The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Racing the Storm

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I'm thinking after we exit Zaloga, yeah. I'm on tour again until late Saturday, so posting will probably be limited to evenings from here on out.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I'm fine with that. I'm just so damn busy these days, with my new masters program. I'll just have Lily with the others once the plane trip (or however they're moving to the new world) is happening.


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So I figure a time jump soon once we get everyone basically to the same point, and then we're off and rolling to South America!

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we'll have it be 3-4 days later. this will allow marie to have her poker tournament and rose to wrap up practice for her stage role. the play wont  wont actually start performances for several months through.. since this show is on the winter season schedule and its spring right now. gives her plenty of time to go questing..
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Is everyone ready for the time jump? If so I'll move us on to Bolivia. :) I'm back from tour today but I go back on the road again tomorrow, so once again, posting'll probably slow just a tad to once a day or so while I'm out there.

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i'm ready for the jump.. going down the road of death should be an interesting- and very harrowing- experience
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Sure thing, I'm good for a time skip  :)

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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It shall be so! :)

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Apologies for some of the build up, but I do want to get SOME character development in before moving on to the next thrilling scene. :p

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I'm hoping to jump in with my character in the next day or so. Do we have a place for character descriptions, bios, etc? Or does this sort of thing just get written into a post?


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this discussion thread is a place for that..
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Yep! You can post that up right here!

Also, please note I am back on tour until Sunday, so might only be able to manage a post a day till then.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Perhaps it would be polite for us to all repost our character sheets to give yeswonderful somewhere to reference them?

Name: Lily North
Gender: Female
Age: Middle-aged, can't remember exact age
Species: Human
Occupation: Housewife
Appearance: Dark skin with dark hair, thin frame
Weapons: Mild psychic abilities, mostly the ability to heal others by transferring their wounds onto herself
Biography: In the first RP, Lily woke up in the forest stalked by the government and with no memory. She slowly learned that her body had been inhabited by a psychic being who was slowly morphing her into its old body. However in the end she escaped by transferring her conscience into a body cloned from her pre-infected DNA. Now lives with Axel as an unmarried and unofficial wife, as she is considered a dead fugitive to the government.

Name: Emilena Echo
Gender: Female
Age: 20something, biologically 8 (She was part of a program that quickly grew street orphans to tax-paying age and then indoctrinated them into government jobs)
Species: Vulpine
Occupation: Drug Runner
Appearance: rather heavyset fox, a crapton of scars from the events of the 1st RP but her orange fur covers most of them
Weapons: An "heirloom katana" gifted her in the first roleplay from Starfall's character. I wouldn't come up with a weapon that cliche on my own, trust me.
Biography: Echo was a police officer in the first RP who was put on probation for unethical behavior, outspoken anti-Augmented opinions and taking far too many liberties with the law in her one-woman war against those with cybernetic upgrades. Over the course of the RP she damages her hands and (to her disgust) was forced to Augment them, runs afoul of the mafia, unknowingly sleeps with her brother, and barely escapes the city with her life. Now she's the leader of a smalltime drug gang consisting of Nairda, Flora, and Foley, whom I believe have character sheets elsewhere in this thread.


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Name: Tony Stracci
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Ferret
Occupation: Underboss in the Stracci Crime Family
Appearance: Typical ferret, slightly shorter than average, likes to dress in 1930s garb with a vest, slacks and flat cap.
Weapons: Guns
Biography: Heir to the mighty Stracci Crime Family empire, Tony spends his days conducting family business for his father, training to succeed his father someday, and maintaining the vast collection of his father's vintage automobiles. He has a passion for those cars, and drives them any chance he gets. He previously helped the group defeat the Purifiers in Lanthae before it was destroyed, and is currently engaged in helping to locate the waypoints to Torment's Cataract.

Name: Vergil Speicher
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Species: Mutant gecko
Occupation: None/Ivitz Federation Spec Ops Agent
Appearance: Pure white skin with large, round, orange eyes and two lines of white feathers that stick out of the back of his head with the tips pointing slightly up. He's short, only about four feet in height.
Weapons: Powerful psionic abilities, energy blade.
Biography: Vergil woke up in a test tube deep inside the Purifier base with only vague memories of who he was. He assisted the group in stopping Agent Lupis and the Purifiers, but is desperately seeking to unlock his past. He's found out he used to be former Special Forces in the Federation government, and served in the former war-hero-turned-traitor Rex Sardolemuel's army. He's fascinated by Rex's life, and wants to find out Rex's motivations for turning traitor, as well as who he himself is and why he's mutated. Currently searching for Torment's Cataract.

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Welcome in, yeswonderful  :)

Name: Axel Whent
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Species: Rat
Occupation: Computer technician
Appearance: White fur, tall and lanky. Augmented arms (that don't give extra strength) and eyes. Scarring near his eyes and nose.
Weapons: Whatever he can get his hands on, not exactly an expert.
Biography: After being in a car crash when he was 17, he lost his arms and eyes and had to have them replaced with augmentations. Skilled at working with electricals, and would sometimes help Soren with his work on augments.  After helping to rescue Lily, she and Axel live together as an unmarried couple. Now trying to help Vergil find Torment's Cataract.

Name: Triste Aceyl
Gender: Female
Age: 34
Species: Spider Gecko
Occupation: Agent for the Ivitz Federation
Appearance: Short, just over four foot. Slender. Light green skin, with a red, diagonal stripe across her face. Long, slightly spindly limbs.
Weapons: Proficient with guns and hand-to-hand combat, but normally relies on the use of a curved tactical knife.
Bio: Trained as a soldier in the Ivitz Federation from a young age, Triste was brought up to believe that the Federation came first, always. Augmented with the ability to bend light around her body and turn invisible, she's also had an implant in her brain which gives her the ability to communicate with and access the data of the entire Ivitz Federation's defense network. Now one of the top agents, she's been sent to out into Corona to track down Vergil, to help find Torment's Cataract.

Name: Rio Chato
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Species: Human
Occupation: Drug runner, thief
Appearance: Thin, short, looks young for his age. Shoulder length black hair, tanned skin.
Bio: After running away from his abusive parents, Rio spent his time growing up on the streets of the slums. With his natural agility and skill in free running, at the age of 10 Rio was noticed and offered work by a local drug lord who called himself Slate. In exchange for food and shelter, he would transport Slate's product across the slums, using his outward appearance as a natural disguise to evade detection. After trying to steal money from the Chinese mafia, Rio was forced to leave the slums and hid with Axel and Lily, eventually joining Emilena's gang.


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Name: Ruozheng "Rory" Zhao

Age: 31

Species: Human

Augmentations (Cybernetic): Class 3 augments for both arms. Right arm contains built-in 5.56 mm automatic rifle, left arm contains short vibroblade capable of shearing through steel and concrete. Both arms possess strength and flexibility in excess of Human baseline. Skeleton is not reinforced so arms cannot be used to full capacity in lifting or striking.

Augmentions (Genetic): None

Bio: His parents were "Mountain Masters" (Dragon Head, i.e. crime boss) of the Bak Long (White Dragon) Triadsóa powerful Chinese criminal syndicate in the city of Lanthae. His parents wanted him to have a normal life ó and get a college education he could further use to help the White Dragon Triads. He never had much of a taste for school and spent his youth cutting class, fighting, commmitting petty crimes and doing ó or dealing ó drugs. He is eventually expelled from school after attacking another student. Drifting between menial labor jobs, he is eventually sentenced to prison for fatally shooting someone in a street fight. Even though he is guilty, his parents bribe the judge to rule it a justified self-defense shooting.

He is released and his parents eventually decided to formally induct him into the White Dragon Triads as a 49er (rank-and-file member). He got augmented after a group of Augment street thugs beat him into a coma in the process of robbing him as he felt it would be necessary to ensure his safety.

He rises through the ranks and eventually becomes a "Red Pole" (enforcer) where he specializes in black marketeering ó specifically in drugs and counterfeit electronics.

After Lanthae's destruction, the Bak Long Triads relocate their operations in Corona where they have now added working as mercenaries for corporate interests in addition to drugs and counterfeit electronics.


Name: Doctor Tsing "Thomas" Jiang

Age: 44

Species: Human

Augmentations (cybernetic): total ocular replacements that grant him zoom-in capability and ability to see outside normal Human visual range (UV and infrared). Both hands are class 1 augments with fingers capable of changing size and becoming magnetized at will. Processors in the hands eliminate hand tremors.

Augmentations (genetic): More efficient detoxification pathways in liver and kidneys, resulting in heightened resistance to drugs and poisons.

Bio: Born to a wealthy Chinese immigrant family who had a stake in Tsun Wan Industrial Electronics ó a Chinese electronics megacorporation, he had the best education available. He graduated high school and college with the highest honors possible. He eventually earned his Ph.D in neuroscience with his thesis on brain-machine interface for remotely controlling vehicles. He then went to medical school where he earned his Cy.D (Doctor of Cybernetics, licensing him to implant, remove and repair cybernetics).

However, he operated in Palladia and was not authorized to implant class 3 augments. One day, his greed and curiosity overtook him and he agreed to implant a class 3 arm for three million creds. As was the law, he told the augmentee to come back after twenty-four hours and then schedule an appointment.

The next day, he was shocked to find several cops waiting for him at his office. It turns out he had gotten caught by a sting operation to find and shut down illegal implanters of augments. Facing several years in jail, he forfeits his entire operation and license to the Palladia PD in exchange for a jail sentence.

He then flees to Lanthae where he opens a back alley augmentation clinic. Despite it being called a "back alley clinic", it is just as clean and professional as a legit augmentation clinic. However, unlike a legit clinic, he doesn't care if the augmentee is licensed to possess an augment before he implants it ó or for that matter, if the augmentee legitimately obtained the augment.

Upon Lanthae's destruction, he fled the city to whereabouts unknown. However, it is rumored that he found work for a less than reputable company as their in-house cyberneticist.


Name: Muyee "Marion" Wu

Age: 38

Species: Human

Augmentations (Cybernetic): cermet lacing on bones rendering them nearly unbreakable, class 3 augments for both arms (left arm: modular weapons hardpoint; right arm: plasma cutter hidden inside forearm; both limbs are superhumanly strong), class 2 augments for both legs (superhumanly strong, can reconfigure into a "hoof" for fast running, retractable grappling claws/cutting spurs on the feet)

Augmentions (Genetic): None

Bio: Her parents (both of them former military) immigrated from Shanghai when she was child. She was an average student through high school and college. She eventually earned a Master's degree in mechanical engineering and she briefly worked at Shockley Electronic Works, a small augment repair shop in the edges of Corona. One day, while she was on her lunch break, some unknown suspects bombed the store, killing all six employees inside. The damage was so severe that the owner could not afford to replace all the losses. Desperate, she worked several menial labor jobs ranging from janitor to stevedore at the docks.

One night, while unloading cargo at the Corona Port, one of her co-workers (who was slightly tipsy at the time) begins flirting with her. Refusing to take "no" for an answer ó and fueled a few too many beers ó the worker eventually gets quite aggressive. In desperation, she takes a swipe at him. Unfortunately for the man, she is wearing a powered exoskeleton intended for moving very heavy loads. The blow connects with his head, crushing his skull and instantly killing him. Horrifed, she calls the police.

Even though it is ruled a justified act of self-defense and she is cleared of all charges, she loses her job at dockyards (no one wants to work with someone who just killed their coworker). She eventually finds a job teaching a vocational training program at a local college.

After a few years as an instructor, she is approached by some recruiters from Zaloga Cybernetics and offered a job as a quality control technician at one of their factories. Attracted by the job, she agrees to an interview.

She gets the job and is quite happy with it. A year into her job, a tragedy occurs. Unbeknownst to her, she attracted the attention of  Serami Heavy Industries ó in a bad way. A small strike team is dispatched to take her out and they plant a bomb in her car.

When she starts up the motor, the bomb detonates. She manages to survive but loses all her limbs, the majority of her bones are broken and she is severely disfigured by the burns. She opts for cybernetic limbs instead of vat grown limbs from her own cells.

At the hospital, surgeons and cyberneticists quickly work to repair the damage sustained from the bomb. Her bones are repaired and strengthened via an injection of nanomachines. Her limbs are replaced with basic class 1 augments. Cosmetic surgery manages to repair the most severe burns but it is not perfect; despite being in her early 30s, she looks like someone in their mid 50s.

After several months of physical rehabilitation, she returns to work as a show of defiance. Later, her boss tells her about a lucrative promotion in the company ó corporate security trooper. The pay is nearly quadruple that of her current job. Enticed, she accepts.

The next year involves licensing for class 3 and class 2 augments, classroom time, training and live fire exercises. At the end of it, she becomes a member of Zaloga Cybernetics's Company Security Squad.

As of now, she has served with the squad for three years.


Name: Soren Almaya

Age: 35

Species: Human

Augmentations: None

Appearance: Medium build. Brown eyes, black hair, tan skin, almost always dresses casually.

Biography: A cyberneticist by day, but an avid tinkerer by night. He makes his living repairing and modifying external augmentations like artificial limbs. Ironically, despite being so intimately familiar with augments, he refuses to get one himself as he is afraid of surgery.

He had heard of "The Purifiers" before, but he dismissed them as obnoxious cranks. That all changed when his workshop was looted and everything in it destroyed. He immediately knew who was guilty thanks to the cracked gear emblem scrawled on the wall.

Having served a vital role in the destruction of the Purifiers, he lost everything he had with Lanthae's destruction. Upon moving to Corona with his new roommates Rose, Marie and Marita, he opened an augment repair shop in the shared apartment.


Name: Aaron Geasbrecht

Age: 41

Species: German Shepherd

Augmentations: None

Appearance: A tall and very solidly built German Shepherd. He has brown eyes and tan fur. Almost always dresses in flannel and blue jeans.

Biography: A former construction worker who had his job replaced by an augmented person. Despite protests, he was let go. It was this moment that he felt resentment towards the augmented, feeling that they were taking jobs from honest, hardworking unaugmented beings. What finally drove him over the edge was that his own son had announced that he was going for augmentation surgery. Fuming, he severed all ties with him. Later that night, he read an article about a anti-augmentation protest by "The Purifiers". This eventually leads him into the ranks of this organization.

When he was with the Purifiers, he served mainly as a low-lever operative. His claim to fame was when he partnered with Marcus and raided Pelvanida Cybernetics for the parts required for the powerful EMP bomb that the Purifiers detonated in Lanthae. He escaped Lanthae's destruction but was later lynched by a group of irate Pelvanida employees. The suspects were never brought to justice.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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What a weekend this has been. Getting this up much later than expected. Just some basic information. I prefer to create and reveal more in-story, as it feels more organic to me, so this is just a basic description.

Name: Kaien

Species: human female

Appearance: In her mid to late 30s. Tall and slender with skin the color of roasted coffee beans. Quick, dark eyes and close-cropped black hair. Strong build. Augmented left hand, arm, shoulder, and left side of pectoral girdle. Class of augmentation currently unknown--will be revealed as the RP progresses.

Background: Unknown at the present time. Will be revealed as the RP progresses.


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Name:Marita Jones
 Age ; 25
 Species; Great Dane
 Augments none
 Bio:  a stellar student in school, Marita gradates at the top of her class and majors in computers and technology.. got hooked on the extremely addictive drug biproxytol in her teens years and was forced to become a computer hacker to raise enough money to support her habit. through  hard effort and willpower she manages to kick her addiction and lived a quiet life in Lanthae until  a  officer named Emilena blackmailed her into assisting her by holding evidence of her former girlfriend Roses addiction over her. Marita managed to get rose out of the seedy strip club, the Black sheep, just  before it was burned to the ground. Together with m\Marie Roses co-worker, and allied with Soren  Vergil  Tony and a number of others, they managed to survive the Purifer onslaught-- barely. currently living with marie and Rose alone with Anne and soren in a apartment.
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