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  • Spike
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i think Chomper will always be good hopley nice and cute and i think he will stay friends with his friends and mabie protect them from any danger like in both parts 2 and 5.


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  • Spike
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he really is a good friend and the gang is lucky to have him as a friend.


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Quote from: Kor,Oct 20 2007 on  02:05 AM
Chomper is one of my favorite characters, along with Ducky.   His reaction to certain lines from other characters can be funny.
I agree on that.

However, I believe that the series never explained how Chomper got to the Valley, but I think I know why. Since the TV Series was targeted towards young children, the show would be written for that kind of audience. Since the mentality of young children is not as developed as ours (usually), they don't think about that. That is my theory as to why Universal didn't have an explanation to Chomper's arrival. This might also be why Chomper's acceptance was not explained.


  • Spike
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I know im not a mod, but could you please not double or tripple post? There is a modify button to add to a post you previously made. Just hit the edit button and you'll be able to add to what you previously wrote. ^__^


  • Petrie
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Even some of the admins double and triple post every once in a while, everyone makes mistakes. ;)


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Mistakes happen, and some smaller buttons like edit can be easy to miss.  Especially since it is between quote and report.


  • Hatchling
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That was no unintentional triple post since the times submitted between each message is over twenty minutes.

The "Edit" button is off to the right of the top of your post.


  • The Circle
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Look between report and quote, it can be easy to miss at first.


  • Cera
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Yeah, I used to have trouble with posting at first. Those were what they pretty much looked like.

In my opinion, and I know we all have said this, The explination of how Chomper got to the Great Valley again would make a nice plot for another movie. Of course, in a lot of fanfictions, the most logical reason is his parents helped him cross the landbridge from their island, and they kept walking until they found it, but then again that's a fanfiction and nothing is ever true in those.

My guess is the movie series might end with Chomper and Ruby arriving at the Great Valley, but then again, the only reason why I don't see this happening is because they explain how the two get there in the TV series.

However, the TV series messes up logic in this, because Chomper moved to the new island after the second movie, so how could he magically appear back in the Mysterious Beyond? This would also argue that Chomper should not know Ruby yet, but like you said it's a kid's show so the creators must have thought they didn't need to make this logical.


  • The Circle
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That is one of the many things we do not know about Chomper and Ruby.  Was 1 or both of Chomper's parents friends with 1 or more of Ruby's parents, before they got to the mysterious island, lsland like childhood friends, or was it that they met after they left the mysterious island at some point after the 5th movie.  Does one of Ruby's parents know sharptooth or did Chomper do all the translating.  If they were old friends then one of Ruby's parents would need to know sharptooth, or one of Chomper's parents would have to know the flat tooth language.  If they met later after they left the island after the 5th movie, they would have to explain why Chomper's parents came to trust Ruby with looking after their son.  Though if they met after Chomper's parents and Chomper left the Mysterious Island after the 5th movie then neither of Ruby's parents need to know Sharptooth since Chomper could do all the translating needed.

They may explain this in a future movie, or they may not.  They may keep the movie series and tv series separate.  There may be more flashbacks that explain more.  Like the brief flashback in The Meadow of Dancing Water where they show Ruby and Chomper on their way to the Great Valley and coming across the Meadow of Dancing Water.  Another reason they may not put it into a movie besides wanting to keep the movie and tv series separate is that in the movies Littlefoot is the main character and they may not want to have a movie where a large amount of time is spent with Littlefoot not on screen.

We know from comments why they went to the Great Valley.  Though there are still details mentioned that we do not know.


  • Spike
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i do not know how Chomper and his parents got off the mysterious island but i made up an idea that could help explain some but this is not true. I think mabie some how the island could be connected to part of the mysterious beyond since it seems that not many plant eaters live one the island. Chomper and his parents could have found another way off on the other side of the island mabie the back of the island has a connection but this is just something i was thinking about that is not true and how can it be connected if the island is near the big water and the big water is close the the valley? could there be a way to reach the island from the mysterious beyond? That i dont know.


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There could have been a low tide where Chomper's parents may have been able to carry him out while walking.  Another earthshake may have lowered the water, or Elsie could have carried each of his parents.  There could have been other possibilities also. We may never know unless it's shown in a flashback in the tv series or it's shown in a future movie.


  • Spike
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i would like to know but what ever happens happens time will tell i will just wait to see. :^.^:


  • The Circle
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True, maybe some more information will be revealed eventually in another season or movie.


  • The Circle
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Perhaps the introduction of LBT 5 gives a suggestion on how Chomper and his folks might have escaped from the island:
The great landmasses were ever moving and shifting.
There is no real reason to assume that in a world where an earthquake could destroy a causeway another earthquake couldn't create one. Also there may have been a temporary drop of the sea level. When sun and moon are in a constellation that has their gravity "pull" the water in the same direction this can cause temporary increase of decrease of the water level. A decrease of the water level might make the destroyed causeway passable for Chomper's parents. A more spectacular cause for a temporary drop of the water level would be a tsunami. Before a tsunami strikes the water usually recedes quite some distance, exposing areas which are usually submerged, no matter the tide.
We don't know anything certain about the whereabouts of Chomper's parents. We cannot exclude the possibility that they never left the island. Unlike Chomper, they would be unable to leave the island on Elzy's back. Is there any chance that they sent their son away when food ran out on the island for good? It doesn't seem likely as Chomper never gives any indication whatsoever of a tragic goodbye from his parents. Still it might be more plausible for him not to mention it if he left them while they were alive, rather than him witnessing their possible death.
In any case it seems likely that something must have forced them to part (whether this means the death of Chomper's parents or not) as there is no other way to explain Chomper's being with Ruby's family before he went to the Great Valley.
Is it possible that sharptooth kids (unlike the kids of other species) are supposed to be on their own at a young age already? It doesn't look like it in LBT 2 and 5, where Chomper's parents seemed to care a lot about him.
One thing which I consider especially stressed in many of the TV episodes is Chomper's young age. He is the youngest of the whole group and there are several cases in the series where it really shows. Not only that Ruby seems to have been assigned to him as a kind of "nanny" (assigned by Chomper's parents???) but also the way he talks and thinks in a sometimes naive manner. There are scenes in the TV series in which he is really just a very cute, innocent child, a role which makes quite a contrasts with the nature of his species.


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Quote from: Malte279,Apr 12 2008 on  05:02 AM
A more spectacular cause for a temporary drop of the water level would be a tsunami. Before a tsunami strikes the water usually recedes quite some distance, exposing areas which are usually submerged, no matter the tide.
In The Mysterious Island (LBT 5) I think that the wave that originally destroyed the landbridge was a tsunami. If you think about it, the wave seemed to take the form of a wall of water, very, very few waves except rogue waves take that form.

Perhaps an explanation for Chomper's parents missing is that the tsunami that exposed the landbridge hit while they were crossing. But how would that explain how Chomper survived?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • The Circle
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In The Mysterious Island (LBT 5) I think that the wave that originally destroyed the landbridge was a tsunami. If you think about it, the wave seemed to take the form of a wall of water, very, very few waves except rogue waves take that form.
And Tsunamis usually don't roll from the shore towards the open sea the way the Tsunami in LBT 5 did. :lol
Perhaps an explanation for Chomper's parents missing is that the tsunami that exposed the landbridge hit while they were crossing. But how would that explain how Chomper survived?
It was just one theory, but perhaps Chomper and his parents were just separated without his parents actually dying?
The tsunami however is only one possibility.


  • General of the Great Valley
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Quote from: Malte279,Apr 12 2008 on  12:36 PM
And Tsunamis usually don't roll from the shore towards the open sea the way the Tsunami in LBT 5 did. :lol
No wave does that.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • The Circle
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There could have been another earthshake that could have lowered the water level again while opening areas not to far from where the land bridge is.  Also from comments made on the tv show there is no indication that Chomper's parents ever died and for Ruby to have been asked to watch Chomper by his parents she'd have to have met them and they'd have to have come to trust her with their son.  The most likely scenario is his parents got off of the island somehow and either encountered Ruby's family one of Chomper's parents one of her parents before.    It could be they are off looking for a safe place to raise Chomper away from where Red Claw is and intend to come back later to pick him up.  That could be part of the reason Chomper & Ruby want to learn how the Great Valley dinos work together so they can drive off or defeat Red Claw perhaps so Chomper's parents can come and get him since it'll be safer then.