her.

Jenna stood face to face with a large tinted green sharptooth,blood was slowly dripping from a cut on her side she gained when a predator caught her off guard,the injury was minor compared to what it could have been,but it still weakened her in a time when she needed full strength. She narrowed her eyes at the sharptooth and lashed out her tail in warning.

The sharptooth did not back down and instead made a lunge for the longnecks tail missing it by inches,the smell of the fresh blood only seemed to drive the predator on more. He advanced more on the longneck,he needed to weaken her then deliver the fatal blow.

"Jenna!" Bron called over to her "We got to flee,this is hopeless" he eyed more sharpteeth as they appeared over the hills. The longnecks now had two choices-Flee or Die.

Jenna barely registered what her mate just said,her eyes were locked on her rival and her mind on her sons,if she had to die so they could live then so be it. She refused to budge even when she felt nudging at her side.

"Jenna,we need to get out of here" Grandma tried to get her daughter to move but not taking her eyes off the sharptooth who know seemed confused at now having two longnecks to battle.

The sharptooth was smart,smarter then leafeaters thought they were. He knew he'll have no chance against two adult longnecks,they were the largest leaf eaters around. One sharptooth vs one longneck was hard. One sharptooth vs two longnecks was impossible. With a roar of defeat,the large predator wanderd off to find easier prey.

Jenna now snapped back to reality and nodded at her mother and quickly followed. A ahead of her she could see Grandpa already ahead,she sighed with relief when she noticed that Nani and the children were with him. At least the young ones were safe.

"Over here" Grandma ordered trying to ignore the roars off the meat eaters behind her,Bron and Kai were still back there trying to hold them off for a little longer while everyone else escaped before fleeing themsleves.

It seemed liked it took an eternity but they were soon clear of any sign of predators,however there was not celebrating just yet-where were Bron and Kai? Time seemed to drag on in slow motion,but then there was the sight they were longing to see-two male longnecks reached them,wounded but alive.

Any onlooker would of thought the families had been apart for years with all the greetings and affection going on,the nuzzling,the nudging and the words of comfort.

Nani looked over each of the adults that had fought "You's are hurt" she commented "I should of helped fight"

Grandpa shook his head "We are fine,Nani. I assure you,these wounds won't do much harm though they make ache for a while,we will be fine. We are all still alive,and we are all still together-and to me,thats what matters"

"And as for you fighting too" Grandma added "You fought your own battle,you protected the children-innocent children who wouldn't of been able to defend themselves otherwise" the elder female smiled "And that takes courage,putting other lives before your own. You had all the chances in the world to flee yourself"

Nani smiled and looked down at Nahla rubbing on her leg "You're right..someone needs to help the helpless..." she looked up into the distance and narrowed her eyes.

"Nani?" Kai asked concerned "Something wrong?"

"No..I think that the sharptooth territory was a short cut,if we went the other way we would be walking through the forest..but instead" she nodded with her head.

All the longnecks looked to where she was looking,there in the distance was the mountains.


"My friends,gather around"

The longnecks of the Mountain tribe stopped what they were doing and gathered around their leader. "Yes,Old Wise One?" one of them asked as they all gave a bow of their head in respect.

"I've just got a message..the two missing families will be arrving" the old leader took a deep breath "Today"

That caused shock among the gathered longnecks,all at once they began chatting to each other.

"Quiet" the leader demanded,at once the longnecks stopped talking "I know what you're all thinking-they are not meant to be here for another two days. But it's so they went through sharpteeth territory instead of through the forest,they should be reaching the Mountain borders right about now"

"They went through sharpteeth territory? Did they have a deathwish?" one younger male who just reached the age in which he was labled as an adult snorted.

"They took a wrong turn,young Akim" the old male replied "A mistake,we all make mistakes. They came out wounded but alive,and are now headed our way." he began to turn away "We are unprepared for their arrival,we thought we had more days. But please make sure their sleeping quarters are ready for them,they might be wanting a rest after their travels and the battle".

"Yes sir" a middle aged adult female spoke up "We shall see to that at once"

The elder nodded "Very well,now if you mind I must be there to greet them"

All the remaining longnecks that didn't go help with preparing the sleeping spaces watched their 'leader' department,they all knew some big changes were on the way.


"Rest here"

The gang nearly jumped when Doc suddenly spoke,he hadn't said a word since they starting moving. Other then looking back every now and then to see they were still there,he barely paid them any attention.

Cera looked around the area,they were in a small canyon area,she had no idea where they had been following Doc blindly for hours,she jumped back in surprised when Doc dropped a pile of green found in front of her then walked off without even saying a word. With slight hesitation she took the food but keeping her eyes on the adult longneck-just who was this guy?

"I don't know why you are to worried Cera" Ducky chatted through a mouthful of good "Doc is really nice,and he taking us to Littlefoot"

"Or he is leading us somewhere else all together" Cera snapped back

"Why don't you give him a ? You're always judging others"

Cera glared at the swimmer "I am trying to give him a chance..but theres something strange going on here...something not normal..."

"Like what?" Petrie asked from where he was holding a berry.

The threehorn narrowed her eyes "I don't know,but I want to find out"


"Please let this be the right mountain..if not I'll scream this mountain down"

Littlefoot glanced at Nahla and shook his head chuckling-oh Nahla no matter her mood she always had a smart remark to say. "I can feel it's the right just is"

"I sure hope so" Tara sighed "I've had enough travel for the rest of my life"


The sudden strange voice all the group jump,they eyed the newcomer as he walked forward.

"My name is Shujaa,I'm leader of the mountain longnecks. We have been expecting you,you traveled all the way here from the Great Valley?"

Nahla stepped forward "Yeah and it took foreeeeeeeeever"

The old male chuckled "Let me guess-you're Nahla?"

"How did you know?" Nahla asked in surprise.

Shujaa chukled "Teetonka told me all about you,and I can already tell he was right,you got spirit in you. He also said you have a tendency for sarcasm"

"In that case,I can confirm she is indeed Nahla" Tara chuckled "I am Tara I'm Nahla sis-"

"Sister" Shujaa finished for her "That I know as well" he nodded in greeting before turning to Littlefoot "And you must be,Littlefoot. Ahote speaks of you with great fondness,he says your brave,caring and smart"

"I'm not so sure about the 'smart' part" Nahla remarked with a snort of laughter earning a glance off everyone else "...what?"

"Yeah..I'm Littlefoot" Littlefoot stepped forward he looked around "Where are all the other longnecks?"

"In our clearing" Shujaa replied he looked over to the adults "We can finish our greetings later,but for now I would think you'll like to see your new home"

Jenna nodded a forced smile on her face "Yes..our new...home"

The old male turned "Well come along then" he walked off without a moments hesitation,he lead the group along a path. He walked without even seeming to need to think while everyone else had to watch their step to not step or trip on something. When he stopped he tilted his head when Nahla crashed to the ground "Oh you should watch out for that hole,dinosaurs are always stepping into that" he added realizing what happened.

"Thanks for the advanced warning" Nahla replied in a sarcastic tone as Littlefoot helped her to her feet "It would of been to nice to known be-woah" Nahla interrupted herself as she saw what was in front of her.

"Wow!" Littlefoot repeated Nahla's thoughts. In front of them was a lush green land,a large waterfall filled the river that ran across the larges. The two child glanced at each other,this was the exact same place where they first met Ahote and Teetonka in their sleeptories.

Shujaa smiled proudly at the land "My friends...welcome back home. Welcome back to the Umoja Mountains"

"Goodbye,Great Valley-HELLO Umoja Mountains" Nahla grinned and instantly ran wanting to explore her new home.

"Nahla!" Nani called "Get back here,listen to our leader he gives the orders"

Shujaa chuckled as Nahla walked back in a sulk "I'm not that kind of leader that gives orders,I merely offer guidance and arrange things. Here we all work as one" he began walking on again "Come along"

The group slowly made their way deeper into the land,it was a breathtaking place-no wonder why the longnecks still live here after so long.

Before long they reached a large clearing,a smaller waterfall fell down into a watering hole,nearby were large caves. Longnecks were everywhere,they all turned to look in their direction.

"Lost families" Shujaa began to say ignoring the frown on Bron's face at being called that "Meet the Mountain Tribe" without even looking at them he added "Finally,we can return to our full strength,now feel free to look around and relax however-" he looked down at Littlefoot and Nahla "You two I wish to see in private,come along"

Without a word the two children followed with their families walked in the other direction. They knew while their journey has ended,the real adventure was just beginning.


And this is the end of Part 1.

The whole story will be cut into different parts,but will be in the same story..if that makes sense. I just decided to do this now,as I just read a book that has it all split up into parts,and I think it's an awesome idea.

This was Part 1: The Lost Families.

See you soon for Part 2: Life in the Mountains.


  • Petrie
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They finally at the Mountains..and then you cut it're evil.

Poor,Nahla that doesn't sound like it was a nice dream at all,found it so sweet how Littlefoot comforted her though,telling her that that will never happen..oh that why I love Littlefoot...

Hmmm wait a second..

Ahote sent DOC to go after the gang? Is that the role we weren't expecting? If were right..was not expecting it. Doesn't seem like Doc seems too thrilled over it though..neither does Cera. Does this mean Doc has some sort of connection with Ahote? I'm confused...just when I figure something out Nahla adds another thing that makes me wonder.

Sharpteeth..wasn't much of a battle..well you didn't write it anyway (laaazy) but I liked how you had Nani have to decide between her instincts to help the herd or her instincts to protect the children.

"Oh you should watch out for that hole,dinosaurs are always stepping into that" he added realizing what happened.

"Thanks for the advanced warning" Nahla replied in a sarcastic tone as Littlefoot helped her to her feet

Yes advanced warnings do tend to help  :lol.

"Goodbye,Great Valley-HELLO Umoja Mountains"

Lets not start judging already now dear,Nahla theres always more then meets the eye.

Good chapter,you could of done a more detailed battle but theres always time for one later.

Can't wait to see what Mountain life is like,and what happens to the gang and Doc. Cera and Doc traveling together...hahaha.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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Whoa, that's some long chapter :DD

Nahla's dream is really strange . It sure scares her quite a lot... :p

Oh, so that's what Doc's role is. Protecting Littlefoot's friends on their journey :) Cera is perfectly in-character :lol

Ah, some action. :D What you did very well, is the emotional part. I could feel the fright of the Longnecks. What this scene lacked of a little, in my opinion, is some more description of the action. Check out chapter 9 part 5-7 of my "fic with the ungodly long name" and you'll see what I mean. :yes

So, they've arrived at their destiny, yay! :D I'm thrilled to find out if life with the Mountain tribe will be great or not so great.
Inactive, probably forever.


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  • Cera
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@Ducky123 and Zimba. Thank you both for your reviews,I replied to both of you on Skype...or was it Facebook? Well nevermind,just saying thanks again.

Hello guys.

One major thing you will notice in this chapter and from now on is a whole new writing style. I'm tired of my writing looking 'beginner',so a whole new wrtiting style is here as well as longer chapters and more action scenes. More detail. Also you will notice movie characters will start showing up as time goes on

Including a little longneck female that seems to be a very popular match with Littlefoot in fanfiction,one whose name begins with 'A'...later on

The new writing style takes a while to actually show.

It IS kinda hard to suddenly have my new style perfect at the start of the chapter.

This chapter is quite long,longest I have ever yeah..

Enjoy I guess.


Chapter 18

The chilly morning mountain breeze bought a peaceful calm as a one longneck trekked along a dirt path,beside him the loud roaring of the waterfall and the rushing of the river filled his ears. But the longneck barely glanced at that,though he had only been here a few days,the longneck felt he had been here his whole life.

Littlefoot paused for a moment and looked back hoping no one was following him,he had snuck out of what was known as 'camp' without anyone noticing. Thats just what he was hoping for. He turned back to the way of his destination following the path as it got narrower and narrower until it seemed like a dead end.

But as if he had being doing this his whole life,Littlefoot walked through a gap normally hidden by loose hanging vines,it was too strange to be natural. Someone had put them there,someone wanted this place to remain hidden. The gap was amazingly large,an adult longneck could walk in and out of it with ease.

What Littlefoot found himself in was cave,but none like he had ever seen. The cave was always gave him a strange feeling,as if they were watching him-judging him. But what Littlefoot always noticed first was the large pointed stone,dead set center in the middle. The stone point touched the tip of the roof,an ich higher it would have gone through. Above the stone in the roof,was a small gap which shined down to what really drew Littlefoot to most about the stone.

The stone expanded outwards forming what resemble a bowl. In it was the clearest water he had ever seen. The sun reflected in the water in the day,and at night the reflection of the moon filled took it's place. Littlefoot was intrigued by it.

The young longneck slowly walked up to it,without making a sound he rose his foot and hit the waters surface. This was what Littlefoot did not understand the most,the water never splash nor did it move at all. The water seemed to refuse to be disturbed.

Littlefoot stepped back with a sigh,this place gave him the creeps. It was as if someone else was here,yet Littlefoot was he felt drawn to this spot,as if someone was calling him here,as if some force was dragging him.

He hasn't told anyone about this,not even his best friend or family,he thought about that as he once again left the cave and began his trek back to the camp. Maybe I should at least tell Shujaa Littlefoot thought After all..he is the leader. Littlefoot thought about that,he should tell the leader. After all,Shujaa was bound to find out sooner or later and Littlefoot would be in huge trouble if he was discovered to be holding this secret. But there was also the very big fact he might be in trouble for going to that cave in the first place-maybe it was hidden for a reason?

Littlefoot didn't know what to do,but for now he decided to leave it. It was just a cave after all.

Whats so special about a cave? And why would this one be any different?

As he once again arrived back at the nesting area known as 'the camp' he was barely giving it a second thought. Sighing with relief when he noticed no one was up yet,with a smile of relief he rejoined his family.

No one noticed I've left..thank goodness.

"Awake already?"

Littlefoot slowly turned his head to see a longneck child girl smirking at him-Nahla. "Yep and I am glad I am,for am awake to witness a miracle"

"What miracle?'

"You,awake early" Littlefoot pointed at her,his tone a mix of both serious and joking "I thought I would never see the day,normally you are always the last one awake and may I add the most lazy dinosaur in the mountains?".

Nahla glared at him for a moment "Least I don't go wandering off at the crack of dawn and sneak back thinking no one else saw me" she snapped and continued walking ignoring Littlefoot's shocked expression.

"Nahla,wait!" the brown longneck followed after her,when she didn't respond nor stop Littlefoot jumped in front of her blocking her path "How did you know about that?" Littlefoot thought no one knew,and the last dinosaur on earth he thought would know was Nahla-he doubted that girl ever see a dawn in her life. What is SHE doing up this early herself? Littlefoot questioned in his mind.

"Lets see...hmmm..maybe I know because of the big fact I see you..I don't know-walk off? For someone trying to sneak away,you don't do a very good job at the 'not letting anyone see you' part"

Littlefoot growled silently under his breath "What about you? Why are YOU up? And where were you heading too?!"

"Quiet you idiot" Nahla snarled in a whisper "Do you want to wake the whole tribe?" she looked behind her before looking back at Littlefoot "Come with me,I'll show you" Nahla turned and walked off without another word,though when she stopped and turned her head and saw Littlefoot hadn't moved she gave a hissed whisper "Come on,we need to get going now or they'll make an adult come with us"

Littlefoot glanced back at his sleeping family and followed,he had no idea what Nahla was going to show him. But after what he had gone through so far it was not going to surprise him much-right?



Nothing,nothing in the world could of prepared Littlefoot for the sight in front of him,he stood watching in disbelief as Nahla was nuzzling a small purple hatchling...sharptooth. really strange. Nahla the 'don't mess with me' attitude tomboy,is happily nuzzling a sharptooth like it was her own child. This is too weird... Littlefoot cleared his throat "Nahla,what is this? Is that really a sharptooth hatchling?"

Nahla just rolled her eyes "No,it's a three-horn hatchling" she scoffed "Of course it is,what does it look like?"she turned back to the small sharptooth and sighed before looking Littlefoot in the eyes "This is why I was awake,I was coming here to see Chomper"


"Yeah,I named him Chomper. After all everyone needs a name and it suits him as he likes to-"


"OW!" Littlefoot cried out,he turned his head to see the small sharptooth biting his tail "Chomp on things?" he finished for Nahla before gently tipping the sharptooth to the ground.


"Well can you please tell him to not chomp on me? It really does hurt,no matter how adorable he is" the boy turned and looked Nahla in the eye "I also got one more question for you" he cleared his throat "WHERE DID YOU GET A SHARPTOOTH HATCHLING FROM?!"

"I found him" Nahla answered calmly "He was abandoned Littlefoot,I couldn't leave him. Though I didn't know he was a sharptooth when I found the egg..I thought it was a leaf eater,though before I could do anything he started to hatch,at first I was startled when I found out he was a sharptooth. But I couldn't leave him,he may be a predator but he has done not a thing to harm me. It's not his fault he was born a sharptooth-why should he be punished for a crime he had no choice in doing?" tears filled the girls eyes as she stared Littlefoot in the eye "I don't care what anyone says,no one deserves to die alone in the world. I don't care if they are leafeater or meateater,we are all living creatures at the end of the day,meateaters do not choose to be born the way they are-so why should we punish them all? Yes they kill,but they kill to survive. To eat,and when they do we leafeaters want to kill them,to get rid of them. They kill for food,we kill for revenge-does that not make US the REAL monsters?"

Littlefoot remained silent while she spoke,when she ended with sobbing he reached out his neck and rubbed her head with his. "Nahla,don't're right in a way we are no better then they are. In a perfect world,no one would need to kill to survive,but such a world does not exist..I am just concern what will happen if the others find out about Chomper. Sharpteeth are threats here,and you're helping one. You might be seen as a traitor".

"I'm not a traitor" the girl answered with a bitter snarl "I just have a heart"

"Whats gotten into you?" Littlefoot questioned "You're not acting like yourself,normally you're the last one on earth to take something seriously,and here you are taking full responsibility for what I must admit,is the weirdest thing I have ever seen. How do you expect to feed a sharptooth? Considering they eat...well you can't just get him to eat greenfood"

Naha stalled for a moment glancing around "He can eat ground crawlers and buzzers for now..until we can figure out what to do with him"


"Yeah,you are going to help me with this aren't you?" the glanced quickly over to the now sleeping sharptooth and and turned back to Littlefoot with pleading eyes "Please help me,Littlefoot. I need your support for this"

Littlefoot looked down to the ground before looking up and smiling "Nahla,you had my support all along,you're right we can't blame him for how he is born,that would be like someone blaming us for being longnecks. Even if this ends up going very badly,I'll stay by your side. Friends do not give up on friends,no matter how crazy the plan...I must admit I'm surprised you trusted me with this secret with me"

"I trust you,though sometimes you drive me crazy your heart is in the right place. Even when I'm being and I quote Tara 'worlds most annoying brat' you still stick with me,I admire your loyalty,where ever your crazy ideas lead you,I will follow"

"Thanks,Nahla" glancing quickly up to the sky he gritted his teeth "We really should of been back by now..tell you what. You stay here,I'll just tell them you wanted to be alone today,I'm sure they'll understand..I'll do your duties today..and you stay here and try and figure out what to do with,Chomper...because you must admit..he can't stay here. Shujaa will never go for it..nor will anyone actually"

"I know...I know...thanks,tell them I'll be back in time for the meeting this afternoon"

"I will,you figure out a plan and you can tell me after dinner tonight. I promise not to tell everyone what you're really doing"

"Thanks,Littlefoot. Now get out of here" Nahla chuckled before remembering something "Also,I promise I won't tell anyone how you sneak off at the crack of dawn...maybe...if your kind to me"

Littlefoot shook his head a slight smile on his face before running off,hoping no one was looking for Nahla or him. Arriving back panting out of breath,he sighed with relief. Everything seemed okay,it was like he and Nahla never left. With a smile the young longneck went to rejoin his family when a voice cut him short.

"And where have you been,young Littlefoot?"

Skidding to a stop Littlefoot mentally groaned,bracing himself he turned with a forced smile to the one who spoke. "Oh hi,Shujaa" Littlefoot greeted the old leader chuckling "Umm...nowhere"

"Don't lie to me,where have you been?" though Shujaa was caring and protective of all the longnecks in the mountains,he was quite stern when it came to the children. If the parents wouldn't discipline their children-he would. Already he saw Littlefoot and Nahla as mischief makers,they had a lot to learn and Shujja was going to make sure they learnt it.

"I just went for a walk..I didn't go very far. Honest"

The old male frowned "And,Nahla? Where is she?"

"Oh umm..she uh...wanted to be alone...I think because she came from a really tiny herd,having to live here all of sudden is overwhelming"

Shujaa's expression soften,he could understand that "I am sorry Nahla feels that way,but it gives her no right to just ignore her duty and take off without telling anyone where she is going"

"I know..she does mean to worry anyone,I'll cover for her today. She'lll be back for the meeting though,she just has to figure something out"

"What out?" the leader was back to frowning "You're not being honest with me are you?"

Dammit Littlefoot mentally slapped himself "I promised Nahla she can trust me,she has given me her trust.I will not be disloyal to my friend even to the leader. I am sorry,Shujaa I can't tell you"

"Being true to your friends is important,but so is everyones safety. I won't force the information out of you-but remember this." the adult lowered his head to Littlefoot's level and stared him in the eyes "Secrets and safety do not go to together,I don't want to see you or Nahla get hurt nor will I allow everyone else to be in danger because of a promise two children made to each other. If anyone is in any danger what so ever,I want you to report it to me at once,no matter who you promised you wouldn't-do you understand?"

"Yes,sir" Littlefoot replied flatly staring at the ground.

"Good" Shujaa rose his head and began turning and walking away as Shorty joined Littlefoot.

"What was that all about?" the green longneck asked "What you do to get in trouble with Shujaa?"

Littlefoot glared at Shorty "I am not in trouble,he was just asking where I went and where Nahla is. It's been sorted,now if you mind I got things to do" the child brushed past the older longneck without another word.

Shorty watched him leave a confused look spread across his face. Maybe the Mountain life is getting to him. It didn't take long for the newcomers to discover Mountain life was far from relaxing. It felt like your days were chosen for you,like you were a mindless zombie obeying orders. Everyone had to do something,if you didn't do anything you were kicked out. Everyone earned their right to stay here. The lifelong residents found it a great life.

It drove the newcomers insane. They felt trapped by the mountain walls,robbed of the lives they wanted for themselves,they didn't belong here. They belonged in the Great Valley,their family past was coming back and trapping them but they had no choice. They couldn't just walk away from the ones who so willingly let them into their home with questioning just because they didn't agree with their way of life.

Besides it has only been a few days,they were used to a carefree life and now they had to work for their survival,out here there was no Great Wall to protect them from the predators of the outside world,they had to be alert at all times.

Though they now lived here-would the mountains ever truly be 'home'?


"We shall arrive either late today or early tomorrow"

Cera looked up with a frown,for days she and the others have been blindly following this mysterious longneck who was seemingly called 'Doc'. Appearing from nowhere,Doc claimed to know their missing friends and knew where they were,he also came with the claim someone from Littlefoot's family sent him. Cera knew something was right,something about this was not normal,what she didn't know but she wanted to find out.

She would find out,no how long it took her. She was going to find out what was going on.

"So we are nearly are where Littlefoot and Nahla are?" Ducky asked

"Yep,they'll sure be surprised to see you's,no doubt"

Cera's eyes narrowed "But I thought someone from Littlefoot's family sent you to come get us,so why would they be surprised to see us? Wouldn't they KNOW we are coming?"

Doc paused for a moment-did these darn kids have to question everything. Boy I miss the days when kids were seen but not heard. "Easy,his family knows your coming but they haven't told Littlefoot or Nahla,you get to surprise them"

"OOooh,that make sense!"

Cera glared at the owner of that voice. Damm you Petrie,you're so gullible. This guy has been leading us on from the start,I just know it. Clearing her throat she questioned Doc again "Why is Littlefoot's family..if thats who REALLY sent us,get you to come get us anyway? How did they know we were coming to look for Littlefoot? Hmm?" Cera smirked,she knew she had caught Doc off guard.

"Uhh..that didn't tell me why they wanted you..." Doc answered after some hesitation. Well what was he supposed to say? 'Well,Littlefoot's dead ancestor had been watching you and told me to come get you and bring you to where Littlefoot and Nahla are because Nahla's dead ancestor told HIM to'? No he couldn't,like they would believe him anyway. He knew the three-horn already had doubts about him. Without even looking back at the children he spoke again "But hey,if you don't want to see Littlefoot. You're free to turn around now and go back home,does not affect me"

Cera narrowed her eyes further,this was making her more and more suspicious. Should she just leave? Could she really trust this guy? They have no idea who he really was,where he was leading them or what his motives were. For all they knew he would be some kidnapper,or murderer or worse-both. No,she was going to stay. She was going to find out the truth.

Yes,that was what she was going to do.


Chomper chased after a buzzer,snapping at it with frantic attempts to capture it. When he once again missed the small sharptooth walked back up to the longneck he clearly thought was his mother,nudging her with his head he tried to get her attention.

Nahla snapped back from her thoughts and into reality,looking down at the sharptooth she sighed "I don't know what to do,I'm not your I don't even know how to take care of a baby all together...I'm just a kid we are very different species,you should be being looked after by other sharpteeth..I should be back with MY family"

The sharptooth however,didn't understand one bit of what Nahla was telling him he just nudged the longnecks side again,he was hungry.

Nahla knew she had to find him some food...somehow. Looking around,Nahla gritted her teeth before getting up and walking over to a near by hollow log. Knowing there were normally crawlers under these kind of things,Nahla threw her whole weight against it,it didn't seem to budge for what seemed like forever until it suddenly lunged forward and Nahla not prepared for the sudden movement found herself with a face full of dirt. "Stupid log" the girl muttered under her breath raising her head and smile "Bingo. Nahla was right,right in front of her face was a whole supply of in Nahla's opinion disgusting,slimy Crawlers. "Gross..." the girl muttered standing up "I will never understand Sharpteeth...".

Chomper sniffing to the 'food' joined her by her side,without a moments thought he dug in,glancing up at his 'mother' he grinned,what was left of the crawler he just devoured falling out of his mouth. The rest of the crawlers did not stand a chance. Chomper grabbed and ate anything he saw moving.

"Errr...we can work on manners later" the longneck girl shuddered with disgust "Too gross...way too gross". Nahla glanced up at the sky "Oh no! I'm going to be late for the meeting" she looked back at Chomper who did not even seem to notice her "Don't go anyway,I'll be back later" the longneck bolted off.

Crap...I am in so much trouble...and worse I'm most likely going to make Littlefoot look like a liar...dammit going as fast as physical ability would allow,Nahla ran. She knew she was already late,in deep trouble.

I'm so dead..I'm so dead...I'm so dead...I'm

"Nahla" a voice broke through Nahla's thoughts as Tara came into her view.

Nahla skidded to a stop,she gulped seeing the furious look on her sisters face "Hi,Tara" she chuckled. Yep..I'm so dead alright.

"Where the hell have you been?! You have thrown everyone into panic,Littlefoot told us you would be back by now but when you didn't show up and we questioned him he refused to tell us-do you realize the trouble BOTH of you are causing? We ain't here for fun Nahla we are here to survive. You can't just keep running off like that,we can't keep looking out for you and only you. Anything could of happened to you being out here by yourself!" Tara whipped her tail back and forth in fury.

"I'm sorry.." Nahla said quietly backing off "Please don't be mad"

"Oh I'm not mad. I'M FURIOUS...but if you think I'M mad,wait until you see the others. Namely Shujaa and and Mother".

"Look I can explain...please Tara..."

Tara glared down at her sister "Right now you have a LOT of explaining to do,come along!" without giving Nahla a chance to reply she spun around and stormed back the way she came.

It's no fair..just because I'm smaller then them everyone thinks they can push me around the younger girl thought with anger screaming in her mind but followed without a word,bracing herself for what ever was to come.


"Both of you-sit"

Littlefoot and Nahla settled themselves down with their heads hung,in front of them stood a furious Shujaa.

"Do you realize the trouble both of you cause?" he snapped at them "YOU!" his focus became Nahla "Run off without telling anyone where you are going,you do not know where you are going. Something could of happened to you,and we would never find out or not find out until it's too late-last thing any of us will want is to face your Mother over there,look her in the eyes and tell her your dead. Because we didn't get there fast enough and it was too late to save you" he paused to take a breath "We have these rules set not to be mean,not to stop you from having fun but for your own protection"

"I'm sorry,Shujaa" Nahla replied quiety "I didn't mean to cause any trouble,honestly.."

"I do not want to hear it" Shujaa snapped back at her before turning to Littlefoot "And you,how come you lied? You know what Nahla was really doing don't you?"

"Yes,sir..." the young male child admitted.

"Oh,then how come when you were questioned about it,you refused to tell us?"

"He was being a good friend" Nahla answered for him "I made him promise not to tell anyone..don't punish him,Sir"

The old make scoffed "Actually,you're both will be facing punishment. You've got to learn,do you think just letting you run off will teach you anything?!" Shujaa had calm down a little bit,but his temper was still fuming. It had only been a few days and these new children were already causing chaos.

"And you think threatening and yelling at them will? Well it may teach them something but the only thing it will teach them is to hate this Tribe and this place" Grandma stormed up and stood in front of them children,she had enough of standing there and watching Shujaa talk to her grandson that way,the leader or not. He had no right.

Shujaa narrowed his eyes "What do you think you are doing?"

"Standing up for my grandson and his friend,you think I was going to stand there and watch you terrify them?" Grandma was not planning on backing down anytime soon "Yes what they did was wrong,but you think threatening and terrifying them will solve anything? They have just came from a life where they could live carefree,in a closed in protected valley. They won't just suddenly change over night,you can't throw them into this new lifestyle and expect them to act they have lived their whole lives this way!" Grandma did not care who she was speaking too,nobody she she means nobody talks to anyone she cares about in that manner. Quickly glancing back at the children behind her she backed off a bit so she was no longer right in Shujaa's face "They did not ask for this,they did not ask to be part of the lost families. They gave up everything they knew and loved to do this. So don't you dare talk to them like that again. After the sacrifice they made for this Tribe-you treat them like this?! Leader or not Shujaa,I will not allow you to talk to them in such a manner,they are children for goodness sake-CHILDREN!" she took a deep breath to calm herself but did not move from her spot nor did she take her eyes off Shujaa in front of her.

The old male just shook his head "All I was,was teaching them a lesson-"

"Yes you were" Grandma interrupted "You were teaching them to hate this place,to be miserable. Think about it,try and see it through their eyes. If you were them and being treated like that would you start thinking this place is not a very pleasant place? Would you just be wishing you could go back home and never come back here? They have barely settled in and you're already trying to control their lives" she rose her tail to signal silence when Shujaa opened his mouth to speak "I understand what you're tyrying to do,but please leave that to us. We are perfectly capable of rasing our children ourselves,you should be worrying about running this Herd or Tribe what ever name you want to slap on it. Not worrying about trying to raise our children the way you want to raise them. To be honest I would not blame them one bit if they hate this place by now. None of my family or the family of young Nahla feels at home here,but we sticking to it for everyone elses sakes,even when they have barely done a thing for us-give me one good reason why we should stay"

The older leader could not believe this,it was against all law and custom to argue with the leader,though in the Mountains the leader was not fully in charge as a complete ruler over everything,it was still considered a wrong. One was meant to put trust and faith in the leader to guide them,and here this female was speaking to him like he was some longer who just wandered in "Listen,around here we do speak to our leader in such a manner"

"Oh? And it's okay to speak to young children who just had everything they always known ripped to them in such a manner?"

"Oh for crying out loud,children need to learn what they can and can't do. If you keep defending them like this everytime they do something wrong,they'll start thinking they can just get away with what they want".

Nani decided to step in now "Yes,we are aware of that but the last time I checked it was normally the parents job to raise their children. Not someone the children have only known for a few days. We do not want to start a fight,but please we ask you to back off. Let us deal with the children,we know what they can handle and what will just break them. You don't teach a child anything by breaking their spirit"

"Don't worry,we'll see to it. But please let us do it,besides I have more important things to do" Grandma said growing calm once more "I am sorry for shouting at you,I just refuse to allow anyone to treat my grandson like they can control his life. Children will be children,I doubt you were perfectly behaved when you were a child"

Shujaa sighed in defeat "No,I was actually no better then Littlefoot and Nahla are" he admitted with a small chuckle "You sure do defend those youngsters,even going so far as shouting at your leader. But I understand,I myself have children. Though they are of course all grown up now with children of their own. Alright,I'll leave it to you to talk to them. Just don't make this arguing with me thing a habit-you hear? You may win this time,but I'm still the leader. You's are inexperienced newcomers,you's still got a lot to learn about how things work around here" with a nod of his head and began turning before stopping for a moment he turned his head "Oh and about not feeling at home here-leave that to me" with that said he left them knowing there was no point in arguing over something like this any longer when there was more important things he should be tending too.

Littlefoot and Nahla had watched the whole thing in silence,the two glanced at each other and back at the retreating leader,Littlefoot was the first to speak "We are really sorry..we didn't want to cause trouble,honest"

"We know you didn't do it on purpose,but what you did was wrong. You two sent the whole Tribe into panic,we had no idea what could of happened to Nahla we thought she was injured or possibly killed when she didn't return. And Littlefoot you refused to tell us what was going on when questioned. I know you were trying to keep a promise you made her,but what if something was wrong? What if she was injured or in any kind of danger? We would of never found out,I admire your loyalty Littlefoot,but sometimes I fear that will also be your downfall" Grandma gave them a small smile before continuing "Keeping trust is good,but you must know when to break a promise for safety. If Nahla was ever in real danger,I am sure she'll rather have you break a promise then end up dead because you didn't tell us where she was. Thats why they say sometimes the littlest promises can be the most dangerous things in the world"

"We won't do it again,I'm sorry I was the one who told him to not tell anyone" Nahla spoke up for the first time since Shujaa left her head slightly hung.

"But it's true..I mean you could of been in real danger and I refused to tell anyone where you were..I was worried when you didn't come back,because your my friend..I would never forgive myself if you got hurt or killed because of a stupid promise and I could of prevented it" Littlefoot said more to Nahla personally then everyone as a whole "We are both at fault"

Jenna joined them "We won't punish you further,I think you both learned a lesson. We are not in the Great Valley anymore,we have to be more aware out here. Theres nothing here thats really stopping from Sharpteeth coming in and out,and we can't cover every inch of this place to check for them. We don't mind you exploring,but please at least tell us where you're going,or better yet have someone older go with you either one of the adults or even Shorty or Tara,do you's understand?"

"Yes,Mother" Littlefoot answered nuzzling his mother happily on her leg,he truly had the greatest mother in the his opinion anyway,Nahla's opinion begged to differ.

"I understand as well" Nahla added with a small smile before walking behind her own Mother's leg "Sorry for worrying everyone".

"No real damage done,don't be so distressed about it,we'll go back to camp and you can both tell everyone you're sorry. You didn't cause any physical damage but you did cause a lot of chaos,we had to postpone the meeting to look for Nahla. And I'll warn you,that has not made many very happy,but a meeting is easy to move to another day but looking for a lost child is something that should never be postponed" Nani nudged her daughter as she spoke "Now come along now,you both must be hungry

Nahla followed the group silently before with a jolt she remembered something-Chomper. The question was how could she get back there? She could just tell them she is going to where she left him,she just won't say WHY she was going there.,,but that might raise suspicion. She pulled up to Littlefoot's side "What about Chomper?" she whispered in his ears.

Littlefoot stared at her startled for a moment but remembering what she meant before whispering his reply,this was something they really did need to keep secret "We need to think of a way of bringing him closer to the camp,that way we won't have to travel all the way to the east of this place when we stay in the west side. It's a pain in the butt and if we keep running back and forth to the Eastern side they still start thinking something is up" he thought for a moment "There is a small carven in the forest right next to the camp,we could have Chomper stay in there until we figure something more me tonight after everyone else is a sleep,we'll go go get Chomper and be right back..though in case someone does wake up and sees us gone. We'll tell them beforehand we are planning to go on a moonlight walk through the eastern meadows...which is kinda true,we'll just not mention we'll be picking up a sharptooth in the progress"

"You forgot one important thing-they will never let us go out by ourselves at night...won't they?"

"Good point..after today there is no way they'll let us..and if we take someone they'll know we are trying to go get a sharptooth,which really will get us into trouble..then we won't tell them..or we can wait until tomorrow morning and say we are going to watch the bright circle rise..and since the bright circle rises in the East and sets in the West...we can just say we're going East a little bit to watch,and that we were curious what it would look like here with all the mountains and stuff"

Nahla nodded now understanding "Then thats what we'll do..just hope Chomper will be okay till then..."

"You find him enough food to last for the night?" Littlefoot questioned and when Nahla nodded Littlefoot spoke again "Well then I'm sure he'll be fine" he quickly looked up to check if anyone was listening,no one seemed to be paying any attention to them other then the quick glance back to check they were still there before looking seriously at the girl at his side "You do know if someone finds out we are secretly hiding a sharptooth,we'll be in huge trouble"

"I know...I know" the girl sighed "Thats why we are going to make sure no one finds out" with a flick of her tail she bounded forward again to join Tara,Littlefoot could hear her saying something along the lines of "Are you still mad at me?"

Littlefoot shook his head,he knew hiding Chomper was going to be a huge risk. He knew there was a chance his parents would return to try and find their hatchling-then what were they going to do? They couldn't exactly just have a chat and tell two fully grown sharpteeth they found Chomper as abandoned. Looking up to the sky and spoke to himself "How do I get myself into these messes?"


Ok this was the longest chapter I have ever written..see I'm improving.

Steadily but surely.

I know I did kinda day I wasn't going to have Chomper in this,but I changed my mind and change the course of future events. Don't worry,it's for the better...I hope.

However since this is AU,it was not the gang to find him. But lil old Nahla.

And about that cave..yeah there'll be more on that later.

Starting next chapter the rest of the gang will be fully active characters,though Cera does have her doubts about this whole thing as you can see.

Thanks for reading,I do work really hard on this.


  • Ruby
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I love your Descendants of the mountains story so much that I love the first chapter so much that I would like you to make a prologue that tells the story of Littlefoot's thoughts as an egg and as a baby and is being raised by his mother you named Jenna, his father named Bron, and his grandparents and is exploring the great valley.