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Racing the Storm

Pterano · 1020 · 90034


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Triste swallowed and looked concerned as Vergil mentioned Rex's reprogramming. "Well... we'll just have to hope you're right. If the three of you did share such a relationship then it does stand to reason you'd have access. And if not, then..." She shrugged. "We'll think of something." He's remembered that somehow the waypoint was reprogrammed. It'll only give access to select individuals, but as we have one of the select few, it shouldn't be a problem.

She shrugged again. "Well, at least we won't need to translate it to find out if we fail," Triste said drily.


In the back of the second Land Rover, Axel smiled as Lily started to open up. He knew she'd been feeling slightly self-conscious about seeing the others on the trip over, but he was happy that she was starting to get more comfortable. Leaning back, Axel looked out the window and tried to keep his thoughts from the road they'd soon be trundling down. The rat's stomach started to knot regardless.


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Soren watched for threats as the convoy moved through the grimy urban areas that Ruta Nacional 3 serviced. Amazingly, the city looked just like Lanthae. Except with Spanish and Quechuan instead of English. A Scarlet Macaw clad in a t-shirt and jeans, his normally brilliant red and blue feathers muted and greyed with dust and grime, waved at them.

Soren waved back but watched carefully. He noticed that this city's billboards and advertisements mentioned "Dorado Minerals" quite a lot. The Human entered the name of what he presumed to be a mining company into his smartphone and searched for it.

After a wait of several minutes, the results came back. Dorado Minerals was a Bolivian mining comglomerate that controlled half of the country.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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((Sorry about the "meh" post. This tour's been a friggin' nightmare so far and it ain't over yet. Didn't have time at all today to plan my post out, so had to improvise.))

Vergil nodded, taking in Triste's words as she tried to reassure him. "Yeah... we will. Cause we're not going away empty-handed. And yeah heheh... least this time no translation needed." he commented mirthlessly, though cracked a smile all the same. It was kind of funny, in a demented sort of way.

"So uh... you know there's something I've been meaning to ask, Agent Acyle." Vergil said, growing a bit more formal now. "When Kalis's guys attacked us in the Archives, were they after me... or you?" he asked. "I mean I kind of get me but... he doesn't even know you, right?" the gecko asked here. "Or... does he?"

Tony studied the road they were heading out on. It was a two-lane highway that was winding its way through the mountains, but at least it was a paved road. The ferret knew pretty soon they'd be traveling on dirt and rocks and hanging dangerously close to the edge...

An olive green Jeep tore by them and passed them in the opposite lane; a dangerous move, but a common one here in Bolivia. It slowed down a bit after passing them and kept on ahead, gradually pulling further away but staying within sight for the moment. About six cars back, the second jeep was keeping well behind them as well.

In the lead Jeep, Varanus smiled to himself as he adjusted the sideview mirror and gazed at the leading Land Rover. "Thaaat's it. Got 'em sandwiched now... but no crowding. No need for that right now. Put that backhoe in between us and them!" the Nile monitor ordered his driver.

"Right, boss!" Speeding up again, the leading jeep overtook and passed a truck hauling a backhoe on a flatbed ahead of the Rovers. They knew where the group would be headed after all, so there was no need to stay close. Even if by some chance they weren't heading for the North Yungas Road, eventually they would be.

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Marion soared over the jungles of Bolivia with her flying frame. No one paid her any heed, thinking that she was just another tourist enjoying the jungle. Indeed, a few other frame-flyers waved at her; she of course, ignored them.

Obviously, she made sure to avoid the no fly zones that the mining conglomerates established รณ the last thing she wanted to do was piss them off and get shot down in the process.

Her GPS indicated that she was en route to North Yungas Road, right where her targets were headed.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Triste frowned at Vergil's question. "No... no, that wouldn't make sense..." Although, thinking back on it, Kalis' men had seemed more focused on her during the attack, rather than Vergil. And they'd seemed more intent on capturing her than killing her outright... Triste's eyes narrowed. Why? Why would Kalis be concerned about me? Especially when he's here, she thought, her gaze flicking over to Vergil. Unless... no. No, there's no way Kalis could know about...

Exhaling slightly, Triste met Vergil's eyes and shook her head, not paying any attention to the green Jeep that overtook them. "As far as I know, Kalis doesn't know anything about me. Before the assault on Rex Sardolemuel's ship, where you were... lost, he never discovered you were working as a double agent for the Ivitz. At least, not to our knowledge. So I don't see why Kalis would pay any particular attention to me." Her lips tightened. "In any case, my assignment is to protect you. You're the only one who has knowledge of these waypoints, our only hope of finding the Cataract before Kalis. I can be replaced. You can't. So the priority is protecting you."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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(OOC: In order to get Emilena back into things, I've edited this old post with their reappearance. Just FYI)

Lily nodded slowly. Above the car she noticed an individual on a flying frame whiz past, but she didn't pay them any heed, thinking that she was just another tourist enjoying the jungle.

"I've been fine," she replied to Marita. "Just living. Something I hope to continue doing...why are you and Rose going on this expedition anyway? Just wondering what stake you've got in it. Marita, how are you enjoying your job?"


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because we were involved in the business in Lanthae, and stopping a crazy dictator from taking over, well you better believe we'll do our part to stop him.' Marita said ' as for the job, it keeps a roof over my head and pays the bills. so are you married to Axel now, or are you two dating?' she asked as she continued driving.
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"Oh... I see..." Vergil trailed off. He wondered if Rex had found out he'd been a double agent, and had somehow also found out his contact was Triste... but she didn't seem to think it plausible. He chewed his lower lip as she told him she was expendable, and he wasn't. He frowned, his brow furrowing. "No... that's a terrible thing to say." he said now, looking up at her to meet her eyes. "You're no more expendable than I am." he said sincerely. "What good am I if all my companions are dead? They're all I have... and you... you're the only link to the past I have." he admitted here. "I feel like if I lose you now... that link will be gone... but not just that... I don't see you as expendable. Maybe I used to but... not anymore." He shook his head here, lowering his eyes and gazing at the floor of the Rover.

He wasn't sure what to say after that, so he just kind of remained quiet and let her take that as she would. He barely knew her... barely remembered her... but still, every one of his teammates was valuable to him now... he'd hate to think of even one of them dying.

Tony turned on the radio, and adjusted the volume so it permeated the car in a mellow sort of atmosphere. The region they were driving through outside La Paz was mostly dusty and brown, and quite mountainous. They were in the Andes after all, and to see snow-caps on some of these mountains was truly awe-inspiring for the ferret. To be this high up and and to feel how chilly it was but knowing they were heading for a jungle was something he just couldn't wrap his head around yet.

Kalis turned around to gaze upon Sujeno with a look of death. "Not presently." he responded in his rasping metallic voice. "However, I may require you as backup should Varanus fail. Of course, you may be sent in to replenish any of his group should they fall. Still... I have confidence in him to handle it." Kalis informed Sujeno. Of course, he also knew Varanus to be brash and impulsive, but he'd wait to see what the monitor would accomplish first before leaping to conclusions. This would be his real test after all... to see if he was truly worthy of succeeding Kalis one day.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Well...we can't legally get married, since I'm supposed to be dead..." Lily responded softly. "But we're as close as you can get without a minister saying so."

She debated passing out photos of Ejlert to the girls; you never know what they might find. But ultimately she decided against it. The odds of Marita or anyone chancing across Ejlert was slim, and she didn't want news of her looking for him getting around. It might even put him in danger if Kalis were to learn that his mother was an active ally of Vergil's.


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"You might not like it, but it's the truth.  It's what we have to live with." Triste raised her eyes and looked at Vergil as he stared at the floor. The gecko's tone sounded genuine, like he actually cared, and it was so unlike how he'd been before that it threw her. Looking at Vergil now, he appeared so... vulnerable. For a second, she felt almost sorry for him. Triste's jaw clenched. What the hell's the matter with me?

After a second, her expression softened. "Hey... I'm not exactly planning on getting killed. And I'll do my best to make sure everyone else stays safe too... although I've got to admit, they're more competent than I thought they'd be." Triste glanced at Tony and gave a thin smile. "Except for their taste in radio station, maybe. Look, as long as we keep focused, we should all be fine."


Axel nodded. "Right. And besides, planning for it would be a nightmare." He grinned. "We've just been living quietly, keeping to ourselves. I, ah, never thought we'd get involved with anything like this again. Lanthae was crazy enough..."


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Vergil looked up, and smiled here. "Well, I'm glad to hear that." he stated with some relief. He looked at Tony and Marie here and nodded. "Yes well, we've all been through a lot. A ragtag bunch but we're a good crew. I'm just glad to know you'll look after yourself in addition to me. It's kind of our creed, yea." He nodded again here. "I'd hate to see anything happen to you." he added in a much quieter tone, averting his eyes again in a shy fashion.

Tony frowned. "Hey! No backseat driving!" he chided humorously to Triste. As the group rolled on, the minutes turned into hours. They began descending, and entered into a more tropic region of Bolivia. Lush greenery surrounded them on the mountain slopes, and Tony was forced to crank up the AC as the temperature started rising. "Hoo! Remind me never to move here!" Tony exclaimed, wiping his brow. Vergil had spent the past two plus hours asking Triste about his life, and soaking in as many details as she could offer him. From what he'd gathered, he'd had a pretty good if dangerous life. He was courageous, if not a little reckless, and generous too.

The white gecko also spent time researching more of Rex's life, but felt he still wasn't gaining a better understanding of why he'd turned traitor in the first place. This story needed further study.

"Holy shit!" Tony said slowy as he took the exit for the North Yungas Road. "I gotta drive through that?" he asked reluctantly. Ahead of them lay a small dirt road carved out of the mountainside. On the left was a sheer drop, and Tony poked his head out the window to get a better look. "This... Is insanity! Whoever built this road should die!" he exclaimed in a choked voice, noting the jungle was hundreds of feet below, like small emeralds in deep bowl.

"Many of them did." Vergil murmured. He knew the Bolivians had used Paraguayan prisoners to construct this road, and many had fallen to their deaths. It used to be the only way to descend to the Amazonian lowlands until Ruta Nacional 3 had been built. Behind them, Tony could see Marita's Land Rover and a green jeep, with a second jeep approaching too. The jeeps had gotten mixed into the order, so that a jeep was behind each Rover. Great... Tourists.

Tony called Marita in the other Rover. "Uh... You uh... Ready for this?" He asked hesitantly as he gripped the steering wheel tightly, exhaling slowly to try and soothe the adrenaline racing through him.

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Axel turned his head to the left and looked out the window. He perked up at the view that stretched out on that side. "Hey! Hey, honey!" he nudged Lily and indicated. "Look at the..." His eyes wandered down, and he saw how far the drop was. "Oh." Looking away, he caught a glimpse of the road ahead... and how narrow it became. It looked like a small breeze could blow them over the edge, sending them to a fiery, violent demise on the sheer and deadly cliffs stretching below. "Oh..." Sinking lower in his seat, Axel's normally white face took on a green tinge and his ears flopped limply.

Weakly, the rat looked over at Lily. "Maybe I shouldn't have taken this side... Marita, please don't go, ah... you know, off the road."


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marita listened to Axel and Lily explain when they had been up to before tony called ' just calm down Tony ' hug the side of the mountainsiide until the road widens,  and take it slow' Marita said as she approached the rapidly narrowing road. she shifted slight to hug to mountainside, and slowed her pace.
- once this is over ' you guys can have a real wedding..' Rose said hopefully 'I've got a good thing going with Marita And Marie. and i'm clean. kicked my drug habit' she said with pride.."Marie won a large payout at the slots after work, that wy shes coming with us..
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily glanced outside. To be honest, she was perfectly okay with heights. "Just wondering, why do you think Axel and I could be married after this?" She asked. "I'll still be a fugitive hunted by the government, thought dead, and I'll still legally be married to another man."


Further behind the convoy, a tow truck bearing the logo of a company that only operates in Mexico drove along the road.


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if you are considered dead, that voids your marriage to your husband' Rose replied. hes free to remarry, and you'll be free to marry Axel.
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Tony gulped, and nodded (a pointless gesture since Marita couldn't see him anyway) before hanging up. "Oh man... uh... here we go..." he said slowly, and began pulling out onto the Death Road as slowly as he could, but noticed he couldn't exactly hug the mountainside either due to not wanting to damage the Rover against the rocks and Bolivian rules of the road stating those going downhill had to take the side closest to the cliff to allow those coming up to hug the mountainside. The ferret of course was only going to follow these rules if he saw an oncoming vehicle.

He glanced in his rearview mirror at the olive Jeep following after him and Marita's Rover behind that. Feeling the rocks slide and tumble out from underneath his wheels was a very unsettling feeling and caused his stomach to leap and flop all in one sickening motion He glanced over the edge again but then jerked his vision back to the road. Stupid! Great way to get vertigo here! He felt like his Rover would just slip off the road at any moment and plummet to a fiery fate below them, but these were mostly silly fears he'd have to get on top of. He had to face them if he was going to conquer this road.

According to Vergil's navigator, the waypoint was about halfway down the North Yungas Road. Greaaat. That's exactly what he wanted to see... not. But the ferret didn't have much to think about it: the rear window of the Rover suddenly exploded in a burst of glass that sent shards sailing into the rear seating areas, causing Tony to duck down and Vergil to cringe as fragments struck his right arm and his backside, scrapes forming that crisscrossed his otherwise white skin. "What the HELL?" Tony shouted, peering behind him to notice a shotgun sticking out the window of the olive jeep. "What the shit is these guys' problem?" he asked, realizing as his heart rate increased that he'd need to pick up his pace if they weren't going to get shredded.

Pushing the accelerator down, the ferret let the Rover pick up speed as he started driving faster down the Yungas Road. The Jeep followed suit, starting to accelerate as another blast from the shotgun was fired, this one impacting with the back of the Rover with a sickening thud. "Grrr! My luggage better be safe back there!" Tony yelled as he increased speed, trying his best to avoid having a heart attack as he slid the Rover around the edge and continued downhill with a slight screech of the brakes.

The second Jeep had opened up heavy assault rifle fire on Marita's Rover behind the first two vehicles, and unlike the first Jeep, which was looking to slow the first Rover down, the second Jeep was looking to kill the occupants of the second Rover.

Varanus grinned wickedly as he kept after the leading Rover that he knew contained Agent Triste Acyle within. Opening up the top of the Jeep's roof, the big monitor hauled himself out onto the top of the Jeep and balanced himself as he shouted down to his driver to get him close to the Rover. The driver complied, pushing the pedal down to pull up fast behind the charging SUV. When he judged the distance sufficient, Varanus leaped off the roof of the Jeep onto the top of the Rover, landing with a thunk before his energy blade ignited and began slicing off the top of the roof like a can opener peeling back the lid of a can of sardines.

Vergil glanced upwards as he could see the roof of their vehicle being torn into, the heat of the blade a mere inches from his cheek as suddenly most of it was ripped off and thrown over the side of the cliff, Varanus having used his telekinetic abilities to shear off the bulk of it and toss it away with a mighty roar. Glancing down, he sneered at the occupants within, glaring right at Triste. "'ello poppet!" he exclaimed, and immediately thrust a small syringe downward right towards her.

"No!" Vergil's eyes widened and his tail lashed out, looping itself around Varanus's wrist and forcing it up against part of the roof, causing him to cry out and drop the syringe on reflex, where it rolled into the back passenger foot wells.

"You little rat!" Varanus shouted, and overpowered Vergil's tail before backhanding the gecko fiercely across the side of his head, snapping it off to the left and causing the lizard to almost black out. Lights danced in his eyes as he gave out a gasp and slumped a bit forward against the back of Tony's seat, temporarily dazed from the force of the blow.

"Son of a bitch! I am SO not insured for this!" Tony said with exasperation, struggling to keep the Rover on the road. He wanted to turn around and help, but he was powerless to do anything without giving up control of his ride, and that kind of chance was way too risky to take on a road like this. The only thing he could think of was to slam on the brakes, causing them to screech and throwing Varanus off his feet, but the Nile monitor held on, his claws shooting out to grip what was left of the roof before hauling himself up as Tony sped up again, dirt and rocks flying out behind the Rover's tires in a great spraying gush that dinged off the windshield of the Jeep behind them...

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Marita ducked as the windhield shattered into pieces from the gunfire and glass flew out of the broken backseat window. It was all marita could do to keep the jeep on the road, as she could only spare a few spluit second peaks out of the now windshield-less  Jeep " looks like we have company, and not the friendly sort! she shouted. Marita  stole glances at Rose who was curled up into a ball her claws covering her head. blood trickled down from cuts in her arms.. ' Axel' take the gun out of my purse and return fire ' she said looking back at him and Lily' Just hold them off us long enough so we can get to where the waypoint is ' As if this road wasnt hairy enough' she thought to herself
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"You have a handgun in your purse?" gasped Lily as the jeep hit a bump and set her sprawling. "How did you get that onto the airplane?"


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Triste threw herself back as Veranus plunged his hand down, the syringe glinting in the sunlight - but in the confined space of the Land Rover, she could barely move to avoid it. Luckily, Vergil's tail jerked it away from her just before the needle could pierce her skin. She heard a heavy thwack as the monitor's hand connected hard against Vergil's face, and in the corner of her eye she saw the gecko slump over... but she didn't have time to check on him. Using the distraction to her advantage, she jerked down and made to grab the syringe lying on the floor - but Tony hit the brakes to try and shake Veranus off the roof, and the momentum caused the needle to roll further up, out of reach underneath Soren's seat in front. Triste herself was thrown forwards, her shoulder twisting painfully as she fell awkwardly into the foot well. "Damn it!"

Looking up, she saw that the monitor was starting to turn his attention back on the rest of them. Triste tried to pull her knife out, but her arm was still numb. Swearing, she activated her camouflage augment and rolled over, underneath Veranus. Leaping up, Triste wrapped arm around the lizard's neck and swung her head forwards, headbutting him as hard as she could in the face.


Slouching back in his seat, Axel was trying to distract himself when around them the windows started shattering, glass raining down on them. From in front, he heard the unmistakable rattle of gunfire. Gasping, he leaned down even further and reached out with his right arm, making sure Lily was down too. "What... what the fuck?!" he yelled. Why did this have to be happening here, now, of all places?!

"Jesus christ... alright, I'm on it!" he shouted back to Marita, looking around desperately for her purse, but he couldn't see it. "Where?! Where is it?! I don't..." Craning his neck, he suddenly caught sight of it on the floor. Lunging, he snatched it up and ripped the handgun from it. Blinking in the dust that was being thrown up from the Jeep in front and flying through the broken windscreen, he tried to get a good aim... but another volley of bullets tore through the Rover, pounding the rear seats and he was forced back down out of sight. Damn it... never gonna get a good shot like this... Feeling sick, he glanced back at Lily. "Hold my shirt! And stay low!" Lying flat in the foot space, he reach up and pushed open his door, then started to lean out precariously. Craning his neck, he could just manage to peak under the door and catch a glimpse of the Jeep in front... and its tyres. "Oh, son of a bitch..." Trying not to think about the deathly drop meters from his face, or the fact that a bullet could rip his head off at any second, Axel squeezed the trigger, trying to aim for the rear left tyre. But the Rover was jolting around over the rough road, throwing his aim off, and the first few bullets slammed uselessly into the side of the Jeep.


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now's not the time for asking questions' marita said as she struggled to keep the car on the froad..' lets just say i'm good at hiding stuff, and leave it at that' as said as she ducked and fresh flurry of gunfire just missing her.
 marie was huddled down behind the pasenger seat, her eye squeezed shut..
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