The Gang of Five
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Nick22 · 6008 · 147878


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suddenly the roof caves in and hits him the next thing he knew he was laying on his back "you failed" Lurna shook her head "and your word not good enough, we going right through it all and I am not backing done hot stuff." Lurna spoke to Incanur. "your not going to stall this till later. We going to do it now and thats that. And if you figure out the words you will regret it."  Incanur frowns at it

Lurna walked up to him "If you want out you will complete all the tasked and till I am pleased with your progress as well in the point of balance. That what my father did with me and I am going to do with you. I am not going easy on you not for a second so no stalling and no let out till I say when" Lurna spoke strickly to him.

"Oh if you figure out the words and say it, trust me you will regret trying it cause once the tutor and student enters the tutor only may say them and I am the tutor here and I don't care if you don't like being called a student, your are and thats that." Lurna said helping him back on his feet and when he pushed his elbow into her to make her let go he got a let go cause she moved out the way and he landed back on the ground on his back.

"Fine pick yourself up. that another task failed, your going great, two fails already. one is letting others help in rescures and the other letting your friends or family or ANYONE help you back on your feet, they only trying to help so you trying that stunt on my Incanur cost you another fail" Lurna shook her head and the sat down against a wall

"until you sort your attiude out we not contiuning and I don't care how long it takes you I can wait. even it could be millions of years going by in here" Lurna looked at him seriously and Incanur can tell from those eyes she was very serious and most likely not back down from it


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Why are you refusing to accept my word at face value? A person is only as good as his word, Lurna, when he says he'll do something, he'll do it , for his reputation is at stake." Incanur said angrily.  "I'm not  in a productive mood right now Lurna, as you can obviously see. Getting my old job back is paramount to me, and you right now are keeping me from getting it back, by keeping me here. You let me get my job back, and in return you will find me a far more amenable creature."(amenable means agreeable, in this case it means less hostile, more willing to change)  "please open the door so I may go, Lurna. I know you are disappointed in me right now, and in all fairness, with good reason. But trying to foirce me to go through with this won't help either of us, it will only make me more stubborn. Give me 48 hours, I'll regain my job and be back here, two days from this very hour, willing to do whatever the heck you want me to do.' Incanur said, the hostility disappearing with every word he said. "please Lurna, getting my job back has been the one sustaining force i have had through prison, once I regain it I will be at peace with  myself... Please..' There was a note of pleading in his voice now.
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"Have you not listen to a word I said?" she stood up looking at Incanur. "TIME has no meaning here. time outside isn't moving a musle, when that door opens they will think we just entered." Lurna said to Incanur and then went to the wall where the door is "Saddly to say it don't work like that. Even I open the door, since you haven't past any tests soon you step out all your powers and immortal life will be drained in a blink of a eye." Incanur almost fainted hearing it he was about to blow

"Its Symbol Magic! before you blow at me!! It buy by one set of very very strick rules and that it if you fail the training your not worthy to hold such powers and immortal strengths!" Lurna shouted at him "The very rules the temple we visited placed over this training room with non-magic and magic elements that test you in many ways possible. Once you entered and the doors closed there is no turning back or stalling this is it. You either do this now or become a mortal and live out your last of your life growing old and dying." Lurna said to Incanur now he lurged towards her with anger but she moved her claw hands in a patten in front and a symbol formed and blasted him backwards sending him flat on his back.

"Incanur its the rules! they can't be changed and you going for me isn't going to help you! Complete this and you can leave! it might cost our friendship in here but this is how this place works. no short cuts of stalling it to later. to this room your word is worthless. Even I can take your word on it I can't do let you out without costing everything that you hold at most. I have to refuse to let you out, how much you want me to." Lurna said starting to cry and turn away as he slowly get up

"beat me up, even kill me if you want. I won't risk you losing your lively hood that means so much for you, the only way you will get your place back is do this. there... is... no other... way" Lurna spoke looking to the wall with tears falling "my father was given a piece of paper by Niar... he saw what would happen to you and so he told my father to get you in here right away after the change and make me go in as well... I try to tell my father he had to do this not me since I just berely past" Lurna then turns to face Incanur who had his snout hanging open a little listening to her words.


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"He saw something that would come postive if I did this and tutor you... something I don't know what but my father said that Ziar saw a new promising life for you Incanur. A life that you never had... that all I was told, I am much in the blind with what Ziar saw as you are, my father knows but he will not say." Lurna walked over to him and took his claw hands and put hers over his "Please do this... I beg you to do this" Lurna lower her looking to the floor at the claw feet of hers and his "I don't want you to lose your powers... you've helped me to understand friendship even in a hard way... I want to be there for you... I care too much for you now... I just don't want you to suffer any more I want your pain to lift and your heart cleaned of all that hate you gathered over those millions of years. Please do this test and you can walk out stronger and wiser then ever and even with a clear soul that understand the world of mortal life that goes by us" Lurna said soundly with tears still looking down and they landing on Incanur's open claw hands as Lurna let them go and awaits for him to say now.


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(in under 3 hours of this post I won't be most likely able to do any rping till 30th of Augest since I am going to LA for a week from 21st of Augest going on 5:55am flight leaving camp at 2:30am. if you get on between that time and if not do your reply to the two posts I did with Lurna and I will try and continue it during the week if I get to a computer long enough.)


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(Alright. Have a good time in LA)
"She is right" the spirits said. "If you leave now, you will lose the only thing keeping you alive- your immortality. Your heart is cold, we have seen your past, and your treatment of others. The tests you want to take  test your power and mental strength, but not the strength of your soul or your kindness. if it did you'd be found wanting... and doesn't failure on those tests cost you your life? it is the same here Incanur, these tests carry the same penalty for failure. Time means nothing here, Incanur, once you leave here it will be as if you never left the room outside. see how she cares for you? She has put up with you and your attitude, and she still cares , no, loves you still." "Love?" "Get your mind out of the gutter. You know what we mean. " the spoirits snapped. "This is your last chance, you have failed twice already. Three strikes and you're out, so says the old adage of baseball. Now get going"
I'm sorry" incanur said. "I'll take them now." He reached out and Wiped away Lurna's tears.  "I guess I have no choice. Start the tests again." "There are 10 sections to the test.The first is saving the victim, the second is allowing others to help.." The voice faded as the image of the devastated town returned.
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"Alright we will continue the tests, We will keep at all these tests that are involved in the training and even it takes years I will get you sorted out Incanur." Lurna smiled to him.

"Lets get this training going!" she spoke out loud

(At a internet cafe at the moment so i am posting while got a chance)


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Incanur returned the site, where he found the women again, After he had picked her up again the roof began to sag. "Lurna, help me get her out... the roof's caving in . I don't think I can get her out in time by myself"he said...calling out to Lurna, who was outside..
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Lurna helps him this time and pulls him up helping him out of the hole. "your getting it. some of the things might take longer then this but this was a very simple test it will take time to get all of it done but we will get there" Lurna said to him


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I just want to get this done.. so I can get out of here..." Incanur replied with a note of exhaustion in his voice..."what's the next test?"
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"The next task will be..." Lurna starts to tell him


Bahumut looks at Stripetail after they heard the doors shut "Stripetail the time we talking now they've been in there for god knows how long, it could be millions" Bahumut told him and on that cue they saw both Lurna and Incanur came out

"7 million years it took but we got it at the end" Lurna smiled with a arm over his back of the shoulder and neck. He doing the same but both saw Stripetail and Bahumut looking at him and her. "I see not only the training was completed all that time got you two got to know each other better." Bahumut spoke out to him


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At least I didn't age 7 million years, that would have been a nightmare..." Incanur said, removing his arm from around Lurna. stripetail detected little change in his personality however, there still was the sub-stream of colsddnsess and hostility. "I wanted to get out.. and the only way was by cooperating.." He said to Stripetail. "I'd like to go now. Bahumut.."
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Bahumut was about to speak then he looked at them both he saw a aura and knew Stripetail or anyone else can see it 'They have done something more. something I can see. What is it that I can see?' Bahumut wondered about what happened inside the time training chamber.


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(Wait Threehorn.. Incanur is simply not father material. He posesses neither the disposition or understanding to be a father, nor does he care to acquire them. Some tweaking may be in order...)
You'd didn't...." Stripetail said sharply... "No We didn't mate..." Incanur said angrily...What are you looking at ?" he said to Bahumut."I just want to get out of here... and get my formor life back...I don't want to spend any more time here...."
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Bahumut shook his head "it not a creation of life, it something else... it almost like you two share a aura that identical in a strange way, I can see things unlike others can see and a see a aura that you two have are a like, it usually a image of yet to come. but not telling what is going to happen, it could happen today or even in a billion years it has no real happening" Bahumut explains to them

"It could mean a relationship... no don't say a word, it could also mean you two work together as a team or many other things, it has no real answer to this aura that I can see, it the aura of yet to come. anything it can mean. mates, child to come, a power that shared together or even creating a new source of spells or energy." Bahumut explained in deapth to them


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Thanks :) )
Oh..' incanur said, breathing in heavily.. that 's actually a relief.. So we basically are a team...' Stripetail relaxed and smiled. "Well.. now that will be interesting..."
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"It could be anything good or bad" Bahumut spoke to them "Aura that I see I have no idea what path it will lead to it could go either way. and at any time..." Bahumut look to Lurna

"the Aura also means a bond of trust that has a most likely course of going beyond friendship.. it so unpriticable... it could mean anything" Bahumut told her

"Don't worry father whatever happens there is a likely hood that we can work out around it" Lurna told him

"I gather that from the looks of both of your eyes" Bahumut chuckled.


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With all due respect, our relationdship is strictly thaat of fruiends' Incanur interjected. "I don't want, or need, anything closer than that.." the aura in his eyes faded as he said this.."Now , can I leave please? I've been asking this repeatedly..."
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Bahumut just now was furest and grab him by the neck and raise him high above the ground "Look here!!!! Incanur!! I had enough of your foul mouth!!! I am now seriously annoyed and your luck is out!!!" Stripetail was about to repeat about Incanur but Bahumut turn his eyes on him "I know your going to say that it hard to change a person but you never dealt with me and I will break that ice! So sit down and keep your mouth shut and let me deal with this!" Bahumut warns Stripetail

Lurna put her claw hand over Stripetail's mouth and whispers "Don't... father's paients has now worn down. unless you want to get hit by a Nova force mega flare best to let my father deal with him." Lurna let his mouth go.

Incanur does a mega flare in Bahumut's face when the smoke clear but Bahumut just stood there still holding him by the neck and now squeezed harder making it differcult to breathe
"Its time for your ice to be broken, a attuide like that is not a dragon of our kind and I will not see you drag that name in the dirt now you'll deal with the fury of Bahumut the King of Dragons and it time for once and for all to get your final training done now." Bahumut said darkly to Incanur and then throws him into the wall.
Incanur hits and goes through it but it repairs instantly and Bahumut walks in the temple with Incanur backing away but Bahumut grab him again and pick him up by the tail and hold him up with his view upside down of Bahumut seeing the dark red glow in Bahumut's eyes.


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'That's it..' Incanur's eyes glowed. He twisted out of bahumt's grip.. and landed on his feet. He turned"And glared at him. 'I went though the blasted training... and spent 7 million years doing itr...and yet you're still not staisfied." He massaged his throat , and it healed.. "If I had known that you would act this way, I would have prefered staying oin the colony..."Bashumut rushed in with his eyes aflamem,, but Incanur struck out with his fist, and caught him squatre in the face, sending him to the  ground... Incanur seized by the throat and threw him agauinst the wall. Blood was drioping down Bahumut's face, but his eyes were aflame.
 Then the spirits intervened. "Enough of this" They cried and Incanur was thrown backwards. "This is not the way for dragons to act! Master Bahumut we expect better from you!. He is tired and weary from his tests, and he has earned vthe right to go home. We understand that you are fustrated that he has not changed very much, but that is simply who he is... it will take far longer than 7 million years to really have an effect on him.. and trying to break his will through force will not work, master Bahumut. It will merely return him to his former state, undoing 7 million years of hard work... and he will not be willing to do that again... he would prefer to be stripped of his immortality and sent back to the colony.." the sprits said looking at the both of them. Both were bloodied, but still very angry,and only the power of the spirits was keeping them from resuming hostilities. "Now apologies are in order for both of you... Incanur for acting ungraciously, and master Bahumut for letting your rage get the better of you. A king must always act with restraint.."
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