The Gang of Five
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Racing the Storm

Pterano · 1020 · 92295

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily was abruptly awoken by an incredible burning sensation in her arm. Dizzily she tried to pull her arm away from whatever was doing it, only to have the source hold her back.

"Aaaugh!!!" she screamed, when she opened her eyes and realized what was happening. "What the hell are you doing!? Why!?" Her eyes went wide and she shuddered uncontrollably.


As soon as Emilena had Rio's clothing, She splashed the pants in the water, thoroughly soaking them, and then tied the legs shut. Waving them through the air, she trapped a pocket of air in the pants, making a rudimentary flotation device. This she stuffed into a pocked of wood on the broken half of the boat, temporarily stopping the steady sinking.

Next, she used her katana to slice the shirt lengthwise, doubling its width. Then she sat up, holding the shirt out against the wind. Had to be the worst sail ever used in the history of maritime voyages, but slowly the wind gave them a direction. Within a few minutes, her whole upper body felt clammy and her fists and back were burning with cramps, but soon the frothy red circle of frenzied sharks was behind them, instead of around them.

Panting heavily, Emilena dropped the sail. She felt like she could barely stay awake. "" she gasped. "Rio, can you refill the flotation device?" Already it was deflating.

Foley's eyes were still wide awake, and it appeared that the rollicking boat and pungent smell of blood had done the job of keeping him awake. Flora was still on her stomach, crying and clutching her front.

"Flora, it's okay," Emilena was slightly concerned at Flora's overreaction to what appeared to hve been superficial injuries. But then again, the poor girl wasn't used to life-threatening situations... "We're out. Come on, get up. "

"No..." the folf whimpered, tears streaming from her eyes. "They bit my..."

Emilena sighed and crawled. "You looked fine. Come on, roll over, let me check. Is your tail dislocated or something?" She forcefully pushed Flora onto her back.

As Emilena had noticed before, Flora looked to have suffered a number of minor-to-deep scrapes on her chest, abdomen, and legs. None looked like bite marks, Emilena suspected they were due to scraping against shark skin, which was composed of rows of sharp denticles. Then, she noticed Flora's penis. The top half was completely missing.

" flytrap..." Flora sobbed. She curled in the fetal position, clutching her crotch.


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Vergil caught the gun, checking it out as he nodded at her. Best be prepared for any contingency, after all. As she began to suit up and tested out her equipment, she held the gauge out to him after she swore, noting it was showing a depleted level of oxygen mixture. "Mmmm..." he said softly, sinking into thought as he stared at it. She mentioned supporting him as best she could but... he shook his head, and started to unzip his suit. "Why don't we switch? This way you have plenty of oxygen, can focus on covering us, and I have more incentive to work fast to secure the coordinates." he suggested.

Certainly there was a degree of altruism here, but he didn't want to admit it. He was more concerned about her than he was himself, so he quickly invented the solution as a viable suggestion. Whether she'd take it or not... that was on her.

The security officer was trained to detect these subtle shifts in emotion from his victims, and could see that while the rat was trying to suppress it, he was clearly affected by this. It was just the ever so slightly detectable twitches he made, the small tells that told him he was accomplishing his objective. "Oooh this is going to be unpleasant... I can already smell the blood and tissue as I start peeling it back..." He continued slicing the muscle from the arm, severing the tendons slowly one by one. "She's not going to be able to move her arm pretty soon." He responded with a smirk.

"Trying to blame us for your sabotage? Nice try... but it doesn't work that way. now once again... what was your objective?" he asked, slicing through another tendon, and angling it it towards the rat so he could take a nice look. It was then his other victim finally woke up, and he grinned sickly at her.

"Hurts, doesn't it? But then again... anytime you cross Judaken... this is what you get. Who are you working for? What was your goal?" he asked again, turning back to the rat.

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Triste shook her head, gently putting her hand over Vergil's to stop him from removing his own suit. "No, it's too risky. If I start running out of air, I can just get back in. But we need you out there to open up the waypoint - you'll need the oxygen more than me. Besides, I'm a big girl... I can hold my breath." Taking her hand away, she gave him a small smile which was partially genuine. "Thanks for the concern."

Sealing her suit up to the top, she turned and made her way to the airlock at the back of the sub. "You ready? The sooner we get this done and get back on dry land, the sooner I can relax." She considered. "Within reason, of course."


Axel bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from shouting out as the officer sliced even deeper into Lily. "Goal? Objective?!" he said eventually, his voice sounding oddly quiet against the ringing in his ears. His legs felt shaky, and he was having to force them not to tremble. "We just came here. To have. A holiday... That's the truth. I swear it." You fucking psycho...

Lily's screaming tore itself into Axel's brain, and for a moment he nearly lost control, almost flew at the clear barrier in a futile effort to kick, punch, force his way through, to wrap his hands around the officer's throat and squeeze. Anything to stop him from hurting Lily.


Still shivering, Rio nodded and moved over to where the pants serving as a flotation device had been stuffed. Pulling them up, he pulled open the end a little and waved them through the air, the movement making him feel as though ice was being rubbed against his skin. With the pants filled with a little more air, Rio leaned over and started to stuff them into the broken section of the boat, his hands brushing against the surface of the sea.

He heard the commotion behind him, and as he worked he looked over his shoulder to see what Flora was crying about. It didn't look like she was too badly hurt... Then he saw what state her penis was in, and his stomach started to churn. Gulping, Rio turned to throw up... just in time to see the sea explode in front on him, and the ugly, predatory head of a shark lunge from the depths. Shrieking, Rio tried to scramble back, but before he could yank his hands free, the shark bit down on his right arm, the teeth tearing through skin and shredding muscle like they were paper. He screamed, kicking his legs as he fought to pull free.


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Soren, Marita, Marie and Rose were now inside Soren's room. The room itself was very lavsh with replicas of Art Deco paintings hanging on the wall. Most of the furniture had the streamlined bronze and metallic features that were the hallmark of Art Deco style.

Soren sat on a chair and templed his hands. "All right, first things first: we need to look in this room for anything we can use as a weapon," he said. "We'll need all the advantages if we hope to subdue someone."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily screamed again at the feeling of the burning pain in her arm. For once, most of the pain in the room was hers.

...most. She quickly became aware that the third-most pained individual was Axel, emotionally traumatized at witnessing what was happening to her. But even as she screamed again, she felt her inquisitive side take over. Why was the guard who was torturing her feeling more pain than Axel?

Concentrating on his mind, she used the knife as a bond that connected the two of them. As she searched his psyche, she settled on the problem. This guard had felt chronic and unrelenting chest pains since he was eleven.

"Oh dear..." she muttered, suddenly feeling a pang of sorrow for the man with the knife. Honestly, living a life where every waking moment one's chest would suddenly ignite sounds even worse than her current situation. No wonder he took a job torturing others. He was going to die young, and Lily sensed that he knew and resented it.

Glaring at the guard, Lily took a deep breath and concentrated. Slowly, the next moment his chest panged with a deep aching, she absorbed it. And the next one. Slowly, the guard's failing heart repaired itself, until he got to experience the first five minutes of his life with a painless circulatory system.

"You aren't going to die at thirty now," she said, her voice quavering but eyes locked unwaveringly on his. "And occupational scruples aside, you'll be able to sleep well tonight." She coughed violently, an uncontrollable croup the guard should recognize all too well.


Flora was sobbing into the deck.

"Flora..." Emilena dragged her broken body over to comfort the folf. "Look, it's not the end of the world."

"" Flora pushed her away with her elbow; her hands still hadn't stopped clutching her crotch.

"I'm serious! Flora, listen to me." Emilena grabbed her head and forced her to focus on her eyes. "Penises grow back. I swear."

Flora sniffed. "They...they do?"

Emilena smiled hollowly. "Of course they do. Like a lizard's tail. Trust me, you'll heal."

Suddenly behind them, she heard a whirlwind of commotion. Swearing, she dove forward and grabbed Rio before the shark could drag him to a watery grave. The shark lurched dangerously, threatening to tip the whole boat over. Gritting her teeth, Emilena punched it right in the nose, where the majority of its sensory organs are. Suddenly the shark spasmed wildly, and Emilena shouted at Flora, "My sword!"

Flora, to her credit, responded quickly, and Emilena embedded it in the shark's head. "Help me get it on the boat!" she yelled at both Rio and Flora. She didn't want to lose their first source of food.


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Marita was going through the drawers looking for anything that might be useful as a weapon. ' you find anything we might be able to use. because All i see is this book about a man called Gideon..' she sighed slamming the drawer shut.' a books arent going to get the job done..' she said, staring at a painting hanging on the wall that showed  a neon lighthouse..
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Soren looked at the complementary bar. He sighed. "Great and I was hoping to have a drink to relax."

He then opened the bar and found that the only things servicable as a weapon were two glass beer bottles. "I've got two beer bottles in the hotel bar." He looked at the bottles. "Expensive ones too. Since there's four of us, two of us are either going to be brawling or using other weapons."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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He stopped himself from fully undressing, and pulled his suit back on. "Right... well... I suppose you're right. Anyway... just keep me covered while I access the waypoint and get the coordinates." Placing the helmet over his head, it was a bad fit. His snout was too long, so he had to angle his head downward to cram into it.

"Mmph... let's do this..." He said, entering the airlock now as he sealed the door behind them and began to flood the chamber. The water entered the sub, seeping around their ankles and beginning to build up now. It rose past their knees, over their chests, and soon, they were submerged within a minute. Pressing the button to allow them egress, the lock slid open and Vergil led the way, the water pressure out here immense and making it next to impossible to move. Exhaling heavily thanks to the exertion, Vergil watched some bubbles ascend from his suit as he turned with difficulty towards the waypoint. Fortunately, these suits were mechanically reinforced, but that didn't mean much at a depth of over two miles.

"Wish I was a fish..." he muttered, stomping heavily and laboriously towards the console. "Amazing this damn thing hasn't been crushed under here. They really knew what they were doing..."

Exerting himself to move forward, it took much longer than he wanted to actually approach the console. "Should've backed up to it instead of faced it..." He commented, as it would've made the walk far less grueling, but at least he'd made it. "OK... let's see..." Reaching out, he activated the console, which sprang to life, throwing the cavern into an eerie blue light. A beam of light shot out towards his head, and he waited for the scan to take place.

"Greetings traveler... the path to power lies within. Hold please for confirmation."

"So uh... China or Egypt?" Vergil asked her, trying to look behind him.

"I don't think so. You ruined a guest's room and tried to sink the station... so let's try this..." Suddenly though, he felt his irritation gone, and he glanced at Lily now, and at her strange words. And then she coughed just like him. "What?" he asked here, raising a brow and suddenly confused.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he suddenly slapped her roughly across her face in a violent backhand motion. "What are you playing at?" he snapped. "You one of those freaks from the Scorched Earth War or the Rebellion? That explains some things!" he harshly said, his voice grating as he wiped his mouth again from the spittle.

"Look... I want answers NOW!" shouted, backhanding her again. Snarling, he grabbed the defibrillator from the medical pod and charged it up, tearing it towards her. He put the electrodes onto her thigh, shocking it and setting her pants on fire. He then proceeded to violently beat the flames out. "Well? What's your objective? Vacation my ass! You're here on sabotage! But you don't tell me now... you'll be telling someone much worse than me, got it? Someone who's a freak like you!" he snarled, whirling around to Axel now as a small flame still burned on Lily's pants. He either didn't notice or didn't care.

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Triste struggled to follow behind Vergil - she wasn't weak, but even for her movement at this depth was uncomfortably restrictive. The sound of her breathing was tinny and unnervingly lifeless in the closed confined of her helmet. Clutching the speargun tightly, her eyes scanned the darkness all around, the flashlight on the side of her helmet doing little to alleviate it.

Reaching Vergil, Triste clutched onto the side of the console with one hand and scrutinised the waypoint. "How about Egypt? Could give you another chance to tan," she said drily, awkwardly twisting around to look around them. Still clear. Turning back, she glanced down at her oxygen meter and with a feeling of relief saw she had a good amount of air left.


Axel stared through the barrier, horrified, as Lily's legs went up in flames. He saw her pants burning, the blood dripping from her arm... and finally they settled on her own, taking in her pained expression as she stared back at him. Axel blinked.

Suddenly, he ran forward and slammed his fist against the clear barrier. "Just stop it, you fucking prick! Stop hurting her!" he screamed, his voice breaking. "I'm telling you the truth! I... I promise!"


As Emilena stabbed the shark in the head, Rio lay on the floor and looked at his injured arm, at the torn, mangled skin hanging loosely from his forearm, and moaned. Vaguely, from somewhere far away, he heard her telling him to help lift the shark onto the boat, and he turned painfully to look at her. "Arrggh!" he informed her.

Still, he leaned over the side with his good arm, and with Flora doing most of the work they started pulling the dead shark up. "Bastard! Asshole!" he shrieked, dealing the corpse a might kick in the side of the head.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I...just healed you!" Lily gasped in outrage. "Your chest pains are gone, I've lengthened your lifespan! And this is how you reply?"

She took a deep breath. "You've been given a new lease on life, and I want to hear you acknowledge that. You have lived with anger and resentment in your heart, and have reacted by living an existence dedicated to hurting others. Well, I've removed the source of your inner pain, so let me know what you're going to do about that." She spat blood on the ground, but continued glaring at the guard. "The only type of person I hold no remorse for is one given a miracle but who refuses to take advantage of it."


Emilena took several ragged breaths. "God dammit. I'm sorry kid." Grabbing his shirt, she quickly wrapped the arm up as best as she could. The shirt soon became soaked with blood, but if she held it there long enough, it should soon coagulate. "I think you're okay. It looks bad, but you just used it fully while dragging that bitch onto the boat, so you haven't lost any function." Unlike me... she thought wistfully, as her leg slowly and concernedly grew numb.

Slicing a chunk of meat off, she tossed it to Flora. "Keep that on Flora jr. It'll reduce the swelling." Likewise, she stuck a chunk of meat on Foley's forehead. "Hey there, tecchie..." she said softly. "You still with us?"

Foley nodded. His mouth appeared too dry to speak.

"Emi?" asked Flora in a tiny voice. "...are we going to die?"

"No!" Emilena snapped viciously. "We're all still alive, and dammit I'm gonna keep it that way! We just need to find land, there's got to be islands around here!"

Foley made a sound.

"What's that champ?" asked Emilena. He was whispering something, so she stuck her ear near his mouth.


"What's he saying?" asked Flora.

"He says there were several dotted islands north of here," Emilena spoke up hastily. "The wind is on our side. Let's just drift and make as much distance as we can from the shark frenzy. If anyone's hungry, we got shark."


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Vergil waited patiently for the machine to complete its scans, and finally, the map appeared, which fortunately for him required no fighting or interacting with questions or anything like that. Perhaps his neural pattern had been recognized... he did vaguely remember this after all.

Waiting as the projection rotated around, Vergil touched the one in Egypt, letting the coordinates pop up as he committed them to memory, murmuring them a few times to get them down. "OK... let's get outta here..." He said, turning now as he tried to battle the current that threatened to push them back into the cave. "Certainly one of the least hospitable locations... though I think Egypt will be just as bad..." Grunting, he grasped hold of the sub and began to haul himself along the side rails, tugging himself through what felt like glue as he inched his way towards the airlock.

Finally nearing the door, he looked behind him. "You doing OK?" he asked, pausing at the entrance. "We should get out of here as soon as possible." he informed her, sensing something else up above... though it was very far away...

The interrogator glared down at her as she responded, Axel beating his fist against the barrier rather uselessly. "A second lease on life? That's fantastic!" he responded with mock enthusiasm. "I also get paid exceedingly well to do what I do... you think gratitude is going to change me? I didn't ask for your help... if you even helped me!" He stated. He noticed the fire burning on her pants now, and he grinned, letting it burn.

"You don't realize who you crossed... but you soon will. Even if if this was just some BIG mistake as you claim... you owe us millions... so how you figure on repaying that, huh?" he asked, going over to retrieve a probe from the wall. "So... you want to give us your bank accounts? Homes? Cars? We can start with those to consider settling the debt. Or if you like... you can sign up for work with us... for probably the rest of your lives... with next to no compensation aside from room and board... choice is yours!" He then jammed the probe into the back of Lily's neck, penetrating her spine as he set the voltage to deliver painful shocks throughout her nervous system... which of course would wreak havoc with it even in short bursts.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily screamed as electric charges wracked her body, but even then she thought, You...shouldn't...have...touched me...

Using the probe to form a mental connection, she concentrated on the cells in his brain and quickly caused them to overgrow. Simultaneously she accelerated what problems remained with his weakened heart, and expanded specific muscles in order to pinch shut the nerve tracts connecting his brain and spinal column to the rest of his body. In milliseconds, he was a quadriplegic experiencing lethal brain cancer, a heart attack, and multiple strokes at the same time. She made sure to shut down his nervous system first, so he wouldn't feel any pain.

<Axel,> she thought hurriedly, trusting the bond they shared as husband and wife, <I need you to spit on the other guards. All of them. Fast!!>

The other guards were still standing outside the bars of the jail. In seconds, the interrogator would show the signs of what Lily had done to him.


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Triste nodded. It was starting to become slightly, just slightly hard to breath so it seemed as though they'd timed it pretty well. "Yeah... yeah, I'm fine." Pulling herself along behind Vergil, Triste grasped the edge of the airlock, dragged herself through. Activating the system, the turned to him as the water drained out of the compartment. "No arguments from me there," she muttered. For some reason, this place more than the others truly made her feel like they didn't belong there, and if they could get out quick, so much the better.

Opening the hatch to the interior of the sub, Triste glanced back, and saw Vergil seemed... unnerved. "What is it? What's wrong?" Without waiting for an answer, she hurried across to the controls and started up the engines. If something was making him nervous, it could only mean bad news - and she didn't fancy around to find out how bad it was.


As the officer slumped to the floor, Axel's jaw tightened, his teeth clenching together. If this didn't work... Hearing Lily's quiet voice in his head, he hurried across to one corner of the cell's barrier two guards were standing around, chatting... but the noise the officer had made caused them to start turning around. They looked close enough... he hoped they were, at least. Mustering his strength, and drawing as much spit in his mouth as he could, Axel pressed his face against one of the slots in the barrier, and spat as hard as he could at them.  

Flinching back, the guards both turned to look at Axel in disgust. "What the fu-" Suddenly, they both seized up... and after a second, they both crumpled to the floor like a puppet with it's strings cut. Breathing heavily, his heart hammering against his chest, Axel fell to his knees and tried to reach his hand through one of the small slots in the bottom. He just managed to get his fingers around the belt of the guard closest to him, and with a grunt he pulled him slowly closer.

Patting him down, Axel felt his head grow light. He couldn't find anything.. no keys... "Dammit, come on!" He felt his fingers close around a clear strip of plastic in the guard's pocket. Pulling it out, he could see it was some kind of key card. Axel quickly stood up and pressed his face against the barrier, scanning the sides of the cell for a slot. There! To the right of his cell, he could see a reader for the card. Forcing his hand through, he awkwardly rotated his wrist and after several attempts, he managed to draw the card through. For a second nothing happened, and his stomach plummeted. Then there was a small beep, and the clear barrier rose up slowly.

Feelinghis legs start to shake, Axel rushed out and hurried over to Lily. "Oh god... oh god, are you okay?! Are you..." Bending down, he clutched one of the mechanical straps binding her wrists and pulled against it as hard as he could, but it was too strong. Nothing budged. "Son of a bitch!" Gritting his teeth, Axel rushed around the chair, looking for some kind of release mechanism. Nothing... nothing... Then his eyes grew wide as he saw a small switch down low on one of the legs, covered in dried blood. Axel quickly flipped it, and the restraints on Lily's wrists and ankles slid back. Putting his arm around her to support her as best as he could, he gently pulled her out of the seat. "It's alright, I got you." He shuddered, nerves in tatters. "Holy crap..."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I'll be fine..." Lily panted, getting on her own two feet. Already she felt her body healing. Unlike most people, she could push her wounded body to the limit without fear of permanent injury. "You were so brave," she hugged him, then left several large kisses on his face in relief. "I love you so much!"

Her bond with Axel was stronger than she thought; he had just proved capable of serving as a conduit for her powers. Even to the limited extent of his saliva, if he could touch someone, she could affect them.

"Oh God, Axel..." Her glance caught one of the men she'd murdered in probably the worst way possible. "I'd always wondered whether my healing powers could be reversed...I mean, it made sense...but I never wanted to actually do it to someone...such a horrible death..."

She let Axel lead the way down the hallway. "We need to get back to the residential area; that's where Soren and the others will be looking for us. Were you conscious when they brought us here? Can you get us back there?"


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But just as Vergil was about to explain they needed to get back to the surface NOW... the feeling passed. The pain was resolved, and he sensed a resolution to the problem. "Never mind... it's worked itself out." He commented. That made things extremely easier on him now. But little did he know, another hammer blow was about to fall...

"Let's just get to the surface. We'll feed them a story that we need more time. We found the source, but it's a tricky solution, so we're going to have to plan this out... then we get out of here on the next boat and don't look back. There's no way they'd agree for us to shut down their operations anyway. We'll let them figure that out on their own." he stated, shaking his head.

Proceeding to remove his suit, he scurried over to his phone and tapped out the coordinates into a note, to ensure he wouldn't have to remember them. He still muttered the numbers over and over again even as he tapped away on the screen. "OK! Got the next set of coordinates! We're good to go!" he informed her. He braced himself, as he knew what was coming next...

In Corona, the sun shone brightly down on the white buildings and created the dazzling effect the city was so well-known for. The government building that housed the secret headquarters of the Federation's Special Forces was as non-descript as they came. It resembled a library, or some other office building. It didn't seem like an important place at all, but important it was.

But someone had talked... or more rather... someone had been made to talk. A pale looking gargoyle gecko wrapped in a red cloak stood on the path leading to the building. He couldn't smirk, thanks to the partial mask covering the lower half of his face, but his eyes blazed in determination and triumph. He had finally found them... and he was going to send a message...

Beginning to walk forward now, the red-garbed gecko strode towards the building, looking for all the world as if he belonged there...

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I could use a drink' Rose said, spaking up from searching in the closet, which was full of clothes. ' got any ginger ale? nothing in here but clothes. and ghitting someone with a shirt isnt going to get the job done..
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Soren went to the hotel bar and tossed Rose a can of ginger ale.

"What about the bathroom?" he asked.

He then looked around the room and whistled. "Right, so how do we want to do this? Call room service and then beat the shit out of the staff who arrive?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Marita smirked as she helped herself to a couple root beers. she tossed one of them to Marie as  she went inside the bathrooms and looked for anything in the cabinet that might prove useful. ' well theres shaving cream in here"she said pulling out  a can of it. ' a blast of this in the eyes should blind them temporarily.
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"Alright... let's just hope they buy it," Triste muttered, angling the sub away from the waypoint, drifting further away from it's almost comforting blue glow and closer to the cave's opening. Turning her head, she was about to tell Vergil to hold on, but it looked like he already had that covered. Giving a quick smile, she looked back at the controls and pushed a lever.

The ballast tanks fitted to the sub started to fill with air, pushing them back up to the surface. Not fast enough... Triste pushed the lever down even more, and the two of them were pressed back against their seats as the craft sped through the cave opening and started to clear the plane wreckage.


Axel grunted, holding a hand against his side where the guard had hit him earlier. "Yeah, I was... it's, uh..." They stopped as the corridor branched into two paths, one to the left and the other stretching off to the right. "It's..." he gritted his teeth. "Crap". His ears pricked up as he heard several voices coming from the path that led to the right, getting louder. "Left! Definitely left!" Axel said quickly, making for the left route. He was aware of how their footsteps were echoing fairly loudly against the thick walls and floor, making it easy for anyone who was following to track them. He gulped and made an effort to tread more softly.

Slipping a hand into his pocket, he pulled out a phone that he'd found on one of the dead guards. Flipping it open, he pushed Soren's number into the keypad and hit call. "Soren!" he whispered when he heard someone answer. "Me and Lily got caught by security... the guys here are crazy... but we got out. We need help!"


Rio slumped back against the floor, his arm starting to go numb. He'd managed to pick up what Foley had said, and it wiped what little strength he had left in him. His eyes drifting across the horizon, he could see how alone they were. At this point, it'd take a miracle to save them - and he didn't hold too much faith in those.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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"Yeah... well it's all we can do." he commented as she began to fill the ballast tanks with air. They were rising slowly now, the wreckage of Flight 447 becoming visible as they began to rise to the surface. Triste increased their ascent though, causing him to be forced back against his seat.

But as they started to rise and he focused on holding everything back, a sharp pain knifed into his chest, and he clutched it as his eyes widened. "Oh my god..." he whispered, frantically shifting his orange eyes from left to right as he tried to get a fix on what he was experiencing. It broke his concentration, and suddenly, a shadow began pursuing them now...

"There's a problem back at headquarters!" he said, turning to her with concern flooding his features. "A lot of death... destruction... something's happened..." He didn't seem to be aware that he'd lost focus, as this new input was demanding his attention.

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(runner up)

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