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Zootopia - no reptiles?


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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Mar 8 2016 on  06:09 PM
Quote from: Petrie157578641,Mar 8 2016 on  02:54 AM
if you're a troll, just let me know, because you really seem more liek a troll to me than someone who wanted to give a honest answer

I've got over six-thousand posts and zero infractions. Feel free to consider me a troll, but what I'm doing is bluntly stating the truth and not sugar-coating it for you.

Quote from: Petrie157578641,Mar 8 2016 on  02:54 AM
Likie "Why aren't there halflings in The Elder Scrolls?"
If we compared it to Zootopia, it would be like "why are there no crocodiles in it", not fricken all other classes except for mammals! so yes it's a big deal. Not to mention that all fantasy worlds are different. Some include hobbits, some don't. Again, this movie was promoted as one "where humans never existed", no mention of only mammals being in it.

Not all rectangles are squares. The statement "humans don't exist" does not require or imply that any possible non-human does exist.

Quote from: Petrie157578641,Mar 8 2016 on  02:54 AM
As for animals you mentioned above - they could have included most of classes, putting a few animals of it here and there, and don't tell me it was hard to do, because it wasn't. And I'm not talking about dragons and fish for obvious reasons, and fungus, while not a plant, isn't an animal either.

I never said it would be hard, I said it would be unnecessary. You don't add unneeded crap into a story, and their story clearly didn't need reptiles.
You don't want sugar coating? Fine. People in animal protecting societies ignore reptiles MUCH more than mammals, simply almost not carting for reptiles life. How is that for sugrar coating for ya? What they did in Zootopia is a clear case of animal racism to me, using only animals that people find cuter in real life.

And comparing reptiles to crap... I wonder what are you even doing on this forum... over 6000 thousand posts and most of them about a cartoon about crap.


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Mar 8 2016 on  09:44 PM

Cluttering a story with too much stuff isn't really a good idea. Sometimes, it gets to a point where things just have to be cut. The story needs to be able to flow in an understandable way, or else you risk losing the audience.

What purpose would showing reptiles have had? Showing diversity? They already accomplished this with the wide variety of mammals. Adding reptiles wouldn't have really added much to the story. Perhaps a sequel can work them in with a different plot, but the plot of Zootopia and its setting did not really require reptiles.

While inclusion is nice, things added in a story have to have a purpose beyond just trying to appeal to a minority.

And as pointed out before, excluding something isn't really an attack or a statement against those groups. Streamlining a story is important. While you don't want a story to be lacking in substanence, you also don't want it to be overflowing with too much stuff either, as that can do harm in its own right. And the reasons for exclusion can vary, but it isn't always a jab or because they don't like it. It could be because the material is not necessary for the story they want to tell.

If not having reptiles causes Zootopia to be a deal breaker for you, Petrie15, then okay. As pointed out, there are other options. For instance, Sing, which I posted a trailer to earlier on, which has reptiles in it, not just mammals.
I'm not saying to cram too much stuff into a story. I told you - instead of certain mammals there could have been just reptiles, the overall amount could have stayed the same. I don't see a problem with that when other cartoons do it, so how is this a problem all of a sudden?

But Sing doesn't make so much hype around it, does it? Zootopia is like one of the most popular animated movies of all time, this is one of reasons it makes me so mad that it's ONLY about mammals. It just feels liek people are racists to reptiles. If there was a big, super popular movie with only white people, I imagine other races would be pretty mad about it(especially if it was promoted as, "the whole humanity must unite before this threat"). But if reptiles, whos lives are often ignored and put lower than mammal lives not included it's totally fine. People basicly put more effort in saving mammalian species in the world than reptilian species. It's liek this movie wants us to forget about animals existing at all except for the cutest ones


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Once again, you are simply making assumptions based on your displeasure and are pushing this towards extremism and hate.

Land before time was one of the most famous movies out there for more than 30 years and it's ALL about reptiles. Rango is the star of the movie and he fights mammals and a snake, they don't care about speiciesims. Jurassic Park shows the varieties of dinosaurs and they EAT the people. People would put humans over animals always but that isn't the case because people don't care about the racism/speciesism in the movies. They watch it because the movies are GOOD!

And Zootopia did not exclude birds, primates, and reptiles because of speciesism.

You're ignoring Sing because of hype? Isn't that what you wanted? The full inclusion of more species but you hate it because of no hype? I for one am very excited to see Sing too, but to me it just sounds that you're trying to promote your own agenda.


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I'm not really sure what you want, Petrie15. Should all animal movies squeeze in a reptile or two to avoid speciesism, even if including a reptile adds nothing to the story/makes no sense? Should animal movies have as many groups of animals as possible shoehorned in, even at the cost of plot, just to appeal to even the smallest minority?

As Truttle pointed out, there are already big movies that have included reptiles in their lineup. Rango is a good example, as it features a few reptilian characters, including one as the designated hero and two who play antagonistic roles. And of course, that's just one of several examples.

I gave Sing as an example because it was a movie that was more inclusive, showed more species, but you decide to ignore it anyway. So I'm starting to wonder if being more inclusive is really what you want, or if you're just trying to find more reasons to complain. It has been explained to you more than once why a movie would cut material, and your responses seem to only nitpick at said decisions in order to try to find ways that they could have "done things differently".

Yes, things could have been done differently. This is something that can be said about every story. There's literally limitless ways a story could be done differently. But in the end, final decisions have to be made, and not everyone is going to be satisfied with the final product. You're not happy with Zootopia's decision to cut reptiles? Well okay. That's fine. That's your opinion.

But you should be careful about making assumptions. Unless you can find an actual quote from the people involved with the movie, your statement of them excluding reptiles being a statement against people who like those animals is nothing more than a wild guess. There may have been several reasons, but it being because of speciesism and a middle finger to reptile lovers is likely not one of the reasons. Cutting a material out is not a statement against anything. Sometimes material has to be cut. And for Zootopia, cutting out reptiles was something they felt they had to do.

There are people disappointed in this decison. It's not just you. But no movie can please everyone. It didn't matter what Zootopia did in regards with animal species; there would always be someone to complain about things in the movie. So the only thing that Zootopia and other movies can do is just make the decisions they feel are best for the movie and hope for the best.


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Quote from: Truttle,Mar 9 2016 on  04:37 PM
Once again, you are simply making assumptions based on your displeasure and are pushing this towards extremism and hate.

Land before time was one of the most famous movies out there for more than 30 years and it's ALL about reptiles. Rango is the star of the movie and he fights mammals and a snake, they don't care about speiciesims. Jurassic Park shows the varieties of dinosaurs and they EAT the people. People would put humans over animals always but that isn't the case because people don't care about the racism/speciesism in the movies. They watch it because the movies are GOOD!

And Zootopia did not exclude birds, primates, and reptiles because of speciesism.

You're ignoring Sing because of hype? Isn't that what you wanted? The full inclusion of more species but you hate it because of no hype? I for one am very excited to see Sing too, but to me it just sounds that you're trying to promote your own agenda.
And this is why love LBT so much, the creators clearly don't hate reptiles if they made movies about them as main characters. In case with Rango  - the villain iks a snake so the whole "reptiles are not evil in cartoons) cancel each other. And I wasn't talking just about inclusion of reptiles in cartoons, I said before - the creators either usually make them evil or avoid them, in case of Zootopia they are ignoring them to such a level that they don't even exist here.
As far as I know from Disney channel(which is basicly a huge commercial for this movie) there were shown 64 species of aninals in the movie. So you people are saying they couldn't make like 10 species of reptiles, 10 of birds and make the rest 44 mammals? It doesn't make any sense except for "the creators avoid reptiles because they don't like them" as most of cartoon creators do. And like mammals, all birds and reptiles are differentm some are omnivores, some are herbiores and some are predators, so clearly, there was no problem with including them, really.

And I never said I hate Sing movie, don't put words into my mouth. I just said I'm focusing specificly on Zootopia because of what hype is around it(I'm pretty sure it will be most popular and highest rated animated movie of this year, the box office and ratings are already huge). I have nothign against Sing and will watch it when it comes out, but I'm more looking forward to "The secret life of pets", which clearly has no prejudice to any animals if you look at the trailer hence they even had neutral(or even friendly) snakes in it.


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It doesn't make any sense except for "the creators avoid reptiles because they don't like them" as most of cartoon creators do.

That's it. I'm done. Believe whatever it is you want. You're stubborn beyond recognition and refuse to review any of the information we give you. To you it's all a conspiracy.


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Mar 9 2016 on  05:17 PM
I'm not really sure what you want, Petrie15. Should all animal movies squeeze in a reptile or two to avoid speciesism, even if including a reptile adds nothing to the story/makes no sense? Should animal movies have as many groups of animals as possible shoehorned in, even at the cost of plot, just to appeal to even the smallest minority?

As Truttle pointed out, there are already big movies that have included reptiles in their lineup. Rango is a good example, as it features a few reptilian characters, including one as the designated hero and two who play antagonistic roles. And of course, that's just one of several examples.

I gave Sing as an example because it was a movie that was more inclusive, showed more species, but you decide to ignore it anyway. So I'm starting to wonder if being more inclusive is really what you want, or if you're just trying to find more reasons to complain. It has been explained to you more than once why a movie would cut material, and your responses seem to only nitpick at said decisions in order to try to find ways that they could have "done things differently".

Yes, things could have been done differently. This is something that can be said about every story. There's literally limitless ways a story could be done differently. But in the end, final decisions have to be made, and not everyone is going to be satisfied with the final product. You're not happy with Zootopia's decision to cut reptiles? Well okay. That's fine. That's your opinion.

But you should be careful about making assumptions. Unless you can find an actual quote from the people involved with the movie, your statement of them excluding reptiles being a statement against people who like those animals is nothing more than a wild guess. There may have been several reasons, but it being because of speciesism and a middle finger to reptile lovers is likely not one of the reasons. Cutting a material out is not a statement against anything. Sometimes material has to be cut. And for Zootopia, cutting out reptiles was something they felt they had to do.

There are people disappointed in this decison. It's not just you. But no movie can please everyone. It didn't matter what Zootopia did in regards with animal species; there would always be someone to complain about things in the movie. So the only thing that Zootopia and other movies can do is just make the decisions they feel are best for the movie and hope for the best.
All of you seem to be completely ignoring the fact that(and I repeat for like 5-th time already) that this movie is promoted like a world where HUMANS never existed, and that it's an animal world. But pretty much nobody mentiones that it's an inclomplete animal world, as far as I know, not even explained in the movie where are reptiles and other classes. Moreover, in one of commercials to it on Disney channel they said that this movie has ALL animal species.Very true, very. One more confirmnation that they don't want other classes to even exist. Plot reasons? I descrived in message above how easily it could have been done with other classes.
Simplicity? Chilcren will think the movie is too complex for them if there would be reptiles in it? No, it makes no sense.
And I already said, Rango is a bad example, because it also features reptile villains. I'm not saying the creators of Rango dislike reptiles in general, but I was saying in my first messages that creators either ignore reptiles OR make them villains. Or do you think I sent that link "Reptiles are abhorrent" for nothing?

And like I said - I'm ignoring Sing because it's not the topic here. I';m not saying there are absolutely no cartoons with reptiles in them, I'm saying that most of cartoons either ignore rpetiles or make them villains, lucikly, more neutral reptiels appear in cartoons nowdays, but one of top animation companies - Disney is still doing their thing with it.

Are yout out of your mind? no creators would openly say "we did it because we only like mammals" of course it would summon a lot of negativity, instead they always try to evade the truth. But the way they answer these questions - makes me thing again and again that they mainly did it because mammals are more appealing.
Oh which reminds me, in a new Lion king series one of characters said "Why are crocodiles always so violent?" while there were lions, rhinos and hippos around him. And that with crocodiles generally being less violent predators, certanly better than lions at it(who sometimes do terrible things in real life).

Why did I come here? I came here to find some support. As an animal protector, who was the first in this city to start protecting reptiles, who were mostly ignored in terms of animal protection, as a huge reptile fan sicne childhood I was lookign for support and agreement from fellow reptile fans, because of how unfair Disney made that movie, but I was wrong about this society. I would even leave GOF right now, but it would be unfair to people who may agree with me but simply didn't see this topic and my messages.


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Quote from: Truttle,Mar 9 2016 on  07:02 PM
It doesn't make any sense except for "the creators avoid reptiles because they don't like them" as most of cartoon creators do.

That's it. I'm done. Believe whatever it is you want. You're stubborn beyond recognition and refuse to review any of the information we give you. To you it's all a conspiracy.
Clearly you didn't see as many cartoons and movies with monstrous reptiles and people who are disgusted by reptiles in real life as much a I did. you have no experience here and already makign assumptions.


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No assumptions. I've quoted you on verbatim all the way so it's all true. You are saying it yourself. You are making the assumptions.


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you're making assumtions that to me it's all a conspiracy. No, it's people's disgust towards reptiles, no conspiracy here, Simple as that.


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petrie you have the right to your opinion. however, you do NOT have the right to denigrate other people. as for Zootopia, its mostly cuddly animals. Disney has been showing cuddly animals in one form or another for nearly 100 years. its their stock in trade. if zootopia gets a sequel (which is also something Disney does a lot) I imagine there will be lizards and reptiles in it.  a lot of stuff gets cut out in making a movie, particularly one thats 90 or so minutes long.
 in Rango, the villain  wasnt Jake, even though he was viewed as one, but the mayor. so it subverted the ' all reptiles are evil/bad trope, by having one as a hero.
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however, you do NOT have the right to denigrate other people.
when did I ever do that?
Disney has been showing cuddly animals in one form or another for nearly 100 years.
and that's what I blame them for. I hate all their movies featuring evil reptiles. Their only exception was princess and the frog but first, crocodile was completely silly, and the snake had no character(unlike villanous Kaa and Sir Hiss) and couldn't even talk, and other crocodiles were hellishly agressive, second, the main villain still used a snake motif using his diabolical powers.
in Rango, the villain wasnt Jake, even though he was viewed as one, but the mayor. so it subverted the ' all reptiles are evil/bad trope, by having one as a hero.
Like I said, a movie where they cancel each other out. There are FAR less cartoons where there are good reptiles without any evil ones than the other way around. I usually dislike cartoons where the story revolves around only mammals, but Zootopia jsut crossed all limits. Saying how much it's about animals and only including mammals in the whoel world.
And if there will be a sequel featruign reptiles, I see no reasonable explanations why they weren't in the first movie, unless they had some kinda comflict and now live seperately, which is again very racistic, and again shows that they should have been in Zootopia, not somehwre else all this time.


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Just setting boundaries Petrie, and reminding you to keep things civil.  Reptiles arent featured as much because they aren't considered ' cuddly". But there are games where reptiles are heroes- take the various Spyro games for instance or Sly Cooper, or the various Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
 as for the sequel, well you can only show so much of a world in 90 minutes, there's always going to be areas or people or characters who get overlooked. even large films like lord of the Rings, which show lots of a world, leave stuff out. you need to leave stuff open for a potential sequel.
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Well first, I never used name calling here, so I didn't give a reason to say that I don't have a right to denigrate other people.
As for the movie - yes, exactly, finally. They used mammals because "they are cuddly". This is exactly what racism is, preffering someone because of looks, not character\behaviour. As for 90 minute runtime I once afgain remidn all of you, that it had 64 species of mammals. I'm not saying it should have added additional amount of animals, just reptiles and birds instead of many, could have been such an amazing movie.


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Quote from: Nick22,Mar 9 2016 on  06:41 PM
Just setting boundaries Petrie, and reminding you to keep things civil.  Reptiles arent featured as much because they aren't considered ' cuddly". But there are games where reptiles are heroes- take the various Spyro games for instance or Sly Cooper, or the various Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
 as for the sequel, well you can only show so much of a world in 90 minutes, there's always going to be areas or people or characters who get overlooked. even large films like lord of the Rings, which show lots of a world, leave stuff out. you need to leave stuff open for a potential sequel.
There's also the upcoming Yooka Laylee game, that has a chameleon and a bat pair protagonists in it.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
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Quote from: Petrie157578641,Mar 9 2016 on  07:49 PM
Well first, I never used name calling here, so I didn't give a reason to say that I don't have a right to denigrate other people.
You called me a troll.


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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Mar 9 2016 on  08:25 PM
Quote from: Petrie157578641,Mar 9 2016 on  07:49 PM
Well first, I never used name calling here, so I didn't give a reason to say that I don't have a right to denigrate other people.
You called me a troll.
No I didn't, I asked if you were, and said that you seem like a troll to me, not that you are.