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Racing the Storm

Pterano · 1020 · 92289

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily waited anxiously for Soren to reply. Looking nervously down both sides of the corridor, she reflected gratefully that they haven't seem to have been discovered yet.

She noticed a partially-open door that showed rows of towels on racks. If worse came to worse, they could slip in there, maybe even find housekeeper uniforms.


Flora whimpered, still curled in the fetal position. Foley wasn't much better; his breathing had become haggard and unreliable. Rio's arm was in bad shape and even as the boy fought to keep a strong face, he was losing blood quickly because his arm wasn't sewed up.

Emilena had to admit they weren't in the greatest position right now. Even as the flotation device she'd constructed out of a pair of pants deflated and the boat began sinking again, she couldn't will her exhausted body to slide over and fix it.

Maybe this it it, she thought. Maybe it's finally my time to see why everyone fusses so much about death.

It just feels so...anti-climactic. All of it. But then, perhaps everyone thinks that in the end.

Her body shuddered of its own accord. This particular symptom she recognized; she was going into drug withdrawl. As she slowly slipped closer and closer to unconsciousness, she embraced the feeling. It was something she could understand, it was familiar. In her last moments of life, familiarity was a luxury she could accept.


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marita pulled out her phone and called room service ' yes i'd like to order two large pizzas, one pepperoni, the other deluxe' she said. she waited for the operators to take the order and ask hoew she intended to pay i'll pay in credits. thank you'  Marita smiled and hung up the phone ' The Delivery boys will be here in ten minutes" She said to Soren,. ' be ready.
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Soren nodded. "I'll be outside." He then opened the door and stood across from their room.

Everyone who passed by him saw a Human chattering away on his cellphone. Eventually, after twelve minutes of chatting to a nonexistant friend, the two delivery people were ready with hot steaming pizzas.

"Hey, we uh, got a delivery here for a Ms. Marita Jones," the first man said. He was a rather muscular looking Human of South Asian descent. The two paid no heed to Soren, taking him to be another tourist. The second was a dour looking female Dhole.

Come on, just a little longer, Soren thought.

When the door clicked open, Soren exploded from the wall. Diving into a low tackle, he managed to somehow shove both delivery people through the door.

The next few seconds were a blur as the stunned workers began fighting back against what was presumed to be a mugging.

Soren twisted his shoulder to block a punch from the man and retaliated with an elbow to the chin. At the same time, the Dhole dropped low and tried to tackle him. Caught off balance, he fell to the ground. The Dhole mounted him and began throwing punches at his face, which he tried to block to the best of his ability. Desperate, he groped around and managed to grab a hold of the Dhole's tail. Giving it a hard tug, he elicited a very pained yelp from the woman ó and a renewed barrage of blows.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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The Pizzas flew out of the delivery persons hands and laded on the floor, the box popped open and steam wafted from the hot pizzas. marita stormed into the room and began spraying from a can. the shaving cream hit the woman in the face tenmporarily blinding her temporarily, long enough for Marie to  tackle her and get her off of  Soren.  Rose Grabbed the man from behind and soon held him in a headlock. the struggle was fast and furious as the delivery persons tried to fight off their attackers.
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Soren staggered and spat out some blood from a split lip as he got to his feet. He shook his head to clear it and reassesed the situation.

Seeing as the Dhole had just tried to latch her jaws on Marie's arm. Soren targeted her first. He grabbed the nearest heavy object, which happened to be a beer bottle he had retrieved from the fridge. Charging at the Dhole, he swung the bottle at her head.

A satisfying thump was heard as the bottle connected with her skull. But before he could take another swing, the Dhole managed to block his stroke and grab his arm in an attempt to disarm him. Thinking quickly, Soren kneed her in the groin, leaving her gasping for air.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Marita   landed a few good punches on the guy Rose was trying to subdue, the first punch caught him on the cheek, the second on the chin and the third on the nose. the man collapsed after the final blow, out cold. ' Rose take off his clothes' Marita said, panting slightly from exertion. ' i'll go find something to tie him up with ' Marita said went over to the nearby closet and found a number of suits  hanging on hooks. She took one down and began tearing it into strips as Rose took off the delivery mans uniform.. She went over to the unconscious delivery man,  who was now clothed only in his underwear  socks and shoes.  She bound his arms together using one of the strips. then wrapped another around his mouth gagging him.
Marie winced as the dhole had tried to bite her arm, and had left imprints on her arm.  she grabbed a bottle from the   bar and headed towards the woman, intebnding to knock her out.
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The Dhole had recovered enough of her breath to reach into her uniform. Soren saw the movement and with a suprisingly fast sprint, charged up to her and kicked her square in the head as hard as possible. The impact caused the object to fly out from the Dhole's grasp as she was knocked unconscious by the powerful blow.

He gasped as he saw the object. It was a full-sized pistol just like the one he had once used in Lanthae during the Purifier Crisis. "Uh, guys, I think these guys were here to deliver more than pizza." He held up the pistol.

His phone then buzzed, alerting him to a voicemail. He unlocked it via the touchscreen and found that Axel had left the voicemail.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Rose gaped as she saw the gun, then began going through the mans clothes , and pulled out a second gun ' geez, these guys were packing heat ' she muttered  as she stared at the weapon ' might as well take these along. ' along with the pizza' Marie said  as she put the bottle down on the ground and picked up the pizzas which were still warm.
- Marita went over the the Dhole, pinned her armed behind her back and tied her up, then gagged her." Lets put these two in the bathroom and lock it, then go find Axel and Lily' Marita said " Help me drag this one the bathroom' she said to Rose.
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Three solid looking guards, the middle one carrying a box of doughnuts, were making their way along the security corridor. The one on the right was in the middle of speaking, and they were too distracted to notice the two prisoners fleeing up the corridor to their right as they passed the intersection and carried on towards the cells.

"Alright, alright, here's one," the guard said. "What's the difference between a woman and a battery?"

"I dunno... what?" the one on the left chuckled.

"A battery has a positive side."

This was received with meaty, booming guffaws from the three gorilla - like men as they approached the door leading to the cells. It was ajar, and the guard carrying the doughnuts called through. "Hey Roger! I got yer doughnuts here! I know how hungry ya get after a bit'a torture. Couldn't get the ones with sprinkles though."

"Okay, my turn," said the man on the left, flapping his arm for attention as they filed in. "What's the difference between a Jew and a pizza? A pizza doesn't..." He trailed off. "Oh shit." Before the guards, three of their colleagues were sprawled dead on the ground. The cells were open.

Doughnut guard dropped the box he was carrying and hurriedly pulled out a walkie-talkie. "We've got a situation!" he barked into it. "Three men down, at least one prisoner escaped!"


Shrugging, Axel hung up the phone and looked at Lily. "Huh. I could've sworn he answered." Slipping it back into his pocket, he ran a hand through his hair and started to move again. "Alright... we're doing okay. As long as we don't draw attention to ourselves..."

He was cut off by a loud wailing as sirens overheard began to blare, and red lights flickered on and off. "Alert! Alert!" a voice droned. His ears flattening, Axel blinked at Lily. "Well, crap."


 As she forced the sub to rise up as fast as it could, Triste heard a low whisper coming from Vergil. "What?!" she called across, glancing at him quickly. "What's the matter?" Her eyes widened when he mentioned the Headquarters. "What happened? Vergil! What the hell -"

Something slammed into them from the side, and Triste was thrown sideways, almost tumbling out of her chair. "Jesus!" Grappling with the controls and just barely managing to stop them from spinning into the plane wreck. "Something's on us! I need your help!"


As the water started to lap around his feet, Rio first tried to move them out of the way, but after a moment he gave up. What's the point... Suddenly, he remembered the small Nutrageous bar that he'd stuck down his underwear for safe keeping after he'd stolen it from the cleaner on the ship. In all the excitement, he'd completely forgotten about it. If I'm gonna die, then at least I can have some goddamn chocolate first.

He reached down and pulled it out from the front. It was warm, but still eatable. Slyly, Rio started to unwrap it with his remaining good arm for himself... but then he paused. Emilena, Foley, Flora... they'd almost, sort of become a family for him. A messed up, slightly twisted family, but they looked out for each other. They'd looked out for him. "Guys..." he called out, his voice crackly. "Want to share this? It's been somewhere kind of... private, but it'll still taste good..." Rio stretched out his hand, presenting the chocolate.

A seagull swooped down from the sky and plucked the bar from his fingers. Dumbstruck, Rio could only watch in shock as the bird sailed upwards and gulped the chocolatey treat down in one. With a final triumphant squawk, it then sailed off into the sunset.

After a moment, Rio leaned back, suddenly feeling very tired. "This is bullshit..." he complained.


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Soren took the Dhole, clad only in her underwear and roughly pushed her into the bathroom. He then got a look at himself in the mirror. His face was pretty beat-up and he had a black eye but he could excuse those as he having slipped and fell.

The door did not lock from the outside but a chair under the doorknob kept it in place.

Soren looked at the remnants of their fight. "Guys, it's Axel. He broke out and he wants to meet us somewhere," he said as he hung up his phone after listening to the voicemail.

He then accessed an app in his smartphone that allowed him to remotely control another smartphone so as long as he knew its number. Inputting Axel's number, he remotely activated the microphone. Soon, he heard the sound of sirens and a synthesized recording that warned of a prisoner escape.

He scowled and shut the program down. "Shit! We have to hurry! Axel's been spotted!" He quickly donned the man's uniform. Luckily, the extra padding of his clothes helped fill out the otherwise large outfit. He tucked the pistol in his pocket

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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But Vergil wasn't able to answer, as the sub was suddenly hit and spun violently on its side. "Dammit!" the gecko uttered, coming back to reality now. "It's that thing I told you about before!" It loomed up in their view now, a hideous creature with skin hanging down in flabby tags. It looked purple in color, but in the darkness was hard to tell. "Holy crap!" Vergil breathed, eyes going wide.

It had arms but no legs, which culminated in a sharp spike apiece that looked like bone. It maneuvered with a giant tail that tapered to a fine point, and had a double row of crooked, yellowed teeth.

"Uhhhh... I can't control that thing..." Vergil stated as it lunged for them now, maw opened wide. Vergil dove forward, slamming his hand down on the fire button for the torpedoes, which launched one straight towards the monster.

The torpedo sped towards its target, the beast crunching down on it before it blew, shattering some of its teeth and causing it to issue a shriek of pain that threw the sub back. "Get us out of here!" Vergil ordered, sliding into the seat next to her now as he realized standing up wasn't the best thing to do right here. It was about fifty times the size of the sub, so taking it head on would be most unwise as its mouth could easily gobble the sub up and then some.

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Marita threw on the woman's outfit while Rose put the gun into her pocket. ' Time to move everyone'  Rose said, regretting for a moment that they really wouldnt have time to enjoy the pizza.' we could use the pizzas as cover " Saying we're making a delivery to some room ' Marie said getting an idea "shoot axel a text mesage try and find a good place to meet.
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Soren texted Axel. Axel, we're heading down. Meet us by the security office.

He then pocketed the smartphone and picked up the pizza.

When the group headed down the hallway, no one suspected a thing. Even though only Soren and Marita were wearing uniforms, everyone assumed the two to be new workers.

They soon arrived at a door labeled "Employees Only". Thanks to the RFID tag inside the sleeves of the uniforms, Soren and Marita were able to gain access with Rose and Marie trailing behind.

Soren looked around. The hallways were a bland insitutional white ó a huge change from the Art Deco inspired furnishings and ornaments of Voltaic Station's touristy areas.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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arie looked around the hallway as they kept walking, trying tokeep a steady face and make it seem as if she belonged there. here and there passenges cut away from the dry bland walls. so far no one had stopped them.. yet.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily led Axel to the closet with the towels. "Try Soren again while we're in here!" she urged. She glanced around and was disappointed to find there were no uniforms of any sort in this closet, unless bathrobes counted.

Her eyes narrowed as she noticed a laundry chute. Well, if push came to shove we could always jump down that...


All of a sudden, a harmonious melody drifted across the waves. Flora looked around and cocked her head quizzically.

Riding towards them abreast a glimmering light, a fierce rugged look etched into his features, was Nairda. No longer was he the scrawny twenty-something fox they'd once known. Now he had the chiseled features of a man.

"It's a ghost..." Flora gasped, tremoring. "We're being haunted!"

At her rousing, the others slowly lifted their heads to see what the ghost was. "Nairda?" gasped Emilena.

As he drew closer, it soon became apparent what he was swimming with. Matching every stroke of his with a powerful kick of her tail was a shivering scaled mermaid, her eyes alight with an otherworldly glow. All sharks within a ten foot radius of her fled immediately.

Nobody said anything as Nairda hoisted himself onto the boat. "The silent treatment, eh?" he glowered, in a voice much deeper than before. "Do you all even remember me, or was I that transitory?"

Everyone remained stunned silent. Foley groaned loudly.

By this point, the boat was capsized enough that the mermaid could access the crew. Putting her hands on Foley's forehead, she hissed gutteral, harmonious lyrics in a runic chant no living mortal could translate. Undulating light particles orbited his skull, and he sighed comfortably as color returned to his face and the swelling disappeared.

"One of you say something to me!" snapped Nairda angrily. His eyes flared behind the bushy eyebrows of a rugged survivor. "I want to hear everyone say that you couldn't have lived through today without me! Starting with you!" he pointed an accusing finger at Emilena.

Emilena was watching with awe as the mermaid cradled her leg. Slowly, the stitches floated to the surface of the waves as the skin and muscle repaired themselves amidst a light show of ether. "You're not Nairda," Emilena said matter-of-factly. "Impossible. You must be a kelpie, or a Changeling. Trust us, we don't mind. We honestly prefer you over Nairda."

Nairda's eyes bugged. "I am Nairda you bastard! How can you not recognize your true love?"

"I can; that's the problem!" snapped Emilena. Behind her, the mermaid was whispering incantations as she ran her fingers down Rio's arm. "You made some basic mistakes in your disguise. For one, you look like a Nairda who actually went through puberty."

"I had Aurora beef me up a bit!" he retorted. "She saved me after you had me thrown overboard. She's very powerful."

Aurora was hesitating before healing Flora, but ultimately sighed and put her hands on Flora's junk. Flora's tongue lolled in relief and her eyes rolled back into her head.

"I'm supposed to believe that a mermaid found you in the time between you jumping ship and drowning?" Emilena folded her arms.

"I can't drown, you idiot! I have trans-adaptive conversion lungs, remember? They were one of the many Augments I was required to get after that horrible accident in my backstory." Nairda took a deep breath. "It was three days later that she found me, starving and barely keeping my body afloat. I kept expecting you guys to come rescue me. I figured if my ejection was part of your plan, some further step would involve my rescue, right?"

"What do you think we were doing out here right now, you ungrateful whelp!" Emilena snapped.

As the glowing evaporated and the mermaid pulled her hands away, Flora purred happily and inspected her intact flytrap. "Oh Aurora, you're amazing. Are you seeing anybody?"

"Yes!" interrupted Nairda defensively. "We care about each other far more than any of you ever cared about me! What kind of bullshit rescue plan involves relaxing on the cruise ship for the rest of the voyage and then taking a love yacht from Voltaic in a random direction? I would have been long dead by the time you left the docks!"


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(OOC - Wat?)

Simply by acting like they belonged, the five were able to walk through the back areas without interruption.

Soon, they found themselves at a door labeled "Security Staff Lounge". Loud industrial rock boomed through the closed door. Soren cleared his throat and knocked on the door. "Pizza delivery!"


The two guards, one a Belgian Malanois Baseline and the other a Human Augment, stopped their card game.

The Malanois peeled his lips back, exposing his fangs. "You order any pizza?"

The Human scowled as she put her cards down and unholstered her pistol. "I didn't order any pizza."

The door slid open, and she was confronted by a Human and four Canines. She wrinkled her nose ó her augmented sense of smell could smell that one of them was a drug addict and all of them had been involved in some sort of strenuous activity ó most likely a fight owing to the chemicals ahe could detect circulating in their blood.

"We didn't order any pizza," she growled, her pistol kept at the ready.

"Uh, sorry. Mistake been made! I get going!" Soren quickly acted like a new staff member, feigning a poor command of English.

"Hold it! You'reó" She took a step closer.

Decidedly not wanting to deal with Voltaic Station's prison system, he threw the lukewarm pizza at the guard, distracting her for a moment. That moment was all he needed to pull his pistol and put three rounds into the guard. Unfortunately for him, the guard managed to get off a shot as she fell backwards. The bullet missed him, striking the doorframe and causing fragments to ripinto his left arm.

The gunshot attracted the Malanois's attention. He turned to the group with pistol in hand.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Rose stepped forward and fired off two shots into the Malanois, the first hit him in the stomach, the second directly in the chest. Rose froze for a brief second as the guard toppled over, his gun clattering to the ground. ' Marie went over and picked it up.. ' better give Axel a call. tell him to stay where he is if hes hidden, we'll head towards him ' she said to Soren. Rose was shaking, she had never killed anyone before, and she looked at the gun she was holding with disgust ' My.. my God ' she murmured, shock on her face.' Marita stepped up and took the gun from her. ' Come on, no time to beat yourself up.. we need to get out of here' Marita said firmly to her.
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Soren's stolen uniform was starting to redden with blood. He holstered his pistol and he took out his smartphone and dialed Axel.

"Pick up, damn it!" he muttered. When he had gotten through, he spoke. "Hey, Axel. It's Soren. We're currently in the Guard's Lounge. Stay where you are. We'll find you."

He then hung up and opened the same app he had used to eavesdrop on Axel's location. Inputting the phone number, he waited until he got a lock on Axel's location.

He then turned to the two others. Heart racing, he looked around. No activity. Of course, that didn't mean anything. "Keep watch while I see if the guards have anything useful."

He examined the dead woman. There was nothing visible on her uniform, just three bullet holes in her bloody uniform. He shrugged and took the pistol from her hand.

The Malanois had nothing of use either. The ID on a lanyard from his belt was taken as well.

(OOC - Is Soren the only Human in the group?)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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(Yes, marita , Marie and riose are all dogs)
 marie took up a position near the door, hoping Sioren would be quick. ' i figure we've got only a couple minutes to get out of here Soren " marie said "Once you've located what you want from the guards. we need to go.'
 Marita was on the other side of the doorway and periodically glanced down the hallway.
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"What's the rush? I was gonna hang around, stay for the sights!" Triste snapped back as she pushed the sub to its maximum speed... which didn't seem to be nearly enough. Glancing into the rear monitor, Triste could see the huge creature already beginning to gain on them again, its grotesque face looming closer as it used its tail to propel itself through the water.

Reaching across, Triste wrapped her hand around the trigger and fired off a second round of torpedoes back at the creature. But it had learned from the last attack and it raised a clawed hand, swatting the missiles away without even blinking. “Son of a bitch…” Triste started to swear – but then the creature sliced its claw back down, and the sub was once again rocked violently to the side. This time, it was accompanied by a shrill bleeping that subsided after a few seconds. Pulling back on the controls, she managed to straighten the vehicle again, and glanced up at the damage report flashing on one of the monitors. The craft had almost been torn wide open. It’d hold together – at least, for now – but another successful attack by this monster and they’d almost certainly be dead. Gritting her teeth in frustration, Triste swerved to the left, and took them through a narrow gap in the plane’s wreckage, hoping to lose it amongst the broken machinery and twisted metal.

Scanning the ruins around them and looking at the rear cameras, where the creature’s hideous, bulbous yellow eyes were fixed forwards in a dead stare, Triste had a desperate idea. “Your psionics!” she shouted across to Vergil. “Try to lift some of these metal pieces and throw them back at the bastard’s eyes! Burst them!”


As they searched around for something useful in the laundry room, Axel heard a bleeping from the phone he’d taken. Looking down at it quickly, he saw it was a call from Soren’s number. Answering it, he stuttered in the affirmative and hung up. “Okay… Soren and the others are on their way! We just… we just need to sit tight…”

From outside, he heard the loud rumbling of multiple footsteps and then; “Hey! Did you leave the laundry room open?!”

Throat suddenly closing, Axel looked across and saw what Lily was looking at – the laundry chute. “After you!” he choked, picking her up and tossing her through, trying to be gentle but probably not succeeding given the pressure of the situation. Gripping the sides of the chute, he lifted himself up and started to slide down feet first… but as he was disappearing down, he felt a hand grab his head, fingers wrapping around his hair tightly.

“I got the cocksucker!” a deep voice yelled triumphantly.

Crying out in pain, Axel bucked wildly, trying to shake the grip that was holding him back. He tried reaching his hands back to pry the fingers off, but in the tight confines of the chute he couldn’t quite manage. Axel gave one final tug… which must have unbalanced the guard and pulled him off his feet. Suddenly, the two of them were shouting and sliding down the dark metal passage after Lily, to whatever awaited them below.


Rio stared down at his arm, amazed, as his torn flesh started to knit together, and the throbbing pain started to subside. When it looked almost as good as new, aside from the blood coating the limb, he raised his eyes and gazed with an equal amount of amazement at the strange being’s chest. “Hey, something… ah… hurt my balls. Yeah. I think you should check them out, too…” he moaned theatrically, starting to pull his underwear down as Aurora tended to Flora.

Blinking, Rio looked across at Nairda, mid – underwear pull, and frowned. “Wait… how did you know we actually got to Voltaic? And how did you know we rented out a love yacht? How is that even possible?”