The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

I'm new to this awesome forum!

Hyp · 7 · 3281


  • Ruby
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:wave Hello! I've been browsing this great forum forever, but I never registered. And..I finally did! My name's Andrea, I'm 14, and I love Land Before Time. I have all the movies, a Land Before Time coloring book (it's lost though...), and a huge sitting Littlefoot plushie that sits on my bed. I found him at a thrift store with a huge hole on the bottom of him and half his stuffing out. So I bought him, and I washed him, stuffed him, and sewed him shut.

As you can see, my favorite character is Hyp. I just love him! I don't know why, he's a big mean jerk who only cares for himself. But, I think he's awesome. Someday, I will make a huge plushie of him. But, until then...I'll come up with the pattern!  :^.^: I love to draw, mostly cartoons, and I'm very good at it (not bragging or anything...), but sometimes I have issues with poses. But, hey! Practice makes pefect, eh?

Expect to see me around here a lot! I love this forum! It's the first and best Land Before Time forum I've ever found. And the members rock!  :lol


  • The Circle
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Welcome on board!  :)
It is such a delight to "see a new face" around here!
It is a nice to hear that you care so much about your Littlefoot plush and that you even plan to create an own plush.
I think that Hyp and his friends Nod and Mutt are characters whom they could really into another sequel. I do not think that the end of LBT 3 from one moment to the next converted them into well behaved, "tamed" kids; and for sure it would take them quite a bit of their personality if they were. I think they learned their lesson on social behaviour, but I really think that they could make a good reappearance as the kind of "over-cool", bragging, and yet good hearted characters one can find all around the world.
You are drawing? That's Awesome!!!  :yes
Could you show us some of your drawings in the fanart section? I'm most interested to see them and I'm sure so are the others.
One last question, do you prefer to be called Hyp or Andrea?
Not all of the people here are always addressed with the names they gave themselves here. So for example if somebody writes a message to Arvens or Petrie it is meant for the creator of this forum whose current name on his messages is Roger.


  • Cera
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Konnichiwa and welcome, Hyp!

I hope to see some of your drawings sometime.  We have another member who's hosting a LBT site with most of our drawings (I'm trying to draw too, but right now I'm in the work of a fanfic, which is going pretty slow at the moment.  I'm on chapter 3 now :P: ).

Anyway, hope you have fun here!


  • Ruby
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Thanks for welcoming me!  :D

To answer your question, Malte, I'd rather go by 'Hyp' then 'Andrea'.  :)  I've done bunches of Hyp, Nod, and Littlefoot drawings, but I put them somewhere and I can't find any of them! I was up to 3 am last night going through everything in my closet, under my bed, and in drawers and stuff. I found a folder that had me as a dinosaur (a hypsoliphidon mixed with...something else) looking behind my shoulder at Hyp drawn on the front.  :P:  I also found something that I totally forgot about! I found a billion (not literally...) stories that I wrote, and I found a diary entry or something that I wrote when I was 4, I think, about 'Hyp, my imaginary friend.' I was reading it, and it all came back to me! I loved Hyp when I was little, and he was my imaginary friend. I remember I was in the car one time and I was talking to 'Hyp' and my mom's like "Andrea! Why are you talking to your hip!?" and I'm like "No, MOM! Hyp is the dinosaur sitting next to me!"  :lol: I'll draw some more LBT pictures tonight, and color them tomorrow after church and then post them in the fanart section. And I'll look for my lost LBT drawing as well.  :^.^:


  • The Circle
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:wave Hey Andrea/Hyp! :wave

A huge welcome to the Gang of Five! Sounds like your gonna fit in here perfectly! ;) So, you're an awesome artist are ya? Well, if you have a chat with Malte here, I'm sure he'll past your pickys onto Christian who'll slap 'em up on the LBT Art Gallery he's created. You'll get your own little showcase page in all ;)

Anywho, enjoy your stay and post lots! That is all :^.^:


Littlefoot-1616 B)


  • Hatchling
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Welcome Andrea. :)  Seems as if many of the other members have beat me here in meeting you.  You guys are making me look bad as the founder. :P: