The Gang of Five
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Blanking the Slate

Serris · 921 · 102860

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena was surprised Marcus acquiesced so quickly, but wasn't about to miss a chance to consolidate another ally. "I'm willing to fill Tony in on the details if nobody else wants to," she said. "I don't much fancy interrogating Black, I'm probably following Flora's lead and grabbing dinner. You wanna come with," she flashed a reserved glance at Tony. "Maybe we could grab takeout for everyone." And answer each other's questions in relative privacy...


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Tony looked over at Soren, recognizing him instantly, a smile brought to his features now. "Well, well... Soren! Yeah... that's me heheh. I know right? Well I'm here to help... for whatever it's worth." he shrugged here, but Marcus cut the reunion off, and Emilena shifted her attention back to the ferret, so he gave her his.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." he nodded here. "I'll buy." He hooked his thumb over his shoulder to his car. "Want to take my car?" he smirked. "If we're going to a drive-through, you could order, I could pay, and we... catch up." he said here, giving her a somewhat knowing look.

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Marcus looked at Emilena and Tony with a scowl and pricked ears. He had overheard everything they had said but decided not to say anything. Dealing with Black was a more pressing issue that whatever grudges those two had.

Soren returned with the heavy cable draped across his shoulders. In his right arm was an emergency power supply for electric vehicles.

He turned to Tony and Emilena. "Hey, could you two fetch me some 'supplies' while your at it?"

Marcus placed a massive hand on Soren's shoulder. "Quit fucking around and just what you're told," he growled. He then turned to the Ferret and Fox. "No detours other than take out. We don't have much time as it is!" He looked up into the dark sky. By now, the barest traces of sunrise were peeking up through the smoggy haze around Seryet City.


Anne yawned as her ears twitched. She had a cup of steaming hot coffee at hand as she listened to the airwaves for anything interesting.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Sounds good to me," Emile a replied nonchalantly, glancing at his vintage vehicle. "So long as you don't mind everyone at the burger joint thinking you're driving around a stripper."

Once they were safely away on their journey, Emilena glanced at Tony. "So what have you been up to since they blew up Lanthae?" she asked. "Most of the people you remember are...different. I'll fill you in, but it would be nice to know where you stand nowadays. You certainly don't look like a young naive daddy's boy anymore, if you'll pardon my bluntness."


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Marita watched as   Black was thrown onto the coach. " we'll Need ski masks to huide our faces" She said to  Soren ' We're blackmailing the guy, not killing him for gawds sakes. Do you want the entire police force breathing down our necks. We'll need sedatives,. Memory wiping stuff.. truth serum and cloroform. Quite a few things come to think of it.
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"Fine by me." Tony said, moving around to the right side of the car (it being of British make) which left Emilena on the left side. The car was so wide there was plenty of room between them in the middle seat. Pushing the starter button on the dash, he listened as the straight-eight engine came to life, then slid the silver preselector lever down into reverse to back the car out of the spot. Shifting into first, he took the big Daimler back out onto the road and began heading for the nearest fast food joint, which fortunately was only about two miles up the road.

Preselecting second, he waited until he was ready then pushed in the clutch to shift as Emilena began speaking to him. "Yeah well... I've inherited my father's... businesses... but kind of disbanded the family so to speak. Well... I actually gave it to my underboss to run... took my dad's cars and a good chunk of his money, moved over here, started up my own business... legit...  and have been doing that. It's... partly successful, though I'm still growing it." he explained, shifting the car into third and then fourth. "Computer hardware isn't... really a bad business to run after all." He stated.

"My old man passed away... and since I had no interest in taking over the 'family', I gave it over to our underboss and just moved on from it all. Hell the cars were the only thing I really cared about anyway." he said, patting the enormous maroon steering wheel of the Daimler. "So what's up with you guys?" he asked, briefly looking over to her. "What's changed? Who's around and who's not? Ah yeah... speaking of the cars... actually this car I picked you up in when we first met." He added, grinning. "Took it down to the end of the driveway, got you and then drove back, remember?" he asked, chuckling now as the wind whipped his fur.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena's face softened when she heard what Tony had been up to. "That's...actually really honorable," she told him. "It must have taken a lot of courage to disband your father's legacy and seek out an honest living. I can't imagine it was either easy or profitable. But going honest is its own reward."

She blushed the faintest shade and looked away. "Sorry, forgive me. I get romantic about notions of justice. I was a cop once, after all. Despite my current reputation as a deranged criminal." She took a deep breath. "Honestly, none of us have fared as well as you have. Axel's a drunken paranoid hermit, I can't get a real sentence out of him. Marita and Rose have lost all comprehension of the real world, when I hear them talk I honestly think they've gone senile. Soren's fared all right I guess, and Lily..." She bit her lip. "You won't recognize her. We may have saved her from the parasite, but she never regained her humanity."


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Soren scowled. "For fuck's sake, I'm not going to kill him. I'm not that sadistic!"

He used the heavy cables to tie the unconscious Nash to the couch. Unfortunately, he was only able to tie down the man's ample chest with the cable. Soren looked around the room for something to use as binding material. And then noticed his target was still wearing his clothes.

"Marita, Rose, give me a hand and strip this guy to his underwear. We're going to use his clothes to tie him up."


Anne's ears pricked up as she heard a mention of the supplies the group needed. "Leave the drugs and shit to me. I'll go message a friend of mine." She turned to Axel. "Hey, can I use your computer?"

"Sure, go ahead." Axel waved a hand dismissively as he drank yet another bottle of beer.

Anne sat down at the table and opened an encrypted web chat. She punched in her dealer's number into browser and waited for him to pick up.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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As Tony drove, he listened to Emilena actually... show him some respect. He blinked here, looking over at her. "Huh... yeah... I guess it does. I mean... I didn't... want to carry on the family business so I... set out on my own... and sure it's... you know... OK I guess... it's not a massive success or anything but... I'm doing OK." he stated now.

"The Great Filling Station Holdup" by Jimmy Buffett came on now on Tony's mix, and he smiled as he'd remembered his dad actually singing this to the strains of his guitar back when he was just a kid. Smiling slightly, he then heard exactly what the party had become and he was... shocked to say the least. "I... holy crap... it's... it's THAT' bad?" he asked incredulously. "Lily is... she's... oh my god..." Tony breathed, exhaling sharply. "Holy crap... that sounds... I just... wasn't expecting that. But I guess... Axel WOULD be that way if Lily never recovered and just... well shit!" he said, temporarily losing his confidence for a moment as he turned a small knob on the steering wheel to pop out the turn-signal arm from the side of his car. Axel... his closest friend from that... that was... a blow.

As he turned into the drive-thru, the ferret listened to the song, then smiled again as he seemed to recover. "Heh... well then, in the words of Jimmy Buffett: 'We're wanted men! We'll strike again! But first let's have a beer!'" he sang, grinning at her as he pulled up to the order speaker. She was on the left so she could order for them. "Just get me a chili burger." he whispered to her, keeping his head down and turning the music lower. "And maybe a beer." He smirked now.

The order-taker whistled through the speaker. "Damn! That's one nice car! So what'll it be?" he asked.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Damn straight it's nice! I bet you'll never see another one of these as long as you live!" Emilena was possibly overplaying her cards trying to sound rich, especially to a unsuspecting fast food worker. "Ummm, let's go with 4 of the dollar menu slider combos, extra fries and hold the drinks. A chili burger combo with a beer. about a large water. Bottled, I'm not interested in spilling something in this car."

The intercom read their order back to them and then directed them to the next window, where Emilena got a sideways look due to her risque outfit. Once they had the food, they began the drive back to the hotel. "Be really gentle when talking to Axel," Emilena reinforced her prior warning. "Otherwise you shouldn't have trouble reconnecting with the others." Realizing they were about to run out of private conversation time, she added one last topic of interest. "Pardon me for again questioning your explanation for coming here, but is that really all there is to your story?" she asked pointedly. "Because if you've got some ulterior motive, I'd love to help with it. Fuck the purifiers."


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The voice on the other end paused, then acknowledged the order as Tony tried not to laugh. "Holy shit... that's actually pretty damn good. More than I'd say but you're right... he never will!" He agreed. "Here." He dug in his pocket and handed her the correct change. "I'll buy." he offered.

He pulled up to the window, and the server whistled at the car, then they were off and rolling, driving back to the motel. As they moved, Tony waited, hearing Emilena out. He purposely drove past the hotel, took the turning down the next block, and began circling around to buy them some more time.

He looked over at her pointedly now, giving her a serious stare. "Revenge." he said simply. "Help you guys out... take revenge... any goddamn way I can." he told her. "We're on the losing side... but until that fucker Rhaegson is dead... I won't stop. But that DOESN'T come before helping you out." he said now. "I won't jeopardize your lives to fulfill it. I'll assist you and wait for an opportunity." he stated, taking the final turn as the motel came in sight again and he began to pull into the parking lot. "I hope that's enough."

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Rose And Marita Helped Strip Black to huis underwear and  bound him with his shirt and pants. Marie came in carrying pillow cases with holes cut into them.' Couldnt find any ski masks, so this will have to do' She said, handing them out. Marita put one on over her ghead, the holes wre big enough so she could see out of it, and she tucked the rest of the case into her drss. so she looked like  a ghost in a cartoon. MArita Say down in a chair across from Black " alright ' Give him the smelling salts so we can start questioning him ' She Said to soren.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Works for me." Emilena lowered her voice as they pulled into the parking lot. "When the time comes for your strike, let me know. I'm ready to put it all on the line to knock Rhaegson down a peg."

She walked into the hotel room with the food. "What have we learned?" she asked Axel, who was closest to the door.

"Haven't started yet," he said dully, continuing to stare disinterestedly out the window.

"What the hell have you all been doing this whole time?" she exclaimed in exasperation. Grabbing the smelling salts from the table, she wafted them under their captive's nose. "Come on. I know we have all night, but we're running on borrowed time here, until somebody realizes he's missing."


Flora yawned and stared tiredly at her fried chicken and gravy. At first the all-you-can-eat special at the diner seemed like a no-brainer, but she hadn't even completed her first portion before her stomach was protesting the truckloads of grease and starch she was ingesting. The bottomless-refill strawberry lemonades likely weren't helping.

But then her stomach did a completely unrelated flipflop when Lily came sidling through the door, spotted her in the corner booth, and sat down in front of her. "Hey, um, excuse me?" Flora raised her voice, looking around urgently for a waitress. "Can someone eject this person? They're disrupting my eating experience!"

"Relax, I'm not Lily," the newcomer assured under her voice, and something about her demeanor convinced Flora. "I'm a friend of hers, and I'm worried about her, but I'm in far better control of myself."

Flora nodded nervously. "So, uh, what do you want then?"

The woman who wasn't Lily sighed. "Lily used to be such a loving woman. You'd have never had a more loyal and kindhearted person on your team. But she's possessed by something. And I need help to fix her."

"If it's money you want, I'm not interested," Flora pointed out quickly. She'd seen too many panhandlers to deal with one right now.

"Don't worry," her dinner partner assured. "I have all the resources already. If my plan works, I'll be taking Lily with me. Your reward will be never having to deal with her again..."


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"Hey," Soren said as he finished binding Black. "We don't want to wake him up and have him try to attack us or run." He gestured to the torn-up clothing and electrical cable that bound him to the couch.

He tossed a pillowcase-mask to Emilena before he donned it. Truth be told, he look absolutely ridiculous in the thing but it was necessary.

Anne then entered the hotel room. She had beat up plastic bag in her hand. "Sorry I'm late," she said, shutting the door behind her. "But it took my source a little longer than usual to get the goods."

"Better living through chemistry," Soren said with a grin. "What you got in there?"

"Well, ain't no such thing as a truth serum but we've got everything else we need." Anne's ears twitched as she heard Emilena break the smelling salt capsule.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Tony nodded, parked his massive car, and then shut it off. Exiting now, he activated the security features and headed for the motel. Once inside, he could see most gathered around the prisoner, and went to the room's sole table, opening up his bag and eagerly digging into his chili burger.

He popped the lid off his beer and began sipping that as well, looking to Emilena as she began rousing the prisoner. "This should be good... knowing you, he's not gonna last." Tony stated here, noticing Anne as she came in. "Hey Anne..." he waved slightly, swallowing his food. "Good to see you again."

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Well, Well.  Tony Stracci. We meet again. Still adding to your collection of vintage cars/ Marita said, looking at him through the holes in her mask. "or are you on some other kick now/ well, we'll caltch up after we deal with Sleepy Syphilis here. we've , shall we say a few question for him to answer.' she turned as the captive began to stir ' Rise and Shine Big Spender Its time for 20 questions, and you're going to give 20 answers.. and they'd better be good " Marita said in a low, threatening voice.
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Anne opted to stay out of sight since the pillowcase mask didn't really fit her. Her ears pricked up at Tony's voice and she went up to him and shook his hand. "Hey, how's things going now?"

Soren pulled up a chair and sat on it, casually leaning against it. In all, he projected more of an informal air. "Well, Mr. Black," he said. "I see you certainly had fun tonight. But I have a question, does it strike you as hypocritical to spend millions of creds on prostitutes -- and I ain't talking just about the legal, taxed kind -- but then spend your time enforcing anti-prostitution laws?"

He then leaned in closer to the bound man. "Or are you getting paid not to enforce laws?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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20 questions huh? Well I hate to disappoint you, but the only answers you'll be getting from are 20 variations on the  words - FUCk YOU' Black spat at Marita, as he now realized he was tied up. He heard Soren comment and turned to face him  " What i spend my money is my own damn business and no one elses. Doesnt matter if its a billion creds, its my money..'  Being a cop doesnt pay nearly that much, even if you spend 50 years behind the badge " Marita said. " even if you saved every cred. No, your money, comes from other sources.. most likely of questionable or illicit means. Taking cash from those girls at the clubs?I do hope you havent infected any of them..' infected?- Blacks mouth  fell open  then his eyes narrowed " Yes Mr Black , you have  syphilis, and have had it for several years.  you are either in the latent stage or the tertiary stage,  i would say latent because you still are exhibiting infectious symptoms.  Does your wife know? " How the hell did you find out ..' Black hissed " Never mind how i found out ' Marita said ' Answer the question: does she know?' No " Black said sullenly " Nor it is her business.. ' Actually no, it very much is her business.; Marita said coldly " You could have infected her, and many many other females with it.. because you had it, didn't get yourself treated, and wanted to have  lots of freaky time, without any consequences. For you that is. a far cry from the public image of the  valiant, and honorable Officer Black. And your  credit records record at least 8  sexual encounters with other men, including a 5600000 cred   charged to Mr Mulvi at the  Club Pres Drecard-- high high end stuff, if you are into strapping young men with firm butts and large endowments,  French kissing,  licking  guy ass and giving blowjobs. So here's the deal Mr Black. you tell us everything we want to know ' Marita said  moving a file between her fingers. "Or this little file here gets released publicly, and you'll make the 10 o' clock news tomorrow night for all the wrong reasons. There's enough stuff in here to put you away in prison for the rest of your life.. which wont be very long after your wife gets done tanning your hide and emptying out your creds billfold'
 Black sputtered , his face  a violent reddish hue, his eyes smoldering with a mixture of anger and fear. What the HELL do you want?' He hissed.
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Emilena lay on the bed, not interested in the interrogation. She'd done her part, and she had already gotten to know Black better than any self-respecting woman should have to. The guys can take it from here.

Flora stepped gingerly into the hotel. Damn, wish Amos had taken after his dad... she nodded approvingly of the stripped police chief's physique. "Erm, Axel?" she asked delicately. "Could I talk to you for a moment?" Axel rolled his eyes and didn't immediately answer. "It's that or babysit Columbo & friends. And I brought you a beer," Flora shook a bottle of expensive Amaretto. "But it's coming outside with me..."

Axel sighed and followed the folf outside. Lily narrowed her eyes.


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Tony rose here, and warmly shook Anne's hand. "Hey! It's good to see you! And yeah things are... OK... I'm a legitimate businessman now and about the only thing I kept from my old life after my old man passed away were his cars... I couldn't part with those!" He grinned now.

"How have you been keeping?" he inquired of the pony. "You look pretty good actually." he confirmed. "Oh and... we brought you all food." he said, motioning with his paw down to the takeout order bag on the table.

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