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LBT in difference language

Vilstrup · 82 · 15533


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Hey guys

Got this idea from Malte, though I don't know if it has already been made, but if you come from a foreign country, that dosen't speak English, then you can tell us what the character, places and titles are named in your language.

Translation English to Danish:

The Land Before Time = Landet For LÊnge Siden

The Great Valley Adventure = Dinosaurus-ungen Lillefod PÂ Nye Eventyr I Den Store Dal

The Time of the Great Giving = Jagten PÂ Det Forsvundne Vand

Journey Through the Mists = Rejsen Til TÂgernes Dal

The Mysterious Island = Den Mystiske ÿ

The Secret of Saurus Rock = Saurus Stenens Hemmelighed

The Stone of Cold Fire = Jagten PÂ Himmelstenen

The Big Freeze = Den Kolde Tid

Journey to Big Water = Rejsen Til Det Store Hav

The Great Longneck Migration = Den Store Udvandring

Invasion of the Tinysauruses = Mini Dinoerne Kommer

The Great Day of the Flyers = Flyvernes Dag

The Wisdom of Friends = Visdommens Venner

Littlefoot = Lillefod

Spike = Spir

Chomper = Snapper

Sharptooth = Skarptand

Leafeater = L¯vÊder

Longneck = Langhals

Threehorn = Trehorn

Flyer =Flyver

Swimmer = Sv¯mmer

Spiketaile = Spirhale

Grandma, grandpa = Bedste Mor, Bedste Far

Bright circle = Den Store Circle

Big Water = Store Vand

The Great Valley = Den Store Dal

The Mysterious Beyond = Det Mystiske Ukendte

Land of Mists = TÂgernes dal

Those charcters I haven't written are the same on Danish as in English. I hope I got them all. Tell me if you want a word translated.

Hope you like it :)


  • Ducky
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I've been watching them in Spanish, and while it's not my native tongue I can tell you the ones I know and guess on the ones to the best of my ability (perhaps Lain can fix the errors):

The Land Before Time = La Tierra Antes de Tiempo

The Great Valley Adventure = La Aventura del Gran Valle

The Time of Great Giving = El Tiempo del Dando Grande (it sounds funny XD may not be correct)

The Journey through the Mists = El Viaje a TravÈs de la Niebla (?)

The Mysterious Island = La Isla Misterioso

The Secret of Saurus Rock = ?

The Stone of Cold Fire = La Piedra de Fuego Fr“o (?)

The Big Freeze = El Helado Grande (?)

The Journey to Big Water = El Viaje a el Agua Grande (? "el" because the first syllable is accented, yes?)

The Great Longneck Migration = El EmigraciÛn de los Cuello Largos (I believe they omit "great")

The Invasion of the Tinysauruses (Tinysauri) = La InvasiÛn de los PequeÒosaurios

The Great Day of the Flyers = El Gran D“a de los Voladores (Hard to tell... the word "gran" may be omitted... but I dunno since on the 12th movie they say the 11th title XD)

The Wisdom of Friends = La Sabidur“a de Amigos (? can't check at the moment)

Littlefoot = Pie PequeÒo o Piecito... (I prefer Piecito, but they say Pie PequeÒo on the recordings...)

Spike = Spike... though they sometimes write P?a on the subtitles... which is technically also correct...

Petrie = Petrie

Ducky = Ducky, though the subtitles say Patita which can also be correct

Cera = Cera

Longneck = Cuello Largo

Threehorn = Trescuernos (singular and plural)

Flyer = Volador (which sounds nice)

Swimmer = Nadador

Spiketail... never heard it... (I don't have any where it's said) = P?acola?

Guido = G¸ido

The closest to sharptooth I ever seem to hear is "Otro Dinosaurio" which really just means another/other dinosaur -shrug-

Grandma/Grandpa = Abuela/Abuelo

The Mysterious Beyond becomes the Great Beyond... and sounds funny in true translation = El Gran Mas Alla ... or the great more there... XD

That's all I have for now


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It depends on the context of the sentence and the region you're from and weather you like the older, more traditional Japanese or weather you like the new form.

I suppose the exact translation for Littlefoot would have to be something along the lines of:

wazuka kanezashi

I'm not sure.  I still haven't been able to get LBT in Japanese.  

The Japanese font on my computer sucks really bad, however you can see how it looks by looking at my pathetic attempt using a pen:

I'm not too good at writing Japanese, I know, but I'm not that good at writing English either! :p  :lol

I always write better on my hand than on paper. :rolleyes:

EDIT:  I'm lucky no one in my school can read Japanese except me.  The stupid thing won't wash off! :lol


  • The Circle
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Nice idea Vistrup :yes
Here are the German translations (I added some remarks about the literal translations of the German titles. Sometimes the translators could have done a better job):

The land before time - In einem Land vor unserer Zeit (literally the German title means "In a land before our time").
The Great Valley Adventure - Das Abenteuer im Gro?en Tal
The Time of the Great Giving - Die Zeit der Gro?en Gabe (this title was poorly translated. In the movie itself they called the time of the great giving "die gro?e Zeit des Teilens" (literally "The Great Time of Sharing) which I think brought the meaning better accross).
Journey through the Mists - Im Tal des Nebels (literally "In the Valley of Mist").
The Mysterious Island - Die geheimnissvolle Insel.
The Secret of Saurus Rock - Der geheimnisvolle Berg der Saurier (literally: "The mysterious Mountain of the Saurians").
The Stone of Cold Fire - Der geheimnissvolle Zauberstein (literally: "The mysterious magic-stone").
The Big Freeze - Der erste Schnee (literally: "The first snow").
Journey to Big Water - Die Reise zum gro?en Wasser.
The Great Longneck Migration - Die gro?e Reise (literally: "The great Migration").
Invasion of the Tynisauruses - Das Geheimnis der kleinen Saurier (literally: "The Secret of the little Saurians").
The Great Day of the Flyers - "Die gro?e Flugshow" (literally: "The great flight show").
The Wisdom of Friends - "Auf der Suche nach dem Beerental" (literally: "In search of the Berryvalley").

The names of the characters were not translated in the German version. The only exception I can think of is Mr. Thicknose who was translated to "Meister Plattnase" (literally "Master Flatnose").

Longneck - Langhals
Threehorn - Dreihorn
Swimmer - Schwimmer
Flyer - Flieger
Spiketail - Dornenschwanz
The Great Valley - Das gro?e Tal
Treestar - Baumstern
Bright Circle - Gro?e Helle Scheibe (literally: "Big Bright Circle").
The Mysterious Beyond - Das geheimnissvolle Jenseits.
The Big Water - Das gro?e Wasser
Land of mists - Das Land der Nebel
The Thundering Falls - Die donnernden Wasserf‰lle
The Sheltering Grass - Die Spielwiese (literally: "The playing meadow").
The Sinking Sand - Der Moddersumpf (literally: "The muddy swamp").


  • Ducky
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Quote from: Tails_155,Mar 22 2008 on  07:49 AM
I've been watching them in Spanish, and while it's not my native tongue I can tell you the ones I know and guess on the ones to the best of my ability (perhaps Lain can fix the errors):

The Land Before Time = La Tierra Antes de Tiempo

The Great Valley Adventure = La Aventura del Gran Valle

The Time of Great Giving = El Tiempo del Dando Grande (it sounds funny XD may not be correct)

The Journey through the Mists = El Viaje a TravÈs de la Niebla (?)

The Mysterious Island = La Isla Misterioso

The Secret of Saurus Rock = ?

The Stone of Cold Fire = La Piedra de Fuego Fr“o (?)

The Big Freeze = El Helado Grande (?)

The Journey to Big Water = El Viaje a el Agua Grande (? "el" because the first syllable is accented, yes?)

The Great Longneck Migration = El EmigraciÛn de los Cuello Largos (I believe they omit "great")

The Invasion of the Tinysauruses (Tinysauri) = La InvasiÛn de los PequeÒosaurios

The Great Day of the Flyers = El Gran D“a de los Voladores (Hard to tell... the word "gran" may be omitted... but I dunno since on the 12th movie they say the 11th title XD)

The Wisdom of Friends = La Sabidur“a de Amigos (? can't check at the moment)

Littlefoot = Pie PequeÒo o Piecito... (I prefer Piecito, but they say Pie PequeÒo on the recordings...)

Spike = Spike... though they sometimes write P?a on the subtitles... which is technically also correct...

Petrie = Petrie

Ducky = Ducky, though the subtitles say Patita which can also be correct

Cera = Cera

Longneck = Cuello Largo

Threehorn = Trescuernos (singular and plural)

Flyer = Volador (which sounds nice)

Swimmer = Nadador

Spiketail... never heard it... (I don't have any where it's said) = P?acola?

Guido = G¸ido

The closest to sharptooth I ever seem to hear is "Otro Dinosaurio" which really just means another/other dinosaur -shrug-

Grandma/Grandpa = Abuela/Abuelo

The Mysterious Beyond becomes the Great Beyond... and sounds funny in true translation = El Gran Mas Alla ... or the great more there... XD

That's all I have for now
Ummm... I'm sorry, Tails_155, but there alre some things you mistranslated.

Since I'm Mexican, I'll let you, and everyone else in this here thread, to know the Spanis names of the chars the movies and the elemnts that make LBT so awesome! (*sweatdrop* sorta)


The Land Before Time = La Tierra Antes del Tiempo.
The Great Valley Adventure = La aventura en el Gran Valle.
The Time of the Great Giving = El tiempo de la Gran Entrega.
Journey through the mists = El viaje a traves de las brumas.
The Mysterious Island = La isla misteriosa (literally)
The secret of Saurus Rock = El secreto de Saurus Rock (or Roca del dinosaurio)
The Stone of Cold Fire = La piedra de Fuego Frio
The big freeze = La gran helada.
Journey to Big Water = El viaje a la Gran Agua
The Great Longneck Migration = La gran MigraciÛn de los Cuello-largos.
Invasion of the Tinysauruses = La invasiÛn de los PequeÒo-saurios.
The Great Day of Flyers = El gran dia del vuelo.
The wisdom of friends = La sabiduria de los amigos.


Littlefoot = Piecito (1st movie only) or Pie PequeÒo (Other movies)
Ducky = Patito (Only 1st movie, remains same name on sequels)
Spike = P?as (Same with Ducky)
Chomper = MordelÛn
Grandpa Longneck = Abuelo Cuello-largo.
Grandma Longneck = Abuela Cuello-largo.
Mr. Threehorn (Topsy) = Sr. Tres Cuernos (Copete only in LBT XI, remains Topsy on LBT XII)
Old One = El Viejo (LBT IV, Longneck leader)
Big Daddy = Gran Padre (LBT XI, Tiny Lockneck leader)

Other characters remain with same name in English and Spanish alike, though with a slightly different pronounciation.

Species and Items:

Treestar = Hoja estrella.
Longneck = Cuello-largo.
Threehorn = Tres Cuernos.
Swimmer = Nadador.
Flyer = Volador.
Spiketail = Cola de P?as.
Sharptooth = Dientefiloso
Egg-stealer = Roba-huevos.
Bellydragger = Arrastraombligos
Swimming Sharptooth = Dientefiloso nadador.
Yellow belly = Panza amarilla.
Treesweet = Flor dulce.
Bright Circle (or Great Circle) = C“rculo Brillante (or Gran C“rculo).
Night Circle = C“rculo Nocturno.
Big Water = Gran Agua.
Green Food = Comida Verde.

I think that's all.


  • Petrie
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Thought I'd forgot some things.

Old one = Êldste

Doc = Tex

Mr. Threehorn = Trehorn

Threestar = L¯vstjerne

Green food = gr¯n mad

Eggstealer = Êg snapper (can't remember this one so well)

Well, I need some more info before I write the last names. I memory has a few gaps, which needs to be close :)


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"Journey to big water" could be literally translated as:

"tabidi tame ko mizu"

I'll post the writing in a minute here. ;) It's hard to remember those Japanese characters.

EDIT:  Here it is:


  • The Circle
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A couple of land before time covers with titles in different languages can be found on the web. Here are a few of them:




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Here are some Russian covers:

These are Swedish I think:

These are Turkish:


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  • Petrie
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Seems like, you've been busy lately, Malte.

Nice job ;P


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  • The Circle
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Seems like, you've been busy lately, Malte.
Not so Vilstrup. I just had to enter the regional top-level-domain code into a google search to get pages from the respective countries. While I was not exactly surprised not to find any land before time pages within the domain of the Vatican city :lol I am a little disappointed I haven't yet found any Arabian covers. I am positive I saw Arabian LBT covers on an earlier occassion.





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Some of these languages I've never even heard of. :lol I really dislike the genuine Japanese covers.  The font that they use really sucks. -_-


  • Petrie
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I don't think I've seen any of those covers, Landbeforetimelover.
You don't happen to have a cover to share, do yer?


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You don't happen to have a cover to share, do yer?

God, I wish!  I would just die if I could get my hands on genuine Japanese copies of LBT.  I would love to hear Littlefoot speak in Japanese. :yes

They want 2,472 yen for it! :o I'm not paying that for a movie I already have, even if it is in Japanese. -_-

They only want 1,114 yen for this one.  I might get it.

This one looks even more interesting:

Even more:

Just look at the description of the movie.  It would take me forever to translate all that! :o

And one more cover:

I might get one or two of these.  Although, even the cheapest one (1,114 yen) is very expensive.  With shipping, the movie would easily be over $20 US. -_-


  • Ruby
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I want to see japan version very much too. Japanese have best voices for scoring cartoon films.:)
These are translations from russian into english:

Земля до начала времён/"The Land Before Time"
Земля До Начала Времен 2: Приключения В Великой Долине / "The Land Before Time 2: The Great Valley Adventure"
Земля До Начала Времен 3: В Поисках Воды / "The Land Before Time 3: The Time of the Great Giving"
Земля До Начала Времен 4: Путешествие В Землю Туманов / "The Land Before Time 4: Journey Through the Mists"
Земля До Начала Времен 5: Таинственный Остров / "The Land Before Time 5: The Mysterious Island"
Земля До Начала Времен 6: Тайна Скалы Динозавров / "The Land Before Time 6: The Secret of Saurus Rock"
Земля До Начала Времен 7: Камень Холодного Огня / "The Land Before Time 7: The Stone of Cold Fire"
Земля До Начала Времен 8: Великая Стужа / "The Land Before Time 8: The big freeze"
Земля До Начала Времен 9: Путешествие к Большой Воде / "The Land Before Time 9: Journey to the Big Water"
Земля До Начала Времен 10: Великая Миграция / "The Land Before Time 10: The Great Longneck Migration"
Земля До Начала Времен 11: Вторжение Мышезавров / "The Land Before Time 11: Invasion of the Tinysauruses"
Земля До Начала Времен 12: Великий День Птиц / "The Land Before Time 12: The Great Day of the Flyers"
Земля До Начала Времен 13: Сила Дружбы/ "The Land Before Time 13: The wisdom of friends"

Литтлуфт, Крошки-Ножки, Ножка, Мелконог/Littlefoot
Тера, Сера/ Cera
If you want i can lay out here all Russian covers.


  • Petrie
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That would be very interesting to see Zenus. I've got most of the danish covers, though I still needs the last three, and soon the 14th cover, if I want my collection to be complete.