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LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?

Ducky123 · 399 · 64855


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Name: Leafie

Species: Edaphosaurus (( She's a lizard with a small sail crest on her back. )) Her diet consists of plants, berries mollusks, and possibly bugs. Scientsists are still not sure if they are carnivores of small prey like smaller lizards and such or thry are herbivores. Due to this uncertainty I'm going to call her an omnivore just because it's uncertain. Now as for what everyone else should call her. Well she's a land lizard and has a sail crest on her back. So maybe they'd call her Small Sailback or Tiny Sailback?

Gender: Female

Age: five and a half years almost six (( a very young child ))

Personality: Leafie is skittish, fearful and weary around those she doesn’t know well. Her true personality blooms when she becomes comfortable around others and she knows them well. She’s rather bashful and shy, but can be a real chatterbox sometimes. She’s also very passionate about sticking up for her friends and she can surprise others by acting braver than she actually is. Leafie is afraid of a lot of things, especially loud thunder. She can handle low tumbles and low booms of thunder but not loud ones. She absolutely adores rain and will go out and play in it and puddles. She loves to swim even though she isn’t a swimmer and she shouldn’t really be swimming due to her being cold blooded. Leafie has odd phrases she likes to live by and can be really eccentric. Leafie is complex as well as goofy as all kids can be. Leafie biggest fear are Sharpteeth, Fast Biters especially. Her other fears are not finding her adoptive long neck family and perishing along the way.

Appearance: Leafie is a minty green Edaphosaurus, she has white specks on her face, back and legs. She has a light yellow frill on her back and her eyes are a beautiful rare blue. Her underbelly is also a light yellow and her claws are ivory hued.

Family:  Unknown Edaphosaurus parents and possibly siblings. Her adoptive long neck mother Starla and her adoptive long neck father Thunderwhip. Along with her adoptive brother Dusk and adoptive sister Dawn, they aren’t related to Starla or Thunderwhip! Starla and Thunderwhip adopted Dusk and Dawn after they lost their only hatchling to Fastbiters. Leafie’s adoptive grand parents are Silver and Ophira on Starla’s side and then there’s Bloom and Buck from Thunderwhip side.

Backstory: Leafie was stolen away from her family’s nest before she was born. As an egg she was saved by Dusk and Dawn, after hatching Dusk and Dawn’ sparents Starla and Thunderwhip adopted Leafie as their own. Even though she wasn’t a long neck! Leafie faced awful abuse and prejudice within the herd of long necks. Despite the best efforts of her adoptive family, Leafie still felt like an outcast. One day some other long necks in the herd lured Leafie away into Fastbiter territory, pushing her down into a cave. They left her there to die. Leafie however, escaped with her life and only received a bite scar on her tail as a painful reminder of what happened. Finding herself lost, Leafie tried to remember how to get home. However the great Earthshake happened and her adoptive long neck family ended up on the other side of the divide. Now she tries to brave the unknown by herself, weary of other dinosaurs since she’s faced much more prejudice since being out on her own. She often hides away when she can, either in between rocks, up in scarce trees where some food remains, in dried up bushes, caves and small holes. Her favorite places to hide are caves and small holes, ironic due to the fact that she almost died in a cave in Fastbiter territory.


I didn't know where to put this. But here's a little Bio about Leafie! I hope you like it!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2018, 06:34:57 PM by XxRainTheSwimmerxX »


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Yep, this is perfect here. I'll add it to the masterpost on the first page if I don't forget :P (on my phone now = pain)

Just two minor things I noticed.

1. I think all of us were referencing human age when deciding on how old our characters are. Leafie would still be very young, hardly able to talk etc. If you went with the current age. I'm not a paleo nut after all so I wouldn't know how long these creatures needed to grow up :P

2. Just in case you missed this, our little group is not supposed to ever find the Great Valley. Wherever we are, it's awfully far away. The original idea is having a similar storyline than the original LBT but with different characters and locations. Like... I don't think any canon characters will ever appear in here.

We still didn't quite agree on a final destination and I think leaving that open for a while longer might benefit the story after all :) However it is further north where the climate is cooler. I think we had some interesting concepts some pages earlier in this thread so whenever the need arises to debate this further we could still revisit that for inspiration.

Oh and 3. Again I'm no paleo nut so I actually never heard of Leafie's species. What kind of dinosaur is she? (Maybe try to come up with a LBT-ish name for her species? :P)

I'm sure it'll be interesting to have her in my group. If you have any ideas on how to meet each other feel free to let me know so we can coordinate a little bit (which is my preferred RP-style, doing some rough planning while still leaving everyone enough freedom)
« Last Edit: March 08, 2018, 10:38:55 AM by Ducky123 »
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Quote from: Ducky123 on Mar 8 2018, 09:31:24 AM
Yep, this is perfect here. I'll add it to the masterpost on the first page if I don't forget :P (on my phone now = pain)

Just two minor things I noticed.

1. I think all of us were referencing human age when deciding on how old our characters are. Leafie would still be very young, hardly able to talk etc. If you went with the current age. I'm not a paleo nut after all so I wouldn't know how long these creatures needed to grow up :P

2. Just in case you missed this, our little group is not supposed to ever find the Great Valley. Wherever we are, it's awfully far away. The original idea is having a similar storyline than the original LBT but with different characters and locations. Like... I don't think any canon characters will ever appear in here.

We still didn't quite agree on a final destination and I think leaving that open for a while longer might benefit the story after all :) However it is further north where the climate is cooler. I think we had some interesting concepts some pages earlier in this thread so whenever the need arises to debate this further we could still revisit that for inspiration.

Oh and 3. Again I'm no paleo nut so I actually never heard of Leafie's species. What kind of dinosaur is she? (Maybe try to come up with a LBT-ish name for her species? :P)

I'm sure it'll be interesting to have her in my group. If you have any ideas on how to meet each other feel free to let me know so we can coordinate a little bit (which is my preferred RP-style, doing some rough planning while still leaving everyone enough freedom)
Okay lemme fix some things up in her bio then! So I can correct those two things!


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It's good to see another member participating in this roleplay. :) I'll look forward to seeing your contributions soon enough but I still wonder about Leafie's age. According to this article, a child's language is still very crude at the age of three and considering the overall small size and lack of advanced planning skills for someone so young, I doubt she would be able to survive the journey. :unsure:
« Last Edit: March 09, 2018, 05:07:49 PM by Sovereign »


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I'll change it again.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2018, 06:36:59 PM by XxRainTheSwimmerxX »


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I have upped her age up to five and a half years. I hope that this will suffice. She's almost six but still a young child.


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@Ducky: Oo Everyone except me were writing in human's age years for their characters? Ok...
And don't forget about cameo of one famous character, or he would bite your tail! XD

@Rain: Anyway, yeah, 3,5 years would be too young, 5-6 is nice! :)
And hey, I noticed that your character, despite there were longneck's assholes who did villainous thing to her, she still was adopted not only by other species' family, but also was truly loved by them. Hmm, and since there are characters who extremely fears, bewares, or hates other species and THEIR OWN(!) species' herds, adults and families... I believe her experience in being saved and adopted by nice family would help other in some way.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2018, 07:36:34 PM by Sneak »


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Thank you all for helping me out with my character! She's finally ready to go and be brought to life! I cannot WAIT to start rping her and having her develop more! As soon as I get the all clear to post, it's show time for Leafie~


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yeah, the age she has now is alright. :)

@Sneak A very good thought! Despite her traumatic experience, she still has more inter-species experiences than most other characters in play. I could imagine Lizzie making her realize that she's still been loved and treated well by those who took her in at some point.

Btw, what do you all think about everyone having to cross a huge rift in order to reach the oasis?
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Ohhh I like that idea! It would be a fun to see how each character would cross it haha. I imagine Leafie would find a safe way to climb down and then try to climb up the other side but fail miserably and keep landing on her behind XD. Since she loves climbing so much, and she would be very stubborn about it until the others convinced her that trying to climb up from where she is, isn't going to work haha


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Well, I could see some good arguments about whether to climb or walk around it :smile
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I am ready to roleplay now~!
Though I need to know exactly what's going on right now and where everyone is. So I don't mess up the time and location!


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I did not make a map of the area east of the starting locations most of us had. My group is now just some distance away from the edge of the map, many days of travel still away of the oasis where the two groups are going to meet.

Your starting point could be a little closer to the oasis and we might just stumble upon you in a cave at some point of our journey?

Oh and to know what's going on just read the last couple posts if you haven't already, yep yep yep
« Last Edit: March 14, 2018, 08:15:36 AM by Ducky123 »
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Hey guys! Leafie is about to make her grand entrance! However I am currently applying for a job. If I land this job I won't be available to rp or to talk from 8 am to 4 pm. Sorry for any inconvenience!


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No worries! This is not a super fast-paced RP, usually it takes a day or two for people to make replies :smile


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Currently Buko is focused on running for his life, so unless someone points out to him what the threehorn is doing he will not change his course much.  A word from someone else in the group might cause him to reconsider his course of action, however.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Should I be the one to end the chase when it ends, or...?
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)