The Gang of Five
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Did the gang talk fully about 1st movie journey?


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A musing I’ve had these last few weeks is if the gang ever told their families or others about the less than savory parts of their journey to the valley – like how they fought and nearly broke up, got harassed or threatened by other leaf eaters (Apparently there was one or more example in the deleted scenes), and killed sharptooth in a premeditated manner. I understand why the sequels wouldn’t bring up such grim topics on screen but how do you think the topic was brought up or not in-universe?

Related to that, I wonder what would happen if the leaf eaters that mistreated the gang during their journeys showed up at the valley? That would definitely be awkward but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was point out there are valley denizens who have similar skeletons in their closet. What kind of conflict and/or reconciliation would follow such a scenario?

I do have some of my own thoughts but I’m curious about what others think (Since this deals with reactions and repercussions after the first movie, I’m putting this in the “General” forum).


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Those are indeed interesting questions, and fertile grounds for potential fanfictions.  Many fanfictions (and I am guilty of this as well) simply assume that the children told their parents about the killing of sharptooth and the other details of their journey, but I do believe it is an open question as to whether other details would be mentioned. I suppose it could be possible that such details might be mentioned seasons later if those details begin to haunt one of the gang (say, through nightmares).  And if their past were to intersect with them in the valley... it would certainly make for an interesting story to write out.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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When you get down to it, the original movie and all of its sequels might as well exist in parallel universes. The gang's journey to the Great Valley would've affected the protagonists greatly and - in a way- shaped their personalities, but for the sake of keeping the extremely family friendly tone in subsequent movies the main characters never mention or even remember that phase of their lives and just act like "normal, untroubled kids". Heck, they experienced loss, betrayal, mortal dangers and fear... It would've left a scar on any kid's mind. :(


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Well, since there were some indirect mentions about their journey (LBT5, LBT6), and since there's huge influence of their very first journey on current state of things, I think gang told full story to their parents and possibly other dinosaurs. I would even think that their talks helped the society of Great Valley residents to stick together.

if their past were to intersect with them in the valley...
What past except Sharptooth? ;)

(though, in my fanfiction plans, I found a way to enter echoes of gang's past, of their first journey, into the present)


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Quote from: Snik,Dec 20 2016 on  04:45 PM
What past except Sharptooth? ;)
The herd of longnecks that left no green food for 5 starving kids or the pack of domeheads that terrorized Cera for instance. Both parties could make it to the Great Valley as well.


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Well, sort of in that longneck herd’s defense, I don’t they think they noticed the kids were there. The gang might find it a bit easier to forgive them than the domehead trio or the dinosaurs at the oasis in the deleted scene who were discriminatory toward the kids.

Quote from: rhombus,Dec 19 2016 on  05:17 PM
Many fanfictions (and I am guilty of this as well) simply assume that the children told their parents about the killing of sharptooth and the other details of their journey

Quote from: Snik,Dec 20 2016 on  07:45 AM
I think gang told full story to their parents and possibly other dinosaurs.

Yeah, I’m kind of under the impression the gang did at least tell their parent most of the details of how they took down the sharptooth and the parents were understanding of what the kids had to do. Still, I’ve been thinking that the gang hasn’t been publicizing about that accomplishment. Talking about how they as kids plotted to kill the sharptooth would either creep others out or attract creepy attention by those who have a snuff film-like fascination with such stories.

I have the feeling the gang was rather vague with their parents about the conflicts and less than nice things they did with each other. Ducky probably didn’t mention “I was pressured into being sharptooth bait” and Littlefoot likely didn’t say anything about Cera insulting his mother and how that led him to very nearly abandon the group. The gang doesn’t want to start any possible conflicts with their parents by bringing those things up in detail.


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Ducky probably didn’t mention “I was pressured into being sharptooth bait”
lol, yeah, I am sure Ducky didn't tell that. Or one young longneck would be punched by one duck-bill father. XD

The same with talks about Cera. MAAAAANY talks about Cera...

(still waiting for her apologizes that wasn't sounded in film)


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I wouldn’t know about Papa Swimmer, but if Mama Swimmer heard about that early in the movie series, I can picture her being very concerned about the dynamics of the gang that cause Ducky and Spike to go along with these adventures.

I’ve the sense Cera might’ve made some sort of apology off screen, either through her words or actions. Since she came at the right moment in taking down the sharptooth, they probably forgave her and toned down the details about her shenanigans when relating the story to their parents.

If the gang doesn’t want to publicize their interpersonal drama to their parents and the greater valley, then they might really not want to relate how gung ho Littlefoot was about killing sharptooth.


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Quote from: DaveTheAnalyzer,Dec 20 2016 on  03:30 PM
I have the feeling the gang was rather vague with their parents about the conflicts and less than nice things they did with each other. Ducky probably didn’t mention “I was pressured into being sharptooth bait” and Littlefoot likely didn’t say anything about Cera insulting his mother and how that led him to very nearly abandon the group. The gang doesn’t want to start any possible conflicts with their parents by bringing those things up in detail.

I agree with this statement. While Cera is likely to have made an apology to the Gang later on, I don't think the adults would be as understanding. I'm not sure whether the Gang would be too eager to dwell in the darker moments of their journey and I don't see some of the adults (like Ducky's mother or Littlefoot's Grandparents) push the issue. I wouldn't bet that the grandparents know the full details of their daughter's death. When it comes to Cera's doings, I'm pretty sure the Gang has spared her from disdain or worse from the parents. I'm confident that they wouldn't look favorably to her after knowing she nearly got them all killed.

I also doubt they told everything about their fight with the Sharptooth. They likely don't wish to just tell that they did a planned "murder" no matter their understandable motives. I don't see the Gang taking pride in that confrontation, especially due to Petrie's near death and the quite harsh role they put Ducky in.

Of course, each member of the Gang could have told a slightly different version to their own parents. Ducky might have told a much different story than Cera. If they relayed each of the stories to each other, the parents might know more about the actual events of the original film. I have a feeling that Petrie might have accidentally told slightly more than the others as I'm quite sure the Gang hasn't decided to decline to tell about their journey altogether. Even then, even Petrie probably watched his tongue and was careful not to reveal all of the darkest moments of their journey.


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Littlefoot probably didn’t let them in on the full details on how the sharptooth, say, ripped up her back but I do have the sense he related what he told her and the ghostly encounters that followed to make them feel better about their daughter’s death (I vacillate over whether the grandparents resigned themselves to that possibility for her or if she was put under the category of “maybe dead, maybe alive” the gang was under before their arrival at the valley).

I think at least some like Littlefoot might’ve told their parents about plotting to kill sharptooth out of guilt and seeking validation they did the right thing. The grandparents do give the impression of being the most understanding and forgiving, so I can see Littlefoot being the most forthcoming about some of those details.

I can see Petrie accidentally letting slip some more details than he might want, though Mama Flyer probably wouldn’t press him about it.

I think Ruby and Chomper might know some details too. With how controversial their move to the Great Valley probably was, I’m sure someone would have brought up Mama Longneck’s death as a counter to why the gang was so adamant the pair should stay. That might’ve forced the gang to give some explanations to Ruby and Chomper.