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Spyro (all)


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Here are some facts I managed to find about the next game for the series:

It is coming out on September 30th for PS2 and either October 7th or 8th for wii and xbox.

It is called Dawn of the Dragon.

It has been confirmed that you can play as Cynder in one or two player drop in/drop out mode.

I also found a nice site with a lot more info (it may have a couple of spoilers).  Here's the link:Spyro info


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I have Spyro:  Season of Ice on my GBA.  I only played it for about a half hour.  I personally find it hard to play adventure RPG games compared to turn-based RPGs like Suikoden 3.


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I completed Dawn of the Dragon within a couple days. It was fun but pretty short I thoiuught. They could have made it longer..
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I've got the three original Spyro's, two of the gameboy ones (Season of Ice and Season of Fire) Spyro: Year of the Dragonfly, Cant remember if that's the right name..) A Hero's tail, New beginning and the other one which i cant remember the name of..

Great games :)


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shadow Legacy I think it was Balbidi
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To be honest I liked the older Spyro series better (Insomniac trilogy).

A Hero's Tail was good but not as good as the Insomniac Trilogy.

As for the reboot...I'm not sure if adding an action element is a good idea.

As for the worst, Enter the Dragonfly. I've seen shorter loading times and better graphics on my old 400 mHz PC!

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Ugh, Enter the Dragonfly. Don't get me started on the load times. PS2 games seem to frequently have problems with load times.


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I have Enter the Dragonfly (GC),TLOS: New beggining (GC, DS),TLOS: The eternal night (WII, DS) and TLOS: Dawn of the dragon (WII,DS). I really don't like the DS version of enternal night. I played the third spyro game at my friend when i was 7 or 8.
I want the original trilogy.


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Banjo-Kazooie is better. At least the humor in Banjo felt natural. Spyro's humor was so forced it was unbelievable. None of the characters were funny in any way and just painfully annoying. I've played the original series. First one, decent attempt, not great. Second, okay at first but started to become annoying. Third, boring as sin.  Enter the Dragonfly, insanely glitchy, lame worlds, unlikeable characters, bland storyline. Hero's Tail...I don't even remember much about it. I also tried one of the "new" Spyro games, I think it was "The Eternal Night" or something like that. Played for maybe ten minutes, started to get bored, took it out of my Wii and played something else.

So why was it that I continued to try these games, even though I didn't like them? Simple: I love dragons! A game that has to do with dragons should be awesome! Unfortunately, every time I decided "Okay. I'm going to give Spyro a chance. Maybe this Spyro game will be better than the last one I played.", I just ended up being severely disappointed.


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Spyro is indeed an excellent game, though as awesome as the PSX classics are I personally prefer the Legend Of Spyro trilogy.



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Quote from: Animeboye,Oct 29 2010 on  10:27 PM

So why was it that I continued to try these games, even though I didn't like them? Simple: I love dragons! A game that has to do with dragons should be awesome! Unfortunately, every time I decided "Okay. I'm going to give Spyro a chance. Maybe this Spyro game will be better than the last one I played.", I just ended up being severely disappointed.
I pretty much feel the same way about Spyro. I'm severely disappointed of how that third game in the TLOS series ended things. After Insomniac stopped makin' Spyro his fan base sorta died out. But at the same time, I think it grew back with new fans. As for me, I'm more for classics than cliched story lines of these recent games.


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the 3rd LOS game was a disappointment, and I had gone in with high hopes for it. But i expect they will make another Spyro game at some point..
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I recently beat Skylanders, and I'll tell you it is a much better game than people thought it was going to be. For those who want a Spyro game more similar to Insomniac, then look no further than Skylanders. Despite not being Spyro's game exclusively, Skylanders's gameplay is similar to Insomniac's gameplay.

I enjoyed the game myself, and I recommend it to anyone.


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I've been meaning to check that game out, Kacie.


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Jan 28 2012 on  01:08 PM
I recently beat Skylanders, and I'll tell you it is a much better game than people thought it was going to be. For those who want a Spyro game more similar to Insomniac, then look no further than Skylanders. Despite not being Spyro's game exclusively, Skylanders's gameplay is similar to Insomniac's gameplay.

I enjoyed the game myself, and I recommend it to anyone.
I bought the game when it was first released and I enjoyed it immensely. People seem to avoid it because it looks nothing like a Spyro game but it very much has the feel of one. The music in-game seemed reminiscent of the first three. It was definitely a step up from the LOS trilogy which got boring incredibly fast. Of course that's just my opinions.


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I've never played Skylanders. I looked at previews of the game and found a lot of old Spyro references. However, I don't think I'll even touch this game anytime soon due to the expensive toy gimmick. Also, I feel this isn't a true Spyro game because his name was never mentioned and he seems like just an extra Skylander. In other words, a marketing tool.

I'm sure this is a good game but is it really worth a bang for your buck?


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Quote from: oogaboo,Feb 21 2012 on  08:52 PM
I've never played Skylanders. I looked at previews of the game and found a lot of old Spyro references. However, I don't think I'll even touch this game anytime soon due to the expensive toy gimmick. Also, I feel this isn't a true Spyro game because his name was never mentioned and he seems like just an extra Skylander. In other words, a marketing tool.

I'm sure this is a good game but is it really worth a bang for your buck?
Not to mention Spyros character design is beyond horrible.



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Believe me, the game is well worth the money. Yes the game is pricey, but I still think it's worth it in the end. The characters are unique with their own separate abilities and fighting tactics. If you enjoyed the original trilogy of Spyro, then you'll enjoy Skylanders.

As for it not being a Spyro game, quite true. Spyro was put in there as, indeed, a marketing tool, to draw in more customers since all the other characters (well except Cynder) are all original. And yes his look is a bit of a shock, but it's really not that bad. And one really shouldn't be quick to judge the game based on his appearance. That's rather silly to me. There's more to a game than just the look of a single character.

I wrote 2 reviews of Skylanders, one before I finished and one after. Here's what I had to say about it:

Skylanders: My thoughts so far

I’ve known about Skylanders for a long time, about since they were first announced online. I admit that I wasn’t really excited about it. I hated Spyro’s new look and when I heard there were 32 (I think) playable characters, I thought it would have been a horrible game.

Likewise, I wasn’t the only one who felt this way. Many other people were upset with the direction they’ve taken Spyro, removing him from being the main character and reducing him to be just one of many, not standing out as much as he used to.

Part of me wasn’t sure if I even wanted to give this game a chance, especially after learning about how you have to buy the characters to play as them. This felt like nothing more than a ploy to make more money, and I’m sure it was. A clever scheme you could say.

But my brother bought it for me for my birthday. I didn’t want to be rude, so I figured I’d give it a chance. I did have some intention to anyway, at some point whenever I could afford it. So I sat down and played the game for a while, eventually gaining more characters to use.

And I have to say I am quite surprised with the game. It is not very complex, but it is still enjoyable. It’s kind of akin with something like Angry Birds. It’s so simple anyone could do it, but it still manages to be fun to play and addicting even.

Skylanders has a ridiculously simple plot: the main villain, Kaos, destroys something of great value to the Skylands and you have to gather up elements and recreate the light to push back the darkness and then fight Kaos. That’s about it, from what I’m seeing. It’s not very complex at all, which means that young kids could easily understand it, which makes sense, since that’s the audience the game makers were going for.

The main villain, Kaos, is a lot of laughs. He’s voiced by the same guy who does Zim from Invader Zim, so you can expect a lot of similar speaking mannerisms from this guy. He tries so hard to be evil, but he ends up just looking silly and he’s such a denialist when it’s losing that it’s hilarious. Sometimes I play just to listen to this guy talk.

While the gameplay is simple, they make up for it and found a way to make things more challenging. Some sections are closed off to all but a Skylander of a certain type, Skylanders of certain types can do better in other places, and some areas may require you to have more Skylanders at hand just in case (such as boss battles).

For instance, when I was in my first battle, I was surprised at how much Spyro sucked at it, but how Trigger Happy, whom I’ve neglected earlier, fared much better. That’s the thing about Skylanders; sometimes the characters can really surprise you and pull through when you thought they would not.

Another thing I really liked was how the characters actually felt different from each other. There are no cloned moves that I’ve seen; every character as their own unique attacks, requiring different strategies that you could come up with. For instance, Zap has a sliding move, making him ideal for darting around quickly and moving bombs that have time limits on them. Trigger Happy is a great long range character who is more powerful than he looks, and he comes in handy in boss fights, at least in my experience.

And I like the touch of the new Portal Master being the game player. While this can be cheesy, and I didn’t like it much at first myself, but being talked to by the characters of the game, being the one who is helping them out, being the one that Kaos refers to at times, it makes you feel like a part of that world in a sense.

I won’t lie when I said I did feel a tinge of intimidation after some lines Kaos says. While yes it’s just a game and he’s not really threatening, things feel different when you’re literally the one they’re talking about (since the Portal Master, the new one, they refer to are the game players). The way they handled making players feel more connected to the game is just great I think, and I’m sure it’ll help the kids feel like they accomplished something.

If you’re looking for a deep involving story, I’d skip this one. But if you just want to have fun, I’d give this game a try. If you’re a fan of Insomniac Spyro, I’d give this a go. While it’s not exactly like Insomniac and not entirely about Spyro, this game comes much closer to the spirit of the original trilogy than Legend of Spyro does.

I haven’t beaten the game yet, but I’m hoping to soon.
Skylanders: Final verdict

I beat Skylanders the other day. I would have beaten the game sooner if I had paid more attention to it. But I had been busy and unfortunately couldn’t play on a regular basis. The final boss battle was a challenge, too, but it wasn’t as hard as some other boss battles I had to deal with in the past.

Skylanders is a great game. From my experience, I’ve had more fun with this game, I mean genuine fun, than many other games I played before. This doesn’t mean the games I didn’t think were as fun are bad; but I wouldn’t recommend them if you want a truly enjoyable experience.

Yeah the game does get cheesy at times. It’s quite predictable, the characters repeat animations in-game, and there isn’t that much depth to the characters. No surprises or anything. The game itself is not very complex. The plot is very simple and straight forward.

But I do feel this game is worth a chance. If you get a chance to play it, go for it. You won’t regret it. The Skylanders are all unique with their own powers and abilities. Your strategy will depend on which Skylander you use. Some are better at long range, some short range, and some are at a middle ground. Some are weak but fast, and others sluggish but powerful. They really did take the time and effort to make each Skylander stand out as much as possible.

If you’re a fan of the original Insomniac Spyro, go for this title. While it’s not entirely about Spyro, this game comes much closer to recreating the gameplay of the original. That’s right, Skylanders is more of an Insomniac Spyro game than Legend of Spyro is, despite the fact that Skylanders is not a Spyro game; he’s just part of it.

I’ve come to love the idea of having Spyro taking a backseat for once. This allows for other, equally colorful and interesting characters to come forth. So far, my fav Skylander I’ve used is Zap. He’s a water dragon raised by electric eels. I love his moves and the way he can zip around the way he does. I find him more fun to play as than Spyro.

And the villain is just awesome. Kaos is such a funny villain and acts much like Zim, which makes sense since he has the same voice as that green alien. I admit I didn’t like Kaos at first from the first trailer, but as I played the game, I came to enjoy when he was on screen and couldn’t wait to see more of him. His dialogue is great and funny and I like his interactions with his goblin butler.

So this is my final verdict: this game is MUCH better than people thought it was going to be. And I highly recommend it to anyone. If you’re looking for a deep, more complicated game, skip this title. But if you want a game to play for fun and enjoy yourself, then try this game out.


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I think the whole 'toy gimmick' excuse as a reason not to buy the game is a silly excuse not to buy the game as Spryo's new look is. You don't even need to buy any other figures to complete the game's storyline; only if you want to complete the game 100%. Then you'll have to buy only 5 other figures, one for each element you don't have. I think I paid a bit over $100 for a starter pack and the five characters I needed to complete the game 100%. Of course this was when the starter packs were $70.