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Racing the Storm

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily walked in just as the timer dinged, indicating the pot pies were ready. Normally she'd ask if there were any vegetarian options, but at the moment she couldn't bring herself to care.

"Let's get this dinner going..." she said wearily. "Some of us have had particularly long days...and I have some things I need to talk about with the group."

Flora shook her head in response to Marie's statements. "I just want to see Emi! Where did she go?" She made to retreat into the back, but Lily grabbed her firmly by the shoulder.

"Flora just sit down!" Lily commanded, easing the folf into a chair. She almost messed with Flora's chemical levels to make her easier to convince, but caught herself in the nick of time. Jesus, I'm starting to get a little trigger-happy with my powers, aren't I? I need to get ahold of myself...

"Vergil," she said, as one of the girls placed a pie in front of her. "Where were you and Triste on the cruise ship when we were getting drugged, or in Voltaic when we were given absolutely no communication or direction, not even what room we were staying in? You basically left us all out to dry...and I want to know why."


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Marie and Rose put pies in front of every seat. before sitting down in the available chairs. "dig in everyone!"Marie said cheerfully  as she sat down at her spot. " we've have Turkey, white meat and vegetable. if you would like a particular one of those just let us know."
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The door to the apartment clicked open as Soren and Anne entered.

The Human bit his lip as he saw Vergil sitting at the dinner table. Keeping his anger under control, he sat down. He helped himself to a small fish pot pie. His abnormally tight grip on the fork hinted at his anger.

Anne helped herself to a vegetarian pot pie. Her ears were pinned back -- a clear sign of her anger.

"Vergil," Soren said, trying to keep his voice neutral. "You said we would be working to find the waypoints as a team. I want to know why you dumped us at Voltaic Station. We were very lucky that no one died there."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Vergil took one look at the dish, felt his stomach shoot into his throat, and gagged it back down. He stared at it as he listened to Lily, then Soren repeat exactly what Lily had said needlessly. "Ahem..." he cleared his throat. "I was with Triste the night you were drugged. I saw no point to a group dinner after Tony died, for a very specific reason... and that reason is you mentioned 'team' Soren... that's precisely what I thought we were... until of course one of us decided to keep something of vital importance to this group from the party, and not only that, but execute extremely poor judgment and hire someone who's a complete danger to herself and everyone around her regardless of whatever your personal feelings of Emilena Echo might be." Vergil stated bluntly, fixing his orange eyes on Lily.

"You SHOULD have come to me with this first. I'm the one who organized the group. I'm the one responsible for making sure we operate effectively as a team. But when you start doing things like hiring drug-addicted thugs who have a track record of being jackasses just for the sake of being a jackass, that's when I start to question your sanity and whether or not you really have the well-being of the group in mind. Since you seemed more keen to enlist the help of someone who's done nothing positive for this group from the start of this quest, I figured you no longer wanted to be a team player, so I gave you exactly what you wanted: a night out with your hired hand in which she proceeded to drug all of you and land you in the infirmary while I spent the night with someone I know I can trust." He glanced at Triste here.

"Anyway, if you wanted to know your room numbers, they were on your tickets... you merely had to glance at those to find that out... you needn't my help for such a thing. I felt I could no longer trust you after Emilena all but looted our vehicles and set off a chain reaction that got Tony killed. As said, you could've come to me first... I would've handled and supported you regarding your son but... after that, I didn't know what you were up to, bringing such an unpredictable card as Emilena into the fray. After that, well... it was incidental. The fact everyone else happened to be in the infirmary made them collateral damage. I had a job to do, so I was going to do that job. The fact the entire party got drugged is on you, not me, so if you want to start pointing fingers Soren, I suggest you do so away from me." Vergil said pointedly looking at the human now.

"Had you come to me first, I would've helped, even at the expense of our primary objective. So... I'm not going to say I'm blameless though... I have been rather spiteful... but ever since Tony died I've been feeling different... feeling out of sorts... not feeling like my usual virtuous self. I feel darker... more like... more like Rex probably had me feeling when I worked under him. I nearly lost it on that mountainside, and I don't know why. I'm having this strange suspicion that my memories... can't be trusted." he said, looking around the room now.

"I don't know WHO I am, what I'm supposed to be, or why I feel like this. I've tried to fight it, but the more shit that gets thrown our way... the less in control I actually feel. Tony, like the rest of this group up until that point, was relatively innocent, and seeing him get killed sparked something inside my mind. I don't know what it is... or where it came from... but it conflicts with who I was before. I felt more like... if Lily wasn't going to be a team player, why should I rely on her at all? While I had no idea you would end up drugged that night, it did seem to justify my own point of view later on: that hiring whackjob morons we can't trust is stupid and dangerous... and compromises the integrity of our mission. So... we can hit reset... and try and get along... though of course that means addressing Ms. Echo... if she IS joining us... she'll have to follow orders... or she's not on the team, and no, it's NOT your decision." Vergil said sternly, looking right at Lily. "It's mine. I was ordered by the Federation to beat Kalis to the Cataract, and that's what I'm going to do. I chose to bring you along because I trusted you and liked you... you betrayed that trust so now... where are we?" he asked, looking around the room again.

"A whole lot of bitter resentment swirling about. You guys hate me, I'm not exactly thrilled with Lily's choices, and ever since Tony got killed, I'm feeling like two different geckos. Like I don't even know who the fuck I am anymore." he said, practically spitting the words out. "Never felt this way before until now... anyway, that's about all I have to say on the matter. I will of course try and rein this other side of me in but... as said, it's been getting harder and harder... I seemed to be at my best ironically when I was escaping the castle... but having the drug suppressed has brought it all out again." He sat back here, clasping his hands in his lap, as if he were settling down to a nice fireside chat with everyone, though there was of course no fire present.

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I'm all for hitting the reset button" marita said, looking at Vergil " recriminations arent going to help any of us. we can point fingers all we like, and it wont get us anywhere. its not just Emilena joining us  however, its Flora and Rio as well.I'm willing to let bygones be bygones Vergil, but communication is key. a simple note  saying ' Trieste and i are in Room X, we'll be around if you need to talk" could have saved us a lot of trouble.We spent a lot of time looking for you and Treiste on the ship, knowing what room you were in would have made it easy on us.we were not intending to get drugged, by the way, that was.. well Emilenas doing. but like i said I'm  letting bygones be bygones, with everyone. going forward we need to trust each other. thats ALL of us' She said looking at the others sitting at the table. " the goal is getting to  that final Waypoint before Kalis does, otherwise we can kiss our butts goodbye. thats means we communicate better and work together better.Tony managed to survive his fall- how exactly i have no idea- but as long as hes alive we try and get back to the group we were before  the North Yungas Road."
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Vergil glanced over at her and raised a brow. "I think you're a little confused. Triste and I were together on the ship while you were being drugged by the wonderful new addition to your team." he said sarcastically. "I had no obligation to join you at dinner. You spent hours looking for us on the STATION... not the SHIP..." he pointed out. "We'd docked after all. I was finding the waypoint on the station, and I already explained why I was doing so. You all had ended up in the infirmary, something I didn't find out about until later. My plan was get off the ship, check in, and do my job. As I ALREADY stated, what happened to all of you was incidental thanks to what Emilena did. By that point I didn't really care because I felt I couldn't trust Lily anymore. I was going to find the waypoint, pick you all up when it was done, and get the hell off the station. I only ran into you after we had gotten back to something I hadn't been expecting." he explained, rubbing his forehead here and closing his eyes as he tried to focus on who he was initially... and not lose his grip on that...

"Also..." he said, remembering what she'd said at the end there. "We have two more waypoints to find... well... we know the location of one... or more correctly Triste and I do... the final one will be revealed at the next stop."

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So, just because you no longer trusted Lily, you let everyone else hang" Marita replied. " its one thing to no longer trust her, quite another to lump everyone else in with her. We are a single group, Vergil, there's no " My team" or ' your team',  there's simply "our team'. which is bigger now  then it was when we started. Tonys returned and now Emilena, Flora and Rio have joined us for lack of a better term. We find the last two waypoints, find the Cataract , and use it to destroy Kalis. thus  well saving the world in storybook fashion.Now, where is the location of the next Waypoint? You mentioned that you and Triste know where it is, but the rest of us do not. if you wuld kindly fill us in, we can all be on the same page.
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Axel poked at his food, left almost uneaten as he listened to the gecko explaining his situation. "Vergil, we don't... we don't hate you," he sighed, putting down his fork with a light clatter. "We just wish you guys hadn't just left like that. After the ambush on the North Yungas road, we had no idea what could have happened to you when we woke up on the station and you weren't there. For all we knew, they could've gotten to you. Just... we've got to be more open with each other."

Across the table, Triste finished her plate. No sense in not keeping your strength up. She leaned back slightly and leveled her eyes at Axel. "If only you and Mrs. North had had the same sentiments when you hired someone we didn't know about to go behind our backs," she said flatly. "Didn't you think it could go badly?"

Axel's jaw clenched, his mechanical hand tightening into a fist. "It wasn't like that," he said back, the rat's voice slowly getting louder. "We were..." He stopped. Raising a hand to rub the bridge of his nose, Axel sighed again. "No. We can't argue. If we do that, we get divided, and he wins." He folded his arm back on the table in front of him, his lanky body hunched over the surface. "I'm with Marita. We start new, no looking back. We have to. Okay?"

Triste shrugged. "I just care about the mission. As long as we succeed, I'll be happy."

"Fair enough," Axel nodded. "Alright... so where's the next waypoint?"

Triste glanced sideways at Vergil, then looked around at the others. "It's in Egypt."

Sitting next to Flora, Rio looked confused. "What the hell's a waypoint?" he asked.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"You haven't trusted me since the cruise ship because of something you didn't know until thirty minutes ago in the forest?" Lily crossed her arms. "I don't think so. You may be psionic, but you're not a time traveler. Not to mention I'm not the only one you've treated like dirt. Why exactly did Soren and the girls get the cold shoulder despite doing nothing but serve as reliable and trustworthy teammates?"

She pushed her pot pie away. "You want me off the team, just say the word. I was only invited as an afterthought; the real invitation was to Axel because he's friends with Tony. You wouldn't have helped me rescue Ejlert and frankly you still aren't going to, because I've never met an individual less capable of empathy than you. Your apologies are hollow and laced with stealth insults, and I can't find myself trusting a single word you say. The fact that you've decided to keep the next waypoint secret and expect us all to just stumble along behind you like blind mice on a leash is just further evidence that you're not going to change."


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"I never said what I did was right." Vergil responded to Marita. "I only said I didn't care." He looked at Axel, and rather admired the rat's restraint. Best things said all night in all honest. She knew nothing about him, clearly from her stupid comments, and didn't even address the fact that she had endangered the entire team. Fortunately, while Triste had said Egypt, she hadn't exactly said WHERE the waypoint was located. It could be Egypt or the Sudan for all Vergil knew, since they hadn't looked up how far south it was. It was somewhere in the Sahara, that's all he knew.

"Fine..." Vergil said after Lily had had her little rant. "You can't trust me we can't work together. I'm not going to sit here and defend myself in front of you. Axel I'm sorry but your wife clearly DOES hate me... so while you may not... I'm not working with people who hate me... NOR recklessly endanger the mission." He got up from the table, not having touched his dinner in the slightest. "Goodbye all, I'll be requesting a new team." he said bluntly. He then turned and headed for the door, opening it and walking out. "And for your information, I suspected it had been you from the start... who ELSE would hire Emilena? Tony? Soren? Marita? They all hate her... that left you... the only one who doesn't." He paused before leaving.

His stomach was roiling now, and he struggled to hold it in. He clutched it, and began heading down the stairs. She was a moron... he would've helped her from the start... she was too stupid to see it though... but he wasn't surprised. She'd made poor choices since the start of this entire mission. Heading outside into the gathering darkness, he waited to hail a passing cab, looking out at the street.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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((done with permission of LB&T))

Vergil hardened though, even as the taxi approached. No.... wait... this wasn't right...

He turned around, marched back up the stairs, and reentered the apartment. "Wait a minute! You're right! I'm in charge, you're off the team! The rest of you are still on... if you're down... let's go find that damn waypoint!" He said with determination. "Also... Emi's hired... much as I hate to admit it... she's useful WHEN acting in concert with a team. So yeah! Lily's off, the rest of you are on, cause I got NOTHING against you! You're all awesome, and there's no reason we SHOULDN'T be working together! I acted like a total dickhead, yes, I apologize. But right now... this is my team.. anyone who doesn't want to join... can stay but.... I'd really like all of you on... you included." Vergil said, eyes landing on Axel. "So please... I'd really appreciate it if you could all join me and we NOT let Kalis win... like he said." Again he looked at Axel.

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Marita's face  hardened ' alright Vergil I'm in. But if I can find Eljert for Lily, i'm going to do that as well. Defeating Kalis could be the key to finding him."
 I'm in " Marie said " we need to do whatever it takes to stop that lunatic Kalis.
 You can count on me' Rose said looking at the others. " We're"
 the door opened  Rose stopped as she saw who had just come in.  the newcomer strode up to them trailed leaves in his wake "Don't forget about ME old friends" Kojjurro cackled. 'I'm raring for some action!" he grinned sghowing some weathered and stained teeth. " he was apparently completely unaware that the leaves covering his privates had all fallen off.
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Shocked by the demand Vergil had just made, Axel didn't react to Kojuuro's entrance. He stared across at the gecko, wide eyed. "Wait. Wait, no, she's with us, she can't..."

"Vergil said he didn't want her on the team," Triste interrupted. "And I can't blame him. I wouldn't want someone like that on our team."


"Someone who could have put all of us at risk. More importantly, put the mission at risk."

"If you just-"

"No." Triste stared at Axel, then slowly looked over at Lily, her eyes hard, her voice cold. "She's. Gone. And that's it."

Axel's jaw set in the few seconds of silence that followed. "We can't just leave her behind." Glaring at Triste, he reached over and put his hand over Lily's. "We can't."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily pulled her hand away from Axel. Her face was etched and she couldn't make eye contact with anyone.

She didn't trust herself to speak, so she stood up and silently left the table. Every possible emotion was swirling through her mind, and she needed to leave before she did something she regretted.

She knew Axel would try to follow her, so she sent him a message. Don't. Stay in their good graces. This is for the better. I'll be all right. I'm serious, she added, sensing that he was fully ready to ignore her. We'll talk soon. But if you get yourself kicked off the team, neither of us are good for anything. Please.

The warm night greeted her, the temperature giving her something to focus on other than herself. Everyone she considered a friend was behind her, the city offered her no more options. She didn't know what to do. Despite all the endless choices she had right now, she chose to boil them down to two; left or right?

She chose left.


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Soren templed his hands. He did have to admit, Triste had a point. But then again, Lily was the one who had helped him back in Voltaic Station. "We do not have anyone with medical training. Lily's healing powers are the closest we have. If she does not join us and someone is seriously injured, there is a good chance they could die. So tell me the truth, would you sacrifice someone -- maybe even yourself -- for stability?"

Anne put her now cold pot pie in the refrigerator. "Look, Lily was a great help to us during the Purifier Crisis. Right now, I actually want her to come with us because she has proven to be nothing but helpful during that incident and I'm sure she'll help us again."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"It's not stability." Vergil said, turning to Soren. "It's so we don't get compromised in our objective. Big difference. And I can actually heal if need be... plus we have modern conveniences as well we can take along. She's not necessary. And that's final." Vergil stated firmly. "If you like, feel free to go grab her and form your own team, but you don't have the coordinates of the next waypoint, and you'd have to go back and get the one we got... provided it's still even usable given what we saw down there. No I'm putting my foot down here. She risked compromising us, and it won't happen again." He'd rather liked Triste's heavy-handed way of dealing with it. Normally he was averse to such methods but... in this instance, why not? Sometimes you just needed to be reminded of things.

He backed away from the chair now, having stood next to so everyone could see him. "Speaking of healing... I'm going to go and heal myself. My injuries are extensive so... it's not going to be quick. Few hours probably but it's a lot faster than doing it the old way. I'm too sick to eat right now so I think I'll pass." he said, to Marita. "Thanks anyway."

It was at that moment that Tony walked in the door, looking around. "I dumped the car... much as I wanted to, there was no way I was going to keep it. And don't worry... I'll get you whatever you want." he said, turning his gaze to Vergil. "IF of course you really still want one."

"I'll think about it." Vergil said, looking around. He chose a chair in the corner, sat cross-legged in it, and closed his eyes, appearing to focus inwardly.

Tony looked around awkwardly. "So... what did I miss?" he asked.

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Quite a bit actually" marita said as she  moved the pot pies away from where Lily and Vergil had been sitting " If you're hungry Tony  we have pot pies. " eat as much as you want. " Kojurro went up to the stove and swiped a pot pie. ' not wasting time on unnecessary things like manners. he began eating with his fingers.
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Axel sat in silence, stone-faced. He hated what was happening, but if this was a way to increase the chances of finding her son, and bringing him back safely then he'd have to put up with it. At least she'll be out of any immediate danger... and she's right. If both of us get thrown off the team, the odds of getting to Ejlert...

After a moment, he let out a sigh and looked up at Tony. "Lily's staying back here, she's... she isn't coming." He swallowed, then continued. "We're heading to Egypt next... right?" Axel glanced across the table at Triste.

She nodded. "And we'll need to leave quickly. Too much time's been wasted already."

"Fine." Axel drummed his fingers, his mind apparently distracted. He paused, blinking at the ferret. "Tony, I'm... I don't know how it's possible but I'm... I'm glad you're here."

"Who the fuck is this guy?" Rio asked, his face twisted in disgust as he watched the naked Kojuuro rummaging through the cupboards.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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", is dinner done? Can someone tell me where Emi is?" asked Flora nervously.

She carefully slid out of her seat and tiptoed into the back room. She didn't feel comfortable around these new people, they all seemed to yell a lot.

Her heart skipped a beat when she didn't see Emilena in the back rooms. "Calm down, don't panic..." she hyperventilated. "calmdowndontpaniccalmdowndontpanic--!" Suddenly she spotted a bloody handprint smearing the outside balcony. Quickly she scampered over the railing, dropping onto the next floor and sighing in relief as she spotted her leader passed out on the bed in the lower apartment.

"...Emi?" she asked quietly, tiptoeing over to the figure. Her pulse raced as she realized the vixen had washed herself clean and fallen asleep above the covers completely nude. Her clotted wounds were black pockmarks contrasting with her sweat-slicked pale skin.

For what felt like an eternity Flora stared silently, fidgeting and catching her breath. Despite the cool night breeze she felt overheated. Finally, ever so timidly, she crept closer and gazed intently upon Emilena's curves. At the clammy dimples of her inner elbows, the pallid stretched skin of her inner thighs, the murky bruises misshaping her breasts. Flora lay a hand delicately on Emilena's forearm.

"How asleep are you?" Flora whispered as loud as she dared. "Emi!" Pained but regular breathing was the only reply she got. Emi wasn't going to wake up...

She felt her erection strain against her waistband but couldn't bear to take her focus off of her current grasp. Emi's fur clung tightly to the muscled flesh underneath Flora's hand, leaving cold sweat soaking into her fingertips. Slowly, gradually, she traced Emilena's arm up to her breast and, with one final trepidatious gulp, cupped it.

She let out a low moan as her fingers pressed into the swollen skin. What little fat there was caved immediately under pressure, but its sharp crown dug unyieldingly into her palm. Flora grabbed the other and fondled both, unable to stop herself.

Then he ran her fingers down Emi's flanks, brushing over clots and scar tissue, before ending on her inner thighs. Her heart skipped as she pressed her thumbs into the gluteal folds. Then she traveled further, leaving her fingers wrapped around Emilena's battered and calloused feet.

As Flora grew bolder, her breathing got faster. Looking away from her prize for only a second, she urgently tore her clothes off and crawled onto the bed. Wrapping Emilena in a hug, she nestled her muzzle into Emilena's neck and sighed as she rubbed her girlhood between Emilena's legs. Years of pent-up tension built itself to a breaking point as everything Flora had ever wished for came true, one spasm at a time.

Suddenly, already, her abdomen tensed up and her eyes flew open. Squealing uncontrollably, she dug her claws into the mattress and arched her back as an unrelenting tidal wave climaxed through her, splashing messily along her prey's stomach and chest.

Panting, Flora collapsed onto her object of lust. Emilena grunted but still didn't wake up. Flora gasped for breath, shuddering from the aftereffects of the wave. As her breathing regulated and her senses returned, she slowly realized something.

She was still hard.

Wrapping her arms around her love, Flora pressed her flytrap against Emi's lower folds, took a deep breath, and forced her way in.