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Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion

rhombus · 481 · 139525


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Hello everyone! It's that time again. Time for Rhombus and myself to announce the winner of the previous months' prompt challenge- the last challenge of this event's first season. We only had two participants this time around, and due to the low turnout, both he and I have agreed on a solution which should recognize both authors equally for their contributions. Normally, we'd hold a tiebreaker, but between Darkwolf's and LBTLover's fics, our own criteria brought the competition between the two to a draw. Both authors, consider that a testament to your writing abilities! Both stories were equally good short fics that addressed their respective prompts while also proving to be well-written and engaging, and as it was hard to pick from them, we were forced to settle on two potential awards. So with that being said- Darkwolf and LBTLover, here are your options:

-Perhaps the more interesting of the two choices here, each of you will have the opportunity to create a prompt for us to write on. Between the two of you, decide who will write the prompt for which user, and then present your prompt to that user once you are finished.

-If one or both of you do not wish to create a prompt, then, respectively, the other author will create a single prompt for both Rhombus and I, or there will be no prompt this time. Obviously, in keeping with tradition, we would prefer the winners to come up with prompts of their own, but I am aware of the pressures and time constraints often posed by the world outside of the internet. If it is not possible for one or either of you to create your victory prompts, then we will do our best to find another way of recognizing and awarding you equally.

(If this seems haphazard as all getout, it's because I'm writing this way too early in the morning. Please forgive me).

As a final note, I'd like to extend my thanks to everyone who participated in the prompt challenge for its first season. We had a lot of fun over the last few months, and even though participation tapered towards the end, I'm confident we can boost those numbers back up again with the changes we're making for season 2. When this was nothing more than a simple discussion between Rhombus and myself, I honestly didn't believe it would go anywhere. Just getting enough participants to have a fair vote was an achievement in and of itself, and now look at us! We have all contributed to the formation of this wonderful event, one which has, I feel, helped many of us grow as writers, allowed some of our writers the exposure their works might have needed, and brought out hidden talents in those of us who may never have tried fiction writing in the past. We've got all sorts here, and I'm impressed and more than a little proud in all of you who have helped to build this subsection of the community. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, and I hope I'll see you all again when the fanfic prompt challenge's second season rolls out in October. See you there!



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Can't wait for season 2! This actually motivated me to finish some short stories, which I've never done before :lol

I wouldn't mind coming up with a prompt! Going to have to think up a good one.


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  • Ruby
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Yay!  :D
I do have an idea for a prompt. As for who writes it, it doesn't really matter to me. Both Fyn and Rhombus are awesome writers!
One of the gang realizes they have a crush on someone and they try to deal with it (seek advice, tell that someone, etc).

This may be a special prompt for the prompt challenge, but if anyone decides to have a crack at it then please send me the link. I want to see what you guys come up with!


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Sounds good! I'll take note of the prompt and inform Rhombus. Darkwolf, when yours is in we'll decide who will write for which one, and then we'll get the ball rolling!


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Hmmm, okay! I'll do another one based on the gang's relationships then, but slightly different:

One of the gang loses respect for somebody they care about deeply. What was the incident that caused this, and how do they deal with it?

(I also don't mind who does it- you guys should flip a coin :lol)


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Alright! As per Darkwolf's suggestion, the results were decided via coin flip.

Rhombus- LBTLover's prompt: One of the gang realizes they have a crush on someone and they try to deal with it (seek advice, tell that someone, etc).

Fyn16- Darkwolf's prompt: One of the gang loses respect for somebody they care about deeply. What was the incident that caused this, and how do they deal with it?

We both look forward to the challenge. While I believe we'll be trying to finish Sovereign's from the previous month first, you can expect a result from us sometime before Season 2 (and hopefully sooner than that!) Thank you both again for your contributions this month, and I do hope you'll be encouraged to enter them in the coming fanfiction awards voting!


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Hello again, everyone!

It seems the dawn of a new season is quickly approaching! Along with that nip of cold in the air comes the prospect of new adventures, new friendships, and new characters to explore as we move onwards into season 2 of our fanfiction prompt challenge.

I'm excited. What about you?

But with that being said, there are some areas we need to go over before we launch on October 1, namely our prompt lineup. We promised you all that you'd have a say in which prompts make the final cut, and now it's time for us to make good on that promise. So, bearing that in mind, please take a look at the tentative prompt schedule below, and let us know what you think! We look forward to your feedback!


October- write a scary story, or at least a story with being scared as a central theme. How you interpret this is up to you. It could be a myth, perhaps a storytelling session in the Valley, a scary experience, etc. Just make sure it's Halloween-themed in some way! Note: this does not have to be a genuinely scary experience. Silly stories are just as welcome!

November- Either incorporate this into the dialogue, or use it as one of your story’s themes: ”Even in our times of hardship there is still much to be grateful for.”

-write a snow fic!
-write a fic about surviving the winter elements
-write a fic featuring Santa Claws :lol
-write a fic that parallels your own holiday of choice


January- Incorporate the following into your story: ”He (or she) had once imagined becoming the leader of the herd.  But not like this… not like this.”

February- Write a story about "undying love." What exactly this means is up to you.

March- write a myth or legend set in the Land Before Time universe

April- Nothing to see here, folks. Move on! :DD

May- incorporate the following phrase into your story: “when the bright circle rose the next day, it rose over a very different Great Valley.”

June- (This one's tentative as I have not run it by Rhombus yet) Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!

July- Your theme for this month: there comes a time in everyone's life where a choice must be made, one which may irreversibly alter the path ahead.

August- Goodbyes are never easy. Write a story about a parting.


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June- (This one's tentative as I have not run it by Rhombus yet) Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!

That idea sounds very promising though the logistics of it would need to be worked out.  I guess it could involve having everyone who submits a prompt automatically agree to responding to whatever prompt they are given. But I certainly would have no objections to giving it a shot.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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These prompts look pretty good!  :) They all seem like there's serious potential to be developed into decent stories. The June prompt seems like a fun idea also as long as things don't get too outlandish. Anyway, I'm happy to see this contest returning and I'm certainly going to participate! :DD


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Seems like a terrific schedule to me  :DD
"The fire flickers with possibilities, I wonder what happens if you get a little closer?"


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I do really like the June one as well. It'll make for a large variety of different stories, and maybe get some people to write outside of their comfort zones :smile


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Good evening, everyone!

I am glad to confirm that the fanfiction prompt challenge is now officially active once more.  :) Our prompt for October will be the same prompt that Fyn posted earlier:

Write a scary story, or at least a story with being scared as a central theme. How you interpret this is up to you. It could be a myth, perhaps a storytelling session in the Valley, a scary experience, etc. Just make sure it's Halloween-themed in some way! Note: this does not have to be a genuinely scary experience. Silly stories are just as welcome!

Each participant in the monthly prompt challenge this season will earn a single upgradeable banner to post in their signature (we will have several possible banners to choose from at a future date).  Participants will get one form that lists that they participated, whereas those who win a monthly contest will be able to upgrade to banners that indicate their number of wins. These banners are compliments of DarkWolf, and I would like to thank her for agreeing to prepare these for the contest.  :) I'm sure the final results will be amazing!

As for a few other matters, I realize that I still owe previous winners two stories which I hope to have done in a few weeks though I can make no promises.  Let's just say that work has kept me hopelessly busy this semester.  So to both of you, Sovereign and LBTlover247, I would like to offer my apology for the delays.  I hope to get them done soon.

With that I would like to wish everyone the best with their writing efforts this month.  Both Fyn and I eagerly look forward to seeing the results.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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And the next chapter of my fanfic actually is just that. What a coincidence! :DD

More incentive to try to finish it, I guess.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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the prompt doesn't really prompt me, oh well..
Inactive, probably forever.


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Incorporate the following phrase into your story: “when the bright circle rose the next day, it rose over a very different Great Valley.”

...I have possibly the oddest idea imaginable with that as a prompt...

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I've got a quick heads up for all you awesome folks out there. After careful consideration, Rhombus and I have decided to alter our prompt schedule. While before, the prompt submission time ran from the first to the last day of the month, we are now extending the submission period to the 15th of the following month. This means that from the 1st to the 15th of every month, two challenges will essentially be running in tandem. We hope this helps to encourage those of us with busy schedules, or who simply need more time to write. This will go into effect immediately, so the Halloween prompt event will now conclude on November 15. The November prompt challenge will open on November 1st as planned. Feel free to comment if you have any questions.


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Just to clarify Fyn's announcement, this means that this is now the schedule going forward:

October 2017 (October 1 – November 15)
Write a scary story, or at least a story with being scared as a central theme. How you interpret this is up to you. It could be a myth, perhaps a storytelling session in the Valley, a scary experience, etc. Just make sure it's Halloween-themed in some way! Note: this does not have to be a genuinely scary experience. Silly stories are just as welcome!

November 2017 (November 1 – December 15)
Either incorporate this into the dialogue, or use it as one of your story’s themes: ”Even in our times of hardship there is still much to be grateful for.”

December 2017 (December 1 – January 15)
-write a snow fic!
-write a fic about surviving the winter elements
-write a fic featuring Santa Claws :p
-write a fic that parallels your own holiday of choice

January 2018 (January 1 – February 15)
Incorporate the following into your story: ”He (or she) had once imagined becoming the leader of the herd. But not like this… not like this.”

February 2018 (February 1 – March 15)
Write a story about "undying love." What exactly this means is up to you.

March 2018 (March 1 – April 15)
Write a myth or legend set in the Land Before Time universe

April 2018 (April 1 – May 15)
Nothing to see here, folks. Move on! :DD

May 2018 (May 1 – June 15)
Incorporate the following phrase into your story: “when the bright circle rose the next day, it rose over a very different Great Valley.”

June 2018 (June 1 – July 15)
Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!

July 2018 (July 1 – August 15)
Your theme for this month: there comes a time in everyone's life where a choice must be made, one which may irreversibly alter the path ahead.

August 2018 (August 1 – September 15)
Goodbyes are never easy. Write a story about a parting.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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