The Gang of Five
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Racing the Storm

Pterano · 1020 · 91828


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Vergil jumped alert at the sound of the knock, his heart racing. OK... he was overreacting. Trying to collect himself, the gecko moved to the door whilst smoothing his feathers back subconsciously. He wasn't even aware he had done it (and of course, his feathers didn't really get smoothed back, as they popped back to their swept back and slightly upright position), and hustled to get the door open. Stopping himself just before he did so, Vergil finally pulled it back and smiled as he saw Triste on the other side, then tried to get somewhat serious.

"Ahem... I was waiting, but I'm glad you're here now." he said, the smile returning to his face. "So... whatcha got?" he asked, stepping aside and motioning for her to come in.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily had been spending a lot of time since they got back sitting at the kitchen table and staring out the window.

"Axel..." she said. "We need to find Ejlert. If he's anything like the other children, he's not suited to surviving on his own. Denny implied that he was 'smarter' than the others, and in that case he may help us rescue the others. Denny will have called the police by now, and Rio's right, there's not much we could do to fight Denny head on, especially since I'm supposed to be dead."

She took a deep breath. "That house had a lot of Ejlert in it. I could sense what he had to go through...and if I got the chance I think I could sense him again. I've got these psionic powers, might as well put them to good use."


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(Corollis Clinic)

Anne's group session had been finished. Thanks to the effect of the drug withdrawl, her hands began to tremor.

Her door clicked as a nurse entered and gave the mare her the detox drugs and some water. He watched over her to make sure she swallowed the pills, even inspecting inside her mouth. When that was done, the door clicked shut as the man exited.

Anne sighed and peered through the armored window. The lights of the huge skyscrapers could be seen against the dark sky.


(Mott Place)

Soren arrived back home to his empty apartment. He had left CafÈ Verona to go shopping for a bit. In his bag were some fresh catfish filets, some algae crackers and some fruits and vegetables.

The apartment was deserted. He then noticed a note taped on the fridge:


Me and the rest of the girls are gonna visit Anne.


Soren looked out the window. Two frameflyers flitted by, a police hoverbiker in hot pursuit.

Sighing, he headed to his bedroom to do some work on some guy's badly damaged augment leg.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel nodded. "We'll find him, Lily. And we'll find some way to help the others. There's no way they can stay with that psycho." He looked down at his hands for a moment. "Did you... find anything at the house? Any clues or... or pointers where Ejlert could have gone?"


"I've got what you asked for. Why else would I be here?" Triste gave Vergil a small smile and stepped past him, looking around his apartment as she made her way further in. "Nice place. A little more... cozy that I would have expected." Walking over to the couch, she sat down and pulled off her backpack, unzipping it.

She pulled out some large, rolled up papers and dropped them onto the coffee table next to the laptop. "Plans for the building. Every floor. Should be useful for your master infiltration plan." Triste smirked, then reached in and pulled out a small stack of plastic cards, held together with an elastic band. "And security inspector identification. Identical to the real thing, and they should give us access to most areas." Pulling the band off, she spread them out on the table next to the floor plans. Each member of the team had their own card, with a small profile picture on the right, and their fake title on the left. Triste looked up at Vergil. "Remember anything else while you were waiting?"


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"Oh! Well thanks! I do try and manage on my own, after all. It's all I could afford really but... now that I'm back with you guys... guess my pay's gonna increase." Vergil smiled here as he followed her over to the couch.

Paying close attention to what she was laying out on the table, the gecko's orange eyes scrutinized it all with a new light. "Well I don't think I used that specific terminology but yes... it is a master infiltration plan." He chuckled here, unrolling some of the schematics to give them a look over. "Hmm... no schematics of the sub-levels... but not surprising, since I'm guessing Mace didn't exactly make that knowledge public." he murmured.

But what he was really pleased with were the security inspector badges. "Oh Triste! I have to say... this is above and beyond what I was expecting!" he exclaimed happily. "This'll get us anywhere we need to go, without having to worry about security too much, AND it provides us with the perfect cover!" Looking over at her now with appreciation, he let a wide smile crease his features. "Great work! I'm really gonna have to repay you for the extra thought..." he trailed off here. He knew technically this part of the job, but still, he felt she had put in an extra touch here that most others wouldn't have thought about.

"Well I haven't remembered too much more about myself, except some things here and there about Rex's meeting with his brother... his brother seems... familiar to me for some reason, but I'm guessing it's just because I was present there. I can't think of any other specific times I saw him, after all. I think we'll have to gain access to the elevators to reach the sub-levels, and I might remember how exactly to do that as well." he nodded.

Seeing everything was in order, he took a seat next to her on the couch. "Well I have to say... this is fantastic! I now know exactly how I'm going to approach tomorrow! Ahem... oh yes, can I offer you anything while you're here? Food? A drink?" he inquired, holding back for the moment until he could gauge what she wanted.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily shook her head. "No idea. I don't know if we have the proper skillset to sleuth a missing child out on our own."

She took a deep breath. "But if you remember, there was a mutual acquaintance of ours who, if you recall, used to be employed to find people. She told us so herself..."


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Axel's breath caught. "You... you don't mean..." He swallowed and leaned forwards. "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, she didn't exactly attract the best kind of attention... and besides, how would we find her? The last we saw of Emilena, she was running off  who-knows-where..."

Rio made a small noise.

Axel turned to look at him. "What?"

"Uh..." The boy stepped further into the kitchen. "Well, you just said you were looking for someone called Emilena. Do you mean Cock Eater?"

Axel smirked slightly. "No... it sounds like you're thinking of someone else..."

"Well, how many Emilenas could there be? It's not exactly a popular name," Rio tried, approaching the table and sitting opposite them. "She started up her own gang a few months ago near where I used to live, running drugs around, that kind of stuff. Come on! It's what everyone calls her, you've never heard of Cock Eater?" Rio's face grew deadly serious, and he leaned in. "Word is, when she was starting up, some guy tried to fuck her over on a deal. So she cut his dick off with some scissors and made him eat it."

The smirk on Axel's face vanished quickly. He looked at Lily. "That, ah... that actually sounds like it might be her," he said numbly as he subconsciously crossed his legs .


Triste smiled and leaned back. "I guess a drink would be nice." He doesn't remember anything about Mace. Looking down, her eyes passed over the faces of the individuals Vergil had picked to help them on the mission. "So... you actually think they're going to be useful?" she asked doubtfully. "It's just... odd. Before, you never would have wanted to work with civilians."


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"Sure!" Vergil hopped off the couch and began making his way to the small kitchen. "Well... to be fair... I had my full memory before. This group of individuals... I trust them with my life. They helped me out in Lanthae, and they're more than capable of holding their own. Sure... one or two had some rogue tendencies but... I think that's beyond us now." Vergil pulled open the door to a small wine fridge he had, and brought two glasses down to the counter top. Pulling the cork out of a red wine bottle, he smiled to himself, and poured the contents into the two glasses, the wine swirling a bit with the pouring.

"They all agreed to help, and they all realize the gravity of the situation, as well as what's riding on this mission." Taking the glasses, he walked back over to her and offered her one. "Here... to a better tomorrow... and to us." he ventured here, clinking his glass against hers and taking a hearty sip from it.

Settling in beside her, he let out a contented exhale and looked down at the notes. "Don't worry... we can rely on these guys to get the job done. They single-handedly infiltrated the Purifier base and extracted a civilian from the facility. They're good to go the distance. But..." he moved one picture of Axel to the side, revealing Tony underneath. "Ahem... I feel like maybe we should reconnect a bit before this assignment. I'd like to know more about you... and us, before we start this whole thing. You seem serious and heavily focused on your work... and that's good... but was it a mutual attraction from the start between us? Did it develop over time? Sorry... if this is too personal right now. I'm just trying to reconstruct my memories from scratch after all." he admitted. "Remembering bits and pieces here and there. Any little bit helps."

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily clicked her tongue disapprovingly. "She would pick a street name like that." She leaned in towards Rio. "I need to meet...Emilena. Would you be able to organize a meeting for me? We're old acquaintances, she might even remember me."


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(Corollis Clinic)

The door on Anne's room clicked open. The mare's ears pricked up as she turned towards the noise. There, she saw three familiar faces in hospital scrubs.

"Rose? Maria? Marita? The fuck are you doing here?" she whispered.


(Bak Long Headquarters)

Rory sighed as he looked over the paperwork. The scent of burning joss sticks hung in the air. The three 49ers had recovered his lost creds. But he just had recieved reports from his superiors that Corona was really starting to crack down on street vendors.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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paying you a visit of course' marita said stepping into the room. ' you came within a few seconds of splattering on the ground behind our apartment. they let us in because i showed my id badge, and gave me the list of drugs they have you on to detoxify your system.because you took some bad stuff. Real bad stuff..'
 we'll been called in to help save the world .. again.. seems some nut job named kalis is trying to take over the world, and we have to beat him to a ship thats the size of Puerto Rico that has the firepower to conquer the planet' marie said she took a seat by Annes Bed.' and just when we were settling in to our life here, stuff happens. i swear its like we're cursed or something..
so how are you holding up/ rose said as she took a look at Annes chart.
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(Corollis Clinic)

Anne's ears splayed as she heard what the trio were telling her. "Yeah, I knew I fucked up big time."

She turned to Rose and put her feet on the bolted down metal desk. "Not bad. Found out that a lot of the patients are Lanthaeni."

The mare then sighed as Marie relayed the news. "Again?" She gave a bitter laugh.  "Well, I'm out of the running. Good luck to you though."


(Mott Place)

Soren had just finished repairing the leg. He looked at the clock: 9:00 PM. He sighed as he put his tools away and picked up his cell phone.

He dialed his latest client's number. "Mister Batty, your leg's finished. Would you like to pick it up now or later?"

"Now!" Soren held the phone away from his ear. "Fucking hell, you don't have to shout!" he muttered.

The Human hung up and carefully strapped the augment to a trolley.

The doorbell rang as he wheeled the augment to the front door. He peered through the peephole, revealing a middle aged Green Anole.

He opened the door slightly. And the Anole began to speak. "I'm here to pick up my leg." He handed over his ID card.

"Ah yes, Roy Batty. Your leg is right here."

"Thanks for being open this late." He pulled out two credit chits and was about to pass them over when something at the far end of the stairwell grabbed his attention.

His demeanor suddenly changed. The Anole suddenly tossed the two credit chits to the Human and bolted.

"Mister Batty! Youró" Soren picked up the two credit chits that had been tossed at him. As he did so, he saw four figures clad in black armor and equipped with firearms.

He shuddered as he closed the door and bolted it. He muttered some profanities under his breath.

(OOC - Lanthaeni = inhabitant of Lanthae)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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rose patted annes face.' we'll we're not going to forget you girl.. how long before you can get out of here and get back to the apartment?
- Rose, honey she needs ti detox, like you did. the stuff shes addicted to isnt as bad as the biproxytol you were hooked on, but if its bad enough to think shes a blooming angel with wings, she needed to be sobered up..' marita said ' she turned to Anne " you'll get a  cut of whatever money we get from stopping Kalis, and you'll always have a home with us' ' you're one of us anne don't get too hard on yourself' marie said giving her a phone. fortunately there were no video cameras in patients rooms due tioo privacy concerns..
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Rio blinked. "You... you actually want to meet her?" He gulped. "Well... yeah. Yeah, I know a guy who could set up a meeting. I could find him tomorrow if you want, he used to hang out where I live."

Looking at Lily, Axel squeezed her hand slightly. "Are you sure there's no other way? This doesn't sound... well, it doesn't exactly sound safe..."


He's still hooked up on this? Triste took a sip from the wine glass and leaned back. "Well," she started, looking down at the glass and swirling it, "If I remember right, it was more of a mutual thing. We noticed each other in combat training, and since we were at the top of the class they always used to pair us together. Always used to be a draw though. You had more reach, I had more flexibility."

She took another sip, cocking her head as she stared into the distance. "So we started meeting up after training to... try and come to a clear winner." Triste smiled slightly. "But we still had the same problem."


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A thin smile spread across Vergil's lips here as Triste described the start of their relationship. "Heh... must've been quite the... 'rivalry.'" he stated here. He couldn't remember specific instances, but he certainly could picture it very easily enough in his mind.

As she described their meet-ups afterwards to try and settle on a clear winner, it was obvious to him what had transpired afterward. Most certainly there was a desire within him to re-experience it, but he was also debating if now was the right time for it. He couldn't remember if he was the aggressor or the one being seduced back then. Taking another drink from his glass, he swallowed and gazed out into the distance as well. "Well... that definitely sounds like something we need to settle at some point, wouldn't you say?" he asked here, his orange eyes moving over to her now, testing the waters. "I mean such an indecisive engagement... has to have a resolution at some point. A... 'climax' if you will." he smirked, and took another drink. "Still... thanks for the refresher... every little bit helps."

Tony was still hanging around Anne's room, having kept her company for a few hours. He was reading a book, and had just flipped the page when the trio came in. "Oh... hey again!" he said them, nodding as he closed the book after bending the corner of a page.

He listened to the exchange between the girls, and finally spoke up. "Yeah... and also, if you need anything, I wouldn't mind helping you out, Anne. No strings attached either, not for you." Drumming his claws on the book's cover, he looked over at her here. "I want to see you better, after all, and I won't spare anything in helping you get there. I'll be visiting as often as I can, whenever I'm in town." he reiterated, hoping he didn't sound too repetitive, but felt he wanted to make sure she knew he wasn't just going to leave and forget.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I'm positive," stated Lily firmly. "Rio, the sooner you can get me in touch with Emilena the better."

She crossed to her room and withdrew a can of hairspray from her bathroom cabinet. Unscrewing the bottom, she pulled out about 9000 credits*. They were the collective tips she received from a part-time job at a Chinese restaurant where she occasionally worked as a waitress. Hopefully it would be enough to sway Emilena...

(*equivalent to $900)


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you're a good guy tony' Marita said giving him a nod.' i can tell you really care about you, and given your family, you're not a guy to mess with. and she has us, as well. i'll cover the cost of her detox, so she wont have to worry about paying for anything.' Marita added giving Anne a firm look, before turning back to Tony " What's the name of the book you are reading? i ask only out of curiosity.."
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As they waited for Lily to return, Rio looked across at Axel, wide eyed. "So you actually knew her? Do you think it's true? About the dick thing?"

Axel grimaced. "No. Probably not. I hope not."

At the sound of Lily's footsteps, Rio glanced up. "I could try and set something up tomorrow. Hal... the guy I know... he always hangs out on the same corner." He saw the bundle of credits Lily was holding, and a small part of his mind noted that these two probably kept more little stashes like that somewhere around the house.

Axel's fingers drummed nervously on the table. "You know I can't go with you, I have to help Vergil. And... and I know this is something you have to do, but... promise me you won't take any risks you don't need to, Lily. Please."


"Don't worry about it," Triste said. "And you might be right. We never did find out who was on top." She grinned. "Or at least, top of the class." Triste ran her eyes over him, then looked away and straightened, finishing her glass. "But not now. We've got a long day tomorrow, and I don't want you getting... tired."


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Vergil tensed up a bit as he caught her eyes wandering over him, roving up and down his form, but it came to nothing ultimately, and he knew she was right. As fun as a fling would be right now, it wasn't the appropriate time for such things. Exhaling slightly, he finished his wine and got up, stretching his arms out behind him as he headed for the door. "No... you're right of course. I need to be on top form for this. This issue can be settled later, after all." Despite the rejection, he maintained his optimistic outlook on it, and opened the door for her.

"Thanks for the schematics and passes. It was absolutely invaluable and it'll help us for sure, tomorrow... and... thanks for dropping by in general." he told her here now, offering her a small smile. "Well... have a good night, Triste. I'll see you tomorrow at Zaloga and we'll find out what's what with the path to Torment's Cataract."

Tony waved his paw at the others now. "Oh it's nothing. Least I can do for you guys, after all. And hey! I could cover the detox without even batting an eye! Why bother spending your hard-earned cash? Let me cover it... I don't mind." Tony informed them, smiling and tapping the cover of his book with a claw.

"Ah yes... I'm reading a book entitled 'Bremen and Europa: German Speed Queens of the Atlantic.' It's about two liners made by North German Lloyd during the 30s that I would've loved to travel on. Art deco at its finest and all that." he chuckled. "Anyway, I'd be happy to cover the cost for Anne so you girls can save your funds." He got up out of his chair now and looked at the pony. "I think I'm gonna head out for the night, as we got some work to do tomorrow with Vergil, but I'll stop by as frequently as I can." Tony told her. "Not going to forget about you, after all." He shook his head here.

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(Corollis Clinic)

Anne sniffled and embraced the three women in a massive hug. Despite her being slightly shorter than Soren, her incredible strength was revealed.

"Thanks for being here for me!" She wiped away some tears. The mare then embraced Tony and lifted the Ferret clean off the ground.

Her ears then pricked up and then pinned back and her tail began to swish back and forth as she heard footsteps. She glanced around.  "Oh no, the night shift nurse is coming! You four need to hide or we're gonna be in deep shit!"


(Mott Place)

The door shook as someone knocked on it. "Open up or we're breaching the door!"

Soren peered through the peephole. It was that squad of black clad infantry. Two Primates and two Felines. Or at least he could tell from the rough shapes of their helmets and their reflective visors.

"What's your business?" he asked through the door.

"You have something that belongs to Serami Heavy Industries. Turn it over or we will recover it by force."

Soren gulped as he put the pieces together. That's why Mr. Batty was so skittish and willing to leave behind a rather expensive augment. He had stolen it, damaged during the theft and wanted a cyberneticist who wouldn't ask too many questions about it.

The locks clicked as the Human undid them and opened the door. The four armored troopers filed in.
Three of them carried H&K MP-7 subguns at the ready while one of them carried a Kel-Tec KS-CQB shotgun.

Soren undid the leg from the hand truck it was strapped to and backed away. One of the soldiers picked up the augment and placed it in a duffel bag.

"We've recovered the augment. Returning to HQ now. Recuva Leader out." The infantryman with the shotgun radioed. Soren couldn't hear the words as it was transmitted via a throat mike.

Recuva Leader then turned to Soren. "Thank you for your cooperation." The four men then marched out of his apartment, even having the courtesy to close the door after themselves.

Soren locked the door and sighed. "Remind me never to agree to repair augments from shifty looking dudes."

(OOC - Kel-Tec KS-CQB is a fictional [and much improved] version of the Kel-Tec KSG shotgun.)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.