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Racing the Storm

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Hey, don't worry," Lily smiled and ran her hand down Axel's cheek. "This is Emilena we're talking about. She wouldn't hurt an old friend."

Her eyes clouded. "Be careful yourself. I don't fully understand what you're doing tomorrow with Vergil, but its your choice to make. Those people just have no sense of self-preservation. Just leave the dangerous stuff to them, if you can..."


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That sounds really cool.I'd like to read it sometime' Marita said   before being hugged by Anne in a crushing grip. when alerted that the night nurse was approaching, she leaned in and locked lips with anne. ' night anne" she said after a few seconds in which she had rubbed tongues with the mare.' we're headed out , once the nurse leaves. ' rose gave anne a good night kiss as well, and marie was the last to lock lips with her. the girls then opened the closet in the room and snuck behind a large crate of supplies.
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(Corollis Clinic)

Anne quickly slid under the covers and pretended to be asleep.

The nurse came in and looked around the darkened room. Seeing as everything was in order, she exited and shut the door.

The mare opened one eye as she listened to the footsteps fade away.

She got out of bed and rapped on the door. "You and Tony better leave before the nurse comes back," she whispered.


(Mott Place)

Soren got out of the shower and put on his pajamas. As he got into bed, he wondered exactly what tomorrow was going to bring. All he hoped was that it didn't bring him to meet Emilena.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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rose nodded to anne. ' thanks for letting us visit Anne, we'll be in touch ' she said ' as the girls waved goodbye to anne, and headed out the door, sneaking out past the front desk without being stopped. ' we'll see you soon tony ' marita said once  they were safely outside.' Have a good night ' she said.' and thanks for picking up the tab for Anne, its a very generous gesture on your part.
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"Right! We're outta here, then! It was good seeing you again, Anne!" Tony told her, noting her strength in lifting him off the ground. "Heh... take care of yourself, and I'll see you again soon!" Grabbing his book, he paused as he noted the rather intimate kisses passing back and forth between the trio and Anne. He stared wide-eyed, a big "what the hell" look on his face.

He was about to say "Oh yeah, sure, no problem. I'm paying for her because you know, I care a lot. Sure, I tried to bed her whilst hyped up on pain meds but... the feelings lingered." Now he was just crashing and burning inside worse than a loaded 747 crashing to Earth. So much for his shot at this... damn... struck out again. But when did this happen? He wasn't even aware the trio had feelings for Anne! Luckless in love... that was him all right.

Swallowing hard, he darted out of the room now and gave a quick "Yeah I'll be sure to loan it to you sometime!", he acted as casually as he could, whistling to himself as he sauntered down the hall and towards the building exit. He acted like he belonged there, and it worked. No one stopped him on his way out to the Delahaye, and it was over and done with before anyone could think twice about the strangely well-dressed ferret in the clinic. What he didn't show anyone was the fact he was fighting back tears, which only rolled after he'd gotten into the car and drove off.

The Next Day

Vergil stood outside the corporate headquarters of Zaloga and glanced at his watch. The others should be arriving soon. He'd caught the metro here, not yet owning a car in Corona due to lack of real income. Behind him, the towering headquarters of Zaloga rose up like a black castle perched high atop a cliff.

Like the points on a compass, Corona's Cronin Plaza (which was a cross shape) contained a massive corporate headquarters building at each of its four ends. Zaloga stood at the southern end, and was the second tallest building in the plaza. It was like a layered mountain, built in a stepped back design; waterfalls tumbled from its various pinnacles and splashed into pools on lower levels from which trees and grass sprouted like makeshift botanical gardens. Part of its architecture was literally designed to make it look like it was a building molding with a giant crag. It was certainly one of the more architecturally stunning buildings in Corona.

The west end of the plaza was taken up by the smallest of the buildings (though that wasn't saying much given the height on each): Serami Heavy Industries' headquarters. Heinz Dupette Serami may have been modest in his choice of headquarters, but he was miles ahead of his next closest competitor, Derami Enterprises, whose headquarters stood at the east end of the plaza. Serami's building was mostly glassy in appearance, a pale blue exterior reflecting all around it on a sunny day. Derami's building across from Serami was a plain black affair, all militaristic and spartan. It was practical, and as it stood taller than Serami's building, rumor had it that Derami stood at the top of his tower looking down with envy at his much more successful rival.

Finally, the most ostentatious and overly showy building on the plaza was Judaken Industries' headquarters. Standing at the north point, it was like a giant sword rising out of the ground. Constructed of a crystalline substance, it reflected pinks and greens rather well in the sunlight. It was over a mile high, and surrounded by four smaller "turrets" as it were. Small was a relative term though when it came to Judaken. Nothing about his presence was small. The building resembled a space shuttle in its shape in a vague sense, but looked mostly like a sword because it wasn't bulky like a shuttle.

Hearing the sound of an approaching old "burner" now, Vergil smiled as he saw a beautiful maroon and silver classic car approaching the Zaloga parking lot. The car was one of Tony's finest, a 1951 Daimler DE-36 that he had decided to drive today as it made him look like he was on official business. The car was a convertible, and as it was a pleasant, warm afternoon, Tony was driving with the top down. Honking as he pulled the big British boat into one of the spots marked as "Guest, Tony killed the engine and got out to pull the top up.

"Sweet ride." Vergil smirked.

"Yeah... the Daimler's always been one of my personal favorites. I almost always use it on business trips. Serves to show I'm a serious kind of guy." the ferret replied, looking at the gecko. "And we're very serious today, after all." he added, with less mirth in his tone now.

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Soren was busy making some peanut butter and applesauce sandwiches for everyone. The sun shone brightly through the windows.

"So how was the visit with Anne?" he asked as he poured himself some hot tea. "Is she doing okay?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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soon after a modern hovercar powered into one of the guest spots, a couple of spaces away from tonys car, which was beautiful to look at. Marita got out of the drivers seat, rose got out of the pssenger seat and marie from the back. They were dressed in clothes that suggested  business manager or similar professional attire. ' morning Tony, morning Vergil' Rose said in a kind voice ' hope everything is going well with you. ' she added as they gathered around the ferret and gecko. 'so I take it everything is ready/ Marito asked Vergil.
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Soren drove his antique (and stolen) Fisker Karma into the parking lot. He emerged from the car and locked the door. Unlike the usual uniform he wore, he was wearing a set of khaki pants and a white, button-down shirt.

He looked around and noticed that Vergil, Marita, Marie, Tony and Rose were already present. "Good morning to you all."

The Human looked around in case someone was listening in or otherwise spying.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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The sun's heat beat down on Rio and Lily as he lead her through the grimy streets that networked their way through the sums, promising yet another boiling day. From somewhere in the distance loud rap music was being blasted from a radio, the sound echoing off the worn down buildings and alleyways coated with graffiti.

"...And the food they do there is really good! Once you pick the bug bits out I mean,"  Rio was telling Lily as they turned off from the street they'd been following and made their way down a twisting, uneven stairway. He knew he was babbling, but being able to walk through this area and talk to someone who wasn't constantly thinking about the next store to rob, or where they'd get their next fix from was... different. Nice. At the bottom of the stairway was a rusty metal gate, which lead through into a large market square. Several stalls had been set up where people were selling all sorts of things, from dubious looking food to knock-off clothing. At this time in the morning, the market was virtually empty. Rio waved at a vendor he recognised, then looked across to the far end of the square. Sure enough, a thin, dark coloured duck was leaning against the wall, his attention focussed on something he was doing on his phone. Rio pointed him out to Lily. "There he is. Same place as always." Leading her across, Rio nudged the duck on the arm. "Hey, Hal. How've you been, man?"

Hal gasped and looked quickly down to see who'd nudged him, and the alarm on his face lessened when he saw it was Rio, though it didn't vanish completely. Rio wasn't sure Hal was capable of looking relaxed. "Oh! Hi, er, hi Rio." His eyes glanced nervously over Lily before returning to the boy. His voice was strained, anxious, and his adam's apple kept bobbing visibly as the duck swallowed almost compulsively. He was small for his age, and unlike most other adults, the jittery duck didn't loom over Rio. "Hey, I, I heard what happened. With the money. What, er, what happened to you? What are you doing here?! They could, could still be looking for you!"

Rio shook his head. "It's kind of a long story. I'll tell you some other time. Look, you know Cock Eater, right? Emilena?"

Hal started. "Emilena. Emilena. She hates, hates being called that... other thing." He paused. "Yeah, I, er, I know her. Why?"

"We need to see her. It's... it's important." Rio glanced at Lily. "Just tell her Lily needs to speak with her. They used to know each other."

Hal wrung his hands nervously. "I don't know... she doesn't like being, being disturbed..." Twitching, he looked back at Lily, and something he saw in her eyes softened his expression. "Oh... okay, fine. I'll, I'll see what I can do. Just wait here. Oh jeez..." Swallowing again for good measure, the duck turned and disappeared up a narrow alleyway that led off from the market square.

Rio turned back to Lily and scratched his head. "That went well. At least we found him on one of his confident days."

 Fifteen minutes later, Hal re-emerged from the alleyway, his eyes blinking rapidly as he beckoned them over. "Come on, she, she says she'll see you."

Rio looked up at Lily and gave her an encouraging smile, then started to make his way across.


Axel payed the cab driver then stepped out. Across the street, he could see Soren, Tony and the others hanging around. He bit his lip, his tail flicking uncomfortably as he tried to stop worrying about Lily. He knew the chances of Emilena doing anything to hurt her were low, especially after all they'd done to save her but... he still wasn't comfortable with the idea of her seeking out a gang of drug runners. She'll be fine... she can take care of herself... the rat told himself firmly. Taking a deep breath, he let it out then jogged across the parking lot to where the group stood.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late!" He waved at them as he drew close. "Lily's still, ah, busy so she can't make it." Axel looked around. "Where's the other one? Er... Tistery?"

"Triste," said a voice behind him, "And I'm right here." Axel jumped, then looked behind him to see the spider gecko making her way over. She made her way around the group and stopped next to Vergil. "So you all turned up. Good." Triste looked at Vergil. "I assume you've got a plan?"


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Tony nodded at the girls but didn't say anything, and he greeted Soren with a smile. "Hey, Soren. Good to see you."

Vergil was pleased to see everyone show up. Good... he knew they had his back, and smirked as Triste suddenly put in an appearance. He nodded solemnly. "Of course I have a plan. Tony's going to have to meet with Mace to avoid arousing suspicion, but once his meeting's finished up, instead of taking the elevator down to the ground floor... he'll keep going, and meet us in the sub-level. He can also tell us if any alerts have been raised. Soren..." Vergil looked at the human here. "Since you seemed reluctant earlier, you may accompany Tony if you wish to the meeting, posing as his aide. Otherwise, the rest of us will act as if we're a security inspection detail... these..." He began handing out badges to everyone. "Will get us in as such. We're conducting a surprise inspection of Zaloga's security systems, and will be acting the part. Once we're inside, we make for the elevators, and I'll..." he paused here. "I know it'll come to me... but I'll recall how to access the lower levels once we're inside. I saw how to do it once... and I know it's there... I know I'll be able to recall it."

"Why not just ask about it?" Tony suggested, shrugging.

"Well I'm not sure anyone outside Mace knows about the lower levels. But if you want to risk bringing it up in conversation as perhaps a potential business deal... maybe a smuggling route or something..." Vergil trailed off.

"Hmmm... nah, better not." Tony shook his head.

"Now then... I don't know what we're gonna encounter down there... it may be dangerous. I think this civilization took great care to hide this waypoint... and possibly even protect it. I asked Tony to bring us some weapons, just in case. With these badges, we'll be able to bypass security carrying weapons, but all the same... I think it's best to conceal them, at least until we're down below the building. Don't want to alarm the employees unnecessarily after all." Vergil instructed.

"Right... so... without further ado..." Tony went over to the Daimler's trunk and popped it open. Help yourselves!" he declared, standing aside to reveal a weapons crate. "I obviously can't carry anything inside, so I'll probably try and hold down the exit for you guys, or join you depending on what's up down there."

"Might want to take an extra weapon for Tony then when he gets down there, and Soren if he's joining Tony." Vergil suggested. "Everyone following so far?" the gecko asked, looking the group over.

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"Nice to see you, too." He shook Tony's hand. When Triste arrived and began to speak.", he listened intently.

Soren pondered. He had enough crazy shit happen to him when he was in Lanthae. Figuring that posing as an aide would be a relatively sedate task, he agreed.

"Okay, I've got everything down. So all I do is just essentially take notes or do things like carry Tony's portfolios and other things?" he asked.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Hal led Rio and Lily into an increasingly seedy part of town. Windows were boarded up, shadowy figures loitered in alleyways, and the only sign of friendliness came from the urchins playing Kick the Can in the street.

Hal reached a boarded-up warehouse and knocked five times in a distinct pattern on a rusty door labeled 'KEEP OUT'. After a few minutes, the door audibly unclicked and someone knocked twice in response.

"Don't," Hal warned as Lily stepped forward. "This door shoots you. We use the one around the corner."

After a brief climb up a fire escape, Hal led the two of them into a dingy, cavernous room. Crates, posters and other lived-in makeshift furniture dotted the darkened expanse. It was deathly quiet.

"Hello--?" Lily said tentatively, and was immediately greeted with someone in the blackness hissing "Shhh!" All of a sudden a stagelight snapped on, revealing a thin light-haired fox with his head bowed solemnly and his hand on a microphone stand.

"Nairda!" gasped Lily, pleased to see a familiar face.

Suddenly a beat struck up from the nearby speakers, quick and base-heavy. Snapping up as if in a trance, Nairda busted some passionate raps.

What do you do when you've got a newcomer but no brains to figure them out
You're all wrapped up in the main game, you don't got time for new clout
changing the rules and rewriting the plan
throwing you on your ass harder than a Lazy Susan...

Lily couldn't stop a wry smile from playing across her face at his inane but heartfelt lyrics. A few minutes later, the rap ended and the lights rose up on the warehouse to reveal the other gang members clapping their hands. Lily quickly joined in, to which Nairda bowed and threw a rose at her feet.

Feeling encouraged, Lily stepped forward. "I need to speak to--" she paused. The only audience members were a bright fuchsia teenage canid and a human running the speaker from his laptop. Where was...

"Who dares to enter the headquarters of the Black Bullets?" Emilena hissed in her ear from the darkness to her left, making her jump.

"You know who I am," Lily responded reflexively, stepping away, "and can I say I'm incredibly disappointed in how you turned out?"

Gone was the military-style crewcut and stiffly pressed wardrobe of the Emilena Lily had known in Lanthae. This Emilena wore a tank-top and baggy sweatpants, her hair was scraggy and uncut. About the only familiar thing was her commanding and condescending attitude.

Emilena glowered back at her through bloodshot eyes indicative of casual drug use. "I thought we agreed not to see each other after last time."

"I need your help. And frankly, you need mine." Lily glanced disapprovingly at the stains on Emilena's clothes. "I recently learned that I had children before the events where we met. The oldest, Ejlert, has gone missing. I want you to help me find him."

"I don't owe you anything!" Emilena stalked around her, back hunched and muscles tensed like an animal. "The past is behind me, and I'm not interested in dredging all this shit up again!"

Lily sighed. "I thought you better than this, but fine." She withdrew the 9,000 credits from her dress pocket. "Half once you've accepted, half once you've done everything you can to find him. You don't even have to succeed."

Emilena's eyes lit up, but she maintained her poker face and sniffed derisively. "We get at least twice that much from the most basic of drug runs."

"I'm not bartering with you," Lily countered firmly, eyes narrowed.

Emilena locked eyes with her. Obviously she was used to debating with drug addicts, who were a bit easier to push around. Finally, she smiled, revealing stained yellow fangs. "You know what? Let's put it to a vote. The Black Bullets always use democracy to choose their hits. No way around it."

The human on the computer sighed audibly, and Hal bristled next to Lily. "Votes are always the same..." he whispered when Lily glanced at him. "She's got her girlfriend and boytoy who always side with her, so doesn't matter what we vote."

Lily took his wings in her hands. "Regardless, please. Vote with me here."

Beads of sweat formed on his forehead. "I, uh, vote we do it."

"Well I don't!" Emilena replied defiantly. Sliding a knife out of the seat of her panties, she began picking dirt out of her nails.

The fuchsia canid sidled up to Emilena's side. Lily couldn't quite place her species. "Neither do I," the canid fawned, wrapping her arms around her leader. Emilena ignored her and instead looked expectedly at Nairda.

Nairda stepped down from the stage, giving Lily a polite curtsy. "I vote that we assist the lovely Lily in her time of need."

"What?" gasped Emilena, flinging the purple apostle off of her. She looked ready to throttle Nairda. The final gang member, sensing an opportunity for Emilena to lose a vote, quickly chimed in "I vote yes too!"

Emilena snarled, suddenly brandishing her knife more threateningly. Lily didn't even flinch. After a few strained seconds, Emilena sheathed her knife. "Goddammit, fine." Stepping forward, she held her hand out expectedly, and Lily handed her half of the credits. Frustratedly looking for someone to display dominance over, Emilena's eyes rested on Rio. "Hey, what do you think you're doing here, tyke?" she hissed unpleasently, eyes glowing. "I never gave you permission to enter our hideout. What do you think I should do about that? I think you should should pay an...entrance fee. How about one ear?"


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marita took  a  handgun in a holster, marie and rose did as well, and latched them to the inner loops in their pants. all 3 wore the ids that identified them as security inspection. the guns were part of the security outfit. ' basically i'll run a scan of their security system, which will double as a chance to check how strong their cybersecurity is' marita said ' that shouldn't take more than a few minutes
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Axel nodded along with Soren, holstering one handgun and taking a spare. "Alright, that sounds simple enough... I guess," he said as he took his badge from Vergil. "So the rest of us get down to the lower levels, and then what? Do you know what we'd be looking for? How these, ah, coordinates are being kept? Computer?"

As he spoke Axel reached into his jeans for his wallet to store the ID, and frowned when he felt that his pocket was empty. He felt the other side of his jeans. Nothing. Hoping he'd forgotten it at home, Axel slipped the badge into his shirt pocket instead.


Rio had been hanging back as Lily and Emilena had their tense conversation, catching sly glances at Emilena's chest when he thought nobody was looking. When she addressed him he started, paling slightly. "I'm sorry, don't cut off my ear! Or anything else!"

Grimacing, he pulled a wallet out of his pocket and threw it reluctantly over to Emilena. As it arced through the air, it opened and Axel's driver's license was made visible. "See, there's probably money in there!" Rio looked shiftily at Lily. "I... found it."



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"I know what we're looking for, but I'm not sure where it is." Vergil confessed. "It's going to be a challenge, I'm sure though. It's in an old... projector is the only way I can think to describe it. But not like from the 60s or anything. I mean like... a holographic projector. That I do remember."

"OK... good. We're all set, then." Tony shoved the trunk of the Daimler shut, and nodded over at Soren. "Yeah basically just act like you're a member of my family here on business. Take notes, and I might 'consult' you from time to time as well. All right everyone... let's do this!" the ferret exclaimed, and he set off first with Soren while Vergil indicated the others should wait a few minutes so as not to give the impression they were together.

As the ferret and human departed, Vergil looked over at Marita. "All right, but don't get caught! Zaloga is a multi-billion dollar corporation that has the best security systems money can buy. If they even sense an incursion, they might go into high alert. I don't want to give them a reason to do that. They're well protected against hackers, after all. A look should be all you get." he cautioned.

Checking his watch to ensure enough time had passed, Vergil finally nodded at the others. "OK... let's go!" he ordered, nodding for them to follow him inside. The interior lobby of Zaloga was beautiful, to say the least. It was like an homage to the great rococo palaces of the past. Colorful black and green marble columns rose up like trees, and a waterfall cascaded down from a hole in the ceiling into a pool in the center of the lobby.

Heavy security checkpoints were at every door however, and the receptionist behind the desk greeted them with a nod, but grew alarmed at the pistols strapped around the trio's legs. She went for the alarm but Vergil held up his pass. "Sorry for the overtness of this, but we're conducting a security check on your systems. Unannounced, so carry on as you were." Much to his chagrin, the gecko's head just barely came over the top of the desk.

"Let me have the card, please." Vergil handed it over, and the receptionist scanned it on a machine. Tense minutes ticked by as the machine read the minute details on the card, and finally, it was over. "Your credentials check out. Sorry about the suspicion sir, but I saw guns and immediately thought the worst."

Vergil smiled as his pass was handed back to him. "Not a problem. Zaloga hasn't been around as long as it has by taking foolish chances, after all." he answered her reassuringly.

"One thing... if you're gonna carry your guns around on the outside, you need your badges visible at all times." the receptionist reminded him.

Marita and the trio had blatantly ignored his advice about keeping the guns concealed, so Vergil nodded. "Of course. We'll mostly be out of sight though, so you'll hardly notice we're here. No worries on that end, as we're only checking a specific section of building security."

She nodded, and temporarily deactivated the scanners as she waved them on through. Fortunately, the elevators weren't too far away, and they would soon be out of sight of building security. Pushing the down button, Vergil waited along the banks of elevators patiently before one dinged and they were able to board.

Vergil stared intently at the set of buttons now as the door closed. OK... time to remember the sequence... what was it? His mind was hazy, but as he glanced at the familiar rows of buttons and numbers, the fog began to lift. "Yes... that's it..." he uttered softly, and he reached out and hit floor 67, B2, 45, 72, and emergency stop in that order. The elevator did nothing at first, then a grinding noise sounded, and suddenly, the elevator began descending. Basement levels 1, 2, and 3 all ticked by, but the elevator didn't stop, and continued descending, going deeper than the B3 level, which was the last one on the indicators. "It worked!" Vergil exclaimed happily.

Barely containing his excitement, he was all grins as he looked at the others. "Oh! So I guess I should ask... Triste and Axel... and hell even Rose and Marie too, since I barely know you, what would you say your skill sets are? When we get down there... we might be tested by defenses or some other thing the civilization left behind. We need to be on our toes down there, and knowing what you're good at will help me out as we proceed forward." he stated. He was particularly interested in Triste's answer, for being one of the government's top agents meant you were no slouch, and he figured she could probably not only kick ass and take names but perhaps bring some other things to the table as well.

The elevator carrying Tony and Soren up passed the floors rather rapidly as they drew higher and higher. Zaloga's headquarters was the second tallest building in the plaza, and Mace's office was on the top floor, along with his penthouse suite. "Hey Soren... you've been living with Anne, right? She ever mention me?" he asked here, tapping his claws on the handle of the briefcase he carried. "Oh! I should probably give this to you, since I don't typically carry my own baggage... it'll make you look official too, like one of my legal aides or something." the ferret suggested, holding it out for Soren to take now.

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'i wont really risk it then' marita said  before they entered. she showed her id to the receptionist and waited for the all clear. after thatt was given she followed Vergil down the passageway '
well i'm pretty good with getting through small spaces. and i'm pretty good with a firearm. had to show you were competent with a taser to get the job. sometimes players try to pocket and run and then you had to tase them before they leave. ' she said
_ well i'm pretty good with a club, i guess' marie said. i havent had much opportunity to use it though.. so this will be a new experience,, see what i'm made of, so to speak.
 marita watched them descend well past the B3 listed on the dial ' so how far down does this elevator go? she asked.
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Soren nodded. "Yeah. Usually when she was sleeping off a high or something."

He then picked up the suitcase. It was surprisingly heavy for something that was ostenibly filled with papers. He didn't put it above Tony to make the suitcase bulletproof, weighted so he could bludgeon someone with it or even tuck a gun or two in there.

"Anyways, how's Corona treating you?" He shot a glance at the elevator's indicators. They had already climbed past the 70th floor.


Muyee "Marion" Wu was in the company cafeteria of Zaloga Cybernetics. Her powerful metallic arms deftly handled a set of metal chopsticks as she used them to scoop some fried rice with dried fish into her mouth. Of course, she was far from the only Augment in the cafeteria.

While she was clad in the visible ballistic vest of the other security officers, she did not have a holster. Instead, her standard Beretta 92 pistol was tucked inside her prosthetic right leg.

"Hey, Mary," a Vulpine said as he sat down at her table.

Marion gently put down her chopsticks and shot him a withering gaze. "My name is Muyee, or if you can't pronounce it, call me 'Marion'. Get it right." Her voice had the faint Chinese accent that hinted at her birthplace of Shanghai, China."

The Vulpine raised his hands in a defensive posture. "It's cool. I forgot!"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"What are my skills? You mean, apart from my winning smile and kicking ass at Sudoku?" Axel grinned awkwardly at the others. There was a pause.

Triste crossed her arms and stared up at him. "You're an idiot."

"Yeah..." Axel sighed. "Ah, I'm good with computers, so I guess that makes two of us," he said, indicating Marita. "I'm also pretty good with anything electrical." Axel's eyes changed from blue to bright red. "I used to use this when I worked with augments. It lets me see in, ah... energy, I guess you'd call it. So if you want me to find, fix or disable anything electronic, I'm your guy."

"At least it's a little more useful than your smile, rat."

Axel looked down at Triste, and saw a light orange pulse emanating from her form. He flipped his vision back to normal. "Well, what's your deal?"

Triste rolled her eyes, and the next second she was gone. Axel blinked and looked around. "Did she..." The spider gecko reappeared on the other side of the elevator, leaning against the wall. She waggled her spindly fingers. "Peekaboo."

Axel grinned as he realised what caused the orange glow he'd seen. "Cloaking aug..."

"Right. Implanted into my skin." Triste nodded. "Bends light around me. It needs time to recharge, so I can't use it for long stretches of time but... I'm sure it'll come in useful." She neglected to mention it already had, when she'd scouted out each member of the team that Vergil had recommended the night before the meeting.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Rio!" gasped Lily indignantly. She folded her arms. "I don't know which of you is worse!"

Emilena caught the wallet, withdrew the money out of it, and tossed it back to Lily. "Eh. Guess that'll do. But you better have more next time," she sneered at Rio.

Lily didn't feel like defending him. "Now, what's your plan on--?"

"Have you visited?" interjected Emilena.

"...I beg your pardon?"

"His house. Where his room is. Or met him. Or anything."

"I did visit the house. After he'd gone missing."

Emilena sighed and snapped her fingers. "Flora, I'm gonna need help focusing..." The fuchsia canid came rushing, holding a needle. Without flinching, Emilena grasped it and stabbed it into her arm. "Alright, ready to hear the whole story," she sighed, relaxing her muscles and giving Lily a languid look.

Lily bristled. "Maybe I should come back--"

"The story, sweet cheeks. Now," snapped Emilena. "Or you can take your money and get the fuck out."

Lily wrinkled her nose, but sat down and told the entire story of hers and Rio's visit to her children's house. Nairda, Hal and Flora proved to be an excellent audience, wincing and gasping at all the right moments. The still-seated human, the last gang member whom Lily had not caught the name of, seemed to have better things to do on his laptop than listen.

"Luckily, after that Axel arrived with a taxi after we'd locked Denny in his own dungeon..." she concluded. "It killed me to have to leave my children, and by now he's almost certainly obtained police protection--"

Emilena cut her off dismissively. "Christian's room. What furniture was there?"

Lily thought. "A bed, chest of drawers, um, and lamp."

"What size was the bed?"

"Just twin."

"Describe it."

"Uh, white blanket. Two white pillows. Wooden headrest. Four legs, I don't know."


"A few. Some model planes on the ceiling. Top Gun 3 movie poster. Why does Christian's room matter?"

"Did Christian strike you as the sort to care about movies or planes?" Emilena asked pointedly. "You mentioned three doors on the second floor. Logically, we can assume a bedroom for the master, a bedroom for the girls, and a bedroom for the boys. Beds with legs can store an extra mattress under them, and he had two pillows, Denny must have gotten rid of Illard's bed when he scampered off. Illard liked planes, and he abandoned a high school education. You know who doesn't require a high school education?"

Lily folded her arms, not going to grace Emilena with guesses.

"The Air Force," Emilena supplied her own. "Our first step is to check the local recruiting office and see if Illard approached them. Hell, if they accepted him he could have gotten himself overseas in a week, they're desperate for coast guard and border patrol after all the weird shit happening on the news with warships."

Emilena got to her feet. "Let's move out in five. Foley, by then I want a map printed of all the recruiting offices in town. Hal, you hold down the fort while we're gone. Anyone asks, we're signing tyke up for the Army."


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"Beats me." Vergil responded, shrugging. "I don't think even back then I knew, as I can't really measure distances from inside an enclosed space." he commented. They were descending for a good few minutes, and Vergil was able to hear everyone speak, and was particularly impressed with Triste's ability to vanish. "Heh... bet that comes in handy for more than one function." the gecko chuckled here, smirking. "Augments are useful... surprised I wasn't augmented to be honest with you... unless of course my mental abilities are an augment in my brain." He tapped his skull now.

After what seemed like maybe three or four minutes, the elevator finally stopped, and then did nothing as the power was cut, plunging the group into darkness. "Uh..." was all Vergil said before the customary "ding" sounded and the doors ominously slid open, revealing a dimly lit corridor stretching on ahead of them. The walls were stone, and sported carvings of ancient buildings and spires that rose to the sky, many pyramidal in design. The carvings were primitive, but still had a certain artistic quality to them that Vergil couldn't help but admire. "Well... let's go." Vergil nodded, starting off at the head of the group and unsure what else to say.

The floor was cold to Vergil's bare feet, and it definitely felt as if no one had been down here in awhile. A brighter light could be seen ahead of them, shining at the end of the tunnel. It drew the gecko forward, like a moth to a flame. Perhaps it was because he didn't like the confined space down here, or perhaps he wanted to get into a more well-lit area, but the gecko quickened his pace down the corridor.

At the end, the tunnel widened, and opened up to reveal a sizable room, much better lit than the tunnel. The source of light however was a mystery, as surely it couldn't be natural light filtering this far down. But nonetheless, beams of what looked like natural light poured in from holes in the ceiling, illuminating several murals on the walls. "Get a load of this!" Vergil gasped, eyes wide as he looked around the room. The murals depicted various things, including what looked like cities and paintings of everyday life from this old civilization. But the dominating feature was the mural in the center. The paint still looked as if had been applied yesterday as a great representation of a massive aerial battleship dominated the entire wall. It ran Vergil's blood cold to see its gray sides, angular and sharp, like knife blades conjoined together by a massive pyramidal structure in the middle of it all. Well it was more like two pyramids joined at the base, one right side up, the other upside down. But it was definitely the central structure of the ship. Painful flashes suddenly entered the gecko's mind, and he clutched his head, closing his eyes and bending over a bit. "Agh! Dammit!" he uttered, trying to shake his head to clear it.

"That's it..." he pointed. "That's what we're looking for." The sheer size of the mural was awe-inspiring, but Vergil noted too that the smaller murals in general were extolling the civilization's accomplishments... including their military conquests, which appeared quite brutal, and very prominently displayed.

Beneath the central painting, Vergil could see a computer console, and beyond that, two heavy steel double-doors led deeper into the facility. To their left and right were doors as well, but much smaller than the ones in their front. "OK... let's see..." Vergil said softly, approaching the console now. Before he could even touch it, it sprang to life, clicking and beeping at him in what Vergil could only assume was some sort of computer language. A garbled voice sounded out, but Vergil couldn't recognize the language. As he glanced down at the command prompts on the screen, he sighed in an exasperated fashion. "Uh... I don't suppose any of you computer whizzes can reprogram this thing to speak English?" he asked hopefully.

Looking behind him at Axel, Vergil nodded at the rat. "Axel... can you get any energy readings behind these doors?" the white gecko inquired, an uneasy feeling washing over him now.

"Sleeping off a high?" Tony asked here. "Yeah... I guess I could settle for that. Huh... well Corona's been pretty fantastic so far. A lot of opportunity here, and it's a lot safer than Lanthae was too. Lanthae you only had designated areas for the rich, and sure, to an extent Corona's got that too, but it has a lot more areas you can walk around in without fear of being mugged or jumped by some drug dealer." he commented, smiling dryly.

As the elevator reached the 200th floor, it opened to reveal a suite just as pleasant as the lobby, almost 3,500 feet below them. Plants grew out of the floor, kept healthy through some sort of biological process contained within the very heart of the building. All the nutrients were fed into the greenery from conduits that ran upward, and sunlight was provided through a glass ceiling directly above their heads.

Another reception desk (this one marble) greeted them at the exit of the elevator, with a female human secretary busily tapping away at a computer. She didn't even look up at first to acknowledge them, nor did she need to, as standing before them was a dignified looking blue skinned gecko. He wore a confident smile on his face, but it was warm as well.

"Tony Stracci! In the flesh! It's so nice to finally meet you!" Mace Sardolemuel extended his hand warmly in greeting, his natty business attire looking sharp on him, but he was always wearing a slightly dress-down style too, as if he saw this meeting as a more casual affair.

Tony heartily shook Mace's hand, and responded. "Yes! It's great to meet you as well, Mr. Sardolemuel!"

"Oh please, call me Mace!" Mace replied humbly, as if he were no big deal. "And this is?" he asked, looking at Soren.

"Ah yes, one of my most trusted legal attaches..." Tony didn't name Soren though, in case the human wanted to present his own false name to Mace as Mace held out his hand for Soren.

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Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post