The Gang of Five
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Ptyra · 332 · 67436


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HUGE improvement with the splash. And the picture looks better without the rock, too. :yes I also like the new shade you gave to the water. (The previous version looked too bright, I thought, especially considering the darkness of the scene.)

Now that the Liopleurodon’s flipper is visible, though, I think it’s too close to Ada’s wing. Also, it occurs to me that when you do a picture of an ocean horizon, it would look most realistic if the line where the ocean meets the sky were completely level.

As for the blood spill, perhaps it would look better if it were “cloudier”, densest the center and more dispersed around the edges.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I guess I could work on that at a later point, now that I have another picture to put up (but I am flat out LOVING the suggestions and critiques  :D !)

This one is...interesting. I tried to tie it into Ptyra's storyline. At some point, she rescues an egg (that turns out to be a Domehead...I don't know how to spell the actual name XD ). Right before it hatches, Ptyra dreams that Ada never was attacked and was there when she hatched, thus a completely different beginning for her).  

Now that I look at the finished version, I don't like how red the ground is. It looks like one of those "danger scenes". Maybe I should have done gray. I also wanted to play with Ptyra's color scheme, so I made her neck and belly color the same as Ada's. I also changed her crest shape.


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That’s a beautiful picture! :o :wow Ptyra and Ada look fantastic, as do all of the character’s expressions. And I love how you made the image of Pterano and Ava translucent (slightly more so in some areas than others) to show that it’s a dream vision. The night sky also looks gorgeous.

You might be right about gray being a better color for the rock, but on the other hand, I personally think that the version you have now compliments Ptyra’s color scheme. It would probably look good either way. :)

As much as I hate to say it, I don’t think Pterano looks as good as the other characters, (apart from his eyes). The corner of his mouth looks too far back relative to his eye, and the line of his mouth is a little wavy towards the back. There’s also that little blurry lump on his forearm, and the top of his head looks a bit overly domed.

I also have to say that the outline between the egg and Ptyra’s wing looks really strange. Personally, I think it should be removed. Alternatively, you could outline the entire egg, but then the egg in the dream image would have to be outlined too. (Then again, that would make the egg in the dream more visible, which might be a positive.)

By the way, just an observation: I've noticed that you sometimes draw Ptyra with claws, sometimes without, but her hands and feet (as with those of most of the flyers you draw) are always the same color as the limbs they are attached to. In LBT, it seems that flyers that lack visible claws, such as Petrie’s mother, have dark-colored hands and feet. Any particular reason for this?

Oh, and just in case it’s useful, the archetypical domehead (the one most commonly seen in LBT, with the little horns on its snout) is Pachycephalosaurus. However, the pair that appears in the TV episodes “The Cave Of Many Voices” and “The Great Log-Running Game” more closely resemble Stegoceras or Prenocephale.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Thanks for the observations.
Like I said earlier, I've been trying to play with Ptyra's design. One of my goals was for her to have at least some resemblance to Ada, other than eye color, which is why I took away the claws (since Ada does not have claws) and made her belly and neck colors the same as Ada's.

I went in and did some tweaks

I changed the rock completely and made it look like she wasn't out sleeping in the open, but like where Petrie used to live before Days of Rising Water. I also fixed Ptyra's wing and did some tweaks to Pterano. It looks a bit better now.


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I've got more stuff.

This one features a first design for Ada's father, who I tried to fashion after those three fliers at the very beginning of VII (When Petrie was telling the story of the fliers that ruled the earth).

Lol, pretty much Pterano is begging Ada's father to let him join the flock and come with them to their new Big Water location.

And another first design for Crash, the baby Pachycephalosaurus that Ptyra fosters.

I put the rock there so there wasn't a giant space, so I guess Ptyra just carried him down a mountain or something  :lol .


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Wow. :wow The backgrounds to both of those images look great (the grass, in particular, is incredible), and all of the characters have fantastic expressions. :lol

Does Ada’s father have a name yet? My first thought when I saw him was that he looked like the flyer equivalent of Mr. Threehorn. I LOVE the look of annoyance on his face, and the scarred, craggy-looking crest you gave him. Also, maybe it wasn’t intentional, but if you were trying to make him look imposing, the eagle-like beak you gave him works surprisingly well :yes (though I still think your other flyers’ beaks should be less hooked).

The other characters are no less excellent. The way Ada is just standing there looking on as Pterano begs (speaking of which, his pose is perfect) is hilarious. :lol Ptyra looks very maternal in the second picture, and Crash (good name :smile) is quite cute.

As for critiques, I think Pterano’s legs (and perhaps his stomach as well) should be visible in that first picture. Also, as much as I like the design of Ada’s father, I have a number of issues with him. His right leg, I have to say, looks a little sloppy (mainly in the sense that the joints and claws look overly smoothed out or rounded), and the way it is superimposed over his right wing makes it look as if the wing membrane connects to his lower leg. Similarly, the underside of his left wing is visible behind Pterano’s head; given the position of that wing, that should not be possible unless the membrane attached to his ankle.

Some suggestions for the backgrounds: in the first image, I think the line where the grass meets the dirt looks a tad blurry; it ought to be more distinct. And to me, the cracks in the rock in the second picture look too broad in diameter, and not angular enough, such that they resemble a map of rivers. Also, the fact that the cracks don’t appear to extend off-screen, or around to the other side of the rock, causes the rock to appear rather two-dimensional, which I think detracts from the picture. The rock might even look better without the cracks entirely.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I love those last two pieces of art you did. The characters are very well done! :)


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Here's my latest pictures.

Introducing another OC character, Zeno the Therizinosaurus

I kinda like how the background came out on this one...somewhat.

And this one will have a few other versions.

One of the reasons being that you can hardly see the sky T_T . But this is supposed to be when Pterano kinda accepts that Ada's dead and knowing that he has more important matters to worry about.


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I hate to say it, but the Therizinosaurus design really needs some work. The tail is too long, the neck too short, the body too slender, and the head far too blunt. The limbs also have that jointless appearance I mentioned was a problem with your drawing of Ada’s dad. Besides that, I would recommend giving Zeno a longer, beakier snout, and perhaps adding little lines behind his claws to indicate that they are attached to fingers (if only short ones).

I agree with you, though, that the background looks good. While the trees look a tad two-dimensional, the fact that the bases of the grass stems are distinct from the ground is an improvement from the background of the image with Ada’s father in it. The other characters look pretty good as well (though they too may be suffering a little from “foreshortened face” :p). I especially like how Ptyra’s expression and posture show that she is worried, fearful, and/or intimidated at the sight of Zeno’s claws. (Who wouldn’t be? :P:)

In the second picture, like Ptyra in the preceding picture, Pterano’s expression and body language perfectly convey the emotion he is experiencing (grief). The lighting in this image (namely, the effect of the night on Pterano’s colors) is also very well done. :yes Though I have to say that the nest looks like it’s clinging to the wall of the cave (in part because of the two-dimensionality of the rock), and Pterano’s fingers look a little strange.

Also, a suggestion on the water: I think it might look more realistic if the texture was more or less consistent across the entire surface (as opposed to being blotchyóunless the water is shallow enough that the topography of the seabed is visible), with irregularities limited mainly to ripples, shadows from clouds, and light sources such as the sun and moon. (I actually thought that the sliver of sky in the distance sort of looked more like a water surface texture than the water itself, because it seemed to have the appearance of waves.)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Well, it was my first time drawing one, so that might explain some of it. I have another one of the same character from behind, though...I think it's slightly better than that. But now that I look back at it, I see several of your points.

Starting with a younger (and extremely surprised looking) Pterano

I tried to remember the joints, as you pointed out. I keep looking at this and thinking "D'Artanian". Which makes a bit of since since Michael York played our impulsive little musketeer in his younger days. I wasn't intending him to look so young in the original sketch, but then I decided to go with it.

And a crossover!

I've come to decide that my two favorite animated males are Sinuous from The Animals of Farthing Wood and Pterano. I made a whole rant about it on deviantART  :lol


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I like Pterano’s pose in the first picture. The limb joints look fantastic, by the way. :) (His right foot is very well drawn, too.) I did notice that the outline of his left eye crosses over into the territory of his beak, and (while I like his expression,) the lines of his eyebrows intersect in a somewhat unrealistic-looking way.

The second picture automatically made me smile. I love the expressions on both characters, and while a little more artistic attention could be paid to Pterano’s feet, overall he looks pretty good. :yes The tip of his beak ought to be a bit more pointed, but apart from that, I think it’s the best beak you’ve drawn for Pterano so far. (I consider it an improvement that you didn’t give his beak an eagle-like hook this time.) Also, I gotta say, having a snake around his neck is a good look for Pterano. :lol

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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And not just any snake, but a snake with a MOUSTACHE!

I have a VERY hard time drawing feet most of the time...especially on Pterano, his his feet are so huge. Reminds me of my boyfriend XD. But I'm getting better!

Here's another one that has four different versions, like the ones with little Pterano. This time is depicting Ptyra's hatching, but using different colors and the shading.

Day colors, no lighting

Day colors, lighting

Night colors, no lighting

Night colors, lighting

I think this one is my favorite.

I have a nasty habit of covering difficult areas with the wing :lol


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 The pics are good, I liked you made a Therizinosaurus as an OC :DD .
 By the way, will you make a fanfic about the pics you are doing?. I'm sorry if that was already answered, but I've been kinda away.


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Those are some pretty good drawings of Pterano!

I saw him as the heel that I loved to hate. It was nice to have him see the errors of his ways and turn face at the end of the 7th movie.

Too bad he didn't appear in any of the subsequent movies. But seeing as the timeline was to have the Gang of Five still as children, Pterano wouldn't come back to The Great Valley, still purging his five years of banishment in The Mysterious Beyond, it makes sense. (Did they actually say that, or was it five cold times?)

You've got the makings of a good fanfic there!

I had Pterano make a cameo appearance in one of my fanfics, though technically not a Petrie's uncle, but rather as a character Petrie interacts with in an alternate universe.  :smile

Keep up the good work!  :DD


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Quote from: Ptyra,Jan 20 2010 on  09:23 PM
I have a VERY hard time drawing feet most of the time...especially on Pterano, his his feet are so huge. Reminds me of my boyfriend XD. But I'm getting better!
As far as I’m concerned, limbs and feet are the hardest part of almost any dinosaur to draw, so that's perfectly understandable.

I don't have any major nitpicks regarding Pterano other the fact that his nostrils seem to be missing. Overall I think he looks great. :) As usual, his expression is good, and I like the look of hatchling Ptyra as well. (Her face reminds me of a baby bird.)

And I agree, the lighting on the last version of the picture turned out really well. Looks just like Pterano at night in LBT VII. :yes

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Hm. I never noticed that slight flaw. Thanks for pointing it out. I'm really glad you liked how they turned out.

I've mentioned wanting to do a comedy LBT fanfic that revolves around an invasion of Mary Sues. So, I did a picture that introduces the character that started the idea

"Ptyranna" is actually the VERY first version of Ptyra.
I came up with "Ptyranna" shortly after seeing LBT VII when I was 7/8 years old. Her design was pretty much that, although, I don't remember if her collar was purple or not. But she WAS indeed a time traveler and she was EXTREMELY smart (as an example, she called Cera a Triceratops)...and she had different backgrounds on her connection to of which took the "Junior" route...kinda...*sob* Another was that he adopted her. And the third was pretty much the same as now, but a bit more childish.
I even did crossovers with "Gargoyles", where Ptyranna was best friend's with Brooklyn's (M-preg) daughter S.F...who looked nothing like him but a lion cub with bird wings. And S.F didn't like her at first, but then there were some weird occurrences that made them become friends. Oi.
She finally changed to looking like Pterano when I was 10...but her eye shape was odd. The change to "Ptyra" was in middle school, I think.

For this Ptyranna, I decided to have some other Mary-Sue traits thrown in, like being the last of her family and having only one physical flaw, which would be the chip in her beak. As for the Time Traveling thing, she's also probably a popular singer in the future, like the Ptyra that she spoofs.

It was extremely painful coloring that character D: .


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No comment. I don’t have much to say on this picture. It creeps me out. :blink: I find it interesting, though, that the body of your character is apparently furry, as real pterosaurs are thought to have been.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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 That is funny indeed, the colors are so shiny! XD . No wonder she is a Mary-Sue :smile .


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Creepy was the direction I was aiming for. I decided to bring the furryness to access, since that might occur in a "Pterosaur Sue". But I see where you're coming from.

An idea that's been stuck in my head for a while.

While I am VERY proud of this one, I did have some issues with positioning Pterano so he could actually look like he was sleeping with the egg near him. And some of him seems to vanish after Ada's arm. And the egg is pretty hard to see, since it almost blends with Pterano.

But I'm still pretty proud of how it turned out :D


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*double post*
I've decided to do a second version of Ptyra's "Defying Gravity"/boost of hubirs/"Look at me! I'm like my dad!" picture.

First version

Second version

Well...I improved a lot in a month  :wow .