The Gang of Five
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Nick22 · 6008 · 174937


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''I slept well Wayne, thanks for asking" She said with a smile
"Bonnita? I Heard she's pretty good , for a fox that is" The Girl replied. I'm Playing Ursula, she's a badger. Oh, and I'm Alicia" She said putting out her paw to Eva.
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"Eva is my name, I've been training with the help of tutor and love Stripetail" Eva shook Alicia's paw.


"Dirah after Eva's match I've like to give you something I made, but I won't show it till the match is over" Wayne smiled.


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Alicia loked Stunned. "You're training with LORD Stripetail?" She shook her head in amazement. "By The Wizzin, he's the best wizard Sowarkard's ever had! And He's training you? Girl, I'm really jealous. I Really am. But Enough chat. I'm dueling on Field 9. What Field are you dueling on?'
I can wait Wayne" She replied.
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"My match starts at 10 and it nearily 9, lets get going to the dual ring" Eva said getting her jacket on and taking hold of her staff.


Wayne and Dirah heads to the dualing ring.


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STripetail walks up to Field 12. Sitting nearby was a Fox. "You Must be Bonnita"  "Yes I am" Came the reply. Bonnita gave Stripetail a glance.. "You're Lord Stripetail aren't you? "Yes I am" "It's an honor to meet you my lord. " She shook paws with him. "The Pleasure is all mine Bonnita. Good Luck in your match today" Thank you.
Alicia led Eva Toward the field. ;'tHere 's Field 9. See you later Eva" She Walked towards the field as Eva made her way to Field 12.
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"I'm here Stripetail" Eva called out walking up to him then look at Bonnita "Your Bonnita right? nice to meet you, I'm Eva" Eva put a paw to Bonnita.


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"Nice To Meet you EvaWe"ve got A Few minutes before His Lordship starts the duel, so we can talk about ourselves. I"m a thirdyear, this is the second time I've qualified for the tournament. I Made the second round last year." She said with pride. "You're a second year right? Did you make the tournament your first year?
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"Yes I did, I got to the 16th round, but this year I hope to get feather then last year, but it all depends how the match goes." Eva said to Bonnita.


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'You got to the Round of 16?!?" bonnita was stunned and cast a glance at Stripetail. SHe put on a Smile and shook paws with Eva "Um, Good luck" she called out as she went across from Eva. StRipetail stood Up. "Welcome ladies. This is a first-round match. You Will start with 3000 points each, due to the elder contestant being a third year. MiSs Bonita you will have the honor of going first.". He Gestured and the field and The Point totals were set. "LEt the Duel begin" He Commanded.
 Bonnita called out 'Sheldus" and 3 yellow shields appeared on her side of the field. "First I"ll play Kid-warrior , light Soldier and Blood Drainer. # Monsters appeared on the field. Now Blood Drainer attack Eva Directly" The Monster stratched her and Eva's total dropped to 2400. "Bonnita Smiled "Blood Drainer special ability will strip you of points after every turn whether mine or yours. Since I Have 3 monsters on the field, You'll lose 300 points after every turn. i'll place two cards facr down and that ends my turn" Eva's total dropped to 2100. "Your Turn Eva"
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"Sheldus" Three red rose shields appeared "I will summon Light Golem and Treasure Hunter to the field. Treasure Hunter Dip" Eva said and he digs 20 meters down deeper then before and a red and Yellow gem raised out the hole with a chest. Treasure Hunter opens it to show four cards in it "My favioute little guy the Treasure Hunter. Now revival the summon Card of the King of Dragons Bahamut" Eva said and Bahamut appears "Now for your Blood drainer card... This card will reverse the affects Mirror Force. Now I will get points back for every creature on the field on my and your side. that makes it 600" Points raise back to 2700. "Now for the other card this will disable your two face down cards for one of your turns I will leave my last one face down and use the Red and Yellow Gem of Trust and Honor fusioning the energy with Bahamut. Attack My Dragon king attack everything on her side of the field with Mega Flare" The Dragon lets out a large flare


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Bonnita grunted as the flare destroyed both her monsters "nice Move." Bonnita's point total dropped to 1900, "She drew two cards "Perfect. I'll play MUsical flute and Elf-king. This allows to me to gain 100 points for every move your dragon makes. The Elf began to play and the dragon slowly began to move back and forth.  Bonnita's total began to rise. She then drew another card, I Place this down on the field, I Restore my shields and end my turn.' the elf stopped playing and the dragon stopped dancing. Boinnita had gained 2600 points from that turn, bringing her total up to 4500.
"Your turn Eva."
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"Looks like you set my card off. The Elf hole card, thank you I needed that to destory your Elf and get the Blue Gem of Blue Moon" Elf on Bonnita's side vanishes and the gem appears above Eva's side "Blue Moon blue light from the Gem give my Dragon the Power of Faith morph him to the trooper that has no limits" Blue gem shines and Bahumat morphs into a humaniod dragon with armour on him and a blue shield showing the blue gem on it and a blade from the blue gems itself. "With him summoned this takes 2500 life points from you and add it to me" Eva's life points go up to 5200 and Bonnita's to 2000.

"I have a trick with my Treasure hunter. I used him so often that he gained a new move... Card Theif... I can take your card and use it against you... mmm" Sees the card and smiles "Gem take the card and bring out the Blue Moon Creature. Now Bahumat and Blue moon Creature Uiltma Zero Three!" Both put their hands together with the blade held high and contents with the gem with a bliding flash a shockwave of light smash through everything in Bonnita's side of the field destorying any hidden creatures or cards hitting Bonnita after cutting through the shield like paper.


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Bonnita's total dropped to 100. ' That card you just destroyed is called Door Guardian. When it is destroyed I gain 100 points. So that allowed me to survive your attack. "She breathed in heavily As she pulled out three cards 'I Place these 3 cards down on the field. Let me reveal this this card. "This Is called switch of souls. It Allows me to take one monster from your side of the field and I Chose your dragon. She turned over another card, StRength of the immortals.
ThIs increases the dragons power. Now dragon destroy her gem. The Gem was destroyed. "that weakrns your Blue moon Creature. "Now Dragon destroy the Blue moon monster. Eva's point total dropped to 3500.  "Next I'll try to see what sort of challenge we can play . she spun the three orbs and each revealed a bat and ball.'magic ball" She smiled' I Challenge you to a game of magic ball. The Winner wins the the duel. What do you say eva?"

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"Well that if you could Bonnita with zero life points, there is a twist to that... with the gem, Bahumat and the moon creature are life brothers, killing one means killing the other. and bring the gem back together" Eva smirked looking up as the gem reformed itself and Bahumut glowed blue and explodes right into Bonnita "Bahumat killed his Life brother you just killed Bahumat and your last of your life points in a counter blast" Eva said. "It the trick with the Blue Gem, called counter Brother Life Heart." Eva points up at the Blue Gem pulsing. "Both shared the same heart so killing one you killed the other and you can't block the blast of that taking 100 to 0"


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bonnita fell to her knees as her score reached 0 and the dueling field disappeared. 'Stripetail called out "The Match is over. Eva wins and advances to the second round.' Bonnita came to her with a stunned look on her face'Very good Eva. Good luck in the next Round." She shook paws with Eva and walked off the field. Stripetail came up to Eva. "Very well done Eva."
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"Thank you Stripetail, I enjoyed the game not for winning or losing just for competiting." Eva smiled then walks to bonnita "I like to give you a friendly game of baseball if you like in the open fields" Eva offered


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"not right now Eva. I'm still too shook up from the way you beat me. I could play tommorow after your second round match.'Bonnita replied
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"Look forward to it Bonnita" Eva smiled.


Wayne looked at Dirah "That was impressive stuff Eva pulled there" Wayne stood up looking at the arena "What did you think of that match Dirah" Wayne turned his head towards Dirah.


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Very Impressive. Lord Stripetail has obviously taught her well" She turned to Stripetail who was filling out the score. "My Lord, When does she play next, and who will she play?" "She will be playing tommorow at the same time against a fourth year badger named Gwen. Ther match will be held on Field 54 will is quite a ways from here" He replied.
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"I see, looking forward to watching the next match. Hope she goes as well as today." Wayne smiled walking beside Dirah.


No one knowing a massive ship hovers above the planet cloaked with spy systems looking at the Planet below.

"Are you sure they are here? the two ZPE dinotons? If your wrong we wasted all this effect using this stealth technology looking down on this planet for 7 years." The commander spoke looking at the screen "No magical creature can sense us here. If they did would of been right away 7 years ago."

"Sir we found them. These two,  they right on time" a stationed officer said looking at the screen next to him then putting it up on the main screen.

"Good. Tomorrow at 9am we will deply and activate the Magical Damper spheres all over the globe. till then we will stay where we are running on silent mode." Commander said looking at the screen with a smile. "ZPE will bring power to over throw the Tri-Foundation. seven years I've waited for this"

(Just to make something clear, they can't be sensed by magic and the large ship isn't able to be seen or felt near the planet at any point of magically creatures power. Even Stripetail CAN'T sense the ship or the crew because of the cloak)