The Gang of Five
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LBT Song Project: Bestest Friends

action9000 · 141 · 17799


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This post is for:
dash the longneck
(wow that's a long list of singers! :D )

Basic music completed: 100%
Original music completed: N/A

Link to download the music so far (you may have to right-click and select "Save target as..." to download):
Bestest Friends music download link
You may sing to this mp3.  I do plan on changing the music quite a bit in the future but if you sing to this version you will still match nicely with any updates I release.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Midnight (GMT -7) of June 15th, 2007.  If you wish to sing with us, I need to you post here or let me know otherwise that you want to join in.  Please do so by June 15th.  This is because I need to know how to group the singers and I have to give the singers time to get their recordings done.  Thanks. :yes

RECORDING DEADLINE: Midnight (GMT-7) of JUNE 22nd, 2007.
Please submit your recordings to me (MSN, e-mail, yousendit, any method is fine) by June 22nd, 2007.  There will be no extensions to the deadline.  If you have not sent me your recording by this date, you will be excluded from the song.  Thanks. :)

There has been a minor issue about which version of the song to sing: the Movie version by the Gang, or the end credits version, originally sung by Olivia Newton-John.  Malte and I have decided on a system which should help keep everyone happy:

If I could get every singer to post back and say which version they would prefer to sing, that would be awesome!  Assuming that there is roughly an equal number of people on both sides, We'll break up into two groups (one for each variation of the song).  Both groups will sing to the same music.  The final project will consist of THREE songs:
1) Everyone in the "movie version" group singing together,
2) Everyone in the "end credits" group singing together
3) EVERYONE combined into a "mixed" version of the song, which will contain some lines from both versions as a result.  This version may sound a bit crowded, but I will do my best to keep it as clear as possible.

To start off, I need every participant to send me their request as to which version they want to sing.  I know the following:

Action9000: Either one (will go with whichever group has fewer singers)
Malte: Movie version
Petrie: End credits Version

Everyone else, please get back to me and we'll go from there. B)

landbeforetimelover: If you want to sing the movie version, but refuse to sing the "this me do believe" and such lines, I can put you down for the movie version but simply exclude you from those lines (and put you elsewhere in the song).  I always handle the splitting of parts after I receive all of the recordings so that will be fine if you want.  Let me know if that sounds good to you.


  • Petrie
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Actually, I'm not so sure about this, I'll let you guys know if I'm gonna sing or not, cause I just feel too embarrased to sing.


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Actually, I'm not so sure about this, I'll let you guys know if I'm gonna sing or not, cause I just feel too embarrased to sing.
I can understand where you're coming from.  Honestly though, there's no need to be embarrassed! :)  A few of our fellow members took the plunge after being skeptical about whether it was a good idea; they all survived to tell the story! :lol:

Trust me, in the end you'll be glad you did, especially once you hear our final song. :yes


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I would love to do the movie version.  I'm sorry but I just can't sing that line "but this me do believe".  It just makes me feel sick when I hear myself sing it.  I just can't use improper grammer very well let alone sing it!  That'st the only line I have a problem with.  I don't know why - only that I am incapable of singing it.  I wouldn't mind being excluded from that part so count me in! :)

To weather_lord_7:  Don't be embarrassed.  This is just for fun.  None of us can really sing so you're not alone if you can't.  I never worried about being embarrassed.  What does it matter?  So what if you can't sing.  The majority of the world can't.  We all have our gifts and just because yours isn't singing doesn't mean you shouldn't sing.  Do it to help contribute to LBT.  That's why I'm doing it.  C'mon man.  Let's sing!


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Weather Lord, there's a sticky topic at the top of this forum with all the songs we've done so far with links where you can actually download the song.  None of us are professional singers by far, but yet we didn't care and did it anyway. :)  I think that will ease your fear of embarrassing yourself.


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I would like to participate in both versions of the song.  Yet, I wonder how you're going to pull off the End Credits version.  Mainly due to the fact that with the lyrics and all, it seems to strictly be a solo song. (Especially with the singer singing the word "I" at key points so much.) So it will be interesting to see what you pull out of your hat this time, Action9000. :)

But anyways, like I said, I would like to participate in both versions if you don't mind. :^.^:


  • Petrie
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Actually I kinda am embarassed, because I have the tendency to talk through my nose (and I've been made fun of for quite a while for that) and I don't even have a microphone. But mostly, it's because of how I talk.


  • Ruby
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aww dont be, i sing out of my nose too, sometimes it feels like im plugging my nose eek!

i'd love to sing in this song! *excites clap* and i don't mind which version either


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Who cares?  No one will make fun of you here.  Do you have a laptop?  Unless your laptop is like 12 years old or more, It should have a built in microphone.  You probably can't see it very well.  It's usually just a little pin sized hole on the area surrounding the screen.  Just to add, it's pretty sick but the reason people usually talk through their nose is because of the build up of mucus near the ulia and the epiglottis (I have no idea how to actually spell these words.  Sorry).  Just go cough up some flem and blow your nose before singing and you'll see significant improvment in your speach.  Also, another way to reduce this problem is to mix 1 tablespoon of saly with 8oz. of hot water and take large gulps.  Do not gurgle the water.  It will just taste worse and will have no impact on the water's effectiveness.  Also, avoid foods with mayo, ketchup, mustard, and so on at least 2 houirs before singing.


  • Ruby
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you got epiglottis right xD is it uvula?

yah as for microphone im using a 20 dollar one myself xD, well i had a more expensive one..cept my cat chewed through the wire darn thing

i sort of like salty water eheeheee im weird

but doo join us! the more the merrier ^^


  • Petrie
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Do you have a laptop?

No, actually, it's a Dell desktop.


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That really sucks.  Just go to walmart or somewhere and buy one.  They come as cheap as $7 but I would advise you to spend a lot more than that on one because the $7 is crap.


  • Ruby
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hmm do you have a microphone of some sort? or maybe an mp3 that can record voice? I used my mp3 before i had a mic.

there are mics that are sold pretty cheeap. for mine sometimes to get the best quality, go in a silent room, shut the door and everything, and pull a blanket over your head.
the blanket is to try and limit the sound of that nasty flowing air you get in the background recordings

silly but it does work  :DD


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Welcome back SaphireRaptor! :yes
Glad to hear that you will be joining us!
By the way, I have a strong feeling that Darkhououmon will be joining us as well!  

The current choices for which version of the song to sing:

Movie Version
pokeplayer (wants to do both versions)
Stitch (Willing to do both versions)

End Credits Version
pokeplayer (wants to do both versions)
Stitch (Willing to do both versions)

People willing to sing either version:


  • Petrie
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Well, I found a microphone at last. But I don't know where to plug it in at. In a Dell desktop. Any-who, I'd like to try my hand at the "This me do believe" line.


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On the back of the computer, there is most likely a port that looks like a headphone port but it is either an icon of a mic and/or a pink headphone port.


  • Petrie
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Okay.  According to Action9000, you have until June 22 but I wouldn't waste any time if I were you.


  • Ducky
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You can sign me up as well.  I've made recordings of both mixes.

What address should I send them too?


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Awesome, welcome aboard Stitch! :D
Yep, I'll put you in both groups then if you wish.

If the recordings are under 10 MB, you can send them to

Otherwise you may have to use yousendit, megapupload, or meet me on MSN ( to transfer the files.