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LBT 14

kjeldo · 358 · 30710


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I notice that many websites and branding Land Before Time as something that must end and trying to bring out stupid titles for LBT 14. All those sorces and false and I will stick with that when I see people putting up titles like Growing Sky stone... god I know some people hate LBT but why go that far to annoy those that love watching them and enjoy it no matter what...

Sometimes I think some of those idiots can't see beyond their prides...


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there are also some big end of LBT videos on youtube,


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We need to face it dudes, the franchise has spread out for as long as it could... There are many stories yet to be told, however I don't see the producers taking that path, LBT needs to be restructured like, for example, finding a main story line and use it in the movies or just stick to the TV series, I don't believe both of them can survive.
People need to identify themselves with the characters and not just see new characters being put into the mix every new movie, forgetting about the old ones as if they were never there.
I don't want it to end, but sincerely at this point I wouldn't see it as a bad thing.
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I was hoping for another baby sharptooth like chomper.Maybe we can actually see chomper trying to act like real sharptooth by stalking his prey and having aggresive behavior like having a food fight. It would be interesing if he learn to fish and catches his first prey.  :D MAybe he will start showing off for the another sharpttooth. Maybe he can actually be bad in the series and  make mistakes. :nyah


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Not very likely seeing as the LBT series is made to teach children lessons and it's pretty much a "utopia" style existence except when the sharpteeth are around or when something else bad happens.


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The only food we've seen Chomper eat was a snapping shell, which we saw Ruby eat once also, some bees, and crawlers, as far as I can recall.  & his trying to eat some green food and not liking it.  Though I see no reason why he can't eat a fish, some humans eat fish so it would not be nasty.


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Well,I hope there¥s a 14movie,if there was a 13, why not a 14?
I think that when the last LBT movie is made, it will end showing the GOF and the other caracthers all growed up with famlily,kids, that kind of stuff,and for the aduls, well, older...
Just my theory though...


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Quote from: NewOrder,Jul 3 2008 on  06:50 PM
We need to face it dudes, the franchise has spread out for as long as it could... There are many stories yet to be told, however I don't see the producers taking that path, LBT needs to be restructured like, for example, finding a main story line and use it in the movies or just stick to the TV series, I don't believe both of them can survive.
People need to identify themselves with the characters and not just see new characters being put into the mix every new movie, forgetting about the old ones as if they were never there.
I don't want it to end, but sincerely at this point I wouldn't see it as a bad thing.
I believe you mean dudes and dudettes. There are girls on this site, too.  :lol

I have to agree with NewOrder. The movies aren't really linked to each other. There is no coherent plot from movie to movie. In fact, the first movie is referenced only twice in my knowledge: in the 9th and 10th movies.

I wonder how the franchise if both the movies and the television series would have done if they had kept a coherent plot between movies/episodes. I have to say, the only characters that should have been used in the movies were the original characters, Chomper, Hyp, Nod, Mutt, and Ali. The original characters from the first four movies would have been better as recurring characters instead of one-hit wonders. Except for Chomper, who did appear in more than one movie.

As for the stories yet to be told, I believe now it is up to the fans to think of these lost plots and make them into fan-based media. I wonder how a fan-movie would work. Maybe I'll suggest that in the LBT Projects section.


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I wished they would make another episode. I always wanted to know how did Chomper know where to go to get to the great valley. Maybe see more sharpteeth and different kinds of them. They aren't every many baby or young  little ones. Why doesn't Redclaw attack those flatbellies and other sharpteeth around the great valley? There should be more varieties of all sort of dinos?


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There are many unanswered questions.

And about Chomper, if he remembered being a hatchling his memory should have led him to the great wall, not to another way into the Great Valley, unless one wishes to say he has been to the Great Valley somewhere between the 5th movie and the start of the tv series, in an unseen adventure.  Though obviously if he had one he had to leave the Great Valley.


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Quote from: lbt/cty_lover,Sep 9 2008 on  03:17 AM
There are girls on this site, too.  :lol
Honestly? Didn't know that :o  :lol: ... :p

We can only hope, or maybe not, maybe it's better they end now and come back later.. Seriously, it's gone too fast to something that doesn't teach about morals so much anymore.


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I think that when the last LBT movie is made, it will end showing the GOF and the other caracthers all growed up with famlily,kids, that kind of stuff,and for the aduls, well, older...
I suppose that (in case we haven't seen the last of LBT) they are more likely to leave an end as open as every single one we have had so far to keep the option of producing more movies until it is no longer economical for them. Once this is the case they would probably just not produce another anymore, so they wouldn't actually "plan" an episode to be the last and final one.
As for the stories yet to be told, I believe now it is up to the fans to think of these lost plots and make them into fan-based media. I wonder how a fan-movie would work. Maybe I'll suggest that in the LBT Projects section.
I like the idea, but almost every fanfiction out there is a crossing over of sorts which, released as a movie, would really shredder the LBT world


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Well I guess you¥re right Malte

Mumbling Posted on Sep 9 2008, 12:39 AM
We can only hope, or maybe not, maybe it's better they end now and come back later.. Seriously, it's gone too fast to something that doesn't teach about morals so much anymore.

I agree,in a part it would be better.
I like lbt, it would be a shame if they stop now, but if it means that will be back in with better films and a new better season I would¥t mind waiting.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I'll be the first to admit this idea has appeal. But on the contrary Malte, not every fanfic is a crossover. Take for example DarkHouounmons fanfic...that to me is completely plausible idea for a movie.

We know for a fact that we've seen Littlefoot speaking to the spirit of his dead mother three times during the first movie, so the idea behind DH's story would be at least be worth trying.

While my story doesn't center on the Gang of Five as the other movies have, it too would be a ideal concept as it's a 'pure' LBT fanfic. This is however just my opinion.


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That seems to be the only supernatural element in lbt is the fact that someone recently dead can talk to at least 1 of the living.   Otherwise no magic or anything and the dead talking to the living can be taken as a very rare thing since it's not done in any of the sequels or tv episodes after that.  

As for no 14th movie, they did what an entire season and 2 movies in a year or 2.  They may have decided to wait a year or 2 to do another movie, they've had 1 or more year between movies before so why not now and in the future.


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Kor Posted on Sep 9 2008, 03:21 PM

As for no 14th movie, they did what an entire season and 2 movies in a year or 2. They may have decided to wait a year or 2 to do another movie, they've had 1 or more year between movies before so why not now and in the future.

Indeed its true, they they did a movie and a season in a a little more than a year.
Pearhps in January or february of next year the 14 movie will be here.
It¥s just a guess, I compared some dates, and well, that was my conclusion, but I think its wrong -_-

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Quote from: Vaan360,Sep 9 2008 on  08:32 PM
It¥s just a guess, I compared some dates, and well, that was my conclusion, but I think its wrong -_- [/color][/b]
Don't let your hopes down yet ;).  There was a two year period between LBT VI and LBT VII, and I thought it was the end and about went nuts.  Hey, I lived in the sticks when I started even learning how to use a computer.  The only thing I knew how to use is Word B).  I'll admit I was about fourteen years of age :p, but I've always been an outdoors girl and never focused too much on technology(I'm trying to catch up now :lol),.  So...I never knew one could find out online when a film was to come out.  In any case, this was not the last time this trend happened.  There was a two-year period between LBT XI and LBT XII.  Again, I thought it was done for but kept praying.  Perhaps Universal is trying to not burn out fans by not popping out a sequel(or in some cases, two) a year.  And I will once again agree LBT is NOT dead.  If Universal really attempted to push LBT fans away, they have failed miserably thus far :p.  But, let's not get our spirits down.  I'm sure this is just another hiatus that will end soon :yes.



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They may be doing it like you mentioned so the fans are not burned out with to many movie sequels.  Better to give the fans a bit less then they'd like with a rest period to giving them to many.  Also it gives you an chance to see if the fanbase is still there from the letters, email, maybe phone calls, how much lbt stuff sells, ect.


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I'm with NewOrder as well. Its time for either the series to get a complete makeover or for it to end.

I don't want it to end, so the complete makeover gets my vote. I like the idea of a continual plot. Each movie can be like an hour and something long episode/chapter of the plot. I think that could work. Then make the fell a little more like the original movie, and we have a perfect gig here.

Alright, if we're going to make a fanmade movie or something, the first step is a concept. On the fan works boards I say we make a post for those of us with writing ability to toss ideas back and forth and come up with an agreeable concept, create an outline, and work on a first draft script from there.
How we'll possibly actually make this come to life is another matter for a later time, as that can only happen AFTER we have something to make it off of.

I'll make the post of mine own right this instant if I don't see some action about this on the fan projects already. Anyone's who's honestly interested can come on down. This is never gonig to get made if we just speculate about doing it and never doing anything about it, ourselves. It has to start with us, LBT fans!
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Is there any substantial news about the 14th movie? Any word at all?