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Legend of Sucky


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The Legend of Sucky

On a warm evening in the Great Valley, a couple of dinosaur children had gathered at their favourite story-telling place. It was a little secluded from the rest of the valley, rocks surrounding a medium-sized area that was about wide enough to hold a family of longnecks but not much more than that. The ground was cracked at some places, heat causing the air to swirl above them as the hot interior of planet earth was exposed here. The red, fiery glow gave the stories they told each other a completely different touch and, moreover, it helped keeping them warm on colder days. Today, however, it was still very warm despite the fact that the Bright Circle had already left the Valley. Dawn was descending more and more over the children as one of them began to announce.

“Hi everybody, thanks for coming again!” Littlefoot exclaimed as he stood in front of everyone else, one of the bigger cracks separating them from his tall, longnecked form. In front of him, his friends Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Chomper and Ruby had gathered, Spike supposedly catching up with them soon as he was still having his dinner. Besides his usual bunch of friends, Cera’s cousins, Dinah and Dana, were gathered as well, looking eagerly at the longneck.

“Let’s hear another wonderful story tonight, shall we?” Littlefoot proclaimed happily as his gaze wandered through the group.

“Whose turn it is?” Petrie piped up from his perch on Cera’s hornfrill.

“Not mine, it was my turn last time!” Cera immediately fired back.

“Ducky, it’s Ducky’s turn!” Chomper remembered as his excitement rose; Ducky would always tell interesting stories after all quite unlike the ones Cera was often sharing with them.

“Ducky, have you prepared a story then?” Littlefoot questioned, his gaze wandering over to the swimmer.

“Of course I did, yep yep yep,” Ducky chuckled in response; she loved telling stories after all.

“What kind of story?” Dana piped up curiously.

“Yeah, is it a scary story, is it?” Dinah chimed in.

“You always cry during those,” Cera deadpanned but the twins chose to ignore her.

“It doesn’t matter what kind of story it is as long as it is a good story,” Ruby elaborated with a slight chuckle.

“Indeed, Ruby,” Littlefoot nodded in agreement. “Well, Ducky, the audience is all yours, let’s swap places.”

“Yep yep yep!” Ducky tweeted as she got up from her spot, hopping across the crack in the ground while Littlefoot took a seat next to Cera.

“Oh, before I begin, should we wait for Spiky, should we?”

“He probably knows the story as well, considering you probably heard it from your mother,” Littlefoot reasoned. “ it should be fine to start.”

“It his business if he rather eat than hear story. Me wanna hear story right here right now,” Petrie argued, crossing his wings in front of him indignantly.

“Okay then, everybody listen please,” Ducky requested which put an end to the discussion Dinah and Dana were having among themselves about what kind of story it might be this time. “The story I will tell you is a bit of a sad one but I hope that it will teach you a lesson, yep yep yep. It is the story of Sucky the swimmer…the legendary swimmer child who sucked at everything she did…”

Many years ago:

“Go away, you suck!”

The swimmer child looked up at her perpetrator sadly. She was used to being pushed around yet it never ceased to hurt being turned down by the fellow children in her herd.

“I am Sucky because I suck suck suck…” With a sigh, she freed herself from the puddle of muddy water she had been dumped into and began to walk away from the bully as she was told, aiming for the nearby stream to wash the dirt off her skin which was a dull, grey-ish colour, quite as opposed to the green-ish, brown-ish or even yellow-ish hues most of the swimmers in her herd had. In a way, it reflected on most of her life so far...

“So let me get this straight… You are telling us a story about some weird swimmer?! Can I just go to sleep?”

“Cera, quit complaining. I didn’t want to hear your oh so glorious threehorn tale either,” Littlefoot retorted quickly. Even if the synopsis of Ducky’s story seemed a little dubious and boring, he was sure to be proven wrong eventually. As he had learned from his grandfather, many stories which didn’t start promising turned out to be the best ones.

“Fine whatever…” Cera sighed, resigning. Putting up a fight was not how she wanted to end the day either.

“Go on, Ducky, me still listen,” Petrie encouraged the swimmer, who was momentarily taken aback by the early interruption. Apparently, that did well as the kind-hearted swimmer raised her voice again.

“Saddened by the assault, Sucky walked away, reflecting on how she came to be…”

It all began even before her hatchday. Sucky’s egg had been a lonely one. Nobody knew who it belonged to; all they knew being that an egg had been laid into an abandoned nest. The more dutiful and caring members of her herd would occasionally tend to the egg but, with nobody really taking care, the egg had been cold for a long time.

Sucky had hatched regardless of the neglect, however it was much later - many weeks, after the other eggs that she finally saw the light of the Bright Circle first hand. Without a mother or a father to raise her, Sucky had spent her early childhood alone, only the deputies of the herd or the less selfish occasionally bringing her food and teaching her the bare necessities that a baby swimmer needed to be taught.

Both physical and mental neglect lead to a number of issues that essentially defined the kind of swimmer Sucky was destined to become - nothing but a failure.

To begin with, Sucky hadn’t been growing very well, always looking weakly and sick. Many illnesses would haunt her constantly, threatening her life several times. She also couldn’t walk the way normal swimmers did which earned her a lot of mocking not only from the children but from her elders as well. Many attempts at annihilating that tick of hers, whether using appeal or force, had failed horribly and, eventually, everyone came to the conclusion that it’d be hopeless. However, since nobody had the heart to send the poor child away, she continued to be tolerated despite the fact that she’d never be able to run from a predator fast enough.

“Ack!” Before the hapless swimmer knew what was happening, she fell flat on her face, having stumbled upon a vine on the ground. It was just another perk of being her that she fell… a lot. No day passed without injuring herself in one way or another, mostly because she stumbled upon her own feet during her weird walk cycle.

“I am Sucky because I suck suck suck.” Flinching as the pain truly began to hit, she struggled back to her feet, sighing. Back when she was younger she would often cry but, after one too many disappointments, she eventually learned that nobody would come to help either way.

Aside from her walking, her eye-sight was also badly affected. On top of her eyes not coordinating well, her field of vision was a lot smaller than that of a normal swimmer which many other children often made use of when sneaking up on her unbeknownst to Sucky.

The poor hadrosaur’s mind also hadn’t developed quite as well as to be expected from someone her age which resulted in her being labelled as a stupid no-brainer who couldn’t even understand the simplest of complex things.
Despite all the hardship life was constantly throwing at her, however, Sucky remained stubborn, surviving one close call after the next one until she had reached the age of eight. It was just on a normal day – terrible as usual, when things decided to go from worse to worst for not only her cursed self but for her own herd as well…
“Poor Sucky, she not having it easy…” Petrie commented absent-mindedly which drew in Ducky’s attention.
“Well, yeah. That is nothing compared to the bad luck streak we were once having. Do you all remember?”
“Not at all.”
“What happened?” Dinah and Dana, despite being very much involved in those past incidents, had been too young to recall any of the events but somewhere deep down they knew it must have involved them in some way or another.
“You silly airheads, don’t you remember falling off Saurus Rock?!” Cera complained with a half-hearted sigh.
“Oh, Grandpa Topsy tell us about it once, ëmember Dinah?”
“Either way,” Littlefoot made his slowly deepening voice known to everyone present. “What happened? I think you were about to get to an important part?”
“Yeah, you say it sad story so something bad bound to happen at some point…” Petrie added to Littlefoot’s point.
“Well, worse than the load of dung Sucky is always going through… oh geez…” Cera mumbled to herself but nobody except for the twins paid her any attention.
“Indeed, something terrible terrible happened to Sucky and her herd,” Ducky confirmed to settle the commotion in the listener’s ranks. In a mysterious tone, the swimmer carried on the tale.
“What I am about to tell you about really happened as you guys (Ducky pointed at Littlefoot, Cera and Petrie) can tell first hand, yep yep yep…”

It seemed like a perfectly normal to Sucky. After somehow ending up as the main target of a swarm of blood sucking insects, the poor swimmer sighed as she mindlessly drifted in the calm waters of the pond her herd was residing at for a few days to recover strength. Occasionally scratching parts of herself which, every so often, caused her to accidently submerge, Sucky spend the afternoon doing nothing in particular just as she always did. Nobody would mind her – maybe except for the bullies who were sometimes still picking on her, so she was simply bored and lonely as always, her eyes following the occasional cloud drifting past her.
It would have been a normal day indeed but suddenly Sucky noticed that something was off. Scratching her head, pondering what it might be (which obviously didn’t lead to any formidable results), the feeling suddenly turned into a nightmare of leaf and meateater alike…
Before Sucky knew what was going on, the world was spinning and tumbling around her, the calm waters turning into a raging madness within the blink of an eye as the ground beneath her began to move hastily.
“E-earthshake?!” Sucky had been witness to a few smaller rumbles of the earth but they had been like a funny game of trying not to trip. This event, however, was a completely different level of madness. Panicking, constantly being submerged by the huge waves forming despite the small size of the pond, Sucky paddled with all her might, reaching the shore only moments before her strength left her completely.
“I am *pant* Sucky *pant* because I *pant* suck suck *pant* suck…” she managed to squeeze out her catchphrase, seemingly ignoring the imminent danger for a moment. Around her, chaos had befallen the herd, dinosaurs of all ages running in all possible directions at once but there was no escape. Sucky tried to get further away from the water pushing wave after wave against her hide but gaining her footing was simply impossible. The ground was moving up and down as if someone below her feet was shaking earth itself.
Suddenly, the intensity of the earthshake increased by another few magnitudes, the whole ground around Sucky liquefying and moving in waves like water, throwing the hapless swimmer back and forth. Sucky screamed at the top of her lungs as her very life was now on the line. As she screamed, the earth split in half a mere stone’s throw in front of her, quickly growing, further cracks appearing out of nowhere closer and closer to Sucky. In spite of the pain she was in and in spite of the still rocking ground, the swimmer somehow managed to get onto her feet, half crawling, half running and half falling away from the growing abyss. More and more land submerged behind her, her panicked screams growing louder and louder as she tried to scramble away. At this rate, she would be sucked into the collapsing land mass in no time!
Abruptly, without warning, the ground below her rocketed skywards, the hapless youngling clinging at the rock for her very life. Would this be her end?

“Sorry to interrupt Ducky, but…” It was Chomper who had decided to speak up just as the climax of the action was descending upon the listeners of Ducky’s story,
“What is it?” Ducky wondered, smiling at the little biter.
“If this happened during the infamous earthshake that split the land, it means Sucky probably wasn’t much older than you at the time!”
“Ducky, was she a member of your old herd?” Littlefoot interrogated, also curious to see if there was any connection between Sucky and his friend.
“Maybe she even know Sucky?” Petrie hypothesized, scratching his neck.
“I did not know her but Sucky was indeed a member of the herd. Mommy made sure that I never got anywhere around her though…” Ducky explained which earned her some excited squeals from the twins.
“Cool cool!” Dinah tweeted.
What happen to her then? She get any more lucky than us during earthshake?” Petrie asked, stepping forward.
“Well… let me tell you the rest of the tale, yep yep yep!”

Just when it seemed like the piece of rock would fall over into the abyss, the earthshake suddenly stopped. Sucky remained lying where she was, covered in countless bruises and bleeding cuts. Her whole body was exhausted to the limits and tiredness descended upon the child quicker than dawn upon the battered land that used to be a hospitable place. Before she knew it, Sucky had fallen asleep on the spot, not even tempted to move to a safer place, nightmares of falling rocks and splitting lands haunting her sleep.
When Sucky awoke at the first ray of the Bright Circle, it took her a moment to realize what had transpired the other day. The sudden shock of seeing the devastated area quickly wearing off, Sucky looked around herself from her vantage point as best as her eyes allowed her to. What she saw shocked the girl. Corpses littered the ground and everything was broken and crooked and, above all, she found herself dangerously close to the gaping hole in the landscape.
“Yikes!” she squeaked, quickly making her way down from the piece of land that got raised just before the earthshake ended. No living creature was to be seen, only corpses of swimmers and some other dinosaurs rotting away here and there. It was then that Sucky made a heartbreaking realization.
She was all alone.
Being all alone was something completely different than being an outcast among others. At least there were other dinosaurs to talk to, observe or just hang around them. At least they always lead her to food and water… at least they protected her. Now she was on her own, a kid with many disabilities trying to survive in the wilderness. Whether her herd abandoned her or whether she was the only survivor (what a change from her misfortune that would have been!) didn’t matter at this point. With slow, staggering steps, the child set foot on the cracked ground, no idea where to go or what to do, only knowing that she couldn’t stay where she was.
“I am Sucky because I suck suck suck…” Mumbling her catchphrase to herself, she began wandering away from the scene, away from the crack in the land and away from her old life.

Never to be seen again.

Some choked sobs could be heard from the corner the twins resided at as the swimmer concluded her tale.

"Poor poor Sucky!"

"So sad!"

"Oh, get a grip, will ya?" Cera sighed as she set sight upon the sobbing twins.

"Quite a tragic tale indeed," Littlefoot admitted, able to relate to the hapless swimmer's predicament as he had been there before in the past. A lone child with disabilities in the Beyond was likely a goner.

"Did anyone ever hear about her again?" Chomper wondered, Ruby looking at Ducky expectantly as well.

"No no no, I have not," Ducky admitted. "Many from that herd did not make it and my mommy and I got separated from the rest and each other as well..."

"Does this tale have any hidden lesson, a hidden lesson it has?" Ruby wondered since usually these tales had to be read metaphorically as well.

"I am not entirely sure," the swimmer replied honestly. "Sucky was simply cursed with bad luck but she never stopped trying... I guess?"

"Well, maybe she have lots of adventures like we did?" Petrie suggested .

"I'm sure she did," Littlefoot assured, smiling. Glancing over at the twins yawning soundly he added mirthfully. "Well, it's getting late so let's go back home, shall we?"

"Yeah," Cera grunted, shooting a glance over at the twins. "Just for the record, you're walking yourselves home, got that?"

The twins nodded somewhat drowsily which earned them a few chuckles from the assembled dinosaurs.

"Yep, yep, yep, I need to find Spiky anyway since he probably dozed-ed off while eating," Ducky pointed out, another round of chuckles going through the group.

"Geez, will he ever change?" Cera sighed, rolling her eyes.

"I could scare him to teach him a lesson," Chomper added with a toothy grin, however his excitement faded when Ruby reprimanded him.

"No, enough adventures for today because today is already over!"

"Well," Ducky spoke up in order to conclude the storytelling night. "We may not know what adventures Sucky may have had but I think it would be fun guessing, yes it would! But I think I need... to go now, yep yep... yep."

"Even Petrie tired," the flyer admitted, chuckling slightly when Ducky couldn't suppress yawning as she spoke.

"Let's discuss this tomorrow, let's all head for home now!" Littlefoot announced, to which none of his friends objected. After wishing each other a good night, they separated, going home. And legend says, some even dreamed about the adventures of Sucky the unlucky swimmer that night.


well, what should I say...

I knew I would write about Sucky one day ever since it became a running gag on the discord server xD Quite naturally, this gives the story a touch of crackfic but believe me when I say that this is a serious story and not a crackfic :lol

With this story, I wanted to get her backstory covered and it just so happened that, by embedding it into a story telling evening of our favourite dinosaurs, I could meet the March prompt as well  :Mo

So yes, this is not the last you've heart of Sucky :P

Please let me know what you think, I have no clue how it's going to be received (and I do realize the writing style may be lacking a bit here and there due to the strong focus on either narration or dialogue. Wrote most of this being tired and also proofread this being sleepy so bear with me :P)
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When I first began to read this story I expected something quite lighthearted due to, well, the title.  :p But the more that I read the more that I realized that this was a much different story than I had originally anticipated.  This is a character introduction story, and quite a dark one at that.  But yet based upon what we have seen from the hadrosaurs in the series it is quite believable. We have seen a swimmer family take in another upon the prompting of a sibling (Spike) but we have not seen what happens when an unclaimed egg is left unattended.  It is quite heartening that the mothers would want to offer herd hospitality to the hapless egg, but it is also understandable that the focus of the mothers' endeavors would be to their own families, and not to the ward of the herd.  And, sadly, like many orphans Sucky's life is quite hard without much affection.  But even her hard life is shown in harsher terms when she is presented with nothing but corpses to greet her with no living herd member left to greet her.

Being all alone was something completely different than being an outcast among others. At least there were other dinosaurs to talk to, observe or just hang around them. At least they always lead her to food and water… at least they protected her. Now she was on her own, a kid with many disabilities trying to survive in the wilderness. Whether her herd abandoned her or whether she was the only survivor (what a change from her misfortune that would have been!) didn’t matter at this point. With slow, staggering steps, the child set foot on the cracked ground, no idea where to go or what to do, only knowing that she couldn’t stay where she was.

I can only hope that Sucky has better days ahead of her, with companionship and adventures.  Because, as the gang would attest to, never mind how much life sucks, it is bearable with friends.  :p

Despite the unconventional nature of this story, and the surprising darkness in its plot, I must admit that I am intrigued with the possibilities that it presents for the future.  I certainly look forward to seeing what this character does in the future.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Thank you very much for the review and thorough analysis ^^spike

It was a bit of a challenge to find a believable backstory for the character that I came up with. From the start I knew that she'd be an orphan and the idea of her also having disabilities came up later to add to her situation.

I'm glad that you liked the darker tone of the story. I'm pretty sure that any continuation will be more lighthearted though :D
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Well, I decided to read some new random LBT story, and ended here...

Huh? Sucky is running gag on different LBT server? Can you tell origin backstory, please? :D


Well, after reading it, I ended with a bit confusing feelings. Oo
Maybe because poor Sucky here is epitome of bad, misfortune and unhappiness so I did see this story as not serious till the very end. And ending of Ducky's story was... unexpected. Hmm, why did Ducky even choose this story to tell? I 'm confused! XD

So, it's just first chapter of stories about Sucky or I didn't get it? ;)

"Geez, will he ever change?" Cera sighed, rolling her eyes.

"I could scare him to teach him a lesson," Chomper added with a toothy grin
Do it!!! :O
« Last Edit: April 20, 2018, 07:14:40 AM by Sneak »


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...wh...what have I done...? xD
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


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I've been bad at motivating myself to start reading fanfiction but how could I resist reading about the legendary Sucky :p

The darker approach is certainly unexpected given the comedic nature of how Sucky came about but it does fit thematically with her character. The few interjections made by the gang were a nice touch and I think helped pull back from being too depressing. It also seems that Ducky knows more about the story then she is leading on given her last line.

It's an interesting story so far and I'm looking forward to seeing more!

Huh? Sucky is running gag on different LBT server? Can you tell origin backstory, please?
Sucky came about on the GoF's Discord server. You can find the link to join in After Midnight. The whole concept started with Hypno typing in Ducky but having it auto-correct to Sucky.


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nope, not going to join more places beyond this forum. (and I'm not registered in such chat sites at all...)
huh, auto-correct? XD Sucky is indeed legendary then!

Btw, is it for me, or story's font size became 32 times bigger?
« Last Edit: April 21, 2018, 01:59:02 PM by Sneak »


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This was a pretty enjoyable short story with a good yet dark plot. Sucky's tale worked quite well but even then, I have to say I enjoyed the Gang's banter even more than the story itself. The present-day scenes were quite funny and in more ways than one, mirrored what the reader was thinking throughout the story which was quite impressive.  Sucky's story itself was surprisingly nicely done also but I never quite managed to get over her name and utter hopelessness. She felt like a quite one-dimensional character but on the other hand, it emphasized her mental state quite well.

The fic itself was extremely short which made it quite hard to tell two fully-fledged storylines at the same time. Sucky herself, despite the dark plot, felt like the gag she was born as which prevented this story from realizing its full potential, I'm afraid. Yet, I truly enjoyed the frame-plot here, especially Cera's approach to Ducky's story and your explanation for Spike's absence. :lol Overall, my thoughts about this fic  are somewhat divided as there was really much I liked and some things that felt rather awkward. Yet, this was a rather good read and it utilized the prompt quite well so good job with that. :)


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Whoa, this got more popular than I expected xD

Huh? Sucky is running gag on different LBT server? Can you tell origin backstory, please? :D
Over on the discord server we have... it all started with one unfortunate typo...  :p And I kinda came up with a story after everyone started making fun of it lol

Well, after reading it, I ended with a bit confusing feelings. Oo
Maybe because poor Sucky here is epitome of bad, misfortune and unhappiness so I did see this story as not serious till the very end. And ending of Ducky's story was... unexpected. Hmm, why did Ducky even choose this story to tell? I 'm confused! XD
Well yeah, this is basically a crossover of tragedy and a crackfic so I can totally see why you're having some issues taking it seriously :D

Yeah why did she?  :blink: Well, she was the best to tell a story about a swimmer, don't you think? In order to fit the prompt, I thought it would be a nice touch to turn this into a story-telling session of the gang :)

"I could scare him to teach him a lesson," Chomper added with a toothy grin

Do it!!! :O


...wh...what have I done...? xD
it's insignificant to what this guy did
it's insignificant to what this guy did :smile

(and yeah, Sneak, Hypno is guilty  :p  )

I've been bad at motivating myself to start reading fanfiction but how could I resist reading about the legendary Sucky :p
Oh, my work is insignificant compared to the really good stuff out there (I'm not looking at you, rhombus, Sovereign, Dave, Lone Dragon etc.  :idea )

The darker approach is certainly unexpected given the comedic nature of how Sucky came about but it does fit thematically with her character. The few interjections made by the gang were a nice touch and I think helped pull back from being too depressing. It also seems that Ducky knows more about the story then she is leading on given her last line.

It's an interesting story so far and I'm looking forward to seeing more!
Thanks! :D True, the gang help lighten the mood a little. I didn't have the intention to create that effect (as I said to Sneak, my main objective there was to meet the prompt more effectively) :yes

Btw, is it for me, or story's font size became 32 times bigger?
Must be a bug, I only enlarged the headline  :)

This was a pretty enjoyable short story with a good yet dark plot. Sucky's tale worked quite well but even then, I have to say I enjoyed the Gang's banter even more than the story itself.
I'm glad you enjoyed my short story as well :smile I'm particularly glad the usual banter between the dinosaur pals wasn't boring, I just had to have Cera throw some punchlines  :lol

The present-day scenes were quite funny and in more ways than one, mirrored what the reader was thinking throughout the story which was quite impressive.
Oh did it, really? It's always interesting what readers are thinking and feeling as they read because sometimes the author didn't even consider these possible effects their writing might have. Well, I suppose I'm glad that I accidently captured that haha  :exactly

Sucky's story itself was surprisingly nicely done also but I never quite managed to get over her name and utter hopelessness. She felt like a quite one-dimensional character but on the other hand, it emphasized her mental state quite well.
It is hard to develop a character via a tale like the one Ducky narrated here. I didn't want to drag the story on for too long either and focus on the necessary information as this is a sort of introduction for Sucky (as some have already been hypothesizing, this may not be the last time we see Sucky so there may be more room for a more thorough characterization of her later. :yes )

The fic itself was extremely short which made it quite hard to tell two fully-fledged storylines at the same time. Sucky herself, despite the dark plot, felt like the gag she was born as which prevented this story from realizing its full potential, I'm afraid. Yet, I truly enjoyed the frame-plot here, especially Cera's approach to Ducky's story and your explanation for Spike's absence. :lol Overall, my thoughts about this fic are somewhat divided as there was really much I liked and some things that felt rather awkward. Yet, this was a rather good read and it utilized the prompt quite well so good job with that. :)
Thank you as always for your constructive critism. Unlike with my February story, I was very unsure how this would unfold. Attempting to combine something ridiculous with a more serious plot wasn't easy and I see that I may not have lived up to my full potential there. Still, as you seem to have enjoyed the read nevertheless, I think it wasn't too horrible?  :lol

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I... Love this :lol
Sucky is now a full-fledged OC, and it's too perfect :p


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Wow. This felt very dark. I couldn't possibly imagine there being a severely disabled homeless child in the middle of nowhere, but with all the bad luck that has plagued this child, I'm simply left wondering whatever happened to the poor girl after the earthquake. This is certainly one of the better LBT tragedy fanfics out there. Nice one! Will this become a series of some sort?
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

Ducky x Petrie forever! :)petrie :duckyhappy


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Well, that would be telling :P

Thanks for the review :D
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