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Blanking the Slate

Serris · 921 · 100884


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killing the competition  through faulty parts so you are able to 'fix; the problem makes logical sense. kinda like the guy who helps put out the fire he started. also brings you a lot of money and positive press. corporations are all about both after all 'marita said : in the mean time, i'm sure we'll find out more in Lersuret."
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Why do we even care?" interrupted Lily. "We're just going to be the Purifier's errand boys now?" She double-checked nobody was listening in. "Let's just overpower the ones with us, leave somebody alive and torture him until he gives us the location of the Purifier headquarters. Then rig me full of explosives, drop me out of a plane onto the base and I'll blow both of us sky high. I'm prepared to die to cripple their movement."

She glared at Marita, who she knew was going to protest. "It's my choice and my right to do so."


Emilena chucked the uniform at Flora. "Here. It bothers you so much to be around, take this to the laundromat across the street. Use the best detergent they got, I'll reimburse you."

"I can afford it myself!" Flora shot back, voice almost cracking.  bundling the items up, she wasted no time in stumbling from the establishment.

Emilena glanced at Axel. "Got anything good? We can't be here much longer; it's probably going to be swarming with cops in a matter of minutes."

(OOC: We close to a time skip or anything? Not sure if anything important is happening in either storyline to not warrant fast-forwarding to the next interesting bit)


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Axel took the keycard from Aaron and held it close, looking it over. "No... haven't seen him use this before. I mean, he might have a safe somewhere but it's like she said. Not like we have the time to check the place over." As if to emphasize Emilena's point, the other cop's radio crackled from the other room, the low, garbled static serving to remind them of the seconds draining away.

"What about getting rid of the body?" Marcus demanded, staring down at the stripped corpse. "Can't have them finding it. At least until Echo's finished at the station."

"Hang on." Axel dropped the keycard into his back pocket as he tried to think. "There isn't an incinerator - but there's a compactor downstairs. We use... used it to crush up any scrap we wouldn't use. With the rest of the crap that's in there they'd have to look hard to find a body in what comes out. Could that work?" Even as the words left his mouth he felt sick speaking them. Just yesterday he'd been trying to lead a normal life - or as normal as he could make it. Now, every moment felt like it was slipping back to how it had been before. Axel forced himself to push those feelings back down, to suppress the horror he felt and focus on the situation.

"It'll have to. Not risking bring the body with us." Marcus bent and grabbed the body by the arms. "Me and the rat deal with it. Aaron, get the others to the car." Stiffly, Axel took the legs and helped Marcus lift it, panting with the effort as the carried the corpse from the room.


Five minutes later, they both emerged from the shop front, Axel looking queasier than usual as he followed in the tall doberman's wake. Stopping next to Aaron's window, Marcus looked around, checking to see if anyone was watching. The streets were clear, the nearby residents used to keeping low at the sound of gunfire. "Let's go," he grunted.


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Aaron nodded and ushered Anne and Emilena out of the building and into the car. He did allow Anne to to keep the stolen SMG...provided he held the ammo. Of course, before they were on a mission, he'd pass the magazines to her.

He looked at the GPS unit and pondered where to go next.


Five minutes later, when Marcus and Axel arrived, Aaron started the SUV's motor. He then pulled out of the grimy neighborhood. And just in time too, the sound of sirens approaching could be heard as he pulled into the main thoroughfare and merged with the rest of Seryet City's traffic.

He then turned to Marcus. "So what's next on our list?"


Soren shrugged. "I'm not going to stop you but I'm interested in staying alive than destroying their organization for now."

He then turned to Marita. "Why don't we look at that flash drive first before we head to another city. Speaking of which, what's with the produce and brochures your friends got?"

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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we wanted to blend in, act like normal visitors' rose said ' besides this stuff is actually really  good," she held up a piece of fruit that she had been eating. 'the brochures are just that brochures" Marie said ' i picked them up as i was walking around, letting you guys do your thing ' Marie said to Soren.
_ you wanna go kamikaze, Your choice ' Marita said to Lily ' but you'll be on your own for that. not to mention our lives are currently hanging in the balance right now. we need to get to the bottom of this augment thing, More people are dying every day from those defective augments. death tolls over 200 by now, and that just whats been made public. figure at least twice that have died. we dont get to the bottom of it, the death tolls will reach staggering numbers, there are millions of augments that could possibly have these bad augments. we're talking Holocaust level of deaths here. i dnt want that on my conscience.' she sighed then turned to Soren' sure we can check the flash drive before we head out. see if theres anything of note on it.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora watched the clothes in the washing-and-drying machine spin round. Round and round with the rinse cycle. Mixed among them were tiny blue packets; the only detergent they sold at the laundromat came from gumball-styled dispensers. The pods tumbled in a world of blurry clothing and suds, each waiting for the water to disintegrate it until it popped. Right now she felt like a pod. Struggling to keep her head afloat as the world wears her down, waiting for the time it breaks her defenses and she bursts like a bubble.

When she'd been in school, a boy named Randall had explained the theory of quantum immortality to her. In short, everyone has an infinite number of timelines, new ones being created every instant showing all possible decisions and outcomes. When you die, you can no longer experience that timeline, so you shift to another. One where you survived the incident, or it never came to pass to begin with. You can't even remember the old one.

Isn't it telling? she could hear Randall's voice in her head. Isn't it telling the time period we were born? We're not cavemen, we're not ancient Egyptians, we were born in the first era of human history that has the technology to cure death! Cryopods, cybernetic parts...we live now because every timeline where we were born earlier, we were guaranteed to die!

Ironically, Randall had passed away from leukemia before they graduated. But his theory still made sense to her. It fit with her psionic power, her money, and her life direction. Who better to live forever? But these last few days everything spun out of control. Everything did not go according to plan. She'd almost died three times, and more than ever, she was aware of her own inevitable death. Regardless of her behavior in life, she will one day be particles in a spinning nebula. Just mindless energy.

Should she run? These dangerous people have left her alone for the moment. They wouldn't care either way; if she picked a direction and never stopped sprinting, maybe she might get to experience a few more tidbits of infinity. Then again, where would she run to? All evidence has suggested this city is nonstop violence in every direction, and she was a bright blinking target as a young unaccompanied female.

She spared a glance back at the chop shop. Whoever these dangerous people were, they'd accepted her as one of their own. And they'd protect her, albeit as a side effect to getting their job done. They didn't even need to be bribed by Bailey. And Emilena promised to explain things after the chop shop...

The machine slowed to a stop as the drying phase beeped its conclusion. Sighing, she bundled the uniform into her hands and returned to the parking lot where the others were waiting.


"You two are pathetically short-sighted..." sighed Lily. "Gonna just help the Purifiers because you're afraid of being killed..." She folded her arms. "Disgraceful. Whatever happened to the people who stormed the Purifier HQ in Lanthae? What would they think of you now? How do you sleep at night knowing how brave you used to be?"


Emilena took the police uniform from the silent folf. "Good to see you can follow simple instructions. Christ, what a world this is where I can barely find people with that quality." She started changing into the uniform. "Next stop, the Seryet PD. Don't worry, none of you are coming in with me."

"Why the hell do you think we'd let you walk unaccompanied into a police station?" a purifier grunted.

Emilena rolled her eyes. "Oh darn, you got me. My plan was to rat you all out and get thrown in prison for eternity for multiple homicides and terrorism acts with warrants in multiple cities. And then have nothing else happen because the only person I'm putting in danger is myself."


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Soren narrowed his eyes. "Those guys know my history. Why do you think they let none of us carry a gun...even though Rhaegson said he trusted us?"

He heard the sound of shouting as one of their Purifier guards accidentally bumped into a young mare...and her large Holstein Bull boyfriend took exception. The crowd shifted as people scrambled to get away from the fight...and to watch. "Anyways, let's go somewhere where we can get some privacy and see what's on the drive."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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lead the way then ' Marita said curtly. she turned to lily ' that was before i had family to think about, once you have family, priorities change. its no longer just about you. but rest assured Lily. I'm not a coward. I'm not doing this because i LIKE it, its because i have NO CHOICE, in the matter. And you've changed as well i might add.  the Lily we knew back in Lanthae, wasnt a single-minded suicide Bomber with a short fuse.
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"You could draw attention if you're just wandering around without knowing where you're going. And asking around could make them notice as well," Marcus noted. His jaw bunched. "A plan of the building's layout would help."

Axel squinted irritably, staring out the car's window as the sidewalk rushed past. "Easy. We'll just head onto their web page, hack in and find a convenient map. Give me a second to pull my bullshit magic laptop out my ass." The rat could feel his temper fraying. His throat was growing parched and his skin hot as the desire for another drink started to gnaw at the back of his mind.

Marcus glared at him for a second then returned his stare to Emilena. "If you're going in blind, you'll need some way to communicate with us in case something goes wrong." He glanced out the window and grunted at Aaron. "Stop here for a moment." The car pulled up outside of a small convenience store. The doberman turned to look at Flora, handing her a small amount of credits. "Go in and get two pre-paid cell phones. Move quickly but don't look suspicious."

When she returned, Marcus nodded for Aaron to continue, then tore the small phones, or 'burner phones' out of their plastic packaging. He studied the back of one case then punched a series of numbers into the other phone. When the other phone started to ring, the doberman hit the answer button and tossed it across to Emilena, keeping the other cell phone in his hand.

"Keep the call connected. Put it in your shirt pocket or somewhere else where we'll be able to hear clearly. If you get found, its better if its harder for them to know who you're in contact with," he explained.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I stopped being a meek little doormat. Who couldn't accomplish anything without relying on other people to make all the decisions. And thank god."

She allowed Soren to lead them back to the SUVs. The remaining unnamed purifier saw them. "Hey, y'all seen either Joker or Aaron?" he asked.

Lily ignored him; there was something new in the car. A manila envelope. Her curiosity was piqued. Hopefully whoever left that didn't see her stunt with Joker...

Grabbing the envelope, she opened it and peered at a photocopy of a marriage certificate. Her pupils dilated and she almost dropped it in shock.

This is to certify that Denny North and Lily Sybil were wed on the 16th day of February in the year 2026...

"I...I'm not coming with you all," Lily said. She could hardly process her own words over the stunned realizations that were drowning out her ability to register the world. "I need to investigate something else."


While they were driving to the new location, Flora nudged Emilena. "So? You were gonna explain some things to me."

Emilena started with a jolt, distracted by her mental preparations for her upcoming espionage. "What do you want to know?" she asked.

"How many people have you killed?" Flora decided to cut straight to the good stuff.

Emilena's mouth flattened. "None."

"Then why would the police arrest you for murder?" Flora pressed.

"Because they consider Augments people."

Flora cocked her head in surprise but couldn't find a response to that. The Purifier on her other side chuckled his approval at Emilena's answer.

"Looks like we're almost there," Emilena regarded their proximity to the police station. "We'll have to put this conversation on hold. But I answered one question, so now it's your turn."

Flora bit her lip and looked around the SUV at the other occupants. Emilena, quickly guessing the reason for the teenager's consternation, quickly added, " wish me good luck. And then we can talk later." At the same time, the car pulled up to its stopping point.

Flora bit her lip. "You won't need it. You've got this. Break a leg."

Emilena chuckled, setting up Marcus' call as he asked. "Just keep things quiet on your end," she replied to Marcus. "Last thing I need is to draw attention to myself because an ice cream truck drives by your car."

Exiting the car, she straightened her collar, got into character as the stiff-backed constable, and marched smartly towards the station.


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Soren shrugged. "Okay. Good luck Lily," he whispered.

He then turned to the other Purifier and pointed out the window at a group of people attacking someone. "Yeah. Joker or one of your other buddies just fucked up big time. He apparently got caught ogling some dude's girlfriend."

The man looked away. Generally, in a situation like that, it was better to let the mob disperse (or wait for the victim to get away) and then rescue the victim. But they were running on a tight schedule here.

The SUV's motor hummed as he pulled out of the parking lot to Sky Farms.


Aaron nodded as the SUV stopped by the convenience store. The store was located in a rather bad part of Seryet City, as evidenced by the long-dormant factories and warehouses that lined the street. A homeless man was lying sleeping next to the store's entrance.

When Marcus got back into the car, Aaron continued on his path. An overly aggressive panhandler backed off upon seeing Emilena in full uniform, assuming that the others in the car were undercover SCPD cops.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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marita  sat in the back of the suv inbetwee soren and rose. Marie was pasing the time reading the brochures she had picked up. " So what do you think could be on the disk? Marita asked him " Migt have been a list of staff passwords or something..
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Harras Grove was a typical upper-class suburban neighborhood. The cream-colored two-story house Lily found herself standing before looked identical to every single other residence around the cul-de-sac.

Lily walked up to the door and raised her hand to knock. She paused momentarily, fascinated by the realization that she was slightly trembling. It had been a long time that anything elicited fear from her, and yet she was nervous to see her former husband. How long had they shared a life? What memories might he have that she’d forgotten?

She rapped lightly on the door. After a few minutes, she made to knock again when it opened and a sallow man with stringy brown hair opened it. "Yes? How can...?" He trailed off. "Lily???"

Lily bit her lip. She’d seen his face years before on a television screen in a Lanthae clothing store, and was hoping he looked better in person. She’d never spared much thought to her married life, but she was somehow surprised that she’d apparently chosen to live almost a decade with someone so...unremarkable. "Hi Denny."

Denny was gaping like a fish. He stumbled backwards and almost slammed the door shut on her "How are could you be...?"

"It's a long story..." Lily said, inviting herself in. "I lost my memory, so I didn't--and don't-- remember anything about you, our kids, or this house.” She looked around and marveled at the otherwise unremarkable simplicity of everything. How long had she lived here? How often must she have cleaned every item in this house, items that sparked no sense of familiarity whatsoever?

Denny was still dumbfounded. "You're alive! Did you tell anyone? We could make headlines!"

"Don't tell anyone!" Lily interjected. "Please Denny. It’s more complicated than you think.”

Denny closed the door. “I...of course, my love,” he said slowly. “Anything you say. Welcome home, after all this time. You seem...different.”

“How so?” asked Lily, heading into the kitchen. Denny didn’t strike her as a cook, so presumably she spent much of her adult life in this kitchen. However even this did nothing to pique any memories.

Denny walked into the kitchen to see Lily examining silverware. "Could I get you something to drink?" he asked politely.

"Um, sure," Lily answered, putting the silverware back quickly. "How favorite?"

Denny took some blueberry-pomegranate juice out of the refrigerator, and surreptitiously grabbed a small vial from a hidden drawer under the counter. " don't remember anything of living here?" he asked, keeping his tone neutral as he spiked the glass.

"Nothing at all," Lily admitted. "I'm hoping that this visit could jog my memory."

"Visit?" Denny brought her the glass of juice. "You don't plan on staying? What about your children?"

"The children!" Lily was about to take a drink, but stopped when they were mentioned. "Can I see them? Where are they?"

"They're up in their rooms." Denny pushed her juice towards her. "Drink up, and then we can go see them..."

Lily acquiescently sipped the juice, and registered a deep satisfaction in her palate; apparently she did indeed hold a preference for rich citrus. This discovery galvanized her. “All right, lead me!” she ordered, stumbling somewhat as she left the room. “Goodness, this drink is...powerful…” she suddenly felt very sleepy, but she could feel her psionic regeneration recycle new energy through her system in record time. Had she been less focused on getting to see her children again, she might have noticed that as the warning sign it was. Denny for his part was furrowing his brow in disbelief as he watched Lily drain the glass with no outward side effects. Putting the vial back incredulously, he led her upstairs.


Emilena steeled herself as the police station lobby drew closer and closer. It looked so much like the old one back in Lanthae.

She wasn’t sure what she felt. Certainly not fear. She’d been policing for so long that she’d probably top the charts for experience amongst her peers, if they’d only allowed her to be herself. Instead, she was Candice McCutcheon, a mousy woman with a dopey expression on her ID card. Emilena hoped she wasn’t an airhead, because she had no interest in faking a whole new personality. A lot of old memories and habits were resurfacing as she drew closer to the one place in any city she'd always felt most comfortable.

She marched through the door. The only person in sight was the receptionist, behind her bulletproof window. She spared Emilena a glance, and while she clearly didn’t recognize her, the uniform was enough for her to turn a blind eye.

Offices were to the left, just like in Lanthae. Swallowing, Emilena tried to locate the door to the archives. Unlike computers, paper doesn’t ask for passwords.

After ten minutes of fruitless searching, Emilena realized that there’d been a surprising dearth of personnel in the offices. “Hey you,” she interrupted an intern who was scrambling down the hallways with a stack of papers. “Where is everyone?”

“You-you don’t know?” he stammered. “They’re at Thompson's. There was a shootout!”

Emilena grumbled. “Well, that’s just great. They dispatched me from the south division and I’m supposed to meet here with Chief Travis.”

“Welp, he’s, uh, on the field supervising at the moment…” the intern gulped. “B-but maybe I could take a message for you?”

“I don’t have time for messages. If you could show me to the archives, I’ll wait for him there.”

The intern quickly led her past the forensics laboratory and down a flight of stairs into the basement. Emilena swiped McCutcheon’s ID card and the door unlocked with a beep.

“Thank you Noah,” she said backhandedly, already leafing through files. The intern gratefully took the opportunity to leave her presence. 


Meanwhile back with the team, Marcus' radio bleeped as a one-sentence message relayed to him from a secured Purifier channel: FIND AN EXCUSE FOR AXEL TO BE ALONE.

(OOC 2018: Accidentally used Carriage Hills later in a much more important setting, so I came back and renamed this one after noticing I'd double-used the location name)
« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 05:21:48 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Soren shrugged as he watched the buildings whiz by him in a blur as the Purifier continued driving. He had informed them that they were going to meet up at a some abandoned industrial lot or somewhere so they could exchange data and plan their next move.

He turned to Marita. "I'm not sure but I have a feeling it might be something useful. It could be passwords, manifests, communications...hell, it could be damn near anything. All I can say is that whoever put it there clearly didn't intend it to be found."

It was then he had a flash of inspiration. "Hey, Marita, can I borrow your laptop for a bit?"

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Once Marcus saw Emilena disappear through the large, imposing doors of the police station, he nodded at Aaron. "Park on the next block." Though the windows were tinted and chances of being noticed through the glass were next to nil, waiting directly outside the station made him uncomfortable.

As Aaron pulled into a parking spot, Emilena's voice came through the burner phone, the sound muted on their side. "... dispatched me from the south division and I’m supposed to meet here with..." Marcus let a low, long breath out. At least she hadn't been recognised the instant she stepped into the building. The way their luck had been going so far, that had been a distinct possibility. This needs to work... He glanced at the other three teammates he and Aaron had recently acquired. Two worn and used-up looking augs and a girl who seemed so out of her element that he couldn't help wonder why she was here. Marcus shook his head slightly. The quiet sound of footsteps now, as she followed someone to the archives.

Suddenly the stillness in the air was interrupted by a bleeping from his cell. Pulling it out, he opened it and frowned at the message on the screen. "Aaron, keep an eye on these two. I need a word with Whent."

Axel, flinching at hearing his name, turned to glare at him. "What?"

Marcus didn't answer. Checking to make sure nobody was coming, he indicated with his thumb and climbed from the car, making for an alley just up from where they were parked once he saw the rat was reluctantly following. Turning into the gloom of the narrow passageway, he stopped a short distance in and started to reply to the message.

Axel held back, his eyes narrowed in suspicion behind his sweat greased hair. "What d'you want?" he demanded. "Gonna give me a pep talk?" The rat spat to the side.

"Just hold on," Marcus growled, baring his canines in annoyance. He's apart from the others. Track my cell. Be quick.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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These files were organized by case number, which was a good thing. Case numbers weren’t alphabetic; each decimal was its own code, breaking down the nature of the crime, the status of the investigation, and other details that would only matter to an actual police officer. By ignoring files referring to unrelated crime types and emphasizing the larger files (since she knew this was a big case), Emilena managed to relatively quickly locate the case files for Brennan Synthetics.

“Interesting…” she muttered. These were mostly witness testimonies and accident reports from the day all the gearheads died. The follow-up investigation seemed unsurprisingly lacking. Now if she could just figure out what the inside excuse was, that would give them a thread…

“Officer, what’s your serial number?” Someone had entered the room. Emilena kept reading; the gig was up, but she was so close to finding the info she needed…

“CR 57607,” she replied, using Officer Ellis’ code from Lanthae. “What did we learn about the shootout at Thompsons?”

The officer wasn’t getting sidetracked. “Noah contacted the south division and they haven’t sent anybody up here. I’m going to need to see your ID.”

Emilena tossed Candice’s wallet over, still engrossed in the paperwork. Every witness she’d come across quickly filed an Intent to Silence, explaining why there was no evidence for a followup investigation…

The officer primed a taser. “Stop reading and get on the ground!” He ordered. “You’re not Officer McCutcheon!”

When she continued reading the papers, he fired and sent her spasming uncontrollably to the floor, papers skittering out of her hand. But it was too late. She’d seen the name they needed to continue the trail of their investigation.


On the second floor around a hallway, three white doors sat nestled between an off-white carpet and adobe wall. Lily quietly pushed open the first door to see a young boy, maybe 13, with light skin and dark hair in a cereal bowl cut.

"Hello!" she beamed. The child just looked at her.

"This is Christian. You don't remember Christian?" asked Denny, coming into the room behind her.

"I...of course I do," Lily lied. She knelt down in front of her son. "How have you been? I haven't seen you in so long, I missed you so much!"

The child just continued staring blankly at her.

"Say hello, Christian," Denny demanded firmly.

"Hello," Christian said to Denny.

Lily's eyes clouded, and she put a hand on Christian's shoulder. "Oh god..." she whispered, eyes growing wide. "He's in...such pain..." She sensed... actually something even worse than pain. It was absence. The lack of having ever felt anything at all. Just feeling it brought tears to her eyes.

"He's mentally retarded," Denny explained, as he quietly drew the closet open. Inside was mostly clothing and sports equipment. "I should have warned you."

Lily turned suspiciously, ready to tell him that she'd met mentally ill and this felt different, but gasped in surprise when he noticed two young girls peeking at her from the doorway. One was a young teenager, dark-skinned with Denny's hair, and the younger one must have been 7 or 8, with Lily's eyes and complexion.

"Oh, hello! Forgive me, you both...startled me..." Lily rubbed her forehead and reflexively winced. Both of them were giving her the same emotionless stare as Christian. Lily's senses ached, numbed by the congealing sense of repression weighing heavy on the room.

"Aylin and Hannah. Also retarded," Denny said simply, drawing a padded wooden baseball bat and coming up behind his wife. "Ejlert is the smart one. I always figured when he was born he stole all the intellect you had to give, leaving none to go around for the rest.”

"How could you say such a thing?"  Lily stood up suddenly, looking aghast at her husband. She then realized he was poised to swing.

“Well,” Denny replied, clubbing her viciously upside the head, “he was smart enough not to come into this room.”

A second bat to the head while she was down, and Lily was out cold.


Leave his presence. I've got a man watching in case he tries to escape, was the reply to Marcus' message.

A figure slowly approached from the far side of the alley. Her gait was reserved and submissive, and her facial features were familiar.

"Axel..." Lily said timidly, "Do you remember me? We met at the Purifier base..."


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here ' Marita said ' handing the computer to Soren ' put that i the slot to the left and se what it can tell us. Hopeful its something useful whatever it is.' She said , pausing to look at the passing buildings after handing over the Computer.. the quality of buildings went downhill as they headed into a more industrial area.
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Soren carefully placed the flash drive in the slot and waited for the monitor to boot up. A jolt as the SUV ran over something caused the laptop to jump and slap against his knees; luckily, Marita had invested in a special shock-resistant laptop.

He opened the flash drive and noticed that it was full of employee records. Soren hen noticed that all of the listed employees were Augments...the same ones who had died when their implants failed. Furthermore, it also had documents that listed each and every augment that the workers had by make and model. He scowled; this was a strange thing to put on a flash drive tucked in a discreet location. Finally, there was also a document that listed the serial numbers of several computers. And those computers were the one that Soren recognized as having been stolen during the hostage crisis at the farm. He softly swore as he read over the flash drive's contents.

He nudged Marita. "This is big. I think this flash drive wasn't intended for almost looks like a dead drop for a spy or something."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel fidgeted uncomfortably, uneasy by the fact that the purifier, Marcus or whatever his name was, had left him alone. What the hell is this? Some kind of trap? He blinked. Do they... do they want to see if I'll run?If that was the case, he didn't want to know what'd happen if they caught him. Seconds passed, but the answer didn't miraculously come to him.

Fuck it. If they wanted him to run, Axel wasn't going to let them down. Bracing his legs, preparing to sprint down the alley to come out on the opposite side, Axel gave one last glance to the side of the alley where Marcus and the others were waiting - and a familiar voice froze him in his tracks.

He turned, clenching his jaw as the figure slowly approached him. Sure, he recognised her, small, and vulnerable, just as she'd been all that time ago in Lanthae. Just as she'd been in the base - until the two guards had interrupted and her true side had been revealed. He felt a chill run up his spine as he saw that she'd returned to her timid persona, so at odds with how she'd appeared the last time he'd seen her. And now he'd been left alone with her again?

Whatever was going on with Lily, Axel's level of trust for her was running pretty low. His headache seemed to double in intensity, Axel's skull feeling as though it was splitting. "... what the hell do you want?" he heard himself say, his voice venomous.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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“Don’t be scared…” the woman said softly, looking concerned. “I wasn’t mad at you back when we was the guards who ruined our introduction...”

She came forward. “You can probably guess I’m not Lily. I’m a clone of her.” Her cheeks flushed. “You remember the cloning pods that you and Emilena used to make her new body? Well, you left the DNA sample behind, and it was intact enough for the Purifiers to make one more.”

She made to wrap her arms around Axel. “I shouldn’t be telling you this...but I want you to trust me. I want you to see me for who I am.” Tears shone in her eyes. “I have just as much of a claim to Lily’s name as she does. Don’t I?”


The taser had removed Emilena’s ability to control her extremities. Her assailant was radioing for backup, and Emilena took that chance to give Marcus as complete a message as she could.

“I got-ot a n-name…” she wheezed, fighting hard to counteract the stuttering caused by the electric shock. “A-an offic--cer...all the w-witnesses were--”

“Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law!” informed the police officer, grabbed her and handcuffing her. Another officer appeared and the two dragged her into an interrogation room where she was roughly strip-searched and given an orange jumpsuit to wear. While they didn’t seem to notice there was ongoing call, she doubted it was going to be much use trapped in an evidence locker somewhere.

“How the hell did you get this uniform?” demanded her interrogator.

“I stole it from the industrial laundromat.” Assuming Seryet was anything like Lanthae, the police had their uniforms laundered in bulk offsite. “The ID was forged. I’ve never met the woman.”

“What were you looking for?” The man had narrow black eyes that seemed surprisingly disinterested. Not the attitude she would have used for this class of interrogation, but it wasn’t her job to help him out.

“Information on who’s spreading lies about my actions in Lanthae.” Since he hadn’t bothered to demand her real name, they’d no doubt already identified her by sight. “I was never a Purifier and I never killed an Augment. Well, not those.”

He snorted. “And you breaking into a government building and impersonating a police officer is supposed to help your case?”

“I was not impersonating!” snarled Emilena. “They never officially took my badge!”

He rolled his eyes. “I’ve heard enough about you, Echo. At least we won’t get your weekly applications anymore." He slapped hands decisively on the table and stood up. "Pat yourself on the back; you finally made it into the Seryet police department. To stay!”