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Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)

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Quote from: The Lone Dragon,Feb 3 2016 on  01:25 AM
I'm very annoyed at the moment x(cera

I've been trying to watch the movie online but so far all my attempts have failed I've tried PokePlayer984's links but I still can't seem to get. Don't understand it but it is really getting on my nerves so I could use a hand in finding an online version.

I can't walk into Walmart since I live in Aust so I can only get it digitally for now but failed so far, Any help in finding the movie would be greatly appreciated.
I've had a look around too, and I can't find anywhere to buy JOTB here in the UK, either DVD or digitally. I was only able to watch it by finding a way to get into the US version of Netflix and watch it that way, but it looks like international fans of the series are going to be left out in the dark until... well, I don't know when. Hopefully Universal will let us know when the DVD comes out elsewhere, and the film will get an international release with that. Still, it's a real pain. :(

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Quote from: pokeplayer984,Feb 3 2016 on  01:41 AM
Now this is how you display something at a store.

Also, on the side are these lovely additions.

It's all 13 of the previous movies with the sequels in 3-movies-in-one-DVDs.

Oh, and prepare for a bit of jealousy as I also got this.

Working at Walmart can have it's perks sometimes. ^^spike
Now THIS is something that tells you they REALLY don't want this movie to be a failure. Seems they're really trying to keep the franchise going.  :D
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


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Well, no surprise, it's currently on eBay.

Just note to you people outside the US, you might need to pay extra for shipping and having a region-free DVD player is recommended at this point. (It's unknown as to whether or not the DVD is region-free.)

Hope it helps! :wave


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Seems the sales are going well -- Journey of the Brave is labeled as a "Best Seller" on the Walmart website!  :)littlefoot


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As I wrote in the spoiler-free thread, I enjoyed the new movie quite a bit. It actually surprised me with how good it turned out - especially the art direction. Those were some genuinely stunning backgrounds - the texture of them added a charming richness to the art. On the other end of the quality spectrum, the CGI effects were questionable at best, but the animators thankfully didn't use them much. Maybe my standards have become more forgiving from having to endure how mediocre Dragon Ball Super looks a lot of the time, but the animation pleased me for the most part.


Even though Ruby and (especially) Chomper are two of my favorite characters, I liked that the original gang of five were the central focus of the film. It felt more nostalgic that way. At the same time, I'm glad the writers gave the newer gang members a noteworthy role in the story. Chomper was as adorable and charming as ever - and it seems he's grown a bit since we last saw him. He at least looked bigger next to Ruby than he did during the TV series, though that might have been just an artistic license the character designers took, rather than a deliberate way to make him look older.

The new characters made good impressions. Wild Arm's frantic, self-centered antics were amusing and I liked Etta's sense of humor. For a moment those lizards Petrie ran into stole the show for me too. I always love tiny creatures with tons of energy. The science geek in me also appreciated the feathered dinosaurs. Their modern designs don't fit perfectly alongside the older characters, but I'll take what little scientific accuracy I can get when it comes to a cartoon. I appreciate that the staff put in that extra effort when they could have easily side-stepped the feathers entirely like Jurassic World recently did.

In the grand tradition of the Land Before Time series, the movie introduced a new natural disaster for Littlefoot and his friends to survive. The Sand Cloud was a nice touch. On a side note, I still find it hilarious how disaster-prone the Great Valley and surrounding areas are. Littlefoot's mother conveniently left that detail out when she was advertising the place. :lol:


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I'm just adding this post in, without reading any of the recent posts in this thread, as I've heard there's spoilers in here now, and I haven't gotten to watch the movie myself yet.

I was interested in seeing how the movie was selling at the wal-mart I work at, so last night I looked up about the movie on one of the stores work computers in the backroom, and I was kinda disappointed at what I saw. :(

We've only sold 1 copy at our store in the about 2 days that's it's been out now. I'm gonna look at it again next week. Hopefully it actually sells some over the weekend or something. This is just speculation, but I'm guessing the people who actively wanted it on release, just pre-ordered it online, so that might be why we've only sold one in the store.

Anyway, it also said we had about 60ish in stock (Don't remember the exact number) and 20 more is on order at the moment.

I'm really interested in seeing how this movie is selling, so I'll let you guys know what I find the next time I try looking it up. I know this'll be very anecdotal, only having sales from 1 store, but it might be fun to see anyway.  :yes
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Me too. Probably end up rewatching it with a friend who hasn't seen it yet, which isn't something I've done for the other sequels.


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The newly hatched duckbills in the beginning of the movie look pretty different from what Ducky and her siblings looked like when they hatched in the first movie. Whatever happened to them, anyway?


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Does anyone know where or when one can watch it online because I can't find anything


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Quote from: Cruncher96,Feb 4 2016 on  04:34 PM
Does anyone know where or when one can watch it online because I can't find anything
It's on Netflix.


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I definitely think this was the worst movie so far.  It was freaking BORING as heck.  The lines were beyond cheesy.  "Oh, let's walk over here."  ***Pause for no dramatic effect whatsoever***  Walk, Walk, Walk, Walk, Walk, Walk, Walk, Stop.  The script was like a bad fanfiction and all the characters were out of character.  It was like a 20 minute TV episode stretched into almost an hour and a half.  In other words, painful.  It was painfully obvious that the writers didn't care about making a good story, and it felt like they were forcing stuff from the old movies into places where they didn't belong.  Like Ducky and Ruby's way of speaking.  They used to speak like that only occasionally and for a purpose.  Now it's just thrown in there for no reason whatsoever.  Ruby used to sound witty and funny.  Now she sounds almost retarded.  I had to try not to hold it against her because it was the writer's fault.  

And Grandpa Longneck and Threehorn's voice actors were absolutely terrible.  They would have been better off picking a woman or some random dude off the street for the voices.  You can barely understand them.  It sounds like they've got something stuck in their throat.

I know this review sounds harsh and I am still a big Land Before Time fan.  But this movie had so many issues I can't even count them all.  I'm sad to say that this movie was BELOW expectations, and my expectations had already been set very, VERY low by The Wisdom of Friends.  But I'd rather watch the 13th movie again than this trash.  

HOWEVER, I will watch this movie again in the next few days to review it again and see if my opinion of it changes the second time around.  However, I'm not hopeful.

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Quote from: Hardback247,Feb 4 2016 on  04:30 PM
The newly hatched duckbills in the beginning of the movie look pretty different from what Ducky and her siblings looked like when they hatched in the first movie. Whatever happened to them, anyway?
I have no idea what happened to them, but I noticed in this film that:

1. Mama Swimmer was not around the hatchlings.
2.  Ducky spoke and ran around as soon as she hatched, but not these guys.  What gives?

On a funny note, I thought the one who chomped down on Petrie's beak was histerical😂.


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So what was everyone's favorite scenes? Of course I thought the scene where Ruby and Chomper come out from behind the rock was adorable-- especially with that music-- but I also really liked Wild Arms. Way more than I ever thought I would, in fact. I mean I saw the 10 minute preview and I got a sinking feeling in my stomach when he showed up, but he turned out to be really funny and nowhere near the annoyance that I thought he'd be!

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That's odd. I went to a local Walmart two days ago and they didn't have the movie at all. Not even an empty special case to indicate the movies have all been sold out. They just didn't have it there. I wonder why.

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Quote from: Dr. Rex,Feb 4 2016 on  11:09 PM
That's odd. I went to a local Walmart two days ago and they didn't have the movie at all. Not even an empty special case to indicate the movies have all been sold out. They just didn't have it there. I wonder why.
I had the exact same problem; I wanted to buy the movie on DVD on its release date. I had to buy the movie on iTunes and watch it through my computer. It would have been nice to get the DVD at Walmart since buying stuff online can be a major pain in the butt if the internet is slow.

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Quote from: Littlefoot fan 1990,Feb 4 2016 on  11:19 PM
Quote from: Dr. Rex,Feb 4 2016 on  11:09 PM
That's odd. I went to a local Walmart two days ago and they didn't have the movie at all. Not even an empty special case to indicate the movies have all been sold out. They just didn't have it there. I wonder why.
I had the exact same problem; I wanted to buy the movie on DVD on its release date. I had to buy the movie on iTunes and watch it through my computer. It would have been nice to get the DVD at Walmart since buying stuff online can be a major pain in the butt if the internet is slow.
So you too? Maybe it depends on the region?


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I thought the ending after the climax was a little rushed. I actually wanted to see the characters return to the Great Valley before ending the movie. It would make things more satisfying.


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   I thought the ending after the climax was a little rushed. I actually wanted to see the characters return to the Great Valley before ending the movie. It would make things more satisfying.

I honestly completely agree with you on this, Hardback. It's especially weird given how they took their time and gave a really fleshed out opening. The ending felt like they had plans to do more but ran out of money to do it.