The Gang of Five
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Real Time between the original and the last sequel


  • Ducky
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You have way to much time on your hands. And yeah that sounds accurate I guess.


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I would very like if somebody else make discussion here. :D


also, one more question about age: What do you think, how much is Petrie younger than Littlefoot, Cera and Ducky?

Why I think he's younger? Well, I considered two facts:
- He hadn't birth scene at the beginnig of LBT1. that could mean authors forgot about it, or this also could mean Petrie didn't hatch at that year.
- I always wonder how he couldn't fly in his age! Even if it was made for plot and pun or something... Srsl, if you has the same age as others (5 years), and still you are not flyer but faller... Hah, even that  bunch of flyers with that berry could fly, but Petrie couldn't? Maybe he was very sick and weak in his early childhood or something, but five years...

So, I think he was 4 or 3 years old at the time of first movie.


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I wouldn't bet on the possibility that Petrie is younger than the others. His inability to fly would be another thing to analyze in more detail as it likely had a profound effect on the Migration of the flier herd. Thinking more about it, how did his family move around at all if one of them couldn't fly?  :blink: As for the lack of his birth scene, the explanation could probably be as sad as that Bluth found him a rather generic comical relief character and thought that there was no reason to deepen his character.  :(petrie

As for the timeline, there have been some before and your analysis about the subject is as good as any. For example, there's no reason to believe there was one-year gap between the first and second movie. There might be but unless Universal decides to introduce a solid time frame, these analyses have to rely on guesses sometimes.

13 years is probably a bit much for the Gang's age. NewOrder's claim of about nine years seems a bit more probable even if you may may also be right. Also, I never thought Ruby was younger than Littlefoot, Cera and Ducky. What made you think so?


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Bluth didn't include Petrie's scene because he was comic character? O_o orly? XD

Yeah, I think I should explain my point and analysis that were created in subway. :D

I think dinosaurs lay eggs in the same season, right after cold times (something like every-year "Mating time"). So, I consider events of LBT1 (Spike's birth),LBT2 (Chomper's birth),LBT12 (Tricia's birth), LBT14 (Ducky's new siblings' birth) happen in the same season.

Good question: How much time has passed between LBT1 and LBT2? Several days or one year, since events happen in the same season, during hatchlings time? Well...
- Since Spike hatched during events of LBT1, I consider "hatchlings season" ended for year.
- Gang and their parents and their herds know main "showplaces" of valley very good.
- Herds... They hold on together. (heh) After first movie... They live, and they act together, protecting valley.
- If Spike was still newborn, I don't think adopted parents would let him walk far away from them.
- At the end of movie, we saw Spike and newborn spiketails. Just compare their sizes. (yes, I remember that strong confusion about newborn Spike's size in first movie. But still...)
These facts make me think there was 1-year gap between first and second movies.

Next: Chomper was born when The most of gang members were 6 years old. For me, in LBT5, he looks quite younger than 5-years old dinosaur, and in TV series and flashback episodes he looks like 5-years old and a bit older. That means: in LBT5, littlefoot was at least 8 years old, and at the beginning of TV series, Littlefoot was at least 11 years old.

Next: Considering events of some particular tv episodes and LBT14, at least two cold times have passed since Ruby and Chomper entered the valley. It means, Littlefoot is 13 years old minimum.

Also, Tricia is still small in TV episodes.

Considering all facts, I built some first boundaries:


And then I just had to place the rest of movies between LBT2, LBT5, LBT12. After analysis of the rest facts from all movies (fire in the valley, attack of insects, flood, tree sweets, Bron's visits, etc. and etc.), I placed the rest of years and its seasons.

About Ruby's age... Well, I considered episodes "Star day celebration" and "Returning to hanging rock". Remembering Ruby's flashbacks about parents and LITTLE siblings. Comparing her size...
After years, I decided for myself: I would think she is younger then some members of gang. Experience of life in Mysterious Beyond made her elder.

how did his family move around at all if one of them couldn't fly?
Me think Mama's back was so nice as Flathead's head!
If you know what I mean.

Dr. Rex

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First post in a while, so I'm missing out on stuff. But yeah, this is pretty good research. Not sure if I can agree with even AT LEAST one year passing, though; the characters' looks don't seem to reflect that.

Guess it comes with the quality of a cash-cow franchise.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Littlefoot and his friends are acting waaaaaaaay too silly in LBT 14 to be 13 year old dinosaurs, at least if we assume that the process of growing-up happens in the same time-frame as it does for us humans :p

It's pretty hard to come up with a timeline since there are little to no things hinting at a timeline. The sizes of characters aren't consistant throughout the movies (especially in comparison to their parents) either :p

So I think your analysis could be as wrong as it could be right ^^spike

Personally, judging by their behavior, they are acting like primary school aged children throughout the series so that's where I place them age-wise... throughout the series :p
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I know. It is such cartoon type where age doesn't play major role. Characters are forever in their age. Almost... Because we have a little age difference between first and last movies. And we have such character as Chomper.


Actually, I made this almost pointless research for myself personally and my personal fanuniverse. ;)
Now I know when characters would grow up and move to next step. Now I see the year when Pterano can return to Valley. Now I know when Tricia can start to talk. Etc. Etc.
I am fine with that. :)


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oh lol...

Today, when I was going to shopping mall, I suddenly realized: I am idiot!!! :o

I told before that I suppose dinosaur families lay eggs only in single time period of year, right after cold times, but I put Ruby's starday in autumn!!! D:

Also, after watching Starday Celebration and Return to hanging rock episodes now, I rethought about Ruby's age again.

So, here's fixed data:


YEAR 0 SPRING: Beginnig of LBT1. Littlefoot, Cera and Ducky are born.

YEAR 1 SPRING: Petrie is born.

YEAR 3 SPRING: Ruby is born.

YEAR 5 SPRING: Ending of LBT1. Spike is born.

YEAR 6 SPRING: Events of LBT2. Chomper is born.

YEAR 6 SUMMER: Events of LBT3.

YEAR 7 SUMMER: Events of LBT4.

YEAR 8 AUTUMN: Events of LBT5.

YEAR 9 SPRING: Ending scene of LBT5.

YEAR 9 SUMMER: Events of LBT6.

YEAR 9 AUTUMN: Events of LBT7.

YEAR 9 WINTER: Events of LBT8.

YEAR 10 SPRING: Events of LBT9. Chomper and Ruby meet each other.

YEAR 10 SUMMER: Events of LBT10.

YEAR 10 AUTUMN: Events of LBT11.

YEAR 11 SPRING: Events of LBT12. Bron's first visit. Ruby celebrates her starday with family and Chomper. Bron's first visit.

YEAR 11 AUTUMN: Events of LBT13.

YEAR 12 SPRING: Beginning of LBT Series. Chomper and Ruby leave Mysterious Beyond in Ruby's starday and come to Valley. Bron's second visit and meeting with Chomper.

YEAR 12 SUMMER: Great Giving Celebration and events of "The Lonely Journey" episode.

YEAR 12 AUTUMN: Ruby's starday and events of "The Star Day Celebration" episode.

YEAR 12 WINTER: Events of "The Bright Circle Celebration".

YEAR 13 SPRING: Events of "Forbidden Friendship" episode. Bron's third visit.

YEAR 13 AUTUMN: Bron's fourth visit and events of "The Big Longneck Test" episode.

YEAR 13 WINTER: Events of "Through Eyes of Spiketail" episode.

YEAR 14 SPRING: Events of LBT14. Bron's fifth visit.


(It means Pterano can return this year, since 5 winters have passed. yay! ^^)


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Good news for all Pterano fans then. LBT 15 might be about him  :lol
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Dr. Rex

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Quote from: Snik,Mar 3 2017 on  03:35 PM
oh lol...

Today, when I was going to shopping mall, I suddenly realized: I am idiot!!! :o

I told before that I suppose dinosaur families lay eggs only in single time period of year, right after cold times, but I put Ruby's starday in autumn!!! D:

Also, after watching Starday Celebration and Return to hanging rock episodes now, I rethought about Ruby's age again.

So, here's fixed data:


YEAR 0 SPRING: Beginnig of LBT1. Littlefoot, Cera and Ducky are born.

YEAR 1 SPRING: Petrie is born.

YEAR 3 SPRING: Ruby is born.

YEAR 5 SPRING: Ending of LBT1. Spike is born.

YEAR 6 SPRING: Events of LBT2. Chomper is born.

YEAR 6 SUMMER: Events of LBT3.

YEAR 7 SUMMER: Events of LBT4.

YEAR 8 AUTUMN: Events of LBT5.

YEAR 9 SPRING: Ending scene of LBT5.

YEAR 9 SUMMER: Events of LBT6.

YEAR 9 AUTUMN: Events of LBT7.

YEAR 9 WINTER: Events of LBT8.

YEAR 10 SPRING: Events of LBT9. Chomper and Ruby meet each other.

YEAR 10 SUMMER: Events of LBT10.

YEAR 10 AUTUMN: Events of LBT11.

YEAR 11 SPRING: Events of LBT12. Bron's first visit. Ruby celebrates her starday with family and Chomper. Bron's first visit.

YEAR 11 AUTUMN: Events of LBT13.

YEAR 12 SPRING: Beginning of LBT Series. Chomper and Ruby leave Mysterious Beyond in Ruby's starday and come to Valley. Bron's second visit and meeting with Chomper.

YEAR 12 SUMMER: Great Giving Celebration and events of "The Lonely Journey" episode.

YEAR 12 AUTUMN: Ruby's starday and events of "The Star Day Celebration" episode.

YEAR 12 WINTER: Events of "The Bright Circle Celebration".

YEAR 13 SPRING: Events of "Forbidden Friendship" episode. Bron's third visit.

YEAR 13 AUTUMN: Bron's fourth visit and events of "The Big Longneck Test" episode.

YEAR 13 WINTER: Events of "Through Eyes of Spiketail" episode.

YEAR 14 SPRING: Events of LBT14. Bron's fifth visit.


(It means Pterano can return this year, since 5 winters have passed. yay! ^^)
Sounds like pretty plausible data too.


  • Ducky
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Quote from: Ducky123,Mar 4 2017 on  01:17 AM
Good news for all Pterano fans then. LBT 15 might be about him  :lol
Yeah. He was only sentenced for one year of exile... About darn time that flyer came back, especially since he's been mentioned so many times in the TV series (which technically serves as a prelude to LBT14, since it at the very least explains where Chomper and Ruby came from). :)