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The Land Before Time: Of Teeth and Tree Stars

Gentle Sharptooth

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The Land Before Time: Of Teeth and Treestars

A Fan Fiction By Gentle Sharptooth

The ground pounded like the song of many drums.. the trees swayed and splintered beneath the roaring winds and rain. With each drop of the sky water, the ground shook violently as a towering creature tunnelles through the treeline. The behemoth had a neck longer than the cedars of Lebanon, and a tail of equal measure; its massive legs like the trunks of ancient redwoods. The mighty beast whip its tail like a serpent snapping towards prey, and sent it towards another towering monster, one that possessed a giant mouth full of razor sharp teeth, and a snout that narrowed to a point. Its eyes were aflame with oranges and reds, and upon its forearms were pitchfork claws tainted in rose water colors. The skin of the behomoth was lavender and grey, its face marked with two forked scars. The Sharptooth pivoted on its two legs and let out a roar accompanied by lightning bolts and thunder in the grey sky. The Behemoth let out an equal bellow like a whale calling out to a pod.

The Sharptooth charged, its scarlet skin dripping with skywater as it collided with the Behemoth.


10 Years Earlier

The Behemoth is not a towering giant, but little. It stands with large eyes not yet grown in by a larger body to come and surveys a valley lush with greeney; tall trees qnd hills of grass that Ankylosaurs and Handeosaurs graze on. The Little Behemoth turns to look at a tree star, which has two tiny scars. Emerging from a brush is the Sharptooth, more purple than scarlet and smaller than tortoise. He leaps towards His behemoth friend with joy, no enmity to be seen between this Carnivour and Herbivore.

Chomper: Little Foot! Little Foot!

Littlefoot: Hey Chomper, what’s got you so happy?

Chomper: Ruby found something really cool! She says its a treasure.

Littlefoot: A treasure? Hmm.. well.. lets get the rest of the Gang and check it put!

Chomper: Yay!

As the tiny tyrannosaur leapt up and dowm he landed on he Tree Star. Litte Foot turned indignant and said:

Chomper be careful!

Chomper stopped his gleeful hopping and looked at his feet, he saw two scissor like scars.

Littlefoot: You have to be more careful. You already cut my mother’s star last time you were here.

Chomper: I’m sorry.

Chomper lowered his pointed snout and his eyes welled up with tears.

Littlefoot: It’s ok.. lets just find Ruby and the Gang.

Chomper perked up and he took one last look at the tree star that was scarred and saw his reflection in a puddle of water at the center.

Chomper and Little Foot walked side by side through The Great Valley.

Chomper: Littlefoot.. I am really sorry for hurting your tree star.

Littlefoot: It’s ok Chomper. I know you didn’t mean it. Its just special to me because my mother gave it to me.

Chomper: I would never try to hurt you. Your my beat friend!

Littlefoot: I know. You are my buddy.

Chomper: And we will always be friends! Righr?

Littlefoot: Right.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2020, 03:03:31 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

Gentle Sharptooth

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The cedars shook beneath the stormy diluge. The Behemoth was pummelled by the head of the Sharptooth into the trees; many of sinews snapped and logs were flung to and fro. The Sharptooth shook his head and let out a roar. The Lilac Longneck laid on its side, and its eye fixed upon the Carnivour. Bearing its teeth, the Sharptooth moved slowly towards the Apatosaur. The thundering steps shook the loose soil which made the imprint of the Tyrannosaur’s massive pitchfork feet. The Longneck stared at its enemy as the scene began to haze in mist.


Ten Years Earlier

Littlefoot and Chomper came to a pond of water were a pink Oviraptor was standing and one Spike Tail, a Duckbill, a Threehorn, and a Pterosaur were all standing. Littlefoot raced witj Chomper in tow and they came to the scene. The Gang was looking at a fossil.

Litflefoot: Hey guys! What’s going on?

Ruby: Hello Littlefoot and hey Chomper. I am almost done examining the find.

Cera: Hmpf.. I don’t see what is so special about a tree star made of stone.

Chomper: Look! It has some kind of markings om it.

Ruby: Yes indeed. I have almost identified them.

Ducky: They look like Spike’s spikes, Yep! Yep! Yep!

Petrie: Methinks this is not good!

Cera: You always say that Petrie! What can dead tree star do?!

Littlefoot: Hmm..

Littlefoot looked at the tree star and noticed at the bottom two distinct marks that looked familiar.

Littlefoot: That looks awefully like..

Ruby: i’ve diciphered the runes. They were made by a Sharptooth.

Petrie: Sharptooth!!!

Cera: Shut up! Its long dead, right Ruby?

Ruby: Yes, its old.. but there is something unusual about the fossilization. There is still greenery and look, touch and see it is still alive!

Littlefoot: How is that possible?!

Ruby: I don’t know.. further analysis may help, but we’ve seen before strange things under the Bright Circle.

Ducky: It’s squishy.. Yep Yep Yep.

Spike tries to take a bite our of it.

Littlefoot: No Spike!

As the Stegosaur stuck his tongue on the tree star fossil it began to glow and suddenly he was gone in a flash of light. Ducky screaming leapt and was caught in emerald light.

Littlefoot: Ducky! Spike!

Part III coming soon... 

« Last Edit: April 05, 2020, 03:06:55 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

Gentle Sharptooth

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Littlefoot awoke to his whole lilac and white body covered in sky water. He peered around to see he was in forest with massive trees who looked down upon him like sentries. The woods were cloaksd in ghastly emerald green hue, making the gaps between trees like shadows that anything coukd come out of. He stood on his four legs and began to walk, sky water beating on his skin in large droplets. He came to gorge with splintered tree trunks. Many of trunks looked like mangled faces of Threehorns, splinter like hairs sticking out like minature horns. Several trees laid prostrate, as if slain by something gigantic.

Littlefoot: This is not the Great Valley.

It was then that our little longneck thought of his friends.

Littlefoot: Spike! Cera! Ducky! Petrie! Guys!

Littlefoot ran shouting the names of his other friends.

Litflefoot: Chomper! Ruby!

It was then that a hedge of ermine bushes rustled and he saw a tiny fogure of purple. The little longneck hasten to the figure. The scarlet sharptooth’s red pupils were downcast, and his head bowed low.

Littlefoot: Chomper! Oh Chomper!

Littlefoot wrapped his serpatine neck around the neck of his pal, offering comfort.

Littlefoot: I am so glad you are safe! Where are the others?

Chomper: I.. I don’t know..

Littlefoot: Why are you so troubled? You are shaking. Is it the cold? Is it the skywater?

Chomper: No.. its..

A loud roar shook the cedars. The sound all too familiar to Littlefoot.

Littlefoot: Oh no..
« Last Edit: April 05, 2020, 03:47:21 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Nice to see some writing from you, Gentle Sharptooth! (Is this your first?) The only thing I'm a little confused about is that you described Chomper as a "scarlet sharptooth" at one point, but scarlet is the color red, not purple. I also noticed some typos (like "fogure" instead of "figure"). A little editing can easily fix these issues, however.

This is a little different from most fanfictions I've read because it's written more like a script, but I actually don't mind that. I'm interested to see where the story goes next--have Chomper and Littlefoot been transported to a future (or perhaps an alternate dimension?) in which they are having a brutal battle? :olittlefoot I'm certainly waiting to see what will happen! :chompysmile

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face

Gentle Sharptooth

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@RainbowFaceProtege Thanks for feedback. :)
Great question about scarlet. I choose scarlet because in Roman Times is was the word for purple, red, and even blue. Scarlet in the shadows can look very purple, here is Dark Scarlet:

I an so glad you like the play style! I prefer it because then who is speaking is clearer. I am alao thrilled you are looking forward to what happens nextt. :)

As for who the adult dinos are, well you’ll see soon. “That would be telling.”  :rainbowwave

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

Gentle Sharptooth

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Littlefoot’s wrinkled shoulders and smooth legs shook as the ground drummed. The skywater blanketed him and Chomper. Littlefoot took Chomper by the tail and hoisted him on his shoulders. The little sharptooth teetered.

Littlefoot: Grab on to my neck!

Chomper looked at his two pitchfork hands and grimaced.

Chomper: How?! I only have these tiny fingers! 

Littlefoot: Lock them around my be neck!

Chomper reached, his claws poking Littlefoot’s neckline.

Llittlefoot: Ow! Watch it!

Chomper: I’m sorry!

Locking his four claws, Chomper sighed loudly. Littlefoot then took off, navigating the maze of tree trunks, dodging fallen limbs , and ducking into a hollowed out tree log. There the two paused as they felt the tremors of footsteps pass. Littlefoot felt Chomper heart beat wildly on his back, thump, thump, thump. As the beats quieted, Littlefoot took a deep breath. He saw a hole in the roof of log and peered out of it.

Littlefoot: I think it’s gone.

Chomper: Littlefoot.. I have to tell you..

Suddenly the log was tossed and they found themselves spinning. The log crashed against a trunk, as Littlefoot and Chomper shook off their dizziness, a new hole was torn in the middle of the log, sharp serrated teeth tore at the bark and shredded it. Falls of saliva cascaded on Littlefoot’s head, and pink tongue wiggled into the opening.


Chomper ran out the opening in the log’s end.

Littlefoot: Chomper no!

The open mouth full of arrowheaded teeth left, and the shredding of the log ceased. Littlefoot gasped and then exited the hole in haste when the sharptooth’s mouth came down and took the purple blur of Chomper and obscured it in a cave of teeth.

Littlefoot: Chomper! Nooooooooo!
« Last Edit: April 05, 2020, 07:39:42 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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As for who the adult dinos are, well you’ll see soon. “That would be telling.”  :rainbowwave
Well said... :SmugSpike

Whoa, this sure escalated quickly! :opetrie I sure felt Littlefoot and Chomper's fear in this chapter. (There were also less typos--nice job.)
How is Littlefoot going to get out of this one...? :olittlefoot

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face

Gentle Sharptooth

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As for who the adult dinos are, well you’ll see soon. “That would be telling.”  :rainbowwave
Well said... :SmugSpike

Whoa, this sure escalated quickly! :opetrie I sure felt Littlefoot and Chomper's fear in this chapter. (There were also less typos--nice job.)
How is Littlefoot going to get out of this one...? :olittlefoot

What is about to happen next will thrill and perhaps astonish. :bestsharptooth

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith