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My art work

Ptyra · 332 · 67942


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Wow. I had never noticed that Radio's antenna was missing  :o ! Thanks for pointing that out.

I just remembered that I finished the picture of Ada and her father a long time ago. So here it is.

The background's not quite as good as it usually is, but I am rather pleased with how it turned out. I just hope Tybalt looks grizzled enough...


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Ah.... this is the Ada & Tybalt you posted back on April 17th, colorized. The "shine" on Tybalt's eye looks a little strange to me, though.

But Ada turned out beautiful all over. Once again, the only thing I didn't like is Tybalt's eye shine, but other than that, this picture is excellent.

Nice one!


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Quote from: Ptyra,May 31 2010 on  11:29 PM
Wow. I had never noticed that Radio's antenna was missing  :o ! Thanks for pointing that out.
You're welcome. :)

Ooh, another picture! :o No matter; I'll just review it in this post, since I've only got two others besides. ;)

May 19:

If you recall, I had a very hard time coming up with things to criticize about the original sketch of this picture of Pterano. The colored version, too, is excellent. :yes His headóbeak, eyes, crest, mouth, and allóis fantastic. His right wing, I daresay, looks even better than in the sketch. There’s sort of a sharp angle on the underside of his left hand, but other than that I think it’s greatly improved from before. (Is it just me, or do his feet look better, too?) However, I think you made the outline of his left arm and wing too thick. The most notable consequence of this is that his lower beak, which should be overlapping his shoulder, is instead overlapped by the thick outline, and thus appears to be BEHIND his shoulder.

You’re right to be proud of the background for the picture of Lampy and the nightlight; it IS good! :! :wow I especially like the wallpaper (both the color and the pattern). The wooden floor looks nice, too.

Depending on the religiousness of the appliances, I suppose that book would be their equivalent of either the Bible or The Origin of Species. :p

The glaring problem I see with the book, however, is that while we are looking at it spread open from such an angle that the top edges of the pages and covers form a “V”,the bottom edges of the covers are almost completely horizontal. They should be slanted upward as well. Additionally, the angle of the words in the title isn’t quite aligned with the angle of the cover. Apart from those details, the book looks pretty good.. :yes

Overall, Lampy (and what we can see of the nightlight) is very well drawn. I particularly like the way you did his expression, the light beam, and the bends in his neck. Nice shading on his neck as well. My one complaint is the cord, which looks to be too thick (and seems to change in thickness along its length) and ends in a rather shapeless-looking plug.

May 31:

Ada and Tybalt turned out really good here, I think. The legs and feet of both characters are very well drawn (though Tybalt’s right shin looks shorter and thicker than his left), as are their arms, hands, wings, torsos, necks, heads . . . heck, EVERYTHING about them looks pretty darn great! :wow

I really thought that Tybalt looked a lot older in this pic. The notch in his beak seems to have developed a crack, and his eyes look very wrinkled and droopy (his eye may be my favorite part of how you drew him here). Perhaps you could add a few nicks and little holes along the edge of his wing membrane (think Swooper from “The Hermit of Black Rock”) if you wanted to make him look even more aged. One thing I would point out is that in earlier pictures, his beak was much more jagged-looking. In addition, I would suggest making the dents and chips in his crest more angular, to give it a more broken and craggy appearance. Right now the lines are a little smooth and squiggly. (I also think the design of his scar looks better in the picture I linked to.)

Personally, I think you should have Ada’s scar be even more extensive than it is in thic picture. You didn’t mention how long this scene takes place after Pterano’s departure, but since pterosaur wings probably healed quite quickly from injuries, it would take a very large wound to keep Ada from returning for an extremely long period (Of course, she’d probably have to spend time getting used to flying with her scarred wing, and even then, I don’t imagine she’d be as capable a flyer as before). The scar looks good, though. :yes

I like how the sky and water look in this image, and the shapes and colors of the rocks aren’t bad; however, the lines on the rocks (the background ones, at least) are too dark and distinct in my opinion. Generally, the cracks, ridges, concavities, and convexities in rocks aren’t very obvious, from close up or from a distance, so if you want to delineate them, you shouldn’t make them too obvious. The rock Tybalt and Ada are standing on looks much better (though it does blend with the water a little around the edges).

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Hm. I think I'll show you guys some art from when I was in fifth and sixth grade...twelve and thirteen.

In fifth grade, I became an ENORMOUS "A Bug's Life" fan (it's kicking back into gear, I think XD). This is a character I created at that time.

Oh, ESMERALDA! Boy, what a WEIRD character she was! I'm gonna...copy from my deviantart.
I LOVED Manny and Gypsy. Heck, I still do. They're probably the ONLY inter-species relationship I like. Probably because it's intentional...and there to start with (Unlike that...Melvin and Glory thing in the second Madagascar. I HATE that >____< ). So, when I was in elementary school, I created their son and daughter, Esmeralda and Archimedes. They were sword fighters in the circus (inspired by the fact that my best friend was fencing at the time, and I thought it was really cool), and Esmeralda was frequently the main character of my fanfictions. I did one that was based on her birth...that was completely "wat?". I don't remember the origin of the burn on her ruff, but the same indecent resulted in the "bandages". I think the broken antenna was from an accident she had in fighting with her brother

At this point, I've decided to remove the twins from the picture, and replaced them with a baby moth caterpillar that Manny and Gypsy adopt...but I kept the name Archimedes. As of today, I have decided that Esmeralda is a DRAGONFLY with an identical twin sister named Constance.

Here's a character from the story about Esmeralda and Archimedes birth

I wrote the ENTIRE story in a journal...and I threw it away a while back (D'OH!!!). But I remember Basil a little bit. The "main" circus troupe was in a dead forest, looking for help to repair the wagon (???). Gypsy became unconscious when some dead wood fell on her (???), and this dude comes along and says "Hey, there's one tree still living! You can get help there!" And he takes them there. He came back at the very end when they were leaving.

Then some "Great Mouse Detective" fanart.

Becaaaause apparantly ferrets are the same size as Preying Mantises and British bats have ginormous ears  :blink: .

This is what you get when you combine Disney's version of "Robin Hood" with "A Christmas Story"

Run, Hiss! RUN! He's in bunny pajamas and he's ANGRY!

And now, for an old/new. Combining my three favorite Michael York characters into one silly scenario.

Thisbe and her magic Mary Poppins bag  :rolleyes: . You saw her on her "date" that was ruined (for her beau) by Radio and Lampy. And there's a "Runner" hiding in the back there. TO SANCTUARY!!!


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Ptyra, I will admit that you drew far far better than I could when I was in 5th grade.  (The drawings I did in 5th grade looked like Kindergartner & 1st grade drawings) but that was probably because I didn't draw slowly and very carefully.

Pterano wielding a sword like a musketeer, scaring a runner.  :yes  that one I like.

I am very pleased to see a new Pterano drawing, too. :D


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Glad to see you’ve posted again. Haven’t seen any new art here for a while. :)

Well, strictly speaking, not all the art is “new”, :p but it’s still great to see it. And while I’ll save my excruciatingly nitpicky feedback for the more recent work, :p I have to say that the older pictures ARE pretty good. I’m especially impressed by how detailed the character in the first one is. :yes

Quote from: Ptyra,Jun 15 2010 on  01:25 PM
Becaaaause apparantly ferrets are the same size as Preying Mantises and British bats have ginormous ears  :blink: .
Well, I can't argue that that's one tiny ferret, :o but this little cutie, the brown long-eared bat (Plecotus auritus), IS one of Britain's commonest bats. [[info]

Who’s that chasing the snake in the second-to-last picture? (The face reminded me of Dromio’s, but the body’s the wrong shape.) Looks almost like an anthropomorphic bunny wearing a bunny suit with bunny-slipper feet :p)

I love the picture of Musketeer Pterano :lol: (I can just imagine him telling his nephews and nieces about how he swashbuckled a sharptooth :lol). His hands are REALLY well done (awesome job showing his fingers wrapped around the sword handle :wow); in fact, his arms and wings overall look terrific. :yes His beak, head, and crest are also positively outstanding, the only significant flaw being that his eye is too far forward.

Pterano’s right leg looks excellent apart from the blunt toes (I particularly like the flexion wrinkles), but his left leg, by comparison, isn’t quite up to snuff. The shin is shorter, leading to the foot being higher than the left one (when it should be at the same level or lower), and the pose of the leg overall doesn’t look as dynamic as that of the other one, almost like it’s dangling or dragging behind Pterano, rather than planted firmly against the ground. Also, his neck somehow looks too small (a little shorter and narrower than it ought to be).

Who’s the dinosaur Pterano is threatening with the sword? Is that your Corythosaurus OC? I’m afraid there’s not much I can comment on, seeing as so little of him is visible, :p but his left eye is a bit misshapen-looking, slightly lower than his right eye and sticking out rather far. By the way, I might suggest giving him a slightly longer beak, possibly curving downward to a point at the tip (Even a hatchling Corythosaurus seen briefly at the end of LBT VI had these features). Otherwise it looks more like a Corythosaurus from the “Dink” series.

I notice that Thisbe’s tail is sort of paddle-shaped at the end. Is she part sea snake, or is there another reason for that? By the way, is it just me, or are Thisbe’s wings asymmetrical? :huh: It looks like the left wing has two supporting spars, while the right has only one.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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The ones in the second to last picture are Sir Hiss and Prince John from the Disney film of "Robin Hood"

The Corythesaurus is just a random one that just happened to be in a wee bit of trouble at the time  :p . Yes, Thisbe is part sea snake. I'm still trying to work out the fractions, but so far it's 1/3 snake, 1/3 bat, and I'm trying to work out the last 1/3 . I guess the lack of a spar on her wing was because of the way I positioned it. The other one is behind her.

And here's a completely made from scratch picture of one of my all-time favorite books, Hope for the Flowers

At this point, it's REALLY hard to find, due to it being published in 1968. The only reason why I have it is because it was my mom's :DD . The story is about two caterpillars, Stripe and Yellow, who are trying to find out if there is more to life than theirs. It's a VERY bittersweet story. One of the reasons why I like it is because it seems like a children's book, but it has some elements like that a butterfly can love in such a way that makes new life "and is better than all the hugging caterpillars can do". So, I guess it's also a story about understanding love and how powerful it can be. It's an extremely sweet book, and I would highly recommend reading it if you can get your hands on a copy :) .


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Nice to see more pictures from you.   Lots of cute characters you've drawn.

Cancerian Tiger

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LMAO at the Prince John & Sir Hiss drawing :spit  :spit  :spit  :spit!


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Wow! those are awesome.
 Would you mind if I tried to draw your flyer character Ptyra?


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Cute caterpillars. :DD Actually, it’s a pretty nice fancover overall. The grass looks great, even though it’s sort of blurry towards the base in some areas. I like the title font you used, too.

By the way, is the fuzz around Yellow’s left eye intended to resemble eyelashes? (Clever idea, though to be perfectly honest I think it makes her look kind of sad.) I ask because there isn’t much corresponding fuzz visible around the other eye, mainly because of the outline of the body. I’d personally suggest thinner body outlines for both caterpillars (though you did do a very good job “zigzagging” them to make them look fuzzy :yes).

You’ve piqued my interest in seeing that book (That’s at least the third or fourth time you’ve influenced me to try something, either intentionally or unintentionally :p). Unfortunately, it looks like the public library system in my town doesn’t carry the book, but I’ll be on the lookout for it. ;)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Quote from: Nintendoofah64,Jun 26 2010 on  03:12 PM
Wow! those are awesome.
 Would you mind if I tried to draw your flyer character Ptyra?
Sure :D !

Pangaea, like I said, it would be an extremely hard book to find. But you can find it on Amazon for a pretty good price :) . Like this one
Ha, mine doesn't have the dust cover. I must say it's pretty cool!


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^ Thanks for the link! I've already ordered it. ;)

Can we expect to see more art in this thread anytime soon? (No rush, just curious. :angel)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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That's great! I was actually pretty delighted to find it at such a nice price. I hope you'll like the book. It's really sweet <3
I've been having some trouble drawing some Bug's Life related art that I might consider putting up here. I might as well just try my "own depiction" of the characters, though.

For your amusement, here's one of my own characters on deviantART
General Letrice
I'd prefer NOT to upload her on Photobucket, because I'd rather NOT have more than one image of her "buzzing around" (Ha. Pun). Plus, she's part of a "top secret" storyline of mine that I REALLY want to keep quiet online.


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Wow. Pretty good. :yes Neat how she’s wearing a chain of leaves(?) like an ammunition belt. I’m assuming her wings (which I couldn’t find at first) are those orangey blurs in the background. Just curious: why does she have spots? (I admit I thought she was a beetle at first, due to the spots and the apparent lack of wings. :oops Then I noticed the stinger.)

Wait . . . would you rather I not talk or ask about the character so that you can maintain secrecy? :unsure:

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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The chain of leaves is like a sash or something...I don't know what it's called. I needed some way for her to be associated with high military power and at the time, it was all I could come up with. Her design was slightly based off of the wasp couple in "Antz" (fwahaha, I love those two XD ). I guess I wasn't entirely aiming for "spots". Chip and Muffy both had a bit of "spottiness" with their stripes, probably as an individuality thing. The sash was also inspired by the one General Mandible wears in "Antz".

These kinds of things are okay to talk about, just not the plot of the story that Letrice is involved in :)


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Quote from: Ptyra,Jun 28 2010 on  11:40 PM
The chain of leaves is like a sash or something...I don't know what it's called.
Yeah, me neither; all I could think of was the thing Chewbacca wears, :p which I thought was called an ammunition belt. Probably just my memory getting terms confused again. :rolleyes

These kinds of things are okay to talk about, just not the plot of the story that Letrice is involved in :)
Oh, okay. In that case, how'd you come up with the name “Letrice”? Also, how is it pronounced? (My first thought when I read the name was that it sounded a lot like “lettuce”, :slap but now I'm guessing that one or more of the vowels is long.)

By the way, I like the “spottiness”, actually. :smile

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I pronounce it Lay-tress. It's a variation of the name "Latrice", which is a version of Patricia, meaning "noble; partition". In a sense, Letrice is pretty close to being a noble, and she practically rules the hive, or at least some of it, since the only one higher than her is the "royal family", the Foundress and her heirs. She is also noble in the personality sense, despite being incredibly flustered and slightly depressed. There's quite a bit of back story to that, though, so I'll be keeping hush-hush.

Anyway, I have done a bit of artwork for A Bug's Life recently, and these are the only two pictures I have created.

There's a huge backstory to this character, Archimedes. This is his second version, where he is a caterpillar (moth).

A little magician is on the rise :p

I have decided now that Archimedes is a lacewing, and I did his adult version.

He looks like that beetle from "Ant Bully" :/
"Hiiii! What's YOUR name!"


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It’s A Bug’s Life’s tribute to “The Sorceror’s Apprentice”! :lol

GREAT picture. I love it how the hat is covering his eyes. :lol Better look out when he does a magic trick; he won’t know which direction he’s casting the spell. :p I like his colors, too. And you drew the hat really well.

I have to say, I don’t like Archimedes’ adult form as much. Maybe it’s the disconcerting fact that he only has four limbs (That’s something that always bothered me about the insects from A Bug’s Life). His face also isn’t as cute or as funny-looking as that of his larval form. He looks like he has a completely different personality.

On the plus side, I do like the “highlighting” you put around his joints, and the fact that you tried to make his wings look “lacy” (though the texture might not need to be nearly so fine). And I REALLY like the gravel texture you did for the ground. :yes I might suggest a few changes to Archimedes’ design, like giving his legs similar proportions to his arms (right now they look too skinny, especially around his right knee), and changing his right foot to look more like his left (which looks EXCELLENT). In addition, his abdomen almost resembles a wasp’s; lacewings have a more cylindrical abdomen that doesn’t taper much except at the very end, and is rather blunt. And you might want to consider making his green coloration even brighter.

Now, two wholly unrelated comments: :p

ï I got my copy of Hope for the Flowers in the mail the other day. :smile Haven’t read it yet, but I hope to do so very soon. ;)

ï I love your new award banner! :DD That was my favorite of the banner options for the Fanart Award.

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I REALLY hope you enjoy/enjoyed the book :D !

I've decided to create my own Dinotopia storyline (Yes, I HAVE read the original book by James Gurney...just not the other three, but I'd like to XD ). My storyline is about a young woman who does NOT take easily to crashing on Dinotopia, due to being extremely clingy to her family, and has a health condition that couldn't handle the veganistic lifestyle of the Dinotopians. It takes place around the Scott family's time in Dinotopia.  
The main dinosaur she befriends is a Stenoychosaurus, whose name spelling I have not decided on yet, but is pronounced as "Craow". He eventually does develop the "life partner" relationship with the main character of the story.

I guess once I color him I could give more details...