The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Ask The Gang - SketchingScorpion


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Littlefoot: Hey Guys!

Littlefoot: So I, err, that guy drawing me had this idea lately...

Littlefoot: But for a more detailed description, see down there!

Ask The Gang - SketchingScorpion

I had this idea recently when I was just sketching some random LBT stuff. Why not also show these, most of them probably never get finished, but it is a good practice and it also is a pretty fun way to me to get ideas for stuff that might once be complete drawings.
But showing sketches that might never even be finished gives very little to comment about, so I wanted to make it at least a little bit more exciting.

Apart from sketches, I will also post sketches of the Gang (and also pretty much every other dinosaur existing in LBT) answering questions. What questions? Well...yours. :D

So probably once a week I will check this topic for questions and make some quick drawings about them. To make some things clear beforehand, I'll give some general "rules" that should be considered:

If you want a specific character to answer a question, name that character.
You can ask whatever you want, but I'll keep this whole thing safe. So if you ask something weird, I'll either won't pick it and if I do, I try to make it funny or something.
In general, don't be disappointed because I won't pick your question. I still do this for fun only, so yeah. If you want to see something answered, try to make the question creative or fun or interesting. :)
If you don't want to ask in public, just shoot me a pm and you'll be named "anonymous", should I answer your question.

- that's all for now, more might come if I have more experience with this at some point -

As I said before, apart from this "Ask" stuff, there will be mostly sketches. No masterpieces, all pictures you see in this topic right now took probably each less than 5 minutes to make and it will be kept that way. My other art thread in here and the other one in the "The Arts" sections will remain the ones where finished stuff ends up.

Now I'll just give the word back to Littlefoot who was so kind to give me a better introduction. There you go.

Littlefoot: So now you all know what you need - and I'm off playing, my friends call me. Bye!

Hey, wait, there is a first question already, but it's not coming from here, it's coming from there.[/align]

Quote from: moonred4000 on  
Do you guys like those large falling rocks

Littlefoot: Do you have any IDEA how annoying that can be at times?![/align]

He dashed away to play now.

Okay then, that's it for the start. I'm really excited to see where this will be going. :)
Oh, about that answered question: That one came out of a chat group I'm in, but it will be an exception, from now on only GOF users questions will be answered. :)



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He waited until Ali resurfaced. Then, beginning to get short on air, he quickly swam upwards until he was right underneath Ali who didn't notice him, looking above the surface instead. Performing a somersault, Littlefoot, in the middle of the move, stuck out his tail towards Ali and gently touched her underbelly.
"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Ali screamed; something had touched her.

You haven't read "Shorty's Dark Past" by Ducky123 yet? This is a scene out of said fanfic, and I totally recommend you reading it. :)
Here's a link:

The Anonymous Person

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A very fun idea. Sort of like a new version of "Ask the Characters". Cool sketches too, even though they only took a few minutes to complete.  :yes

Anyways, I shalt ask someone a question...

Petrie: On average, how many times a day do you crash into something while flying?


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Ali, where do eggs come from?
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Quote from: Ducky123,Oct 26 2015 on  04:03 AM
Ali, where do eggs come from?


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Yes I know this is a fanart thread, but I feel like some words might not be out of place for this. I'll try and make it short and sweet though.

I am not an artist, and I'm not a professional when it comes to drawing. I'm a guy messing around with pencils, as my signature is saying on deviantart, that was trying to be professional. And that...does not really work out for me.
My drawings are full of smaller or bigger mistakes, it takes me way too long to finish anything and don't even ask me about perspective because..again, I'm not a professional. And trying to be is not really fun to me, but fun is the biggest motivation I have when it comes to drawing.

So, to get that fun back, I'll stop with the wannabe professional stuff now, which means less pictures with full blown backgrounds and way too much work on details, LOADS of sketches and funny/random ideas. These things will not be perfect, they'll have issues and so on, but I had fun making these, and that is what matters the most to me.
I will still finish something every now and then, but it'll be simple stuff probably (like my avatar for example), and won't happen that often compared to me sketching stuff. I'm pretty much sketching something everyday. :)littlefoot
Enough with the rambling, now have some sketches so you have an idea what to expect. I will also post sketches in my art thread in the visual art section from now on, I don't think a 2nd topic will be needed for that.

Also, I will be doing the "ask the gang" drawings again, so keep them questions coming. :)littlefoot


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The Lone Dragon

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Hey Ducky where has your father been all this time?
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Yes I know this is a fanart thread, but I feel like some words might not be out of place for this. I'll try and make it short and sweet though.

I am not an artist, and I'm not a professional when it comes to drawing. I'm a guy messing around with pencils, as my signature is saying on deviantart, that was trying to be professional. And that...does not really work out for me.
My drawings are full of smaller or bigger mistakes, it takes me way too long to finish anything and don't even ask me about perspective because..again, I'm not a professional. And trying to be is not really fun to me, but fun is the biggest motivation I have when it comes to drawing.

So, to get that fun back, I'll stop with the wannabe professional stuff now, which means less pictures with full blown backgrounds and way too much work on details, LOADS of sketches and funny/random ideas. These things will not be perfect, they'll have issues and so on, but I had fun making these, and that is what matters the most to me.
I will still finish something every now and then, but it'll be simple stuff probably (like my avatar for example), and won't happen that often compared to me sketching stuff. I'm pretty much sketching something everyday. :)littlefoot
Enough with the rambling, now have some sketches so you have an idea what to expect. I will also post sketches in my art thread in the visual art section from now on, I don't think a 2nd topic will be needed for that.

You don't have to draw a certain way to be an artist. The way I see it, being an artist is taking a lifelong journey, regardless of the stage of the journey you're at at any given moment. I feel like I'm just as much of an artist now as I was when I was 13, and just starting to draw anime. I have just logged a few more hours into it at this point ;)

I was actually thinking about this the other day. Every now and then I'll come across a really great piece of art and get a twang of artist's envy, but the other day when this happened I asked myself something I'd never asked before- Do I really want to draw like that person? And I surprised myself with a resounding "no!" My art is far from perfect, but I love and enjoy what I do, and my skills represent the unique combinations of study and experience I've amassed in my life. For me, to wish to draw like someone else would be like wishing to live somebody else's life. I will always continue to practice and push my art in new directions, but never with the goal of having it approach some abstract ideal. I'm much happier when it surprises me, and it often does!

Haha anyway, enjoy my rambling :smile I'm glad to hear that you are going back to what you enjoy most, as that's very important. These three sketches you've posted are wonderful, and actually appeal to me very much! I am a huge fan of quiet, subtle stories, and these speak volumes :yes


  • Spike
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I totally agree, Darkwolf. As this is just a hobby which means that I can do whatever I want, that's what I'll go with from now on. Even if that means that the stuff I do won't look good anymore. I do believe that people notice if it someone enjoys what he's doing, even if what comes out of it is far from a masterpiece.

Also, a question? Let's see what Ducky has to say then, hm?

Quote from: The Lone Dragon on  
Hey Ducky where has your father been all this time?



Will we ever find out what's the truth? Who knows...


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:DD  :DD  :DD  :DD  :DD

Ducky, what do you dream at night? (I'm curious what you'll do with this one :smile)

(as for your rambling, I totally get where you're coming from)
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Nice sketches of Ducky.

And I like that one of Littlefoot and Ali looking over the great valley.


  • Spike
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Thanks for the comments. :)littlefoot

Quote from: Ducky123 on  
Ducky, what do you dream at night?



There is a reason why she's always sleeping next to Spike. :D


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Reminds me of a certain chapter of the Swimmer Trials, haha :D Good one :)
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:lol  :lol

Quote from: Dalekdino,Oct 27 2015 on  02:30 PM
Hey Cera, ever met any boy three horns?
Quote from: Sneak,Oct 26 2015 on  12:11 PM
Littlefoot: How often do you persuade gang to travel to Mysterious Beyond?


  • Spike
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Quote from: RockingScorpion on  
In general, don't be disappointed because I won't pick your question. I still do this for fun only, so yeah. If you want to see something answered, try to make the question creative or fun or interesting.

Sometimes I just don't get ideas that I wanna draw and that's the case for these two questions. Just to make things clear here.

This topic also kinda relies on you guys, so if you have ideas for questions, just toss them in here. The more there are, the better the chance that my inspiration will come up with something for one of them. :D

Got another sketch ready.

Fans who know about this stuff might recognize where I got the idea, but I'll explain anyway. :D
It's one of the scenes from the first movie that we never got to see, Ducky finding the berries to get Spike away from his spot.