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My art work

Ptyra · 332 · 67635


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Quote from: Ptyra,Nov 7 2010 on  12:16 AM
That's not ENTIRELY Rule 64.
Rule 64: "If it exists, Tony Stark was able to build it in a cave, with a box of scraps."

Uhh... yeah... I think you meant Rule 34. :p :p


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I thought that was gender-reverse...
Maybe that's Rule 63...


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With Kung Fu Panda fanart.
So be happy about it!

First, my own design concept for Lord Shen's parents, sort of based off how they appear in the "puppet show" at the start of the second movie

Bare with me, this was my first fanart.

And another...sadder one.

The Soothsayer tells Shen that his parents died of heartbreak after they banished him, and I envisioned his mother dying first.
I drew these thinking of Come What Mayfrom Moulin Rouge. Sing, Ewan McGregor, SING!

With a baby Shen

I'd say I've improved a little bit...and it's supposed to be raining, but once again, I made it too dark to see anything...

And another little Shen

He doesn't quite have it all together like Baba XD !


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And some more...

Another little Shen, about ten years old. This is kind of an idea of how he felt when the Soothsayer had to stop being his nanny, thus cutting him off from the love he needed to keep him from going bonkers...which is exactly what happened.

I even have a story to go with this one.

The worst part of growing up is that you have to give up the things that make you a child.
That's what his father soothingly told them when the Soothsayer could no longer be his nanny.
He was ten years old, and the first feathers of his fan had started to grow. There was an agreement between his parents and the Soothsayer that when those feathers started growing, it was time.

For the Soothsayer, it was just as hard for her to let go as it was for Shen.
But she promised, that whether she was his Nana or not, she'd always be there for him.
Still...the young peacock felt his first real heartbreak, and he felt lonelier than ever before.

And...sort of a "sequel", featuring my first picture of the Soothsayer...who was a pain to draw.

More story!

"You silly old goat, don't you understand that everything has changed!? I am no longer your ward. I am no longer that weak little chick that you used to coddle!"
Shen looked at her darkly. "I-don't-need-you!"
The Soothsayer, though taken horribly aback by what her former charge had said, knew he was terribly wrong.
Yes, everything had changed, but whether he knew it or not, he still needed her, and would need her badly.

Of course, since he IS the villain, Shen supposedly gets killed in the end. Most fangirls have come up with concepts of him surviving...and this is mine.
After a long and excruciatingly painful recovery, and being concealed by a village that helps former fugitives and their like to reform and find inner peace (or anyone looking for it), Shen travels to India with a merchant who told him that white is a lucky color there. Remember that in China, white is a color of death.
There, he comes across a baby goat that is so outside the caste system, she's not in it; one of the "Untouchables".
Eventually, she tries to sleep on his robe while he's in the Ganges River and comes up with this compromise.

He has a cane here because his legs are weak from being off them for so long as he recovered.
My idea is that he eventually has a "one outcast to another" relationship with her and looks after her out of pity, and then realizes one day that he's essentially adopted her.
And her name is Jiao, which means "lovable".


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Here! Ponies oughtta bring this thing back!

A Christmas gift for my boyfriend, of my characters Feather Quill (the unicorn, a play writer) and Blue Blithe (the pegasus, an actor. The "blue" does not refer to his color, but referring to the "tragedy" half of his cutie mark, "blithe" being the "comedy" half).


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Good day!

My attention was brought to this because I received a reply notification via email. i guess I must've replied to something on here at some point.

I was surprised to see some MLP:FIM stuff on here. I just recently discovered the show myself. I wasn't expecting to find stuff like that on this LBT themed sight.

I'm also surprised at how much of a following the show seems to have! Althought it's geared towards the younger generations, it has a large adult fan base!

I've also often heard the term "brony" floating around to describe a guy who likes the show. I guess I'm a brony as well(A closet brony, at the most. That is to say a guy who likes the show, but doesn't tell the whole world about it.)

Anyway, just wanted to put my two cents worth in.  :smile

Peace and long life!
Live long and prosper!


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Rule64: If there is a male verison there will be a female version.


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Thought I'd share a Doctor Who art of one of my little "concepts", featuring the idea that the Doctor somehow managed to gain more than twelve regenerations (sheesh, he'll look like the Face of Boe one day!).
Lydia is of a race I came up with called Anomorian from the planet other words, she's a crab person (in need of looking more crab-like).
And she has a Dalek/Kaled mutant on her head. One that had been under torture for years, hence the half-blindness/scar.

Whatever the Doctor's idea is, she seems to think that it has been rendered invalid. Much like "Batman is riding an elephant, your argument is invalid".

*Runs around in a circle "singing" the original Doctor Who theme music*


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*tumbleweed bounce*
Well, since it's been about half a year, I might as well put up some improvement work...

Starting with my currently present Doctor Who fanfiction, The Heir of Dalek X. If you've read Prisoner of the Daleks by Trevor Baxendale, you'd know his epicness.

Black is not his natural color. Since the Heir is a copy of himself + human DNA, it's a bit like him before he got burned.

And a scene from said story, drawn on dAmuro

With cruddily drawn "honeycombs" in the back.

And finally, a modified version of my biggest plush Dalek, which is about 2.5 feet long

Now she's mostly hand-stitched, except for some of the legs themselves and one side of the head/body. But I've had to open up some of the legs because the stuffing got unpleasantly hard from being shoved in, so I had to take it out, un-clump it and put it back in. If I keep that up, she'll get more and more hand-made looking...which is okay.


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ONE DAY someone will make a comment *Glances around*

This is a companion to my Doctor Who story, The Heir of Dalek X, somewhere close to the opening following the Heir's birth.
I also did this on dA muro


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Blrglthrg…I’m so sorry. I kept thinking to myself all these months “I really ought to comment on Ptyra’s art thread”, but for one reason or another I kept procrastinating, forgetting, finding myself too occupied or depressed to visit the forum at all, or being distracted by things that I was under oath to do. For some strange reason, I also had a hard time thinking of comments for the pictures at all. :huh: Anyway, I feel awful about it, and sincerely apologize. :bang

I’ll try to comment on as many pictures as I can, but I don’t think I can do them all in one post. So I’ll just start with your latest one of Dalek X and his Heir.

(Oh, great, I just imagined misspelling that last bit to read “Dalek X and his Hair”, which led to a mental image of Dalek X wearing a wig. :lol)

Though it’s hard to beat the “Dalek hat” concept in terms of funniness, I think this is my favorite Dalek picture you’ve done so far. When comparing this picture to your previous Dalek drawings, one can see a marked (and very impressive) improvement.

I like how the picture is lit so darkly, with Dalek X’s eye and the Heir’s entire body standing out so brightly. The Heir’s bright pink color gives it a sense of “newness”, and of being very vulnerable and delicate. Similarly, Dalek X’s illuminated eye, so clearly gazing at his Heir, invokes a feeling of his connection with his Heir. Strangely enough for a creature with supposedly no emotions besides hatred and virtually no face with which to express them, there’s a lot of emotion in that gaze. (Or maybe I’m anthropomorphizing.)

It’s a little hard to make out details throughout much of the picture because it is so dark, but for the most part I think you did a great job drawing both Daleks. The tentacles look very natural, just as if they are sprawled out on a flat surface. (Creatures with many appendages are always a challenge to draw.) The one pointing to the upper right-hand corner is a bit oddly shaped, though. Compare it to the tentacle directly across from it on the other side of Dalek X’s head: both tentacles are curved in an ëS’ shape (though the left one is flip-flopped), but the line that denotes the inside curve of the upper half of the right tentacle’s ëS’ is too short, giving it a crudely drawn appearance. (Sorry, I’m not sure if I’m describing any of this well enough for you to understand what I’m talking about. :wacko)

I would also make Dalek X’s brain larger in proportion to the rest of him, though I think you did a good job drawing the brain as being slightly “dislocated” from the rest of the head, in keeping with the appearance of the New Who Dalek mutants.

I wonder how many people would consider it bizarre that I actually find this picture rather cute. Ironically I’ve always found the Dalek mutants to be rather endearing. Well, given that I find octopuses, squids, and cuttlefish absolutely adorable (and think of cephalopods in general and beautiful and fascinating creatures :smile), my reasoning is that it’s not too much of a stretch that affection would extend to a creature that resembles a cyclopean octopus with an exposed human cerebral cortex. :p It probably helps that the first time we got to see a Dalek mutant in the new series, it was an emotional scene with said mutant in an unusually vulnerable and sympathetic state for a Dalek. …Sorry, rambling again.

Hope this review was satisfactory, and sorry again for not posting one sooner! :oops

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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It was very satisfactory :D

Yeah, the Dalek Hat picture is from when I was waaaaay into watching Doctor Who. The character featured there has kinda been scrapped as a companion for the Doctor. The Dalek kinda remains in the picture.

I wrote up an idea for my own group of Daleks that survived the Time War and managed to evolve to the point that they had separated males and females that cared for their offspring (but are incredibly technologically impaired). The "hat Dalek", which the Doctor labeled as "(Oh,) Danny Boy", is one of them.
And this basically sums them up. And I always had the same idea for how the Doctor first encounters them

(I had to use models because I suck at drawing people =P )
You can definitely see the changes I went through between the two times, especially in the design for the New Skaro Daleks  :p . I still think they need some work, though, and any suggestions would be incredible :)

They basically got there as a "surprise tour", found a dying Dalek in the swamp (or freshly dead in the first version), and discovered its incubation sac, which exploded upon being removed from under the parent. Following that, they find the baby that was growing at that time, and eventually come upon the "city" that those Daleks live in, where they figure out why the Daleks are there. That being "This is where our ancestors crashed, and we have no plans for leaving."  


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I now have a "later" version of Dalek X and the Heir

Where the first image was around the start of the story, this is around the end.
I wanted to contrast from its birth on Hurala with the rock to its life wherever the Daleks presently live with the metal floor.
However, I would like to have kept a feeling of darkness and coldness here to keep a similarity with the beginning.

And I'm still not really sure how the Heir still constitutes as a baby given how huge it is  :lol


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Wow, I love your art^^ it has its own unique style and solid backstory and everything :D
I like your concepts of Lord Shen, that he didn't die :( that part at the end always made me wonder...
and of course, more of DW is always a win :D
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Aw, thanks...can't believe it's been a year since I did anything with those two groups...though I did sketch Bushroot at some point. I love that guy <3

And one more thing for the Heir!

I wanted to explore the "new and vulnerable" aspect of it


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I'm sorry I hadn't commented on these pictures earlier, I honestly just don't know enough about Doctor Who to make an intelligent sounding post about them.  :oops

But I will say that you did a good job of making the Heir look new and vulnerable. The color especially is reminiscent of newborn creatures.  :yes


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Well, while the intention was indeed for it to look newborn, its tone would probably remain like that its entire life. Its parent just happens to have full-body burn scars and is naturally that pink least I imagine so, Dalek X was in one of the book.

This is another image that's a little older

For wacky symbolism and because I found it endearing for some reason, the Heir 'nurses' from Dalek X...even though it's more like a really thick nutrient slime than actual milk. But this is how I tried to depict it, given that they're flat on their backs and probably can't lay face-down. It needs work and I know it can be situated better and more logically