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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

F-14 Ace

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Ok, so who has seen it and who plans on seeing it?  I'm going to go see it this coming Tuesday.  Reviews thus far have been overwhelmingly positive and people I know who have already seen it said it's amazing and that it really recaptures the feel and charm of the original trilogy.  All in all, this sounds very promising.  I'm definitely hyped.


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It could be a few weeks before I see this one.  I'll try to catch it by the end of the year.


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i'm going to see it around Christmas
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The Lone Dragon

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I saw it when it came out on the first day and I'll tell you it is Awesome!
It was such a great movie, with topics that one wold not originally expect as well as few prev ideas from org trilogy. I find it was also the right length of time with many scenes emotional as well as amazing action packed scenes. Can't wait for episode 8 to come out. Trying not to spoil it as much as I can.
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I'll pirate it in a year or two (it's safer to wait a few years before downloading something that just came out).  If it's good, I'll buy the blu-ray or something.  Honestly I don't have to have the latest and greatest.  Even as a star wars fan, I can wait a few years.  It's better than wasting $20 on movie tickets and/or buying the movie just to find out its crap.  I do the same thing with games.  I'm still playing new PS3 and Xbox 360 games.  I don't want to waste the money on new stuff when it can be all new to me later down the road for either free or 1/4 the price.

The one exception is LBT movies.  I'll buy LBT 14 as soon as it comes out to show my support.  Even if it's crap, it will be worth the investment.


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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Dec 19 2015 on  12:04 PM
I'll pirate it in a year or two (it's safer to wait a few years before downloading something that just came out).  If it's good, I'll buy the blu-ray or something.  Honestly I don't have to have the latest and greatest.  Even as a star wars fan, I can wait a few years.  It's better than wasting $20 on movie tickets and/or buying the movie just to find out its crap.  I do the same thing with games.  I'm still playing new PS3 and Xbox 360 games.  I don't want to waste the money on new stuff when it can be all new to me later down the road for either free or 1/4 the price.

The one exception is LBT movies.  I'll buy LBT 14 as soon as it comes out to show my support.  Even if it's crap, it will be worth the investment.
Or you could watch it with a friend once they buy a copy instead of going about it illegally.
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^^He's an avid pirate.  They tend to pirate first just to see if it's any good.  If it is, they'll likely buy it if they can afford it.

I seriously don't see him changing anytime soon. :)


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That is nothing to smile about or encourage.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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Quote from: WeirdRaptor,Dec 19 2015 on  07:20 PM
Or you could watch it with a friend once they buy a copy instead of going about it illegally.
Nah, I've been burned too many times by crappy movies and software (I don't listen to music).  I buy movies and software, but only once I'm sure they're decent.  I can't tell you how many software programs I have to pirate in order to find something decent.  When I do, I buy it.  The last movie I bought was the Angel Beats series, but I pirated it and watched it first.  Since then I've pirated about 20 different movies/tv series and they were all crap so I deleted them.  If it was like $1 or $2 for a movie (like it should be), I wouldn't bother.  But $20 to $70 for a movie/tv series is asinine if it turns out to be crap.  Most people my age are doing the same thing.  

I used to rent movies before I bought them, but that doesn't exist anymore.  You've got Redbox, but the selection is limited.  Netflix isn't great either.  Netflix will probably get this new Star Wars movie in about 5 years and by then 2 more will have come out.

Why do you think they don't let you return movies to the store if they're crap?  They claim it's because people will just copy them and then return them, but the reality is, the movie studios produce such crap content nowadays if they allowed returns, they'd go under.  Sure you have binge movie watchers that just watch a movie one time and then never watch it again, but they're in the minority.  

They claim that ever time a movie is pirated, it's a lost sale.  That's total BS.  If I couldn't pirate, I wouldn't own 1/10th of the movies I do.  I have a conscience.  The copy of Angel Beats I purchased hasn't even been opened.  Why would I bother?  I don't even have a DVD player anymore (except in my computer).  Haven't for many years.  I bought it because I wanted to show my support to the movie studios, not because I wanted or needed the DVD.  

I'll do the same thing with LBT 14.  I'll probably pirate it first because it's quicker than buying the movie in the stores.  But I'll buy it a few days later when I see it in Target or wherever.


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we dont condone piracy here lbtlover. you know that. is piracy a problem? yes. is it  worth changing copyright  law and narrowing fair use exemptions?  imo, no. however we dont want to give the impression that we condone in any way what you are doing.  I trust you understand this.
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I gotta agree with Nick on this one. Seriously, just watch the film with a friend over at their house after one of them have bought their own copy of the film. Or you could borrow it at your leisure for free. I fail to see how that is asking too much. If it sucks, he or she can just turn the blasted thing off and you can watch something else.
Does piracy really HAVE to be your only option?
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf

F-14 Ace

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Just got back from seeing it.  Let me just start by saying that this totally makes up for the disappointment of the prequels!  They took everything that made Star Wars great and fun and brought it back in a new and refreshing way.  Sure, there are some old cliches but they're done well.  This movie truly recaptures the feel of the old Star Wars movies.  On top of that, it's an entirely new story.  With the prequels, we all knew how they would eventually end.  With this, there's no telling.  The movie also has some shocking twists that I won't spoil.   But yeah, Star Wars is back and it's kicking butt again.  Do yourselves a favor if you haven't seen it yet.  It's worth every penny.

PS: Never piss off Chewie.  


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Just saw it yesterday with some friends. I gotta say, I definitely enjoyed it. While it wasn't an absolutely stupidly awesome movie, I'd give it a solid B+ to A-.

Lots of fun, classic Star Wars feel with a modern twist and Kylo Ren's lightsaber kicks ASS. I'm sorry. :lol

Similar enough to the original trilogy to stay true to it but takes its own direction often enough with regards to presentation and structure that I can overlook the blatant similarities. Overall definitely worth my time and a solid addition to Star Wars. :)


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Haven't had the urge to go to a movie theater in over a year, but I risked it for this one, and it was well worth it. The mix of practical and special effects was beautiful, and it's so nice to see a movie that has something to say, but doesn't take itself too seriously.
I even went to see it a second time, though I mainly just focused on the shot composition and set design on that run :yes

Also, has anyone else watched the Clone Wars TV series? Kylo Ren and Rey's dynamic reminds me a lot of The Daughter and The Son. I am interested to see where they go with the next two movies :smile


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Saw the film. Just the mouthwash the dentist ordered to get the bad taste of the prequels out.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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Quote from: WeirdRaptor,Jan 5 2016 on  09:55 PM
Saw the film. Just the mouthwash the dentist ordered to get the bad taste of the prequels out.
The force is strong with that response. Well-put.


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Sorry for being such a party pooper, but here is something everybody should see:

Not trying to ruin everybody’s experience on the movie here, but you should give them some serious thought here.

F-14 Ace

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Sorry for being such a party pooper, but here is something everybody should see:

Not trying to ruin everybody’s experience on the movie here, but you should give them some serious thought here.

Yeah, no.  The prequel fanboys dissing this movie are a very small minority.  The second video comes off as particularly pretentious, with all the crap about "true fans" and whatnot.  I'm suddenly reminded of all the rabid Star Trek fanboys I've encountered raging about how you're not a "true fan" if you like the reboot or how "true fans" don't watch Enterprise, among other such nonsense.    

Here's a comment from the person who posted that video replying to someone in the comment section that demonstrates exactly why I despise these types of hipster fanboys.

If you like TFA then fine. More power to you. TFA does have all the gleam which appeals to the short attention spanned masses with cookie cutter characters, dumbed down screenplay and fast paced action sequences. The prequels may have been awkward, but they have something TFA does not have and that is soul.

I just love it when these self-righteous, elitist snobs go on some spiel about "the masses" as if they somehow think they're better than everyone else.  My usual response to people like this is to verbally flip them the middle finger and add them to my "ignore" list.  I certainly hope you're not one of those types.

EDIT: Somebody tried to say that this movie sucks because all the reviews for it on IMDB were overwhelmingly negative.  Well, after looking through the negative reviews on IMDB, I find that most of them consist of butthurt fanboy rage regarding a character death, some people whining about affirmative action and political correctness, people whining about similarities to A New Hope, and just a bunch of crap in general.  Few of them make any valid points for why they think the movie is actually bad and most of them are just mindless nerd rage.  

As for the people claiming that the prequels were better for being "original", give me a break!  You can't seriously sit there and tell me with a straight face that you think Waaaaaaaanakin, the cringe-worthy dialogue, the in-your-face CGI and green screens, the lifeless narrative, and that insipid pile of fail that was Jar Jar Binks is somehow better than what the new movie delivered.


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A rather bold claim, Ace. Perhaps you would be willing to back it up?

I may not know how many prequel fans there are in comparison, but I will tell that there are those who accept it and the originals as canon, along with a few with the Expanded Universe. Here is something you should see:, so that you can see why the prequels are deeper than you think.


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Hey, ARAJediMaster, I refuse to watch those videos. And Ace is exactly right. The new film is excellent while the prequels were terrible. Deal with it. You have no right to try to dampen anyone's enjoyment of this film, regardless of how butthurt you are. The only documentary I am willing to listen to regarding the prequels are the Red Letter Media ones.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf