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Blanking the Slate

Serris · 921 · 101083


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Tony nodded, thinking on it. "Well... good to know she can't destroy my car." he smirked. "Heh... relaxing... would be amazing. I should really recharge the laser rifle but... it's got enough for a decapitating shot if I need to use it." he stated, pulling out his Glock from his waistband and ejecting the clip. "I think I'll reload this as well." he stated, heading over to his gun safe, pressing his thumb on the reader, then scanning his eye so it would open up.

"So after we leave..." he told her, slapping in a new clip to his pistol with force. "Garage door will lock behind us and go into security mode. So long as there are people in the house, the automated defenses won't activate, but if everyone leaves the house and the system detects nobody inside, security will come online and they won't be able to get back in... so we may want to tell them don't leave unless they absolutely have to, as they won't be able to get back in unless I'm present." he informed the vulpine. "We could just tell them we're making a supply run or something... whatever." he suggested.

"Take what you need." he motioned to the safe, and then whipped out his phone to place a call with his machinist. "Hi Jerry... yes it's Tony... I know you're just opening up, but I need a rush order... willing to pay your usual rush fee. It's easy though; if by the time we arrive, which should be... eh probably an hour and a half from now..." the ferret said, checking his watch. "You could whip up a very small box of your strongest titanium alloy, that would be great! It needs to be smaller than an average human head... I know those are unusual dimensions, but it's what needs to happen... I'd say if possible half the size of a human head." he ordered. "Great! All right! I'll be right over!" the ferret hung up, and smiled. "Should be ready by the time we get there." he spoke to Emilena.

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"That's great, thanks again Tony," Emilena nodded. "Honestly, it will be nice having backup at this meeting. That's more than I expected to have, I usually don't involve other people in my business." She gave a rare smile. "It's weird having an ally who goes out of their way to ask how they can help."

She grabbed several 9mm magazines from the safe as Flora, Marie and Marita walked into the room. "Hey you three. Tony and I are going on a quick supply run. Can you let the others know that at least one person needs to stay here to prevent the automated defenses from activating?"

"That shouldn't be a problem, I'm certainly not planning on going anywhere." Flora replied. "Where are you running to, Tony? Could you bring me back a musical instrument? Literally anything, it could even be a kazoo, I just miss writing songs."


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"Heh yeah well... figured I've been inactive enough... I have a lot of ground to make up so... may as well start now." he smiled, nodding. "And yeah... I guess that would be odd in some circumstances." he agreed. "I'm just trying to do what I can... not mess up." he stated.

As Marita, Marie, and Flora entered the room from the elevator, Tony nodded to them, and listened to Emilena's brief little explanation, nodding in approval as it was accurate. Blinking, he looked to Flora. "Erm... uh... I'm not sure we're heading to any place really like that... but... I guess maybe if something's on the way..." he kind of trailed off here, not being very musically inclined himself. He didn't really know too many music stores around here.

"Anyway, help yourself to the kitchen, just don't overdo it." He cautioned. "It's very well stocked. We're mostly just getting more ammo, some weapons, and perhaps some food shopping... unsure yet. We're kind of making this up as we go." he explained. "Anyway..." placing the Glock back behind him in his waist, he nodded to Emilena. "Let's head out. Give me a call if you need anything or don't know how to turn something on." he smirked, walking to the elevator. "We'll be back in a few hours." he informed them, hitting the button for the elevator.

Riding the brass elevator down to his garage, Tony exited, the lights kicking back on and illuminating the shiny rows of vastly different painted cars spread out before them. "So uh... I had three ideas for fast cars... you feeling more open or enclosed?" he asked Emilena, smiling slightly.

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Now that she was washed and bandaged and hydrated, Emilena could really appreciate the stellar collection of vintage vehicles Tony had accrued. "I say it a lot, but I still can't believe you're risking your life with us," she breathed in awe. You've got it made here."

She thought about his request. A closed car would be more strategically secure, but she'd also like to feel the wind on her face one last time before Lily kills her. "Let's do open," she grinned, only slightly worried at the number of indulgences she was taking on account of her possible imminent death.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2018, 07:45:25 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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((So here's some photos of the Crane-Simplex:
Interior front of a different model:
Different model top down with unfolding windscreen:
Back with the cabinets and unfolding jump seats: ))

"Aw heheh... well yeah... I guess I do..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I dunno... I guess there's something to be said for friends... and for the thrill of it all..." he admitted. "But yeah... it'd be nice if someday I could just leave all the gunfights and risking my life behind me." he admitted, wandering over to the Duesenberg to retrieve the laser rifle.

As she suggested open, he grinned. "I was hoping you'd say that! Been wanting to take this baby out for a serious spin for a long time now." He began walking down the rows, stopping at a gorgeous blue and cream colored, massive, older looking car. It was a convertible... a large one, and was the definition of open air touring. "So while this thing may look ancient, you will not see a finer example of automobile ever made in the 1910s." he grinned, patting its hood. "This is an incredibly rare Crane-Simplex... it may even be the only one of its kind remaining... if you were insanely rich around the time we were killing each other in the First World War, you'd buy this... but I mean insanely rich. The chassis alone started at $5,500... which is about $150,000 in today's currency... and the custom coachwork? Pfft... tack on another $175,000 in today's currency... you're looking at the equivalent of an over $300,000 car." he explained, smirking. "Its astronomical price drove away most buyers... making it rare even for its day... but for those lucky enough to own it... well..." He opened the passenger side door now to show off its lavish interior, being all maroon leather seats, nickel plated instrument gauges, and wood paneling.

"The back has a footrest, wooden drawers for storing things, and an unfolding windscreen you could put up for a bit of extra protection if you didn't want the wind blowing in your face." he outlined. "The most impressive thing though... is the engine. 563.7 cubic inches... massive by any standards, 110 horsepower straight-six capable of propelling this beauty at 90 mph... easily! For 1916... that was insane! I have NO idea what in the hell they thought people would be doing back then, considering all the roads were dirt, mostly rural, and pockmarked with holes, but for over 300K in today's money back then... you were purchasing a real super car... a car that could easily put anything it drove by to shame. You have to keep in mind... in 1916, most cars were barely putting out 40 horsepower, and doing about 25 mph. This car was a beast... owned by the likes of John D. Rockefeller and Frederick Vanderbilt. Unfortunately..." Tony climbed in, and began pumping a lever on the dash to get some gas into the engine. "They were only made for about two years before the First World War caused them to shift focus to aircraft engines... and never again were Crane-Simplexes made..." he sighed, turning on the electric switch and sliding behind the wheel.

Pulling out the choke, and and retarding the spark with a lever on the steering wheel, the ferret then pushed in a small pedal on the floor to engage the starter. As the engine began to crank into life, it turned over a few times and then started up with a cacophonous roar, filling the garage with its noise before Tony advanced the spark by moving the lever back up, causing the engine to even out into a smoother, steady hum. Pushing in the choke, he grinned to her. "Well let's go! We got an overpowered human to end!" he called, patting the seat next to him.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2018, 09:26:30 PM by Pterano »

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Emilena narrowed her eyes at the manual choke, completely unable to guess how it worked. "Uhh, I've never admitted this to anyone, but...I actually never got a legal driver's license," she confessed as they drove through the hills away from Tony's residence. "They gave me a state-issued ID when I passed through the Growth Acceleration program, and nobody ever brought it up while I went through basic training. Lanthae squad cars had an emergency self-driving feature and I just used it until I'd taught myself to drive."

She rolled down the window. "It's pretty amazing what you can get away with by just letting people assume things of you." She glanced at Tony. "Speaking of which, do you think Awe's being completely honest with us? You've had more 1-on-1 time with him than I have. What's his endgame?"
« Last Edit: November 09, 2018, 11:36:27 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Tony put the car in gear, then released the parking brake, and pulled out of the garage, the door opening and then closing behind them. Tony yanked the shift lever down into neutral, then into 2nd as they began heading through the hills, the car lurching forward, indicative of its power. It required double-clutching, but he knew how to do that as easily as normal shifting. "Really?" he asked, looking over to her with a smile as the wind whipped about them, the ferret taking the car into third gear now. "Heh... well... I mean most cars nowadays drive themselves... auto features and all that... driving something like this... it's different. You're... you're almost a part of the car in a way... you control when you shift... how fast you go... and can control it in icy conditions, etc." He explained. "I love it... my electric car... it's great and all... but it just drives itself practically... it's like you're sleeping, you know?" he asked, looking over to her briefly as they merged onto the highway, Tony shifting the Crane-Simplex into fourth gear, the big "land yacht" starting to accelerate into higher speeds, wind rustling his fur as they really got going.

"My dad found this at uh... I can't even remember now... an auction I think. So damn rare... it's the rarest car he ever purchased, and he's acquired some rare ones!" he conceded. "Lots of power, as you can see." he moved the old vehicle smoothly by one of the electrics, the driver staring at them in surprise as they went by, probably not expecting a car well over 100 years old to be faster than a modern convenience. "I have to admit... I much prefer vintage luxury cars... so much more torque and power and appointments but... eh... it's my thing I guess." he shrugged, grinning now. "This is what I really like though..." He moved the second lever on the steering wheel, the one that wasn't the spark advance, and soon, he took his foot paw off the accelerator, and the car was maintaining its speed on its own. "Hand throttle." he pointed to the lever. "It's like a very early and primitive cruise control. So long as it's set, car goes the same speed. If I move it, it'll adjust the speed. Pretty damn nice, really."

"Awe?" he asked, looking over to her briefly again. "Uh... I think he's being genuine. I mean... without having spoken in depth with him... I'd like to think he's sincere... he answered my questions... of course... that doesn't rule out good training but... he was upfront... asked me a few things... and I mean look at it this way... when I was parked with you guys in the Duesenberg in the hotel parking garage... he could've killed me then and there... and all of you, given you were all incapacitated. Could've wiped us all out on the spot... and didn't. That's gotta count for something, right?" he asked now, passing another electric. "Endgame well... I don't know... I need to observe him more but... I suppose time will tell. Your guess is as good as mind." he admitted.

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"He absolutely doesn't want us dead," Emilena agreed. "Or arrested. He had a golden opportunity to blow our cover at the hospital, but instead he salvaged the entire heist." She shook her head. "While offering to join our team, he told us that he's primarily employed by a single company to look out for their best interests. I can't help but wonder if he's using us to gain info on Brennan, and whether we'd be letting the cat out of the bag if his employer discovered what secrets Brennan is hiding." She shrugged. "I just can't really trust that a company who employs Augmented freedom fighters for corporate espionage would be any better than Brennan itself, and I don't like how disposable we become after helping Awe infiltrate Brennan's HQ. Am I reading too much into this?"
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 12:52:42 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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As Tony cruised along, he listened to what the vulpine had to outline, and he chewed his bottom lip, mulling over her words as he kept his eyes on the road. "Um... I don't think so." he replied, shaking his head. "I think you have valid points... if he's out to learn more about Brennan... and his employer is as well... then... it is possible we'd be expendable after that. So... if you don't trust him... that may be the best course. I don't know... it's hard to say right now whose side he's on. We should be wary... maybe keep a gun on him... discreetly... if you know what I mean." he told her, settling back into the comfortable seat a bit as they drew nearer to the machinist's shop, their first stop on this escapade. "Oh and... who is Brennan anyway? What do we know about him?" he asked.

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Give me the phone ' Marita said and she redialed the number ' Hello Nigel " Marita said as bailey answered on the other end " Look, Marita I have no idea WTF you girls did to Flora but that shit needs to stop now! shes acting like an Branch freaking Davidian!" Nigel, We just got her back, about an hour ago ' Marota said " and furthermore any claims that we tried to assault her  are complete BS.  Why would we try to harm someone who has been placed in our care, and who is worth literally millions  to us in full health? Further we know you, we know that if we did anything to harm or upset her, you'd turn us into freaking rugs to wipe your feet on!" true' Bailey sighed. " flora hated us, at first and didn't want to be put under our care in the first place.  So, this whole slog started because she rebelled. There's only so much you can do if a teenager doesn't want to listen. You know that.'

 Wheres Rose? shes the one I trusted of you three , after all. I didnt know this would go so pear shaped. ' We dont know where she is " Marita said " well, shit. ' Bailey sighed. " look, you got Flora  back, alive.  Good, that shows you're not utterly hopeless.  if you want that money I promised you , you make damn sure she doesnt get grabbed again, and you are not to lay a finger on her. Understood? And-and get her back to normal! She sounds like a passenger on the Love Boat!" Shes a teenager, Bailey when they fall in love, its deep and illogical.  I was a teenager once after all, I know what thats like" Whatever you have to do to fix her, do it!" bailey snapped. "  I want her back to the girl she was when I sent her to you' Well could you send us some of her music videos? that could  help. "Bailey paused in thought for a few seconds before answering "Ok.. fine..I'll send you ' Dance All Night" Resist the Urge" And  Groove to Me".  theres "Twisted All  up" too but thats really just a demo. We were still working on it before this happened. Hopefully watching that will help. I'll send the "Live" versions too.   The real trick, is explaining my stars absence. Its been weeks." Why dont you say shes working on that music video? it can take weeks for a film star or singer to get a part or a song down. " A whole month , though? most of the music videos we shot took a couple days to get down! " Say shes going Retro" Marita said. " are we talking 2030s retro, or really old school, like Vogue-era Madonna? ' whichever took longer to get done. " Fine Madonna then.  check your email. bailey out' bailey said and hung up the phone.  Marita sighe then turned to Flora ' well Bailey wuil be sending us some of your recent music videos to watch Flora. Wants you to work on the one you were working on before all this started. Thank you can do that?"

_ Bianca headed up the street stopping as she show the carnage  around the safe house ' She rushed inside  as best she could while carrying bags of breakfast food "  Kintoki! FLora! You there?" She started before stopping as she beheld a pair of dead guards lying in the hallway ' What the hell happened here!' Bianca fairly screeched.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 02:14:41 PM by Nick22 »
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"That works for me. So long as at least two of us aren't blindsided if the other shoe drops," Emilena nodded.

She sat back. "Brennan Synthetics is the name of the company. The founder, Richard Brennan, went missing two months ago. All we know is that Brennan was responsible for those Augments blue-screening earlier this year, and they've got enough political influence to scapegoat the Purifiers and sweep everything under the rug. The weird part is, Soren thinks the kill patch was intentionally pushed, but we can't figure out why a cybernetics company would willingly cause a PR disaster this large. Their stocks have plummeted and financially they may never recover."

She shrugged. "Lily thought they were being setup by a third party and the Purifier deflection was a hastily-arranged cover story, but she went AWOL before revealing why she thought that. Me, I'm not sure what to think."


"Yeah, sure!" Flora piped up excitedly. "Will you watch them with me? Or, uh, if you're not into pop, that's okay. We could queue up YouTube and watch whatever music videos you're the most interested in." She gave them a loving smile. "I just like spending time with you, no matter what we do."


"Bianca!" Kintoki came rushing up from the basement. "Voice down, please, don't wake the neighbors!" He lowered his voice. "The Purifiers ambushed us and kidnapped Flora. But it's all right, we're pretty sure she was in on the breakout. They're not going to harm her."

The surviving guards filed out of the basement. Most looked extremely excited or pleased and each was clutching a golden credit chip. Kintoki handed a similar one to Bianca. "Under no circumstances are you to follow Flora, okay?" he commanded. "Let her go. Honestly, you're a good-looking woman, you can do a lot better than her anyway." He motioned to the blood and corpses surrounding the safehouse, which was already being chemically absorbed by an aggressive cleaning solvent being secreted from the lawn and carpet. The walls were also slowly cleansing themselves of blood and sealing bullet holes with caulk. "That there is a million credits. You've earned it. Go retire somewhere quiet, and remember your vows of silence. We'll be in touch if you break them." His tone indicated she wouldn't want that to happen. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to leave as soon as possible to reach Brennan HQ before dark. If you want to stay here and make sure the self-cleaning subroutines finish their job, I'll wire you an extra 500 credits for every photograph of a safehouse room looking spotless."


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As Tony slowed, pushing the hand throttle back up and taking manual control of the car by pushing his paw back on the accelerator, he took an exit, pushing in the clutch and brake as he began to roll to a halt on the off ramp. "So..." as the Crane-Simplex coasted to a stop, and Tony shifted back into first gear as he took it onto a smaller road after waiting at the light, he looked over to the vulpine. "How about we have each others' backs on that? I watch him as you do... if he moves against us 'unexpectedly', we'll be ready for him. Two guns on him are better than one, right?" he asked, smirking as he shifted through neutral, and then second, then neutral and into third as they got rolling into a higher speed.

As she outlined what had happened to Brennan Synthetics, he tried to process it all, and figure his way around it. "I see... so... basically... they get blamed for blue-screening Augments... their stock is tanking... Brennan is gone... and Purifiers were blamed... but Lily thinks there's more to it than that." the ferret commented, following along as he downshifted to turn onto another road. "Well... perhaps you could ask her before you end her." he suggested. "And... we need to think about who has the most to gain from this... it's neither the Purifiers nor Brennan Synthetics... Purifiers are coming under heavy fire... the company is in the toilet... who's left? Augments?" he asked, looking over to her now. "Some... competitor to Brennan Synthetics?" Turning right, Tony took the Crane-Simplex down the final road that led to his machinist.

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"Well, not to beat a dead horse, but Awe's employer would greatly benefit from a powerful competitor going belly-up," Emilena pointed out. "Plus it would explain why Awe knew enough to find us in that bar." She shrugged. "If you're comfortable finding a way to work this into an innocent conversation, I'd love to learn the name of Awe's employer. I'm sure he'd be suspicious if I asked, but you two have already shared several male bonding discussions. He might trust you enough to just tell you the truth."

Emilena glanced out the window, trying to ascertain where in Seryet they were, but the area looked unfamiliar. "I'll try to get more info from Lily as well. It's usually pretty easy to get her talking."


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Alright I'll stay here for the rest of the day and make sure they complete the job. i'll email you  the pictures' Bianca said, as she slipped the million creds into her pocket, " then i'll join you at HQ  , i  won;t have a place lined up for a few weeks. Shame about Flora, I was starting to like her too " Bianca said handing some of the food she had gotten to the guards, who grabbed whatever they wanted as they funneled out of the basement, soon the food was gone., and both the gusards and kintonki had gone, leaving bianca alone in the slowing self-repairing safehouse. Well alone, wasnt exactly true: the rooma that followed her efvverywhere was still there. bianca sighed as she began walking around the safehouse ' way to ditch me flora ' she said softly to herself.
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As he thought about it, it made far more sense, and as the massive convertible bumped its way into a parking lot, he exhaled. "Right... well... they could be behind it then, if they stand to benefit. That makes the most sense to me's not the two parties suffering... it's whomever is gaining the most out of this." he stated, trying to be logical. "I could try and ask him but... if he's trained... he may not be so loose as to volunteer that information but if he does..." Tony paused, bringing the Crane-Simplex to a halt in a parking spot outside a nondescript concrete single story building that spanned the whole block. Shifting into neutral, Tony pulled the brake lever back and turned the electric switch off, shutting off the mammoth car.

Closing his eyes, Tony thought back to the conversation he'd first had with Awe, searching for the name, then reopened them. "When we first spoke, he mentioned to me that he was a 'former' employee of Werner Industries... but that now he's 'freelance' mercing. You think he's being honest?" he asked. "Or you think he still actually works for Werner Industries? I know a bit about them... weapons manufacturer... arms trade. Did some running for them back in the day." he explained, putting his arm over the seat as he looked across to her.

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"Its possible," Emilena replied. "Though most freelancers I know peddle their trade to get paid, and he's working for us pro bono." She nodded thoughtfully when Tony revealed he knew Awe's former employer. "I don't know anything about Werner off the top of my head. I'll do some digging tonight, when we get home." Assuming she gets home...

She noticed they'd pulled into a parking lot. "Anything I should know about meeting Jerry?" She asked. "'Don't make eye contact, let you do the talking,' that sort of thing?" Even without his business connection, Tony was naturally far more charismatic than her, and she was prepared to give him the limelight no matter what sort of person Jerry turned out to be.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 06:27:00 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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"That's true... which to me doesn't make any sense... why work for free? And also... why leave a cushy job with a ton of benefits, as he claimed they had, to go freelance it with no benefits and unsteady pay?" he inquired. "I think he may have just switched roles in the company... but we'll see." Opening his door, he stepped down onto the running board, and then the ground. "He's a nice guy... he's got no tics... really admires my old cars so... you don't have to guard yourself or anything." he assured her, as Jerry, a zorilla dressed in overalls emerged from the front door, spectacles perched on his snout as he broke out into a wide smile.

"Tony Stracci, as I live and breathe! What the hell is that?" the zorilla asked, pointing behind the ferret to the Crane-Simplex. "Is that REALLY what I think it is?"

"1916 Crane-Simplex my friend! Might be the only one left in existence!" Tony spread his arms wide.

"Son of a bitch... I didn't know you owned something like that! I've tooled a lot of engines for you but nothing of that caliber!"

"Heh... yeah well... it's the rarest in my collection so... it rarely gets to see the light of day." he confessed, giving the zorilla a nod. "Anyway... I've directly debited the amount into your account. You have what I ordered? This is Emilena, my associate." the ferret introduced the two, hooking a claw over to the fox.

"Pleasure to meet you." Jerry nodded to her, and produced the box from behind his back. "Strongest damn alloy I have... slightly smaller than a normal human head... will this suffice?" he asked, holding it out to them. Looking over to Emilena, Tony raised his brows and put his paws behind his back.

"Well... what do you think, Ms. Echo?"

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(Ooc: haha I had to Google zorilla, and I'm glad I did, at first I thought you meant a zebra-gorilla hybrid)

"Pleasure to meet you!" Emilena shook his hand warmly. "If you think the car's nice to look at, I hope you get the chance to ride in it one day. Purrs like a cat and faster than a bullet." She flashed a warm smile. "Stay on Tony's good side and you never know!" she joked.

She took the box and whistled approvingly. "Oh, this will do just fine," she nodded, testing its corners and finding it airtight and unyielding. "Perfect size too, you certainly know your craft. Thank you so much for finishing this on such short notice."
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 07:37:10 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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((Hahah definitely not! We are talking about a striped polecat!))

At Emilena's description of the Crane-Simplex, the striped polecat's eyes lit up. "Oh! I don't doubt it at all! That was the world's first super car in a way! I'd love to tinker with it at some point but... heh... to get a ride in it would be an honor and a pleasure!" he admitted, nodding.

"You might someday! And if it needs work, you know you're the first one I'm coming to." the ferret informed him. As Emilena inspected the box, and approved of it, Tony nodded gratefully.

"Oh of course!" Jerry responded. "Tony is my best customer, and relies on me for very unique requests so... this was fortunately relatively simple. Won't ask what you need it for, but I'm glad you approve; I know it's definitely not for one of your cars, but hey! Wish you luck with it all the same."

Shaking Jerry's paw, Tony gave him another nod. "Well thank you very much, friend. We should probably roll, as we have a prior engagement, but as usual, your workmanship is high quality."

"Of course! And you open it with a push of the button on the side, and can lock it with your thumb, if you want." Jerry explained, pointing his claw to the thumb reader on the side. "It can be reprogrammed, but you need to be bring it back here." he told them.

"Right! Well... excellent work, as always. Can you direct me to Lily's location?" Tony asked, starting to head back to the car. Opening the door, he slid back behind the wheel, Jerry intently watching from behind his glasses as Tony pushed in the starter pedal on the floor, the engine turning over and coming to life with a nice roar that caused the zorilla to grin. There was no need to choke the engine or regard the spark, as it was a warm start.

"OK so... what neighborhood is she in? Section of the city." Tony asked Emilena, looking over to her.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena waved politely to Jerry as they got back in the car. "It's in the cellar of one of the co-ops between the Warren and Zolyiak Districts," Emilena explained. "Basically just turn into Carriage Hills once we hit 8th street and I can direct you from there."

She kept looking at the box. She briefly wondered whether she should come up with an excuse for carrying it, but Lily honestly probably wouldn't even pay attention to anything beyond getting what she wants.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2018, 07:37:27 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »