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Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)

Mumbling · 763 · 137062


  • Ducky
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Quote from: ADFan185,May 13 2016 on  05:23 AM
Good we don't need anymore or anymore directed by the person let's hope he doesn't direct another land before time movie again.
Kinda harsh on the guy, aren't you?


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Quote from: Coyote_A,May 20 2016 on  12:57 AM
Quote from: ADFan185,May 13 2016 on  05:23 AM
Good we don't need anymore or anymore directed by the person let's hope he doesn't direct another land before time movie again.
Kinda harsh on the guy, aren't you?
Nope he makes very awful animated kids movies that really insult there intelligence. His work is painful to sit through. Hopefully that's his one and only Land Before Time movie he's directing. He's a awful director that makes such low awful quality movies for kids that make them look and sound like they're dumb.


  • Ducky
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Quote from: ADFan185,May 23 2016 on  04:47 AM
Nope he makes very awful animated kids movies that really insult there intelligence. His work is painful to sit through. Hopefully that's his one and only Land Before Time movie he's directing. He's a awful director that makes such low awful quality movies for kids that make them look and sound like they're dumb.
You never know, maybe he'll improve with time... Everyone can slip now and then. Remember - Don Bluth himself made "A Troll in Central Park". A movie much worse than even LBTXIII has been. :D


  • Ruby
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I'm a little late to the party, having just joined the forum. But have we, as a group, given the movie a fair appraisal? I don't think it's awful, just lackluster. It's probably one of the better sequels, and a definite improvement over its immediate three predecessors.
That said, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. In fact, as soon as I have time, I'll post a list of opportunities that the producers missed.


  • The Circle
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Lackluster is indeed a good term to describe this movie. It is by now five weeks ago that I watched it, but there was nothing really to see that would have been particularly motivating to write about it.
Watching the movie I cannot help but feeling that the makers of the movies themselves are utterly unenthusiastic about what they are making and it shows. You get hardly any sense of passion, enthusiasm or creativity from the movie.
There were a few interesting moments (quarrel among the group, Petrie suddenly finding himself in a sudden position of adoration (reminiscent of Sith in Ice Age II), or the journey on an underground river), but none of them seemed to be really exploited by the makers of the movie.
I'm also not sure if it is just me or if others too have the impression that the language is shifting towards and even younger audience? I mean not just how they say things (personally I like Petries language and Ducky's way of talking as characteristic features) but rather what they are saying. I repeatedly had the impression of them talking in a captain obvioius kind of manner like the audience was in need of explanations for rather obvious things. Also the way Spike was acting and being treated by others seemed a bit like he was developing back to toddlerdom. True, there have been idiot moments of Spike before (don't eat the vine you are standing on), but I would prefer to have Spike as the gentle, and good natured, loyal and (if necessary) determined friend as whom he was depicted in LBT 4 for example.
The sharpteeth in this movie were once again conveniently stupid, leaving the kids all the time they needed to set up traps that wouldn't work if we assumed even mediocre intelligence or plausible strength. It is true that the sense of thread has long been abandoned when it comes to sharpteeth (I think the swimming sharptooth in LBT 9 was the last we got that (in spite of Moes antics) came across as more than a toy for the kids).
Last but not least, Bron came across as a bit of a... whatever once again. We never got any indication whatsoever that big, strong longneck he is supposed to be, he even bothered to try at least to work himself out from under that rock rather than just waiting to be saved or to die. In a constant dripping wears away the stone kind of procedure he might have tried something at least. I appreciate the effect of leverage, but the kids accomplishing in a matter of moments what the much stronger Bron couldn't even in days is much of a stretch.
Above all (and this really bothered me most I think) there is an extreme incoherence in the movie. It is emphasized how very much the herd needed Bron and that he must abandon his son because his herd was so utterly depending on him.
Not only did the herd move on to the valley without any troubles, but they didn't seem to be in any way disorganized, desperate or in any other way even mildly distressed about the loss of their leader. Heck the rather unimpressive new characters of the movie didn't bother to help him or ask for help but had to be reminded of respectively be forced into the realization that perhaps it would be sensible thing to try to save their leader. This total indifference really goes to show that his heard neither needs nor cares about Bron. After they have given him the bird the way they did I really don't see what in the wide world would keep Bron obliged to play the leader for a herd that neither needs nor bothers about him.


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Malte, you took the words out of my mouth. Partly to drive home the producers' lack of enthusiasm (and to raise fanfic ideas to anyone in that market) here are a few missed opportunities:
 1) Bron seems to bear no resentment whatsoever against his herd for failing to free him. Pretty forgiving of him. Did the herd do anything to help Bron before leaving the lava river? It shouldn't have been hard - Litlefoot and his friends were able to do it easily. The cynic in me wonders if the herd was actually glad to be rid of Bron. Oh wait, perhaps I spoke too soon. The bird-like dinosaur does tell Littlefoot that Bron sacrificed himself to save everyone else. But what made them think he was dead? In fact, here's an idea. Have a faction of the herd decide that they don't want Bron as their leader anymore, and try to stop Littlefoot and co. from saving him.
2) giving Spike some development. They fleshed him out a little bit in the 8th movie, but there was only so much that could be done, given that Spike can't talk. Why is he still mute? The trait was fine in the 1st movie, but it shouldn't have become part of the status quo immediately thereafter. At the very least other characters should have tried to address the problem in the sequels. Strangely, Spike does get one word in the 5th movie, but the event is immediately forgotten.
  3)  I only caught a glimpse of the resolution to Littlefoot and Cera's quarrel (NB: I haven't watched the movie, just a review of it by an Internet critic), but it felt painfully contrived. The pair didn't realize their mistakes or got over their grievances; the plot just demanded they make up. Why not make the rift permanent (at least as of the movie's end), and in the process have the gang break up? As a bonus you  could have them fall in with new friends in a sequel. I know that Littlefoot and Cera never truly made amends in the 1st movie, but the story ended before they could do so.
  4) The group's fall into a cavern river and over a waterfall could have been a dangerous, exciting scene. Instead, it was presented (perhaps intentionally) as the dinosaur equivalent of a theme-park ride. While I'm on the subject of danger, I want to gripe about the sandstorm. I don't mind that the makers didn't incorporate the breathing difficulties that real-life sandstorms can create. The four main characters present being dinosaurs (and kids), they probably wouldn't have known the proper measures to take, and that would have been the end of them. But the scene could have been played for thrills in other ways. Ex: the characters could have ended up separated really far away from Littlefoot, they could have stumbled into a crevice or a sharptooth (imagine how cool a sandstorm chase might have been) or Ducky could have been blown miles away from the others.    
5) Once every movie, Littlefoot sneaks off to go on an adventure. Why don't the adults remember this and keep an eye on him? Why don't they scold him when they meet up at the end? You can't just ignore continuity but then observe it in other respects (for example with regard to Bron).

   Come on Universal, where's the enthusiasm? Where's the ambition? I know that your top priority is profit, that the target demographic is kids, and that kids aren't particularly demanding. But still, why not give them movies that in the long run will raise their standards? Why not give them viewing fare that challenges their brains and moral values? Is that too much to ask for? By the way, I'm sure I could spot more missed opportunities if I watched Journey of the Brave, but that unlikely to happen anytime soon.


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Quote from: Sangiban,Jun 2 2016 on  12:32 PM
I'm a little late to the party, having just joined the forum. But does this movie really deserve to be  hated?
It isn't hated, not by a long run anyway. In fact as far as relatively recent LBT movies go it's pretty solid, just... With its own shortcomings, yeah.


  • Ducky
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The film was horrible not good what so over you can thank the idiot Davis Doi for that he makes crap after crap.


  • The Circle
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Please make sure to keep opinions and facts clearly separated and also to give some reasons for your opinions.
Just stating that something is crap doens't give much to talk about. Saying what you dislike and why gives a chance for discussion. We do not endorse mere rage venting in discussion threads.


  • Ducky
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Ah fair enough I have gave my reasons to dislike the guy many times but I'll Do better with addressing why he is a awful director.


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Lol. What movies did Davis Doi direct? Maybe then I'll make my decision as to why Davis Doi really does suck. But still, this movie must be better than Charles Grosvenor's mostrosities in 2007.
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


  • Ducky
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The only Davis Doi movie that's a guilty pleasure of mine and I can't believe I'm saying this is Dinotopia: Quest For The Ruby Sunstone. It's horrible and bad but there's a charm that makes it a guilty pleasure of mine.


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Fair point, Dinotopia: Quest For The Ruby Sunstone was really a very poor movie, especially when comparing it to the marvelous books Dinotopia is based on. It is a pity that movie makers tend to approach Dinotopia with a desire to turn it into an extreme action / magic story rather than presenting the marvelous world imagined by James Gurney (the author of the Dinotopia books).
The Dinotopia mini-series made the same mistakes (along with some very poor acting) while the series that followed the mini-series was quite decent, corrected many mistakes committed by the mini-series and came up with some original own ideas without distorting Dinotopia beyond all recognition. Sadly that series was cancelled on a cliffhanger.
Anyway, I am getting off topic here.


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Yes I thought the series was quite decent. The acting like you said was horrible but the show it self wasn't bad. They did a good job sticking to the story when it came to the set they made for it. It's a shame it was very short lived show.

Dr. Rex

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I've honestly never heard of Davis Doi before this, so I really can't judge the quality of this film based on his past work.


  • Ruby
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Perhaps this film was his first work? Anyway, I wonder how much creative freedom Doi had with the film.


  • Ducky
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No this wasn't his first work. Look him up he's made a lot of other horrible work. He was the actual director. One reason I give harsh reviews of his work. His directive work is not good at all.


  • Ruby
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Quote from: ADFan185,Jun 13 2016 on  09:14 PM
No this wasn't his first work. Look him up he's made a lot of other horrible work. He was the actual director. One reason I give harsh reviews of his work. His directive work is not good at all.
Yeah, but what makes you think JOTB is horrible? Come on, elaborate. Anyone else reading this, feel free to join in. I want to have some stimulating conversations on this thread.

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Any update on the sales, or any news of a sequel? Things have been quiet in both regards.


  • Ducky
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Quote from: Sangiban,Jun 14 2016 on  01:26 PM
Quote from: ADFan185,Jun 13 2016 on  09:14 PM
No this wasn't his first work. Look him up he's made a lot of other horrible work. He was the actual director. One reason I give harsh reviews of his work. His directive work is not good at all.
Yeah, but what makes you think JOTB is horrible? Come on, elaborate. Anyone else reading this, feel free to join in. I want to have some stimulating conversations on this thread.
If Journey Of The Brave was directed by a different person than I wouldn't be so harash on it. It's just that Davis Doi direction was not good. He just can't direct at all. The film it self was poorly made. The cgi/2D graphics was an eye sore. The songs god where they painful to sit through. The only decent song was sung by Reba Macintire. She did put effort onto the song where no other Efforts at all where put in the other songs. The casting was wrong nothing sounded like the original voices to the characters at all. Davis Doi puts in characters that really insult the intelligence of the attended audience it's targeted towards. So the movie was a complete mess. He basically took Don Bluth's movie and dumbed it down to this horribleness. It was a complete replaca of the first movie since he can't come up with his own ideas. That's why I'm so harash on this movie.