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Dumb movie controversies

F-14 Ace

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Have you ever seen a bunch of fan outrage over something in a movie that was ridiculously petty and insignificant and thought to yourself "give me a break"?  I've seen people raging over things so insignificant and ridiculous that it literally made me facepalm.

Here are some examples.

The Ben Affleck as Batman controversy-  Now, I haven't seen Batman vs Superman, now do I plan to, so I can't really give an opinion on Ben Affleck's performance as Batman.  But long before the movie even came out, fanboys were jumping up and down and screaming bloody murder, going so far as to make threats and sign petitions and crap.  I found this to be absolutely ridiculous.

Kylo Ren's lightsaber- Ok, there have been some dumb Star Wars controversies (nerd rage over the special editions) but this has to take the cake.  Apparently the fanboys flew into a frenzy and launched a keyboard crusade against Kylo Ren's lightsaber for some reason that I still don't quite understand.  I mean, it's not like we haven't seen lightsaber gimmicks before.  Darth Maul and General Grievous, anyone?  Also, the little crossguards on Kylo Ren's lightsaber (the stuff the nerds were raging over) were actually shown to serve a purpose in the film.  I think the Nostalgia Critic summed it up best.  It's just a lightsaber!  Get laid!  Oh, by the way...

Nerd rage over the Star Wars special editions- There are too many stupid controversies to cover so I'll just bring up the ones I see the most.

1. Han shot first- this one's been done to death but it's probably the most well known.  While I do find the changes to be idiotic and unwarranted, it didn't ruin the movie for me and you hardly notice it anyway.

2. The extra footage- Fanboys like to gripe and moan about the extra footage added to the special editions.  For some reason they don't like the added scene in "A New Hope" where Han Solo has to bargain with Jabba the Hutt.  While CGI Jabba does look dated, it's just a very brief scene!  Who really cares?

3. The changes made to the end of Return of the Jedi- The special edition of "Return of the Jedi" changed a lot of stuff about the ending of the movie.  Not only did they add in extra footage of people across the galaxy celebrating Palpatine's downfall, but they replaced "Yub Nub", a rather bland and forgettable tune, with the awesome "Victory Celebration" tune which I found to be far better.  Oh, and they replaced the original Anakin with prequel Anakin.  I really don't see why this is that big of a deal.  

That's not to say there aren't some legitimate complaints about the special editions.  For instance, apparently for the Blu-ray edition of "Return of the Jedi", George Lucas felt the need to edit out some of the dialogue and have Darth Vader screaming "Noooo" as he throws Palpatine down the big hole.  Ya know, because it didn't piss people off enough when you did it in Episode 3.  And for me, that needless change actually did kill that scene.  Unlike "Han shot first", this is actually a very noticeable change and it ruins the atmosphere of what was one of the greatest scenes in cinema history.


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Or the rants about Rey being in the movies at all, or her talents, or anything to do with Ep. 7...


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Something isn't automatically dumb just because you disagree with them. This thread is nothing but dismissive without really adding anything to the subjects themselves.

In fact I returned to the New Hope today on blu ray and its like the moment we get to town they have to shove in as much needless cgi crap into your face as possible. It's extremely distracting and inexcusable, especially with how obviously dated the CGI IS. Some of the shit even makes it feel like a cartoon at times. When the Jaba scene happened, I just quit. Yes, out of the both of us, me not liking something for it being genuinely bad is unreasonable in comparison to you calling me stupid for that. Makes sense.


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It's not about agreeing or disagreeing, so much as it is the responses from the fandoms.  Look at what people are doing in response to proposed changes to FFVII.  It's gotten to the point of threats against Square Enix and it's employees.  Same has happened in response to the various things he listed.  Fandoms go bugnuts insane over perceived changes "ruining everything"


  • Ducky
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The lion king had a couple controversy's. The Lion King is pretty much a rip off of Japan's 1954 anime Kimba The White Lion. There's no argument it's a complete rip off of Kimba. So instead of the Japanese anime company suing Disney Disney gave them a large hush hush paycheck for them not to sue Disney. And the other controversy was the way the hyenas looked some animal foundation sued them for defamation of character because they where a mix between black and Mexican. But despite that it's still a fantastic and wonderful movie.

F-14 Ace

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Quote from: ADFan185,Apr 17 2016 on  11:54 AM
The lion king had a couple controversy's. The Lion King is pretty much a rip off of Japan's 1954 anime Kimba The White Lion. There's no argument it's a complete rip off of Kimba. So instead of the Japanese anime company suing Disney Disney gave them a large hush hush paycheck for them not to sue Disney. And the other controversy was the way the hyenas looked some animal foundation sued them for defamation of character because they where a mix between black and Mexican. But despite that it's still a fantastic and wonderful movie.
Actually, Lion King doesn't rip off Kimba at all.  That's complete and utter BS.  Other than the main character's name sounding similar, they have virtually nothing in common.  And Simba sounding similar to Kimba can be excused because Simba is an actual Swahili word.

In fact I returned to the New Hope today on blu ray and its like the moment we get to town they have to shove in as much needless cgi crap into your face as possible. It's extremely distracting and inexcusable, especially with how obviously dated the CGI IS. Some of the shit even makes it feel like a cartoon at times. When the Jaba scene happened, I just quit. Yes, out of the both of us, me not liking something for it being genuinely bad is unreasonable in comparison to you calling me stupid for that. Makes sense.

Oh for crying out loud!  The Jabba scene wasn't that bad.  You're completely overreacting.


  • Ducky
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It is I paired the two side by side. Disney totally ripped off Kimba. Look at the characters in Kimba than in The Lion King totally the same. The black mane lion in Kimba Disney ripped that off to become Scar. Same with Rafiki Kimba also had a Baboon to aid him. They both take place in the African Jungle. So many things Disney copied from Kimba.


  • Cera
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No, you didn't pair them side by side. If you had, you would know that they're completely different outside of a few superficial similarities.
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It is I paired the two side by side. Disney totally ripped off Kimba. Look at the characters in Kimba than in The Lion King totally the same. The black mane lion in Kimba Disney ripped that off to become Scar.

More dominant lions often have longer, darker manes (source) as this is indicative of higher testosterone levels, so this is not copying from a source as much as it is referring to what actually happens in nature. Many male lions have darker manes.

They both take place in the African Jungle.

Lions exist in the savannah, which is where the Lion King takes place.  This is a matter of matching the setting of the film with the actual biome where lions exist.  It wouldn't have made much sense for the film to take place elsewhere.

There are other arguments that can be made to argue that elements of the Lion King were lifted from Kimba, but the examples you have listed do not really back up that hypothesis. Personally, I think the similarities between the two are superficial at best.

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Not to mention, if you didn't want to give the impression that Scar was having the Obvious Villain trope in effect with his looks, you could've simply taken the yellow eyes and darker mane like this, and drew him more to look more like this instead.
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F-14 Ace

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Here's another one.  Apparently social justice warriors are all up in arms about the upcoming Disney film "Moana".  More specifically, they claim the character Maui is fat shaming Polynesians.  The problem is, Maui is not fat.  He's muscular and buff.  Being big does not mean fat.  But given how mind-numbingly stupid SJWs tend to be, is it really any surprise that these idiots don't know what they're talking about?  I'm sick and tired of these people shoving their professional victimhood into everything.

Cancerian Tiger

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I just heard that one today :rolleyes:.

Oh, and don't get me going about vegans attacking the "Sausage Party" movie.  Never mind the murder of vegetables and bread, only focus on one sausage character and condemn the film and anybody who goes to see it.  Now, I know some really nice vegans so not all of them are pushy with their views, but this is a cartoon for Pete's sake :bang!

I'm not sure when this sudden age of people turning into butthurt wusses who get offended at everything happened, but it's time people drop the PC crap and grow their spines back :rolleyes:.


  • Cera
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I agree. It's just a movie, people. Unless the filmmaker come right out and confirm that it had a very offensive message, then cool it and live and let live.
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F-14 Ace

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These are probably the same idiots who claimed that Frozen was racist (yeah, seriously) because there weren't any black people in the movie, and ignoring the fact that it takes place in a 18th century Scandinavian society and based on an old fairytale.  Ya know, a place where there wouldn't have been any black people?


  • Ducky
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I saw the trailer for that new movie voiced by Dwanye The Rock Johnson and true he's not fat at all. He's well built and muscular. It's amazing how dumb people are who complain about these things.