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I Don't Know Who I Am


  • Petrie
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When I was young I was awkward, ugly & chubby and very bullied for it.... Not a lot of people liked me... I started disliking who I was... I wanted to change... I started with my Dora hair cut... I grew out my hair and bangs... In 5th grade... In 7th grade I went on a diet... I weighed 170 and went down to 120.... I was thin... In 8th grade I changed my style a little but not much. Current: Freshmen year in High School... I just turned 15.... I am thin... Don't wear glasses... Have beautiful long brunette hair & hazel eyes... I wear so much makeup to school (which I'm good at applying) and have a cute style that's very girly & modern. I'm finally everything I've ever wanted to be... I'm no longer criticized... I'm now one of the well known kids in school and I have a 3.1 GPA..

2 family members have now seen my drastic change.... They have told me I'm not myself anymore... 1 of them didn't like me for who I was before though.

I'm now everything I've ever wanted to be, thin, pretty & well known. Well everything I've ever wanted to be on the outside.... I try to convince them that who you are when your young is nothing like when your 15.....

Although... Now that I've made myself this way... Is It who I am? Or is it fake? Do I know who I am? I'd never go back to who I used to be....
8 years with TGOF :yum

The Lone Dragon

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I'm Sorry. I understand how it feels. I went through a similar thing in high school except I isolated myself and would not really trust anyone, I had no real feeling of identity due to all the issues I had with school and life in general.

All I can say is you can always go back and if you don't then at least remember who you were back then. I would also suggest that you try to be yourself, don't act as if any other person is telling you what you should and should not do because you always have a choice.

If they don't like who you are that's their choice but at least you know but you might find someone who understands you if you open up a bit. Besides you can't expect everyone to like you, that is the same with everyone.

I try to be of help but I hardly know if what I am saying will, it is a very vague world your entering but it feels a lot better if you know who your friends are, the ones that respect you for who you are and sometimes the only way you get to know other people is for and them to share your experiences.

I hope everything turns out well and I wish you the best of luck  :goodluck

I hope I have been of help to you, if you ever need someone to talk to then I will gladly listen.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Dude, I know how it feels. I was bullied throughout my entire school careers. From about grade 2 onto grade 9. It's hard, and it makes you want to change everything and anything about yourself. One thing with me that's different is I have no idea why I was bullied or what I did to deserve it. I thought there must be something wrong with me.

Starting in grade ten I started exercising and going on a diet, but that all quickly spiraled out of control and before I knew it I was being controlled by an eating disorder. Even as I got to my lowest weight I still thought I was obese and disgusting. I got help and'recovered', but my negative thoughts were still present.

But, I found a good group of friends who I thought liked me for who I was. I really thought that I had found my tribe. But, alas, it was not to be. Apparantly I am not a good person and a horrible friend who people just don't seem to like. And these were my friends telling me this. It really threw me for a loop and I had absolutely no idea what to do anymore. I still have no idea who I am.

One thing I have to say is that YOU get to make who you are. What your family says about you doesn't define you. If you're pretty, thin, and well-know, then by jove you are pretty, thin, and well-known. Think of it like a new and improved version of you. Besides, you're 15! You're still discovering exactly who you are, and that can only come with time and experience. There's absolutely no rush, and no one is expecting you to know everything about yourself right now.

Just remember, you are what you love, not who loves you.

Cancerian Tiger

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In addition to what others have said, I suggest spending quiet time in introspection mode, asking yourself if each of these qualities mentioned are contributing positively or negatively to your true self.  Take weight, for example.  Unless you have a significant amount of lean muscle mass, 170 is probably not a healthy weight, but only a physician can truly assess that.  Maintaining a healthy weight is a positive thing you're doing, then.

It's also a good idea to reevaluate relationships.  Are some of these people your friends simply based on the clothes you wear, or the haircut you have?  Chances are, those friendships are shallow and won't last after high school...but you know more about them than any of us here do, so that's something only you can do☺.  When it comes to friendships, I'm about quality over quantity.

As far as family is concerned, that happens to many of us.  I know what that's like, when nothing you accomplish is ever enough for some, including relatives.  That's when you've gotta find your self-esteem and say eff it.  Nobody on Earth can make you happy if you're not happy to begin with.  It's just like love.  If you don't love yourself, you won't find that with anybody else.  Believe me, it took me until my mid-twenties to feel that way about myself.  It won't happen overnight, but it will happen if you allow it to.

Not knowing who you are at fifteen is not unusual.  As long as you're living and growing, you will go through transformation periods.  No matter what though, always be true to yourself☺.


  • Petrie
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Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,Apr 4 2016 on  09:20 AM
In addition to what others have said, I suggest spending quiet time in introspection mode, asking yourself if each of these qualities mentioned are contributing positively or negatively to your true self.  Take weight, for example.  Unless you have a significant amount of lean muscle mass, 170 is probably not a healthy weight, but only a physician can truly assess that.  Maintaining a healthy weight is a positive thing you're doing, then.

It's also a good idea to reevaluate relationships.  Are some of these people your friends simply based on the clothes you wear, or the haircut you have?  Chances are, those friendships are shallow and won't last after high school...but you know more about them than any of us here do, so that's something only you can do☺.  When it comes to friendships, I'm about quality over quantity.

As far as family is concerned, that happens to many of us.  I know what that's like, when nothing you accomplish is ever enough for some, including relatives.  That's when you've gotta find your self-esteem and say eff it.  Nobody on Earth can make you happy if you're not happy to begin with.  It's just like love.  If you don't love yourself, you won't find that with anybody else.  Believe me, it took me until my mid-twenties to feel that way about myself.  It won't happen overnight, but it will happen if you allow it to.

Not knowing who you are at fifteen is not unusual.  As long as you're living and growing, you will go through transformation periods.  No matter what though, always be true to yourself☺.
Before when I was 170 I had no muscle mass, now that I'm 120... I do because I joined the swim team. Thank you, what you said really helped.
8 years with TGOF :yum


  • Petrie
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Thank you everyone, I didn't expect this much help. Thank you 💗
8 years with TGOF :yum


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I was bullied pretty harshly when going through school.  But I never let it get to me.  Why would I care what others think about me?  I certainly would NEVER try to change myself to live up to everyone's expectations.  When I stopped responding to the harassment and the bullying, it was reduced quite a bit.  And I learned to only hang out with people that I liked and not to care what anyone else thinks.  If you have to change yourself in order to be around someone or to have them like you, then they're NOT your friend.  In fact, I'd go so far as to say they're an enemy.  For someone that tries to make you betray yourself and who you truly are is someone to be avoided.


  • Ducky
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You're ought to realise that the opinions of these underdeveloped irresponsible shortsighted (and kind of useless) youths who bullied you into questioning your identity don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Not even a little, actually. Chances are you won't be seeing any of the trashbags you were stuck with in school ever again once you're done with your studies. So just tell them to go to hell and stop troubling yourself with their petty foolishness. :)


  • Ducky
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I to use to get picked on as a kid for everything. The shows I liked and that I was different from the rest of the world. It took me a while to figure out who I was. Years of drinking and depression lead me to live a very isolated life witch was what I needed to cope with life. And once I broke out of my depression I figured out I'm glad that I'm different from the world and I don't care about what people think of me. Now I don't have a care in the world and I still have trust issues with people because of my horrible life that I had from bullying from school and other stuff. So my advice is try to ignore what other people think of you. It's your life not there's hopefully things will get better for you soon.


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I might be a bit late replying to this, but I'd like to put in my two cents anyhow. I personally haven't changed much since I was 10 years old. My face looks a little bit more mature, but that's pretty much it. I used to get bullied for being too thin and having hairs on my arms and legs. When I was your age that made me feel very insecure and I started shaving them. I'm 22 now and honestly I no longer give a damn about people who think my arms and legs are hairy, that's just the way I am! If people only judge you for your looks, they're probably not the kind of people you want around you anyway.

As for whether your physical changes truly affect who you are, I'd say probably. You've probably grown more confident since you now look exactly how you wish to look, and some people may perceive that as a complete personality change. Trying to find out who you are exactly around that age is completely normal, I went through the same thing (although I had more of a sexual issue). You are always you! If you feel like you're acting like someone else, you're fake, but if you're genuinly happy with the way you look and behave, you're just being you. People will come to accept it eventually :)


  • 밀레 시안
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Having somehow managed to lose 12.8 lbs between yesterday and six weeks prior, I recall how I had looked from prior to the latter half of my 8th Grade years in life. I was very chubby back then as a kid due to my diet issues, which I still pretty much have today since I'm a picky eater. However, during 8th Grade, I had used my own imagination to find excuses to get onto my bicycle while I still had it to ride outside around my neighborhood and the nearby apartment complex, streets, and my old middle school area before it became a construction site as it is now with the old building demolished.

Not only that, but even gaming wise I feel like I've changed. Back in the day, I would play just about any type of game I could get my hands on save for JRPGs. Nowadays, I feel like JRPGs are the only games I can truly play anymore. I'm growing out of it mind you, but much of this has to do with the fact my discs for my older games are beginning to no longer work, my N64 cartridges are beginning to weaken in capabilities and some of the games getting lost, and the various N64 controllers getting damaged further and further every time they're momentarily brought out of retirement.

That said, ever since High School, I somewhat grew into a rather depressed and often cynical person on the inside of my mind, but only very rarely showcasing this on the outside. When High School first began, I was still the failure I was in Middle School who couldn't get homework done on time, and I was first put into classes that posed too many problems for me. Plus my first English teacher at that school pulled stuff out of his *** when he said I apparently had a reading assignment over the prior summer... when I had no such thing in reality.

As a result of the above, my next classes in High School were changed to far easier classes and that's when I finally began to slowly, and slowly mature into a responsible person. If I had homework I needed to get done, that would be my priority before the day would end and nothing else would get in my way until it was done. As a result, for the remainder of High School, I had my time at home free of school work because I succeeded in doing all of my homework before having to go home and my work gets turned in with solid grades. High School was both the worst experience for me but also the best time for me since I had did better academically here than any other school I had been to.

As a result, and with what events in life would latter happen after High School, I had grown up into a more responsible, mature individual who I could barely recognize as the same kid I was prior to High School. Was this change for the better? Absolutely. Do I sometimes miss my old life? Yes. Back then, I had friends in school with both teachers and students alike; when High School came around, I had basically isolated myself from everyone just to focus on school work. I had even just barely managed to score a girlfriend for about two years towards the end of High School, but after those two years she broke up with me for rather pathetic reasoning and I was left rather broken as a person because I had soon realized how much I was exploited by the one girl I had been the most closest to in real life or anywhere else.

That said, I do feel like I've been a person has changed in my life as well. Sometimes change just sort of happens no matter who you are, for the better or for the worse.
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  • Ducky
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I use to hang with the wrong crowd of people back when I was young. I hung out with kids that smoked weed drank and did bad things. But once my teacher steered me In the right path I grew up and matured. Now I'm living a life that's way better than I had as a kid. And I'm thrilled I dumped all of those fake friends I had. They where dragging me down and made me feel horrible about myself. Now I'm in a good place that I'm happy to be in.