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The Eighth Hunter


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(11th of September 2017 EDIT)

Hello everyone,
So, I have dug up this abandoned thread in order to get it up to snuff with what you will currently find on This is in order to participate in this year's contest. I did not want to create an entirely new topic, pretty much double-post, and perhaps violate the forum rules. I realize revoking all my chapters isn't much better, but I do hope that a friendly mod could look over this and perhaps remove any excess postings.

Now, again, please do apologize for this messy thread. I have had a lot of ups and downs when it comes to this story, and I am currently in the process of overhauling everything (again...). However, this will be the final overhaul, no more changes after that. Which is why a great deal of time and commitment is required, both of which I kinda lack at the moment.

Regardless, the Prologue and Chapter 1 are finished, and so I have decided to post them here. That said, since I am not a forum-goer and don't like working in more than 1 place at once, these two chapters will possibly be everything you will find here. Should you decide to follow the rest of the story, below is the link for the FanFiction site. As I update the story, you will find a "(Final Version)" marker beneath each finished chapter. I am sorry if this is an issue, but I'll be honest, I really cannot be bothered to reformat everything, especially considering the lengths of my chapters.

Summary: Seven Hunters continuity / A forced wish twists a human's life around, and he finds himself not only altered but in a whole new world now. Or rather, an old world. Torn between two lives, even the legendary pack around Seeker (Littlefoot) unable to ease his concerns, this new hunter sets out on a mission. A mission that should have immense consequences, change the future of all.

Link to, full Story: The Eighth Hunter

I hope you enjoy, and thank you for your time and understanding.

Best regards,


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It is nice to see you on the forum, Julian!  :) Feel free to introduce yourself in the Welcome Center and to participate in this and any other section of the forum that strikes your interest.  I am sure that you will find this forum to be a very welcoming and friendly place.

As you know I have been following your story on, and I will continue to post my reviews there for the sake of continuity, but I hope that you will get plenty of readers and reviewers from this forum as well.  It is certainly a well written story thus far, and I would recommend it to anyone who has interest in the continuity established by the Seven Hunters.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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"Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it." - Common saying

The moon shined brightly on the peaceful scenery below. The only few obvious signs of life were making themselves known through their high-pitched tweeting and chirping in the small forest nearby. Creatures of different types, together filling the night with their songs.

Yet, there was clearly something else there. With deliberately slow and silent movement, another creature made its way out into the open and sat down under the spacious porch.

It was only after the beams of light that the moon reflected hit parts of its face that one could have seen a pair of green eyes, outlined by black frames, carefully scanning the surroundings, adapting to the darkness all around. Time seemed to pause for this creature as it admired the beauty, tranquility and peacefulness of this dark, moonlit scenery.

With a slow but determined move of its arm, this peculiar creature stroked through its short, dark golden mane and pulled a white stick-like thing with an orange bottom from behind its right ear, put it into its mouth, and after two audible clicks, using one of the many artificial tools of its kind, finally set fire to it.

Gentle sizzling. Inhale, exhale. Wads of blue and grey smoke ascended into the moonlight.

Ahh, always hits the spot... Been a long day. The male human thought to himself, bittersweet taste of tobacco fumes greeting his delicate senses, while he looked up fascinated at the bright full moon, which didn't even seem to be so far above him. As the nicotine rushed to his brain and unfolded its effects, which caused him to experience this lightheaded feeling he was very much looking forward to, he couldn't help but feel strangely safe and in control in the darkness that embraced everything in the nighttime. Such has it been for the longest time. Darkness meant security to him, quiet and calm. A personal realm to relax and recapitulate the events of the day, shielded from any unwanted interruptions.

After exhaling another few wads of smoke, his thoughts drifted off. Into considerations that were quite usual for his kind.

That's my, uh... seventh today... Hmm, I really should be stepping down a notch... He started pondering before immediately dismissing this idea again. Oh, what the hell, who am I kidding? We all have to die one day. At least I can enjoy what I want for as long as I can. Besides, that's well within the margin. Awake for, what, 18 hours now? Tzz... Not like this one would turn my life around.

Faintly smiling now, he looked down at the red glowing tip of his cigarette, twisting it around a bit between his fingertips, which made the smoke seemingly dance in the midnight air. It would be a night just like any other. And in just a few more hours he would have to get up again, to attend to some unfinished educational stuff. But until then, he would enjoy this ritual of his and not let anything ruin that.

Or so he thought to himself. But how wrong could he have been?


His gaze immediately shot up at the sky, startled, as soon as that distant booming sound reached his ears.

He had always been proud of his excellent sense of hearing, which helped him in understanding and solving multiple situations in his life already. That did not quite make up for his rather poor eyesight, though, he always deduced. But he was indeed a very strange specimen when it came to perception. Without his optical aids, his eyes were quite terrible, but as soon as he just wore his glasses or contacts, he had the eyes of a raptorial bird. His sense of smell, too, was what he would have described as 'above average'. However much all this really meant for a mere human, and however logical and realistic he really was about that.

But right now, all of this didn't matter a single bit to him as he asked the inevitable question out loud while leaving the porch, now standing right in the open.

"Woah... What... in the world was that?"

Everything seemed to have gone silent, even the frequent chirping from the crickets and a few birds in the forest had paused. After a few more moments, though, which felt more like an eternity to him, the sounds of life all around came back. Everything was back to normal again.


"Nothing... Huh, pathetic..."

Probably just a jet or big firecracker or something... Should've known...

A sigh, then a slight chuckle left his mouth, and with a now somewhat uneasy mind he decided to finish his cigarette and soon go to sleep. He hadn't really done much over the day, but felt strangely tired and exhausted, now that he thought about it. Though that could've also been due to his much higher heartbeat, the effects of the little shock and the nicotine having mixed, culminating in a far from relaxing feeling.

One last wad of blue smoke went up into the night sky as he flicked the still slightly glowing cigarette several meters over the nearby fence and into the darkness. He would get the stub tomorrow morning, perhaps, and dispose of it properly. The climate was not even close to what he would have described as 'mild' at the moment, and certainly not arid, so he did not really feel concern about a potential fire hazard.

Already having his front turned towards the door of his home, he decided to allow himself one last look at the beautiful moon.

And it was only then that he noticed something strange. He adjusted his glasses and squinted his eyes at what appeared to be a tiny object, thousands of kilometers in the distance, which seemed to hover right next to the moon.

"Huh? What is...?"

He didn't even have time to finish his sentence as the object suddenly and rapidly grew larger. Its outlines became more clearly visible.

A blue ball of light, embraced by the blazing hot flames that the entry into earth's atmosphere caused. Petrified by the sight of this beautiful, yet terrifying object, which was seemingly about to crash right into him within the next few seconds, he never even thought about moving.

This just couldn't be. This just had to be his imagination, or a misinterpretation. This just didn't make any sense.

"But... Oh... shit!"

He merely whispered these words as he dropped to the paved ground, acting out of instinct, rolling against the hard stones of the nearby porch, eyes closed and his hands covering his head. He could've sworn seeing a bright flash of blue light, even with his eyes firmly shut and him facing the ground, his glasses firmly pressing against his nose and temples.

A quick moment of realization, perhaps. Now he started to expect a shockwave that would throw him around and probably kill him, perhaps wipe out the entire neighborhood. What a foolish decision it had been to not run inside for cover.

But nothing happened.

In fact, everything had gone silent again. Everything but his anxious breathing and the heavy pounding of his heart that resonated in his ears. This crept him out more than any horror story, game or movie could have done in his entire life, indeed filling him with honest dread and horror. He imagined the area around him dead, a wasteland of rubble, deprived of all life.

Yet, he was still breathing.

He reluctantly opened his eyes again, letting out an audible groan of pain as he rose back to his feet. Despite wearing a comfortable wool jacket, he must have lacerated both of his lower arms. Though, right now, this probably was the least of his concerns.

Carefully scanning the environment again, he couldn't help but feel even more horrified now. It seemed as if nothing had happened at all. That mysterious object, which seconds ago raced towards him with incredible speed, had just disappeared. No trace of it could be found anywhere around.

That was when he turned around and took a closer look at the small forest next to his home. Almost undiscernible, a blue light was emitted from somewhere between the large trees and many bushes. He hesitated, unsure about how to process this, but ultimately, with carefully slow movement, he began walking towards that place.

So much entranced by wonder, or perhaps an incomprehensibly powerful force, that he did not even notice all the small lights on every house around had gone dark.

There was only silent darkness, him, and the dim blue light in the woods.

Edging closer to the mysterious object, after around half a minute of time standing right in front of it, he abruptly stopped. Almost as if the force that had dragged him here let go now. However, he didn't ponder this. His eyes were firmly fixed on the stone from the sky. The light coming from that stone was now extremely bright. So bright that it hurt his eyes to look at it directly for more than a few seconds, the fresh scratches that were now on his glasses not helping much.

But, despite all this, the environment around it was unaffected by it. None of the trees around this area took on that blue hue. Neither the trees, nor the bushes, nor the lone human. In fact, not even the surprisingly small crater in which the rock stood.

How... can this be? This must've flown faster than a bullet... It's almost like... this thing isn't meant to disturb anyone who didn't see it coming down.

This uneasy thought crossed his mind two times before he finally broke out of his pondering and shook his head, muttering to himself.

"Pff! What bullshit. This is the real world. Stuff like that only happens in stories."

However, his spoken words should not reflect the unspoken afterthought in his head. Only if one could have read his mind, one would've heard an addition to that sentence.

...does it not?

Indeed, he was at a loss for any reasonable ideas. He walked around the rock for over a minute, thinking about what to do now. Technically, he was allowed to do what he pleased to do with that rock. There were a lot of rules and laws in the human society, but none of them explicitly prevented him from taking a stone which fell out of the sky back to his home. And if there were, he didn't know of any. However, as with many things in human society, there were certain exceptions. Where laws and regulations didn't apply anymore.

And this was certainly one of them. Here, common sense had to be applied.

Crap, what am I doing here? I have to call the police. Who knows, maybe this thing is dangerous? A stone shouldn't have this weird glow.

With that, he stepped back from the rock and pulled out a black, rectangle shaped device from his jeans. His concerned look quickly turned into a weird mix of surprise and serious uneasiness, however.

His cellphone wasn't working anymore. At all. Several times he pressed the only three buttons it had to no avail, even though it definitely was almost fully charged, not having been operated much over the day. He quickly suspected he broke it when jumping to the ground earlier, but the device did not have a single scratch on it. At least none that he could make out with his fingers, as it was too dark to make out clear details.

Looking back in the direction of the blue glowing rock, then slowly turning around to finally find all the lights out everywhere, a clear suspicion formed.

"Really...? An... An EMP?"

If it was actually true that a normal rock from space, more or less so, could have produced enough electromagnetic power to destroy or at least temporarily kill the electronics of an entire block, he did not know either. But that explanation seemed reasonably satisfying and the least confusing at that time. Still, this wasn't enough of an explanation for him to loosen up in any way.

But you're no normal rock, are you? Shit, what do I do now? What do I do? I can't just leave this thing here...

The stone seemed to mock him with his presence, standing there silently with its blue glow. He spent seemingly an eternity in front of the rock and couldn't think of a single thing to do.

Hesitantly, then, seeing no other option but to give in to his curiosity, he decided to inspect the rock in more detail.

Slowly reaching out with his hand and touching it, he could instantly feel a strange, warm feeling entering his body. Almost like an indescribable amount of energy now flowing through him, his every single limb, hair and cell, and then back into the stone. An exchange, not of words but far more complicated things. It was indeed a feeling impossible to properly describe, but he didn't recoil from the stone. He embraced that feeling, he accepted this 'trade'.

He closed his eyes, lost in another realm for a moment, and muttered some inaudible words.

He had always been afraid to lose control. It had happened once, several years ago, after a few drinks too many. And then never again. And while, sure enough, he tried to be popular with the friends he had and never be a killjoy, that also never stopped him from the credo he was following with his mind.

Control. Control over his own body, mind and soul. His standpoint on that matter was clear. There were numerous substances that, in his eyes, weak-minded humans would consume in excess to escape the harsh reality of a brutal world, where everyone had to fight for their place with their wits and skills. He had a strong mind, however. He always accepted what life threw at him. And though the destination of his life was unclear to him, he knew exactly on what kind of path he would always stay and never stray from.

But at that moment, as he muttered a succession of words that came from the deepest corners of his soul to the strange rock, he truly reached an understanding like never before.

He had entirely lost control over his mind.

Before he could even come up with a conclusion on what he had just done, the flow of energy suddenly stopped and the rock seemed to glow even more aggressively, now almost intentionally blinding him. For another shocked blink of his eyes, his hand seemed to be glued to the rock, as if it was unwilling to let him go just yet. At this rapid change, the human forcefully and with all his power sprung back like the scared animal he was right now, detaching himself from that malicious rock, unfortunately also tripping over a large root.

Too shocked to react, too confused to prepare, he landed on his back...


...hitting his head with a dull sound on one of the numerous tall trees.

For just another second, the world seemed to spin around him as his body slowly, but forcefully, shut down his eyelids. His consciousness would follow. His heartbeat already decelerated. He could still make out the strange blue light changing to a deep red tone, as if foreboding his very doom, before the stone went pitch black.

Only darkness embraced his senses now as everything else slipped away.


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Act I: A New World

Chapter 1: Arrival

"People think dreams aren't real just because they aren't made of matter, of particles. Dreams are real. But they are made of viewpoints, of images, of memories and puns and lost hopes." - Neil Gaiman

Darkness. Same, but different. This time, the kind of darkness he could not perceive with his mere eyes. Only with his heart, his soul. The absence of everything. No light. No sound. No life. No hope.


For someone who had always felt safe in the dark, this truly was a horrifying experience. He was deeply lost in what seemed to be his mind, and his body would not obey him. He didn't even know if he still actually had a body, unable to see, hear or feel anything. It was frighteningly alike to how he imagined the final moments before dying. His non-existing body not reacting to his commands anymore and his mind slowly drifting into nothingness where the Grim Reaper would calmly wait to claim another soul for eternity.

How could it have come to this? What had he done wrong? Only two of far too many question he would have liked to ask.

Then, suddenly, out of this pitch black realm, he could see a single beam of light. He could feel it. A feeling which originated from deep inside. Close and familiar, yet far away and foreign. But it was steadily drifting away from him. As if to mock him further still, a voice could be heard from the vast distance this world of darkness represented.

At first it was almost inaudible, but it grew louder with each repetition. Until it became a series of screams, violently accusing him and also answering why he found himself here now.

"I want to be someone... change the world to a better place... and leave a legacy behind nobody will ever forget!"

That was his own voice. His own words. His last and perhaps only wish, the fateful wish he hadn't exactly chosen to make upon this strange, blue glowing stone.

Each time the voice repeated itself it felt like a needle stabbing his brain, his entire consciousness. Not the physical kind of pain that mended after a while but the psychological pain of realization that would scar one's mind forever. Like for a reputable human to ponder a serious wrongdoing, a heinous crime. Thoughts like these raced back and forth, cluttering this dark realm, forming no words, emotions or meanings at all.

This had to stop. This had to stop now.

With great trepidation, he finally worked up the courage to fight back against his own mind, to gain back control.

"Stop this already! STOP IT! SHUT UP! Get... OUT... of my head!"

Distant laughter could be heard in response. But it was not an evil laugh or a laugh at the expense of his current state, rather an understanding laugh. A soothing, discipling laugh.

"Is that really what you desire? You appear to be lost, young one."

"Who...?! Who are you...? And where... Where am I?" He asked into the blackness, shocked that he had actually gotten a response, on top of that from someone who did not belong here.

"At the end, it would seem." Came the calm reply.

And it was at this point that he was sure he was dead, now only tricked by his mind for a few seconds as his brain shut down, leaving him hopeless and delusional, clinging to but his last few pitiful moments of what resembled life. What else could that voice have possibly meant?

Still, despite the situation, he had to make sure of even something this obvious.

"Does that mean... I'm... I'm...?"

"No. No, it does not." The voice answered, as if aware of his every question, as if still trying to calm him, as if delaying for the right moment to explain. "Endings are always beginnings, too. It is your decision, your choice now. To become what you want to be."

The thoughts stopped racing immediately as this, possibly, female voice echoed inside his mind. He did not recognize that voice at all, nor did he even recognize the language it spoke or grasp why he assumed it to be female. But he could still understand it. And it felt warm, as if it was hope itself.

But who was it? Where did it come from? And why was it here? Why was all of this even happening?

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, annoyance at the voice's cryptic way of speaking carried by his query. "How am I supposed to decide anything when I don't even know where I am?! What is all this?!"

The distant laughter could be heard again, again carrying a tone that could calm one's nerves.

"You will, soon enough. Because there are some things you see with your eyes, but others you see with your heart."

Right away, he wanted to just dismiss that sentence and press on for an answer to his questions. But he had no time to do that, as the voice continued and quickly vanished into the distance, taking all the soothing light with it.

"For now, you will just have to wake up. Wake up... Specter."


He suddenly gasped for air, widely opened his eyes but instantly commanded his body to close them again as a massive headache set in. Then it was dark once more, silent once more, safe once more.

No use in looking around just yet, anyway. It seemed like he had hit his head with enough force to give him a serious concussion, so much so that it literally hurt to think, at the moment. Quite badly, too. And yet, he felt somewhat relieved. Everything would be alright, now that he was awake and out of this messed up dream. The pain was his confirmation. After all, he actually was still alive, air steadily filling and escaping his lungs...

Wet, almost tropically warm air. Extremely strange, given that it was quite cold at night by now. Or supposed to be, at any rate. Though, he didn't notice much of that yet in his dizziness.

Ugh... Ow... What happened? How long... did I pass out?

The realization that he was back in control of his body and mind again made him feel a lot less stressed, and he was almost ready to work the situation out...

However, that feeling very quickly turned into utter horror, once the few breaths of air he had just inhaled were processed by his senses. Thousands upon thousands, millions even, of scents reached his olfactory center at once, afterwards his brain.

Scents of plants, scents of trees, scents of soil, scents of water, scents of dozens of unknown creatures, and...

What... is this?! Myself?! I can... I can smell myself this clearly?! I can smell... what I am?!

Bombarded by all these neural stimuli, his brain was overloaded by the sheer onslaught of information it had not been prepared for, it could not handle just yet. His heart started pumping in a much higher frequency again, his muscles cramping over his entire body, causing even more pain. His initial attempt to calm down was now entirely futile.

At this point he could not take it anymore, lying prone on the ground, twitching heavily, having seemingly avoided almost certain death. And after a few more seconds, he felt nothing but absolute exhaustion and passed back out.

Before his actual eyelids closed, however, the bright moonlight revealed a set of piercing yellow orbs beneath the protective nictitating membranes that had covered his vision until now.

It wasn't until the moon had noticeably shifted in the sky that he finally started to come back to his senses again. Though he couldn't see that change in time, still keeping his eyes shut for now, unwilling to provoke a reaction from his body such as the one from earlier in the slightest. He didn't even dare to move a muscle. Too afraid was he to face such an immediate and painful backlash again.

Please... tell me it's over now...? He carefully thought, testing his mind first.

Nothing happened. He was in control once more. At least the pain in his head had disappeared.

Good... Argh! But everything else hurts! What in the name of sanity happened?! Why can I smell all these things now? Why is it so warm? And why...? No! No, calm down. Everything's alright. I just hit my head, that's all. Probably gave me a quite a bump, too... Alright... Take it easy... Just relax for a bit...

He took a deep breath, a surprisingly long one at that, and then let out a deep sigh to recompose himself.


However, instead of a sigh he knew, a deep growl filled his highly sensitive ears. His very own.

Uh, what? What?! Did I just... What the...?!

He couldn't finish his thoughts as his eyes sprang open in shock.

And what he now could do was see absolutely everything clearly and sharply, his vision tinted in a greenish-white tone, even though it was darker than before, the moon covered by thick clouds. But most noticeable to him was that he did not wear his glasses anymore, unable to feel any kind of pressure on his face or have blurry peripheral vision.

He had naturally perfect eyesight, in addition to the ability to see at night.

Oh, no... No. No. No. This is not how it works! Argh... I must be hallucinating... But even then... where are all the trees?! Just... where am I?!

He had been lying on his side up until now, so he didn't get a glance at his own body just yet, which didn't really intrigue him thus far.

Why would it, anyway? He could still feel his two arms and two legs, fingers and toes still attached to his hands and feet. So what could have possibly changed? Although, now that he had questioned this, quite a few things with his limbs felt a little bit odd all of a sudden, he was sure to be just imagining that. Of course he was just imagining all of this. How would it be possible for a human to see in the night, smell so many different things and only have control over three fingers and three toes each? Not to mention waking up having 'magically' lost all clothes, the warm air gently stroking his naked body. He deemed the idea alone so highly preposterous, he could not even have laughed at his own inanity.

At least until, with deliberately slow movement, he extended his arms and tried to use his hands to push himself up from the ground...


"Ow! What the hell?!"

Only to find out that his hands were not usable for such tasks anymore, both his forelimbs entirely giving in under his weight, making him lose his grip in the mud below and fall right back down again.

Argh... Damn... No, something's really, really wrong... I feel so... heavy... And... my arms... Did I break my...? No... But, I... I can't pronate them anymore! But what about my...

And it was only now that he flexed his neck around to get a look at his legs that he first laid eyes on what he had missed out on. Slowly, piece by piece, he tried to make sense of what he saw.

Woah! Feathers...?! Claws...?! A... A fricking tail?!

At the moment it was too dark for him to actually make out the colors and all the 'utilities' his body had, but it was already enough to hint at what he now was. Had he paid more attention to what had reached his ears after hitting the ground, not actual words but instead a series of angry growls and snarls, he would've come to the same conclusion nonetheless.

Violently, he raised his arms and stared at his three-fingered hands, then back at his lower body only to stare at his hands once more. In this shocked pose he remained, second after second, until he fully realized...

Feathers... long tail... three fingers... sickle claws... I... am... a raptor?! A dinosaur?!

Heavy pounding in his chest. Numbness in his head. The feeling of immense heat everywhere. Panic was starting to set in. So he tried to organize his mind as best as he could and calm down at least a little bit.

Ok...Ok...Ok. Let's be reasonable. Stuff like that doesn't happen. It just doesn't... I shouldn't be... I mean... Hell, these dinosaurs are dead for at least 65 million years! And even if they weren't, you don't just turn into... Wait. No, no, wait a second...

His head was wrapped in silence at the dawning realization. There was only one possible way how this could have happened.

Blue... Blue... light...

The memory had finally come back to him. It made him shudder, convulse, breathe heavily...

"THAT BLOODY STONE!" He screamed in rage, slamming his clawed forelimb into the mud. But as a few splats of wet soil flew past his head, reminding him very well of the new environment he must've been in now, he immediately shut his mouth tight after that infuriated outburst.

Too little, too late, however. He only just noticed what he had done, but his angry, piercing shriek already echoed through the air and deep into the night.

Oh damn... Ah, shit! Shouldn't have done that...


The adult male fastbiter, brown feathers covering his body, a blood-red crest on his head, neck and tail, stopped his motion in surprise and looked in the general direction of the faint, distant shout. He couldn't make out the meaning it carried, but it was immediately clear to him that this had been a sharptooth scream, most likely from another fastbiter, containing as much anger as despair. Instinctively, he continued to listen closely into the night, trying to make out any following utterances.

None came. Only the rustling of leaves and bushes could be heard behind him, but that seemed to elude his senses at the time.


Having been completely distracted by the screech, he momentarily jumped into a stance of aggression before quickly relaxing again, realizing that this voice now had come from a much closer fastbiter. A fastbiter he knew all too well, one who had accompanied him for many seasons and also on this small routine tonight.

"Damn it, Taunt!" He growled, somewhat angry with himself to have dropped his guard that easily. "Cut it out and come over here already."

"What? Oh, don't tell me... Did I scare our great leader?"

Upon saying this, a smaller, orange-colored fastbiter, lacking any feathering, with tell-tale black stripes over his whole body strutted into the open.

"Yup, I sure did." Taunt continued, a wide smirk visible on his face and through his raised tail. He dropped that stance, though, as he moved next to his leader and presented his hand to him. More precisely, what he was holding in it. A whole bunch of plants, glowing in a prominent orange tone. "Alright, alright. No more of that... For tonight. Here, I found these..."

"Later." The brown fastbiter cut in, letting nothing but equanimity surface, looking only in the distance. "Did you notice that, too?"

"Besides you jumping like a one-legged swimmer after they notice Path is after them...? Uh, no." Taunt replied plainly, flashing his teeth once again.

Ignoring his packmate's try to make a fool out of him, the brown fastbiter didn't even give Taunt the satisfaction of the stern look he seemed to so much desire. Instead, he spoke with a grave voice.

"Taunt? Head back to the pack. There is something I will have to check out. Just... let me take one with me, will you?"

"Seeker..." The orange fastbiter hesitantly started with a now honestly concerned undertone in his voice, knowing that something was wrong. His leader must've indeed picked up something vitally important that he didn't notice while moving through the bushes. And that he desired to take even a single one of those sinister plants with him foreboded serious trouble. They may have looked like ordinary flowers, uninteresting and harmless, beautiful to look at even, but the name given to them by the few individuals who knew of their capabilities already told everything one needed to know.

"Trust me on this." The brown fastbiter explained himself, making eye contact. "I want to have a quick look around the faraway watering hole. That's just inside our territory; I highly doubt anyone is going to be audacious enough to disrespect this, but... you can never be too careful with such things."

"But..." Taunt then spoke, overwhelmed and confused by the whole situation. "Shouldn't I... come with you, then? What is even going on?"

"No. You know that any kind of sharptooth will easily be able to smell us out carrying this amount of the Orange Death, and I don't want it lying around here either. Both would be highly irresponsible and, frankly, quite foolish." The leader stated quickly, but calmly. He knew that he had ignored Taunt's second question, but he didn't want to give an answer on something he didn't know himself just yet. "No, you head back to the others and stash it away. I will handle this myself until I've made sure... It's probably nothing of importance, but I'd like to investigate personally this time before risking another... incident. We've had enough of those in the past..."

He offered the orange fastbiter a slight, but friendly and confident smile, to which he could only nod. As Taunt then slowly handed his leader one good sample of the many orange flowers he held in his claws, he was about to express his concerns for this whole situation once more, now in his usual fashion again, but the brown fastbiter spoke first.

"This will do. Thanks. And don't inform the others about this yet, should they still be awake. If they are, well, it would not be a lie if you told them that I am going for a drink and will be back shortly." He paused, thinking about if he wanted to leave it at that or go one step further. He decided to do so, for the sake of full disclosure. "But, still, stay alert. If you hear my call, or I'm not back within reasonable time, don't hesitate to alarm everyone. Even split, Path counting. Assume big trouble. Got it?"

Taunt was taken aback by the seriousness in his leader's tone and thus decided not to disobey him in any way possible. He knew him long enough to trust in his almost every decision, and it sounded like he had a solid enough plan. Though he was still highly discomforted.

But, on the surface, not even this did stop Taunt from being who he simply was, of course.

"Understood. Well, see you in a bit then, Littlefoot! In a bit, not bits. As in, don't let yourself get eaten, flathead."

Taunt made sure he put special weight on his leader's old leaf-eater name and the insult for Littlefoot's former species, a flat-headed longneck, allowing himself one last smirk before he disappeared in the bushes again.

Littlefoot smiled for a while too before his face took on a contemplative expression.

That's a lot of taunts, even for him. Bad ones, too... Bit and bits...? Huh, he really didn't like this... And neither do I, honestly...

But he would have none of it if some outsiders just wandered into his pack's territory. They would have to leave or die, whichever way they preferred. Given his pack's reputation, most likely the non-violent way. However, he also understood that he could very well be dealing with a lone fastbiter. That certainly was no seldom occurrence in the first few cycles of the Night Circle after a warm time and, consecutively, mating season.

And a lone fastbiter often was a dangerous fastbiter, often driven by desperation, frustration, or generally dangerous and reckless intentions.

But perhaps that lone fastbiter never actually intended to violate the territory. Perhaps they only wanted to have a quick, sneaky drink and then leave again even quicker. Not exactly a smart or decent thing to do, very provocative indeed, but not unforgivable or worthy of a violent approach either.

At least if they don't try that again. There are enough watering holes in unclaimed land... But why the screech then? Why make so much noise? No, it can't be that simple... Something's off...

Or was it a trap? Was he about to be successfully lured into a cowardly ambush? Pretty much everyone in the vast lands around knew this was his pack's territory, thus giving the entire area a wide berth out of sheer respect, but this amount of renown went both ways among sharpteeth. He was sure there were some few who would've liked to claim his head just to appear fearsome.

But I could think of far better ways to do so... Making noise like that... This is just... stupid... Hmm, still, I should've asked him to rally the others right away... Then again, a single fastbiter is a hidden fastbiter... And if Ponder or Stern Claw got wind of this so soon... Yeah, I'll have to figure this out alone, first... This doesn't feel like the problems we usually have to deal with... So I will not deal with it how we usually do... Gee, thinking of Ponder, huh...

His calculating mind, the mind of an experienced predator, broke Littlefoot out of his pondering. It really was pointless thinking out a big plan now, or mobilizing the pack, when he didn't know exactly what was going on. Far too risky, and there never was an easy way to solve problems with trespassers in a territory as large as this. Cover one flank, open up another. The pack would never be completely safe from such sudden dangers.

He was still determined to get to the bottom of this, as quickly as possible. Regardless of their intentions, good or neutral or bad, he would find out who that intruder in the distance was and would see them to leave, should they have decided to further disrespect the territory. Preferably in peace, without any confrontation at all.

But, one could never be too careful, he thought again, looking at the single orange flower he held tightly in his claws.

It was actually quite amusing, in some way. In his long past leaf-eater days he could have certainly seen himself offering the dinosaur in the distance a place among his friends. At least they happened to be another leaf-eater, a bothtooth at most. Though, honestly, perhaps even a sharptooth, depending on what kind of sharptooth. It wasn't remotely unusual for him to forge unusual friendships, after all.

But such a thing was unheard of for a sharptooth to do, especially for a fastbiter and pack leader such as himself, since the whole concept of a pack was based on trust.

It didn't work that easily. He couldn't just offer anyone who crossed his path to join. And not only because his pack already was large in numbers, too large in fact, but rather because a pack consisted of more than just friends. A pack was a family. A family which someone joined for life and left in death, or only with the very best of reasons. Not that it mattered much in this case, but he always liked to remind himself of that, of what capable and loyal friends he was surrounded by every day.

For now, though, he was alone. And he simply had to act.

Now then... Let's find out who you are and what you want... I just hope this doesn't end in another confrontation...

With all the speed he could muster he sprinted off, into the night and towards the source of the shout. He only left the wind in his wake.

Ok... One weird theropod foot after the other... Man, this is just... Argh! Come on, I know how dinosaurs walked! Kinda... There we go... Steady... Steady... Tail straight, even steps... Stay on track...

The tall raptor was relatively quickly getting accustomed to his new body. Even though a challenge like this was far beyond anything he could have ever imagined, and he was rather staggering as if moderately intoxicated than actually walking in a straight line, he was doing pretty well, he deduced.

In his eyes, at least. To an actual dinosaur, predator or prey, he must've looked like a bad joke, however.

His head bobbing around in a weird fashion as he tried to adapt to the stabilization natural to even the ancestors of birds, his long tail frequently hitting the ground as he tried to adapt to having control over an entirely new body part, his sickle claws sometimes raised and sometimes lowered as he tried to adapt to having these two toes constantly retracted off the ground...

And these were only the things he noticed himself. Surely, there were many more to another observer. Regardless, he tried to be positive about this and feel relief that he had actually managed to even stand up and move around.

Hm... Well, that's no wonder, really. I walked on two feet before. Just... not on my toes like that, with my head like this and my back like so, and... I guess I just need to use that tail more...

He didn't yet have the precise control over his tail he needed to use it as a counterweight and rudder, which would have greatly improved his movement capabilities, but he was getting there. Ever so slowly, only daring to test moving it around when standing still for a few seconds, but steadily.

Whatever, I can practice later... Right now, I really need to get away from there... No telling what I might've attracted... Last thing I need is ending this damn night as dinner...

After around ten minutes of movement, technically 'fleeing' from the place were he had awoken, he promptly decided that it was time to get something to drink. His throat felt dry, and something from deep inside told him that it would not be a good idea to continue exploring with a dry throat.

Despite his species, being one of the most cunning and fearsome carnivores ever now, he would not be as intimidating if he couldn't let out a dangerous roar or a frightening shriek.

Uh... Wait... Where did that come from? Why... did I think of this so specifically?

The thoughts inside his mind started racing again as he abruptly stopped walking, but with a quick shake of his head they were gone as quickly as they had come.

Doesn't matter. I'm just really thirsty. And, come to think of it... a bit hungry, too... Figures... Would've been too much to ask for that goddamn stone to at least leave me with some food and water in my body, right? Urgh... Well, let's see if that new nose of mine can lead me to some water...

Sniff. Sniff. Sniff.

Hmm... Is that... what water really smells like? Seems like it. I guess I'll see... Doesn't 'smell' far away...

With that, he started moving again through this prehistoric land, and despite his horrendously slow pace for a dromaeosaur it didn't take him long to find the source of the scent he followed. The scent of clean water was something deeply refreshing, something that made him cool down inside even thinking about it.

Coming to a halt before his destination, he relaxed noticeably. His incredible sense of smell had led him to a sizeable pond, which was connected to a tiny waterfall by a short torrent that disappeared under a small rock formation some distance away. A beautiful little place, all in all. He didn't care much about the beauty of it, though, as he ran as fast as he could with his new body and immersed himself in the fresh, reasonably cool water. However, as much as he would have liked to clean himself first, quenching his thirst had a much bigger priority.

And that's right where the next problems started coming up, when he simply tried to drink. Awkwardly having almost all the water escape from his oral cavity he quickly came to realize that he was not able to drink anymore like he had been able to as a human.

Ah, yeah... right... I have a snout now... or beak... No actual lips... Can't even move my jaw left or right...

So he carefully imitated how he had seen dinosaurs drink in documentaries or movies, or even the casual bird. Lowering his muzzle into the water, using his long tongue to guide it into his mouth, and then tilting his head backwards to swallow it down. A lengthy process that cost him a lot of nerves, but ultimately satisfying nonetheless. It felt like a soothing eternity to him, just taking sip after sip of this life essence and feeling the cool sensation wash off the dirt most of his feathers had been covered with after lying in the mud for so long.

There... Much better. That's the easy part done...

It was only when he was finished drinking and swiftly washing himself that another thought crossed his mind.

Ok, now... How exactly do I look like? What... I suppose, genus, exactly, am I now?

Carefully, he left the water, gave his soaked feathers a few clumsy shakes and waited for the mostly clear liquid to settle down again so that he could get a good look at himself. He now realized that the moon hung noticeably lower in the sky, giving the light a near perfect path to create the desired reflection on the water surface, despite some mud tainting it. It also made him finally see a few glimpses of his new colors. Or rather the color, as his feathers only had one real color.

And, as shocking as it was to see his new self for the first time, he definitely had to admit that even for the standards of 'raptors' he knew from movies, books and cartoons, he looked pretty imposing.

Black protofeathers covered almost the entirety of his body except of his snout and lower legs, black scutes protecting his feet, and he had a very distinctive golden crest running down from his head, neck and back to about half of his tail, ending in a horizontally spread-out feathering at his tail's tip. His forelimbs were plumed too, long black feathers with golden outlines cresting his 'wings'.

Though, he took the biggest interest in his new size.

He was positively massive, for all he knew. Around four heads taller than the already 194cm tall human he used to be, giving him a new height of what appeared to be between two and a half and three meters, 275cm to his back to be exact, with a length of just over ten meters when fully stretching out his neck, overall making him probably almost twenty times as heavy now, too, he estimated.

So... Taking into consideration this shouldn't even be sodding possible in the first place... Looks like I'm a... I'm a Utahraptor now. A pretty damn big one, I guess... Huh... I suppose I can live with that, but... God, there's nothing left! How in the world did this happen? I don't... I... Well... Looks like I kind of maintained my 'hair' color... That's something...

He tried to smile a little bit as he eyed his crest feathers. His smile immediately fell, however. And not only because all of his momentarily exposed teeth had communicated anything but a happy smile, but also as something at the back of his mind forced him to assess the situation in more detail. The very 'something' that had reminded him of his dire need for some water earlier, only now it was even clearer.

Imposing? Yeah right... I can't even walk straight, don't know what is going on and I'm alone out here. What the hell am I supposed to do now? Claim a territory? Hunt...? Raptors are pack animals. I don't stand a chance alone... Not me... Oh, but, sure, anyone will take me in! And anyone else will tremble before my feathery arse! Argh! It's no use... I'll have to get used to this body as quickly as possible... And then I'll have to find something to eat, soon... But... what? I guess, maybe after a night's sleep I could search for...

But his somewhat sarcastic self-reflection stopped in a heartbeat as his nose suddenly picked up a faint, but very pungent scent. A scent that was completely unfamiliar to him, unfamiliar to his old human and new raptor self. He couldn't even remotely come up with anything to compare it to, like he had been able to with 'basic' smells of trees and water which appeared to just come natural to him. Only, perhaps, he deduced that it could be another plant of some sort.

A plant whose scent burned in his nostrils, almost painfully so, despite it appearing to only be present in a very small amount.

Hm? What's this now...? What is...?

He sniffed the air another few times, aimlessly turning on the spot, trying to find out where exactly the scent originated from. It didn't work. He couldn't narrow it down. The harder he tried to find the source, the more confusing it got. It appeared to be coming from every direction now. No matter how sophisticated his new sense of smell, he was too unused to such precise tasks. And it did not help at all that he was still on the verge of a mental breakdown, after all these events within the last few hours.

One thing he was certain about, however.

That... almost smells... toxic. But... where is it coming from? And why the hell can I smell a...?

That was when, for a fraction of a second, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed something in the many bushes all around. Two lights, glowing reflections of the moonlight. And just as he had processed that, these two glowing marbles disappeared again.

Instantly, he froze in his perplexed stance.

Was that... a pair of...?

"H-Hello...? Is... Is someone there...?" He sputtered, shivering in discomfort and, frankly, immense fear.

The situation had indeed gotten from just being utterly surreal to a proper life and death scenario so fast, he did not remotely know how to react to any of this. There he stood, frozen like a big, dumb feathery statue, the stinging scent of 'something' nearby, together with what was surely another predatory creature from this time. Whatever happened now, it would be completely out of his hands. And so, numbed by fear, exhaustion and lack of any kind of understanding...

He waited.


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"Damn it! Too slow..." Littlefoot angrily hissed.

By quite possibly one of the worst occurrences of bad luck he had ever had in his lives as a fastbiter and longneck, a Sky Puffy had suddenly moved faster than anticipated, allowing the bright light of the Night Circle to illuminate his eyes just as that stranger looked in his general direction, and before he could pull back his head. Then again, that stranger had impressively enough picked up the scent of the Orange Death before that already, despite the minimal amount. Perhaps it really had been a foolish idea to apply the deadly sap onto his claws, thus amplifying the scent, before any kind of engagement, Littlefoot quickly thought.

Still, none of the would-have-beens or might-have-beens could be of any consolation to him. He knew from experience that there was no such thing as a completely foolproof plan, and this only confirmed it once more. Either way, he now had to resort to his backup plan, rather similar to his 'emergency plan' which involved alerting the pack by letting out the call for danger. There was no other option.

He had to reveal himself to this outsider head-on and show dominance.

Anything else would definitely result in a violent outcome. No one liked to be toyed with, certainly not sharpteeth, and it was in every single case better to get one's point and message across directly, if necessary. Clear stances were always preferable. But, he needed to be very careful regardless. He still did not know exactly what that interloper was doing here, if they were truly alone or what their next move involved, after all. And, perhaps most importantly, since the stranger had just taken a rather extensive bath, Littlefoot had no scents to pick up and analyze, hence he was not even able to determine if this was a male or female fastbiter. The size of this unknown fastbiter and them standing downwind added to the equation truly turned this into a highly volatile situation.

He was at a definite disadvantage. What that stranger had in sheer magnitude and positioning, though, Littlefoot had on his claws in form of the Orange Death. For the time being, this would be enough leverage to negate everything against him.

I hope it's enough to fully deter them... I don't wish death by this stuff on anyone... Here goes...

It was only now, with a made up mind, that he abruptly jumped out of his cover and into the clearing, letting the light of the Night Circle deliberately illuminate his brown feathers, red crest and glowing red eyes. The stranger let out an audible gasp and did little else but stare at him as Littlefoot finally revealed himself in all his menacingness and slowly began his approach, an emotionless look on his face and the Orange Death on his claws. Not out for blood, but for answers.

For now.

Taunt's gaze sunk, slowly, from the skies until it met the green-eyed look of his yellow-feathered mate in front of him. Things just could not ever go smoothly and silently in this pack, he figured, with an expectant sigh already leaving his mouth. He liked it this way, of course. On most occasions. After all, he was so often the very reason for this special alacrity not many other fastbiter packs possessed.

Though, sometimes, this was also to his detriment.

"Then why me see Seeker heading towards loud sharptooth shout?"

As the pack's designated flyer's words, which came right after Taunt had finished relaying to his mate what Littlefoot told him, echoed in his ears once more, he knew that this was one of those times.

Now, he knew just too well what would be coming next...

Oh, well, it was about time again anyway. Taunt briefly thought.

"He did WHAT?!" His mate yelled in indignation, quite her usual manner.

Everyone in the pack trusted Littlefoot with their lives, but that did not mean he was completely infallible, let alone untouchable. And ever since that one time, long ago, where he had decided to reveal his change into a sharptooth to his father all by himself, without any help from his pack, without wanting them to even know about it to be exact, he rarely tried something this bold without his pack's consent again.

Until now, apparently. Which made a certain female, Littlefoot's effective second-in-command and one of his longest-time friends, rather unpleased.

"What the crap were you thinking, following that order?! You're damn lucky the others are already sleeping! Ponder would've slapped the stripes off your ass!"

"Aw, come on!" Taunt retorted, acting as if actually offended by what defined his entire relationship with her. "The heck was I supposed to do? I asked to come with him but he was so concerned about the..."

"You should be concerned about my claws if you don't turn right back now and show me where he went off to!"

"Alright, alright! I'll show you... But, if we find out there was nothing to all this..." He demonstratively leaned forwards so much that his snout touched hers for a moment, smirking deviously. Deep inside of him there was perhaps still a hint of concern and doubt in Littlefoot's plan, but when confronted by his mate like that Taunt just couldn't help himself keeping it all buried. "You better prepare for the coming days, dear."

"Hmpf!" Was everything the female gave in dismissive response as she easily pushed her mate back and snorted hot air in his face. She couldn't care less if Taunt made her life more difficult than it ever should be with his constant pranks, over the next time. Not when, in her mind, the leader of their pack had once more engaged in a horrendously dumb undertaking.

She then nodded forwards and gestured for the hovering flyer above to provide assistance as well. There was no further discussion, perfect consensus. Right after that wordless order, the three pack members swiftly moved out.

What are you doing? Don't stand there like that! Yield! I don't want to use this stuff on you!

With every slow step in his combat posture Littlefoot was getting closer and closer to the black fastbiter. And with each step, he felt more and more uncomfortable. He had expected a lot of things to happen, everything from attack to escape and in between, yet for the stranger to not react at all...

Something was indeed very off here. But he was curious now. Extremely cautious, but nonetheless curious. And when he finally stopped, around half his own length away from the stranger, even his last thought about a potential fight was gone. Only at this close distance he could finally pick up some of the scents and see why the black fastbiter, another male, acted this way.

He was shaking ever so slightly, petrified with fear, clawed forelimbs held close to his body and sickle claws almost buried in the ground. This whole stance looked not even submissive, but utterly helpless, almost as if that sharptooth had hatched this very night, had never seen another one of his kind before.

However, Littlefoot would certainly not drop his guard at the sight of those silly antics. Curious as he may have been now, it just did not make any sense. Before him stood a full-grown fastbiter who was even bigger than him, in every aspect. Bigger claws, bigger teeth, et cetera. And he knew what that meant. Bigger meant more dangerous. It was just how things worked with sharpteeth. There was a reason why two-footers were the unchallenged, and often most dangerous, rulers throughout the lands.

He decided to try and provoke a reaction, give the stranger one last chance to explain himself before he would have to face more drastic measures. And when Littlefoot took another daunting step in his direction, the other fastbiter flinched heavily, almost falling over, and finally spoke up.

"Please... I... Don't kill me... I don't know... I..."

Littlefoot was seriously taken aback by this kind of response. That, coming from the massive fastbiter, was honest fear and terror through his shaky voice and widely opened eyes.

He's... afraid of me? That much? He quickly noted to himself, but he still wanted an answer as to why this sharptooth had invaded his pack's territory like that.

"Who are you? And what are you doing in our territory? Answer me!" He demanded from the stranger in a grave tone, raising a foot. This was to show off his claws and to indicate that he would be about to come closer, should he not receive a satisfactory answer.

A short while of silence followed, in which the black fastbiter audibly gulped before opening his mouth again. He seemed not even to notice that obvious threat display from Littlefoot.

"I... I don't know! I... kind of... just... woke up nearby... and..."

"Stop lying to me!" Came Littlefoot's immediate, angered response. "That was your voice earlier, wasn't it? Now, what are you still doing in our territory? Answer! I won't ask again."

Having said that he finished his move from earlier, coming closer to the other sharptooth. Now he was within range of a lethal attack. One jump, and it would be over for the interloper.

"No! Please! You have to believe me! I'm... I'm sorry if I'm in your territory! I will leave! I didn't mean to be here! Just... please don't kill me! I... I don't know how I got here! The..." He paused again, very briefly, hectically searching his stressed mind for something to say. He found nothing reasonable or logical. Only the highly ridiculous truth, or at least what he remembered as the truth. Even that was possibly some insane hallucination, at this point. As he spoke up, he was almost sure that these would be his last few words. "The... The last thing I remember is that I touched some sort of... some sort of... glowing stone."

Littlefoot instantly hopped back to a more safe distance for both of them and lowered his claws, tilting his head slightly.

"What...? Explain. What 'glowing stone'?"

"A meteorite! It... It fell from the sky and... I touched it and... then I woke up here... like this... I know, this must sound..."

"Did it glow blue?" Littlefoot interrupted the stranger. He had no clue what a 'meteorite' was specifically, but he did understand what the stranger had meant with that word. He did know all too well.

"It... Hey... Yes, how did you know that?" The black fastbiter responded in massive surprise.

Littlefoot almost fainted after hearing this. He saw his whole life flash before his eyes. His happy days as a little longneck together with his four leaf-eater friends, those being a threehorn, a swimmer, a flyer and a spiketail, and then his two friends with the opposite tendency, namely a two-footer youngling and a fastrunner, right up until now where he was the leader of a fastbiter pack with the exact same six friends, many more companions and even their own children.

Except that everyone was a sharptooth now. And that had all started with a wish on a blue glowing stone. The Stone of Cold Fire. And also, it was only now that he consciously realized that the big fastbiter had feathers, just like himself and those of his friends that had been changed by the Stone.

"You... are not the only one with wishes... Sit. We need to talk." He finally offered.

The black fastbiter gasped again, this time out of surprise, but obeyed without hesitation, laid down on his haunches and shifted uneasily on his behind, which made Littlefoot faintly raise his tail in amusement.

That... looks familiar... It's been a long time since that day... He thought to himself as he sat down as well.

"Tell me about it. All of it. How did that happen to you?"

The stranger took a deep breath and began to retell what had happened to him over the last few hours, although there wasn't really much to say.

"If anything's happened to him, I swear, Taunt, I'm going to rip your spleen out. For real, this time!"

"Relax! You honestly think someone would scream to announce an attack in the night? No need to worry, I'm telling you!"

"For your own sake, I hope so! Now shut up and move!"

"Bah! You started it!"

"... and then... I woke up from that dream, here. In... your territory, it seems. I... was a raptor and my head felt like it had been hit by a mountain... and when I started smelling things it knocked me right back out. I've never experienced anything like it. I... came back to my senses to the sight of the moon, and then couldn't even walk properly. I mean, I used to walk on two legs but... not like this, you know?"

Although he still kept a safe distance to the stranger and was ready for potentially anything, Littlefoot was highly intrigued by now. For these words were solid evidence that he couldn't be lying. Nobody that did not have their life twisted around like he and his friends had would know what this had been like. The black fastbiter had used some rather strange words like 'meteorite', 'raptor', 'dream' or 'moon', which could've been so much easier spoken as 'flying rock', 'fastbiter', 'sleep story' or 'Night Circle', but he didn't pay that much heed.

After all, the change to the predator Littlefoot now was went pretty much exactly like that, so he let him continue.

"But... I think all of this is a big problem. This... This is a mistake. I shouldn't be here. I don't even know how I got here, but if this place is what I think it is, I'm a... huge danger. And since I don't think there happens to be... like... a time machine around..."

"Whoa, slow down now. I understand that you appear to talk differently than others here, but now you're not even making sense. Why are you a danger? And what is this 'time' thing?" Littlefoot asked in confusion. "Actually sounds like something the rainbowfaces would say..."

The addition to his sentence was more muttered to himself than actually spoken aloud, but the black fastbiter seemed to have heard it regardless.

"Well, that's hard to explain, but... Wait... Uhm, if you don't mind, what are 'rainbowfaces'?"

"A rainbowface is a rainbowface." Littlefoot said while tilting his head again, asking himself how the stranger could not understand this simple name for a very common and widespread kind of dinosaur. "They're good friends of us, incredibly smart, although nobody really understands them. They are star people, after all."

"'Star people'?" The black Utahraptor thought aloud, unable to suppress a little chuckle. At least until he realized that the brown Utahraptor must have been quite serious with his statement. And this made him realize something else. If it was actually true what the other raptor had said, those 'rainbowfaces' could very well be the solution to his predicament. He didn't exactly believe in 'aliens' in the classic sense, but since he was already talking to a dinosaur, a dinosaur who appeared to have a history himself with the same stone he had encountered, he figured that his past judgement on those things would have to make way. "You're serious? Is there... Is there a chance for me to meet them? I... I just have to!"

Littlefoot could only muster him in a mix of disbelief and surprise.

"Me see them!"

"Them?! Who exactly?!"

"It Seeker! He not hurt! But... there be other sharptooth! Big sharptooth!"

"Listen, this is not that easy. You would have to travel to the Valley, quite a ways away from here. And then you'd still have to learn leaf-eater. Unless you'd like to get stomped by the residents as soon as they spot you. They don't really like sharpteeth. Why do you want to talk to them anyway? You don't even know them or what they are, I see. And neither do they know you."

Leaf-eater? He's talking about that as if it was some sort of language... I guess it is. So... we're talking... 'sharptooth' right now then, I assume? Carnivore language? The black raptor quickly thought about the other male's words.

"You, uh, could just teach me that 'leaf-eater' and show me the way to that... 'Valley', couldn't you? Or know someone who could? And, well... I'd like to meet them because, uhm... Uh... Ah, forget it. Too complicated to explain. It doesn't really matter for now..." He answered in a depressed tone, as he was far too aware that a mere dinosaur would never be able to understand his past life, nor would it be able to understand that a mass extinction would sometime 'soon' occur. But surely those rainbowfaces would, whatever they actually were. However, there was another problem. And this one was far more immediate. "But... If this isn't too much to ask... I think I need your help for now. I am... was... not exactly a trained hunter, so, uhm... Yeah..."

Littlefoot's mouth hung wide agape after hearing all this, but before he could even think about giving an answer, loud rustling could be heard from behind him.

Just moments later, the black raptor had yet another rather unsettling sight to behold. A brown Cearadactylus male hovered above the brown raptor's head now, its talons extended and ready to engage, and two other Utahraptors, an orange male with black stripes, surprisingly without any feathering whatsoever, and a yellow female with an orange crest, took defensive positions to either side of the dinosaur who had found him.

All three of them looked at him with the highest of intensities. The air suddenly got too thick to cut.

"Well, looks like someone just could not help herself..." Littlefoot immediately spoke up, in a faintly jocular fashion. He followed this up by tapping on the ground with his tail, signaling for the others to stand down. "He isn't dangerous. At ease."

Everyone kept glaring at the black raptor for a while longer, claws still raised. To him, though, it felt like he already had their combined weaponry at his throat. This did not get better when the female raptor stepped forward and exchanged a long series of looks with the brown-feathered male. And the only thing he retorted with was a single nod, before he turned back to the black ball of feathers, who at this point really had nothing more to say for himself. On top of everything, he was now forced to wonder if the brown raptor even had the rank to give out orders. For all he knew, the female here could've been the actual pack leader, or at least the one with the highest authority. She certainly had the qualifications, just by judging her whole demeanor, he figured.

And then it all went really fast. The yellow raptor moved back, next to the orange male, the brown male standing up. The black raptor remained prone as three Utahraptors and a Cearadactylus mustered him, remaining silent. He closed his eyes, shivering again. This couldn't be good...

"Please excuse my friends, but you're not exactly a calming sight to encounter in the night. At least, when one does not know you. Speaking of which, perhaps we should get acquainted now, shouldn't we? Welcome to the Lowlands. I am Seeker." Littlefoot then officially introduced himself to the stranger, keeping his head high but nevertheless offering a customary nod.

The black raptor's eyes had already sprung open again, but even that didn't help him grasp that his end shouldn't be here and now after all.

"Me Spotter! Greetings!" Then came the disciplined, yet nonetheless happy introduction from the flyer, Petrie, who seemed to have relaxed every single muscle in his body after hearing his leader's assessment.

The yellow fastbiter was next to react. She, on the other hand, didn't act quite as friendly, instead letting out an annoyed grunt. It was quite easily discernible that she didn't really like 'acting nice' in front of newcomers.

"Stern Claw." Cera offered in a simplistic manner, her yellow feathers still puffed up to make her appear larger. She then took it on herself to proceed, as she gestured at the orange fastbiter to her left. "And that insufferable ankle-biter is Taunt."

"You two... are mates, am I right...?"

The black raptor only noticed the possible insult in that when his tongue had already slipped. For another moment, the air around him heated up to painful levels. But as soon as he saw and heard Littlefoot and Petrie chuckle mildly, as best as he could interpret their reactions, he knew that comments like these wouldn't get him killed just yet.

And Littlefoot swore never to forget the looks on Taunt's and Cera's faces alike. He certainly appreciated the quick uptake and sheer guts on this black fastbiter, even if this comment had been nothing more than a thought that left his stressed mind unfiltered. Regardless, he gave both of their flanks a mild prod with his tail to ensure tranquility. This done, he focused back on the stranger.

"So, this leaves you. What's your name?"

This question, probably the simplest question of them all, hit the black raptor harder than any of Littlefoot's interrogatories earlier. He tried to tell them his name. His old name. His human name. The name that had accompanied him for over 20 years across multiple countries and pronunciations.

But he couldn't.

He had quickly settled with the fact that he was now able to speak in an alien language by default, which seemed to be the language shared by all carnivores. And his thoughts were mostly untouched by this, there was no constant growling, hissing and snarling in his mind. However, for some odd reason he could not pronounce own name. It was like he never knew it. He couldn't even think of it.

Hesitantly, after helplessly looking at everyone in the forlorn quest for an answer, he spoke again.

"I... I... I don't know."

"Oh, for...! Please, not another one like..." Came the groaned response from Cera before another nudge from Littlefoot's tail silenced her outburst. The particular glider she meant by that was simply not worth her nerves anyway, she figured in hindsight.

But the black raptor didn't react to that, still searching through his mind for who he really was. It was only now, when tried to search in his more recent memories, that he recalled the strange voice that had appeared in his dream. That voice had definitely called him by a name, though certainly not the one he used to carry.

What did it say again?

"But... you could call me... Specter. It's... It's an honor to meet all of you." He respectfully finished once he remembered.

Specter... I'll have to get used to that...

As the four sharpteeth were traveling back to their sleeping area with their new acquaintance, he couldn't help but feel great uncertainty about the path that would lie ahead of him. They were walking in formation. Cera and Taunt at the front with Specter walking slightly behind both of them. Petrie kept an eye on him from above while Littlefoot volunteered to walk closely behind.

Ugh... I feel like I'm being walked to my execution. Claws left, right, above and behind... Do they really think I could harm them? Specter thought to himself while eyeing the two predators in front of him. Hmm... I guess they are only reasonable. I would probably do the same in their positions.

He didn't know why Littlefoot was so eager to be guarding their rear, though. At this point he was dead certain that he was the pack's alpha, the leader. And leaders usually walked in the first line. Leaders usually led. It didn't make much sense to him.

The brown fastbiter, however, knew exactly what he was doing.

Alright, maybe now I can make sure...

Littlefoot sniffed a few times at the tall sharptooth in front of him. While he did not have much reason to distrust Specter any longer, making absolutely sure about his words would not hurt. If not for himself then at least for the rest of the pack. However, he was aware that he couldn't check for everything. Scents did not work that way. And since Specter's feathers had only very recently dried off, most of the scents he had emitted when explaining himself were long since gone.

Still, with what little remained to pick up, Littlefoot would be glad to confirm his good will.

So, what do we have? Fastbiter... Of our kind... Huh, interesting... And I thought I grew quite large... Male, young adult, healthy, unmated... Nothing seemed out of the ordinary with him. Again. But he wanted to inquire further. Feels lost, still a bit angry but a lot less than before, nervous, concerned... bits of fear, still... and...

That was the scent he was looking for. He had mustered Specter with inquisitive eyes for the whole walk, analyzing every single move and every feeling he could sense, and it was only now that his expression softened up a lot. The scent was barely noticeable, as nobody had spoken a single word since they had begun the journey back to their home. But it was still there, ever so faintly. And he didn't care if this method was quite inaccurate. It would do for the night.

Littlefoot smiled again.


When the group finally reached the sleeping area, 20 pairs of glowing eyes of many different colors were looking right at Specter, with another one sternly staring at the pack leader.

Oh dear, I should have known... Taunt and Stern Claw and their subtlety... Now to explain this to Ponder and the rest... Littlefoot thought, with mental sigh.

Specter could only roll his own eyes, as he knew he would have some more explaining to do.

THIS is the pack? Holy crap. This is like Jurassic Park all over... Except that... there are no humans any more... and that I'm one of the raptors now... and this is Jurassic, no, probably Cretaceous World...

To his great surprise, though, the pack seemingly agreed to talk this through at a later point, which gave him much relief. Even though they had done that in another language apparently, a strange language he couldn't understand. He wondered for but a moment if this had been a conversation in leaf-eater, but he was far too confused and tired to ponder this, or reflect his change again. The friendly nod from Littlefoot afterwards that everything was alright and that he was off the hook, this was everything Specter wanted to see. He returned the gesture and then slowly trotted off by himself.

Still an empathic and respectful being, he knew that 'impolite' would not even have been the right word to describe his intentions, had he decided to sleep right next to such a big pack of Utahraptors he barely knew. The fact that every one of them apparently had children didn't make this whole situation any better for him.

He was in a very peculiar position indeed.

With these final thoughts he soon found his sleeping spot too, a few hundred meters away in a clearing between some large bushes, and quickly dismissed all of his concerns and fears. Although he could forsee already that the next day would bring quite some more turmoil into his life.

And it would only get harder from there.


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Excellent! Really excellent! Don't have anything deep or insightful to say at the moment, I just finished reading and feel like I need to digest it all :smile
Really enjoying the story so far, though! And now I need to go read the Seven Hunters to get up to speed  :lol


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Quote from: DarkWolf91,Jun 20 2016 on  03:27 AM
Excellent! Really excellent! Don't have anything deep or insightful to say at the moment, I just finished reading and feel like I need to digest it all :smile
Really enjoying the story so far, though! And now I need to go read the Seven Hunters to get up to speed :lol
Why thank you! I'm really happy you find a liking to it thus far! :)
The next chapter is already finished and posted, actually, but on the FanFiction site. It always takes me some time, and most often the right mood, to reformat the text and post it here, too. So, if you're interested, you could head over to read Chapter 27 already. ;)

That being said, a few parts of this version here are a little outdated by now, which is because updating here takes an awful lot of time, since I can't just copy the text over. Again, this is because I have to reformat every bold or italic passage.

And finally, yes, I wholeheartedly recommend you reading the original story by Rhombus. :)