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Ptyra · 332 · 67473


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Good picture.

But, what is that he his holding?


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I now have another Dinotopia-based fanart.

A heavily improved Krau going to some kind of festival with his human partner Penny.

Penny's character page
Penny's character page
Krau's character page
Krau's character page
I need to make some changes to Krau's markings :/


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Seeing as the you’ve already made just about all of the changes I was going to suggest for the earlier picture of Krau (is that how you’re going to be spelling his name?) in the new picture, I’ll just pass over the first one, if it’s okay with you.

The second picture is very good. You did some incredible detail on the costumes. :wow I really like how you did Krau’s expression, too. He looks toothy, but still friendly. :smile His feet and arms are very well done, too, though the upper part of his left arm (the one on Penny’s shoulder) is extremely thick compared to his forearm (which looks outstanding). Also, is his right palm supposed to be facing forward or backward? If forward, then his thumb is on the wrong side. Either way, his right arm looks to be in a very odd position for a dinosaur, in my opinion. By the way, I don’t remember how many fingers the Stenonychosaurus (maybe you already knew this, but they’re actually the same dinosaur as Troodon) in the Dinotopia miniseries had, but the real-life version had only three.

I’m hopeless when it comes to drawing humans, but I’d say you did a pretty good job with Penny. :yes I don’t remember seeing you do a picture of a human before :! (though if experience has taught me anything, it’s that I have a very faulty memory :p). Her shoes are a little funny-looking to me, though; very triangular.

I admit that when I first glanced at the picture, I thought that Krau was wearing both of the big frilly things, one on each side of his body, and that they, along with the one on his tail, constituted some kind of Daedalus/Icarus-style flying equipment. Basically, I thought that he was preparing to test out some sort of gliding device (destined, of course, for comedic disaster), and was assuring Penny (who looked nervous to me) that nothing could go wrong. :lol (The skybax gliders and Dragoncopter from the Dinotopia books probably influenced my interpretaton.)

I’m eager to see this picture colored. :DD

P.S. I did get around to reading Hope for the Flowers, and found it to be quite good. :yes It was very deep; very allegorical. I was also impressed by the pictures, particularly in how accurately drawn the caterpillars and butterflies were; that the artist didn’t cartoonize, simplify, or anthropomorphize them to make them appealing (nor did she need to). Thanks again for introducing me to this book. :)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I like you're drawing.  The attention to detail is good and the expressions and poses make it easy to read their expressions and see those 2 are friends and the emotions they are experiencing in that moment.


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Oh, the Dragoncopter XD . Machinery in Dinotopia NEVER seems to succeed.
The Stenonychosaurus had three fingers plus a thumb in the mini series, which my storyline is a slight spin-off of, but is more true to the books. My boyfriend and I both agreed that Zippeau was a Troodon, since he was so darn smart ( <3 ), and I later figured out that the two were one and the same. I think Stenonychosaurus is used for the docile variety of the Troodon.

I just finished the Krau and Penny.
I'd like to say they're at some kind of festival somewhere, but why in a really weird looking indoors? Another idea is that they've just had the ceremony that fully recognizes them as being partners. But they're celebrating SOMETHING. There's allllllways something to celebrate in Dinotopia XD .

I just wish I could make Penny far less cartoony and make her look more fifteen instead of twenty-three T_T . And I really rushed on the background...something I really wish I had not done. But it does make the characters' colors stand out more...


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I've got a couple more sketches.

I have the lead characters in a dinosaur story that I am creating, hopefully to toss some originality into the world of dinosaur media. For one thing, I am really trying to stay true to the time period in which the story is set, which is the late Cretaceous, probably a few thousand years before the KT Extinction. I've actually decided to keep it completely dialogue-free and experiment with using imagination on how the characters sound when they communicate with each other through their own "language".

This is the Troodon, the main lead character. Once more Troodons come into the story, he is referred to as "our Troodon" sometimes.

And the far less labored on baby Pteranodon that the Troodon finds far from the sea. Ha. She's a plot point :p .

It's really hard to get Pterosaurs to look realistic, especially when you have the ones from Dinotopia in mind.

And after drawing that pain in the wrist...
It's a day early, but what the heck, it's close enough!

Pterano disapproves of Musketeer hat! Gaaasssp! Man, the text is hard to read :/
Happy 21st, Jared.

Trust me on the whiskey. I ate a Polish chocolate that had a cherry in the middle...but also with whiskey. It's very strong stuff and has a nasty taste...and aftertaste. (Although, Polish chocolate is quite yummy :) . It's a good thing my friend's dad is from Poland.)


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I LOVE THIS!!  :wub  :wub

You DID IT!!  :D  :D  :D

When I first saw this. I got a huge rush of joy through my spine and I got the shakes and got so excited and happy! My heartbeat really got to going.  This is perfect.

I can't thank you enough for doing this! :)

It's me (i look so beautiful. My crest is a little bit shorter than Pterano's. That's how I can identify myself)

Petrie landed on my beak and is giving me a hug!!!!! OHHHHHH!

I look so beautiful and just absolutely fantastic (you got my flyer appearance absolutely wonderful, that's for sure!  :yes )

I was very surprised on how quick you got this drawing done and posted. Wow! that was fast  :!

And Pterano and Rinkus are there with me. AWWWwwwh!  And you gave Rinkus such a happy, sweet, funny look. I love that.

I can't believe i'm even looking at this drawing. I'm actually there with my 3 favorites (Pterano, Petrie, & Rinkus) at a birthday party for me!!

Rinkus is offering Pterano that musketeer hat again. (I can't tell what it says on the label) I could read the Rinkus *snort*, though.

I'm really crying right now. You've made me so happy with this birthday drawing. this is very special.

I love this birthday party with me, Pterano, Rinkus, & Petrie!! :wub  :wub
:wub  :wub :wub  :wub :wub  :wub :wub  :wub  :celebrate :birthday

Oh man. I'm still crying. You've made me send a flood of tears running all down the front of my chest. I still can't stop crying.

OHHH. I WILL treasure this drawing. It's very unique and very special.

Thank you so much

I wonder what it would look like in color... (only a tiny thought)

but what an amazing drawing

I can't thank you enough Ptyra.


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Whoa; I’ve got a lot of commenting to do… :blink:

Quote from: Ptyra,Jul 17 2010 on  05:03 PM
I think Stenonychosaurus is used for the docile variety of the Troodon.
I have only two of James Gurney's Dinotopia books to refer to, but you seem to be right. Malik, the timekeeper at Waterfall City, is referred to as a “Stenonychosaurus” in the first book, while in the Dinotopia Digest Novel Lost City, a community consisting members of (presumably) the same species that live apart from the rest of Dinotopian society are referred to as “Troodons”. This may have been incidental; perhaps Gurney was unaware of Stenonychosaurus's synonymization with Troodon in 1987, or he just preferred the name “Stenonychosaurus” (the logic being that the dinosaurs would prefer being called “Narrow Clawed Reptile” to “Wounding Tooth”). In any case, it's an interesting idea that some faction of a particular species of dinosaur would identify itself by a different name.

Now, the colored picture of Krau and Penny:

You did an incredible job with the texture of Penny’s hair, :wow and I love the colors and striping pattern on Krau (though I think his arms, neck, and the end of his tail should be striped as well). The colors of the costumes look great, too.

The main thing I don’t like is the decorative collars or fans around their necks (and Krau’s tail); I thought they looked much better in the sketch. While the colors on the new versions are good, they have no outlines (and honestly look a bit messily rendered), and thus do not “fit” stylistically with the rest of the picture.

Krau’s left foot looks pretty good, but it looks a bit misaligned with the band around his ankle . There also seems to be a whole chunk of his right foot and ankle missing, as one of his claws looks to be “drifting” off his toes and his right leg seems to disappear behind his left. Finally, although his arm is well drawn, it looks to be in a rather unusual position for a dinosaur (or maybe it’s just me).

As I said before, I’m not much good when it comes to drawing humans, but perhaps Penny would look less “cartoony” if her eyes were a little smaller and less round, and if her eyes and nose were a little farther down and closer to her mouth. It might also help if you gave her a more defined chin and forehead.

Also, Penny’s hands look a little skeletal. This shouldn’t be hard to check for yourself, but the spaces between human fingers don’t extend that far back on the hand; if you measure your hand from the wrist to the fingertips, at least half of it consists of the palm and the corresponding back of the hand. The divisions between the fingers also don’t reach as far back as that between the first finger and the thumb.

While it doesn’t exactly relate to drawing Penny better, I just realized that those big flared sleeves of hers are either heavily starched or defying gravity; :p they should be drooping down towards the floor weight should be pulling them towards the floor (particularly her right sleeve).

I’m not any good at ascertaining a person’s age in real life, so I can’t offer much advice on how to make Penny look older or younger. Compared to how I draw humans, though, I think you did a great job on her proportions, posture, and overall physical appearance. She looks much more realistic than the few sorry attempts I’ve made at drawing humans. :p

Now, on to the Troodon and Pteranodon:

I really like this idea of yours for a dinosaur story. :yes I haven’t seen a lot of stories like it, and the world can always use more fictional dinosaur universes. :smile Incidentally, your concept reminds me a lot of a story I tried to make when I was younger, involving a young Pteranodon who fell out of his cliff nest and befriended a Struthiomimus.

I commend you for putting feathers on your Troodon. :yes I’m particularly impressed that you included them on the hind legs, a feature that several small carnivorous dinosaurs probably had, but that many artists fail to include in their impressions of feathered dinosaurs. (The feathers probably would have been attached to the back of the leg, however, and I wonder whether a dinosaur adapted for fast running would have short or absent leg feathers to improve aerodynamics. :unsure:).

I do have to say, the head feathers look a bit like a horse’s mane. Also, I think the ones on the arms look too “wispy”. To my knowledge, the arm feathers (or “remiges”) on most dinosaurs that had them were the barbed, vaned kind, similar to those on bird wings, but symmetrical (since they weren’t used in flight). Most restorations of them I’ve seen portray them as being longer towards the front of the arm, and shorter close to the shoulder.

The right hind leg is too sharply bent, and the thighs look too bulky. (Judging from the illustrations I’ve seen, the troodontid thigh only accounted for about a third of the leg’s length.) Also, like its relatives the dromaeosaurs (“raptors”), Troodon probably had a sickle claw on the inner toe, smaller and less strongly curved than a raptor’s, but still held off the ground in the same way. (Depictions of benevolent Troodon seem to have a tendency of excluding this characteristic.)

I think my favorite drawing of the Troodon is the head in the lower right-hand corner. The shape of the snout and head looks quite good (keep in mind that troodontids had very long, narrow snouts), and I like the expression. :DD My only real suggestion would be to move the eyes down and forward a little, to make the character’s large troodontid braincase more prominent.

I really like how you did the baby Pteranodon. It’s very cute. :DD I particularly like how you did the eyes. Realistically, there should be a membrane connecting her wrist with her shoulder (the propatagium), supported by a horizontal spar on the wrist called the pteroid bone.

By the way, how do you plan on having her end up so far from home? If it helps, there is evidence that, like modern reptiles, hatchling pterosaurs were very precocious, possibly capable of flight immediately after hatching (This at least seems to be the case for smaller pterosaurs like Rhamphorhynchus and Pterodactylus). On the other hand, the discovery of a colonial nest site of Pterodaustro, containing fossilized eggs, hatchlings, and adults suggests that at least some pterosaurs cared for their young to some extent. If you don’t already have an idea, perhaps the Pteranodon was trying to fly, but got caught in a wind that blew her far inland.

Before I go into further scientific critique on these drawings (I’ve probably already been extremely frustrating :rolleyes), how realistic do you want the dinosaurs in this story to be, in terms of the physical appearance of the dinosaurs, and which species you use? I’m sure you’ll be taking a few scientific liberties, but are there any particular paleontological guidelines you want to be conscious of? For instance, there is no fossil evidence of Pteranodon past the mid-Campanian stage (80 million years ago), though it is possible that it survived longer, but simply was not fossilized. Also, pterosaurs probably could not walk on their hind legs, but walked on all fours like bats (though for Pteranodon and many of its relatives, the limbs were more upright); they took flight by “catapulting” themselves into the air with their wings (video here).

In case you’d find references useful, here’s a procession of troodontids (Troodon is third from the right) and one of them close-up (I had trouble finding troodontid illustrations on the web that I trust as scientifically accurate, and I hope these suffice). And this site has some VERY useful information on pterosaurs.

Finally, Jared’s star day picture:

I LOVED this picture. What a great birthday present. :DD All of the characters are very well done. :yes Have you drawn Rinkus before? He looks fantastic here. :wow And HILARIOUS in that party hat. :lol Great expression, too.

Ah, too bad Pterano didn’t agree to wear the hat. :p I’d have loved to see him in it. Although with that crest of his, he’d either have to punch a hole in it to fit it over his head, or hang it off the end of his crest like a hat rack. :lol

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I'm still trying to figure out how the Pteranodon got so far away. I even consulted my boyfriend for ideas, but nothing came up. The main "brain teaser" is still how she became mislocated in a fashion that would seem "real".

I planned on the story taking place a few thousand years before the KT extinction 65 million years ago; there's a list of dinosaurs from that time period that included Pteranodon.

And as for the birthday drawing, I have doodled one or two different Rhamphs at some point.

Thanks so much for the advice AND the links. It's really no problem :) . I enjoy your input on improving my artwork  :D


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It's been a long time since I've shown anything for LBT, so here's one I did during the last school year.

Dah-dah-dah-DAAAAHH *Legend of Zelda treasure music*

You got a stingray!
Originally, I had Ada in the back, looking equally surprised. A squid is one thing; a ray is another.


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I like the drawings.  You are a very creative person, hope you keep drawing :yes .  Wish I could give creative feedback but I'm no artist.  

As for Stenonychosaurus, they are troodons.  They found some fossils, not sure when, that showed the scientists that they were the same species instead of 2 different species so by the rules of the nomenclature or whatever the science of naming is done the earlier name, troodon, became dominant.  The same happened to Brontosaurus and the ealier name Apatasaurus.  

When the first Dinotopia book came out Mr. Gurney did not know this since I think it was before that was found out.   I'm not sure how current he keeps up, being as busy as he likely is.

I'm no where near a dino expert, and likely not very current either.


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Look out, Pterano! You could end up with a lot worse than a faceful of ink this time! :blink:

Wow. Another funny fishing blooper. :lol I’d love to see this scene in the story. I assume this is the younger Pterano, given his shorter beak and crest. His expression is great (although maybe you should make the front of his eyebrow less sharply slanted; maybe it’s just me, but he almost looks a little angry), and in fact his whole head is well drawn, as are his arms, hands, and neck ruff, . His left foot isn’t bad either, though the middle toe should be ever so slightly longer, and I think his ankles ought to be a little longer and narrower.

I’d recommend working a little on your stingray, though. At first glance I thought it looked like a giant tadpole. :oops Make the body almost disc-shaped, tapering to a point at the nose, with the edges curving inward at the back to form slight indentations where they meet the tail (sort of like a VERY fat heart with a VERY small indentation).

See if you can also make the “wings” look as if they are flapping or rippling, to suggest that the ray is struggling. The wings may be completely rounded, softly pointed, or more triangular, depending on your preference. To imply the thicker, raised part of the body, perhaps you could try drawing two semicircular lines, like a pair of parentheses () “almost” connecting the nose with the base of the tail (but not actually contacting any of the other lines on the ray’s body).
Also, add little kidney-shaped holes behind the eyes (concaved sides forward); these are the orifices through which the ray breathes while lying on the seabed. And while the barbs of stingrays don’t seem to be particularly obvious in most of the photos I’ve seen, you could consider adding a small, thin spine protruding parallel to the tail midway along its length.

I do like the ray’s eyes, by the way. It looks as surprised as Pterano. :lol

As for how Pterano could be improved, I do think his foot looks rather strange gripping the stingray that way. And though this will be remedied if and when you create a background for this drawing, I can’t tell whether he’s supposed to be on the ground or flying (If he’s flying, I think his wings should be extended more, especially the right one, which looks almost draped over his leg).

At least Pterano’s got the ray by the tail. Hopefully it’ll have a harder time stinging him. Things could be worse. It could’ve been an electric ray. :p

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I took a ton of your advice for the ray. I think it looks much better now :) .
Photoshop stopped working on me for some reason, so I had to print-screen the picture while it was zoomed back to paint. Once I got Photoshop back running, I had to paste it back onto photoshop and enlarge it. I hope the pixels don't look too weird.

But, I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out :)


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The ray does look better. :yes The spiracles (that’s the word for the breathing orifices that I had forgotten before :p) look very good, and the wings and body are much more raylike. I didn’t expect the eyes would end up so large and dark, though. :blink: TO be perfectly honest, I thought the eyes of the previous version had more character (Many rays actually do have light-colored eyes with dark, often U-shaped pupils).

However, I think I might have failed in the way I worded my suggestions. :oops For one. When I described the ray’s body as resembing a heart, I meant that the nose would be the pointed end. I should have shown you this picture to show you what I meant (Imagine the picture upside-down, then trace the shape of the ray’s body without the pelvic fins or tail. SORT of heart shaped, isn’t it?). Still, there are rays that look like what you drew (though I would have given it a bit more of a snout), so it’s not a total loss.

Oh, so Pterano was on the beach! :o (Looking back at the sketch, I wonder how I didn’t notice that before. :slap) His position looks a little strange, though; apart from his right hand, it’s hard to tell what he’s supporting himself on. Still, he looks good. Both of his feet are improved from before. :yes

Sadly, yeah, the pixelatedness is kind of noticeable. :oops Sorry about your problems with Photoshop. The water and waves look good, though.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Indeed, that picture would have been more helpful :) . But thanks for the extra advice in case I do one again...but I'm not quite sure if I will  :DD .

Here's ANOTHER new-old sketch made during the end of the last school year :) .
I think Crash might be a bit too small, but the picture might be worth re-doing sometime.

And a re-make of an old picture. It's the ol' "Oh no! Not the birds and the bees!" when Petrie's CLEARLY only wanting to know how to get a girl flier to like him.Cleaning up his grammar would be a good start...Still, with no dad around, Pterano's stuck with being the role model. (Considering the chats I've been having with Noname, this is going to end awkwardly :lol )

I figured if it would be interesting if Pterano had a bit of a "trophy" from his time in the Mysterious Beyond, hence the scratches on him crest. Yet again, this is a picture from a few months ago, so I don't know if I'll keep it there.


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Damn, dude. Your art there looks like something of a storyboard, but x7 more cleaned up. I'm liking the vibe here, just a pleasure to look at.


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Quote from: Ptyra,Jul 27 2010 on  06:08 PM
Indeed, that picture would have been more helpful :) . But thanks for the extra advice in case I do one again...but I'm not quite sure if I will  :DD .
Yeah, sorry again about that. :oops Although it never hurts to look for your own  references as well. :p

The first picture is VERY well done. Apart from her crest, which looks a little longer and straighter than I think it should, all of the features of Ptyra’s head and face are close to perfect. For some reason, her nostrils and eyes (namely her eyelashes) stand out to me as being particularly good. Her body proportions are excellent as well (only her hands may be a bit too large).

Both Ptyra and Crash have adorable sleeping expressions. :wub Like Ptyra, Crash’s head looks very good. By the way, is Ptyra’s beak supposed to be resting on top of Crash, or behind him? Personally I think it would be better to have it on top.

I couple of suggestions I have for Crash: see if you can make his front limbs look more like hands; at the moment he looks like he would walk on them. Also, his ankle joint should probably be level with his elbow, not against the side of his tail.

Finally, when you do the background for this image, I’d suggest smoothing out and removing the “corner” near the left. I think it would look more realistic that way.

It’s nice to see you going back and redoing more of the classics. :smile Your improvements in artistic skill are definitely visible here. Pterano is better drawn overall (his legs, hands, feet, and beak especially), but personally I don’t think his expression is nearly as hilariously alarmed-looking as it is in the original. His rounder eyes with the smaller pupils conveyed his emotion better, and in this version I think his mouth extends a little bit too far back.

Petrie, too, is wll drawn, but in my opinion he looks a too much like a mini-Pterano, as his proportions (apart from slightly smaller wings and a shorter crest) are virtually the same. His head is also too small in comparison to his body. In short, I don’t think he looks enough like Petrie. Still, I think his expression looks more “questioning” than that of the original version, and his beak, neck, and ruff look pretty good. It’s mainly his torso (which I think should be shorter, and maybe a bit plumper), legs, crest size, and the relative proportions of his head and body that I think could be changed.

A few notes on the background: The trees look much better than in the earlier version, but that waterfall should probably be the same width at the top and the bottom, and maybe the splash should be smaller given that it’s so distant. Also, perhaps there should be a river leading from the waterfall; all of that water would have to go somewhere.

By the way, Campion1, Ptyra’s a dudette (I believe the term is). ;)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Thanks for the advice on improvement :) . I took a lot of it into hand, especially into the second one. Ptyra's beak placement looked weird because I had drawn it before I drew Crash.

Here's the sleeping one. I don't think the rocks are up to their predecessor's grandness, but I haven't done them in a really long time.

What's your opinion on the lighting? That's one big thing I was wondering about.

I REALLY need to give this background a great big facelift, but I did try to do a lot to make Petrie look more like Petrie. I feel fine with how he turned out, though :)


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The characters in the first picture look very good. :yes Ptyra’s eyes and expression look no less fantastic than they did in the sketch, and you did a great job outlining Crash’s intricate details in paint. I don’t think Ptyra needs that little diagonal line above her soulder, though. And Crash appears to have only one nostril, and almost in the center of his snout, which, needless to say, looks strange.

I think I messed up again in my comment regarding Ptyra’s beak: :oops I didn’t think anything about it looked strange; I just thought that, having drawn one character over another, you still had some freedom as far as whether to put the beak on top of Crash or behind him, and thought that having it resting on his back would impart a greater sense of interaction and affection between the characters (I should have specifically said that :slap). Obviously you decided otherwise, and it looks fine anyway. :yes

As for the lighting, I have to say that the picture is very dark, and I have to look very closely to see any detail other than the characters. Unfortunately to say, there’s still not much distinction between the rocks forming the wall and the floor, because the shading is the same (I wish I knew more about backgrounds, shading, texturing, and drawing the insides of caves, because then I might actually be able to suggest something helpful :bang). I did see the opening in the wall (which I hadn’t noticed in the sketch :blink:), and maybe it’s just me, but it looks as if its edges are lighter than the rock that makes up the rest of the cave wall. Maybe it was accidental, but I think that would be accurate; since even at night it would be lighter outside the cave than inside (unless the cave was inhabited by glowworms :p), so the area around the cave entrance would be brighter than the surrounding walls. Also, the floor of the cave should probably be brighter than the walls, as it would be receiving more light than them.

I’ll just ignore the background in the second image and focus on the characters. ;) Petrie’s head still looks small compared to his body, but he’s much more recognizable as Petrie. :yes I think his wings are the wrong color, though; they should be a pale grayish white.

By the way, I’ve never seen anyone draw an adult or teenage Petrie as having black hands and feet with white claws. :! Just wanted to comment on that.

Pterano’s expression looks better (the smaller pupils help a lot), but I still think his eyes are too triangular. I’m not one to tell you how to draw facial expressions (since you already do them so awesomely well :wow), but perhaps you could try first drawing the eye as a circle or oval, and then adding the eyebrows that will define the expression. As for the scar on his crest, personally I think it should be darker (right now it looks like a recent wound), probably larger (it’s not very noticeable), and the three lines that make it up should not connect if they are intended to be claw marks. Though personally I’m not too big on the scar anyway.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.