The Gang of Five
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  • Ruby
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i noticed the characters had their own different personalities and how they react to show it. :)

         you might hav an answer to this question:

         in lbt, discribe your favourite character's personality?

    yours truly,

   chomperhugger. :DD


  • Chomper
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I love chomper.He is so eager and sweet and lovable. He should be more careful though.  :p  You know what they say... Curiousity kills the chomper.  :cry sometimes..


  • The Circle
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Chomper is also given some great one liners in the series.  The gang seems to have pretty clearly defined personalities, unlike having vaguely defined ones as some fiction would have.


  • Ruby
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well, i think lbt is a really good film to watch even if ur an adult or teenage or child
 as long as it teaches u a lesson u didnt kno and thats y i watch the films!! :DD


  • Spike
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Well, personally my fav character is Ducky! I think she's so sweet and kind. And is always there for someone when they need it. I mean, she let Spike into the family as soon as she met him, that tells you something! I also love how she talks, and especially how she says "Oh, no, no, no".
I think it's so sweet.
Anyway, that's how I'd describe her, as sweet!

Cancerian Tiger

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Well, as already known here, my favorite character is Cera, but I like all of the Gang's personalities except for Ruby but that's 'cuz I don't know much about her.  I find all of their personalities have traits that are found in mine.  Here they are:  

Cera:  I like how she's a strong and independent girl.  She's also tomboyish and more fearless than pretty much all of the others.  She seems to be the most misunderstood out of the entire Gang and may come across as gruff, but internally she's compassionate and sweet and always comes through for her friends.

Littlefoot:  His compassion, caring nature, and sense of adventure are what draw me to his character.  He's also quite patient and sees good in everyone.

Ducky:  She's diabetes-inducing sweet, has a strong maternal instinct like her mother, and is very caring and devoted to her loved ones.  She's also quite accident-prone, but does not let that bother her.  She's barely seen without a smile, too.

Spike:  He's quiet, and he's an observer.  It's nice to be able to back off now and then and just be like a fly on the wall.

Petrie:  Petrie is cautious(sometimes a little too) and can be panicky, but he does not let that bother him when his friends are in danger.

Chomper:  His one-liners are brilliant, and he seems to feel outcasted at times.  He also cares a lot for his friends, even though they are not carnivores.


  • The Circle
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Ducky is cute too.   :yes

Nice short description of each char's basic personality.  I don't really have a favorite since I like each member of the gang, though some more then others, in Cera's case, but I do like her also.  Just that I think I like the other members of the gang more then her.  & with Spike, it's interesting to have a main character who usually chooses not to speak.  I say choose since he has spoken twice.  I won't say when to avoid spoilers.

Ducky was also there for the hatching of 2 of the gang and 2 of them may be at least partially imprinted, or were, on her.  She was there for Spike's hatching and that may be partially why he feels close to her, though likely other reasons, and I think she was the first thing Chomper saw.


  • The Gang of Five
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Lets see... I'll try to come up with some adjectives for certain character's personalities...

Littlefoot: Brave, good leader, intelligent

Cera: Rash, headstrong, proud

Ducky: Kind, small, weak

Petrie: Insecure, fast (at flying)

Ruby: Fast (on her feet, at least), vocal

Spike: Mute, gluttonous, strong

Chomper: Predator, nice, potentially deadly in the future.

Pterano: Bad leader, schemer,

Tops: Strict, strong, proud

Tria: Kind, weak, hedonistic

Bron: Strong, good leader (?)

Ducky's mother: Kind, loving, motherly

Petrie's mother: Kind, loving, motherly

Littlefoot's grandfather: Old, wise, still strong

Littlefoot's grandmother: Old, emotional, weak

Mo: Playful, loud, sometimes annoying

Mr. Thicknose: Wise, old, sometimes liar...

Tricia: Cute, very young...

Guido: Insecure, odd, confused

Redclaw: Strong, fierce, has some leadership capabilities

Ali: Shy, kind, migratory

Littlefoot's mother: Kind, motherly, weak


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  • Littlefoot
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Ducky's character you all know by now, she's my fav.


  • General of the Great Valley
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I believe a certain TV episode further developed the character of Ducky by revealing a less than sweet side to her (I.E. who knew she was so greedy?).  

Sierra - I'd describe him as violent and sadistic.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • The Gang of Five
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In old d&d alignment terms, I will attempt to classify some of the characters with an explanation:

1. Littlefoot: Lawful good; he exemplifies both good morality and generally upholds community standards.

2. Cera: Chaotic good; Cera is good at heart, but cares less for listening to authority.

3. Spike: Neutral good; Spike is good, but we don't know enough about his attitude towards society to tell if he is lawful or chaotic.

4. Ducky: Neutral good; Ducky cares more about being kind and nice than anything else. While she hasn't broken any social rules very often, she hasn't exemplified them.

5. Petrie: Lawful good; Petrie is both good and is seen as being eager to rise to community standards (see the 12th movie for relevant information.) His changing the "Day of the flyers" isn't so much a rejection of social standards as his transformation of them.

6. Chomper: Neutral good; Chomper is good at heart, but his being kept apart from the rest of planteater society, coupled with his "rampage" in the first TV episode has forced him down to neutral in terms of his ethical status.

7. Ruby: Neutral good; While Ruby is good, she is unknown in her attitude towards society, so I have "awarded" her with neutral status.

8. Tops: Lawful good; Initially, Tops was a lawful neutral character in that he was concerned about maintaining the social order but was not fully moral in doing so (speciesm.) Over time, he became more moral and accepting of other species and learned to judge others based on their actions and morals, not their species/race.

9. Tria: Chaotic neutral; This one is hard to explain. Tria is a hedonistic triceratops who is concerned about physical pleasure and jewels. While she is kind and nice to THOSE SHE KNOWS AND LOVES, there is no evidence that she would be so kind to total strangers... even bad sinners can love those who love them. Furthermore, Tria has been shown to care less about social standards than she cares about enjoying herself; she even tried to make Tops abandon his duty to watch the valley in the 11th movie. While Tria is by no means evil, she has been shown to care about herself and her immediate surrounding world more than everyone else; we have only seen her care about herself and those she has an emotional (in in Tops's case, physical)  attachment or attraction to; Tria likely would not have defended the "Tinysauruseses" had she not found them to be "cute". A truly good character would haven't cared about their "cuteness" or not. Remember, Tria was initially for Tops' plan to drive the tiny prosauropods out of the valley...    

10. Littlefoot's grandfather: Lawful good; He is the epitome of goodness backed up by tradition. With morality based in history on his side, Littlefoot's grandfather is indeed lawful good. He has also been shown to care about all creatures in the valley, not just the ones he has bonds with.

11. Bron: Lawful Good?; We don't know enough about Bron's past or character to tell, but it can be assumed that he is good, and since he is the leader of a herd, he would be lawful to some extent.

12. Pterano: True Neutral (Neutral Neutral); This was a HARD one. Pterano has qualities of goodness in him; he saved Ducky and wishes the best for others, but he has a personality which borders on egomanical... he would have been a tyrant had he believed in force and had he wanted others to love HIM unconditionally without loving others... while he had the trait of thinking he was wiser than anyone else and thus justified to WANT to lead, Pterano is saved from being an evil tyrant by the fact that he did NOT want others to love him as if he were God.


  • General of the Great Valley
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Using the D&D alignment terms...

Sierra - chaotic evil - Sierra apparently shows an intense dislike for authority (evidence by his frequent challanges to Pterano and desire to overthrow him). He also appears to be rather cruel, as evidenced by his line, "Who cares." and his desire to feed the children to the sharpteeth.

Rinkus - lawful evil (?) - Yes, Rinkus does show signs of cruelty (suggests torturing Littlefoot to find location of the Stone of Cold Fire) but his cruelty is not as extreme as Sierra. Also, he seems more willing to follow orders.

Chomper's Parents - chaotic neutral - They are sharpteeth and did fight against the Great Valley inhabitants. Also, they don't seem to have "community standards" like the plant eaters do. Also, they were following, instinct unlike Sierra and Rinkus. Also, they did show restraint in LBT 5, where they did not attempt to attack the children.

REMEMBER: this is my interpretation.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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  • Littlefoot
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Well everyone has his good and his bad sides. Ducky too, there's nothing wrong with it. She gets back to reality anyway. You can't have a character pure good... That's almost imposible.. :p


  • The Circle
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I would agree with most if not nearly all of the d & d alignments.  Threehorn has changed to at least some degree and earlier on I'd say he may be Lawful Lawful neutral since he seemed very much about rules and preferring strangers to not visit the valley, though he later goes to become lawful lawful good.  I add in the lawful since he seems to be far more of a stickler for rules then some of the other lawful ones like Grandpa Longneck who is more willing to bend rules here and there, or make up new rules, instead of sticking to the old rules regardless.


  • The Gang of Five
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Here are some more:

1. Ali: Chaotic good; Ali is indeed a good character as she cares for others who she does not know. She displays this trait in the fourth movie when she helps Cera get out of the water at the risk of her life, in spite of the fact that she was opposed to even knowing members of another species earlier on in the film. The fact that she breaks the rules just to help Littlefoot places her away from the lawful category (there are no extenuating circumstances which would justify a break for HER, as her grandfather isn't dying...), but she helps him anyway. Were Ali lawful, she would have asked for permission first, or at the very least, told someone to tell her mother when her herd woke up...

2. Tricia: True neutral; Tricia is too young to know of badness or goodness, or to know what the law is, or what community standards are... she hasn't done anything bad, either.

3. Doc: Lawful neutral; Doc cares about his own ethical code, and although it can be argued that he turns to lawful good later, he is first portrayed as being devoted to his one mission of opposing predators and nothing else.

4. Sue: Chaotic Neutral; In many ways, Sue is like Tria. Both are pink-colored females. We know she cares about those who are similar to or close to her, and she likes what she finds "cute." Unlike Tria, she is fairly strong, due to her being a Supersaurus. Of course, like Tria, she finds a male who is even larger and stronger than she is (and who is even colored like Tops.) The statement that makes Sue chaotic is her comment about "what's the point of having big feet if you cannot use them to step on predators every now and then." That comment is in no way lawful, and implies that having force implies that you have the right to use it (which is NOT true; just look at the recent Georgia-Russia conflict...) Sue also shows that she cares about herself quite a bit; while she saves a fellow sauropod from a crocodile, most of her dialogue is concerned about herself, and at the end, she is seen as being "not sorry at all" that she will go off with the large male rather than accompany Littlefoot's family home... it seems that she would rather...start a family...(let's just say that...)

5. Dil: Chaotic evil; Unlike many other predators, this crocodile-like antagonist has it in for a group of children. It was explicitly mentioned that they are a "snack" to her, but she pursues them anyway. Clearly, with intent to kill children and little to no respect for almost any rules, Dil falls into the Chaotic evil slot.

6. Petrie's mother: Neutral good; We don't know enough about her attitude towards society to tell about lawfulness vs chaos, but we do know that she cares about others than those who are close to her (she helps Chomper out in a TV episode.) The only thing that may be odd about her is her large number of children, the fact that no father is present, and the fact that she says she is usually the one to announce that they have a new family member... One has to wonder about that...


  • General of the Great Valley
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Archie - neutral good - Littlefoot trespasses into his cave and ends up being targeted by Dil's. Despite Littlefoot's transgression Archie still helps him evade Dil and reunite with his friends. He does not exemplify nor shatter any social order.

Dinah and Dana - true neutral - Like Tricia they are both totally innocent with no concept of moral judgement yet due to their age.

The Sharptooth - chaotic evil - He does not follow any leader nor does he have any sort of moral code. What places him into the chaotic evil category is how he chases the children, long after he kills Littlefoot's mother.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Ruby
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WOW noname u filled meh head with facts! :lol  :yes


  • The Gang of Five
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Thanks for saying so. I'll add a couple more:

1. Ducky's mother: Neutral good; Ducky's mother seems to be guided by her motherly instincts without much regard for a social order. Her love for her many children is neutral in regards to law and order, and her kindness towards others in the series who are NOT those she has an attachment to speaks favorably towards her being good.

2. Mo: Chaotic good; He befriends members of other species and helps them out when doing so puts his own life in serious risk. That makes him clearly good. He is also chaotic by his sort of wild behavior, however.


  • The Circle
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Ducky: She's diabetes-inducing sweet
Uh oh, I must have been too fond of her :lol


  • The Gang of Five
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Here are some more:

1. Elsie: Neutral good(?); We know that Elsie is willing to help members of another species for nothing in return just for the sake of being good. Yes, she got Littlefoot and the rest of the original five of off that island in the fifth movie. She is good. We don't know anything about her stance on society, or if swimming reptiles even have a society in The Land before Time, so I gave her the "Neutral Good" rating...

2. The Old one: True neutral; She was a difficult one... we know little of her and she only appears twice in the series... She was fully prepared to kill a tiny predator (Chomper), even after he begged for mercy but has no problem with him getting along with the leaf-eaters... tricky. She was also willing to tell Littlefoot's grandmother (and Littlefoot) HOW to save Littlefoot's grandfather, but was not willing to take them to the Valley of Mists or even HOW to get to the valley of mists... I'm also unsure of how much respect she has for the rules of the great valley, as she was prepared to kill Chomper when it was fairly obvious that none of the other adults were doing anything to interfere with him being in the valley at ALL. I avoided giving her the chaotic rating because of the fact that she is an effective leader of an ordered, non-destructive herd, but that rampage she led them on prohibits me from giving her a strictly lawful rating.

3. Pat: Lawful good; He was willing to help others not of his own kind (he was helping them out of goodness rather than emotional attachment) and he acted as something of an authority figure to the four (of the original five) who followed Littlefoot to the longneck migration place.