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LBT Song Project: Bestest Friends

action9000 · 141 · 17800


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My advice: Move your mouth a little further back from the mic.  It may help reduce the BUZZing even more.


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If you want to keep trying, just play around with settings until you get one that reduces distortion, background noise, and buzzing as much as possible.  I personally tend to be a medium distance from the mic, with a medium level on the mic.  Some singers like to be nice and close to the mic, but that Only works if you have an incredibly good mic.  Otherwise the mic just buzzes, especially with male voices.


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Hi guys!

Sorry it's taken me time to get my backside in gear but by a lucky coincidence, my new job told me to take the day off today coz a dinner party function cancelled!  :DD Anywho, I guess I'm happy doing either version. To save the decision making process, Mr Cat on the Fence here will record both versions if that's savvy with you Action? Also, is it ok to record with the music you supplied playing in the background? I dunno if you wanted just the voice section minus the melody. But I suppose either way you can work your music magic on your end regardless ;)

Anywho, I'll get recording them A-SAP and send 'em you ya! ;) (have earplugs at the ready, my performance might upset the neighbourhood dogs  :lol )


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LBTlover - you've a good voice there. :)  I don't know what you recorded your last three with but they're all muffled and lack clarity.  What did you use?


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A highly advanced kareoke machine that I don't know how to use and a microphone that is built into my laptop.  Just trying new things.  Action9000 can use the one he thinks is best.


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OK...finally done. I recorded 3 of each version (and with plenty of mistakes in the process! I did about 16 recording in all coz of missed lines, wrong words, hiccups, cock-ups and general amibent noise and disturbance around me :lol ) Anyway, I'm gonna need people's opinion on the quality of the recording. I had to use the mic on my webcam coz the only other mic I had for some reason generated a stink-load of static before I even started recording. <_< Because the webcam mic is not directional, there might be a little disturbance from ambient sounds (i had to quit one recording coz an ambulance went past my window... sirens BLARING!)
Please ignore the fact that in some the melody parts were no singing is needed, I do in fact talk to myself. Weird I know but it helps keep me in don't judge!  :lol  :^.^:

Anyway, here are my attempts...linked to Yousendit!

Best of Friends - Littlefoot1616_0001

Best of Friends - Littlefoot1616_0002 - hit a few peaks in this one about 1/2 way through and sound distorts a little.

Best of Friends - Littlefoot1616_0003

Apologies for the size of the files, I couldn't convert the saved files to MP3 because Goldwave couldn't locate an MP3 converter (apparently).

Dash The Longneck

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I wouldn't mind doing both versions. I am real sorry for not putting up a recording yet. I still need to buy a Microphone. If I don't get one soon enough I'll notify you 2 weeks in advance.


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  • Petrie
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Well I'm out of luck. I don't know if my microphone is even a microphone.


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God.  They're 5 bucks at walmart!  Please go get one.  Show me a pic of what you think the mic is.


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Okay.  I did three more recordings.  I hope these are better.  I just played around with the knobs and buttons some more.  I really don't know what I'm doing.  What do you think?


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Got the latest recordings.  I'm really getting a lot of material to listen to so I'll look at them in detail later, when we're closer to the deadline and closer to preparing the final song.


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Hey all, here's a report of our current status.

I have recordings from:

Still waiting on recordings from:
dash the longneck
action9000 (yeah...about that... :p )

I have word that tobeysan may be interested as well.  He's a "maybe" right now.


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Quote from: action9000,May 29 2007 on  01:13 AM
Hey all, here's a report of our current status.

I have recordings from:

Still waiting on recordings from:
dash the longneck
action9000 (yeah...about that... :p )

I have word that tobeysan may be interested as well.  He's a "maybe" right now.
Hey look I've neither done my work or slacked off.  :lol:


  • The Circle
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Hey Action!

Did you not get my recordings? I put them up but having checked them now the links are duds...I'll repost them here but make sure you get them this time around ;)

Littlefoot1616 - Bestest Friends_0001

Littlefoot1616 - Bestest Friends_0002

Littlefoot1616 - Bestest Friends_0003

Littlefoot1616 - Best of FriendsONJver_0001

Littlefoot1616 - Best of FriendsONJver_0002

Littlefoot1616 - Best of FriendsONJver_0003

Hope those are alright! Lemme know if you have any problems with them! ;)


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Hey look I've neither done my work or slacked off.
Hahaha, whoops...

I originally had you down, Petrie, as "I misplaced your recording, could you send it again?"  Soon after I posted this, I found your recording on my computer so I removed that line from the post however I forgot to put your name in the "I have recordings from..." section.  It should be fixed now; LOL. :lol

Did you not get my recordings? I put them up but having checked them now the links are duds...I'll repost them here but make sure you get them this time around
Coolness!  I got em this time.  Geez, I really haven't been paying attention, have I LOL.  Thank you. B)

Dash The Longneck

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Ok, I will have the songs up in a few days. I just wanted to ask if something was ok. Now, I don't see why it wouldn't be ok but I wanted to check just to make absoloutely sure. Plugging headphones into my computer would have been a huge hassle. So here's what I did. I found a way to get your MP3 of the "Bestest Friends "Music on to my I-Pod. So Now you won't have to worry about hearing it. I wanted to check if getting your music on to my I-pod and singing with that would be ok instead of putting your headphones into the computer?


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I wanted to check if getting your music on to my I-pod and singing with that would be ok instead of putting your headphones into the computer?
Yep, that's just fine. B)
Happy recording! :wow


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Well Action9000, I plan on giving an updated recording once my schedule is a little more open.

Expect it within about a week. :)

See ya later! :^.^: