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Blanking the Slate

Serris · 921 · 102382


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Soren nodded. "Okay, let's move!"

He was the first to move, opening the door and carefully moving down the street. Thankfully, the night air was cool, clean and crisp, or he would have been broiled inside his catsuit.

As usual at this time, the deserted street was illuminated by just a few LED streetlamps. Since it was a relatively upper-class neighborhood, there was an obvious lack of trash, bums and other city detritus. Not to mention there were no cars parked on the street either.

The walk to the Black household was short and direct. The gate had been left open thanks to Amos disabling the security system. The Human walked through the gate and into the foyer of the house. The lights were off but the moonlight filtering in through the massive bay window provided enough light to see the foyer's layout.

Stairs leading to the second floor set in the middle of the foyer, two doors to the left and right. And a hallway in the back that led to what looked like dining room.

He pressed a concealed button near his neck, turning on his throat mic. "Shit!" he muttered. "This house is fucking huge! Where do we start?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Spread out, search for an office or something," Emilena glanced at the spiral staircase. "Starting with the first floor. Sounds like bedrooms are on second floor, ideally we stay as far from them as possible."


Despite her libido, Flora was having second thoughts even as Amos excitely sneaked them into his room. Sure, she's been completely sexually stymied since her last tragic concert and had been seriously considering risking a brothel, but this was a high-schooler. Couldn't be sixteen.  And not an intellectually-enticing specimen either, if the text conversations were anything to go by.

But still, she'd probably be dead any day now, and then she and God can debate about the age of consent. She glanced at the freckled youth, who'd taken out his iPod and was excitedly putting on his favorite song, Suck it from her first album. "I could never tell anybody this, cause they'd think I'm gay...but I really like your older stuff," he admitted. "The super explicit stuff."

Flora nodded. "Yeah, the type you can't do after you go mainstream." Or after becoming a legitimate artist with taste. She had to fight from cringing as she listened to her prepubescent voice screaming about oral sex. "Toeing the line sells way better than crossing it, keeps the parents happy."

"Yeah...but what about your early fans?" he protested softly. "Don't you have an obligation to us too? If you don't mind me saying. A lot of us on the fansites really miss how you used to--"

Flora quickly interrupted him with a deep kiss. She was absolutely not interested in hearing it. "Hey, speaking of obliging," she broke the kiss after he became far too engrossed to keep talking. "I'm here to give you something better than music. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm getting the distinct vibe that you're a virgin. True?" He blushed beet red. "No shame, it happens. And it ends tonight." She climbed onto the bed in front of him. "But I need to know how far I can go. Now, you probably know that I'm packing my own heat, and you just told me you're not gay. So...does that mean I have to keep my skirt on? Cause I'm not gonna lie, I'm horny as a rabbit and I brought condoms for two."

Amos gulped. Flora politely gave him his time; nothing good ever came from forcing a sex partner into something they weren't comfortable with, especially of this nature. "Well...I am completely straight, and I don't like dicks..." he stammered, staring unashamedly at her chest, "...but if it's you, it's okay."

Flora smiled and slowly started unbuttoning her dress. "Good enough for me."


Unfortunately the first floor rooms were entirely hosting places like lounges and kitchens. Nash's office turned out to be a hybrid bedroom, and Circe Black was sleeping soundly in their bed a few feet from the desk. Emilena narrowed her eyes. "I'll handle it..." Creeping into the room, she gently covered the woman's mouth with chloroform until her sleeping grew far deeper than naturally possible. "All right," she announced, snapping her fingers roughly in Circe's face and getting no response. "Computer's all yours. I'm investigating the wardrobe." When she was a police investigator, she used to find loads of clues in the pockets of her suspect's discarded clothing.


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Soren entered the office. He sniffed as the sweet-chemical odor of chloroform wafted up from the sleeping form of Circe Black.

The computer was right next to the bed and a chair was tucked in for use. Not wanting to risk leaving evidence, he opted to stand up and use the computer instead.

He silently cheered at the fact that Black had been careless with his password: a long, seemingly random string of alphanumeric characters. He had simply wrote it down on a piece of paper taped to the desk. Apparently, he was overconfident that no one would breach his house's security.

Carefully typing the password in, he was rewarded with the computer booting up. He immediately opened explorer and was rewarded with a hard drive full of information. He looked at the sleeping form of Circe and decided to check out the folder labeled "coupons and rewards". Almost immediately, he was rewarded with an utterly staggering amount of coupons and rewards for assorted businesses. But one of them caught his eye: Silver Fire Club. He opened a coupon from the club that advertised a free drink and half-off cocktails if the holder brought it in on today's date.

He jotted down the club's name and address on a scrap of paper he filched from the recycling bin and waited for Emilena to finish up.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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After scouring his uniforms and laundry hamper, Emilena came up with only a few crumpled receipts, such as grocery lists from wholesale food centers. Other than ample evidence that they'd bought heavily into the recent 'electrolyte gummy bears' craze, she found no information except that which reinforced their social status. She returned to Soren. "Find anything good?"

She checked his findings about the Silver Fire Club. "Hmmm. Wait a minute, that rings a bell." She checked the laundry receipts again. "Hey yeah, he visited there same time last week..."

She sent Marcus a text. Looks like Nash is at Silver Fire Club right now. You should send someone over. Maybe a couple someones. "Looks like that's good as we're getting." Emilena checked the clock; hers and Soren's investigation had still taken several hours due to how careful they were playing it. "Guess we learned something. Worst case scenario, we showed that we can behave without Purifier supervision. Let's hightail it."

On the way down to the first floor, she suddenly became aware of noise in the kitchen. Somebody was preparing food. Holding up her cybernetic hand for silence, she crept softly up to the kitchen door. Spotting a clothes iron on a nearby cabinet, she brandished it and waited for her chance.

The sink turned on, and Emilena took that opportunity. Springing through, she slapped her hand over the mouth of... "Shirley?" She lowered the iron but kept her grip pressed tightly around Flora's snout to stifle her frightened squeal. "You're snacking?"

"I had the munchies!" Flora snapped, reflexively angry due to being assaulted. "Christ, its just cold ramen!"

"Keep your voice down! Is Amos awake?" Emilena whispered harshly.

"He's out like a light." Flora shifted her feet, trying to get her heartbeat to settle down. "To be honest, I thought you'd ditched me. Couldn't find you anywhere."

"Yeah, if you'd kept your earpiece on, you'd have known where to go! Let's move. You can eat later." Emilena led the way back to Soren after pouring Flora's ramen down the garbage disposal.


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Marcus snatched up his cell phone as soon as the beep indicated a text had come through. He read the message then snapped the phone shut, standing suddenly, his chair clattering backwards.

Axel jumped at the sudden noise and looked over. "They have something?" he asked, scratching the top of his head with cracked nails. "Did they get him?"

"No." Marcus shook his head. "They don't have Black... but we could have his location. The Silver Fire Club."

Axel blinked, then snorted. "The Silver Fire Club? Figures that such a straight-lace family guy'd go somewhere like that."

"You've been there? Where is it?"

The rat pulled something out of his hair, squinted at it, then flicked it away with a grimace. "Do I look like someone who has time to go clubbing?" Sneering, he wiped his fingers on his T-shirt. "I've heard about it though. It's meant to get pretty, ah... crazy in there. I think it's about... 30, 40 minutes from here."

"Good." Marcus nodded. "We need to move. If we're lucky we can get him before he leaves. You," he pointed a finger at Axel, "You're coming."

"What? Why the hell do you need me?"

"You know the direction. You're up too Aaron," he continued, looking at the German Shepard. "The rest of you, stay here. We'll be in contact." Snatching his jacket off the back of the chair, Marcus started to make for the door, tapping a reply to Emilena. Good work. We're en route.


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Aaron grabbed both his pistol and Soren's SMG. He watched as Anne continued listening to the airwaves and transcribing down anything of interest between bites of potato chips she had purchased from a vending machine.

He shut the door behind him and headed for the stairs, seeing as he was carrying two guns. The elevator was not a good option...lest he be caught.


When Emilena raised her hand for silence, the Human immediately stopped. He strained his ears and heard Flora and Emilena arguing.

Soren then swore profusely under his breath. He was covered in sweat from the insulated catsuit and balaclava he had worn, Flora had potentially fucked the whole mission and to top it off, he had to take a piss...badly.

When Flora and Emilena arrived, he shot a glare at the Folf. "We done? Now let's get out of here before Amos wakes up...and before these uniforms steam us alive."

He led the way to the foyer and out the front door. Thankfully, the air outside was much cooler than the air inside the house.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"We've got the address to the pub, right?" Emilena muttered under her breath as they darted back to the car. "If my memory of this area serves correctly, Marcus will probably beat us there, but we'll want to reinforce just in case. This will be our only real shot to get Black."

She leaped in the back; she knew Soren preferred to drive. For some reason, she was feeling a bit warmer towards the augmentician, possibly just because of the severe drop in trustworthiness of their mutual acquaintances, but also by this point they'd undergone a lot of situations together, and he'd proven himself a surprisingly capable survivor. She'd definitely been underestimating him in Lanthae.

"Wait, we're going to a bar?" Flora grumbled. "Fuck, do they card? They better still sell food to patrons under 21..."


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Soren zipped up his pants as he finished relieving himself in on the rear tire of their SUV.

He climbed into the driver's seat, stripped out of his catsuit but kept the balaclava on. "I've got the address." He held up the scrap of paper.

He turned to Flora and shook his head with a sigh. The vehicle's electric motor started with a hum. He looked at the vehicle's GPS unit.

"Shit," he muttered as he got out his smartphone and punched in the address. He placed the phone in the center console and tapped the screen to have it start reading out directions.

"All right, we're ready." He pulled out of the development and headed down the street that would lead into one of Seryet City's main roads.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Marita was tapped into the communications and smirked " Yes Shirley they do sell food to folks under 21, you just can't drink there. Nice Work you guys. Typing in Silver fire Club now.. hmm, looks like tonights special is double end night. Which means the performer performs Two kinds of sexual acts on the customer, usually oral and anal.  Looks like Cash is a kinkster under his uniform if he's into that sort of thing. And Shirley, Nice Work. this was a dangerous mission, and you performed very well.Ok, so it didn't exactly come off picture perfect, but hey it happens."
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As soon as Aaron climbed into the car, Marcus pressed his foot down on the gas. With a brief squeal of the tyres, the vehicle pulled away, rumbling down the motel's driveway and onto the main road. Slumped in the backseat, his face intermittently illuminated by the glow of streetlights and the occasional passing car, Axel's expression left no mystery as to his opinion on his involvement in this scheme. Being forced into a situation where he could get hurt was never going to rank highly on his list of favourite activities.

"Which way?" Marcus demanded, gripping the wheel tightly.

"Ah..." Axel waited until a street sign sped past the window then chewed his lip as he tried to visualise the quickest route to the club. "Take the next left. No, right!"

Snarling his impatience, Marcus swung a hard right and yanked his phone out of his jacket pocket, tapping a text to Emilena. On way, there in half hour.

25 minutes later, Axel heard - and felt - the heavy bass of club music, a low rumble that did nothing to help the headache working its way through his skull. "Alright, next left and we're there." The car slowed and came to a stop in the dark, avoiding the streetlights. A short distance up the road, the Silver Fire Club announced its presence like a sledgehammer to the face, the club's name in bright, blinking neon lights. A heavily muscled bouncer stood outside the tacky-looking gold coloured door, looking suitably pissed off. Axel noted with relief that the line to get in was almost non-existent. Must be a slow night. At least that could work in their favour. "All right," he sighed, looking between the two Purifiers up front. "What now?"

Marcus glanced at a gloomy alley hugging the side of the club. With the level of noise emanating from the building, it was unlikely anyone would hear a commotion. If they could just lure Black into it... "Two options. Either we wait for him to come out, which could take too long, or might not even happen if he isn't there. Or we go in and get him."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Eventually Soren and Emi's car peeled into the Silve Fire Club parking lot. Emilena was the first out the door. "Is he in there?" she muttered under her breath as soon as she'd caught up to Marcus and Axel. "We gonna wait till he comes out, or what?"


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Aaron wrinkled his muzzle as he smelled the alcoholic stench of someone who had far too much to drink pass by the alleyway where he and the rest of the group were planning.

"Tonight's half-off cocktail night," Soren said. "I saw the coupon on his computer. Chances are he'll be drunk enough we can just grab him and go."

Aaron cleared his throat and spat onto the grimy concrete of the alley. "One problem, you're assuming he'll drink enough to bluescreen."

The Human dismissively waved a hand. "We'll make him do it." He turned to Emilena and Flora. "What do you two know about seduction and peer pressure?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

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"I'm a certified police inspector, I've been fully educated in psychology and the art of persuasion," Emilena replied. "Before the Accelerated Growth procedure I worked as a child actress for LPD pedophile stings."

"I mean, I literally just seduced this guy's kid earlier tonight," shrugged Flora. "So I've got feminine wiles. No certificate like Emilena apparently has, though." She flashed a look at the former police officer. Kinda amazing to believe the woman standing next to her is barely eight years old biologically.

(OOC: To show I didn't just make that part of Emilena's backstory up
To show I didn't just make that part of Emilena's backstory up)


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Marcus' eyes flicked between Emilena and Flora. "You go in," he grunted, inclining his head in Emilena's direction, figuring the fact that she had more experience made her the better choice. "Someone else should go with you, in case you need backup. Too large a group could draw attention. Can you just pay your way in, or is a membership needed?" he asked over his shoulder to Axel.

"Nah, I don't think you need one." Axel craned his neck to look at the small queue of patrons lining up outside the club to get in. "I'm 99%..." He trailed off as he saw, one by one, the patrons each producing a silver card. As each was shown to him, the bouncer held it against a scanner then handed it back after a few seconds, stepping aside to let them pass. "Shit. Scratch that, I guess you do."

Swearing under his breath, Marcus stared at the club. That ruled out the easiest possibility of just walking through the front door... but there had to be another way in. Just as he was trying to wrack his brains for a solution, a side door leading into the alleyway he'd noticed before opened, spilling light into the gloom, the club's music kicking up a notch in volume. Two figures wandered out; a woman in a close-cut, revealing outfit and a gangling man in a dark waistcoat and bow-tie. They seemed to share a joke, both smirking,  before they both lit up a cigarette, wandering further into the alley.

"Looks like you have your in, Echo". Marcus glanced in the rearview mirror at the rat in the backseat. "And you look about the size of the man she was with."

Axel looked pained. "Goddammit."

Marcus met Emilena's eyes. "The only way we're going to get Black is if we get him to leave willingly. If he raises the alarm, that's it. Get him drunk. Say you'll sleep with him, whatever you have to do to get him out. Whent, you can make it look more authentic. Once he's out of the building, we'll take him."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena let out a strangled groan. "For god's sake, why does this always boil down to me?" she grumbled. "Make Shirley do it."

"I, uh, wouldn't be able to rock that outfit," Flora stared shamelessly at the woman's derriere, covered only in silk hotpants, as it rounded the alleyway corner. "I'd have...a bit of a bulge in some unfortunate places."

Emilena prepared her chloroform. "Well, honey, let's get this show on the road..." she hissed at Axel through gritted teeth.

The couple were chatting amiably, but they shut up immediately when Emilena marched brazenly towards them. "Good afternoon. Candace McCutcheon, Seryet PD." She flashed her old police badge. "My apologies, but I need your outfits, this is a matter of national security."

"What? Preposterous!" stammered the man, but Emilena moved to block the exit out of the alleyway. She drew her sidearm but kept it pointed at the ground, safety off.

"Call this number, you'll be compensated and these clothes will be returned by tomorrow," she handed them her old business card. The phones for the Lanthae PD were defunct by now, but hopefully they won't find that out in time. "You can have our outer wear in return, get you home looking decent." If only Axel's wasn't so filthy...  

Ten minutes later, two furious citizens were both leaving the premises, and Emilena was handing Axel her firearm. "I don't exactly have space for my inventory in this..." she hesitated to call it a real outfit, " you're going to need to pack mule. If you don't know how to smuggle a gun through a security patdown, abandon it before we go in."

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Axel took the gun, looking at it dubiously as he plucked at his own tight-fitting clothes. "Yeah, sure. I love hiding guns up my ass to get through security." He glanced around, caught sight of a dumpster steaming away a little distance up from where they were and jogged over. Reaching it, he bent down and reached under, stashing the weapon under its base. "Pick it back up when we leave," he said as he made his way back. Pausing, Axel brushed back his hair out of his eyes, then licked his finger and rubbed a smudge of dirt off his cheek. "Alright, let's get this over with."

The security guard held up his hand in a wait gesture as they approached. Axel chewed his cheek nervously - the guy looked like he could snap him in half like a toothpick. "You new here?" the guard rumbled, his bristly crew cut highlighting his thick bull-neck.

Axel nodded earnestly. "First day. This place is crazy, huh?"

The guard didn't reply, eyeing him up with the air of a rhinoceros deciding whether it was worth its time to charge. After a moment, he stepped forward and started patting Axel down, the rat gasping a little at the force of each impact. " Alright, get back to work," he grunted eventually, apparently satisfied.

Nodding his thanks, Axel stepped past and pushed open the side door leading into the club - and almost immediately the volume of the music inside hit him like a truck. Wincing, his twisted ear flattening itself against his head, the rat made his way further in, stopping to the side to wait for Emilena. As he waited, the rat took in his surroundings. Directly in front of him was a large dance floor, strobe lighting making a migraine inducing mess of the figures writhing against each other. On the far end of the room a long bar stretched across, several bartenders dressed in similar attire to the one Axel had acquired attending to a mass of club-goers swarming for drinks. On the left hand side of the room, the rat could see a staircase snaking its way upwards, to the left and out of sight. The smell of sweat and alcohol permeated the air. Axel bit his lip as he tried to scan the faces around the club. How the fuck are we gonna find him?

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Based on the outfits of the workers in the building, Emilena noted Axel was wearing a waiter's uniform, while she was a stripper. Emilena would normally be annoyed but this actually presented a pretty easy opportunity for them.

Casing the room, Emilena didn't see anyone who matched Black's image; all the photos in the house showed a heavyset man with a jet black handlebar moustache. She kept her eyes on the various clientele, waiting for one to shell out for the VIP service and give her a chance to spot the ettiquette for entering the back rooms. She got her wish, but not in the way she hoped.

"Hey! Foxy!" A relatively handsome cat whistled suggestively at her. "What's your name, darling?"

Emilena bowed seductively and swooped into his lap. "StarPuppy," she crooned, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Damn girl, did you just get on shift or something?" The cat flirted, keeping his hands to himself as per the club's policy. "Cause I been looking for a ho with small tits since I came in here. It's my thing."

"Well lucky for you... " Emilena giggled through gritted teeth. "They're all yours if you wanna see them...standard rates apply."

"Naw baby, I wanna go all the way," he grinned. "The whole enchilada, if you know what I mean. I got the coupon for the special."

"Mmm, well just follow me then..." Getting gingerly off his lap, Emilena flashed a look at Axel as she led her way to the stairs. The banister spiraled into darkness; the bed-sized network of cubicles relying on each stripper's mental map for navigation, meaning Emilena walked into more than one solid black wall. "Sorry, I'm a bit tipsy tonight," she whispered to the cat, as she threw caution to the wind and opened a random cubicle. To her immense relief, it was unoccupied.

Leading the cat to the bed, she laid him down and then climbed on top of him suggestively. Only when he was good and pinned did she work the cloroform rag into her routine, and good thing because it took far longer to knock him out than it should have.

"Okay, good news and bad news," she muttered to Axel when she left the room. "I didn't see Black in the club, so he's probably up here. But even if we locate his cubicle, my chloroform rag is spent. It's basically up to us to talk him out."


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Axel chewed at his lip, his eyes worried. "Okay. Alright, we just... ah..." Looking around, he could see how hopeless it'd be to simply try doors at random - the network of corridors around them seemed to disappear in the gloom, and it was only by squinting that he could just about make out the numbers painted on the doors. This is impossible...

The sound of a door suddenly opening behind him made Axel start, and with a small gasp he turned. A petite woman emerged from the darkness, adjusting her dress. The rat almost stepped out of her way - then stopped as an idea lodged in his brain. "Which cubicle has Mr. Black booked for tonight?" he demanded, trying his hardest to sound official.

The woman slowed. "What? Why?"

"Manager wants to let him use another girl, on the house." As he spoke, Axel shifted his position, obscuring the woman's sight of Emilena's face, just in case she could see in the dark better than either of them could.

"Again? Sheesh." Axel thought he saw her shake her head. "Number 45. And you'd better hurry sweetie, you know he gets... mad if we're late."

"Thanks." Waiting a few moments to let the woman walk ahead, Axel turned back to Emilena's vague, shadow-enveloped figure. "Alright, half way there. But once we find him, I've got no idea how to get him out..." He looked at the closest door, 32, then picked a direction at random and started to walk. 31, 30... Shit. He turned back, moving slowly so he and Emilena wouldn't lose each other. The door numbers started to increase, and he felt his heart beat faster as they approached Black's cubicle. Finally, they came to a stop beneath 45. "You ready?" Once Axel got the go ahead from Emilena, he took a deep breath then rapped on the door, metallic knuckles clunking on the thick plastic surface. "Sir? Mr. Black? The manager wanted to show how much we appreciate your custom by offering you a, uh... token of our appreciation. I've brought you another girl, no charge."

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As the cubicle door opened, the hallway was briefly illuminated with faint purple light from a tasteful lamp on the bedside chest of drawers. Nash Black, a heavyset man with a thick mustache who was flattening someone under the covers, let loose a brilliant stream of profanities. "Goddamn rat, I'm busy! Don't fucking interrupt me while I'm plowing a whore! Chrissake, goddamn idiot rodents...well, where's the broad, huh? Lemme see her!"

Emilena sidled into the room, hoping Black was also a small tit guy.

"Get that tramp out of my sight," Black sneered. "She looks like a goddamn hobo. And her hair looks like shit. Christ I'm getting soft just looking at her. Got any others?"

"Hey, I'm free remember?" Emilena growled. "What's the matter what I look like?"

The other stripper, a lithe doe, traced Black's cheek. "Baby, trust me, she's good stuff," she cooed, covering for her fellow worker. "She, uh, makes up in skill what she lacks in looks. She's a legend. Give her a try."

Black slapped her. "Didn't ask you," he spat. Angrily he pushed the doe aside and gave Emilena a better look. "Alright vixen. Best striptease you got. Get those rags off, let's see what you're packing."

Emilena balled her fists. Several strained seconds passed... "No."

Black started. A vein on his forehead bulged. "The hell you just say?"

Emilena felt a wicked smile play across her lips. "That's not my style. People hire me for a more...abusive experience." Pushing the doe aside gently, she pinned Black to the bed. "I know your type. So commanding, king of everything, bossing the world you come here for more of that." Blocking his open palm swing, she slapped him in the face. "They didn't send me...I requested you. Because I saw a little man with a swelled head who needed to be taught his place." She glanced at Axel, nodding for him to give them some privacy.

Black's eyes were wide open and furious, and the doe was practically hyperventilating with terror, glancing at the exit. But Emilena commandingly let her hair down and brushed it in Black's face. "Suck it," she ordered. "Suck my hair that you insulted."

Amazingly, Black complied. "Gawd!" he gasped. "When's the last time you washed this?"

She sniggered with a air of self-assured control. "Didn't say you could stop. Tell me, what do you think about my hair now? Is it beautiful?" She bared her claws and rested them dangerously on his chest.

A whole mixture of emotions was playing across Black's face. Entirely willingly, he visibly relaxed and surrendered to her authority. "It's the most beautiful hair. Never should have criticized it."

"You're damn right." She agressively pulled her dress down and flashed her breasts. "Say you're sorry. Grovel you worm, or you don't get to suck on these."

"I'm...sorry..." Black shuddered as Emilena forced him to remain on his back. "I'm sorry!"

"'I'm sorry mistress!" Emilena ordered. "Say it!"

"I'm sorry mistress!"

Emilena smiled again and slowly peeled her single glove off, flexing her Augmented fingers. "You haven't been a good boy at all, so all you're getting is a handjob. And I grip hard so brace yourself. To be honest, I bet you're not man enough for this."

Ten minutes later, Black was tender putty, shivering pitifully and occasionally grunting in pain as she toyed with him endlessly.  "Aw, what's the matter?" Emilena taunted cruelly. "Can't get off?" Black whimpered submissively. "Well, apologize to my friend here, and if she thinks you're sincere, maybe she'll help out."

Black regarded the doe. "I'm sorry Natalya."

The doe smiled. "Apology accepted." Climbing back on the bed, she took a more active role in lovemaking than Emilena, and within minutes Black was sighing loudly in post-orgasm bliss. "Told you she was good," Natalya giggled in his ear.

Black stumbled drunkenly off the bed. "Christ, That was...what was your name?" he stammered to Emilena. "I'm requesting you in the future. And, uh, here," he shoved a 900 credit tip in her hand.

Emilena fixed her dress smugly. "Candace," she replied with a twinkle in her eye, switching to a more friendly attitude to show the dominatrix personality was a for-profit act. "See? I always know what a client really needs. Shall I escort you to your car, sir?"

Nash bowed respectfully. "Candace, this was the best night I've ever had," he admitted in awe, after cleaning up and leading her on his arm towards the club exit.

Emilena smiled as he led her into the parking lot. "Oh Black," she cooed in his ear, "the night's not over yet..."