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Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom


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Jurassic World 2 - The Fallen Kingdom has been out for some time now. I would like to take this as an opportunity to share my opinion about this film.  :)

Have you seen the movie? Share your opinion in this topic!

Since the following are things that I really like about this film, I will go into deep detail. According to this, there will be a large number of spoilers. So don't continue reading if you still want to watch the movie.

In the past I was never really enthusiastic about the Jurassic-Park series. I saw it for the first time this year in winter, and only to "have it behind me". Almost everyone saw it, so I guess I'll have to do it too, I thought to myself.
So I approached the whole thing with a critical attitude. So when I watched Jurassic World 1, I was glad I didn't miss those movies.
I was interested in the next part. I knew it would be out soon, sometime in the summer. I watched the trailer, and I was totally excited! I couldn't wait to see Jurassic World 2. But after the trailer I was afraid that it spoiled too much for me, which didn't bother me afterwards however.

I watched it at the cinema on the first weekend of publishing in Germany, and I was thrilled! This movie exceeded all my expectations!
The next day I met my friend who hadn't seen the film yet. So I went to the cinema with him, for me the second time.

I guess I was the only one at school who was impressed by Jurassic World 2. The few who saw the film found it "good" to "average".

Some of my friends who hadn't seen the film asked me if I would go to the cinema with them again. My answer was immediately "yes!

So I watched Jurassic World 2 - The Fallen Kingdom three times. It wasn't a waste of money for me, because at least I liked watching the film. It didn't get boring, so it was worth it every time.

The film left me with some thoughts that still occupy me until now. Some of them I would like to present in the following.


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One of the big points in Jurassic World 2 that makes people thinking is genetic engineering.
Should it be allowed? After all, it would bring with it a large number of opportunities. But also risks, or unforeseeable events.

You are confronted with genetic engineering right from the start. Anyway, this is how the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were recreated. If you put yourself in the position of the film, genetic engineering is more advanced than in the present. In the first Jurassic World, DNA can already be mixed, and in Jurassic World 2 it can even be edited very precisely.
So one looks into the future, at least technologically. At the beginning of the film Dr. Ian Melcolm talks about letting the dinosaurs die. The extinction was decided by nature, so the human being must not bring them back. This volcanic eruption is therefore an appropriate opportunity for a correction.

However, the creation of the Indoraptor puts genetic engineering in a bad light. It was misused to make a weapon.

When the majority of the still living dinosaurs reach the open air, people have to live with them, at least if they are not killed.

Dr. Ian Melcolm concludes that the human being cannot take responsibility. Too many boundaries have been crossed. There's no turning back now.
He cites nuclear technology as an example: Who could have known that after the discovery of nuclear fission there would be such a swarm of nuclear weapons? It will be the same with genetic engineering, according to Melcolm. After all, it is unlikely that it will end with the recreation of the dinosaurs. There will be drastic consequences, dangerous ones, as with nuclear technology.

At this point, however, it must be stressed that Dr. Ian Melcolm is a chaos theoretician. It is practically a condition that he warns of the consequences of genetic engineering. But the risks are there, definitely.
And even if the dinosaurs were to die out again, the experience in the field of genetics would remain.

I would like to mention something else in this regard:
In the film the viewer learns that Maisie Lockwood, the alleged granddaughter of Sir Benjamin Lockwood, is in fact his daughter, or the copy. So he used his dead daughter's DNA to recreate her. Besides, that was also the reason why he and John Hammond had split up in the past.
If one takes this into account in the evaluation of genetic engineering, one can certainly suspect bad things.
If Dr. Ian Melcolm is right and it does not end with the recreation of dinosaurs, which would make sense, genetic engineering could also be applied to humans in the future. It is certain that this cannot mean anything good. One could edit people as one likes. This would be criticized if only because many people would not allow some genetic engineers to play "God". In this sense, genetic engineering would not have a good future.

But there are other things I really liked about the movie.
The viewer is asked again and again whether the dinosaurs should die or not.

First one gets to know what happens to Isla Nublar. A volcano is going to erupt. Should the dinosaurs now be saved or should they become extinct again?

At first, Dr. Ian Malcolm argues in an understandable way. The dinosaurs were chosen by nature, and as a result the humans could evolve. They should never have created them again.

But then Claire, who wants to save the dinosaurs, speaks on the phone and mentions that the children of today's generation grew up with living dinosaurs. How could they bear it if they let the dinosaurs die? It tears the viewer back and forth.

When Claire then visits Sir Benjamin Lockwood, the rescue is decided. For the time being.
But you can't be that sure. When the mercenaries on the island escalate the action with a shot at Blue, the viewer gets a little confused. What happens next? Will the dinosaurs now be saved? What happens to them?
Some are loaded, Owen finds out after the stranding on the beach. He sees a dinosaur being transported by a helicopter. Maybe it's the same one who was threatening Claire and Franklin before. Probably the Baryonyx.

Shortly after, everyone makes it to the ship. From there, some, including Claire, watch the last dinosaurs living on the island being killed by the pyroclastic flow.
This sight could lead to a change of opinion among some viewers. Especially since the dying longneck there could be the same dinosaur that the viewer saw first in the first Jurassic Park.
Is this how the dinosaurs are supposed to die? Some may have been grateful that at least some dinosaurs have been saved.
This is reinforced by Blue's rescue. Especially he has grown very close to the viewer's heart, and in addition, he is the only Velociraptor still alive.

Later, however, the real project becomes apparent: The dinosaurs are not supposed to live peacefully on a self-sufficient island, on the contrary: they are supposed to be sold either to live in cages or to be used for other human purposes. So they should have been let to die after all?

When we find out what they have done and will do with the DNA, namely to sell dinosaurs and even make weapons out of some of them, the viewer is re-tuned again. Shouldn't dinosaurs rather die than be mistreated like this?

After that, there is another chance to kill all the dinosaurs still in Lockwood's mansion by letting them die in hydrogen cyanide gas. Owen warns Claire not to do so, and finally Claire decides against saving the last dinosaurs. But at the very last moment, Maisie Lockwood opens the gate.

So the dinosaurs end up in the free. Some already sold dinosaurs stay with their new owners. Should it have come to this?

Afterwards, as mentioned above, Dr. Ian Malcolm gives a speech on the possible consequences. It should never have come to this.

Whether life or death of the dinosaurs, each should decide for himself. In my opinion, the living dinosaurs should be allowed to live. They are animals just like everyone else.
However, I also believe that genetic engineering should never have been abused so much. If one had never created the dinosaurs, then one would not have to ask oneself if they have a right to live freely on our planet.

Another point crossed my mind during and after the film: Are people like Eli Mills to blame for the fact that there will never be a world peace? He mentions in the film that humans have a connection to war and there will be wars forever.
I think it's wrong.
I'm sure there will always be violence, envy, jealousy, vengefulness. But war, that one kills a mass of people in order to achieve selfish goals, does not have to exist. Today more people are striving for world peace than ever before. World peace, in the sense that there is no discrimination against people of special "races" or peoples, may well exist.

But I don't want to digress: By introducing the Indoraptor, a kind of genetic or biological armament would begin, perhaps as with nuclear weapons in the Cold War. If the development of new weapons were ceased, escalation could be avoided.

But what surprises me is that Eli Mills uses the alleged fact that humans are tied to war, and animals have always helped people to do so, as an excuse to earn money.This is confirmed by the fact that, as agreed with Dr. Wu, he only wanted to present the Indoraptor to the audience and under no circumstances wanted to sell it. But when more than 24 million dollars are offered, he nevertheless enters into a sale against the will of Dr. Wu. It is therefore not primarily concerned with development, but merely with the rapid sale of weapons. This proves both the bribery and the greed for money of some people.

Finally, I would like to mention a few other points that really impressed me with this film!

I think it is good that there is once again a scene before the actual beginning of the film, namely the scene in the storm, in which the skeleton of the Indominus-Rex is found. It starts directly with action, the viewer is brought directly into the happening. The following Jurassic World 2 logo provided me with the prospect of a successful film.

What I also think is great is that there are many different situations. This is what I mean: There is some horror, there is tension, there is humour, and even sadness. There is a wide range of feelings that this film arouses. During the pyroclastic flow, when Owen, Claire and Franklin had to flee, there was a great deal of tension throughout the cinema. „What happens now? Are they gonna make it?“
There was also horror in a small sense. There were some jumpscares, as in the end, when Mills was distracted by Carnotaurus, and then suddenly killed by the Tyrannosaurus.
The Indoraptor also provides tension after its breakout. After his death, however, it quickly becomes calm again, fitting to the end of the film.

Sadness reigns above all when the long neck sinks in the pyroclastic flow. Some people in the cinema may have cried tears.

Humour is also represented. It struck me that Franklin is also responsible for this. I liked the conversation after the Indoraptor died best: "How are you?" "...Good! And how are you?"

Finally, the open end also inspires thinking. What will happen next? Will people really have to live with dinosaurs? Although the number of dinosaurs freed is not enough to reach a really large population, some dinosaurs are owned by merchants. Genetic engineering could therefore ensure an increase in this area, for better or for worse..
The last scene with the flying dinosaurs on the tower in Las Vegas also provides for further thinking.

Last but not least, I would like to praise the soundtrack. I like it a lot. Basically, I like soundtracks, but there is a wide range of different music stills that enhance each scene well. I like the soundtrack of the Indoraptor the most, a very appropriate and well used leitmotif.

I have heard from many friends that they are far less impressed by Jurassic World 2 than I am. Most liked the first part better than the second.
It's a different style, I'm sure of it. That is why I cannot respond to most of the criticism because it is based on opinions. I cannot and will not go into it.

I guess most of it's based on my opinion. All in all I like Jurassic World 2 - The Fallen Kingdom very much! What I like best was that it made me thinking.

What's your opinion? What do you have to say about Jurassic World 2?


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I also really enjoyed Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Looks like part 3 will be that "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs" movie I always wanted.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf

F-14 Ace

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I just hope they're not gonna try and go the "Planet of the Apes but with Dinosaurs" rout.


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Going in, I figured the film would be at least decent and much like the first Jurassic World - I was pleasantly surprised.

Especially since it has taken the series into unknown territory with that ending.



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I just hope they're not gonna try and go the "Planet of the Apes but with Dinosaurs" rout.
Ever heard of "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs?" That might be a fun route for them to go down.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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I watched this last Tuesday. (So no, it didn't take me 3 years, WR! :PAli )

Anyways, the reason I didn't get to this until now is that I needed time to think about how I felt.  I did enjoy it, but not in the same way I did Jurassic World.  They are definitely different movies to a degree.  We at least have a better sequel story than JP2 did. ("Oh, I made a second island.  This one with no fences.  I want you all to go there.  I'm sure you won't get eaten or anything.") :facepalm

So, on with my thoughts on this one.

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That freaking Indoraptor.  We made a worse monster than the first Jurassic World had.  When will we learn?  I'm at least glad it got killed by impalement of all things.

However, it seems genetic science in this world has gone further.  They have cloned a human.  I guess once you can bring back dinosaurs, you can achieve anything.

Not to mention, they are now forced to live with dinosaurs.  Perhaps we should have left well enough alone.  Who knows what's to come in the future?  I guess the next movie will bring that question to light.

I look forward to what the third movie will bring.

See ya later! :wave


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Now I loved this movie at first. But after listening to reviews online and really thinking about it further I really don't love it anymore.  I have no idea what happened with this film. We went from a average bad movie with Jurassic World to straight up garbage with this one. This film physically makes your head hurt when you see the amount of plot holes there is. I am really scared to see what Dominion has in store.


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I haven't seen Fallen Kingdom yet, although I thought the first Jurassic World was pretty good.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Fallen Kingdom is not the best installment in the JP/JW franchise. The Indoraptor illicited nothing in me, I didn’t fear it like the Indominus Rex. The film’s premise is undermined by the fact that Isla Sorna has a oasis of dinosaurs (TLWJP, JPIII), so if the dinos die on Isla Nublar it really doesn’t matter. Besides Dr. Wu already had dino D.NA. of dinos that he used tp create the Indoraptor at Lockwood’s Estate.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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This is also the film that made me stop watching trailers and promotional material because my god most of the film was spoiled before it was even released.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Indeed, Fallen Kingdom’s trailers revealed everything!

I remember when trailers were the movie scrambled, and out of sequence with the major spoilers kept out of the trailer.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Also I felt that Michael Giacchino's score in this one was very generic which is something I never thought I would say for a composer that I really enjoy but it's true.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Also I felt that Michael Giacchino's score in this one was very generic which is something I never thought I would say for a composer that I really enjoy but it's true.

I like his work on JW, but Fallen Kingdom’s score is forgettable.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Also I felt that Michael Giacchino's score in this one was very generic which is something I never thought I would say for a composer that I really enjoy but it's true.

I like his work on JW, but Fallen Kingdom’s score is forgettable.


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I seriously don't understand. How did it get this bad. I thought Jurassic World was a bad movie but it wasn't nearly as bad as this.

Gentle Sharptooth

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The buggiest issue with Fallen Kingdom is the premise, “the beloved dinosaurs will go extinct! We must stop it!” Eh no, Isla Sorna had plenty of dinos, and Dr. Henry Wu has all those DNA samples.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Yeah. But Universal saw this criticism coming so they made up that all the Dinosaurs on Isla Sorna are dead. See problem solved. Except that makes me and other people even more angry. Also yeah you can grow more Dinosaurs in a lab. The fact that Giganotosaurus is in Dominion proves that.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Yeah. But Universal saw this criticism coming so they made up that all the Dinosaurs on Isla Sorna are dead. See problem solved. Except that makes me and other people even more angry. Also yeah you can grow more Dinosaurs in a lab. The fact that Giganotosaurus is in Dominion proves that.

They decided all the dinos on Sorna are dead?! How did I miss that? Ugh.

Giganotosaurus is going to be in Dominion?!

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Yeah. Sam Neill revealed this almost a year ago.