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Power Rangers


  • Cera
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So... got dragged to this one, and it was an interesting little... experience. Believe it or not, it was okay. Not great. Nothing special, but not as skin-peelingly bad as I was expecting. Of course, the source material is nothing to write home about. It's a cheaply made TV show starring "actors" who were hired out of the gym, not the theater, and used Japanese stock footage for anything technical it needed.

It does and doesn't follow the story of the first season, from 1993. It follows it in the sense that they have the same outline, but all the working bits are changed. The rangers themselves are now not the sickingly goody-goody paragons of swellness you might remember from the original series. Instead, they're basically The Breakfast Club now. Four of the five heroes have actual legitimate issues for being troubled teens. The fifth, Jason, is the epitome of a privileged white kid in a first world nation who THINKS he has problems, but really doesn't. Well, he does, technically, but all his problems are ones he himself made for himself. The others are victims of circumstance or of a single thoughtless action that had very severe consequences.

My main issue with the film, apart from Jason reminding me a bit too much of jerks I went to school with, was that they don't actually suit up and kick ass until the last half-hour. Yes. Really. This film learned nothing from Fox's F4nastic. That said, that last half-hour was pretty awesome, all things considered.

Rita Repulsa was actually pretty terrifying as the main antagonist. Brian Cranston was, of course, excellent, even with the filmmakers deciding that Zordon needed to be kind of a jerk working against him. Alpha-5 is considerably less annoying than he was in the original series, but sadly: no Bulk and Skull.  :(

In all, it was an average teen drama/sci-fi/adventure/superhero movie. Nothing great, but certainly not the painful trial I was expecting. I'm actually kinda rooting for the film to get a sequel if they learn anything from making this one.

So how about you?
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • Ducky
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Had a choice last week between going to see the new Rangers or watch the Sci-Fi horror movie "Life". Picked the latter and was severely disappointed. Now all my friends are too busy to go and check out the former option. :(


  • Ducky
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Yeah it got horrible reviews from critics might pass on this one.


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I grew up with Power Rangers, watched nearly every episode of the Tv show, up to i Think season 14, then I lost interest. the movies have always stunk , with the worst imo being turbo- seriously a morpher that turns a kid into an adult? really?-  and i was fully prepared to see that this film was yet another clunker. but the fact that you thought it was ok WR- and given your history of going over every plot hole in a movie, thats saying something- Well i might give it a view.
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  • Ducky
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The show has 39 seasons already since it's released in Japan in 1978. And the show is still going strong to this day dang. I watched a lot of the episodes as a kid and I enjoyed them a lot. The monsters where kinda neat and the acting was meh to me. And let's not forget David Yost who played Billy was gay and that caused a lot of outrage with everyone back than. I felt bad he was treated poorly because of that he was a good character.


  • Cera
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Quote from: Nick22,Apr 3 2017 on  10:47 AM
I grew up with Power Rangers, watched nearly every episode of the Tv show, up to i Think season 14, then I lost interest. the movies have always stunk , with the worst imo being turbo- seriously a morpher that turns a kid into an adult? really?-  and i was fully prepared to see that this film was yet another clunker. but the fact that you thought it was ok WR- and given your history of going over every plot hole in a movie, thats saying something- Well i might give it a view.
Just to be clear, I didn't think it was a great movie, and I didn't even call it a good movie, really. It was just alright. The main reason I didn't hate it is because I feel like there's enough of a good idea here that if the filmmakers did a sequel and really learned from what worked and didn't work in this one, they could have a solid franchise on their hands.

Oh, right, I forgot to talk something. They switched the ethnicities around a little bit, making Billy black, Zack Asian, Trini Latino (I think), while Kimberly and Jason are still white.
One of the film's strengths is that Billy is the most realistic and subdued cinematic example of an autistic I've ever seen. He's eccentric as all heck, but not unable to communicate with people and function.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • Ducky
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Happy to see a gay character in this movie Also. It's very awesome that this one is accepted and tolerrated.


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  • Chomper
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Saw the movie. It's flawed but I like the characters (Even if Jason occasionally leers into a at times bland Standardized Leader kind of person) and wouldn't mind seeing them again. It can be very different from MMPR but I enjoyed it on its own terms. I liked Billy the most and he was a good portrayal of an autistic character. I kind of shipped him with Jason, who he was closest too. Trini is confirmed to be queer, though that doesn’t get much focus. I would hope that’s explored more in the next movie. And apparently, the movie cast is lobbying for Tommy to be a girl in the sequel. That would be interesting and it’d be great to have the rare ranger team that’s gender parity. I wonder if there’s going to be a comic book crossover between the Reboot and original cast at some point, since IDW’s doing that with Ghostbusters. It’d be pretty neat.


  • Ducky
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Yeah it was flawed but it was eh the story development was okay the characters where okay I didn't like how it took them until the end of the movie to suit up. Hopefully in the sequel they suit up more often.