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The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Member Appreciation Thread


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I have one....and my appreciation thing goes to none other than StarfallRaptor, simply because he has just been, well, a good friend to talk to and all that sort of jazz....oh, and for his participation in the Darwin's Soldiers RP, which so far, has been running rather smoothly I must say, especially in regards to what he has put in.  But of course....talking to him through PMs has been rather fun as well....good friend, good friend indeed ^^


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Too much time has passed since I have posted here and I think that to some degree it is fear that excessive posting here might have a negative inflationary effect on the perceived value of mentions here. For the same reason the few mentions that I make are absolutely NOT meant to be exclusively in any way as in suggesting that I didn't see or appreciate what others say or do.

Katie (Saft) and Michael (The Friendly Sharptooth) are two of us whom I greatly appreciate for our very deep MSN conversations in particular. Both are very sensitive friends neither of whom I would ever want to miss. If my ways ever bring me to England or you to Germany I really hope that we can see each other in real life as well as we do online Katie :)
You Michael have become well known on the GOF for your thought through sensible posts and have been a bit silent on the GOF recently. You know, I sometimes think that it would be really great to read your discussions on LBT or other topics with the next member of the GOF whom I want to mention in this post for his really detailed, elaborate and thought through posts among other.

This member would be Pangea. A thinker, an artist, a great debater and one who cares about and appreciates what others are doing. I really don't think I presume too much when I assume that I am speaking for many others as well when I say that Pangea's feedback, praise, and criticism of and thoughts on my work make this work seem so much more worthwhile! Really Pangea it is a very heartening feeling to know that there is someone who really cares about and shows interest in what I am doing (this is not meant to suggest you to be the only one but you are one who is very distinct about it). For this Pangea I feel really great gratitude for you and think that so do many others :yes

Rob (LBTFan13) is another member of the GOF without whom a post on appreciated members would be just incomplete in spite of my aforementioned efforts not to inflate the post by adding too many. Same as with Katie and Michael my contact with Robert is greatly improved through our MSN conversations in addition to our GOF posts. We didn't happen to come across each other much in the recent weeks, but I really want you to know that it adds a lot to the quality of a day to find a friend on MSN with whom one can talk on all the world and his brother sometimes :)

The next expression of appreciation must be to a member in declared absence, but I know that she still checks out the GOF sometimes and will hopefully see this. Without her I would not be writing this message now and neither would have any of those who posted before me in this thread. I am talking of Amy (Rat_Lady7) of course. Amy, you are awesome wherever you are now and it will be a most happy day for the GOF when you return for which I will continue to hope as (again I don't think I presume too much) I am certain do many others.
"And we won't be surprised when we meet again
and when we do we'll celebrate that event" :celebrate

Next I want to express my appreciation for the patience of a member whom I think I am annoying sometimes though I don't mean to ;) No matter what Dillon (Campion1) your decisions are yours to make of course and when this here underemployed private school teacher sounds like he was preaching sometimes he doesn't mean to dictate anything to you but give advise which I am convinced can be useful to utilize your great potential in life even better. I greatly enjoy our RPG and in the context of this RPG I also want to praise Myrkin for his roles there and also for his contributions to the GOF in general.
Hey Myrkin, you don't happen to have an MSN account, do you? :)

Yet another one of my oddities when writing in this thread is that I sometimes tend not to write on some with whom I have the most frequent and constant contact (you're listening Adam, Jason, Gustav, Kacie, Tim? :p). I don't really know why but perhaps it is the assumption that those with whom one is in frequent contact know this already. Nevertheless I cannot but add one of my most frequent MSN contacts to this list of appreciation. Iris (Mumbing) always shows great concern for others, tries to (more often simply DOES) help where she can and is always there... (now I made a pun without meaning to ;)) ...when she can help. She is also a great and very productive artist with the clay. Gosh I really love that Shorty figure Iris :D

Thank you all!


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I already know you're appreciative; you don't need to write it out for me to know. ;)


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I have quite a few people that I would like to thank. Some of them I find myself thanking all the time, but they truly deserve it regardless.

Cancerian Tiger: Every time something comes up in my life, you are always one of the first to offer your advice. This past girl problem took a lot out of me, and I was grateful for your input not only with this situation but with all the other previous ones I have gone through in my life. So thank you for always being somebody to look to for guidance.

Mumbling: You and I unfortunately haven't talked in a while, mostly because we are always so busy with our lives. You also are always one to give me helpful advice whenever I have a problem, and I can't thank you enough for it. I hope that we can get the chance to become more acquainted in the near future.

Malte279: The past couple weeks we have both most likely been busy with our lives, but I really enjoy the times we get to chat over MSN. I at first never imagined I would get the chance to talk with you outside of GOF and get to know you better, and while we don't chat as often as we may like, the times we do are definitely worthwhile and meaningful.

Petrie: Aside from starting quite possibly the best forum on the Internet, I would also really like to get to know you better outside of GOF. We've chatted only once on MSN for a short bit, and I know how demanding life can be. I hope we get the chance to chat more often in the near future, and I really appreciate the work you put in to keep this forum running smoothly and this community friendly.

Darkhouomon: Again, you and I chat very often and I really do appreciate it a lot. I am very happy that we are getting to know each other better, and as always I am grateful for you sitting through my constant complaining about things and offering your assistance with a lot of them. I hope that one day I can pay you back in some shape or form for all the help you have given me.

Pangaea: I can only imagine how you must have felt when you took over "In the Land Before Time". I know how it feels to be a GM of an RP, but this one is beyond anything I could ever muster. You handled everything very well, and I know how hard it must have been to balance this with your life. It has been common in other forums that an RP such as this would die under new management, but thanks to you it didn't and for that I thank you.

Rat_lady7: To go along with Pangaea, you've created one of the best RP's I have ever been involved in. I know I took a LONG break from it, and I was unsure on how I would be able to jump back in. I want to thank you for making me feel so welcomed in that RP and for helping me get back in smoothly. I'm having a lot of fun with it and I know it will go on and become even better.

There are definitely a few people that I am forgetting right now, and for that I apologize. These are the people I can think of off the top of my head. I'm sure I will post again really soon to add them in.


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Quote from: LBTFan13,Nov 1 2010 on  06:42 AM
Mumbling: You and I unfortunately haven't talked in a while, mostly because we are always so busy with our lives. You also are always one to give me helpful advice whenever I have a problem, and I can't thank you enough for it. I hope that we can get the chance to become more acquainted in the near future.
I really hope so too!


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I just remembered two other people that I meant to include in my last post, so I will put them here:

brekclub85: Well Saw 3D has come out, we've seen it, and we all enjoyed it very much. I never thought I would find other people who enjoyed Saw as much as I do, mainly because everyone I mention Saw to hates it. You, Cancerian Tiger and I have had a lot of thoughtful discussions about the Saw franchise and the movies themselves and I want to say thank you for all of them. I really enjoyed having these discussions about Saw and now that the franchise has come to a close, they are even more meaningful.

Kor: We've chatted once for a little bit, and I really enjoyed it. I hope we will get the chance to chat more often in the future as I would like to get to know you better as well as further discuss the revival of the Power Rangers RP we were planning before. Most of all, you are a lot of fun to RP with as well as just an overall friendly and great person to talk with. For that, I thank you.


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Thanks, it is fun to rp with you also & you are very friendly.  I do hope we can talk in the future more.   :DD


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I want to thank ALL of the rpers in the "In the Land Before Time forum". By name:

Cancerian Tiger, Belmont, Kor, Myrkin, ff raptor ace, Blitz, Rocky and Chronicler , THANK YOU for your patience with me as I am getting over addictions and life's issues. And thank you fir sticking out through the rp. :D All of you are awesome rpers in your own unique ways and your participation is ABSOLUTELY apprieciated. :yes I also value your input in the rp, giving different ideas and such. :D

LBTfan13 and GreatValleyGuardian- You guys as well as Pangaea gave your knowledge and expertise in rping and helping Pangaea with it. Your experiences adds value to the rp rather then have a newb like me run it blind. Thank you very much again. :)  

Pangaea- Buddy, I really can't thank you enough for taking over the rp while I was gone. I know you are relatively new to rping, but I think you did a HECK of a lot of a better job then I could. And I mean as far as communication with other people. I was sort of just "winging it" and testing out the powers of a DM (Dungeon Master).

Thank you all of you, :)


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Petrie: Aside from starting quite possibly the best forum on the Internet, I would also really like to get to know you better outside of GOF. We've chatted only once on MSN for a short bit, and I know how demanding life can be. I hope we get the chance to chat more often in the near future, and I really appreciate the work you put in to keep this forum running smoothly and this community friendly.

Look for me on Friday evenings or Saturday mornings.  That is usually when I am on.


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I do want to thank a few people;
Kacie: I enjoy our MSN conversations, I know that they aren't regular but I do enjoy the conversations that we have.:)

Malte: I'm sorry that you're having problems, I'm sorry that i can't help more but I do appreciate that you listen and advise with my own problems, especially with university situations.  So, thank you.:)

Pangaea:  What can I say?  You're such a major person on the forum, it's hard to imagine it without you now.  You are so generally nice and caring.  Plus, I like our shared interest in our cats. I would like to talk to you more either email or if you get messenger (eventually) to talk to you on MSN.:)

Amy: I'm so glad that you are back.:)

Iris: Thank you, thank you so very much for your understanding and advise over situations and also for our conversations over on MSN.:)

Raga: Thank you for the advice with the thread, using something like an iPod.:)

Thank you all very much.
Sorry if I have missed anyone out...


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I’m long overdue for another post in this thread. (Has it really been a whole 365 days since I last thanked people by name? :blink:) I honestly don’t think I post here often enough, considering the immeasurable value and gratitude I have for the people of this forum. I also feel that I owe a message of appreciation to any member who considers me helpful or significant enough to mention me in this thread; I really can’t tell you how good it feels for this self-esteem-impoverished individual to see myself cited here. :)

Regrettably, I’ve been having a hard time getting my head into writing lately, so forgive me if the following descriptions fall short of my usual eloquence.

Rat_lady7: Amy and I have had many pleasant conversations by PM and e-mail, and she has been a great friend to me in general. I sorely missed this member while she was away, but at the same time I felt honored that she thought highly enough of my RPing skills to entrust me with the “In The Land Before Time” RP while she was gone. It goes without saying that I was elated by her return.

Saft: This member has been nothing but friendly, polite, and supportive to me, and I feel like I owe her a lot. Somehow I didn’t notice her stated interest in conversing with me by e-mail or MSN until just now. :bang My apologies, Saft; I will remedy this immediately.

Caustizer: Not only has this member created one of the best LBT fanfictions I have ever read, but I feel very privileged to have been so involved in it, to the extent that a character I created appears in the story.

DarkHououmon: Kacie continues to engage me in enjoyable PM discussions, and frequently brings fascinating scientific media such as news articles and documentaries to my attention.

Sky: In addition to keeping Caustizer motivated to continue working on Far Away Home through his fantastic artwork, Sky has given me invaluable advice and information on drawing tablets, without which I would almost certainly not own the one I have now. Not to mention the feedback he have given me in my art thread.

DarkWolf91: Another member whose art skills I hugely admire, who has been very kind to me, and who has given me much-appreciated suggestions on how to improve my own artwork.

The Friendly Sharptooth: I still have had relatively few PM conversations with this member, but I am immensely thankful for the words of kindness and support he has had to offer me.

LBTFan13: Although my interactions with this member have mostly been limited to the “In The Land Before Time” RP, I greatly appreciate the support and assistance he gave me while I was in charge of it.

babidikrakenguard, Cancerian Tiger, Malte279, and Ptyra: Four very talented members who are always a pleasure to speak to (something I would love to do more often), and whose artistic and literary work I greatly enjoy viewing and critiquing.

Finally, I want to thank one of our newer members, FlipperBoidSkua, whom I credit with helping me out of a posting rut I had been in for the past several weeks. She has also proven to be a very interesting and fun person to talk to; I look forward to having more of these delightful conversations with her. :)

Thank you all, both those I have named above, and everyone else on the GOF to whom I owe a debt of gratitude but have failed to mention in this post. I really can’t express how appreciative I really am. :yes

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Nick22: For being someone I can always have a good conversation with.

The Friendly Sharptooth: For always managing to be a polite and honest person.


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thanks brek. i would like to acknowledge the regulars here, you know how you are, for keeping me coming back day after day, to the forum. have a happy new year everybody!
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:

The Friendly Sharptooth

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Ah, the member appreciation thread. The place to glorify the good deeds of others in an organized fashion. Who doesn’t love a thread like this? Many people have brightened my Gang of Five experience both through it and outside of it. Tonight I’m going to touch on several people that have made my life or the forum a better place.

Nick22- This man has been my surfboard throughout the ocean of my life. When troublesome waves have come my way, he has been very supportive and kept me afloat. Our phone conversations really lift my spirits, and I don’t mean they make alcohol float. His great sense of humor, logic, and encouragement have really upped my experience of life. He helps me with my many troubles in a mature, enjoyable fashion, and I greatly appreciate it. His compliments have really boosted my self esteem as well, and his impressions always have a way of making me laugh, no matter how bad of a day I’ve had.

Malte279- A true voice of reason, he is. He’s stopped me from making a lot of foolish decisions. His advice is astounding. I can enter a conversation with him strongly believing something, then leave saying to myself, “How on Earth could I have ever thought that?” He has influenced my steps in a very positive way. I really appreciate his input on disputes because he remains ever so impartial. When I’m down, despite being ever so busy chatting with people online, he manages to encourage me, giving me peace of mind. Even when I whine about the same things over and over, he never stops trying to be of help, always giving my problems his best effort. A lot of his time is not his own, but he never hesitates to use what time he has to help those in need.

Mumbling- She is so stinking mean! Gosh! Oh, wait. I got telling the truth and lying mixed up there for a second. She is so incredibly kind! Gosh! No matter how miserable I am, she has this magic, this gift, of putting a big grin on my face. She is so sweet and thoughtful whenever we chat, and it always instills happiness in my heart. She is very maternal, causing me to view her like family. She always speaks the truth to me, no color coating things. That shows her respect of me. She realizes that the best way to help people is not to flatter and hide the problem, but to be honest so people can improve and get stronger. She is an amazing sculptor and has agreed to make some figurines for me, much to my delight. When she finishes them, they will be amongst my greatest treasures. What gets to me the most is how quickly and efficiently she can turn my depression around. She’s the human form of an antidepressant. “Okay, Michael. Depression is a tough thing, but this list should keep you going. Drink a lot of water, make sure you get exercise, don’t eat too much sugar and drink too much caffeine, and chat with Mumbling at least three times a week. Keep that up, and you’ll be fine.” “Do I need a prescription for the Mumbling part?” “Nope. The best part of all is that she’s always there for you, no matter what.”

Pangaea- I appreciate yet feel sorry for him at the same time. The forum treats him like a small army. He gets so many review requests despite his personal issues and lack of time. What astounds me is that he has put the forum ahead of himself on a large level. Writing so many reviews can get incredibly stressful, and even without them, he has enough sources of stress from other things. Yet he marches on with a bold face that does not falter. I personally feel that, considering all he does here, he hasn’t fully been given his dues. He is a major contributor to this forum, and it’s all quality too. He fights his personal problems for the sake of others feeling appreciated. His reviews are so uplifting that it just puts extra spirit into the soul of writers and artists. At the same time, he is no flatterer. He speaks the truth, pointing out positives and flaws alike. There are those who fear telling people what they did wrong, but Pangaea does not know such fear. He gives people not only want they want, but what they need as well. No matter how worn out he gets, giving up is not on his mind. He feels a sense of duty to the forum, and he has not faltered. He is an extremely valuable member that deserves our praise and admiration.

Saft- Her thread bursts really help me get more into posting on the forum. She creates a balance of two kinds of threads, that when combined, really add a lot of pleasure and depth to the forum’s atmosphere. For one thing, she creates threads that not only challenge our minds, but our hearts as well. They challenge us, making us really think and consider our feelings, such ones being euthanasia and whether or not all women have the right to a child. The other kind is the enjoyably-simplistic ones, like favorite ice cream flavors and what kind of animal we would like to be. Those are very fun yet easy threads to reply to. Such threads are wonderful when someone is in the mood to relax and doesn’t want to think or write much. Her thread combination has been responsible for most of my posts as of late. It’s like a working man. He spends his day hard at work (just like doing her challenging threads) then he comes home, puts his feet up, then watches some television as he reclines (her simply threads). She has really been a major contributor to this forum, and I owe a lot of my posts to her. When I’m energetic and up to debate, I have her deep threads, and when I’m tired and bored, I have many of her easy threads to choose from. She has really helped me get back into this forum.

LBTDiclonius- If I wrote a thesaurus and got to the word awesome, I would not only add words like, great, splendid, wonderful, marvelous, but I would make sure to leave room for the word LBTDiclonius. She is just that awesome. She is so active. She’s already gotten hundreds of posts in a very short time, and in them has shown a lot of good insight. She speaks very clearly and makes nice points. I’ve been chatting with her a lot and she is just so fun to be around. When I feel lonely, she’s been there so much on messenger to keep me company. She is an amazing reviewer and her words always leave writers feeling a lot better. Her compliments really help to put a smile on people’s faces. She is just so smart and fun and it really shows. She has no trouble making new friends, as her personality is really inviting; she just has this warm nature about her. She is an awesome kind of friend to have, hands down.

FlipperBoidSkua- She is so very helpful. When I wanted a picture drawn, she didn’t even hesitate. Whenever I review her work, she puts just as much effort into showing her appreciation. She has been very kind to me in every way. I really enjoy our chats because she has this bubbly personality that just can’t be disliked. She’s like a magnet for good cheer, making her a much-desired friend to have. Her writing is so alive, but she doesn’t just write. No, she shares her time with other people’s work, and I greatly appreciate the reviews she has given my works. She just has so much energy that it makes time with her feel so alive. She’s so talented and thoughtful, a great combination.


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thanks TFS. the friendship works both ways :)
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Thank you, The Friendly Sharptooth. That's so kind of you. :) :DD :oops

Quote from: The Friendly Sharptooth,Jan 31 2011 on  11:12 PM
Pangaea- I appreciate yet feel sorry for him at the same time. The forum treats him like a small army. He gets so many review requests despite his personal issues and lack of time.
But please, I wouldn't say that! :oops I can think of only two or three members who have actually requested me to review their work; all the other fanart and fanfiction threads I follow I started reviewing by my own choice (initially, at least; I'm sure there are some artists and writers who have come to expect feedback from me as a result of my reviewing their work so frequently). This pit of stress and overwhelmedness I am in is one I have dug myself; I can't, don't, and won't blame the GOF for it. You all have been so good to me. :^.^:

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

Cancerian Tiger

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I haven't posted in here in too long, so I'd like to start off with thanking all those who have included me in their posts since the last time I posted here.  

Again, I want to make it known that I appreciate everyone here, and that I have never known a kinder, friendlier group anywhere else.  That said, there are a couple of individuals I'd like to specifically point out:

*The Friendly Sharptooth: This is a member I have never seen get ugly with anybody, and he comes across as kind, insightful, and friendly.  Even when I thought I had offended him on his mos recent work of poetry, he was thoughtful enough to ensure me he wasn't offended, and through our discussions he was able to produce a much better version of his poem.  As seen by the feedback posted in his thread, I can truly say that is not just an IMO statement but a fact.  I am glad something positive came of this, and again I appreciate TFS' patient and good-natured personality :yes.

*LBTDiclonius: This is one of our newer members, and I already find her to be a fun and positive addition to the GOF.  She seems very friendly, and I look forward to seeing more of her posts in Amy's RP ;).

*Mirumoto_Kenjiro: For our discussions on paranormal activity and his thread on gardening (which I have yet to post in), I appreciate this member.  He also seems very friendly.

Again, I appreciate everyone here and thank y'all for being such a friendly community to be a part of :).


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Always thinking that I should post in this thread because there are so many members to be appreciated and always ending up doing so only after someone else already posted. Shame on me for that one :oops

Iris has been a great friend and adviser for me on MSN and whatever else may happen in this year, it did have an awesome start at her place when I could welcome the new year with her and her family. :)

Austin (landbeforetimelover) is really a tireless worker on behalf of the GOF. Creating new designs, making suggestions, actively participating in the rock circle discussions. He really deserves all recognition for this.

Katie she too is a great friend and chat partner on MSN. Though I am sometimes pretty bad at thinking of questions I enjoy our questions and answers game there a lot Katie, not to mention chats on history and life in general.

Michael there is little I can add and nothing I can detract from what my preceding posters have said about him already. And I totally agree with what Nick told you Michael. This surely is a two way street :yes

We have had a number of very new active members and reading their contributions really delights me. I'm really impressed by your wide range of knowledge and interests jansenov which come with a really friendly attitude. It is a pleasure to have you with us:yes

We don't hear much of him on the GOF these days, but to me Gustav is always a great friend and the prospect of probably seeing him and other friends from the GOF in another great meeting again is what really keeps me up sometimes when things are looking gloomy. Thank you for that Gus :yes