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Please see this post for more details.

Award voting 2015

The Lone Dragon

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ROLE PLAY GAMER: I vote for SERRIS for his continuous support and participation in various role plays.

HELPFUL AWARD: This is a very tricky one to decide, there are so many good candidates but I'm voting for DUCKY123 for always being their to help other members on the forum.

FRIENDLY AWARD: This is also is a tricky decision but my eventual vote goes to MALTE279 because of his friendly nature in just about everything on the forum especially in the welcoming of new members.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Proactive member: Dalekdino - I have to credit him with reviving the caption contest section with his frequent postings.

Fanart: ??? - I have not looked at fanart so I cannot vote for this category.

Feedback: Ducky123 - Not only does he give his opinion frequently and often on fan fiction and fan art, he does so in a way that is both respectful and helpful.

Philosopher: Rhombus - Not only is he extremely well-versed in many areas, he is able to consider both sides of a debate and give his opinion with both courtesy and respect.

Projects: ??? - I have not been keeping up with the projects on this forum.

Helpful Member: Malte279 - He is always around to offer advice or assistance to anyone in need.

Friendly Member: Kor - While every member here is friendly and welcoming, Kor takes extra effort to make new members feel welcome.

Role Play Gamer: Nick22 - This is the absolute hardest award to vote for because I have met so many talented RPers such as bushwacked, LB&T, StarfallRaptor and Pterano but after some thought, I'd have to give it to Nick for his devotion to the RP section and joining so many RPs.

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This was hard since so many people deserve to win in my eyes, but I finally settled on the following.

Fanart Award: RockingScorpion gets my vote this year, his artwork is just stunning. It makes me wonder why he is not a professional artist yet. Though others like StrutEggStealer and Ducky123 also provide amazing work, the scorpion steals the show this year.

Feedback Award: I don't really look at feedback other people leave but from what I have seen, my vote goes to Ducky123 he kindly points out mistakes and how to fix them and encourages the author/artist along. He critics but not so harshly the other feels discouraged. And thats what feedback is all about.

Friendly Member Award: This is the hardest one, I don't really interact with many on here so I'm choosing from the few that I do, though I can never pick who is the friendliest of them all since we all have our quirks and grumpy sides, I'll give the crazy horse lady Nahla the edge this year, moody at times, but what girl isn't? Her sarcasm does make you laugh and without her and bushwacked a certain Skype chat would be really dull. She is the type of friend you like having around.

Helpful Member Award: I'll give this to Ducky123 wherever it help with a fic, artwork or just a general life problem, Ducky's got your back.

Philosopher Award: I tend to avoid topics that tend to be highly debatable (Same-Sex marriage, etc) but from what I have read and skimming the history section my vote goes to rhombus he does not force his opinion down your throat and does try to see both sides of the argument, even if he is against your opinion he does not jump at your throat. No one respects people who force their views after all.

Proactive Award: I'm going to give this to DalekDino every time I come on here he has posted a new caption or something in the fanart section, I remember before he came along the caption section was pretty dead for the most part.

Project Awards: Skip sorry, I didn't even know we had projects on here so have no clue what to judge on...yes I live under a rock.

Role Play Gamer Award: I'm not really into Roleplay even know I'm in one, I'm gonna skip on this.


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Here is the last of mine

Helpful Member Award: This is gonna be no surprise to those who know him but I'm voting for Ducky123, he is always glad to hear me out and help me if he can. He has helped me with more then just fanfiction but when I'm upset and have a problem in my life (which is  a lot lately..) he is always happy to help me deal with it. Don't know where I would be without him..most likely punching people in the face in anger..

Philosopher Award: My vote this year goes to Mr Calm and Mellow himself rhombus even when everyone else is at each other throats starting World War III, he keeps his cool considering both sides of the argument while still backing up his own theory but now dissing everyone elses. He is the kind of person I respect as he respects everyone else back.

Proactive Award: idea who to pick for this one, but in the end I went for DalekDino every time I come here he has a new post in the art threads or new caption or something. My own activity has pretty much died off lately but DalekDino is pretty much everywhere.

That is the last of mine right? I believe I'm required to vote on Appreciated Member though.


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Two members in particular have been very helpful to me this year whenever I had questions concerning some words and more complex details of the English language. Darkhououmon and rhombus have always been ready to help and give me their input whenever it came to questions about somewhat obscure words such as "deportment" or the different ranking / implicatons of different words describing something similar (e.g. baffled, aghast, flabbergasted, stunned). I don't see any difference in their readiness to help and I admit that the final decision is partly based on the fact that I got one of them in my books for another award and therefore nominate the other for that one without intending for the vote to imply that the other had been any less helpful. My vote for the Helpful Member Award goes to Darkhououmon.

As said above, I have rhombus in my books for another award and while it may be of little surprise for him to be nominated for the philosophers award I still want to emphasize his frequent indepth analyses of political matters not just on the national level of the US but also with a global scope often comming up with an awareness of political factions and decisions in Europe that would put all those to shame who cling to the stupid prejudice that Americans didn't take any interest in the world beyond their borders. We also had some very interesting discussions (though in chat only) on philosophical perspectives, not agreeing a hundred percent on everything (questions of the degree to which utilitarism can be pushed) but always understanding the point of the other one. I also had some indepth philosophical chats with action9000 which I hold in fond memory, but that was completely outside the GOF. Anyway my vote for the Philosopher Award goes to rhombus.

It is with great joy that I see new members showing great activity and invigorate both, the LBT sections and other parts of the board. I would like to at least mention some of our newest members who haven't been around and posted sufficient times to be eligible in this vote already, but I still want members like Ruby2, AllegroGiocoso, Hypnobrai and Dr. Rex to know that their posts and activities don't go unnoticed and that I'm looking forward to seeing more from them in the upcomming year :) Another member who joined us this year has been particularly active in not just starting new threads but also bringing some new activity to existing ones. For this my vote on the Proactive Member Award goes to chomperrules1993.


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Hey gang!

Gonna be tough making a shortlist from so many amazing candidates (as it is every year) but these are my picks for this year's awards:

Fanart: Rocking Scorpion - Having a dig around the forum, we have loads of amazing artists and many kudos to all for their efforts. Rocking Scorpion has stood out a little more for me this year with the unique art style and likeness of character.

Feedback: Ducky123 - Always at the front line when commenting constructively on other's works to better their efforts and always respectful. Nice one! ;)

Friendly Member: Nick22 - With so many friendly faces (or avatars) on the forum it's tough to select one out of a crowd of so many (Too many honorable mentions know... actually mention). Still, Nick22 gets my vote for some of our awesome chats via Skype and just generally mucking around like a friend should.

Helpful: Malte279 - Can't deny it. The man is a genuine legend of the realm. Never a day goes by without Malte pitching in somewhere and always going out of his way to make sure a friend is seen through even at his own expense. And I've have the honour of meeting the legend in person...numerous times ;) Never change buddy!

Philosopher: rhombus - No matter how sensitive the subject or controversial the topic, rhombus always handles both the discussion and those involved in said discussion with care and respect whilst laying down some impressive points. A trustworthy politician in the ranks...who knew  :lol

Proactive: Dalekdino - An impressive show of activity on the forum by keeping conversations fresh and interesting and showing just how awesome our forum is through actions and discussions on a variety of topics. Great job! Just don't exterminate anyone please...

Projects: SKIP - Sorry guys. Haven't really been in touch with any projects on the forum this year so can't place a flag here.

Role Play Gamer: SKIP - Despite being an RP gamer in one respect, not something I'm a part of here. Soz! :( No vote from me.

Righty then. Those are my votes for this year. All the best to everyone and thanks to everyone for being awesome! ;)


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Ah well I'll just say I'm new to this... I've been wondering how you get these award icons..
Well I'll cast my votes while I'm here. I won't do all of the categories as some of them I don't get involved with or are familiar with.

Ok first off.

FEEDBACK: I'll go with DUCKY123 He tend to comment on my fan art most. So did CeraTheRed, but she's not very active round here anymore.
Ducky123's feedback with me has been friendly, civil, and he's been fairly easy going with me when I've been a little touchy in the past...  :oops

Proactive Award: Well next to me as I seem to be getting the most votes for this ( I even saw I won last year) I'll vote for the "The Anonymous Person" . As he too comes up with funny captions and he and I have become quite friendly with each other.

Fanart: ROCKING SCORPION. His art work is fantastic, and a lot better done then mine. I always get excited when I see he has posted something new in his art topic

And I'm sorry but that's all I can think of.. For the time being anyway...


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Quote from: Littlefoot1616,Aug 14 2015 on  11:19 AM
. Great job! Just don't exterminate anyone please...

Don't worry, I won't. I'm a good dalek:)


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just a reminder that voting ends at midnight tonight, so if you havent voted already. get those votes in please.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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Some more hours to go. As announced the for the initial 8 categories will close at 12 (midnight) on 15 August 2015 (forum standard time). After that we are likely to have tie breaking votes in some categories.


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I've been staying away from the voting process until the end this year and I didn't follow the votes casted until now because I feel like I always kind of get dragged into voting for people who have already been voted for a lot simply because voting for an outsider wouldn't really make much of a difference. Hence, I'll now cast my votes (pre-typing this in Word) without any knowledge about the current Voting Tally :yes

Fanart Award: I wish this was one of the categories where I really have to consider hard who to vote for but sadly there aren't many people on here doing fanart regularly (though I must admit that I haven't exactly contributed to that area of the GoF in recent months either...).
Anyhow, like I said my decision isn't a hard one here. My vote goes to RockingScorpion like last year and I don't really think I have to explain this decision in detail. Look at his art and make sure your eyes don't fall out, haha :DD Now seriously, his artworks are always drawn with a lot of effort, skill, patience and love for detail. Also a lot of his drawings are original ideas of his which are often funny, creative or just epic!
Furthermore, I also want to give a shoutout to dalekdino for his frequent submitting of his drawing series. I like the ideas he has and particularly the cute and funny scenes from his series :)
StrutEggStealer also deserves a mention here I think. She hasn't submitted much but the little humanised project she did a while ago was quite cool!

Feedback Award:
I can't really narrow it down to one choice so I'll SKIP this category despite being one of the few categories where I'm really active (well, I used to...). I can't really see anybody on this forum giving feedback not just in one or two fanfictions / fanart threads but more generally so voting for somebody would only be justified for certain fanfictions /art threads but not overally!
I'm also not going to vote for myself! I was following most fanfictions and art threads until my life got too busy to stay caught up and now I can't pick up where I left off for whatever reason. It just doesn't feel right to do so :p
So yeah, skipped vote.

Friendly Member Award:
There are more than enough suitable candidates for this category like every year but I've managed to make a choice here. My vote goes to Midnight. I think he has always brought a happy and warm atmosphere into the discussions and the easy-going threads likewise and he's been very welcoming and friendly and easy to get along with. This of course applies to many members but I found Midnight to be most friendly. Well, it's a choice I just made here on the spot. We're a (if not THE) most friendly community on the web as it is so every member contributes to that :p

Helpful Member Award:
This category is difficult to vote for. I think it's not so much the general helpfulness displayed by some of us in case somebody asks for help but much rather personal experiences outside the forum what most votes will be based on. So will mine anyway. There are too few occasions on the forum, where people ask for/offer help (asked for or not) to really determine a clear winner. But even, judging personal experiences with other members on Skype and elsewhere on the internet, this is a hard choice. I've eventually narrowed it down to Malte279. Not only does he always have advice for me if I ask for some help but also he's always been ready to help me out with things (like sending me music sheets or other useful things).
But I also have to mention Rhombus here alone for the fact that he's always very generous in our Civilisation games :smile Nah joking :p Really, most of what I said about Malte also applies to him. It was a very very close decision between these two. And to everyone else who has helped me recently: This is your shoutout, even if I don't shout you out by name technically... ;)

Philosopher Award:
For this award, I nominate Rhombus. I've already done so last year and I believe he's still one of the best philosophers on the GoF. Especially in the After Midnight area, his detailed posts are always a pleasure to read, learn from and reply to and/or start a discussion.
In terms of LBT-related discussions, particularly AllegroGiocoso and chomperrules come to my mind because they've been the main two keeping the discussion and the input of new information about LBT 14 steady ^^

Proactive Award:
Another tricky category... By the definition of this award, I don't think anybody has done much that would count for this award but I presonally rather see it as an award for those who keep the forum going through their regular contributions.
Again this will be a decision I'm making at the spot. There are a few members that come to my mind instantly. I've decided to vote for The Anonymous Person. His activity specially in the Caption This and Party Room sub-forums has really helped to keep these places alive. A very close-second would be dalekdino for the same reason.

Projects Award:
Uhm, that one was already given to Ludichris right? Or did I get that wrong in the introductionary post? His music project is one of the best in the GoF history so he shall be awarded for that ;)

Role Play Gamer Award:
My vote for this category will be purely based on the only RP I'm actively playing and leading. All participants always have good ideas and write good posts but I think bushwacked has done a very good job with many long and well thought-out posts and his great ideas for the plot :)

Uhh yeah, now I'll see who the others have nominated :p
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Finishing up here:

Feedback Award: I'm going to vote for Ducky123 here. I have noticed that he has provided a lot of feedback in numerous fanart and fanfiction topics and he politely points out mistakes and improvements whenever necessary.

Philosopher Award: This year I'm voting for rhombus as he always writes very well written and thought-out posts. Over the last year I have learnt a lot from what he has posted, and he always writes well-reasoned responses to certain topics and I really enjoy reading whatever he has to say.

Friendly Member Award: This was probably the hardest decision since there are so many friendly people on this forum. However, I think I have come to a decision. For her lovely chats and continued support, I'm going to vote for Nahla this year. She has been warm and welcoming to everyone and is willing to give you help if you need it.

Helpful Member: I'm voting for Ducky123 especially since he has continued to encourage me to carry on with my projects and has even offered to pre-read some of my fanfiction for me. He is always there when I'm having trouble and I really do appreciate all of his help.

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For the Philosopher award, I vote for Rhombus. I've seen him active both i nthe forums, and on Skype, discussing topics such as history, science, and biology, and he seems to be pretty knowledgeable in many different subjects. He's always eager to learn something new.

For the Role playing award, I'm just going to vote for Ducky123 again. He's running the only RP I've been in in the last year. Even though it's not been very active, it's fun whenever we do get around to it.

For the Fanart award, I'm voting for Rocking Scorpion this year. This member might not put up quite as much art as other members, but what is put up is very good.

For the Proactive member award, I'm voting for Dalekdino, for helping to keep the caption this section alive. A lot of his captions are probably either  toilet humor, or some kind of jab at the director, but it's good that it's keeping that section alive.

For the friendly member award, I'm voting for Midnight Almost everyone on here is very friendly, but midnight has just been so warm and welcoming to new members, and old members alike. Ducky123 might have been a contender here, but he's specifically said he doesn't think he deserves the award this year.

Can't think of anyone for the other categories this year.
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Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

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