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I would most likely say yes.  How about you?

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Even though I voted no. I'm not really sure if I would tell them or not.


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I'd say the answer depends on the person. I'd said a few things before to people I thought I could trust and things have escaped to which I was victimised for it. In light of that fact, it depends. Most of my friends know I like LBT and they don't have an issue with it. My dad and stepmother think it's stupid but to be honest, I couldn't give a baboon's bare cheeks! LOL  :lol They can't tell me what to like and dislike however, I know that the subject is all superficial to them. If they told their friends, it doesn't really affect me in any way coz I don't know their friends. Each to their own as I always say! ;)


  • Hatchling
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Yes, because most know how much I like the original and most have no problem with the original because they liked it as youngsters as well.  Sequels are another story, but you hardly see me supporting them as something to sit down and watch.


  • Ducky
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I'm honest. I would say yes, even if they say it was stupid or everything they think, it doesn't matter at all, 'cause it's my life and no one should be able to interfere on it.

Dash The Longneck

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I probably would . But it really depends on how well I know the person. Someone I don't really know I probably wouldn't tell them but they probably wouldn't ask. But it's something I'd be truthful about to friends and family. I really don't care if other people think what I watch is stupid. Most Disney fans think Disney DTV'S are stupid I'm always the one defending them. Basically If someone wants to think something's stupid fine.That's their opinion.


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i would say yes to my friends who don't know but im not sure if i would to people i don't know at all. The bigger question is though, who would actually walk up to you and ask that if they don't like it themselves?


  • Ruby
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Oh, I'd definately say yes. I love this series and personally don't care what people say. Actually, I'm like that with everything. I wear odd clothes and anime-styled things to school- if I cared about what people thought about me, I would be a very different person. :lol


  • Chomper
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not telling the truth, which would be a lie. I definitely can lie to other people, but not to my heart.
so i guess i would tell the truth.
beside this, my parents know (in case they didn't forget) that i really liked these movies as a child and i just remember, one happy time i posessed them on VHS...but i don't think they know that i still love it.


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not telling the truth, which would be a lie. I definitely can lie to other people, but not to my heart.
so i guess i would tell the truth.
beside this, my parents know (in case they didn't forget) that i really liked these movies as a child and i just remember, one happy time i posessed them on VHS...but i don't think they know that i still love it.

Nicely said

I voted yes myself, I try not to lie at all, next to that, I don't really have a problem telling others :^.^:


  • Cera
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After all I've gone trough the last weeks;
Yes. I certainly would.
No one has the right to turn you down because of what you like. You're not the one's who's dumb, it's them. If you can't accept what others like/love or their interessts, you're a most weak person. I really dislike that kind.
If they don't like it? So what? Their problem. It's not like you have to wander around minding about them! Why should you care?
Besides, I'm not changing my LBT passion because of some complete dork telling me it's stupid.
It's part of my life and something I acctually love, why should I?

Besides, lying makes your tounge go blue!  :P:
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


  • The Circle
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I don't hide my enthusiasm for LBT but neither do I go around with "I love LBT" being written across my face. If anyone asks me about it (after having seen me draw LBT stuff or the like) I tell them the truth, that I really like LBT a lot. I don't usually go on telling them that my room is stuffed with LBT materials unless people seem to be interested. There are some people at the university who asked me and seemed so interested (unusual as they might find it) that I told them about the GOF and our activities (singing projects, computer game developing, fanart etc.). To this day I have never been ridiculed by anyone of them.


  • Ducky
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It depends. I know that my siblings know I like it again. They've seen me on here after all and even know I've rewatched some of the movies. When I got the Land Before Time carrycase, I attempted to avoid telling my mom exactly what movie I got, but eventually gave in and she seemed to accept. She says the only reason that she disliked us watching them as kids was because of Cera's screaming.  :lol

If it were someone who I knew thought it was stupid and they asked. I would more then likely say that it was none of their business what I liked. That would probably be akin to saying "yes" so I guess it's honesty.  :p

Though personally I could care less what people thought of my choice in movies, tv shows, video games, songs, comics, books, etc. etc. My whole family has put down my liking for Japanese super hero shows, but it doesn't bother me too much. Let them think what they want. They're the ones that are missing out on something that is truely special.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Dude, if someone asked me like that I'd lie so fast you'd think I was a Government Spokesperson.


  • Ducky
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If it were someone who I knew thought it was stupid and they asked. I would more then likely say that it was none of their business what I liked. That would probably be akin to saying "yes" so I guess it's honesty.

Though I'm not sure what answer to click on the poll.  :bang


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I'd say no. If I knew they would make fun of me I would either lie or just walk away. :p

Cancerian Tiger

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Y'all know how outspoken this girl is, so I'd definitely tell them, "Oh yeah!"  If they were to criticize me for it, I'd tell them I don't give a crap what they think about my LBT interest and that they can't take away what is part of my identity.  As part of being Christian, I don't believe in not telling the truth.  Sometimes, being tactful helps but not flat-out deceiving a person <_<.  Besides, there are much worse things to be made fun of -_-.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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The only way I would vote "no" on this thread was if I was half asleep from my insomnia medication and hit the wrong button, which means that I voted "yes". I take a very different approach to this topic. The Land Before Time has been my favorite thing since I saw the first movie when I was five. I absolutely fell in love with the whole franchise. Let me say this. No one that I have ever gotten to know has ever asked me if I liked it, and I assure you that no one ever will. The reason being, is that I am so infatuated with it, that when I try to meet someone, I make it very clear from the start that I love everythng about it. In fact, I normally ask everyone I meet if they like it, and then make it clear why I love it. I got a job at a hardware store a year ago, and every employee who talks to me knows how much I'm obsessed with it. I even told one of the managers there that I got to know how much I love it and he respected that; I had nothing to feel nervous about. Yes, I know it is very painful when someone thinks it's stupid and doesn't give it chance. I get very sad, but only because I feel so sorry for the person who is completely missing out on the adventures of a lifetime. That show gave me peace growing up. It was so hard to make friends, but it was so easy to put in a VHS and imagine that I'm a part of  the greatest examples of friendship, loyalty, and growing up.

What I am about to say, I only say for myself. I'm not giving advice to or judging others in any way, I am merely saying how I personally feel about and handle these types of situations. I am sharing my resolve so my character on the subject will be made clear. My methods are not any better than anyone else's. Different things work for different people.  I have the utmost respect for how everyone else handles these things, and I hope the feeling is mutual.

I am never ashamed of liking a good thing. If I liked killing cats, no matter how much I liked it, I wouldn't go telling people, because then they'd have an actual reason to patronize me, because no matter how you look at it, killing is morally wrong. But if I like something that I know is upright and pure, what could anyone possibly say to make me feel bad about? Their words can't change the fact that what I like is really a good thing. All they can really say is why they don't prefer it themselves. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If someone says "The Land Before Time is stupid" then that is their opinion which I respect. But since I know that it isn't foolish in any way, what have I to be frustrated or embarrased about? I see the light everyday while some just can't or simply choose not to. I can hope that they come around and give this a chance, but whether my friends like something or hate it, it doesn't mean I can't still love it to the fullest for them to see. If someone's negative words bother me, it only means that I actually consider what they are saying, and I am not as devoted as I thought.

Because of this, I am not afraid to spread the good news of what I believe. Because of this, I will not be discouraged at the rejection that will surely come. Because of this, I will not be give up, since I know what is really right. And because I'm still breathing, I will let the world know that I love The Land Before Time.

Cancerian Tiger

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I agree with ya, The Friendly Sharptooth.  No one can condemn an individual for having an interest in something positive that does not hurt others.


  • Ducky
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There's no point in lying its your life no one should interfere its up to you to move on from it.  So I vote Yes.