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Racing the Storm

Pterano · 1020 · 90271


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Varanus grunted as Triste slammed her head into him and sent him reeling, but his foot claws tore into the third of the roof that remained on top of the Rover, and he snarled at her, sweeping his tail out to try and fell his unseen assailant. He knew it had to be Agent Acyle, since he'd seen her vanish using some sort of adaptive camo no doubt.

Vergil groaned and held his head just as Varanus activated his energy blade again and began hacking in the direction Triste had attacked him from. "Triste..." Vergil said weakly, not seeing her anymore. "Triste!" he yelled out, snapping back into consciousness in a rush. He searched frantically for her, but not seeing her, he steeled himself as he leaped onto the roof of the Rover and ignited his own blade, Varanus just barely able to block it in time as Vergil attacked him. "What did you do with Triste, you bastard?" the gecko demanded angrily as the monitor swung on him and Vergil ducked aside and parried the blow, using his agility to his advantage. Of course... he also had to be careful not to topple over the side, as standing up on this vehicle was hard enough as it was without it bouncing and swerving as Tony struggled to keep it on the road.

"Why don't you ask her yourself!" Varanus growled back as their blades locked, bounced away and locked again.

Behind them, the gun battle still raged, though Axel's first shots had been pretty ineffective. That being said, many shots went astray as the vehicles rattled on down the road. One of the assailants tried to hose the passenger areas of the Rover in front of him, but only about half made any real contact. Still, they got the same idea, and started attempting to target the tires of Marita's Rover, hoping to at the least disable it and at the most send it over the edge out of control.

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Soren screamed profanities as the gun battle raged in and around the Land Rover. Rose was huddled in a ball next to him.

"Not this shit again!" He ducked down and dragged his automatic rifle from its position under the rear seat. Slapping a magazine into the weapon, he chambered a round and set the fire selector to burst.

He took aim at the jeep behind him. Not an easy task considering the bouncing and swerving that Axel was doing to try and evade the gunfire and stay on the road and he was leaning out the now shattered rear window. Neverthless, he managed to draw a bead on the center of the windshield and fire a 3-round burst.


Unbeknownst to everyone below on North Yungas Road, Marion was watching the gun battle unfold. The Human was clinging onto a sheer rock face several hundred feet above them. Her left arm had morphed into a set of four diamond tipped claws that dug into the rock and anchored her in place. Her legs also extended their grappling claws, anchoring her onto the rock face.

She nodded as she peered through the compnoculars. She spotted the white Gecko fighting with a Monitor atop one of the lead vehicles. Behind them, a few other vehicles were in a rolling shootout.

Marion snapped a few photos with the compnoculars and sent them to Mace. She then stashed them inside her bag.

"And now, time to fly." She released her anchors, allowing her to fall backwards from the rock face. The flying frame's wings extended and the engines sputtered slightly before she rocketed ahead of the battling vehicles.

But as she fell, her frame's wings briefly cast a shadow over the vehicles.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Marita was forced to weave as the cars in front of her tried to shoot out her tires. rocks and debris trickled off the sheer ledge, as the cars swerved back and forth. here the road was getting slightly wider but not by much.
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Still cloaked, Triste ducked underneath Veranus' tail as it swung viciously towards her, falling back onto the seat. She winced as her hand came down a shard of broken glass, the jagged edge slicing into her palm. Beside her, Vergil called her name but she didn't respond - at the moment, her cloaking was one of the only advantages they had over the attacker. Jerking the sliver of glass from her hand, Triste pulled herself forwards, moving further up in the car as Vergil and the monitor battled above.

Clambering across the front passenger seat, she swung herself out the open window and onto the bonnet. Resisting the wind that was buffeting her from behind and the wild momentum of the car, Triste crept up behind Veranus as he swung his energy sword at Vergil and brought a knee up between his legs, hard. At the same time, she wrapped an arm around his right leg and tried to throw him off the roof... but the car suddenly swung to the side and she lost her balance, sending the two of them tumbling backwards and onto the bonnet. Triste felt a tingle as her cloaking augment deactivated. Staring into Veranus' eyes, Triste snarled and shot her elbow forwards, aiming to crush his trachea.


Axel fired off another shot, swearing loudly as it missed the Jeep completely. "Godammit! Marita, try and keep it still-" he started to yell. Then he cried out as the Rover swerved to the right and he slid forwards, almost tumbling right out of the car. Just before he did, his wildly kicking feet caught up in one of the seat belts and he was jerked to a halt, the rat's face inches from the rough dirt road speeding past.

Shouting, Axel's arms flew about wildly as he tried to reach back to pull himself back in, and his finger squeezed compulsively on the trigger of the pistol. The gun fired, and the rear passenger window of the Jeep in front shattered, blood spattering across the glass as one of the gunmen was hit. Axel didn't notice. "Gah! Help me!" he shrieked, tensing his caught leg and praying the seat belt didn't give out.


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Rose  jumped across the Car and her claw grasped onto Axel's Leg ' Hold1" she called outr. the cuts of her arm,s were starting to stop bleeding, leaving crimsons streaks crisscossing her arm. Rose managed to get her other paw on his leg and began top pull him back into the car. ' got.. you' she grunted..
- marie tried to keep herself as small as possible as she wouldnt get shot.
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Soren ducked down as bullets whizzed past him. He grabbed Axel with his free hand and helped pull him into the vehicle.

"It's okayĆ³shit!" He fell back into the seat as a bullet smashed into hia chest. Luckily, he was wearing the ballistic vest that had been helpfully provided by Tony.

The Human was scrunched against the backseat and breathing heavily. He clutched his injured ribs. Even through the ballistic vest and the augmentworker's shock absorbant clothing, the impact was still quite harsh.

"Rose, take my rifle and return fire. I'm not sure if I have a bruise or busted rib," Soren said between gritted teeth. He unslung his rifle.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Rose Grabbed the rifle from Soren ' Stay down " she said." She checked the ammo to see how much ammo the gun had left then she took a position Rose took aim at the Jeep and  fired. and was rewarded with a loud pop as one of the jeeps back tires blew out. the jeep began swerving erratically.
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Even though the Jeep's tire was out, the driver was skilled, and slammed on the brakes to prevent any skidding or swerving. The Jeep ground to a halt broadside to the road, and even though the gunman in the front passenger seat had been killed by Axel's lucky shot, the other gunmen exited with perfect, stationary shots to make at Marita's vehicle. Squeezing off a burst, one of the attackers was rewarded with the satisfying sound of both rear tires on Marita's Rover bursting, despite the moving target.  

Above the first Jeep (the one Varanus had come from), one of the gun-toting assailants glanced up to see Marion high above them. "The hell?" he asked, pulling the slide back on his rifle and pumping rounds off into the sky, trying to down this mysterious "newcomer."

Up ahead, Varanus suddenly found himself keeled over from a blow between his legs. Vergil backed off, wondering what had happened, and then watched as both Triste and Varanus were thrown onto the bonnet, Triste suddenly becoming visible to him. That's what she had done! Used her cloaking device! Of course! But unfortunately, the swerving of the Rover caused Vergil to lose his balance as well, and as Varanus and Triste went down, so too did Vergil, the gecko flying off the side and just barely managing to grab on to the Rover's mostly open roof with one hand. Yelling out as he looked below him, he could see the fall was not insignificant... it was a long way down.

Varanus grinned wickedly and swiftly caught Triste's hand as she tried to go for his trachea. Roaring out, he smashed her hand down onto the roof and held it fast, squeezing it as he tried to crush it. "Not so fast!" he called, throwing a punch at her head now with all the strength behind it he could muster, which was a lot considering his build.

Vergil ground his teeth as Tony began slowing to see what was going on with Marita's Rover in the back. Groaning, Vergil stuck his sword on his belt and hauled himself up, getting a better grip thanks to the slower speed, though Tony wasn't backing off too much just yet. "Get off her you son of a bitch!" Vergil said through clenched teeth in his threateningly deep voice as he pulled himself back up onto the Rover.

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Triste yelled as something popped in her hand and she felt a sharp pain run up her arm. Throwing up her remaining free hand, she tried to stop Veranus' attack, but his fist powered through her defense, crunching against her cheek and slamming her head down against the roof.

Dazed, tasting blood, Triste tried to pull away, but the monitor still held her firmly by the hand and she couldn't move. Numbly, she reached for her pinned forearm. If she could only get to her knife...


Axel gasped with relief as he felt hands pulling him back into the car. "Th... thanks!" Pulling the door shut, he bent down and checked how many shots left in the pistol. Three more, and he didn't know if Marita had any spare clips - they were going to have to count.

He heard a rattle of gunfire from the driver's seat, and he jerked his head up to see Rose fire off a burst at the Jeep in front. Axel heard the tyres burst, and he cheered. "Yeah! Nice one!" As they passed the slowing vehicle, he held a finger up to them. "Fuck you all!" he cried, a slightly unhinged grin plastered across his face. The gunmen opened fire, and he ducked down... and heard a loud pop as the rear tyres on their vehicle were torn apart. Swearing, Axel held on tightly as the car started to swerve, veering dangerously close to the edge. "Aw, crap! Don't stop!" he yelled to Marita, firing the last three bullets off at the gunmen as they disappeared in the distance. If they stopped here, he knew how quickly they'd be outgunned... and there was only one way that could end.


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Marita Swore on both rear tires blew. metal scraped against the ground as she  struggled to keep the car on the road ' up ahead the  road was widening as it headed down,  it was maybe 100 feet to go before they could breathe a bit easier.. and try and ditch the jeep.
Rose checked how many rounds were left in Sorens Gun ' Ok, I have 9 shots left' she said as Axel fired off a few more rounds..' better make them count..' she said.  She took aim and fired at the Jeep ahead of them, the one menacing Tonys Rover. the back window of the jeep exploded in a hail of glass, who tricked  both out of the vehicle and inside. screams from the vehicle indicated there had been some injuries from flying debris ' but Rose wasnt ready to celebrate just yet.
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Vergil grimaced as he saw the monitor's fist connect with Triste's face. She seemed to be clearly dazed now, and Varanus had the upper hand. Swatting her free hand away, he went in for another blow before Vergil stood over him. "I said... get off her!" he ordered, igniting his blade again as Varanus was forced to roll to the side as Vergil swung at him (carefully though to avoid Triste).

Bringing his own blade out, Varanus once more connected with Vergil's sword, but this time, momentum wasn't on his side. Vergil used the blow of the two swords to cause his own to rebound and slice downward, connecting with Varanus's right leg, causing him to scream out in pain as he went down on one knee. Vergil didn't aim to cripple, but he did aim to disable, and the gecko was able to move to interpose himself between Triste and Varanus now, the monitor hanging on in this fight as he swung again, but much weaker this time. Vergil easily turned aside the blow and sliced into Varanus's arm, causing a burn that led to the bigger lizard dropping his sword off the side of the Rover.

Vergil saw his chance, and raised his hand even as the persistent Varanus moved to both telekinetically grab his sword and throw his fist into Vergil's chest. The gecko wasn't anticipating it, and the two of them connected almost simultaneously: Vergil managed to psionically throw Varanus off the back of the Rover right as the monitor's fist connected with his chest. The gecko had barely managed to beat Varanus though, making Varanus's blow less fierce, but it still knocked Vergil backwards and onto Triste with a big "Oooof!" escaping him as he went down.

Varanus was tossed backwards and slammed into the windshield of the Jeep behind him, cracking the glass and causing the driver to swerve dangerously as Veranus toppled and rolled off the Jeep. Both turned towards the cliff's edge, and the Jeep's momentum carried it onwards even as its brakes screeched. "SHIT!" the driver yelled, seeing oblivion before him as the Jeep drove right off the cliff and tumbled over the edge to impact with trees and vegetation on the way down, the force of the blows rattling, severely crippling and outright killing the occupants before the Jeep crumpled into a compact shell as it finally struck the bottom with a sound like a thousand panes of glass shattering at once. By the time it was over, the Jeep looked as if a giant's fist had slammed it into the Earth, and there was no way any of the occupants could've survived; the Death Road had just added even more victims to its record.

Tony began slowing the Rover down now to help out his companions behind him, as he saw they were in serious trouble with their tires. Varanus was nowhere to be seen: he had managed to roll over the side but had fortunately for him landed in a smaller tree growing off the side of the mountain. He'd managed to break his fall somewhat, but was still badly injured. He decided to remain stationary to avoid detection, and was barely conscious at this point anyway, the warrior struggling to remain aware of his surroundings even as blackness threatened to engulf his vision.

Tony fumbled with the trunk of the Rover, throwing it open and tearing into his luggage to retrieve a pistol he'd packed away in there. He'd opted for an older projectile weapon, since lasers would've raised more questions at the airport. "Come on!" he shouted to Marie. "We've gotta give the others some cover!" Taking shelter behind the Rover, Tony fired at the second Jeep off in the distance, doing his best to avoid Marita's Rover in between the two.

Vergil was winded, gasping for breath as he lay on top of Triste. "Damn..." he managed to wheeze. "Are you... are you all right?" he asked her, thinking only of her first as he battled to regain his breath. Some drops of water fell on his face from a small nearby waterfall that cascaded down over the Yungas Road. The water felt good to the gecko, and he closed his eyes, just barely having the strength to roll off of Triste and onto his belly.

Only the rearmost Jeep remained, but they weren't going anywhere with a blown tire. Although they continued firing on Marita's Rover, the distance was gradually increasing, and they were taking fire now from Tony up ahead as well. Suddenly, they heard Varanus's voice in their ear buds. "If any of you assholes are still alive, I'd really appreciate an extraction!"

"Uh, right boss!" the driver responded. "Get a new tire on this thing!" he ordered, and one of the three surviving gunmen moved to get the spare off the back of the Jeep and change it out, even as Tony managed to hit one of them in his neck, causing him to fall backwards behind the Jeep and leaving only two remaining.

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Marie searched around in her belongings before locating a handgun buried underneath her  makeup kit. '  got it' she shouted as she took a spot alongside Tony and started peppering the jeep behind Maritas Jeep.  You take out the guys I'll go for the tires" She said to Tony.Marie managed to get in a hit after a few misfires, hearing a pop as the front left tire went out. ' thats one down' she shouted as she saw the two survivors trying to change out one of the back tire.
- marita saw Tonys Rover stopped on the side of the road, and  pressed down on the accelerator/ sparks  shot out from the ground as the jeep lurched  forward, it was maybe 50 feet to the other Rover. " just a little further' Marita Grunted.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily's eyes went wide as she noticed Soren take a brutal hit to the chest. Quickly she reached around the passenger front seat and grasped Soren's hand. "Just try to stay still," she whispered softly in his ear.

Closing her eyes and seeming almost oblivious to the gunfire and the car chase, she traced his chest with her hands and took a deep breath. Slowly the pain in Soren's chest began to siphon away, the swelling going down and the skin over the rib regaining its normal color. At the same time, blood started to trickle down Lily's nose as an identical bruise started to discolor her chest underneath her dress. She gasped and shuddered in pain, but continued healing Soren.


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Soren gasped as he saw what Lily was doing and from the fact that his chest no longer ached.

"Lily, stop before you harm yourself! I'll be fine!" he exclaimed.


The gunfire mostly missed Marion, but one bullet lodged itself in her flying frame's wing but doing no damage. She engaged the boost on her frame and sped forward, quickly taking her out of range.

"Mace," she said into her throat mike. "I have located Vergil. He is with the other infiltrators. However, they were attacked by a group of unknown alliegence. I am sending over the photos now."

She then pressed a button on her compnoculars to send the contents of the memory card to Mace via an encrypted satellite uplink.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Groaning, Triste sat up slowly, ignoring the sounds of gunfire as Tony covered the approaching Rover. She extended her arm outwards, and winced at the unnatural angle that her dislocated index finger was pointing. "Yeah. I'm fine," she  muttered lowly, gripping it tightly and snapping it back in place with a crunch, breath hissing through her teeth. "Bastard." Triste paused, and probed the interior of her mouth with her tongue. One of her teeth was hanging loose, the gum torn from where Veranus' fist had knocked it out of place. Rolling her eyes in frustration, she reached in and yanked the tooth free with a grunt of pain, dropping it on the floor and spitting a mouthful of blood beside where it fell. "Bastard," Triste growled again.

She rose to her feet and staggered over to where Vergil lay on his front. "Are you okay?" Looking down at him, the gecko didn't seem like he was hurt too badly, at least. Triste offered a hand down to him. "Thanks for the help. He was... stronger than I thought he'd be." The acknowledgement of her failure left a sour taste in her mouth.


Axel glanced ahead through the broken windscreen, and saw with a rush of relief that Tony's Rover was drawing steadily closer. Looking back, he saw the gunmen from the second Jeep, dwindling in the distance, take cover from the bullets rocketing their way courtesy of Tony and the others. The rat grinned. "Holy crap... maybe we're actually not about to die..."

He turned to look triumphantly at the others in the car - and his expression froze when he saw Lily using her powers on Soren. "Hey!" Axel said quickly, sliding across the seat and putting a hand gently on the arm she'd extended to Soren. "Come on! Look, he's fine! You don't need to..." His mouth tightened at the sight of the blood trickling down her nose. "Please Lily... stop. You know I don't like it when you do this..."


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"Yes I'm... I'm fine." Vergil nodded, a bit breathless in his speech as he pushed himself up painfully to his knees. "Oooh! I think... I think I'm OK." He held his side, and was pretty sure it'd be bruised. It didn't feel like any of his ribs were broken though... which was probably a good thing, considering they'd most likely have another challenge at the waypoint. "I'm glad you're mostly all right." the gecko told Triste sincerely, noting the fire was starting to die down the closer Marita limped her Rover to the group. "He was... very strong, yes." Vergil nodded here, chewing his lower lip as he got shakily to his feet and look down the cliff. "Much stronger than I was anticipating. We didn't get him... don't ask me how I know... I just do." the gecko stated with concern, scanning the jungle below but seeing nothing.

"Let's get these vehicles around the bend up ahead! We can change out the tires up there!" Tony shouted to Marita as she got close. Fortunately, each Rover had a spare tire on the inside of the trunk... he just hoped neither of them had been punctured. Emptying his clip, the ferret backpedaled and headed for the driver's side of his Rover, sliding in and putting it in gear so they could move around a bend in the cliff and get some protection. That was the nice thing about the North Yungas Road: it had plenty of curves and turns offering concealment.

Leading the way, Tony drove ahead until they were around the corner and then pulled up a bit so Marita would have room to stop in shelter. Exiting his vehicle, Tony rounded the Rover carefully and headed for Marita. "Who were those assholes?" he asked Vergil on the way. Vergil, having managed to stay low on the roof as Tony drove, shook his head. "I have no idea. No!" he said suddenly, light coming into his eyes. "They were... yes the big fellow... he was... um... he was with me back when I served with Rex! Uh... can't remember his name but... he was pretty friendly with Kalis, if I recall. Yeah! So he must be one of Kalis's then!" Vergil exclaimed, pleased he could remember such details.

"Damn... how in the hell did he find us?" Tony asked, shaking his head as he walked over to the second Rover. He put on a grin for the others in the second vehicle, trying to keep morale up. "Lovely afternoon so far, eh?" he asked, shaking his head in amazement as he came around to Axel's side. "You all right?" he asked the occupants, looking inside. "I think we should get those tires changed and continue on our way as soon as we can... no use sitting out here, after all." he pointed out, noting they were still pretty high up on the mountainside.

Vergil hopped down from the roof now carefully, as too far and he'd fall. "Well... Kalis is clearly tracking us somehow... I don't know how but he's tracking us." He looked at Triste in profile. "So... it seems he wasn't after me though... why would he be after you?" he queried, finding this to be most curious. "That's twice now it seems he's tried to nab you. What gives?"

On the cliff side, Varanus was grunting as he was hauling himself up hand over hand, using his claws to their full advantage. He'd slide down every so often, but he was not going to die on this mountain! Snarling, he pulled himself the last few feet and up over the side. Panting, he stood slouched for a moment, catching his breath. Those... those bastards! No one got the better of him like this! How dare they! He was far superior to these worms! But that white gecko... who was he? Varanus thought he looked vaguely familiar... but he couldn't exactly place him. He was skilled with a blade... that was for sure... and was a psion to boot... perfect. But he'd been told Agent Acyle was psionic too. She hadn't demonstrated any of that in the fight... but perhaps that was smart... this way, he wasn't sure just what she was capable of.

Looking up the road to his two survivors, he growled in his throat. No... it wasn't over yet... he'd regroup... kill these bastards and take Agent Acyle to Kalis... he'd accomplish his mission. But first things first... he couldn't fight in such a diminished capacity like this... he'd need to recuperate... and then he'd get them... every last one of them... they'd all die slow and painful deaths for this!

Wiping blood from his mouth, the Nile monitor began heading back up the road towards the Jeep, a look of deep anger in his eyes.

Mace pulled the pictures up on the HUD in his office, and frowned. "Hmm... well hello... who are we here?" he asked, running some of the faces of the attackers through his database. Most of them were matched to soldiers in Kalis's army... perfect. So Kalis was getting involved in this. Mace had met him only once... years ago, and he'd been very timid and shy back then. Now he was a crazy nutcase hellbent on destroying the world. How times change...

Sighing, Mace tapped his chin thoughtfully. "I see... well... those are Kalis's goons. Interesting that Kalis would be after them... are you all right?" he asked Marion. "Were you spotted? You know... I'm thinking of something..." Mace said in quick fire, trailing off and not elaborating at the moment.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Soren is...more useful than I am right now..." gasped Lily, suddenly having trouble breathing from her bruised rib. Nevertheless at both of their insistence she allowed herself to be pulled away from Soren. "Sorry..." she said to both of them quietly, not intending to have frightened them.


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marita pulled alongside Tonys Rover and staggered out of the Rover' just give me a minute to catch my breath ' she said, before looking at the  shredded back tires 'geez' she said ' boy we're we lucky they didnt hit the front set' she said 'do we have a first aid jkit?' She asked Tony' i'm sure if theres one in my Rover or not.
' marie and Rose went over to help get the spare out of the back of the Rover.
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"I was shot at but I don't think they recognized me," Marion replied. "Probably thought I was from one of the mining corporations in Bolivia. Anyways, what are my orders?" She was perched on a ledge of rock no wider than a Human hand. Her prosthetic legs had reconfigured into spiked "hooves" that gave her maximum grip. Her left arm had extended its grappling claws, anchoring her to the rock face.


Soren climbed out of the vehicle with the jack in hand. "I got shot but I'm okay thanks to the ballistic vest we packed." He slipped the jack under the Rover and slowly began to jack up the vehicle. "Anyways, anyone know those assholes?"

As he was jacking the vehicle up, he got a glance over the side of the road. He visibly shuddered.

He averted his gaze to avoid losing his lunch or fainting. He turned to Rose who had his rifle. "Could you keep watch, please?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Sure,I'll keep watch ' rose said keeping an eye on Soren as he jacked up the Rover.
-No, I didnt recognize them, but obviously someone wants us out of the way. they were clearly targeting us' Marita said.
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