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The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Contest: Win a custom designed LBT Patch!


  • Spike
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Hello everyone. :)

The support I received during this year's fanart award was somewhat amazing to me, I never expected this to be like it was.

So, I kind of want to say thank you to this community because of that, and what better way to do that than giving something back. :)


Win a custom designed LBT Patch![/align]

To explain this one a tad better, I'll split the explanation up a bit:

The Contest

To enter this, you've got to draw something about the following topic:

What was it that you missed and still would like to see from the movies or episodes we had so far?

Now, I understand that some people don't think they can compete with other artists we have here and that they don't like to draw in general - however -

This is NOT about artistic talent!

It really doesn't matter in this case. If you have a great idea, don't let it discourage you that you might not capture it just as you see it before your inner eye. From a sketch to a full blown masterpiece, heck even just stick figures that resemble the characters from LBT, everything will be accepted here. Which brings me to my next point:

How the winner gets picked

As you can see, I added a poll to this topic in regards of how the winner will be picked, because I couldn't decide which option would be the best. So I decided to leave it up to you guys. ;)

The random number generator should be pretty much clear, about the other option, there are a few things to say.

Once again, if it comes to me picking a winner, artistic talent won't matter at all, the only thing that will matter in my decision is if the idea is a good one in terms of creativity and such.

Of course, if I choose a winner myself, even without paying attention to the quality of the drawing, it will be a subjective choice.

Also, if you want that, I can (and will) give feedback to whatever you submit here, if you do tell me to do so together with your submission. If you don't say anything about wanting feedback, I assume that you don't want it. This feedback also won't influence the decision, should I be the one who makes it. ;)

What is there to win?

The winner gets to choose any of these pictures to be made into a physical patch.

Production and also shipping of the patch will be on me. I still need to check out the options I have when it comes to sending a letter into another country, but since I have some experience in that regard by ordering stuff from outside Germany already, I do know that I will pick an option where tracking is involved, so the thing won't get lost.

I won't choose express mail because that can get rather expensive when you send stuff around the world.
However, if you decide you want express mail (only an option for those outside of the EU) and you are willing to cover that cost, then I don't see why not also express mail. ;)

The patch will be made by Gray, who already made two of these into physical patches, which can be seen here and here.

The patch will have a diameter of 9 centimeters

A few final words

The poll I added to this topic will go on for one week.
I will only accept submissions AFTER that time is over. You can of course start right away, but don't post your submission after I made a post one week from now that states that submissions are open. ;)

The time you have from when submissions are open until they're closed again will be two weeks (September 1st to September 15th).

Also, since submissions won't be accepted for one more week and the poll on how the winner will be chosen is still running, that time can be used to ask some questions you have about this.

This is my first time doing this, and I'd be surprised if there isn't at least one thing I forgot to mention. :D

So with all that being said, I hope that this will be well received and that quite some of you will join in on this. :)



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This is a really nice initiative for an art contest, RockingScorpion! I hope many people will participate. Good luck to everyone who will enter :)


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I'll be entering this one! Great idea!  :wow

Personal choices is the better option I think since you said you wanted to rate creativity of the entries and pick the winners based on that.
Inactive, probably forever.


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This is a great idea indeed! I'm not sure whether I'll enter it yet but it'll definitely be a good way for me to get back into LBT fanart. Now I just need to think of ideas... I haven't used my brain for about 9 weeks since my exams finished so I'll need to get it working again. :lol

I'm with Ducky123 on how the winner should be picked. :yes

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


  • Spike
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The poll results are pretty clear, I'll be the one picking the winner (you guys like to torture me, right? That decision probably won't be an easy one. :D )

But, without further ado now -

[align=center]Submission are OPEN

from September 1st to 15th

The contests topic is:

Make a drawing of what it was that you missed and still would like to see from the movies or episodes we had so far

Once again, this is not about artistic talent, pretty much everything will be accepted here, it's just about the ideas you guys have.

Also, if you want me to give some feedback, let me know together with your entry. If you don't ask for feedback, I will assume that you don't want any.

If you do not want to present your drawing to everyone (although I encourage you to do so) you can send it to me via PM as well.

A list of the people who join this will be added to the start post.

If you don't know what this is about or just want to reread some things, the start post should have the answer.

So, I guess - now's the time for you to throw your pictures at me. :D

(I gotta say, I'm somewhat excited now. ;) )

Edit: Ducky123 just came to me with an idea that should totally be mentioned here. :D

If you have more than one idea and want to draw all of them to post them here, I definitely won't be the one to stop you.
BUT only one drawing will count when it comes to the decision, and you should tell me which one it is you want me to count.
If you don't tell me, I will pick one myself.


  • Spike
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I just said that you have to draw something you would've liked to see in one of the movies. If you want to draw whatever you have in mind in a humanized version, go on then. But it should be something that could happen with the dinosaur characters, too.

And here is a quick reminder that there is only one week left for this contest. ;)


  • Spike
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The last weekend before the deadline has begun (deadline on tuesday),

so if you have something started and also want to finish it until then (again, not really required as long as you get the idea of the drawing)

or if you wanna join this on short notice,

now would be the time for that. ;)



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I'll cast my treestar in the ring hoping for many others here to cast theirs.
Thank you very much for holding this competition here Rocking Scorpion :yes
This is a sketch I just made:

I always felt that the land before time sequels dealt a little too one sided with the whole "accept Chomper issue" by never really allowing Littlefoot to have any seriously uneasy feelings about it and by presenting Cera as a bit of a jerk for addressing a matter that is kind of legitimate to address, seeing how most beings are rather attached to their lives. I never blamed the makers of LBT too much, especially because I don't have a totally satisfying solution for the whole predator and prey by nature's design issue either (the closest I got would be if it was possible for an adult Chomper to live on scavenging only, but this too would probably not be addressed in a show for kids).
Nevertheless I would have liked to see at least some more reflective moments about it all. Littlefoot after all lost his mother to a sharptooth and he and the others in turn killed that same sharptooth. There is a bit of a discrepancy between the fact that LBT 5 had the first of very few references made to Littlefoot's mother in the sequels but that it doesn't draw the line towards the relationship with Chomper so prominently featured in the same movie.
The image here is meant to depict a somewhat more reflective moment and therefore I put a lot of symbols in with references to the original movie. We got the big sharptooth footprint in which Littlefoot and Chomper are standing, we got the cloud image of Littlefoot's mother, we got one treestar in Chompers hands. There is that gap, that might be a reference to the mysterious beyond entrance in the second movie but that can also be seen as a bit of a "you don't really know what lies beyond the ridge" symbol with the cloud image of Littlefoot's mother there. Another "beyond" reference is there with the dinosaur bones in the background which may also be seen as possible remains of a prey of the one in whose footprints Littlefoot and Chomper are standing. With all these gloomy elements however there is also the growing tree and the bright circle peeking out from beyond the cloud image.


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Sorry for being on the last-minute wagon. I've done a couple of sketches for this, and was really unsure of which one to continue with (I would just upload the sketch, but usually my sketches are really messy). At first I wanted to take a more light-humoured approach, but after the first week of school and after having so much trouble trying to fix so many errors I made on the sketches originally, I went to my dark place and ended up drawing something a bit more depressing. :lol

Here goes nothing:

The idea behind this is something I believe quite a lot of LBT fans would want to see: more references to Littlefoot's mother. I always find it odd that in the sequels (especially the earlier ones), Littlefoot is the happiest little kid around and shows absolutely no signs of loss, at least as far as the audience could see. There were a few references in some of the sequels, but we don't really see Littlefoot get upset about what happened outside of the first film, which I find a little bit odd considering that seeing a sharptooth fighting and injuring his mother, immediately followed by the earthshake and her untimely death is an experience that I think would be very traumatic for him. She was the only parent he had at the time, he was always by her side because he had no friends, she was very kind and loving to him, and then he watched her die before his very eyes.

Therefore, what stood out for me in the sequels was 'Always There' in LBT 5. It was probably the only time we see Littlefoot genuinely look upset because he misses his mother. I thought it was pretty special when he was singing about her, and it made me tear up a little. It just goes to show that the sequels can have emotional scenes, and they can show that Littlefoot hasn't completely gotten over what happened. Of course in the later sequels things got a bit more fun and goofy - which is by no means a bad thing - but it is nice to take a moment to see a different side to some of the characters. What I'd like to see in the future is more scenes like that, and from what I've heard about LBT 14, that film would be the perfect opportunity to have such a scene. :yes

We don't exactly know the gap between the first Land Before Time film and the second, but I don't think it was long enough for Littlefoot to get over it. What I always imagined was that Littlefoot pushed any thoughts of what had happened to the back of his mind during the day and kept any bad feelings to himself. However, he was still haunted by nightmares disturbing his sleep, and so he would seek comfort and get upset about it in front of those who would truly understand; his remaining family. Of course, since his grandparents were the only other ones in the Great Valley who actually knew his mother, he could talk to them about her and they would mourn their loss together. So... that's how this came about. I really am hoping that there is some reference to Littlefoot's mother in LBT 14, especially since it's about Littlefoot's last living parent going missing. The largest star in the sky is a reference to the one seen in LBT 5, watching over Littlefoot. Other than that, it looks a bit gloomy. :neutral

Anyways... now that I've written an essay, I want to thank RockingScorpion for doing this contest (and for getting me back into doing Land Before Time fanart :smile ) and I would like to wish everyone else who enters this competition good luck!  :DD

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


  • Spike
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This already got two really nice contributions (dang how will I ever make a decision) but from what I heard two weeks is a bit too short and at least one more drawing is being worked on right now, so I'll extend the deadline for a bit:

[align=center]New Deadline

September 22nd[/align]

One more week, but this will be the only extension I'll make for this. ;)


  • Spike
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Malte279 just had this idea that I liked and wanted to add to this contest (with his permission) :

Everyone who enters here, no matter if you actually win or not, will get a version of the Approval Motive he or she wants in a fitting size to add it into the signature.

So yeah, this will be like a small, inofficial award. :)


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Ok I decided for the heck of it I'd do a picture for this contest.

Now there are many things I'd like to have seen in the LBT franchise...
Though most of them I've already done pics of in my fan art topics. E.G. Cera making up with Littlefoot and the others at the end of the first move and Ali coming back as a main character..  
Then one thing came to me. It dose bug me that in LBT 2 when Littlefoot says goodbye to Chomper, the other only just show up as Chomper leaves.

I would have like it if the rest of the gang had been there with Littlefoot when he tells Chomper he must go with his mum and dad. And maybe even have Cera make up with Chomper.

Anyway here's the pic. As I just did this for the heck of this contest I coloured it digitally rather then my usual hand colouring.
If I get time before the dead line. I might do another pic of Cera making up with Chomper... If I'm allowed to post another pic that is..


  • Spike
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Quote from: Dalekdino,Sep 19 2015 on  11:27 AM
If I get time before the dead line. I might do another pic of Cera making up with Chomper... If I'm allowed to post another pic that is..
Sure, just keep this in mind:

If you have more than one idea and want to draw all of them to post them here, I definitely won't be the one to stop you.
BUT only one drawing will count when it comes to the decision, and you should tell me which one it is you want me to count.
If you don't tell me, I will pick one myself.


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Here's my other drawing from my Whole gang seeing Chomper off in LBT 2.
In this one here's another thing I'd have in this, is Cera making up with Chomper before he leaves. If I get time I might do one of Cera and Chomper hugging, Chomper's way of also saying sorry for biting Cera.  


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Here's my last pic of how I'd liked Chomper's departure in LBT 2 to have been.
In this one Cera and Chomper are hugging and making up before Chomper leaves with his mum and dad.


  • Spike
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This contest is coming to a close, and the deadline will be in 24 hours from now on, so Wednesday, 0.00 am CEST.

Hand in your submission before that time if you want it to count. ;)

One last thing: I do know that Ducky123 wanted to submit something as well, but currently he has some problems with his internet connection. If the drawing is done but he won't be able to post it here before 0:00 am, I will make an exception in this case.

I'll try to reach him somehow before that needs to happen though. ;)


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Yes, I've got something coming, but I can't submit it right now. I really hope my connection will be restored soon so I don't have to bugger my relatives to come over for some wi-fi though my hopes aren't too high  <_<
Inactive, probably forever.


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[align=center]Submission are CLOSED[/align]

Only exception will be Ducky123 as I already mentioned because his internet is acting up and he had something done in time, he was just unable to post it because of that.

I won't start with deciding about the winner until I have his picture.
Also, when I have a result, I'm probably going to make a bigger post about this whole thing. Right now I'll just say that it was really cool and that I might do something like that again if I feel like it. :)


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Oh wow, super sorry I missed this! Love that Shorty patch :p