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He is one of the most if not the second most talked about movie character I'd guess.  & before Tria and Tricia the only 1 movie character to make a 2nd appearance in another movie.


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I read a topic somewhere where somebody was wondering how Chomper could speak leaf-eater, despite not knowing it in the 2nd film.

I imagine Chomper learnt the odd word from listening to the others (and it is clear he vaguely understands them), and then improved his vocal skills on his travels. Picture this. Chomper's parents hunt through a forest. Chomper wanders away from them, and finds a leafeater herd. Chomper, being too small to be noticed, waits in the bush, and listens to the conversations, teaching himself to speak. This is interrupted by his parents, who proceed to scare away the majority of the herd, and eat the stragglers.

A lot of time passed between 2 and 5, and if we asssume that Chomper only recently moved to the Island, then we can assume that he had enough time to learn enough leaf-eater from his travels. I'm not sure, but we could assume that in LBT 5, Chomper only knew the odd word, and managed to pick up more words as he spent time with everyone. By the time of the TV series, he is living in the valley, and has Ruby as a caregiver, so he should speak perfect leaf-eater now.


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Would Chomper have an "accent"? I know from my AP Psych classes that children pick up accents from their peers. I assume his first language was Sharptooth, then he learned Leaf-Eater from his prey.

If that were the case, wouldn't his leaf-eater be heavily accented (as is usually the case for people who learn a second language later in life)? Or has he learned to reduce his accent?

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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He may have learned it from flyers who visited the island.  & who knows, maybe one of Ruby's parents knows both languages and is a friend of one of his parents.  Quite a few possibilities since it was never said.


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I don't believe the show goes into such considerations... perhaps it just has overlooked that fact, or maybe Chomper picked up the "leafeater accent" as well as the language...


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Quote from: Serris,Sep 30 2009 on  11:15 AM
Would Chomper have an "accent"? I know from my AP Psych classes that children pick up accents from their peers. I assume his first language was Sharptooth, then he learned Leaf-Eater from his prey.

If that were the case, wouldn't his leaf-eater be heavily accented (as is usually the case for people who learn a second language later in life)? Or has he learned to reduce his accent?
Maybe because Leafeater was the first language he heard spoken, he imprinted on it as his first language (he even speaks a couple of garbled Leafeater phrases in LBT II), and so he actually has a Leafeater accent, rather than a Sharptooth accent. (That might also explain why his Sharptooth roars and growls in the TV series are so atrociously onomatopoeic. :p)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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On another subject, I remember the odd discussion about whether Chomper is a T-Rex or not, because he has three fingers on his hands, while his parents have only two. After browsing Wikipedia randomly, I found a headline saying they found that T-Rexes did have a third finger, but it wasn't very useful (There's a picture here ). So, maybe his "hands" can be explained as cartoony exaggerations. Or, maybe the finger stays that length all a T-Rex's life, so at a younger age they would appear to have a third finger, but not as adults!

Most likely I'm looking too deeply into this. Thoughts?


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Note that he did have two fingers in LBT 2. In the fifth movie he had to do stuff with his hands (e.g. drag that leaf with the dinner for his friends) which might have looked more awkward with two fingers. Also the LBT drawers are generous in distributing opposable thumbs to the hands of their two legged dinosaurs... there are actually scenes in LBT 3 and 4 where it looks like Littlefoot respectively Ali had an opposable thumb.


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Especially main character types, including Cera also.  While Often Tria does not, I guess since she's not seen as a main char.  Though they do change at times.  I guess some artists will draw the quadrupeds with no opposable thumbs and if there is anyone in charge won't catch it for consistency, or does not care.  

Or one could say in the universe where lbt takes place maybe there was a species of t-rex that did have 2 fingers and an opposable thumb as some quadrupeds did also.


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Chomper is my favorite character, mainly because T-rexs are my favorite dinosaurs, but the main issue with him is what he will do when he gets older, honestly I think he can live off of a mixture of fish, bugs, scavenging dead dinosaurs, and maybe if he really needs to a hunt.

There is evidence to suggest that T-rex was actually a scavenger so I feel he could live off of this, I think he would be aloud to eat the bodies, but he would probably drag them into his cave first so no one would need to see, he would be doing the valley a favor disposing of dead bodies, it might be hard to know that the body of a loved one is being eaten by a friend but I think they would consider it better then the alternatives.


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He is an interesting character and things may change for him once he reaches his teenage years.  

I think in Dinosaur Train they do go with that t-rex's being carrion eaters.


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Quote from: Pangaea,Sep 30 2009 on  08:31 PM
Maybe because Leafeater was the first language he heard spoken, he imprinted on it as his first language (he even speaks a couple of garbled Leafeater phrases in LBT II), and so he actually has a Leafeater accent, rather than a Sharptooth accent. (That might also explain why his Sharptooth roars and growls in the TV series are so atrociously onomatopoeic. :p)
I always thought this was how he learned leaf. Littlefoot did speak to him a lot, so he could have picked it up from him. Also, in numerous occasions in LBT II, when Chomper speaks, it almost sounds like he is trying to piece words together. For example, right after he bites Cera's tail, when Littlefoot calls him over, it's almost like he is asking "What did I do?". There are a couple other examples as well, but I can't remember them off the top of my head.

One thing that has always been on my mind is what would happen if Chomper were to grow up. Would his sharptooth instincts take over him, or would the experiences he's shared with his friends allow him to keep his current kind nature. We have to remember that it seemed like Chomper had every intention of eating the gang during that whole chase scene in LBT V, until he recognized Littlefoot. I know this has been explored in numerous fanfics, but it's always been something to think about.


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I'll share my thoughts on Chomper here.

One thing that has always been on my mind is what would happen if Chomper were to grow up. Would his sharptooth instincts take over him, or would the experiences he's shared with his friends allow him to keep his current kind nature. We have to remember that it seemed like Chomper had every intention of eating the gang during that whole chase scene in LBT V, until he recognized Littlefoot. I know this has been explored in numerous fanfics, but it's always been something to think about.
I'd expect that Chomper was acting like he was hunting because he had spent the vast majority of his time with his parents at that point. He only spent maybe two days with the Gang before that point, so it probably took him time to remember something like that from far in his past. Since he's spent anywhere from a few months to a couple years in the Great Valley in the TV series, I think he's grown much more with leaf eaters, and probably wouldn't WANT to ever hunt one.

some interesting things in the TV series I noticed is how Chomper and the Gang joke about Chompers diet more. From different characters getting scared when he says he's hungry, to him offering ground crawlers to leaf eaters as a joke. I expect as time goes on, they all would have grown closer together, and they'd joke about it a lot more. I see Chomper as just about the only source of dark humor actually. :lol

That's how I'm developing him in my fanfiction. I'm making him more of a practical joker, and someone who'd joke about eating other dinosaurs a lot, but never actually would. He's not acting this way around grownups, but I'm sure he'd feel comfortable around his friends to act that way.

Chomper's such an interesting character. One of the things I'm most sad about with LBT being cancelled is that Chomper won't be developed on anymore :cry
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Was Thomas Dekker the perfect voice actor for Chomper?


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Chomper is an interesting character, he is after all split between what is expected of him (as a carnivore) and by what his 'heart' wants to do (by being friends with the gang).  For that, he is quite strong really and he is so adorable.C=

Dekker didn't voice Chomper in V, he voiced Littlefoot..


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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In a way, he's never stopped being a sharptooth, even in the TV series. He still eats meat, and the Gang at least seems fine with that.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Im little green glyder :J

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Chomper is XDD.

I like his character.

Salvatore Blackheart

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Chomper is a loyal friend,is like a little brother to littlefoot and have a funny face :lol


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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One question I'd like to ask, is when Chomper does start hunting to survive (I'm pretty sure he'll have to at some point. MAYBE he'll be able to get by with just scavenging) will the fact that he can speak flattooth change anything? It's kind of been implied in the series, and expanded on in some fanfictions (like Sharptooth Valley) that Sharpteeth think that flatteeth are stupid creatures who can't talk, and that flatteeth think the same way about sharpteeth.

But with Chomper, it's different. He knows that flatteeth are intelligent, just like sharpteeth.  Whenever he'd try to hunt something down, he'd be able to understand what he/she was saying. Hear them call out for help, or for their parents, ect. Would that affect Chomper any? Would he be fighting any kind of inner battles within himself because of all the things he'd hear his prey say?

I just think it's something interesting to discuss.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Ah yes, Chomper's a cool character alright. I'll talk about my views on each of his incarnations:

II- Definitely one of the best aspects of this film. He was really well designed, and I'm not sure what, but his general build really displayed a sort of baby-like texture to his skin. Scaly, but soft at the same time, especially in the face. His voice was pretty cute too, even if he just spoke in coos, growls and occasional garbled words.

V- A bit more of a mixed bag. I kinda wish they had kept his design closer to his cuter II design, with the bigger eyes and fleshier design and so forth, but I guess they changed it to make him look like he'd grown up. He just looked so much cuter and expressive in his original form. But he was a pretty cool character in this one, and had some great lines (Case in point, "YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO MY MOMMY!"). The only thing that really let him down was his voice actor. The studio took a risk with actually hiring a little kid to voice him, and it turned out to be a mistake. The kid's acting was definitely hit and miss, especially in the middle. Though otherwise, he was pretty solid as a character.

TV series- I think this is my favourite version of him. he just brings a great new character to the series with his quirky personality, his carnivorous nature, his gross eating habits, it just all plays well. His gullibility and simple nature really works to bring about all sorts of interesting turns, like the classic scene of him completely losing it after one of his teeth falls out. His expressions, timing, actions, all perfect cartoon gold.