The Gang of Five
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What would you like to see in future releases?


  • Ducky
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One of the things I most want to see is Littlefoot and Ali start a family.

One of the things I least want to see is Chomper going bad.   I'd rather sink in the mud, fall out of a tree, or roll like a rock right into the sea.  One thing I know I hope we never see is Chomper going bad.  (When I say "truly bad", I don't mind, and actually have it in the fanfic, where they do go south like Tod and Copper from Fox and the Hound, though, of course, I'd like them to reconcile, and, unlike what seems to have happened with Tod and Copper, be able to be together again after the reconciliation.)  

What I'd like to see is Ruby come back, either in the TV series or later at some point.

What I'm hoping they don't do is pretend that she never existed and leave the TV series plot unresolved.  

Another thing I'd kind of like to see is for Pterano to return and sort of be a father figure to Petrie.  Littefoot has Grandpa Longneck and Bron (whom I'm a little sore at still over his disappearing act.)

Cera has her father (though maybe not always the best role model)

Ducky has her father (though he never talks) and Spike presumably also has Ducky's father as a father figure.

However, Papa Flyer has NEVER shown up (perhaps he was one of Pterano's followers) and can be presumed to no longer be with us.  Pterano is currently banished for 5 years and so can't be with Petrie (unless Petrie leaves the Great Valley).    

Also, this makes even more sense as Littlefoot got Grandma Longneck as a mother figure after his mother's death and Cera got Tria as a mother figure after her mother's presumed death.   Maybe Petrie wouldn't be "Panicky Petrie" anymore if he had a father figure in his life.

Yeah, Pterano has some flaws, but, heck, so does Topps.

Also, what I don't want to see is Grandma and/or Grandpa Longneck dying, not even of old age.  True, Bron could always come to the Great Valley so Littlefoot won't have to leave his friends, but, still, the loss of the beloved grandparents is something I hope they don't do.

Another thing I'm hoping doesn't happen is that the Great Valley gets a calamity at last that makes it impossible to live in and the characters have to live in the Mysterious Beyond, even if, as Littlefoot & Co would most certainly ensure, they didn't have to split up, for the remaining films.  We've grown too fond of the Great Valley to see it damaged beyond repair.  

Also, I might as well say it, I hope the 14th film I hear they are making , ISN'T a reboot of the entire series.  Reboot's often don't do as well as the original and none of us want to lose any of the Prehistoric Pals.    (Also, I found that, even altering the original to not have Littlefoot's mother die, as I found that would mean Littlefoot never met the others, who would, one would think, never have survived without him, and, as a consequence, they'd never have been able to rescue him in the cave in movie 4 and also Chomper would have been a leaf eater killer as he never met Littlefoot and also we'd never hear of Ruby.  Also, with that in mind, Grandpa Longeck and Tippy's herd also would have died.  The herds would have split up in the fifth film.  Also, Ducky's family and others would have lost some of their eggs to Ozzy and Strut.   If movie 4 came before 3, perhaps Topps would have died in the wildfire as Grandpa Longneck wouldn't have been there to save him, in which case, Tricia would never have been born.    In any event, Tricia would have died in the 12th movie without Littlefoot & co being around.  Also, Littlefoot and Archie would have been eaten by Dil and Ichy, and Ali, trying, in vain, to break through the rocks and have heard their last moments and been haunted for the rest of her life by that.   Without Littlefoot & Co., the swimming sharptooth might have gotten Mo.   In short, Littlefoot's mother's death was a necessary evil that made the future movies possible.)


  • Ruby
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Some things I think would be cool to see in future LBTs:

. Ali returning

. The lone dinosaur revealing more of his past

. Spike learning to talk

. A flash forward to the gang of five (and chomper) as adults, and how their lives ended up.

. Pterano returning from exile

. New species of dinos not seen in the series

. Going back to the mysterious island (Like what happened in 'LOST')

. Spike seeking answers about what happened to his parents (The Big freeze characters weren't actually his family, if I recall correctly.)

. Cera loses the attitude

These are some things I can think of off the top of my head at the moment.

Bruton the Iguanodon

  • Ducky
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Seriously---this is the most excited I've been in regards to LBT since I rediscovered/rewatched the movies during the spring and summer of 2011 (and continuing into the fall and winter, but I was getting less interested than).

I'm not going to expect anything...because if I were to hope, I would hope for everything. So I'm not going to try to get my hopes up but...

oh my god, I'm just sooooooo psyched about this actually happening!!!  :celebrate  :celebrate

"Ceeel-e-brate good times, c'mon!!! Woo-hoo!!!'

- Dale Gribble


  • Ducky
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Quote from: thelonedinosaur27,Dec 20 2014 on  12:37 AM
Some things I think would be cool to see in future LBTs:

. Ali returning

. The lone dinosaur revealing more of his past

. Spike learning to talk

. A flash forward to the gang of five (and chomper) as adults, and how their lives ended up.

. Pterano returning from exile

. New species of dinos not seen in the series

. Going back to the mysterious island (Like what happened in 'LOST')

. Spike seeking answers about what happened to his parents (The Big freeze characters weren't actually his family, if I recall correctly.)

. Cera loses the attitude

These are some things I can think of off the top of my head at the moment.
Personally, I know you might think less of me for this, but, I'd also like to see Littlefoot actually get punished, and not just scolded, for breaking the rules.  He might turn out bad, one would think, if this pattern continues.  

As for Pterano, I'd like him to stay good and be a father figure to Petrie, as Petrie is missing one.  At the very least, I wanna know what happened to Papa Flyer.

Also, I'd like to see Rinkus and Sierra, particularly the latter, come back.  Sierra was the best villain since Sharptooth!  


Another idea I thought of was to have it be revealed that Red Claw and Sharptooth are brothers, giving Littlefoot a personal reason to want to bring Red Claw down and also give Red Claw a personal reason to want to kill Littlefoot & co.  

As for Ali coming back....  


We'd all like to see Spike learn to talk, but, personally I think it's part of his trademark just like the "Yep, yep, yep." thing is Ducky's and the talking in broken English is Petrie's and so urge you to not get your hopes up.

Another thing that would be fun to see is a Sharptooth/Leafeater hybrid (the possibility most possible if it was between, say, a Pteranodon and a Sharptooth flyer, and have the character be unsure which side to take.  

Another thing I wanna see is  more female villains, as Dil seems to be the sole one even after many movies since IV and the TV series.  (Mama Sharptooth doesn't count as she befriended Littlefoot & co.)  

Also, more omnivore characters would be great too.  (Good or bad)

As for them when they are adults, I'd save that for the finale of the LBT series.  (I'd like a 2 part finale though.)  I have one that includes the Gang of Five, plus Chomper, Ruby, and Ali, Rhett, and Shorty.  

Yes, we'd all like to see Cera lose the attitude, though, personally, I want that DOUBLY for her father.  (He needs it more and is probably the reason Cera has hers.)  


  • Ducky
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Another scenario that I'd like to see is what would ever happen is, if Chomper, who may have been told that his egg was in the Mysterious Beyond and finds out from Littlefoot one day that they found his egg in the Mysterious Beyond, and Chomper, hearing the story, concludes that he was never in danger from Ozzy and Strut, at least his egg wasn't, and that Littlefoot & Co. kidnapped him, albeit by accident, and that they needn't have raised him and that, as far as the whole "saved him from egg stealers" thing, he owes them NOTHING.  


  • The Circle
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Another scenario that I'd like to see is what would ever happen is, if Chomper, who may have been told that his egg was in the Mysterious Beyond and finds out from Littlefoot one day that they found his egg in the Mysterious Beyond, and Chomper, hearing the story, concludes that he was never in danger from Ozzy and Strut, at least his egg wasn't, and that Littlefoot & Co. kidnapped him, albeit by accident, and that they needn't have raised him and that, as far as the whole "saved him from egg stealers" thing, he owes them NOTHING.
I daresay however that Chomper's relationship to Littlefoot and the others is far from being based (even remotely) on a sense of "I owe them".
True enough in LBT 2 we don't have an actual moment where one could say that Littlefoot or one of the others saved Chomper's life, but they did take care of him and it would have been kind of an interesting scenario if Chomper had actually slipped into the sinking sand (from where Littlefoot calls him back right before seeing his other friends threatened by the egg eaters). It would have put Littlefoot in the dilema of probably having to call the grownups thereby revealing Chomper.

I find your thoughts about Petrie's father most intriguing. I think most people (me included) just always assumed that the adult flyers were not exactly "family type" (something backed up by Paleontologists) and that this was the main reason for the absence of Petrie's father. Your scenario is an interesting alternative. Pterano in any case is a character many fans would really like to hear more about.

Something I wouldn't really want to see is Cera loosing her attitute and Spike learning to talk. Both of these are kind of trademarks for the characters. I could well imagine for Cera to learn some tough lessons and get over some points (and she actually does show some sensitivity towards others in some releases) but I wouldn't want to see her tamed down to much.
As for Spike, I would really enjoy seeing him integrated somewhat more into plots, but not necessarily at the expense of his being silent. An interesting possibility could be based on him and Ducky. We know that Spike's mumbling isn't just random but that Ducky (and apparently only her) can gather even complex meaning from it (same as she seems to be able to make more sense of the baby talk of Dinah and Dana). In one story I have in mind an almost totally identical twin of Ducky and her decide to switch roles for the fun of it (Ducky hanging out with her other siblings for a day and her twin (Dacky :p) hanging out with Ducky's non swimmer friend). In that scenario Spike would be the only one always able to tell the two apart, but when things in this Comedy of Errors get out of hand and outrightly dangerous he is the only one aware of it but with nobody around to understand what he is trying to tell them.

As for Littlefoot and Ali having a family, that would only work out if they are to grow up (as in a flashforward as you suggested). I don't really know if I would like to see such a flash forward, in any case it would be improbably for such a flashforward to work out without some aspects you wouldn't want to see (e.g. Littlefoot's grandparents being still around etc.).

I really enjoy your putting some activity into our LBT threads, than you very much for that :yes


  • The Circle
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What I am really hoping for in general are villains that can be taken seriously. Not the kind of sharpteeth for child-amusement only we got ever since LBT 10. In case of speaking villains it would be interesting to have a pair or team of them who (unlike Ozzy and Strut or Icky and Dill) are actually really good friends / brothers whatever, so they actually hunt together because they want to and are capable of good cooperation.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I'd want to see...
  • Ali returning (like many others). I've really grown fond of her as of late which might be due to her being a main character of my fanfiction. I'd like a sort of "sandbox love" relationship between Littlefoot and her but no hardcore romance which is just not proper for LBT, neither in fanfiction nor in an actual release, provided there'll be one. I'd also like any kind of conflict Ali gets into with Littlefoot or somebody else for that matter. So far, we've only seen Ali nice and friendly (although she sorta betrays Littlefoot in the TV-series :rolleyes: ) but what about a really deep conflict that makes her show a different side (somewhat like Ducky in the TV-series)? That would be a possible idea also and it can be very well combined with my other idea concerning her character (a love triangle maybe? :p)
  • I'd also like to see a story including the return of Pterano at some point.
  • More backstory about Ruby (and of course I'd want her to stay in the permanent Gang)
  • A story that has Ducky as the main character  :angel
  • Tricia getting old enough to grow a personality and to talk
  • Roasting the Yellowbellies!!! (kidding)  :lol
  • I can imagine a switch to the Gang as grown-ups or at least teens as well
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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  • Ducky
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I just really want to see more Chomper, obviously. Whether it's them explaining his backstory with Redclaw, and how came to be accepted by the Great Valley residents, or just some stupid antics that have him involved somehow, it would be nice just to see the little purple guy again. :)

I'm not gonna have my hope up too much for this. It will probably end up disappointing a lot of people, but I'm just going to try to watch it if/when it comes out, and enjoy it for it's merits.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Ducky
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FYI, there will probably be more than just 14.  I mean, we could go all the way to 20 or more.

Anyway, I would almost like to see Chomper struggle not to eat Littlefoot, especially as he got older.


  • Ducky
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As for the grandparents staying around, there is some hope for that.  Doc looks quite healthy, despite being, we might surmise, the Lone Dinosaur, who is around, as Grandpa says, before his time.  

Also, one comes to think that the Old One from Ali's herd is older than them, as Grandma and Grandpa seem to act as though she is older and wiser than them.  

Also, dinosaurs can sometimes live to be over 100.  Don't count them as near the end of their life.


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What I'd like to see
 Ali becoming a permanent member of the gang. whether that meams the gang id now 6, 7 or 8 doesnt matter to me
 pterano comes back at some point
 the gang has to leave the valley and explore the outside world again.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • Ducky
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I'd like to find out why nobody seemed to care how those Sharpteeth had gotten into the Great Valley in VI.  I mean, they just acted like "Oh well, let's bring them down." instead of "How the heck did they get in here?" like they did when Chompers parents got in and later when Red Claw, Screech, and Thud got in.

However, the Great Valley doesn't seem totally safe from invaders as Ozzy and Strut got in and those Belly Draggers were able to get right in in the Amazing Threehorn Girl.  

Also, an invasion of Sharptotoh flyers might be a nice idea.   I mean, the Great Wall is just useless against them as they can just fly right over it, right?  

Another fun idea, that we kinda saw in VI, would be to have Littlefoot & Co. do something, no doubt by accident, that would cause them to have to leave the Great Valley for a time  

Say they were horsing around and caused a rockslide that caused loads of the trees in the Great Valley to be flattened or something?  Then they'd have to go through the movie have to hear grownups say "This is all your fault!" and they'd try to find some way to redeem themselves.  

Besides, we have another reason to want to keep Grandpa and Grandma Longneck around: if they croak, Mr. Threehorn gets even more control over the main leadership (yeah, they said that  they all decide equally, but, some seem to be like minded to him, with Grandpa Longneck being the voice of reason, and, I mean, what if Cera's father gets the herds to argue and starts this "Every herd for itself." policy?  You realize how BAD that could be for their survival?  

We have another problem.  Unless Bron decides to come to the Great Valley, where does Littlefoot go?  That's right, he leaves his friends.  The Gang of Five would split up.  

Heck, Littlefoot and Grandma Longneck were considering leaving the Great Valley with Ali's herd when it seemed that Grandpa Longneck would die from his illness.  Even if one of them dies, that bodes very POORLY for Littlefoot staying in the Great Valley, barring Bron intervening.

Another possibility, though a bit darker, is to have a night time Sharptooth break in to the Great Valley.   It could result in leaf eater deaths.  We've seen Chomper's parents and Red Claw, Screech, and Thud go in during the day and we've seen those Great Valley Sharpteeth in VI, but, the point is, they were all stalking and doing their nasty stuff during the DAY.  

What if some tried it at night?  I mean, Sharpteeth are revealed to be sentient and not morons (well, not all of them) so some might want to break into the Great Valley, eat lots of leaf eaters, and then, well, get away.  

If that happened, everyone may wonder if the Great Valley is safe anymore and may consider going back to the Mysterious Beyond.  It would make quite a nice plotline indeed.

Also, I'd like to know whatever happened to the Fast Biters (Velociraptors) who got washed, it almost appears, into the Great Valley at the end of Time of Great Giving.  Yeah, they haven't come back in either the films or the TV series, but it would be interesting if they DID ever come back, possibly trying to sneak up on the Leaf Eaters, who may have forgotten about them.  Heck, maybe they let the two Sharpteeth from VI in.

Another interesting scenario is to have an almost repeat of the Great Earthshake, this time happening in the Great Valley, greatly messing up things.  Nobody would die, and the landscape wouldn't be altered forever, but it would force them to leave for over a year or two this time, making it necessary to have a movie or two outside of the Great Valley entirely while things grew back.  (Note, this scenario also increases the possibility of Ali or Tippy coming back or Spike finding his parents, who may be out there in the Mysterious Beyond.  Also, makes it easier for Chomper and Ruby to come back.  Also, as Pterano was only banished from the Great Valley, he could come back too.  It would mean more interspecies cooperation, which, I'm guessing, has probably been as bad as it was in the original film, at least in the Mysterious Beyond (the behavior of Ali toward non-Longnecks in IV seems to back this theory.)  The Great Valley has kind of ignored the outside world to the point where they forgot they were once part of it (as was shown in either III or V, can't recall which, when they realized they'd have to go back to the Mysterious Beyond.)  Also, as they are out there, Dil, Ichy, Ozzy Strut, Rinkus, Sierra, Red Claw, Screech, and Thud (assuming Chomper and Ruby didn't find a way to end the last three) could come back too, along with new bad guys.  Also, Mo could return too.  Also, Elsie could come back too, which would be fun.


  • Ducky
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I just thought of something, based on a song Topps sang in the third movie.  Topps almost seems to hint that HIS father is still around (though, if one reads between the lines, the two also haven't talked in a while as he uses the word "may".   Topps's father still being alive gives greater credence to the fact that Grandma and Grandpa Longneck will live to see Littlefoot to adulthood, as Topps may have had a grown child by the time we saw III which would mean that Grandpa Threehorn had a grown grandchild.)

Anyway, I just had another brainwave of what I'd like to see in future releases.  Topp's father would come around and he'd be a jerk.  Perhaps Topps and Cera would see what he is like, and start to rethink their way of treating other dinsoaurs.  Perhaps Grandpa Threehorn will reform when one of the other types (Possibly Grandpa or Grandma Longneck as Topps seems to have it in for Longnecks especially) and he'll change and all three generatins of three-horns will be more tolerant.

On the other hand, perhaps Grandpa Topps would continue to be bigoted and would lose his life near the end of the film and Topps would realize that he doesn't want to end up like his father and would change his ways and instruct Cera to do the same.  


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I'm not entirely sure that Topsy would initiate the "every herd for itself" policy; the only reason he did that before was out of desperation because they couldn't find any food. He also appeared to do it when he saw Littlefoot and Cera fighting. Perhaps he was merely trying to prevent future fights in such a dire situation.

Topsy might be harsh, but he's a survivalist, and some of his chioces do, on some level, make sense. For instance, splitting up meant that they all had an increased chance of finding a place that had food. This would have been good for their survival, not bad. Plus, Topsy isn't heartless; if the threehorns found a place first, he likely would have sent someone to go find the other herds. Perhaps the flyers could have gone with each herd to relay information.

In the third movie, I am largely on Topsy's side. He might have gotten carried away later on, but his strict rules on water drinking does make sense, and it's probably what kept them from running out of water so quickly. His "there is no fair when it comes to survival" is quite true; when it comes to ensuring the survival for as many as possible, sometimes hard decisions have to be made.

Ultimately, if the grandparents die, I think Topsy could make a pretty good leader, especially since he has mellowed out due to Tria being with him. Tria could take over as the voice of reason and keep Topsy from making any really rash decisions.


  • Ducky
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Doc and the Old One are older than the grandparents.  Also, Hidden Runner might be too.  Topps and the Grandparents, I'd wager, are close to the same age.


  • Spike
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Interesting thoughts everyone. Although it did get me unrelatedly thinking... is topsy a lovable nickname or Mr. Threehorns real name o,o?


  • Ducky
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I'd also like to see Spike lose his gluttonous habit.  He nearly gets them killed many times throughout the franchise for his eating at bad times.  He does with the log in V and also starts eating their hideout later in V.)  

He almost eats Ducky by mistake at one point while eating.  He's gonna get REALLY fat if he doesn't stop this habit.  Eventually, it''ll go to his thigh.  

Near the top of my list is to have Littlefoot teach those in the Mysterious Beyond to end their herd segregation and make the dino world a better place.  That segregation thing is such a huge problem for the dino world and has led many to die over it.  

Also, I want more leaf eater villains.  After falling in love with Chomper, I feel that Sharpteeth are being dumped on too much just cause of their dietary habits.    

Also, if you're gonna bring in more Sharptooth villains, why not have more friendly Shaprtooth children, but, this time, have parents less kind than Chomper's parents who won't be persuaded to be nice and will try and eat Littlefoot & co, or may even resent them for being different.

Or, have a Sharptooth that was a trickster, but somehow spoke leaf eater, be overheard by Littlefoot and the gang, but have the Sharptooth want to axe them, not mainly for food, but so they don't talk.  

I'd also like to see Chomper's "Teach Sharpteeth to be nice" idea pay off one day.   We say it in "The Lonely Dinosaur" but it failed miserably.  

Have Chomper, perhaps older, fall in love with another Sharptooth, one who might, for a good while, not be so fond of Littlefoot & Co.  Show Chomper feeling mixed emotions.

Have Ruby show up in a film.  I really want that.  Ruby Rocks!   I want to give her a hug!

Littlefoot win against Cera in one of their fights.  (Cera always seems to win in the end, even if Littlefoot gets a jab in at her.)  

(Chomper eat Rhett.  Just kidding.   :lol  )

Have the gang be taught to fight back against Sharpteeth when chased into a corner rather than cowering with their eyes closed and waiting to die, as they did in II and V.  (If they don't handle that, they're gonna make lousy parents someday when they get older.)  Look, even if Chomper was going to kill them, they could have tried and charged him.  Or done the classic "Hey look, it's the Lone Dinosaur!" distraction.)  

Listen, even Ozzy and Strut's "Let's jump" idea seems better, if that had been the real thing, than what the Gang of Five did.

Also, considering that they'd rather "roll like a rock right into the sea, fall right out a tree, or sink in the mud than be eaten, they'd have tried SOMETHING in V to get away or at least make the "evil Sharptooth's" job harder at getting them.

Heck, in V they coulda ran different directions to at least ensure that most, if not all, of them got away, but they foolishly ran together.  

Petrie could have saved himself when they were trapped but instead, he just grabbed onto either Littlefoot and Cera and cowered like the rest.  (Also, Ducky can't weigh too much more than she did in IV, when Petrie could still carry her, so he coulda grabbed her too.)  

It's not like they can't try, as Littlefoot tried to hide from Dil in a crevice, which at least was SOME effort, as it made it harder to get a him, and, had he cowered like he did in II and V, he would have been Dil's dinner before the others could have broken through the rocks.)  


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I'd also like to see Spike lose his gluttonous habit. He nearly gets them killed many times throughout the franchise for his eating at bad times. He does with the log in V and also starts eating their hideout later in V.)
Aww, come on. This is a rather funny trait of Spike  :lol

He almost eats Ducky by mistake at one point while eating. He's gonna get REALLY fat if he doesn't stop this habit. Eventually, it''ll go to his thigh.
Yeah, he might  :idea Though Spiketails seem to "eat more than their fair share is anyway" as Tippy's Mother puts it...

Near the top of my list is to have Littlefoot teach those in the Mysterious Beyond to end their herd segregation and make the dino world a better place. That segregation thing is such a huge problem for the dino world and has led many to die over it.
Interesting idea. It can't go worse than teaching the Yellowbellies wisdoms, that's for sure!  :wow

Also, I want more leaf eater villains. After falling in love with Chomper, I feel that Sharpteeth are being dumped on too much just cause of their dietary habits.
Something like evil Longnecks, Threehorns etc.? It has been realised in quite a few fanfictions already and I have such a character in mine too (Shorty's dad). Nahla has also written a story (though abandoned) featuring an evil Longneck and Malte279 has a whole herd of Threehorns as the antagonists of one of his fanfictions. Just to name some examples ;) I would like such a concept in future movies...

Also, if you're gonna bring in more Sharptooth villains, why not have more friendly Shaprtooth children, but, this time, have parents less kind than Chomper's parents who won't be persuaded to be nice and will try and eat Littlefoot & co, or may even resent them for being different.
Hmm, I don't think this is gonna happen. But who knows?

I'd also like to see Chomper's "Teach Sharpteeth to be nice" idea pay off one day. We say it in "The Lonely Dinosaur" but it failed miserably.
Yeah, I agree.

Have Chomper, perhaps older, fall in love with another Sharptooth, one who might, for a good while, not be so fond of Littlefoot & Co. Show Chomper feeling mixed emotions.
OH YES, YES, YES! That'd end up being a lovely movie I reckon if they made a sequel about this!

Have Ruby show up in a film. I really want that. Ruby Rocks! I want to give her a hug!
Oh please, please, please! I didn't know Ruby until like one and a half years ago since the series came out when my interest in LBT had already faded away (until its rediscovery). She's odd but pretty cool and smart.

Littlefoot win against Cera in one of their fights. (Cera always seems to win in the end, even if Littlefoot gets a jab in at her.)
It would be funny if one of them gets hurt in the process (which happens in another fanfiction of Malte279 as I recall). Well, it'd be interesting that's for sure... Cera isn't the best at losing and accepting defeat :p

(Chomper eat Rhett. Just kidding. dino_laugh.gif )

Have the gang be taught to fight back against Sharpteeth when chased into a corner rather than cowering with their eyes closed and waiting to die, as they did in II and V. (If they don't handle that, they're gonna make lousy parents someday when they get older.) Look, even if Chomper was going to kill them, they could have tried and charged him. Or done the classic "Hey look, it's the Lone Dinosaur!" distraction.)
This could work well with the Gang being older and big enough to actually stand a chance against smaller Sharpteeth. I'd love to see someone doing better than Cera :p
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I'm not entirely sure how "teach sharpteeth to be nice" could work out. Plus, we don't really see as much of their lifestyle. The sharpteeth probably are nice on their terms, but to the leafeaters, they are mean and nasty, but it's only because they are trying to survive.Sharptooth and leafeaters are so different, and live separate lives for a good reason. While Chomper's idea might sound good in theory, I have my doubts that it'll work.

Plus, think about what this might seem like from a sharptooth's perspective. The sharpteeth see leafeaters as food. That's all they know, and that's all they care to see them as. Understandable. After all, it's hard to eat something you have an emotional attachment to. Then here comes this little child sharptooth trying to get them to be 'nice', but on his terms. He is trying to get them to change their ways, to be nice to food, which, to them, sounds crazy.