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Racing the Storm

Pterano · 1020 · 90436

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"It's not a 'double package,' I'm just flytrap and no Venus," Flora corrected softly, blushing. "And I've always had it...honestly sometimes I don't think I really count as a 'girl.'"

She was getting excited, and there was no real way for her to hide it. "So, you said you were going to 'show me some things'?" she repeated, flushing bright red under her fuchsia fur.


"Go Triste, go!" Emilena kept her gaze trained on the expanse ahead, but the coast was completely clear.


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well, considering the circumstances we'll keep it short and  sweet. a bit of  breast foreplay and french kissing ' rose said. ' since well we have to keep an eye out for the others and anyone who might try to stop us from, well, getting out of here.
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Triste nodded and glanced back at Vergil, briefly touching his fingers. "I'm hoping it'll take more than this to bring me down." She met his eyes for a second, then pulled away, standing up and cloaking simultaneously. "Just keep me covered," she muttered, then set off at a jog down towards the fence.

Getting closer, she could almost feel the eyes of the drones upon her, almost a physical weight that seemed to weigh her down. Triste could hear their mechanical whirring as they hovered lazily overhead. As she ran beneath one, her boots crunching softly on the rocks and pebbles scattered across the sand beneath her feet, the drone suddenly stopped in its path, swiveling in her direction camera and machine-gun barrel gleaming in the sun's glare. Triste's heart sank - had something gone wrong? Could it see her?! - and as she ran past it the gecko kept it in her peripheral vision, convinced she was about to feel the hot, piercing pain of bullets ripping into her.

Then she was past, and nothing had happened. Letting out a breath slowly, Triste looked over her shoulder and saw the drone set off in another path, not interested in her. Thank god. Finally, she was at the fence. Stopping just short of the chain-link structure, she quickly pulled out the laser cutter that she'd taken from Anne. A thin buzzing started to whine in her head - her cloaking was about to run out. Breathing evenly, Triste activated the device and started to run it down the fence, the white hot laser cutting easily through the metal. The buzzing in her head started to get louder, more insistent, and she picked up her speed, cutting down then to the left, creating a small flap. Switching off the laser, Triste gently pulled the flap up at the corner, slipped through and pulled it shut gently behind her... just as her cloaking drained away. Hissing, she darted forwards and pressed herself flat against the wall of the security compound.

The ringing in her head started to fade as the invisibility system embedded in her skin started to recharge. Triste knew they didn’t have enough time to wait, so after taking a second to gain her bearings she set off to the right, keeping close to the wall of the compound as she followed the structure around to the rear of the building. Only once did she have to duck past a window, and as she did so Triste heard the muted voices of the four guards Soren had reported. Whatever they were talking about, the discussion seemed relaxed. In the background, she could hear the sound of what sounded like a sports commentary coming from a tv. If they were lucky, the noise would cover the sound of the vehicle.

She rounded the corner and finally, there in front of her were the two armored vehicles. They were parked out in the open - right in view of a door leading into the building. Shooting a wary glance in the door's direction, she darted straight for the closest vehicle. Running her long fingers against the vehicle, she pulled the handle and almost smiled as the heavy door heaved open. Thanks for making it easier... Easing herself behind the wheel, she took a quick look at the ignition and gritted her teeth. No keys - of course it wouldn't be that easy. Sliding the knife from its sheath on her arm, she sliced at the wires beneath the wheel and started reconnecting them, shooting glances through the windscreen towards the door. Still nobody. Suddenly, the engine of the armored buggy rumbled to life, the dashboard lighting up.

Triste waited for a second to see if anyone came out, and when the door stayed shut she allowed herself a quick smile. Things were finally going smoothly. Working the gearbox, Triste eased the buggy forwards, keeping it slow for the moment as she craned her neck to see down to the front of the car. A gate in the fence was ajar, and she nudged the buggy through, trying the keep the noise down as the metal squeaked. Then the vehicle was clear, and she started to pick up the speed, the dust road she followed taking her further away from the compound and, luckily, keeping away from the sight of the drones. Glancing to the side, she spotted the area where the rest of the team was hiding and as she swung the vehicle off the road and sped towards them, Triste could feel her heart pounding in her chest. The hard part still isn't over.


"Get off! Stop it!" Axel snapped as Rio prodded at his arms, the metal clinking as the boy's sharp nails tapped against their surface. Throwing a hand up in the air in exasperation, Axel turned away from the wheel and pointed a finger. "Keep it up and I'm hanging you on our flagpole! I'm talking serious wedgie time!"

Rio seemed unimpressed by his protests. "So they don't fire lasers or rockets or anything?"

"They let me pick stuff up and... do other stuff. That's it!"

"Super strength?"


"Force fields?"


"Oh shit."


Rio was staring at something behind Axel. The rat turned and his ears flattened as he saw what had caught Rio's attention. A boat, tailed by four guards using flying frames were speeding towards them. "Oh shit," he echoed.

"Move!" Rio pushed against Axel and put his hands on the wheel, standing on tiptoes to see where the boat was heading. "It'll look more natural that we're going slow if I'm driving... just talk to them!"

Staying next to Rio in case he started to steer them aground, Axel swallowed and turned to face the incoming security team. He waved to them. "Ah... Ahoy there!" he called lamely.


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The motorboat slowed down as it stopped next to the pleasure vessel. The flying guards landed on the deck and their wings retracted.

The first guard took off his helmet, revealing a man with a heavily tanned face and Arabic features.

"Hello," he said in Arabic. When he got no response, he switched to English. "We noticed that your boat seems to be going a little slow. Are you having some engine trouble?"

Despite the guard's casual tone, the motorboat's gun turret was aimed squarely at the bridge and the three other guards had their weapons at the ready.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Vergil watched Triste go about her business, and though he soon lost sight of her, he knew she was making it look easy, but also knew it was anything but. He knew she'd be going through some tense moments here, and as he heard the rumble of the engine and saw the vehicle start to roll forward, he began silently pleading. "Yes... yes..." He hissed under his breath. "Come on! Come on!" Still no movement from the guard shack... fortunately they seemed really interested in their sports match for whatever reason.

"That's it..." he said, watching as the vehicle got closer and closer. The less they had to deal with here... the better. Vergil knew their hands would be full at the waypoint, so this was good. Less crap equaled more productivity as far as he was concerned. Vergil could already sense the others might be in trouble back at the boat....

As the vehicle rolled to a stop near them, he stood up and made for the side door. "Let's go!" he whispered, throwing it open and allowing everyone to clamber in first. Tony got in, holding the GPS locator, and Vergil finally climbed into the front passenger's seat, shutting the door and nodding after they were all in.

"Uh OK so like... go this way." Tony reached an arm in between Triste and Vergil and motioned with his hand, waving it like a weather vane in the direction he wanted Triste to go. "It's nine miles in that direction. I'll let you know if you've deviated too much."

"Well... that went... well." Vergil said, looking over at Triste as he was propped up on this huge seat. "You did good." he praised, giving her a nod. "We might need to hurry though... I'm sensing... trouble back at the boat."

Kalis turned, and fixed Foley with a gaze that could've frozen the blood in his veins. "No offer is that ironclad when you join me. You make yourself useful or you die if you fail. I've found this method has a... very effective rate of success for those who wish to keep their jobs. It weeds out the worthless from the worthwhile. But you are correct; I need but one waypoint and Devastation's Inception is MINE! I wasn't able to access the others thanks to Rex having reprogrammed them... something I was unaware of before I killed him. Still... Vergil's search has been most fortuitous to me. My map is nearly complete, and when I have it all together... I'll know." He turned his gaze to Lily now.

"Who is your contact in Vergil's group? You tell me and I'll order Admiral Carrack to spare this person rather than kill them along with the rest of the group once he's finished extracting all the relevant information from them. Unless of course your contact is expendable, in which case I'll eliminate them along with the others in due time." Kalis informed her.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Well, I'm totally, uh, on board with that!" Foley stammered a reply. "Love live Emperor Kalis, hoo rah, and all that!"

"My contact would prefer to remain anonymous, at least until Vergil is killed," Lily answered. "They don't want to risk any 'special treatment' arousing suspicion from Vergil's team. They understand and accept the risk this puts them at."

She paused. "Would possible to learn where Ejlert is currently stationed? Maybe even visit him, if possible?"


"F-french kissing?" Flora stammered. Her fingers shook as she unbuttoned her shirt. "I...uh...just like that?" She wasn't used to getting this far; usually once the flytrap entered the picture she was greeted with a metaphorical (even sometimes physical) wall.


Emilena vaulted into the vehicle. "Nice job, now let's book it. They won't notice this truck is missing forever."


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yes. i'll keep it under a minute' Rose said. Rose suddenly pressed her lips to Flora's, stopping her from unbuttoning her shirt. Rose had kissed girls like Flora before, she found Floras lips to be soft and supple, the same went for her bosom, which Rose now touched with her claws. Rose gently slid her tongue into Floras mouth.
 Marita and Marie climbed onto the back of the vehicle ' lets move Marita said ' the sooner we get to and clear the waypoint, the better. lets just hope theres not 50 giant killer machines at this one..
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Triste's jaw clenched when Vergil mentioned trouble back on the boat. "Son of a bitch... alright, let's make this quick." As soon as the others had clambered into the vehicle she slammed the accelerator to the floor and the buggy roared off, kicking up a trail of gritty sand and loose stones.

The direction she'd been directed towards was off road, and the car was launched into the air several times as they raced across the uneven ground - luckily the buggy was built for this terrain, and the passengers stayed in relative comfort as they were bounced about. In the distance, Triste could see that the direction they were taking was leading into a more mountainous area, something that she noted with a degree of relief. At least they'd be less exposed.

"Any idea what to expect?" she asked Vergil. "I know it's a fair distance out, but the less noise we can make out there, the better."


Axel blinked uncertainly when the guard first began speaking Arabic, but upon the man changing to English a relieved smile worked its way onto his face. "Ah, no no, nothing like that sir.... er, officer..." He swallowed, his mouth becoming uncomfortably dry as he couldn't help but notice the abundance of guns. "Uh, I'm just taking my son for his first boat ride. You love boats, don't you kiddo?"

Clutching the wheel, Rio nodded enthusiastically. "I love boats dad!"

Axel chuckled. "Of course you do." The rat leaned a little closer to the guard. "He's adopted but, ah, I don't think he'll realise for a while. I think he's, you know... a little slow."

Rio's expression darkened.

"So, ah..." Axel licked his lips but it was like sandpaper. "If there's nothing else we can help you with, we'll just be on our way..." He crossed his arms casually across his bony chest, praying that whatever Rose and Flora were doing they didn't attract any attention.


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Soren's stomach lurched as the vehicle bounded across the rocky desert. He watched as the dunes and rocks sped by them outside the window.

"Fucking hell, how fast are we going?" A jolt made his shotgun rattle in the holder he had placed it in.

Anne, on the other hand was busy eavesdropping on the radio waves. Her ears suddenly pricked up as she "heard" what had happened. "What the fucking hell!? They noticed we stole one of the vehicles!?"

Soren turned around and saw a long plume of dust blowing in the desert wind. He snatched the comp-noculars from the bag and peered out the rear window. His jaw dropped as he saw two guards with flying frames and a similar armored dune buggy in pursuit. He checked the parameters. They had a two mile head start.

"Hey! We got company! Two 'flitters' and one of those buggies!"


The guard scowled. "You are aware that it is illegal to allow an unlicensed minor to pilot a vessel, right? And furthermore, your son appears to be under the minimum age. I'm going to need to check the registration, license and papers."

While Aswan Algal guards weren't really military or police, in practice, they had full jurisdiction -- including full powers of search and arrest -- in company property. Which happened to include the part of the Nile that the group was on.

One of the guards, a Jackal by looks, heard some unusual noises coming from behind a closed door. Without even bothering to knock, she threw the door open.

And found Rose and Flora engaged in some heavy smooching.

(OOC - "Flitter" is slang for a frame-flyer. Particularly one associated with company security forces, military or police.)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Rose broke away from Flora as a light was flashed in her eyes'  Alright girls " said a female leopard guard holding a flashlight ' out you come.. no funny stuff. come on.
 Rose took a deep breath and slowly walked out of the room."Sorry if I interrupted 'tongue hockey', but we need to know what you folks were doing in a restricted area. You DO know this part of the river is private property right?" Rose shook her head." The leopard sighed ' Tourists? Figures.' She turned to the jackal. "Take them up with the others, while i search this area.Put cuffs on them if they try anything funny. They're most likely tourists who got lost , its happened three times now in the past two weeks."
 the leopard turned and motioned to Flora 'come on, you too."
 2 miles isnt that much, especially when they likely have heavier fire power' Marita said. ' floor it Trieste!' She said.
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Vergil shook his head in regards to Triste's question. "No... I don't. I... I don't think I've ever been to this one!" he admitted, swallowing hard. "But it doesn't matter! Whatever awaits us... you can bet it'll be..." Before he could finish, Soren interrupted him, and Vergil whipped his head around to try and see what the pursuers looked like. "Yes..." He muttered, clenching his jaw.

He began focusing on one of the flying frames, and suddenly, it veered off course, right towards the other frame. Vergil was telekinetically manipulating it, hoping the two would smash into each other and that would be that. Since they were out ahead of the buggy, they had a chance of falling right into the path of their comrades.

"Holy shit!" Tony declared, going wide eyed as he saw what was happening behind them. "Uh... you doing that?" he asked Vergil with uncertainty, who didn't respond, as the gecko appeared to be concentrating heavily.

"Don't have time for this nonsense." was all Vergil replied bluntly, not taking his eyes off the now erratic flying frame.

"Uh... right! Um..." Tony checked the locator again. "It's uh... it's like... see that grayish hill?" he asked, pointing it out as best he could to Triste. "It's that one!"

Kalis narrowed his eyes here. "Then your contact risks being killed along with the rest, something I couldn't care less about." he said dismissively. "If it does occur... you can chalk it up to the rest of the casualties that will be taking place once I launch my final offensive against the Federation."

He regarded her with dark eyes, the gold seeming to glow almost as she asked if she could see her son. "He currently serves aboard my flagship. I'm planning to gate-jump soon to Admiral Carrack's location and meet this... Vergil for myself." he informed her. "So my flagship will not remain in this area for long. If it's detected... the Federation flies will swarm over it. I'll be taking it to the Leviathan soon." he explained. "You may come if you wish." he told her simply.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora yelped and scrambled to pull her pants back up, but succeeded only in falling over. "Who the hell are you?" she stammered. "You couldn't even give us one minute?"

She was halfway decent by the time she and Rose were shunted back to the cockpit with Rio and Axel.

"Which one of you owns this boat?" the lead guard asked, shining the flashlight in Flora's face.

"Ow! I do!" Flora lied. "I've got the papers in my suitcase." Pushing her captor angrily off of her, she crossed to her suitcase and rummaged through, flushed and pent-up.


Emilena sighted her scoped revolver for the eleventh time, fired, and missed for the twelfth time. "Why the hell didn't I keep that laser pistol?" She griped, rebalancing as the truck bounced erratically. "No wonder I never bothered getting certified with these back in the force!"


"I would like that very much!" Lily exclaimed, then covered her mouth, worried she was sounding too eager in front of the warlord. "Sorry, I've just been hoping to see my son for a very long time. I also should investigate your infirmaries, talk with your doctors."

She glanced at Foley. "You coming?"

He nodded. "Between rigid working conditions and getting immolated in planetary destruction, I'll take the performance evaluations."


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Rose sighed as she took notice of the guards on the boat, of which they were 5.'no funny business from any of you'.the guard near her said harshly" we'll pay the fine, whatever it is and be on our way. Rose said ' Its 100000 credits , for operating in a restricted area, and operating with an unlicensed minor the guard said."Make the transfer to Aswan Algal. Once the credits have been verified you'll be allowed to return to port. In the future, be more careful where you are going while operating a boat.' the guards said.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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It was at that moment that Flora pulled an AK-47 out of her suitcase and emptied the magazine in full auto at the not-police, screaming uncontrollably. "Rio! Hit the gas, quickly!!!"


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The bullets struck several of the guards, staggering but not killing them thanks to their armor. Except for one who caught a bullet right in the head.

"Engage! Engage!" The guards scattered and took cover behind whatever furniture was available as they raised their weapons to engage the Folf.

Almost immediately, the sound of their own weapons added to the din.

Meanwhile, the motorboat outside kept its MG turret trained on the bridge but held its fire lest it hit the guards.


Small explosions blossomed around the dune buggy as their pursuer fired off several rounds with its own mounted autocannon turret.

"Fuck it! We need someone using the turret!" Anne shouted.

Soren retrieved the firing controls from the small recess next to the ammunition holder for the turret. Almost immediately, an image of the desert popped up on the small viewscreen.

He swore as he realized that he had no idea how to operate it. Luckily, the two joysticks were clearly labeled. Gripping the two joysticks, he swiveled the turret and aimed it until the small dot was visible. He pressed another button on the console and the camera zoomed in closer on the pursuing dune buggy. He squeezed the triggers, sending a hail of 20 mm explosive shells at the pursuers. Most of the shots went wide but it still had its intended effect; the pursuers were forced to take evasive action. Unfortunately, the gunner had much more experience than did Soren and several of their shots landed dangerous close to them. In fact, one even grazed the vehicle's turret.

Every so often a red line showed up in the screen thanks to the fact the cannon was loaded with a mix of tracer and explosive shells.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Flora! Rose ducked as the bullets went flying and the battle was joined.. " you do realize you just blew any chance of us paying a fine and heading out scotfree? Now we're going to have to fight our way out of this--or pay like a million credit fine.. which we dont have..'  She turned and tackled the leopard guard who was surprised by Rose attacking her. Rose pinned her down with her weight and grabbed her handcuffs from a side pocket. Rose Cuffed the guards arms behind her back  then gagged her with a handkerchief. ' take them down.. we'll dump them off at the nearest dock' she said, as she left the guard on the ground, and crouched low to tangle with another guard.
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Axel's eyes went blank when the guard requested to see papers. "Uh... yeah, this is a rental but they'll be somewhere around..."

The sound of Flora's AK-47 tore through the air.

The rat flinched and gave a surprised squeak, shooting a quick glance over at Rio who seemed just as confused as he was. Turning back to the guard, Axel's mouth opened and closed as he tried to think of something to say. The he saw the man reaching around for his gun, and the time to talk was over.

Without thinking, Axel rushed forward and barreled into the guard, driving him back and heaving the shocked man over the handrail, sending him tumbling with a yell into the river. Almost as soon as he'd fallen out of the way, the turret mounted on the boat below roared to life. Yelling, Axel threw himself backwards as bullets shredded the wooden handrail, tearing through the air where he'd been standing moments before. "Fuck!" he shrieked, covering his face with his arms as wooden splinters rained down on him. Axel's ears started to ring as the sound of several other guns were added to the mix. As he lay on the floor, slightly dazed, a thought managed to push through the clouds fuzzing up his head - If we don't get the boat moving, we're gonna be shredded... Numbly, Axel rolled onto his front and looked across at Rio, who was crouching down by the wheel, his eyes seeming to dart around everywhere. "Rio!" he screamed. "Start the boat!"

Rio glanced across almost irritably as he heard the rat shouting. He knew that in a firefight, running around was only going to make you more likely to get shot - staying still was his best chance. He tried to focus on what Axel was saying.

Start the boat!

Nodding quickly, Rio reached up and pushed the throttle fully forwards, trying to peek around to see where the boat was heading. It seemed painfully sluggish. "Doesn't this go any faster?!" he groaned, punching the wheel in irritation.

"That's the top speed!" Scrabbling across the floor, Axel joined Rio at the wheel, one hand on the boy's back to keep him low. He could only hope none of the guards came up to where they were - with no weapon to speak of, Axel had no way of defending them.


"I see it!" Triste nodded as Tony pointed the direction to head for, slamming her foot down on the accelerator as their pursuers drew closer and closer in the rearview mirror. Several thumps reverberated throughout the vehicle as bullets slammed into them - silently, Triste gave thanks that the buggy was armored. It would only be able to take so much though...

"Soren! Hurry up and kill those bastards!" she growled, swerving the car left and right in an effort to avoid the machine gun fire. Ahead, the spot Tony had indicated was drawing closer. Shit! They'd need to deal with them before reaching it...


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Rose felt the ship begin to move as the sound of bullets thudded against the walls. the windows in the room shattered as bullets hit them. she crouched down and tackled one of the remaining guards, knocking the gun out of her hand. she tied the guard up using her cuffs, then grabbed the gun  where the guard a had dropped it. she saw the final guard trying to shot at Flora. She   took careful aim and fired, hitting the guard in the side of the neck, and  causing him to collapse to the ground. the guards were now dealt with but there was still the matter of the turret  on the boat firing at them.  Flora get down! Rose called out.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora had been hit in the thigh, shoulder, foot, and the last guard got a glancing strike across her side. Tumbling to the ground with a crash and lolling her head to the side, she caught the cuffed jackal guard glaring at her. "What's your problem...?" the folf asked, words slurring slightly.

The jackal started. "Are you insane?"

Flora honestly considered that. "Wow, you know, I might be." Flicking an attachment on her rifle, she shined the guard right in the eye with a pink laser sight. As the jackal screeched and tried in vain to cover her eyes with her hands, Flora dragged herself dizzily to a handrail and held on as the boat bounced and jolted in its wake. She didn't feel well...


Emilena finally hit her first target with the scoped revolver, by ignoring the scope and aiming from the hip. "When we get to the waypoint, you better move fast Vergil! We're gonna be holding them off as long as we can!"


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Rose ran crouched to avoid getting hit, and  made her way over to the railing to assist flora ' The boat was moving as fast as it could and was (Very) slowly pulling out of the turrets range.
_ Grab onto me Flora so you can steady yourself. Once we;re out of range we'll look at removing those bullets ' Rose said, looking at the bloody spots on Floras shoulder side and leg.
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